Java tutorial
/* * GRAKN.AI - THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH * Copyright (C) 2018 Grakn Labs Ltd * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package grakn.core.graql.executor; import; import; import; import; import; import grakn.core.concept.Concept; import grakn.core.concept.ConceptId; import grakn.core.concept.Label; import grakn.core.concept.LabelId; import grakn.core.concept.answer.ConceptList; import grakn.core.concept.answer.ConceptSet; import grakn.core.concept.answer.ConceptSetMeasure; import grakn.core.concept.answer.Numeric; import grakn.core.concept.thing.Thing; import grakn.core.concept.type.AttributeType; import grakn.core.concept.type.RelationType; import grakn.core.concept.type.Role; import grakn.core.concept.type.SchemaConcept; import grakn.core.concept.type.Type; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import grakn.core.graql.exception.GraqlSemanticException; import grakn.core.server.kb.Schema; import grakn.core.server.session.TransactionOLTP; import graql.lang.Graql; import graql.lang.pattern.Pattern; import graql.lang.query.GraqlCompute; import graql.lang.query.builder.Computable; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Algorithm.CONNECTED_COMPONENT; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Algorithm.DEGREE; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Algorithm.K_CORE; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Method.COUNT; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Method.MAX; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Method.MEAN; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Method.MEDIAN; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Method.MIN; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Method.STD; import static graql.lang.Graql.Token.Compute.Method.SUM; import static; /** * A Graql Compute query executor */ class ComputeExecutor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ComputeExecutor.class); private final TransactionOLTP tx; ComputeExecutor(TransactionOLTP tx) { this.tx = tx; } Stream<Numeric> stream(GraqlCompute.Statistics query) { Graql.Token.Compute.Method method = query.method(); if (method.equals(MIN) || method.equals(MAX) || method.equals(MEDIAN) || method.equals(SUM)) { return runComputeMinMaxMedianOrSum(query.asValue()); } else if (method.equals(MEAN)) { return runComputeMean(query.asValue()); } else if (method.equals(STD)) { return runComputeStd(query.asValue()); } else if (method.equals(COUNT)) { return runComputeCount(query.asCount()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported Graql Compute Statistics: " + query); } } Stream<ConceptList> stream(GraqlCompute.Path query) { return runComputePath(query); } Stream<ConceptSetMeasure> stream(GraqlCompute.Centrality query) { return runComputeCentrality(query); } Stream<ConceptSet> stream(GraqlCompute.Cluster query) { return runComputeCluster(query); } public final ComputerResult compute(@Nullable VertexProgram<?> program, @Nullable MapReduce<?, ?, ?, ?, ?> mapReduce, @Nullable Set<LabelId> scope, Boolean includesRolePlayerEdges) { return tx.session().transactionOLAP().compute(program, mapReduce, scope, includesRolePlayerEdges); } public final ComputerResult compute(@Nullable VertexProgram<?> program, @Nullable MapReduce<?, ?, ?, ?, ?> mapReduce, @Nullable Set<LabelId> scope) { return tx.session().transactionOLAP().compute(program, mapReduce, scope); } /** * The Graql compute min, max, median, or sum query run method * * @return a Answer object containing a Number that represents the answer */ private Stream<Numeric> runComputeMinMaxMedianOrSum(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query) { Number number = runComputeStatistics(query); if (number == null) return Stream.empty(); else return Stream.of(new Numeric(number)); } /** * The Graql compute mean query run method * * @return a Answer object containing a Number that represents the answer */ private Stream<Numeric> runComputeMean(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query) { Map<String, Double> meanPair = runComputeStatistics(query); if (meanPair == null) return Stream.empty(); Double mean = meanPair.get(MeanMapReduce.SUM) / meanPair.get(MeanMapReduce.COUNT); return Stream.of(new Numeric(mean)); } /** * The Graql compute std query run method * * @return a Answer object containing a Number that represents the answer */ private Stream<Numeric> runComputeStd(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query) { Map<String, Double> stdTuple = runComputeStatistics(query); if (stdTuple == null) return Stream.empty(); double squareSum = stdTuple.get(StdMapReduce.SQUARE_SUM); double sum = stdTuple.get(StdMapReduce.SUM); double count = stdTuple.get(StdMapReduce.COUNT); Double std = Math.sqrt(squareSum / count - (sum / count) * (sum / count)); return Stream.of(new Numeric(std)); } /** * The compute statistics base algorithm that is called in every compute statistics query * * @param <S> The return type of {@link StatisticsMapReduce} * @return result of compute statistics algorithm, which will be of type S */ @Nullable private <S> S runComputeStatistics(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query) { AttributeType.DataType<?> targetDataType = validateAndGetTargetDataType(query); if (!targetContainsInstance(query)) return null; Set<LabelId> extendedScopeTypes = convertLabelsToIds(extendedScopeTypeLabels(query)); Set<LabelId> targetTypes = convertLabelsToIds(targetTypeLabels(query)); VertexProgram program = initStatisticsVertexProgram(query, targetTypes, targetDataType); StatisticsMapReduce<?> mapReduce = initStatisticsMapReduce(query, targetTypes, targetDataType); ComputerResult computerResult = compute(program, mapReduce, extendedScopeTypes); if (query.method().equals(MEDIAN)) { Number result = computerResult.memory().get(MedianVertexProgram.MEDIAN); LOG.debug("Median = {}", result); return (S) result; } Map<Serializable, S> resultMap = computerResult.memory().get(mapReduce.getClass().getName()); LOG.debug("Result = {}", resultMap.get(MapReduce.NullObject.instance())); return resultMap.get(MapReduce.NullObject.instance()); } /** * Helper method to validate that the target types are of one data type, and get that data type * * @return the DataType of the target types */ @Nullable private AttributeType.DataType<?> validateAndGetTargetDataType(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query) { AttributeType.DataType<?> dataType = null; for (Type type : targetTypes(query)) { // check if the selected type is a attribute type if (!type.isAttributeType()) throw GraqlSemanticException.mustBeAttributeType(type.label()); AttributeType<?> attributeType = type.asAttributeType(); if (dataType == null) { // check if the attribute type has data-type LONG or DOUBLE dataType = attributeType.dataType(); if (!dataType.equals(AttributeType.DataType.LONG) && !dataType.equals(AttributeType.DataType.DOUBLE)) { throw GraqlSemanticException.attributeMustBeANumber(dataType, attributeType.label()); } } else { // check if all the attribute types have the same data-type if (!dataType.equals(attributeType.dataType())) { throw GraqlSemanticException.attributesWithDifferentDataTypes(query.of()); } } } return dataType; } /** * Helper method to intialise the vertex program for compute statistics queries * * @param query representing the compute query * @param targetTypes representing the attribute types in which the statistics computation is targeted for * @param targetDataType representing the data type of the target attribute types * @return an object which is a subclass of VertexProgram */ private VertexProgram initStatisticsVertexProgram(GraqlCompute query, Set<LabelId> targetTypes, AttributeType.DataType<?> targetDataType) { if (query.method().equals(MEDIAN)) return new MedianVertexProgram(targetTypes, targetDataType); else return new DegreeStatisticsVertexProgram(targetTypes); } /** * Helper method to initialise the MapReduce algorithm for compute statistics queries * * @param targetTypes representing the attribute types in which the statistics computation is targeted for * @param targetDataType representing the data type of the target attribute types * @return an object which is a subclass of StatisticsMapReduce */ private StatisticsMapReduce<?