Java tutorial
/* * GRAKN.AI - THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH * Copyright (C) 2018 Grakn Labs Ltd * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import grakn.core.concept.Concept; import grakn.core.concept.ConceptId; import grakn.core.concept.Label; import grakn.core.concept.thing.Relation; import grakn.core.concept.thing.Thing; import grakn.core.concept.type.Role; import grakn.core.graql.exception.GraqlQueryException; import grakn.core.graql.exception.GraqlSemanticException; import grakn.core.graql.executor.WriteExecutor; import grakn.core.graql.gremlin.EquivalentFragmentSet; import grakn.core.graql.gremlin.sets.EquivalentFragmentSets; import grakn.core.graql.reasoner.atom.Atomic; import grakn.core.graql.reasoner.atom.binary.RelationAtom; import grakn.core.graql.reasoner.atom.predicate.IdPredicate; import grakn.core.graql.reasoner.query.ReasonerQuery; import; import; import; import graql.lang.statement.Statement; import graql.lang.statement.Variable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import; import static grakn.core.graql.gremlin.sets.EquivalentFragmentSets.rolePlayer; import static grakn.core.graql.reasoner.utils.ReasonerUtils.getUserDefinedIdPredicate; public class RelationExecutor implements PropertyExecutor.Insertable { private final Variable var; private final RelationProperty property; RelationExecutor(Variable var, RelationProperty property) { this.var = var; = property; } @Override public Set<EquivalentFragmentSet> matchFragments() { Collection<Variable> castingNames = new HashSet<>(); ImmutableSet<EquivalentFragmentSet> traversals = property.relationPlayers().stream() .flatMap(relationPlayer -> { Variable castingName = new Variable(); castingNames.add(castingName); return fragmentSetsFromRolePlayer(castingName, relationPlayer); }).collect(ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet()); ImmutableSet<EquivalentFragmentSet> distinctCastingTraversals = .flatMap(castingName -> -> !otherName.equals(castingName)) .map(otherName -> EquivalentFragmentSets.neq(property, castingName, otherName))) .collect(ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet()); return Sets.union(traversals, distinctCastingTraversals); } private Stream<EquivalentFragmentSet> fragmentSetsFromRolePlayer(Variable castingName, RelationProperty.RolePlayer relationPlayer) { Optional<Statement> roleType = relationPlayer.getRole(); if (roleType.isPresent()) { // Patterns for variable of a relation with a role player of a given type return Stream.of( rolePlayer(property, var, castingName, relationPlayer.getPlayer().var(), roleType.get().var())); } else { // Patterns for variable of a relation with a role player of a any type return Stream.of(rolePlayer(property, var, castingName, relationPlayer.getPlayer().var(), null)); } } @Override public Atomic atomic(ReasonerQuery parent, Statement statement, Set<Statement> otherStatements) { //set varName as user defined if reified //reified if contains more properties than the RelationProperty itself and potential IsaProperty boolean isReified = -> !RelationProperty.class.isInstance(prop)) .anyMatch(prop -> !IsaProperty.class.isInstance(prop)); Statement relVar = isReified ? new Statement(var.asReturnedVar()) : new Statement(var); for (RelationProperty.RolePlayer rp : property.relationPlayers()) { Statement rolePattern = rp.getRole().orElse(null); Statement rolePlayer = rp.getPlayer(); if (rolePattern != null) { Variable roleVar = rolePattern.var(); //look for indirect role definitions IdPredicate roleId = getUserDefinedIdPredicate(roleVar, otherStatements, parent); if (roleId != null) { Concept concept = parent.tx().getConcept(roleId.getPredicate()); if (concept != null) { if (concept.isRole()) { Label roleLabel = concept.asSchemaConcept().label(); rolePattern = new Statement(roleVar).type(roleLabel.getValue()); } else { throw GraqlQueryException.nonRoleIdAssignedToRoleVariable(statement); } } } relVar = relVar.rel(rolePattern, rolePlayer); } else relVar = relVar.rel(rolePlayer); } //isa part IsaProperty isaProp = statement.getProperty(IsaProperty.class).orElse(null); IdPredicate predicate = null; //if no isa property present generate type variable Variable typeVariable = isaProp != null ? isaProp.type().var() : new Variable(); //Isa present if (isaProp != null) { Statement isaVar = isaProp.type(); String label = isaVar.getType().orElse(null); if (label != null) { predicate = IdPredicate.create(typeVariable, Label.of(label), parent); } else { typeVariable = isaVar.var(); predicate = getUserDefinedIdPredicate(typeVariable, otherStatements, parent); } } ConceptId predicateId = predicate != null ? predicate.getPredicate() : null; relVar = isaProp != null && isaProp.isExplicit() ? relVar.isaX(new Statement(typeVariable.asReturnedVar())) : relVar.isa(new Statement(typeVariable.asReturnedVar())); return RelationAtom.create(relVar, typeVariable, predicateId, parent); } @Override public Set<PropertyExecutor.Writer> insertExecutors() { return ImmutableSet.of(new InsertRelation()); } class InsertRelation implements PropertyExecutor.Writer { @Override public Variable var() { return var; } @Override public VarProperty property() { return property; } @Override public Set<Variable> requiredVars() { Set<Variable> relationPlayers = property.relationPlayers().stream() .flatMap(relationPlayer -> Stream.of(relationPlayer.getPlayer(), getRole(relationPlayer))) .map(statement -> statement.var()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); relationPlayers.add(var); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(relationPlayers); } @Override public Set<Variable> producedVars() { return ImmutableSet.of(); } @Override public void execute(WriteExecutor executor) { Relation relation = executor.getConcept(var).asRelation(); property.relationPlayers().forEach(relationPlayer -> { Statement roleVar = getRole(relationPlayer); Role role = executor.getConcept(roleVar.var()).asRole(); Thing roleplayer = executor.getConcept(relationPlayer.getPlayer().var()).asThing(); relation.assign(role, roleplayer); }); } private Statement getRole(RelationProperty.RolePlayer relationPlayer) { return relationPlayer.getRole().orElseThrow(GraqlSemanticException::insertRolePlayerWithoutRoleType); } } }