Java tutorial
/* * @(#)$Id$ * * Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Contributors: * Makoto YUI - initial implementation */ package gridool.processors.job; import gridool.GridConfiguration; import gridool.GridException; import gridool.GridJob; import gridool.GridNode; import gridool.GridResourceRegistry; import gridool.GridTask; import gridool.GridTaskResult; import gridool.GridTaskResultPolicy; import gridool.Settings; import gridool.annotation.GridAnnotationProcessor; import gridool.communication.GridCommunicationManager; import gridool.construct.GridDiscoveryFailureLogger; import gridool.discovery.GridDiscoveryListener; import gridool.discovery.GridDiscoveryService; import gridool.monitor.GridExecutionMonitor; import gridool.processors.task.GridTaskProcessor; import gridool.routing.GridNodeSelector; import gridool.routing.GridRouter; import gridool.taskqueue.sender.SenderResponseTaskQueue; import gridool.util.GridUtils; import gridool.util.concurrent.CancellableTask; import gridool.util.concurrent.ExecutorFactory; import gridool.util.datetime.DateTimeFormatter; import gridool.util.datetime.TextProgressBar; import gridool.util.lang.ClassUtils; import gridool.util.primitive.Primitives; import gridool.util.struct.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * <DIV lang="en"></DIV> * <DIV lang="ja"></DIV> * * @author Makoto YUI ( */ public final class GridJobWorker<A, R> implements CancellableTask<R> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GridJobWorker.class); private static final long JOB_INSPECTION_INTERVAL_SEC; static { JOB_INSPECTION_INTERVAL_SEC = Primitives.parseLong(Settings.get("gridool.job.inspection_interval"), 300); } private final GridJob<A, R> job; private final A arg; private final GridExecutionMonitor monitor; private final GridRouter router; private final GridCommunicationManager communicationMgr; private final GridTaskProcessor taskProc; private final GridDiscoveryService discoveryService; private final SenderResponseTaskQueue taskResponseQueue; private final GridAnnotationProcessor annotationProc; private final GridResourceRegistry registry; private final GridConfiguration config; private final ThreadPoolExecutor execPool; public GridJobWorker(@Nonnull GridJob<A, R> job, @Nullable A arg, @Nonnull GridExecutionMonitor monitor, @Nonnull GridResourceRegistry resourceRegistry, @Nonnull GridConfiguration config) { this.job = job; this.arg = arg; this.monitor = monitor; this.router = resourceRegistry.getRouter(); this.communicationMgr = resourceRegistry.getCommunicationManager(); this.taskProc = resourceRegistry.getTaskProcessor(); this.discoveryService = resourceRegistry.getDiscoveryService(); this.taskResponseQueue = resourceRegistry.getTaskManager().getSenderResponseQueue(); this.annotationProc = resourceRegistry.getAnnotationProcessor(); this.registry = resourceRegistry; this.config = config; int poolSize = config.getTaskAssignorPoolSize(); this.execPool = ExecutorFactory.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize, "GridTaskAssignor"); GridNode localNodeInfo = communicationMgr.getLocalNode(); job.setJobNode(localNodeInfo); } public void cancel() { if (!job.isAsyncOps()) { execPool.shutdownNow(); } } public FutureTask<R> newTask() { return new FutureTask<R>(this) { @SuppressWarnings("finally") public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { try { GridJobWorker.this.cancel(); } finally { return super.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning); } } }; } public R call() throws Exception { final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String deployGroup = job.getDeploymentGroup(); ClassLoader origLdr = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); ClassLoader newLdr = registry.getDeploymentGroupClassLoader(deployGroup, origLdr); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(newLdr); try { monitor.onJobStarted(job); return runJob(); } catch (GridException ge) { LOG.error(ge.getMessage(), ge); throw ge; } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); throw new GridException(e); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(origLdr); if (job.logJobInfo()) { long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; + " [" + job.getJobId() + "] finished in " + DateTimeFormatter.formatTime(elapsedTime) + " (" + DateTimeFormatter.formatTimeInSec(elapsedTime) + "sec)"); } monitor.onJobFinished(job); } } private R runJob() throws GridException { if (job.injectResources()) { annotationProc.injectResources(job); } final Map<GridTask, GridNode> mappedTasks =, arg); if (mappedTasks == null) { String errmsg = "Job mapping operation produces no mapped tasks for job: " + job; LOG.error(errmsg); throw new GridException(errmsg); } final String jobClassName = ClassUtils.getSimpleClassName(job); final String jobId = job.getJobId(); final int numTasks = mappedTasks.size(); if (numTasks == 0) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + "#map of a job [" + jobId + "] returns an empty result"); } return job.reduce(); } if (job.logJobInfo()) { + " [" + jobId + "] is mapped to " + numTasks + " tasks (nodes)"); } final TextProgressBar progressBar = new JobProgressBar(jobClassName + " [" + jobId + ']', numTasks); final BlockingQueue<GridTaskResult> resultQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<GridTaskResult>(numTasks * 5); // REVIEWME 5 times is enough? taskResponseQueue.addResponseQueue(jobId, resultQueue); final Map<String, Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>> taskMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>>( numTasks); // taskMap contends rarely GridDiscoveryListener nodeFailoverHandler = job.handleNodeFailure() ? new GridNodeFailureHandler(mappedTasks, taskMap, resultQueue) : new GridDiscoveryFailureLogger(); discoveryService.addListener(nodeFailoverHandler); // assign map tasks assignMappedTasks(mappedTasks, taskMap, resultQueue); if (job.isAsyncOps()) { discoveryService.removeListener(nodeFailoverHandler); // REVIEWME return null; } // collect map task results aggregateTaskResults(taskMap, resultQueue, progressBar); discoveryService.removeListener(nodeFailoverHandler); // invoke reduce R result = job.reduce(); if (!taskMap.isEmpty()) {//TODO REVIEWME assert (!job.isAsyncOps()); cancelRemainingTasks(taskMap); } progressBar.finish(); return result; } private void assignMappedTasks(final Map<GridTask, GridNode> mappedTasks, final Map<String, Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>> taskMap, final BlockingQueue<GridTaskResult> resultQueue) throws GridException { for (final Map.Entry<GridTask, GridNode> mappedTask : mappedTasks.entrySet()) { GridTask task = mappedTask.getKey(); GridNode node = mappedTask.getValue(); if (task == null) { String errmsg = " method returned null task: [job=" + job + ", mappedTask:" + mappedTask + ']'; LOG.error(errmsg); throw new GridException(errmsg); } if (node == null) { String errmsg = " method returned null node: [job=" + job + ", mappedTask:" + mappedTask + ']'; LOG.error(errmsg); throw new GridException(errmsg); } GridTaskAssignor workerTask = new GridTaskAssignor(task, node, taskProc, communicationMgr, resultQueue); task.setAssignedNode(node); List<Future<?>> futureList = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(2); if (taskMap.put(task.getTaskId(), new Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>(task, futureList)) != null) { throw new GridException("Found duplicate taskId: " + task.getTaskId()); } Future<?> future = execPool.submit(workerTask); futureList.add(future); } } private void aggregateTaskResults(final Map<String, Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>> taskMap, final BlockingQueue<GridTaskResult> resultQueue, final TextProgressBar progressBar) throws GridException { final int numTasks = taskMap.size(); for (int finishedTasks = 0; finishedTasks < numTasks; finishedTasks++) { GridTaskResult result = null; try { if (JOB_INSPECTION_INTERVAL_SEC == -1L) { result = resultQueue.take(); } else { while (true) { result = resultQueue.poll(JOB_INSPECTION_INTERVAL_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (result != null) { break; } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { showRemainingTasks(job, taskMap); } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("GridTask is interrupted", e); throw new GridException("GridTask is interrupted", e); } final String taskId = result.getTaskId(); final GridTaskResultPolicy policy = job.result(result); switch (policy) { case CONTINUE: {; taskMap.remove(taskId); break; } case CONTINUE_WITH_SPECULATIVE_TASKS: {; taskMap.remove(taskId); for (final GridTask task : result.getSpeculativeTasks()) { String speculativeTaskId = task.getTaskId(); Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>> entry = taskMap.get(speculativeTaskId); if (entry == null) {// Is the task already finished?"No need to run a speculative task: " + speculativeTaskId); } else { Future<?