Java tutorial
/* * @(#)$Id$ * * Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Contributors: * Makoto YUI - initial implementation */ package gridool.db.sql; import gridool.GridConfiguration; import gridool.GridException; import gridool.GridNode; import gridool.GridResourceRegistry; import gridool.GridTask; import gridool.GridTaskResult; import gridool.GridTaskResultPolicy; import gridool.Settings; import gridool.annotation.GridConfigResource; import gridool.annotation.GridRegistryResource; import gridool.construct.GridJobBase; import gridool.db.catalog.DistributionCatalog; import gridool.db.catalog.NodeState; import gridool.db.helpers.DBAccessor; import gridool.db.helpers.GridDbUtils; import gridool.db.sql.ParallelSQLMapTask.ParallelSQLMapTaskResult; import gridool.db.sql.SQLTranslator.QueryString; import gridool.locking.LockManager; import gridool.routing.GridRouter; import gridool.util.GridUtils; import gridool.util.collections.longs.LongArrayList; import gridool.util.concurrent.ExecutorFactory; import gridool.util.concurrent.ExecutorUtils; import gridool.util.csv.CsvWriter; import gridool.util.datetime.DateTimeFormatter; import; import; import gridool.util.jdbc.JDBCUtils; import gridool.util.jdbc.ResultSetHandler; import gridool.util.lang.PrintUtils; import gridool.util.math.MathUtils; import; import gridool.util.primitive.MutableBoolean; import gridool.util.primitive.MutableLong; import gridool.util.string.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnegative; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * <DIV lang="en"></DIV> * <DIV lang="ja"></DIV> * * @author Makoto YUI ( */ public final class ParallelSQLExecJob extends GridJobBase<ParallelSQLExecJob.JobConf, String> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3258710936720234846L; private static final boolean WORKAROUND_EXLOCK_ON_SYSTBL = Boolean.parseBoolean( Settings.getThroughSystemProperty("gridool.db.monetdb.workaround.exlock_on_system_table")); private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ParallelSQLExecJob.class); private static final boolean showTimings; static { showTimings = Boolean.parseBoolean(Settings.get("gridool.db.psql.show_timings")); } private static final int DEFAULT_COPYINTO_TABLE_CONCURRENCY = 2; private static final float DEFAULT_INVOKE_SPECULATIVE_TASKS_FACTOR = 0.75f; private static final String TMP_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX = "_tmp"; private static final String MOCK_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX = "_mock"; private static final String MONETDB_NULL_STRING = ""; // remote resources @GridRegistryResource private transient GridResourceRegistry registry; @GridConfigResource private transient GridConfiguration config; // -------------------------------------------- // local only resources private transient Map<String, ParallelSQLMapTask> remainingTasks; private transient Set<GridNode> finishedNodes; private transient String outputName; private transient String createMergeViewDDL; private transient String reduceQuery; private transient OutputMethod outputMethod; private transient String destroyQuery; private transient long mapStarted; private transient long waitForStartSpeculativeTask; private transient int thresholdForSpeculativeTask; private transient boolean failoverActive = true; //private transient ExecutorService recvExecs; private transient ExecutorService copyintoExecs; private transient Timings timings; public ParallelSQLExecJob() { super(); } @Override public boolean injectResources() { return true; } @Override public boolean handleNodeFailure() { return failoverActive; } public Map<GridTask, GridNode> map(final GridRouter router, final JobConf jobConf) throws GridException { final long mapStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // phase #1 preparation (prepare tables) DistributionCatalog catalog = registry.getDistributionCatalog(); final SQLTranslator translator = new SQLTranslator(catalog); final String mapQuery = translator.translateQuery(jobConf.mapQuery); final GridNode[] masters = catalog.getMasters(DistributionCatalog.defaultDistributionKey); router.resolve(masters); final int numNodes = masters.length; if (numNodes == 0) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } DBAccessor dba = registry.getDbAccessor(); LockManager lockMgr = registry.getLockManager(); GridNode localNode = config.getLocalNode(); ReadWriteLock rwlock = lockMgr.obtainLock(DBAccessor.SYS_TABLE_SYMBOL); final String outputName = jobConf.getOutputName(); runPreparation(dba, mapQuery, masters, localNode, rwlock, outputName); // phase #2 map tasks final InetAddress localHostAddr = NetUtils.getLocalHost(); final int port = config.getFileReceiverPort(); final Map<GridTask, GridNode> map = new IdentityHashMap<GridTask, GridNode>(numNodes); final Map<String, ParallelSQLMapTask> reverseMap = new HashMap<String, ParallelSQLMapTask>(numNodes); for (int tasknum = 0; tasknum < numNodes; tasknum++) { GridNode node = masters[tasknum]; String taskTableName = getTaskResultTableName(outputName, tasknum); ParallelSQLMapTask task = new ParallelSQLMapTask(this, node, tasknum, mapQuery, taskTableName, localHostAddr, port, catalog); map.put(task, node); String taskId = task.getTaskId(); reverseMap.put(taskId, task); } this.remainingTasks = reverseMap; this.finishedNodes = new HashSet<GridNode>(numNodes); this.outputName = outputName; this.createMergeViewDDL = constructMergeViewDDL(masters, outputName); this.reduceQuery = getReduceQuery(jobConf.reduceQuery, outputName, translator); this.outputMethod = jobConf.getOutputMethod(); this.destroyQuery = constructDestroyQuery(masters, outputName, outputMethod); this.mapStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.waitForStartSpeculativeTask = (numNodes <= 1) ? -1L : jobConf.getWaitForStartSpeculativeTask(); this.thresholdForSpeculativeTask = Math.max(1, (int) (numNodes * jobConf.getInvokeSpeculativeTasksFactor())); this.failoverActive = jobConf.isFailoverActive(); this.copyintoExecs = ExecutorFactory.newFixedThreadPool(jobConf.getCopyIntoTableConcurrency(), "CopyIntoTableThread", true); this.timings = new Timings(mapStartTime, numNodes); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("\n[Map query]\n" + mapQuery + "\n[Reduce query]\n" + reduceQuery); } return map; } private static void runPreparation(@Nonnull final DBAccessor dba, @Nonnull final String mapQuery, @Nonnull final GridNode[] masters, @Nonnull final GridNode localNode, @Nonnull final ReadWriteLock rwlock, @Nonnull final String outputName) throws GridException { final String prepareQuery = constructTaskResultTablesDDL(mapQuery, masters, localNode, outputName); final Connection conn; try { conn = dba.getPrimaryDbConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("An error caused in the preparation phase", e); throw new GridException(e); } final Lock wlock = rwlock.writeLock(); try { wlock.lock(); JDBCUtils.update(conn, prepareQuery); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("An error caused in the preparation phase", e); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { LOG.warn("Failed to rollback", sqle); } throw new GridException(e); } finally { wlock.unlock(); JDBCUtils.closeQuietly(conn); } } @Nonnull private static String constructTaskResultTablesDDL(final String mapQuery, final GridNode[] masters, final GridNode localNode, final String outputName) { if (masters.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); final String mockSelectQuery; final StringBuilder appendLast = new StringBuilder(128); if (StringUtils.countMatches(mapQuery, ';') > 1) { QueryString[] queries = SQLTranslator.divideQuery(mapQuery, true); if (queries.length == 1) { mockSelectQuery = mapQuery; } else { int index = SQLTranslator.indexOfFirstSelectQuery(queries); for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { String q = queries[i].getQuery(); buf.append(q); buf.append(";\n"); } mockSelectQuery = queries[index].getQuery(); for (int i = index + 1; i < queries.length; i++) { String q = queries[i].getQuery(); appendLast.append(q); appendLast.append(";\n"); } } } else { mockSelectQuery = mapQuery; } final String unionViewName = getMergeViewName(outputName); buf.append("CREATE VIEW \""); final String mockViewName = getMockTableName(outputName); buf.append(mockViewName); buf.append("\" AS (\n"); buf.append(mockSelectQuery); buf.append("\n);\n"); final int numTasks = masters.length; for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++) { GridNode node = masters[i]; if (!node.equals(localNode)) { buf.append("CREATE TABLE \""); buf.append(unionViewName); buf.append("task"); buf.append(i); buf.append("\" (LIKE \""); buf.append(mockViewName); buf.append("\");"); } } buf.append("DROP VIEW \""); buf.append(mockViewName); buf.append("\";\n"); buf.append(appendLast.toString()); return buf.toString(); } @Nonnull private static String constructMergeViewDDL(final GridNode[] masters, final String outputName) { if (masters.