Java tutorial
/* * @(#)$Id$ * * Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Contributors: * Makoto YUI - initial implementation */ package gridool.util.xfer; import gridool.util.datetime.StopWatch; import; import; import gridool.util.lang.PrintUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * <DIV lang="en"></DIV> * <DIV lang="ja"></DIV> * * @author Makoto YUI ( */ public final class TransferUtils { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TransferUtils.class); private TransferUtils() { } public static void sendfile(@Nonnull final File file, @Nonnull final InetAddress dstAddr, final int dstPort, final boolean append, final boolean sync) throws IOException { sendfile(file, null, dstAddr, dstPort, append, sync); } public static void sendfile(@Nonnull final File file, @Nullable final String writeDirPath, @Nonnull final InetAddress dstAddr, final int dstPort, final boolean append, final boolean sync) throws IOException { sendfile(file, writeDirPath, dstAddr, dstPort, append, sync, null); } public static void sendfile(@Nonnull final File file, @Nullable final String writeDirPath, @Nonnull final InetAddress dstAddr, final int dstPort, final boolean append, final boolean sync, @Nonnull final TransferClientHandler handler) throws IOException { sendfile(file, 0L, -1L, writeDirPath, dstAddr, dstPort, append, sync, handler); } public static void sendfile(@Nonnull final File file, final long fromPos, final long count, @Nullable final String writeDirPath, @Nonnull final InetAddress dstAddr, final int dstPort, final boolean append, final boolean sync, @Nonnull final TransferClientHandler handler) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(file.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); } if (!file.isFile()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(file.getAbsolutePath() + " is not file"); } if (!file.canRead()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(file.getAbsolutePath() + " cannot read"); } final SocketAddress dstSockAddr = new InetSocketAddress(dstAddr, dstPort); SocketChannel channel = null; Socket socket = null; final OutputStream out; try { channel =; socket = channel.socket(); socket.connect(dstSockAddr); out = socket.getOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("failed to connect: " + dstSockAddr, e); IOUtils.closeQuietly(channel); NetUtils.closeQuietly(socket); throw e; } DataInputStream din = null; if (sync) { InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); din = new DataInputStream(in); } final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out); final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); FileInputStream src = null; final long nbytes; try { src = new FileInputStream(file); FileChannel fc = src.getChannel(); String fileName = file.getName(); IOUtils.writeString(fileName, dos); IOUtils.writeString(writeDirPath, dos); long xferBytes = (count == -1L) ? fc.size() : count; dos.writeLong(xferBytes); dos.writeBoolean(append); // append=false dos.writeBoolean(sync); if (handler == null) { dos.writeBoolean(false); } else { dos.writeBoolean(true); handler.writeAdditionalHeader(dos); } // send file using zero-copy send nbytes = fc.transferTo(fromPos, xferBytes, channel); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sent a file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' of " + nbytes + " bytes to " + dstSockAddr.toString() + " in " + sw.toString()); } if (sync) {// receive ack in sync mode long remoteRecieved = din.readLong(); if (remoteRecieved != xferBytes) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Sent " + xferBytes + " bytes, but remote node received " + remoteRecieved + " bytes"); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(e, -1)); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(e, -1)); throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(src); IOUtils.closeQuietly(din, dos); IOUtils.closeQuietly(channel); NetUtils.closeQuietly(socket); } } public static void send(@Nonnull final FastByteArrayOutputStream data, @Nonnull final String fileName, @Nonnull final InetAddress dstAddr, final int dstPort, final boolean append, final boolean sync) throws IOException { send(data, fileName, null, dstAddr, dstPort, append, sync); } public static void send(@Nonnull final FastByteArrayOutputStream data, @Nonnull final String fileName, @Nullable final String writeDirPath, @Nonnull final InetAddress dstAddr, final int dstPort, final boolean append, final boolean sync) throws IOException { send(data, fileName, writeDirPath, dstAddr, dstPort, append, sync, null); } public static void send(@Nonnull final FastByteArrayOutputStream data, @Nonnull final String fileName, @Nullable final String writeDirPath, @Nonnull final InetAddress dstAddr, final int dstPort, final boolean append, final boolean sync, @Nullable final TransferClientHandler handler) throws IOException { final SocketAddress dstSockAddr = new InetSocketAddress(dstAddr, dstPort); SocketChannel channel = null; Socket socket = null; final OutputStream out; try { channel =; socket = channel.socket(); socket.connect(dstSockAddr); out = socket.getOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("failed to connect: " + dstSockAddr, e); IOUtils.closeQuietly(channel); NetUtils.closeQuietly(socket); throw e; } DataInputStream din = null; if (sync) { InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); din = new DataInputStream(in); } final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out); final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); try { IOUtils.writeString(fileName, dos); IOUtils.writeString(writeDirPath, dos); long nbytes = data.size(); dos.writeLong(nbytes); dos.writeBoolean(append); dos.writeBoolean(sync); if (handler == null) { dos.writeBoolean(false); } else { dos.writeBoolean(true); handler.writeAdditionalHeader(dos); } // send file using zero-copy send data.writeTo(out); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sent a file data '" + fileName + "' of " + nbytes + " bytes to " + dstSockAddr.toString() + " in " + sw.toString()); } if (sync) {// receive ack in sync mode long remoteRecieved = din.readLong(); if (remoteRecieved != nbytes) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Sent " + nbytes + " bytes, but remote node received " + remoteRecieved + " bytes"); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(e, -1)); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(e, -1)); throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(din, dos); IOUtils.closeQuietly(channel); NetUtils.closeQuietly(socket); } } }