> newFuture = runSpeculativeTask(task, resultQueue); // SKIP handling is required for speculative tasks if (newFuture != null) { List<Future<?>> futures = entry.getSecond(); futures.add(newFuture); } } } break; } case RETURN: taskMap.remove(taskId); return; case CANCEL_RETURN: { taskMap.remove(taskId); if (!taskMap.isEmpty()) { cancelRemainingTasks(taskMap); } return; } case FAILOVER: { Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>> entry = taskMap.get(taskId); GridTask task = entry.getFirst(); Future<?> newFuture = failover(task, resultQueue); List<Future<?>> futureList = entry.getSecond(); futureList.add(newFuture); finishedTasks--; break; } case SKIP: finishedTasks--; break; default: assert false : "Unexpected policy: " + policy; } } } private void cancelRemainingTasks(final Map<String, Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>> taskMap) { for (final Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>> entry : taskMap.values()) { final List<Future<?>> futures = entry.getSecond(); assert (futures != null); for (final Future<?> future : futures) { if (!future.isDone()) { // TODO send cancel request future.cancel(true); } } } } @Nonnull private Future<?> failover(@CheckForNull final GridTask task, final BlockingQueue<GridTaskResult> resultQueue) throws GridException { if (task == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!task.isFailoverActive()) { throw new GridException("Failover is not active for this task: " + task); } final List<GridNode> candidates = task.listFailoverCandidates(router); if (candidates.isEmpty()) { throw new GridException( "Failover failed because there is no relocatable node: [job=" + job + ", task:" + task + ']'); } GridNodeSelector selector = config.getNodeSelector(); GridNode node = selector.selectNode(candidates, config); assert (node != null); if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("[Failover] Assigned a task [" + task.getTaskId() + "] to node [" + node + "]"); } GridNode failedNode = task.getAssignedNode(); task.setTransferToReplica(failedNode); GridTaskAssignor workerTask = new GridTaskAssignor(task, node, taskProc, communicationMgr, resultQueue); return execPool.submit(workerTask); } @Nullable private Future<?> runSpeculativeTask(@CheckForNull final GridTask task, final BlockingQueue<GridTaskResult> resultQueue) { if (task == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final List<GridNode> candidates = task.listFailoverCandidates(router); if (candidates.isEmpty()) { return null; } GridNodeSelector selector = config.getNodeSelector(); GridNode node = selector.selectNode(candidates, config); assert (node != null); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"[Speculative Execution] Assigned a speculative task [" + task.getTaskId() + "] to node [" + node + "]"); } GridTaskAssignor workerTask = new GridTaskAssignor(task, node, taskProc, communicationMgr, resultQueue); return execPool.submit(workerTask); } private static void showRemainingTasks(final GridJob<?, ?> job, final Map<String, Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>> taskMap) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); String jobClassName = ClassUtils.getSimpleClassName(job); buf.append("Start a job inspection... "); buf.append(jobClassName); buf.append(" ["); buf.append(job.getJobId()); buf.append("] Pending tasks: \n"); final Iterator<Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>>> itor = taskMap.values().iterator(); boolean first = true; while (itor.hasNext()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { buf.append(",\n"); } Pair<GridTask, List<Future<?>>> e =; GridTask task = e.getFirst(); String taskClassName = ClassUtils.getSimpleClassName(task); buf.append(taskClassName); buf.append('['); String taskId = task.getTaskId(); buf.append(taskId); buf.append(']'); buf.append(" on "); GridNode node = task.getAssignedNode(); String nodeinfo = GridUtils.toHostNameAddrPort(node); buf.append(nodeinfo); }; } private static final class JobProgressBar extends TextProgressBar { private static final Log JP_LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JobProgressBar.class); JobProgressBar(String title, int totalSteps) { super(title, totalSteps); setRefreshTime(5000L); setRefreshFluctations(20); } @Override protected void show() { if (JP_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { JP_LOG.debug(getInfo()); } } } }