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final String unionViewName = getMergeViewName(outputName); final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("CREATE VIEW \""); buf.append(unionViewName); buf.append("\" AS (\n"); final int lastTask = masters.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < lastTask; i++) { buf.append("SELECT * FROM \""); buf.append(unionViewName); buf.append("task"); buf.append(i); buf.append("\" UNION ALL \n"); } buf.append("SELECT * FROM \""); buf.append(unionViewName); buf.append("task"); buf.append(lastTask); buf.append("\"\n)"); return buf.toString(); } @Nullable private static String constructDestroyQuery(@Nonnull final GridNode[] masters, @Nonnull final String outputName, @Nonnull final OutputMethod outputMethod) { if (masters.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (outputMethod == OutputMethod.view) { return null; } final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); // #1 drop mock view //final String mockViewName = getMockTableName(outputName); //buf.append("DROP VIEW \"" + mockViewName + "\";\n"); final String unionViewName = getMergeViewName(outputName); // #2 drop union view buf.append("DROP VIEW \""); buf.append(unionViewName); buf.append("\";"); // #3 drop tmp tables final int numTasks = masters.length; for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++) { buf.append("\nDROP TABLE \""); buf.append(unionViewName); buf.append("task"); buf.append(i); buf.append("\";"); } return buf.toString(); } private static String getMockTableName(@Nonnull final String outputName) { return MOCK_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + outputName; } private static String getMergeViewName(@Nonnull final String outputName) { return TMP_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + outputName; } private static String getTaskResultTableName(@Nonnull final String retTableName, final int taskNumber) { return TMP_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + retTableName + "task" + taskNumber; } private static String getReduceQuery(@Nonnull String queryTemplate, @Nonnull String outputName, @Nonnull SQLTranslator translator) throws GridException { String translated = translator.translateQuery(queryTemplate); final String inputViewName = getMergeViewName(outputName); return translated.replace("<src>", '"' + inputViewName + '"'); } @Override public GridTaskResultPolicy result(final GridTaskResult result) throws GridException { final ParallelSQLMapTaskResult taskResult = result.getResult(); final String taskId = result.getTaskId(); final ParallelSQLMapTask task = remainingTasks.get(taskId); if (task == null) {// task already returned by an other node. if (taskResult != null) { invokeRemoveTmpFile(taskResult, outputName); } return GridTaskResultPolicy.SKIP; } if (taskResult == null) { // on task failure GridNode failedNode = result.getExecutedNode(); GridException err = result.getException(); String errmsg = "task '" + result.getTaskId() + "' failed on node '" + failedNode + ":'\n" + PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(err); if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn(errmsg); } if (!failoverActive) { throw new GridException(errmsg, err); } assert (failedNode != null); DistributionCatalog catalog = registry.getDistributionCatalog(); catalog.setNodeState(failedNode, NodeState.suspected); GridNode taskMaster = task.getTaskMasterNode(); if (failedNode.equals(taskMaster)) { return GridTaskResultPolicy.FAILOVER; } else { // fail-over handling is not needed for a speculative task return GridTaskResultPolicy.SKIP; } } if (remainingTasks.remove(taskId) == null) { LOG.warn("Unexpected condition: other thread concurrently removed the task: " + taskId); // TODO REVIEWME Could this cause? invokeRemoveTmpFile(taskResult, outputName); return GridTaskResultPolicy.SKIP; } GridNode taskMaster = taskResult.getMasterNode(); finishedNodes.add(taskMaster); final Timings timings = this.timings; timings.mapExecTimes.add(result.getTaskExecTime()); timings.mapQueryExecTimes.add(taskResult.getQueryExecTime()); long sendResultTime = taskResult.getSendResultTime(); if (sendResultTime != -1L) { timings.sendResultTimes.add(sendResultTime); } // # 3 invoke COPY INTO table if needed final LockManager lockMgr = registry.getLockManager(); final int numFetchedRows = taskResult.getNumRows(); if (numFetchedRows > 0) { final DBAccessor dba = registry.getDbAccessor(); copyintoExecs.