Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Marcus Portmann * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package guru.mmp.application.web.template.pages; //~--- non-JDK imports -------------------------------------------------------- import*; import; import guru.mmp.application.web.WebApplicationException; import guru.mmp.application.web.WebSession; import guru.mmp.application.web.pages.WebPageSecurity; import guru.mmp.application.web.template.TemplateSecurity; import guru.mmp.application.web.template.components.PagingNavigator; import; import org.apache.wicket.PageReference; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy; import; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; //~--- JDK imports ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * The <code>UserGroupsPage</code> class implements the * "User Groups" page for the Web Application Template. * * @author Marcus Portmann */ @WebPageSecurity(TemplateSecurity.FUNCTION_CODE_USER_GROUPS) class UserGroupsPage extends TemplateWebPage { /* Logger */ private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserGroupsPage.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1000000; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String groupName; /* Security Service */ @Inject private ISecurityService securityService; /** * Constructs a new <code>UserGroupsPage</code>. * * @param previousPage the previous page * @param userDirectoryId the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) used to uniquely identify the * user directory * @param username the username identifying the user */ UserGroupsPage(PageReference previousPage, UUID userDirectoryId, String username) { super("User Groups", username); try { /* * The table container, which allows the table and its associated navigator to be updated * using AJAX. */ WebMarkupContainer tableContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("tableContainer"); tableContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(tableContainer); // The "backLink" link Link<Void> backLink = new Link<Void>("backLink") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1000000; @Override public void onClick() { setResponsePage(previousPage.getPage()); } }; tableContainer.add(backLink); // The "addUserToGroupForm" form DropDownChoice<String> groupNameField = new DropDownChoice<>("groupName", new PropertyModel<>(this, "groupName"), getGroupOptions(userDirectoryId, username)); groupNameField.setRequired(true); Form<Void> addUserToGroupForm = new Form<Void>("addUserToGroupForm") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1000000; @Override protected void onSubmit() { WebSession session = getWebApplicationSession(); try { securityService.addUserToGroup(userDirectoryId, username, groupName); "User (%s) added the user (%s) to the group (%s) for the user directory (%s)", session.getUsername(), username, groupName, userDirectoryId)); groupNameField.setChoices(getGroupOptions(userDirectoryId, username)); groupNameField.setModelObject(null); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error(String.format( "Failed to add the user (%s) to the group (%s) for the user directory (%s): %s", username, groupName, userDirectoryId, e.getMessage()), e); UserGroupsPage.this.error( String.format("Failed to add the user %s to the group %s", username, groupName)); } } }; addUserToGroupForm.setMarkupId("addUserToGroupForm"); addUserToGroupForm.setOutputMarkupId(true); tableContainer.add(addUserToGroupForm); addUserToGroupForm.add(groupNameField); // The group data view GroupsForUserDataProvider dataProvider = new GroupsForUserDataProvider(userDirectoryId, username); DataView<Group> dataView = new DataView<Group>("group", dataProvider) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1000000; @Override protected void populateItem(Item<Group> item) { Group group = item.getModelObject(); String name = group.getGroupName(); item.add(new Label("name", Model.of(name))); // The "removeLink" link Link<Void> removeLink = new Link<Void>("removeLink") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1000000; @Override public void onClick() { WebSession session = getWebApplicationSession(); Group group = item.getModelObject(); try { securityService.removeUserFromGroup(userDirectoryId, username, group.getGroupName()); "User (%s) removed the user (%s) from the group (%s) for the user directory (%s)", session.getUsername(), username, group.getGroupName(), userDirectoryId)); groupNameField.setChoices(getGroupOptions(userDirectoryId, username)); groupNameField.setModelObject(null); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error(String.format( "Failed to remove the user (%s) from the group (%s) for the user directory (%s)" + ": %s", username, group.getGroupName(), userDirectoryId, e.getMessage()), e); UserGroupsPage.this .error(String.format("Failed to remove the user %s from the group %s", username, group.getGroupName())); } } }; item.add(removeLink); } }; dataView.setItemsPerPage(10); dataView.setItemReuseStrategy(ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy.getInstance()); tableContainer.add(dataView); tableContainer.add(new PagingNavigator("navigator", dataView)); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new WebApplicationException("Failed to initialise the UserGroupsPage", e); } } private List<String> getGroupOptions(UUID userDirectoryId, String username) throws UserDirectoryNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException, SecurityException { WebSession session = getWebApplicationSession(); // Retrieve a list of name of the existing groups for the user List<String> existingGroupNames = securityService.getGroupNamesForUser(userDirectoryId, username); // Retrieve a complete list of groups for the organisation List<Group> groups = securityService.getGroups(userDirectoryId); // Filter the list of available groups for the user List<String> groupOptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (Group group : groups) { boolean isAvailableUserGroup = true; for (String existingGroupName : existingGroupNames) { if (existingGroupName.equalsIgnoreCase(group.getGroupName())) { isAvailableUserGroup = false; break; } } if (group.getGroupName().equalsIgnoreCase(TemplateSecurity.ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP_NAME)) { if (!session.hasAcccessToFunction(TemplateSecurity.FUNCTION_CODE_ORGANISATION_ADMINISTRATION)) { isAvailableUserGroup = false; } } if (isAvailableUserGroup) { groupOptions.add(group.getGroupName()); } } return groupOptions; } }