Java tutorial
/** * Global Sensor Networks (GSN) Source Code * Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) * * This file is part of GSN. * * GSN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GSN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GSN. If not, see <>. * * File: src/gsn/http/ac/ * * @author Behnaz Bostanipour * @author Timotee Maret * @author Julien Eberle * */ package; import com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest; import gsn.Main; import gsn.beans.ContainerConfig; import gsn.http.WebConstants; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.*; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Vector; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Behnaz Bostanipour * Date: Apr 21, 2010 * Time: 8:54:05 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class MyDataSourceCandidateWaitingListServlet extends HttpServlet { private static transient Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyDataSourceCandidateWaitingListServlet.class); /****************************************** Servlet Methods*******************************************/ /******************************************************************************************************/ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); // Get the session HttpSession session = req.getSession(); ConnectToDB ctdb = null; User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user"); if (user == null) { this.redirectToLogin(req, res); } else { this.checkSessionScheme(req, res); if (user.isAdmin() == false) { res.sendError(WebConstants.ACCESS_DENIED, "Access denied."); } else { this.printHeader(out); this.printLayoutMastHead(out, user); this.printLayoutContent(out); try { ctdb = new ConnectToDB(); Vector v = ctdb.getDataSourceCandidates(); if (v.size() == 0) { out.println("<p><B>There is no entry in the waiting list !</p></B>"); } for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { //printForm(out,(DataSource)(v.get(i))); printNewEntry(out, (DataSource) (v.get(i))); } } catch (Exception e) { out.println("<p><B>Can not print the form !</p></B>"); logger.error("ERROR IN doGet"); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (ctdb != null) { ctdb.closeStatement(); ctdb.closeConnection(); } } this.printLayoutFooter(out); } } } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { handleForm(req, res); doGet(req, res); } /****************************************** HTML Printing Methods*******************************************/ /***********************************************************************************************************/ private void printHeader(PrintWriter out) { out.println("<HTML>"); out.println("<HEAD>"); //For Java Script!! //this.printEmbeddedJS(out); out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/js/acjavascript.js\"></script>"); out.println("<TITLE>Virtual Sensor Registration Waiting List</TITLE>"); out.println(" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style/acstyle.css\"/>"); //printStyle(out); out.println("</HEAD>"); //out.println("<body>"); out.println("<body onload=\"loadScroll()\" onunload=\"saveScroll()\" >"); out.println("<div id=\"container\">"); out.println("<div class=box>"); } private void printLayoutMastHead(PrintWriter out, User user) { out.println("<div id=\"masthead\">"); out.println("<div class=\"image_float\"><img src=\"/style/gsn-mark.png\" alt=\"GSN logo\" /></div><br>"); out.println("<h1>Virtual Sensor Registration Waiting List</h1>"); out.println("<div class=\"spacer\"></div>"); out.println("</div>"); out.println("<div id=\"mastheadborder\">"); this.printLinks(out); this.printUserName(out, user); out.println("<br><br>"); out.println("</div>"); } private void printLayoutContent(PrintWriter out) { out.println("<div id=\"content\">"); } private void printLayoutFooter(PrintWriter out) { out.println("</div>"); out.println("<div id=\"footer\">"); out.println( " <p align=\"center\"><FONT COLOR=\"#000000\"/>Powered by <a class=\"nonedecolink\" href=\"\">GSN</a>, Distributed Information Systems Lab, EPFL 2010</p>"); out.println("</div>"); out.println("</div>"); out.println("</div>"); out.println("</body>"); out.println("</html>"); } private void printLinks(PrintWriter out) { out.println("<a class=linkclass href=\"/gsn/MyAdminManagementServlet\">admin only</a>"); out.println("<a class=linkclass href=\"/gsn/MyLogoutHandlerServlet\">logout</a>"); } private void printUserName(PrintWriter out, User user) { //String username=user.getUserName(); out.println("<p id=\"login\">logged in as : " + user.getUserName() + "</p>"); } private void printNewEntry(PrintWriter out, DataSource datasource) throws ServletException { out.println("<h2>New Entry In Waiting List</h2>"); out.println("<BR>"); //out.println("<h3>Virtual Sensor Information</h3>"); out.println("<li class=registerli >Virtual Sensor Information </li><br>"); this.printDataSourceInformation(out, datasource); this.printForm(out, datasource); out.println("<br>"); } private void printForm(PrintWriter out, DataSource datasource) throws ServletException { out.println("<FORM METHOD=POST>"); // posts to itself this.printFormInputs(out, datasource); //out.println("<h3>Admission Decision </h3>"); out.println("<BR>"); out.println("<li class=registerli >Admission Decision </li><br>"); this.printAdmissionPart(out); out.println("<BR>"); out.println("<BR>"); this.printFormButtons(out); out.println("</FORM>"); } private void printFormInputs(PrintWriter out, DataSource datasource) { String datasourcename = datasource.getDataSourceName(); out.println("<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=datasourcename size=30 VALUE=" + datasourcename + ">"); } private void printDataSourceInformation(PrintWriter