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { final int inserted; timings.fistMergeStarts.compareAndSet(-1L, System.currentTimeMillis()); try { inserted = invokeCopyIntoTable(taskResult, outputName, dba, lockMgr, timings); } catch (GridException e) { LOG.error(e); throw new IllegalStateException("Copy Into table failed: " + outputName, e); } timings.lastMergeEnds = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Merged " + inserted + " records for '" + outputName + "' from " + result.getExecutedNode()); } } }); } else { if (numFetchedRows == 0) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"No result found on a node: " + result.getExecutedNode()); } } else { assert (numFetchedRows == -1); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("TaskResultTable is directly created: " + task.getTaskTableName()); } } } // TODO invoke speculative tasks if needed if (waitForStartSpeculativeTask > 0 && !remainingTasks.isEmpty()) { long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - mapStarted; if (elapsed >= waitForStartSpeculativeTask) { int numFinished = finishedNodes.size(); if (numFinished >= thresholdForSpeculativeTask) { setSpeculativeTasks(result, remainingTasks, finishedNodes); return GridTaskResultPolicy.CONTINUE_WITH_SPECULATIVE_TASKS; } } } return GridTaskResultPolicy.CONTINUE; } private static int invokeCopyIntoTable(@Nonnull final ParallelSQLMapTaskResult result, @Nonnull final String outputName, @Nonnull final DBAccessor dba, @Nonnull final LockManager lockMgr, @Nonnull final Timings timings) throws GridException { final File file = getImportingFile(result, outputName); final long filesize = file.length(); int taskNum = result.getTaskNumber(); final String tableName = getTaskResultTableName(outputName, taskNum); final String sql = constructCopyIntoQuery(file, result, tableName); final long mergeTableTime; final int affected; ReadWriteLock systableLock = lockMgr.obtainLock(DBAccessor.SYS_TABLE_SYMBOL); final Lock lock = WORKAROUND_EXLOCK_ON_SYSTBL ? systableLock.writeLock() : systableLock.readLock(); // FIXME REVIEWME why exclusive lock? => sometimes produces wrong result [Trick] read lock for system tables final Connection conn = GridDbUtils.getPrimaryDbConnection(dba, true); lock.lock(); final long startMergeTableTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { affected = JDBCUtils.update(conn, sql); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error(e); throw new GridException("failed to execute a query: " + sql, e); } finally { mergeTableTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMergeTableTime; lock.unlock(); JDBCUtils.closeQuietly(conn); new FileDeletionThread(file, LOG).start(); } int expected = result.getNumRows(); if (affected != expected) { String warnmsg = "COPY INTO TABLE failed [Expected: " + expected + ", Inserted: " + affected + ']'; LOG.warn(warnmsg); throw new GridException(warnmsg); } synchronized (timings) { timings.mergeTableTimes.add(mergeTableTime); timings.recievedBytes.add(filesize); timings.recievedRecords.add(affected); } return affected; } private static void invokeRemoveTmpFile(@Nonnull final ParallelSQLMapTaskResult result, @Nonnull final String outputName) { File file = getImportingFile(result, outputName); new FileDeletionThread(file, LOG).start(); } private static File getImportingFile(final ParallelSQLMapTaskResult result, final String outputName) { String fileName = result.getFileName(); if (fileName == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } File colDir = GridUtils.getWorkDir(true); File file = new File(colDir, fileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException("File does not exist: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } return file; } private static String constructCopyIntoQuery(final File file, final ParallelSQLMapTaskResult result, final String tableName) { final int records = result.getNumRows(); final String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); return "COPY " + records + " RECORDS INTO \"" + tableName + "\" FROM '" + filePath + "' USING DELIMITERS '|','\n','\"'"; } private static void setSpeculativeTasks(@Nonnull final GridTaskResult result, @Nonnull final Map<String, ParallelSQLMapTask> remainingTasks, @Nonnull final Set<GridNode> finishedNodes) { if (remainingTasks.isEmpty()) { return; } final List<GridTask> tasksToRun = new ArrayList<GridTask>(remainingTasks.size()); for (final ParallelSQLMapTask task : remainingTasks.values()) { boolean hasCandicate = false; final GridNode[] candidates = task.getRegisteredSlaves(); for (final GridNode candidate : candidates) { if (finishedNodes.contains(candidate)) { hasCandicate = true; break; } } if (hasCandicate) { tasksToRun.add(task); } } if (!tasksToRun.isEmpty()) { result.setSpeculativeTasks(tasksToRun); } } public String reduce() throws GridException { // wait for all 'COPY INTO table' queries finish ExecutorUtils.