Java tutorial
/** * @file src/REXOS/MAS/libraries/blackboard_client/ * @brief Class representing a blackboard connection. * @date Created: late 2012 * * @author 1.0 Dick van der Steen * @author Jan-Willem Willebrands * * @section LICENSE * License: newBSD * * Copyright 2012-2013, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE HU UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES UTRECHT * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @note 2013-04-04 JWW: Generalized BlackboardClient. Can now be used for more than just listening to topics. **/ package HAL.libraries.blackboard_client; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.data_classes.BlackboardSubscription; import HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.data_classes.DBAuthException; import HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.data_classes.GeneralMongoException; import HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.data_classes.InvalidDBNamespaceException; import HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.data_classes.InvalidJSONException; import HAL.libraries.blackboard_client.data_classes.MongoDBConnection; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import com.mongodb.QueryBuilder; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import com.mongodb.WriteResult; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException; /** * Client class for a mongodb blackboard. **/ public class BlackboardClient { /** * @var String OPLOG_COLLECTION_NAME * Operation log collection name of MongoDB. **/ private static final String OPLOG_COLLECTION_NAME = ""; /** * @var String OPLOG_DATABASE_NAME * Local database name of MongoDB. **/ private static final String OPLOG_DATABASE_NAME = "local"; /** * @var String oplogUser * The username for the oplog database. **/ private String oplogUser = null; /** * @var String oplogPassword * The password to be used for the oplog database. **/ private String oplogPassword = null; /** * @var Mongo mongo * Connection object to MongoDB. **/ private Mongo mongo; /** * @var ArrayList<BlackboardSubscription> subscriptions * ArrayList containing all the subscriptions for this blackboard. **/ private ArrayList<BlackboardSubscription> subscriptions; /** * @var DB currentDatabase * Database object of the currently used database **/ private DB currentDatabase; /** * @var DBCollection currentCollection * DBCollection object of the currently used collection **/ private DBCollection currentCollection; /** * @var OplogMonitorThread oplogMonitorThread * Thread for tracking tailable cursor on operation log of MongoDB **/ private OplogMonitorThread oplogMonitorThread; /** * Constructs a BlackboardClient for the server at the specified host. * * @param host The mongoDB host. * @throws MongoConnectionException Connecting to the database failed. * @throws UnknownHostException The IP address of a host could not be determined. **/ public BlackboardClient(String host) throws UnknownHostException, GeneralMongoException { this.subscriptions = new ArrayList<BlackboardSubscription>(); this.mongo = MongoDBConnection.getInstanceForHost(new ServerAddress(host)).getMongoClient(); } /** * Constructs a BlackboardClient for the server at the specified host and port. * * @param host The ip of the MongoDB host. * @param port The port of the MongoDB host. * @throws MongoConnectionException Connecting to the database failed. * @throws UnknownHostException The IP address of a host could not be determined. **/ public BlackboardClient(String host, int port) throws UnknownHostException, GeneralMongoException { this.subscriptions = new ArrayList<BlackboardSubscription>(); this.mongo = MongoDBConnection.getInstanceForHost(new ServerAddress(host, port)).getMongoClient(); } /** * Sets the username and password that will be used for connecting to the Oplog database. * If authentication is required, these credentials should be set before any subscriptions are added. * The client defaults to no authentication, in which case both username and password are set to null. * @param username Username for the oplog database. * @param password Password for the oplog database. **/ public void setOplogCredentials(String username, String password) { this.oplogUser = username; this.oplogPassword = password; } /** * Utility function for parsing JSON that catches the runtime JSON exception and throws an InvalidJSONException instead. * @param jsonString The JSON string that needs to be parsed to a DBObject. * @return The DBObject parsed from the JSON string. * @throws InvalidJSONException An error exists within the JSON. **/ static DBObject parseJSONWithCheckedException(String jsonString) throws InvalidJSONException { DBObject obj = null; try { obj = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (JSONParseException ex) { throw new InvalidJSONException(ex); } return obj; } /** * Sets the database to use. * * @param database The database to load from MongoDB. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException Database name cannot be empty. **/ public void setDatabase(String database) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException { if (database == null || database.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("Database name cannot be empty."); } currentCollection = null; currentDatabase = mongo.getDB(database); } /** * Sets the database to use and connects using the specified username and password. * @param database The database to load from MongoDB. * @param user The username that should be used to authenticate with the database. * @param password The password for the user. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException Database name cannot be empty. * @throws DBAuthException Authentication failed. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public void setDatabase(String database, String user, String password) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, DBAuthException, GeneralMongoException { setDatabase(database); try { if (!currentDatabase.authenticate(user, password.toCharArray())) { throw new DBAuthException("The provided username and password combination is incorrect."); } } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to authenticate.", mongoException); } } /** * Sets the collection to use. * * @param collection The collection to load from MongoDB. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No database has been selected. **/ public void setCollection(String collection) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException { if (currentDatabase == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No database selected"); } currentCollection = currentDatabase.getCollection(collection); } /** * Inserts a document into the currently selected collection. * * @param obj DBObject representing the document to be inserted. * @return ObjectId of the inserted object. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public ObjectId insertDocument(DBObject obj) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { currentCollection.insert(obj); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to insert.", mongoException); } return ObjectId.massageToObjectId(obj.get("_id")); } /** * Inserts a document into the currently selected collection. * Does not wait for the server to perform write to disk, nor does it check for errors other than networks errors. * * @param obj DBObject representing the document to be inserted. * @return ObjectId of the inserted object. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public ObjectId insertDocumentUnsafe(DBObject obj) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { WriteConcern oldConcern = currentCollection.getWriteConcern(); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.NORMAL); currentCollection.insert(obj); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(oldConcern); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to insert.", mongoException); } return ObjectId.massageToObjectId(obj.get("_id")); } /** * Inserts a number of documents into the currently selected collection. * * @param objs DBObjects that should be inserted into the database. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public void insertDocuments(DBObject... objs) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { currentCollection.insert(objs); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to insert.", mongoException); } } /** * Inserts a number of documents into the currently selected collection. * Does not wait for the server to perform write to disk, nor does it check for errors other than networks errors. * * @param objs DBObjects that should be inserted into the database. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public void insertDocumentsUnsafe(DBObject... objs) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { WriteConcern oldConcern = currentCollection.getWriteConcern(); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.NORMAL); currentCollection.insert(objs); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(oldConcern); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to insert.", mongoException); } } /** * Inserts document into the currently selected collection using JSON format. * * @param json JSON String representing the document to be inserted. * @return ObjectId of the inserted object. * @throws InvalidJSONException The provided JSON contains errors. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public ObjectId insertDocument(String json) throws InvalidJSONException, InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { DBObject obj = parseJSONWithCheckedException(json); return insertDocument(obj); } /** * Removes all documents matching the provided query from the currently selected collection. * * @param query DBObject representing the query used for deleting documents. * @return The amount of records that have been removed. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public int removeDocuments(DBObject query) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { WriteResult res = currentCollection.remove(query); return res.getN(); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to remove.", mongoException); } } /** * Removes all documents matching the provided query from the currently selected collection. * Does not wait for the server to perform write to disk, nor does it check for errors other than networks errors. * * @param query DBObject representing the query used for deleting documents. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public void removeDocumentsUnsafe(DBObject query) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { WriteConcern oldConcern = currentCollection.getWriteConcern(); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.NORMAL); currentCollection.remove(query); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(oldConcern); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to remove.", mongoException); } } /** * Removes all documents matching the provided query from the currently selected collection. * * @param queryAsJSON JSON serialization of an Object * @return The amount of records that have been removed. * @throws InvalidJSONException The provided JSON contains errors. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public int removeDocuments(String queryAsJSON) throws InvalidJSONException, InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { DBObject query = parseJSONWithCheckedException(queryAsJSON); return removeDocuments(query); } /** * Retrieves the document corresponding to the given ObjectId. * * @param objId ObjectId of the requested object. * @return The object corresponding to the given id, or null if no such object was found. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public DBObject findDocumentById(ObjectId objId) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { DBObject found = currentCollection.findOne(QueryBuilder.start("_id").is(objId).get()); return found; } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to remove.", mongoException); } } /** * Retrieves all documents matching the provided query from the currently selected collection. * * @param query DBObject representing the query. * @return List of all documents matching the query. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public List<DBObject> findDocuments(DBObject query) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { List<DBObject> found = currentCollection.find(query).toArray(); return found; } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to execute find query.", mongoException); } } /** * Retrieves all documents matching the provided query from the currently selected collection. * * @param queryAsJSON JSON string representing the query. * @return List of all documents matching the query. * @throws InvalidJSONException The provided JSON contains errors. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public List<DBObject> findDocuments(String queryAsJSON) throws InvalidJSONException, InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { DBObject query = parseJSONWithCheckedException(queryAsJSON); return findDocuments(query); } /** * Finds the distinct values for a specified field across the current collection. * * @param distinctField The field for which to return the distinct values. * @param query DBObject representing the query. * @return Object array containing the distinct values of the specified field. * @throws InvalidJSONException The provided JSON contains errors. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public Object[] findDistinctValues(String distinctField, DBObject query) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { return currentCollection.distinct(distinctField, query).toArray(); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to execute distinct query.", mongoException); } } /** * Finds the distinct values for a specified field across the current collection. * * @param distinctField The field for which to return the distinct values. * @param queryAsJSON JSON string representing the query. * @return Object array containing the distinct values of the specified field. * @throws InvalidJSONException The provided JSON contains errors. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public Object[] findDistinctValues(String distinctField, String queryAsJSON) throws InvalidJSONException, InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { DBObject query = parseJSONWithCheckedException(queryAsJSON); return findDistinctValues(distinctField, query); } /** * Updates all documents matching the provided search query within the currently selected collection. * Documents are updated according to the query specified in updateQuery. * * @param searchQuery The query that should be used to select the target documents. * @param updateQuery The query that should be used to update the target documents. * @return The amount of documents that have been updated. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public int updateDocuments(DBObject searchQuery, DBObject updateQuery) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { WriteResult res = currentCollection.updateMulti(searchQuery, updateQuery); return res.getN(); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to update.", mongoException); } } /** * Updates all documents matching the provided search query within the currently selected collection. * Documents are updated according to the query specified in updateQuery. * Does not wait for the server to perform write to disk, nor does it check for errors other than networks errors. * * @param searchQuery The query that should be used to select the target documents. * @param updateQuery The query that should be used to update the target documents. * @return The amount of documents that have been updated. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public void updateDocumentsUnsafe(DBObject searchQuery, DBObject updateQuery) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection has been selected."); } try { WriteConcern oldConcern = currentCollection.getWriteConcern(); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.NORMAL); currentCollection.updateMulti(searchQuery, updateQuery); currentCollection.setWriteConcern(oldConcern); } catch (MongoException mongoException) { throw new GeneralMongoException("An error occurred attempting to update.", mongoException); } } /** * Updates all documents matching the provided search query within the currently selected collection. * Documents are updated according to the query specified in updateQuery. * * @param searchQueryAsJSON JSON serialization of the query that should be used to select the target documents. * @param updateQueryAsJSON JSON serialization of the query that should be used to update the target documents. * @return The amount of documents that have been updated. * @throws InvalidJSONException The provided JSON contains errors. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @throws GeneralMongoException A MongoException occurred. **/ public int updateDocuments(String searchQueryAsJSON, String updateQueryAsJSON) throws InvalidJSONException, InvalidDBNamespaceException, GeneralMongoException { DBObject searchQuery = parseJSONWithCheckedException(searchQueryAsJSON); DBObject updateQuery = parseJSONWithCheckedException(updateQueryAsJSON); return updateDocuments(searchQuery, updateQuery); } /** * Subscribes to the specified CRUD operation in the current database and collection. * * @param sub Specification of operation and callback object. * @throws InvalidDBNamespaceException No collection has been selected. * @return true if subscription was successful. false otherwise. **/ public boolean subscribe(BlackboardSubscription sub) throws InvalidDBNamespaceException { if (currentCollection == null) { throw new InvalidDBNamespaceException("No collection selected"); } subscriptions.add(sub); // Attempt to create a new thread for the current subscriptions. boolean creationSuccessfull = createNewMonitorThread(); if (!creationSuccessfull) { subscriptions.remove(sub); } return creationSuccessfull; } /** * Removes the specified subscription. * * @param sub Subscription that should be removed. **/ public void unsubscribe(BlackboardSubscription sub) { // Only create a new thread if a subscription was actually removed. if (subscriptions.remove(sub)) { if (subscriptions.size() > 0) { createNewMonitorThread(); } else if (oplogMonitorThread != null) { oplogMonitorThread.interrupt(); } } } /** * Closes and cleans up any open resources for this client. * Should be called before disposing of the BlackboardClient object. **/ public void close() { // Stop the monitor thread. if (oplogMonitorThread != null) { oplogMonitorThread.interrupt(); } } /** * Attempts to create and start a new monitor thread. * If creation of a new thread fails, the old thread will be kept alive. * @return true if the new thread was created successfully, false otherwise. **/ private boolean createNewMonitorThread() { OplogMonitorThread newThread = null; // Create a query that will select all documents matching one of the queries of the subscribers within the // selected database/collection combination. DBObject[] subs = new DBObject[subscriptions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.size(); ++i) { subs[i] = subscriptions.get(i).getQuery(); } DBObject query = // If namespace is current database and collection. QueryBuilder.start("ns").is(currentDatabase.getName() + "." + currentCollection.getName()) // And it matches one of the subscriptions .and(QueryBuilder.start().or(subs).get()).get(); try { if (oplogUser != null) { newThread = new OplogMonitorThread(mongo, OPLOG_DATABASE_NAME, OPLOG_COLLECTION_NAME, oplogUser, oplogPassword, query); } else { newThread = new OplogMonitorThread(mongo, OPLOG_DATABASE_NAME, OPLOG_COLLECTION_NAME, query); } } catch (MongoException ex) { // This can happen when the database has not been configured properly and the Oplog collection does not exist. // Creating a tailed cursor on a non-existing collection throws a MongoException. return false; } if (oplogMonitorThread != null) { oplogMonitorThread.interrupt(); } oplogMonitorThread = newThread; oplogMonitorThread.setSubscriptions(subscriptions); oplogMonitorThread.start(); return true; } }