out, DataSource datasource) { out.println("<table>"); out.println("<tr><th>virtual sensor name</th>"); out.println("<th>file name</th>"); out.println("<th>file type</th>"); out.println("<th>stored in</th>"); out.println("<tr><td>" + datasource.getDataSourceName() + "</td>"); out.println("<td>" + datasource.getFileName() + "</td>"); out.println("<td>" + datasource.getFileType() + "</td>"); out.println("<td>" + datasource.getPath() + "</td>"); out.println("</table>"); out.println("<br>"); out.println("<li class=registerli >Virtual Sensor Owner Information</li><br>"); //out.println("<h3>Virtual Sensor Owner Information</h3>"); out.println("<table>"); out.println("<tr><th>owner first name</th>"); out.println("<th>owner last name</th>"); out.println("<th>owner E-mail</th></tr>"); out.println("<tr><td>" + datasource.getOwner().getFirstName() + "</td>"); out.println("<td>" + datasource.getOwner().getLastName() + "</td>"); out.println("<td>" + datasource.getOwner().getEmail() + "</td></tr>"); out.println("</table>"); } private void printAdmissionPart(PrintWriter out) { out.println("<table>"); out.println("<tr><th>Do you allow this virtual sensor registration?</th></tr>"); //out.println("<tr><td><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=register VALUE= Yes><FONT COLOR=#000000> Yes "); out.println("<tr><td><select name=register id=selectbox>"); out.println("<option value= >Select</option>"); out.println(" <option value=Yes>Yes</option>"); out.println(" <option value=No >No</option>"); out.println(" </select></td></tr>"); out.println("</table>"); out.println("<BR>"); out.println("<table >"); out.println("<tr><th>If No, explain the reason here</th></tr> "); out.println("<tr><td><TEXTAREA NAME=comments COLS=40 ROWS=6></TEXTAREA></td></tr>"); out.println("</table>"); } private void printFormButtons(PrintWriter out) { //out.println("<table class=transparenttable>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT class=sumitbuttonstyle VALUE=\"Submit \">"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE=RESET class=sumitbuttonstyle VALUE=\"Reset\">"); //out.println("</table>"); } /****************************************** AC Related Methods*****************************************************/ /******************************************************************************************************************/ void handleForm(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { HttpSession session = req.getSession(); PrintWriter out = (PrintWriter) session.getAttribute("out"); ParameterSet pm = new ParameterSet(req); String comments = ""; ConnectToDB ctdb = null; if (pm.valueForName("register") == null || pm.valueForName("datasourcename") == null || pm.valueForName("datasourcename").equals("")) { return; } else { if (pm.valueForName("register").equals("Yes") || pm.valueForName("register").equals("No")) { try { ctdb = new ConnectToDB(); User owner = ctdb.getUserFromDataSource(pm.valueForName("datasourcename")); // get the owner of this data source String message = null; if (pm.valueForName("register").equals("Yes")) { String name = pm.valueForName("datasourcename") + ".xml"; File file = new File("virtual-sensors/receivedVSFiles/" + name); // move the VS into another directory String newFilePath = "virtual-sensors/" + name; File newFile = new File(newFilePath); try { FileUtils.copyFile(file, newFile); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } ctdb.updateOneColumnUnderOneCondition(new Column("ISCANDIDATE", "no"), new Column("DATASOURCENAME", pm.valueForName("datasourcename")), "ACDATASOURCE"); //send e-mail to the DS owner message = " your Virtual Sensor '" + pm.valueForName("datasourcename") + "' has been activated."; } else if (pm.valueForName("register").equals("No")) { ctdb.deleteDataSourceCandidate(pm.valueForName("datasourcename")); comments = pm.valueForName("comments"); //send e-mail to the DS owner message = " unfortunately your Virtual Sensor '" + pm.valueForName("datasourcename") + "' will not be activated.\n" + "The reason for that is the following: " + comments; } Emailer email = new Emailer(); // send an email to the Owner of the Resource String msgHead = "Dear " + owner.getFirstName() + ", " + "\n" + "\n"; String msgTail = "Best Regards," + "\n" + "GSN Team"; String msgBody = "We would like to inform you that" + message + "\n\n"; email.sendEmail("GSN ACCESS ", "GSN USER", owner.getEmail(), "Virtual Sensor Activation", msgHead, msgBody, msgTail); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("Exception caught : " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (ctdb != null) { ctdb.closeStatement(); ctdb.closeConnection(); } } } else { return; } } } /****************************************** Client Session related Methods*******************************************/ /********************************************************************************************************************/ private void checkSessionScheme(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { if (req.getScheme().equals("https") == true) { if ((req.getSession().getAttribute("scheme") == null)) { req.getSession().setAttribute("scheme", "https"); } } else if (req.getScheme().equals("http") == true) { if ((req.getSession().getAttribute("scheme") == null)) { req.getSession().setAttribute("scheme", "http"); } res.sendRedirect("https://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + Main.getContainerConfig().getSSLPort() + "/gsn/MyDataSourceCandidateWaitingListServlet"); } } private void redirectToLogin(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { req.getSession().setAttribute("", HttpUtils.getRequestURL(req).toString()); res.sendRedirect("/gsn/MyLoginHandlerServlet"); } }