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(copyintoExecs); final long reduceStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); timings.setMapElapsedTime(reduceStartTime); LockManager lockMgr = registry.getLockManager(); final ReadWriteLock rwlock = lockMgr.obtainLock(DBAccessor.SYS_TABLE_SYMBOL); // #1 Invoke final aggregation query final String res; final DBAccessor dba = registry.getDbAccessor(); final Connection conn = GridDbUtils.getPrimaryDbConnection(dba, true); /* autocommit=true*/ final long reduceExecTime; try { createMergeView(conn, createMergeViewDDL, rwlock); res = invokeReduceQuery(conn, reduceQuery, outputName, outputMethod, rwlock, timings, reduceStartTime); } finally { JDBCUtils.closeQuietly(conn); reduceExecTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - reduceStartTime; // #2 Invoke garbage collection in other thread (remove tmp tables/views) if (destroyQuery != null) { invokeGarbageDestroyer(dba, destroyQuery, rwlock); } } if (showTimings) { timings.setAsJobFinished(System.currentTimeMillis()); timings.setReduceExecTime(reduceExecTime);; } return res; } private static void createMergeView(@Nonnull final Connection conn, @Nonnull final String ddl, @Nonnull final ReadWriteLock rwlock) throws GridException { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Create a merge view: \n" + ddl); } final Lock wlock = rwlock.writeLock(); try { wlock.lock(); JDBCUtils.update(conn, ddl); } catch (SQLException e) { String errmsg = "failed running a reduce query: " + ddl; LOG.error(errmsg, e); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException rbe) { LOG.warn("Rollback failed", rbe); } throw new GridException(errmsg, e); } finally { wlock.unlock(); } } private static String invokeReduceQuery(@Nonnull final Connection conn, @Nonnull final String reduceQuery, @Nonnull final String outputName, @Nonnull final OutputMethod outputMethod, @Nonnull final ReadWriteLock rwlock, @Nonnull final Timings timings, final long startReduceQueryExecTime) throws GridException { switch (outputMethod) { case csvFile: return invokeCsvOutputReduce(conn, reduceQuery, outputName, rwlock, timings); case scalarString: return invokeStringOutputReduce(conn, reduceQuery, rwlock); case view: case table: return invokeReduceDDL(conn, reduceQuery, outputName, outputMethod, rwlock); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected outputMethod: " + outputMethod); } } private static String invokeCsvOutputReduce(final Connection conn, final String reduceQuery, final String outputTableName, final ReadWriteLock rwlock, final Timings timings) throws GridException { File colDir = GridUtils.getWorkDir(true); final File outFile = new File(colDir, outputTableName + ".csv"); final CsvWriter writer = new CsvWriter(outFile); final MutableBoolean first = new MutableBoolean(true); final MutableLong ansGenStart = new MutableLong(-1L); final ResultSetHandler rsh = new ResultSetHandler() { public Object handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { if (first.getBoolean()) { ansGenStart.setValue(System.currentTimeMillis()); first.setBoolean(false); } int numRows = writer.writeAll(rs, MONETDB_NULL_STRING, false); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Result row count: " + numRows); } return null; } }; if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Executing a Reduce SQL query: \n" + reduceQuery); } final Lock rlock = rwlock.readLock(); try { rlock.lock(); conn.setReadOnly(true); JDBCUtils.query(conn, reduceQuery, rsh); } catch (SQLException e) { String errmsg = "failed running a reduce query: " + reduceQuery; LOG.error(errmsg, e); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException rbe) { LOG.warn("Rollback failed", rbe); } throw new GridException(errmsg, e); } finally { rlock.unlock(); writer.close(); } long answerGenStart = ansGenStart.getValue(); long answerGenTime = (answerGenStart == -1L) ? 