Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of gwap, an open platform for games with a purpose * * Copyright (C) 2013 * Project play4science * Lehr- und Forschungseinheit fr Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen * Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import gwap.model.Person; import gwap.model.Tag; import gwap.model.Topic; import gwap.model.resource.Term; import; import gwap.wrapper.BackstageAnswer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.Query; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.richfaces.model.TreeNodeImpl; /** * @author beckern * Holds information about the terms that were tagged by the user. */ @Name("pastTerminaSession") @Path("pastTerminaSession") public class PastTerminaSessionBean { private static final Integer MIN_MATCH_COUNT = 2; // minimum number of taggings for unknown / wrong associations @In EntityManager entityManager; @In private Person person; @In private CustomSourceBean customSourceBean; private Term term; private boolean foreignWrongRequested = true; private boolean ownWrongRequested = true; private Integer maxForeigns = 5; private Integer maxOwns = 15; private TreeNodeImpl<Item> rootNode; private String currentSource; private List<Term> playedTerms; @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("userResults") /** * * @param termName The name of the term in question. * @param owr if wrong tags of the player should be appended to the response. * @param fwr if wrong tags of other players should be appended to the response. * @param mon the maximal number of player tags in the response. * @param mfn the maximal number of tags of other players in the response. * @return the tags that the current player gave to the current term, the tags of the other players, etc. */ public Response getTaggingData(@QueryParam("term") String termName, @QueryParam("owr") String owr, @QueryParam("fwr") String fwr, @QueryParam("mon") String mon, @QueryParam("mfn") String mfn) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); setTermName(termName); setWrongRequests(fwr, owr); setMaxNodes(mfn, mon); if (term != null) { jsonObject.put("term", term.getTag().getName()); //own tags JSONArray owns = new JSONArray(); Query t = entityManager.createNamedQuery("tagging.answersByPersonAndResource"); t.setParameter("resourceId", term.getId()); t.setParameter("person", this.person); // t.setMaxResults(10); List<Tag> ownTags = t.getResultList(); ArrayList<String> ownTagNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Tag tag : ownTags) { ownTagNames.add(tag.getName()); } //foreign tags JSONArray foreigns = new JSONArray(); int[] minMaxAppearences = new int[2]; addToJSONArray(owns, foreigns, ownTagNames, minMaxAppearences, "tagging.topCorrectAnswersGeneral", "directMatch"); addToJSONArray(owns, foreigns, ownTagNames, minMaxAppearences, "tagging.topUnknownAnswersGeneral", "indirectMatch"); addToJSONArray(owns, foreigns, ownTagNames, minMaxAppearences, "tagging.topWrongAnswersGeneral", "WRONG"); JSONArray topics = getTopicOfTerm(); jsonObject.put("foreigns", foreigns); jsonObject.put("owns", owns); jsonObject.put("maxApp", minMaxAppearences[1]); jsonObject.put("minApp", minMaxAppearences[0]); jsonObject.put("topics", topics); } else { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build(); } return Response.ok(jsonObject.toString(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } private JSONArray getTopicOfTerm() { Query q = customSourceBean.query("topic.byResource"); q.setParameter("resource", this.term); List<Topic> tops = q.getResultList(); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); for (Topic t : tops) { arr.add(t.getName()); } return arr; } private void setMaxNodes(String mfn, String mon) { try { int maxforeign = Integer.parseInt(mfn.trim()); this.maxForeigns = maxforeign; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } try { int maxown = Integer.parseInt(mon.trim()); this.maxOwns = maxown; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } private void setWrongRequests(String fwr, String owr) { if (fwr.equals("false")) { this.foreignWrongRequested = false; } else { this.foreignWrongRequested = true; } if (owr.equals("false")) { this.ownWrongRequested = false; } else { this.ownWrongRequested = true; } } private void addToJSONArray(JSONArray owns, JSONArray foreigns, ArrayList<String> ownTagNames, int[] minMaxAppearences, String queryName, String matchType) { Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(queryName); q.setParameter("resourceId", term.getId()); // q.setMaxResults(5); List<BackstageAnswer> correctTags = q.getResultList(); for (BackstageAnswer b : correctTags) { JSONObject ob = wrapUpJson(b, matchType); minMaxAppearences[0] = Math.min(minMaxAppearences[0], b.getAppearence()); minMaxAppearences[1] = Math.max(minMaxAppearences[1], b.getAppearence()); boolean own = ownTagNames.contains(b.getTerm()); if (filter(b, own, matchType)) { if (own) { if (owns.size() < maxOwns) { owns.add(ob); } } else { if (foreigns.size() < maxForeigns) { foreigns.add(ob); } } } } } /** * Method used to determine if a tag should be displayed. e.g. if it was requested. * @param b the BackstageAnswer that holds the tag * @param own if the answer has been given by current player. * @param matchType the matchType of this tag. * @return */ private boolean filter(BackstageAnswer b, boolean own, String matchType) { boolean requested = false; if (matchType.equals("WRONG")) { if (own && ownWrongRequested) requested = true; if (!own && foreignWrongRequested) requested = true; } else { requested = true; } boolean moreThanTwo = b.getAppearence() >= MIN_MATCH_COUNT || own; return (matchType.equals("directMatch") || moreThanTwo) && requested; } private JSONObject wrapUpJson(BackstageAnswer b, String string) { JSONObject ob = new JSONObject(); ob.put("tag", b.getTerm()); int app = b.getAppearence(); ob.put("appearence", app); ob.put("matchType", string); ob.put("isPlayedTerm", isPlayedTerm(b.getTerm())); return ob; } /** * @return if tag is also a term that the player has tagged. */ private boolean isPlayedTerm(String tag) { boolean b = false; if (playedTerms == null) { playedTerms = getPlayedTerms(); } for (Term t : playedTerms) { b = b || t.getTag().getName().equals(tag); } return b; } /** * @return the terms that the current player tagged. */ public List<Term> getPlayedTerms() { if (person != null && customSourceBean != null) { Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery("tagging.termsTaggedByPerson"); q.setParameter("person", person); q.setParameter("source", customSourceBean.getSource()); return q.getResultList(); } else { return null; } } public List<Topic> getAvailableTopics() { Query q = customSourceBean.query("topic.enabled"); return q.getResultList(); } public void setTermName(String termName) { Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery("term.byName"); q.setParameter("termName", termName); Term t = (Term) q.getSingleResult(); this.term = t; } public String getTermName() { if (term != null) { return term.getTag().getName(); } else { return null; } } public boolean isForeignWrongRequested() { return foreignWrongRequested; } public boolean isOwnWrongRequested() { return ownWrongRequested; } public void setForeignWrongRequested(boolean foreignWrongRequested) { this.foreignWrongRequested = foreignWrongRequested; } public void setOwnWrongRequested(boolean ownWrongRequested) { this.ownWrongRequested = ownWrongRequested; } public String getMaxForeigns() { if (maxForeigns == null) { maxForeigns = new Integer(15); } return "" + maxForeigns; } public String getMaxOwns() { if (maxOwns == 0) { maxOwns = new Integer(15); } return "" + maxOwns; } /** * Loads a new tree if needed. * @return the rootNode for the termSelectionTree in pastSessionGraphs.xhtml */ public TreeNodeImpl<Item> getTreeNode() { if (rootNode == null || !customSourceBean.getSource().equals(currentSource)) { loadTree(); } return rootNode; } /** * sets up the rootNode, for the termSelectionTree in pastSessionGraphs.xhmtl */ private void loadTree() { currentSource = customSourceBean.getSource(); int counter = 0; rootNode = new TreeNodeImpl<Item>(); for (Topic top : this.getAvailableTopics()) { TreeNodeImpl<Item> topicNode = new TreeNodeImpl<Item>(); topicNode.setData(new Item("topic", top.getName())); for (Term ter : getPlayedTermsOfTopic(top)) { TreeNodeImpl<Item> termNode = new TreeNodeImpl<Item>(); termNode.setData(new Item("term", ter.getTag().getName())); termNode.setParent(topicNode); topicNode.addChild(ter.getTag().getName(), termNode); counter++; } rootNode.addChild(top.getName(), topicNode); counter++; } } private List<Term> getPlayedTermsOfTopic(Topic topic) { if (person != null && customSourceBean != null) { Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery("tagging.termsOfTopicTaggedByPerson"); q.setParameter("person", person); q.setParameter("source", customSourceBean.getSource()); q.setParameter("topic", topic); return q.getResultList(); } else { return null; } } /** * a local class that represents the displayed items in the termSelectionTree. * @author beckern * */ public class Item { /** * usually "topic" or "term" */ String type; /** * the displayed string. */ String val; public Item(String type, String val) { this.type = type; this.val = val; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getVal() { return val; } public void setVal(String val) { this.val = val; } public String toString() { return val; } } }