> initStatisticsMapReduce(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query, Set<LabelId> targetTypes, AttributeType.DataType<?> targetDataType) { Graql.Token.Compute.Method method = query.method(); if (method.equals(MIN)) { return new MinMapReduce(targetTypes, targetDataType, DegreeVertexProgram.DEGREE); } else if (method.equals(MAX)) { return new MaxMapReduce(targetTypes, targetDataType, DegreeVertexProgram.DEGREE); } else if (method.equals(MEAN)) { return new MeanMapReduce(targetTypes, targetDataType, DegreeVertexProgram.DEGREE); } else if (method.equals(STD)) { return new StdMapReduce(targetTypes, targetDataType, DegreeVertexProgram.DEGREE); } else if (method.equals(SUM)) { return new SumMapReduce(targetTypes, targetDataType, DegreeVertexProgram.DEGREE); } return null; } /** * Run Graql compute count query * * @return a Answer object containing the count value */ private Stream<Numeric> runComputeCount(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Count query) { if (!scopeContainsInstance(query)) { LOG.debug("Count = 0"); return Stream.of(new Numeric(0)); } Set<LabelId> scopeTypeLabelIDs = convertLabelsToIds(scopeTypeLabels(query)); Set<LabelId> scopeTypeAndImpliedPlayersLabelIDs = convertLabelsToIds(scopeTypeLabelsImplicitPlayers(query)); scopeTypeAndImpliedPlayersLabelIDs.addAll(scopeTypeLabelIDs); Map<Integer, Long> count; ComputerResult result = compute(new CountVertexProgram(), new CountMapReduceWithAttribute(), scopeTypeAndImpliedPlayersLabelIDs, false); count = result.memory().get(CountMapReduceWithAttribute.class.getName()); long finalCount = count.keySet().stream().filter(id -> scopeTypeLabelIDs.contains(LabelId.of(id))) .mapToLong(count::get).sum(); if (count.containsKey(GraknMapReduce.RESERVED_TYPE_LABEL_KEY)) { finalCount += count.get(GraknMapReduce.RESERVED_TYPE_LABEL_KEY); } LOG.debug("Count = {}", finalCount); return Stream.of(new Numeric(finalCount)); } /** * The Graql compute path query run method * * @return a Answer containing the list of shortest paths */ private Stream<ConceptList> runComputePath(GraqlCompute.Path query) { ConceptId fromID = ConceptId.of(query.from()); ConceptId toID = ConceptId.of(; if (!scopeContainsInstances(query, fromID, toID)) throw GraqlSemanticException.instanceDoesNotExist(); if (fromID.equals(toID)) return Stream.of(new ConceptList(ImmutableList.of(fromID))); Set<LabelId> scopedLabelIds = convertLabelsToIds(scopeTypeLabels(query)); ComputerResult result = compute(new ShortestPathVertexProgram(fromID, toID), null, scopedLabelIds); Multimap<ConceptId, ConceptId> pathsAsEdgeList = HashMultimap.create(); Map<String, Set<String>> resultFromMemory = result.memory().get(ShortestPathVertexProgram.SHORTEST_PATH); resultFromMemory.forEach((id, idSet) -> idSet.forEach(id2 -> { pathsAsEdgeList.put(Schema.conceptIdFromVertexId(id), Schema.conceptIdFromVertexId(id2)); })); List<List<ConceptId>> paths; if (!resultFromMemory.isEmpty()) { paths = getComputePathResultList(pathsAsEdgeList, fromID); if (scopeIncludesAttributes(query)) { paths = getComputePathResultListIncludingImplicitRelations(paths); } } else { paths = Collections.emptyList(); } return; } /** * The Graql compute centrality query run method * * @return a Answer containing the centrality count map */ private Stream<ConceptSetMeasure> runComputeCentrality(GraqlCompute.Centrality query) { if (query.using().equals(DEGREE)) return runComputeDegree(query); if (query.using().equals(K_CORE)) return runComputeCoreness(query); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised Graql Compute Centrality algorithm: " + query.method()); } /** * The Graql compute centrality using degree query run method * * @return a Answer containing the centrality count map */ private Stream<ConceptSetMeasure> runComputeDegree(GraqlCompute.Centrality query) { Set<Label> targetTypeLabels; // Check if ofType is valid before returning emptyMap if (query.of().isEmpty()) { targetTypeLabels = scopeTypeLabels(query); } else { targetTypeLabels = query.of().stream().flatMap(t -> { Label typeLabel = Label.of(t); Type type = tx.getSchemaConcept(typeLabel); if (type == null) throw GraqlSemanticException.labelNotFound(typeLabel); return type.subs(); }).map(SchemaConcept::label).collect(toSet()); } Set<Label> scopeTypeLabels = Sets.union(scopeTypeLabels(query), targetTypeLabels); if (!scopeContainsInstance(query)) { return Stream.empty(); } Set<LabelId> scopeTypeLabelIDs = convertLabelsToIds(scopeTypeLabels); Set<LabelId> targetTypeLabelIDs = convertLabelsToIds(targetTypeLabels); ComputerResult computerResult = compute(new DegreeVertexProgram(targetTypeLabelIDs), new DegreeDistributionMapReduce(targetTypeLabelIDs, DegreeVertexProgram.DEGREE), scopeTypeLabelIDs); Map<Long, Set<ConceptId>> centralityMap = computerResult.memory() .get(DegreeDistributionMapReduce.class.getName()); return centralityMap.entrySet().stream() .map(centrality -> new ConceptSetMeasure(centrality.getValue(), centrality.getKey())); } /** * The Graql compute centrality using k-core query run method * * @return a Answer containing the centrality count map */ private Stream<ConceptSetMeasure> runComputeCoreness(GraqlCompute.Centrality query) { long k = query.where().minK().get(); if (k < 2L) throw GraqlSemanticException.kValueSmallerThanTwo(); Set<Label> targetTypeLabels; // Check if ofType is valid before returning emptyMap if (query.of().isEmpty()) { targetTypeLabels = scopeTypeLabels(query); } else { targetTypeLabels = query.of().stream().flatMap(t -> { Label typeLabel = Label.of(t); Type type = tx.getSchemaConcept(typeLabel); if (type == null) throw GraqlSemanticException.labelNotFound(typeLabel); if (type.isRelationType()) throw GraqlSemanticException.kCoreOnRelationType(typeLabel); return type.subs(); }).map(SchemaConcept::label).collect(toSet()); } Set<Label> scopeTypeLabels = Sets.union(scopeTypeLabels(query), targetTypeLabels); if (!scopeContainsInstance(query)) { return Stream.empty(); } ComputerResult result; Set<LabelId> scopeTypeLabelIDs = convertLabelsToIds(scopeTypeLabels); Set<LabelId> targetTypeLabelIDs = convertLabelsToIds(targetTypeLabels); try { result = compute(new CorenessVertexProgram(k), new DegreeDistributionMapReduce(targetTypeLabelIDs, CorenessVertexProgram.CORENESS), scopeTypeLabelIDs); } catch (NoResultException e) { return Stream.empty(); } Map<Long, Set<ConceptId>> centralityMap = result.memory().get(DegreeDistributionMapReduce.class.getName()); return centralityMap.entrySet().stream() .map(centrality -> new ConceptSetMeasure(centrality.getValue(), centrality.getKey())); } private Stream<ConceptSet> runComputeCluster(GraqlCompute.Cluster query) { if (query.using().equals(K_CORE)) return runComputeKCore(query); if (query.using().equals(CONNECTED_COMPONENT)) return runComputeConnectedComponent(query); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised Graql Compute Cluster algorithm: " + query.method()); } private Stream<ConceptSet> runComputeConnectedComponent(GraqlCompute.Cluster query) { boolean restrictSize = query.where().size().isPresent(); if (!scopeContainsInstance(query)) {"Selected types don't have instances"); return Stream.empty(); } Set<LabelId> scopeTypeLabelIDs = convertLabelsToIds(scopeTypeLabels(query)); GraknVertexProgram<?> vertexProgram; if (query.where().contains().isPresent()) { ConceptId conceptId = ConceptId.of(query.where().contains().get()); if (!scopeContainsInstances(query, conceptId)) { throw GraqlSemanticException.instanceDoesNotExist(); } vertexProgram = new ConnectedComponentVertexProgram(conceptId); } else { vertexProgram = new ConnectedComponentsVertexProgram(); } GraknMapReduce<?> mapReduce; if (restrictSize) mapReduce = new ClusterMemberMapReduce(ConnectedComponentsVertexProgram.CLUSTER_LABEL, query.where().size().get()); else mapReduce = new ClusterMemberMapReduce(ConnectedComponentsVertexProgram.CLUSTER_LABEL); Memory memory = compute(vertexProgram, mapReduce, scopeTypeLabelIDs).memory(); Map<String, Set<ConceptId>> result = memory.get(mapReduce.getClass().getName()); return result.values().stream().map(ConceptSet::new); // TODO: Enable the following compute cluster-size through a separate compute method // if (!query.where().members().get()) { // GraknMapReduce<?