0L : System.currentTimeMillis() - answerGenStart; timings.setAnswerGenerationTime(answerGenTime); if (!outFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Output file does not exist:" + outFile.getAbsolutePath()); } return outFile.getAbsolutePath(); } private static String invokeStringOutputReduce(final Connection conn, final String reduceQuery, final ReadWriteLock rwlock) throws GridException { final ResultSetHandler rsh = new ResultSetHandler() { public String handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { if ( { String firstResult = rs.getString(1); return firstResult; } return null; } }; if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Executing a Reduce SQL query: \n" + reduceQuery); } final String result; final Lock rlock = rwlock.readLock(); try { rlock.lock(); conn.setReadOnly(true); result = (String) JDBCUtils.query(conn, reduceQuery, rsh); } catch (SQLException e) { String errmsg = "failed running a reduce query: " + reduceQuery; LOG.error(errmsg, e); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException rbe) { LOG.warn("Rollback failed", rbe); } throw new GridException(errmsg, e); } finally { rlock.unlock(); } return result; } private static String invokeReduceDDL(final Connection conn, final String reduceQuery, final String outputTableName, final OutputMethod outputMethod, final ReadWriteLock rwlock) throws GridException { final String query; if (outputMethod == OutputMethod.view) { query = "CREATE VIEW \"" + outputTableName + "\" AS (\n" + reduceQuery + ')'; } else if (outputMethod == OutputMethod.table) { query = "CREATE TABLE \"" + outputTableName + "\" AS (\n" + reduceQuery + ") WITH DATA"; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected OutputMethod: " + outputMethod); } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Executing a Reduce SQL query: \n" + query); } final Lock wlock = rwlock.writeLock(); try { wlock.lock(); JDBCUtils.update(conn, query); } catch (SQLException e) { String errmsg = "failed running a reduce query: " + query; LOG.error(errmsg, e); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException rbe) { LOG.warn("Rollback failed", rbe); } throw new GridException(errmsg, e); } finally { wlock.unlock(); } return outputTableName; } private static void invokeGarbageDestroyer(@Nonnull final DBAccessor dba, @Nonnull final String destroyQuery, @Nonnull final ReadWriteLock rwlock) { GarbageTableDestroyer destroyer = new GarbageTableDestroyer(destroyQuery, dba, rwlock); Thread destroyThread = new Thread(destroyer, "GarbageTableDestroyer"); destroyThread.setDaemon(true); destroyThread.start(); } private static final class GarbageTableDestroyer implements Runnable { private final String destroyQuery; private final DBAccessor dba; private final ReadWriteLock rwlock; GarbageTableDestroyer(@CheckForNull String destroyQuery, @Nonnull DBAccessor dba, @Nonnull ReadWriteLock rwlock) { if (destroyQuery == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.destroyQuery = destroyQuery; this.dba = dba; this.rwlock = rwlock; } public void run() { Connection conn = null; final Lock wlock = rwlock.writeLock(); try { conn = dba.getPrimaryDbConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); wlock.lock(); JDBCUtils.update(conn, destroyQuery); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String errmsg = "failed running a destroy query: " + destroyQuery; LOG.warn(errmsg, e); } finally { wlock.unlock(); JDBCUtils.closeQuietly(conn); } } } public static final class JobConf implements Externalizable { @Nonnull private/* final */String outputName; @Nonnull private/* final */String mapQuery; @Nonnull private/* final */String reduceQuery; @Nonnull private/* final */OutputMethod outputMethod; private long waitForStartSpeculativeTask; private float invokeSpeculativeTasksFactor = DEFAULT_INVOKE_SPECULATIVE_TASKS_FACTOR; private boolean failoverActive; private int copyIntoTableConcurrency = DEFAULT_COPYINTO_TABLE_CONCURRENCY; public JobConf() { }//Externalizable public JobConf(@Nonnull String mapQuery, @Nonnull String reduceQuery) { this(null, mapQuery, reduceQuery, OutputMethod.csvFile, -1L, true); } public JobConf(@Nullable String outputName, @Nonnull String mapQuery, @Nonnull String reduceQuery, @Nonnull OutputMethod outputMethod, long waitForStartSpeculativeTask, boolean