Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 The gwtquery plugins team. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client; import static$; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.Droppable.DROPPABLE_HANDLER_KEY; import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DragAndDropManager; import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DraggableHandler; import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DraggableOptions; import gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.Droppable.CssClassNames; import gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.DroppableOptions.AcceptFunction; import gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.DroppableOptions.DroppableFunction; import gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.DroppableOptions.DroppableTolerance; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class implementing the core of the droppable plugin * * @author Julien Dramaix ( * */ public class DroppableHandler { private static enum PositionStatus { IS_OUT, IS_OVER; } public static DroppableHandler getInstance(Element droppable) { return $(droppable).data(DROPPABLE_HANDLER_KEY, DroppableHandler.class); } private Dimension droppableDimension; private Offset droppableOffset; private HasHandlers eventBus; private boolean greedyChild = false; private boolean isOut = true; private boolean isOver = false; private DroppableOptions options; private boolean visible = false; public DroppableHandler(DroppableOptions options, HasHandlers eventBus) { this.options = options; this.eventBus = eventBus; } public void activate(Element droppable, GqEvent e) { if (options.getActiveClass() != null) { droppable.addClassName(options.getActiveClass()); } Element draggable = DragAndDropManager.getInstance().getCurrentDraggable(); if (draggable != null) { if (options.getDraggableHoverClass() != null) { $(draggable).data(options.getDraggableHoverClass(), new Integer(0)); } DragAndDropContext ctx = new DragAndDropContext(draggable, droppable); trigger(new ActivateDroppableEvent(ctx), options.getOnActivate(), ctx); } } public void deactivate(Element droppable, GqEvent e) { if (options.getActiveClass() != null) { droppable.removeClassName(options.getActiveClass()); } if (options.getDroppableHoverClass() != null) { droppable.removeClassName(options.getDroppableHoverClass()); } Element draggable = DragAndDropManager.getInstance().getCurrentDraggable(); if (draggable != null) { if (options.getDraggableHoverClass() != null) { DraggableHandler dragHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable); dragHandler.getHelper().removeClass(options.getDraggableHoverClass()); $(draggable).removeData(options.getDraggableHoverClass()); } DragAndDropContext ctx = new DragAndDropContext(draggable, droppable); trigger(new DeactivateDroppableEvent(ctx), options.getOnDeactivate(), ctx); } } public void drag(Element droppable, Element draggable, GqEvent e) { if (options.isDisabled() || greedyChild || !visible) { return; } boolean isIntersect = intersect(draggable); PositionStatus c = null; if (!isIntersect && isOver) { c = PositionStatus.IS_OUT; } else if (isIntersect && !isOver) { c = PositionStatus.IS_OVER; } if (c == null) { return; } DroppableHandler parentDroppableHandler = null; GQuery droppableParents = null; if (options.isGreedy()) { // TODO maybe filter the parent with droppable data instead of test on css // class name droppableParents = $(droppable).parents("." + CssClassNames.GWTQUERY_DROPPABLE); if (droppableParents.length() > 0) { parentDroppableHandler = DroppableHandler.getInstance(droppableParents.get(0)); parentDroppableHandler.greedyChild = (c == PositionStatus.IS_OVER); } } if (parentDroppableHandler != null && c == PositionStatus.IS_OVER) { parentDroppableHandler.isOver = false; parentDroppableHandler.isOut = true; parentDroppableHandler.out(droppableParents.get(0), draggable, e); } if (c == PositionStatus.IS_OUT) { isOut = true; isOver = false; out(droppable, draggable, e); } else { isOver = true; isOut = false; over(droppable, draggable, e); } if (parentDroppableHandler != null && c == PositionStatus.IS_OUT) { parentDroppableHandler.isOut = false; parentDroppableHandler.isOver = true; parentDroppableHandler.over(droppableParents.get(0), draggable, e); } } public boolean drop(Element droppable, Element draggable, GqEvent e, boolean alreadyDrop) { if (options == null) { return false; } boolean drop = false; if (!options.isDisabled() && visible) { if (intersect(draggable) && !checkChildrenIntersection(droppable, draggable) && isDraggableAccepted(droppable, draggable)) { final DragAndDropContext ctx = new DragAndDropContext(draggable, droppable); // we will use a deferredComand to trigger the drop event a the end of // the drag and drop operation !! // it's to ensure that the rest of the dnd operation will be done // without perturbation // (e.g. on the drop event we can remove the draggable..) Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { trigger(new DropEvent(ctx), options.getOnDrop(), ctx); } }); drop = true; } if (drop || isDraggableAccepted(droppable, draggable)) { isOut = true; isOver = false; deactivate(droppable, e); } } return drop; } public Dimension getDroppableDimension() { return droppableDimension; } public Offset getDroppableOffset() { return droppableOffset; } public DroppableOptions getOptions() { return options; } public boolean isOut() { return isOut; } public boolean isOver() { return isOver; } public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } public void out(Element droppable, Element currentDraggable, GqEvent e) { if (currentDraggable == null || currentDraggable == droppable) { return; } if (isDraggableAccepted(droppable, currentDraggable)) { if (options.getDroppableHoverClass() != null) { droppable.removeClassName(options.getDroppableHoverClass()); } if (options.getDraggableHoverClass() != null) { Integer counter = $(currentDraggable).data(options.getDraggableHoverClass(), Integer.class); $(currentDraggable).data(options.getDraggableHoverClass(), new Integer(--counter)); if (counter == 0) { DraggableHandler dragHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(currentDraggable); dragHandler.getHelper().removeClass(options.getDraggableHoverClass()); } } DragAndDropContext ctx = new DragAndDropContext(currentDraggable, droppable); trigger(new OutDroppableEvent(ctx), options.getOnOut(), ctx); } } public void over(Element droppable, Element currentDraggable, GqEvent e) { if (currentDraggable == null || currentDraggable == droppable) { return; } if (isDraggableAccepted(droppable, currentDraggable)) { if (options.getDroppableHoverClass() != null) { droppable.addClassName(options.getDroppableHoverClass()); } if (options.getDraggableHoverClass() != null) { DraggableHandler dragHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(currentDraggable); dragHandler.getHelper().addClass(options.getDraggableHoverClass()); Integer counter = $(currentDraggable).data(options.getDraggableHoverClass(), Integer.class); $(currentDraggable).data(options.getDraggableHoverClass(), new Integer(++counter)); } DragAndDropContext ctx = new DragAndDropContext(currentDraggable, droppable); trigger(new OverDroppableEvent(ctx), options.getOnOver(), ctx); } } public void reset() { droppableDimension = null; droppableOffset = null; } public void setDroppableDimension(Dimension droppableDimension) { this.droppableDimension = droppableDimension; } public void setDroppableOffset(Offset offset) { this.droppableOffset = offset; } public void setOptions(DroppableOptions options) { this.options = options; } public void setOut(boolean isOut) { this.isOut = isOut; } public void setOver(boolean isOver) { this.isOver = isOver; } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { this.visible = visible; } private boolean checkChildrenIntersection(Element droppable, Element draggable) { for (Element e : $(droppable).find("*").not(".ui-draggable-dragging").elements()) { DroppableHandler handler = getInstance(e); if (handler == null) { continue; } handler.setDroppableOffset($(e).offset()); DraggableHandler draggableHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable); DroppableOptions dropOpt = handler.getOptions(); DraggableOptions dragOpt = draggableHandler.getOptions(); if (dropOpt.isGreedy() && !dropOpt.isDisabled() && dropOpt.getScope().equals(dragOpt.getScope()) && handler.isDraggableAccepted(droppable, draggable) && handler.intersect(draggable)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean intersect(Element draggable) { if (droppableOffset == null || droppableDimension == null) { return false; } DraggableHandler dragHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable); int draggableLeft = dragHandler.getAbsPosition().left; int draggableRight = draggableLeft + dragHandler.getHelperDimension().getWidth(); int draggableTop = dragHandler.getAbsPosition().top; int draggableBottom = draggableTop + dragHandler.getHelperDimension().getHeight(); int droppableLeft = droppableOffset.left; int droppableRight = droppableLeft + droppableDimension.getWidth(); int droppableTop =; int droppableBottom = droppableTop + droppableDimension.getHeight(); DroppableTolerance tolerance = options.getTolerance(); // FIT, INTERSECT, POINTER, TOUCH; switch (tolerance) { case FIT: return droppableLeft <= draggableLeft && draggableRight <= droppableRight && droppableTop <= draggableTop && draggableBottom <= droppableBottom; case INTERSECT: float dragHelperHalfWidth = dragHandler.getHelperDimension().getWidth() / 2; float dragHelperHalfHeight = dragHandler.getHelperDimension().getHeight() / 2; return droppableLeft < draggableLeft + dragHelperHalfWidth && droppableRight > draggableLeft + dragHelperHalfWidth && droppableTop < draggableTop + dragHelperHalfHeight && droppableBottom > draggableTop + dragHelperHalfHeight; case POINTER: int pointerLeft = draggableLeft + dragHandler.getOffsetClick().left; int pointerTop = draggableTop + dragHandler.getOffsetClick().top; return pointerLeft > droppableLeft && pointerLeft < droppableRight && pointerTop > droppableTop && pointerTop < droppableBottom; case TOUCH: return ((draggableTop >= droppableTop && draggableTop <= droppableBottom) || (draggableBottom >= droppableTop && draggableBottom <= droppableBottom) || (draggableTop < droppableTop && draggableBottom > droppableBottom)) && ((draggableLeft >= droppableLeft && draggableLeft <= droppableRight) || (draggableRight >= droppableLeft && draggableRight <= droppableRight) || (draggableLeft < droppableLeft && draggableRight > droppableRight)); default: break; } return true; } private boolean isDraggableAccepted(Element droppable, Element draggable) { AcceptFunction accept = options.getAccept(); return accept != null && accept.acceptDrop(new DragAndDropContext(draggable, droppable)); } private void trigger(AbstractDroppableEvent<?> e, DroppableFunction callback, DragAndDropContext context) { if (eventBus != null && e != null) { eventBus.fireEvent(e); } if (callback != null) { callback.f(context); } } }