Java tutorial
package; /* * #%L * GwtMaterial * %% * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 GwtMaterialDesign * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartLoader; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartPackage; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ColumnType; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.DataTable; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.corechart.AreaChart; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.corechart.AreaChartOptions; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.Animation; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.AnimationEasing; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.ChartArea; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.Gridlines; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.HAxis; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.Legend; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.LegendAlignment; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.LegendPosition; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.TextPosition; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.VAxis; import; public class MaterialAreaChart extends Composite { private static MaterialAreaChartUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MaterialAreaChartUiBinder.class); interface MaterialAreaChartUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, MaterialAreaChart> { } @UiField MaterialCardContent cardContent; private AreaChart chart; boolean isLoop = false; private int[][] values = new int[][] { { 165, 135, 157, 139, 136 }, { 938, 1120, 1167, 1110, 691 }, { 522, 599, 587, 615, 629 }, { 998, 1268, 807, 968, 1026 }, { 450, 288, 397, 215, 366 } }; private int[][] valuesInitial = new int[][] { { 1167, 1110, 938, 1120, 691 }, { 135, 165, 165, 157, 136 }, { 450, 288, 397, 215, 366 }, { 522, 599, 587, 615, 629 }, { 998, 1268, 807, 968, 1026 } }; private String[] countries = new String[] { "Bolivia", "Ecuador", "Madagascar", "Papua Guinea", "Rwanda" }; private String[] months = new String[] { "2004/05", "2005/06", "2006/07", "2007/08", "2008/09" }; public MaterialAreaChart() { initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); initialize(); } private void initialize() { ChartLoader chartLoader = new ChartLoader(ChartPackage.CORECHART); chartLoader.loadApi(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { chart = new AreaChart(); cardContent.add(chart); // Prepare the data with loop inside to populate the initial data setLoop(); } }); } private void setLoop() { Timer timer = new Timer() { public void run() { if (isLoop) { drawChart(values); isLoop = false; } else { drawChart(valuesInitial); isLoop = true; } } }; timer.scheduleRepeating(1000); } private void drawChart(int[][] values) { DataTable dataTable = DataTable.create(); dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Year"); for (int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, countries[i]); } dataTable.addRows(months.length); for (int i = 0; i < months.length; i++) { dataTable.setValue(i, 0, months[i]); } for (int col = 0; col < values.length; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < values[col].length; row++) { dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, values[col][row]); } } chart.draw(dataTable, getOptions()); } private AreaChartOptions getOptions() { //Grid Lines Gridlines lines = Gridlines.create(); lines.setColor("fff"); // Text Positions X and Y Axis HAxis hAxis = HAxis.create(); hAxis.setTextPosition(TextPosition.NONE); VAxis vAxis = VAxis.create(); vAxis.setTextPosition(TextPosition.NONE); vAxis.setGridlines(lines); hAxis.setGridlines(lines); // Legend Legend legend = Legend.create(); legend.setPosition(LegendPosition.TOP); legend.setAligment(LegendAlignment.END); // Set options AreaChartOptions options = AreaChartOptions.create(); options.setIsStacked(true); options.setAreaOpacity(1); options.setVAxis(vAxis); options.setHAxis(hAxis); options.setLegend(legend); options.setColors("2196f3", "42a5f5", "64b5f6", "90caf9", "bbdefb"); ChartArea area = ChartArea.create(); area.setTop(0); area.setLeft(0); area.setWidth("100%"); area.setHeight("100%"); options.setChartArea(area); //Set Animation Animation animation = Animation.create(); animation.setDuration(500); animation.setEasing(AnimationEasing.OUT); options.setAnimation(animation); return options; } }