failoverActive) { this.outputName = (outputName == null) ? GridUtils.generateQueryName() : outputName; this.mapQuery = mapQuery; this.reduceQuery = reduceQuery; this.outputMethod = outputMethod; this.waitForStartSpeculativeTask = waitForStartSpeculativeTask; this.failoverActive = failoverActive; } @Nonnull public String getOutputName() { return outputName; } public void setOutputName(@Nonnull String outputName) { this.outputName = outputName; } @Nonnull public OutputMethod getOutputMethod() { return outputMethod; } public void setOutputMethod(@Nonnull OutputMethod outputMethod) { this.outputMethod = outputMethod; } public long getWaitForStartSpeculativeTask() { return waitForStartSpeculativeTask; } /** * @param mills Wait time in milliseconds for speculative execution. Set -1L To disable speculative execution (default: -1L). */ public void setWaitForStartSpeculativeTask(@Nonnegative long mills) { this.waitForStartSpeculativeTask = mills; } public float getInvokeSpeculativeTasksFactor() { return invokeSpeculativeTasksFactor; } /** * @param factor 0 < factor < 1 */ public void setInvokeSpeculativeTasksFactor(float factor) { if (factor <= 0f || factor >= 1f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal factor: " + factor); } this.invokeSpeculativeTasksFactor = factor; } public boolean isFailoverActive() { return failoverActive; } public void setFailoverActive(boolean failoverActive) { this.failoverActive = failoverActive; } public int getCopyIntoTableConcurrency() { return copyIntoTableConcurrency; } public void setCopyIntoTableConcurrency(int copyIntoTableConcurrency) { this.copyIntoTableConcurrency = copyIntoTableConcurrency; } public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { this.outputName = IOUtils.readString(in); this.mapQuery = IOUtils.readString(in); this.reduceQuery = IOUtils.readString(in); this.outputMethod = OutputMethod.resolve(in.readByte()); this.waitForStartSpeculativeTask = in.readLong(); this.failoverActive = in.readBoolean(); this.copyIntoTableConcurrency = in.readInt(); } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { IOUtils.writeString(outputName, out); IOUtils.writeString(mapQuery, out); IOUtils.writeString(reduceQuery, out); out.writeByte(; out.writeLong(waitForStartSpeculativeTask); out.writeBoolean(failoverActive); out.writeInt(copyIntoTableConcurrency); } } public enum OutputMethod { /** Default File */ csvFile(1), /** As table */ table(2), /** As view */ view(3), /** scalar string */ scalarString(4); private final int id; private OutputMethod(int id) { = id; } public int getId() { return id; } public static OutputMethod resolve(@Nonnull final int id) { switch (id) { case 1: return csvFile; case 2: return table; case 3: return view; case 4: return scalarString; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal OutputMethod ID: " + id); } } public static OutputMethod resolve(@Nonnull final String method) { if ("csv".equalsIgnoreCase(method) || "csvfile".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { return csvFile; } else if ("table".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { return table; } else if ("view".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { return view; } else if ("scalarString".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { return scalarString; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal OutputMethod: " + method); } } } private static final class Timings { final long mapStartTime; final int mappedTasks; long mapElapsedTime = -1L; final LongArrayList mapExecTimes; final LongArrayList mapQueryExecTimes; final LongArrayList sendResultTimes; final LongArrayList mergeTableTimes; final LongArrayList recievedBytes; final LongArrayList recievedRecords; final AtomicLong fistMergeStarts = new AtomicLong(-1L); volatile long lastMergeEnds = -1L; long reduceExecTime = -1L; long answerGenerationTime = -1L; long jobExecTime = -1L; Timings(long mapStartTime, int mappedTasks) { this.mapStartTime = mapStartTime; this.mappedTasks = mappedTasks; this.mapExecTimes = new LongArrayList(mappedTasks); this.mapQueryExecTimes = new LongArrayList(mappedTasks); this.sendResultTimes = new LongArrayList(mappedTasks); this.mergeTableTimes = new LongArrayList(mappedTasks); this.recievedBytes = new LongArrayList(mappedTasks); this.recievedRecords = new LongArrayList(mappedTasks); } void setMapElapsedTime(long mapEndTime) { this.mapElapsedTime = mapEndTime - mapStartTime; } void setReduceExecTime(long reduceExecTime) { this.reduceExecTime = reduceExecTime; } void setAnswerGenerationTime(long answerGenerationTime) { this.answerGenerationTime = answerGenerationTime; } void setAsJobFinished(long timeInMills) { this.jobExecTime = timeInMills - mapStartTime; } String getTimings() { final long[] aryMapExecTimes = mapExecTimes.toArray(); final long[] aryMapQueryExecTimes = mapQueryExecTimes.toArray(); final long[] arySendResultTimes = sendResultTimes.toArray(); final long[] aryMergeTableTimes = mergeTableTimes.toArray(); // sanity check if (aryMapExecTimes.length != mappedTasks) { LOG.warn("Illegal mapExecTimes size: " + aryMapExecTimes.length); } if (aryMapQueryExecTimes.length != mappedTasks) { LOG.warn("Illegal mapQueryExecTimes size: " + aryMapQueryExecTimes.length); } final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); final StringBuilder csvBuf = new StringBuilder(256); buf.append( "PSQL execution time breakdown\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); append("JobExecTime", jobExecTime, buf, csvBuf); append("MapElapsedTime", mapElapsedTime, buf, csvBuf); if (aryMapExecTimes.length != 0) { append("\tMapTaskExecTime", aryMapExecTimes, buf, csvBuf); } else { buf.append("\tMapTaskExecTime: N/A"); csvBuf.append(",,,"); } if (aryMapQueryExecTimes.length != 0) { append("\t MapQueryExecTime", aryMapQueryExecTimes, buf, csvBuf); } else { buf.append("\t MapQueryExecTime: N/A"); csvBuf.append(",,,"); } if (arySendResultTimes.length != 0) { append("\t SendResultTime", arySendResultTimes, buf, csvBuf); } else { buf.append("\t SendResultTime: N/A"); csvBuf.append(",,,"); } if (aryMergeTableTimes.length != 0) { long elapsedTotalMerge = lastMergeEnds - fistMergeStarts.get(); if (elapsedTotalMerge > 0) { append("\tMergeElapsedTime", elapsedTotalMerge, buf, csvBuf); } else { buf.append("\tMergeElapsedTime: N/A"); csvBuf.append(','); } long totalMergeTableTime = MathUtils.sum(aryMergeTableTimes); append("\t TotalMergeTableTime", totalMergeTableTime, buf, csvBuf); append("\t EachMergeTableTime", aryMergeTableTimes, buf, csvBuf); } else { buf.append("\tMergeElapsedTime: N/A"); csvBuf.append(",,,,,"); } append("ReduceExecTime", reduceExecTime, buf, csvBuf); long reduceQueryExecTime = reduceExecTime - answerGenerationTime; append("\tReduceQueryExecTime", reduceQueryExecTime, buf, csvBuf); append("\tAnswerGenerationTime", answerGenerationTime, buf, csvBuf); long[] aryRecievedRecords = recievedRecords.toArray(); long sumRecords = MathUtils.sum(aryRecievedRecords); double meanRecords = MathUtils.mean(aryRecievedRecords); buf.append("Received total/avg " + sumRecords + '/' + PrintUtils.formatNumber(meanRecords, false) + " records, "); csvBuf.append(sumRecords).append(',').append(meanRecords).append(','); long[] aryRecievedBytes = recievedBytes.toArray(); long sumBytes = MathUtils.sum(aryRecievedBytes); double meanBytes = MathUtils.mean(aryRecievedBytes); buf.append("total/avg " + sumBytes + '/' + PrintUtils.formatNumber(meanBytes, false) + " bytes in Map phase\n"); csvBuf.append(sumBytes).append(',').append(meanBytes); buf.append("\nCsv line: "); buf.append(csvBuf); buf.append( "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); return buf.toString(); } private static void append(final String label, final long[] times, final StringBuilder buf, final StringBuilder csvbuf) { double mean = MathUtils.mean(times); double stddev = MathUtils.stddev(times); long max = MathUtils.max(times); long min = MathUtils.min(times); buf.append(label); buf.append(": "); String meanstr = DateTimeFormatter.formatTimeInSec(mean); buf.append(meanstr); buf.append("sec (stddev "); String percstr = String.format("%.1f", ((float) (stddev / mean)) * 100.0f); buf.append(percstr); buf.append("%, max "); String maxstr = DateTimeFormatter.formatTimeInSec(max); buf.append(maxstr); buf.append("sec, min "); String minstr = DateTimeFormatter.formatTimeInSec(min); buf.append(minstr); buf.append("sec)\n"); csvbuf.append(meanstr).append(',').append(percstr).append(',').append(maxstr).append(',').append(minstr) .append(','); } private static void append(final String label, final long time, final StringBuilder buf, final StringBuilder csvbuf) { buf.append(label); buf.append(": "); String timestr = DateTimeFormatter.formatTimeInSec(time); buf.append(timestr); buf.append("sec\n"); csvbuf.append(timestr).append(','); } } }