> mapReduce; // if (restrictSize) { // mapreduce = new ClusterSizeMapReduce(ConnectedComponentsVertexProgram.CLUSTER_LABEL, query.where().size().get()); // } else { // mapReduce = new ClusterSizeMapReduce(ConnectedComponentsVertexProgram.CLUSTER_LABEL); // } // Map<String, Long> result = memory.get(mapReduce.getClass().getName()); // return result.values().stream().map(Value::new); // } } private Stream<ConceptSet> runComputeKCore(GraqlCompute.Cluster query) { long k = query.where().k().get(); if (k < 2L) throw GraqlSemanticException.kValueSmallerThanTwo(); if (!scopeContainsInstance(query)) { return Stream.empty(); } ComputerResult computerResult; Set<LabelId> subLabelIds = convertLabelsToIds(scopeTypeLabels(query)); try { computerResult = compute(new KCoreVertexProgram(k), new ClusterMemberMapReduce(KCoreVertexProgram.K_CORE_LABEL), subLabelIds); } catch (NoResultException e) { return Stream.empty(); } Map<String, Set<ConceptId>> result = computerResult.memory().get(ClusterMemberMapReduce.class.getName()); return result.values().stream().map(ConceptSet::new); } /** * Helper method to get list of all shortest paths * * @param resultGraph edge map * @param fromID starting vertex * @return */ private List<List<ConceptId>> getComputePathResultList(Multimap<ConceptId, ConceptId> resultGraph, ConceptId fromID) { List<List<ConceptId>> allPaths = new ArrayList<>(); List<ConceptId> firstPath = new ArrayList<>(); firstPath.add(fromID); Deque<List<ConceptId>> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); queue.addLast(firstPath); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { List<ConceptId> currentPath = queue.pollFirst(); if (resultGraph.containsKey(currentPath.get(currentPath.size() - 1))) { Collection<ConceptId> successors = resultGraph.get(currentPath.get(currentPath.size() - 1)); Iterator<ConceptId> iterator = successors.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < successors.size() - 1; i++) { List<ConceptId> extendedPath = new ArrayList<>(currentPath); extendedPath.add(; queue.addLast(extendedPath); } currentPath.add(; queue.addLast(currentPath); } else { allPaths.add(currentPath); } } return allPaths; } /** * Helper method t get the list of all shortest path, but also including the implicit relations that connect * entities and attributes * * @param allPaths * @return */ private List<List<ConceptId>> getComputePathResultListIncludingImplicitRelations( List<List<ConceptId>> allPaths) { List<List<ConceptId>> extendedPaths = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<ConceptId> currentPath : allPaths) { boolean hasAttribute = .anyMatch(conceptID -> tx.getConcept(conceptID).isAttribute()); if (!hasAttribute) { extendedPaths.add(currentPath); } } // If there exist a path without attributes, we don't need to expand any path // as paths contain attributes would be longer after implicit relations are added int numExtensionAllowed = extendedPaths.isEmpty() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 0; for (List<ConceptId> currentPath : allPaths) { List<ConceptId> extendedPath = new ArrayList<>(); int numExtension = 0; // record the number of extensions needed for the current path for (int j = 0; j < currentPath.size() - 1; j++) { extendedPath.add(currentPath.get(j)); ConceptId resourceRelationId = Utility.getResourceEdgeId(tx, currentPath.get(j), currentPath.get(j + 1)); if (resourceRelationId != null) { numExtension++; if (numExtension > numExtensionAllowed) break; extendedPath.add(resourceRelationId); } } if (numExtension == numExtensionAllowed) { extendedPath.add(currentPath.get(currentPath.size() - 1)); extendedPaths.add(extendedPath); } else if (numExtension < numExtensionAllowed) { extendedPath.add(currentPath.get(currentPath.size() - 1)); extendedPaths.clear(); // longer paths are discarded extendedPaths.add(extendedPath); // update the minimum number of extensions needed so all the paths have the same length numExtensionAllowed = numExtension; } } return extendedPaths; } /** * Helper method to get the label IDs of role players in a relation * * @return a set of type label IDs */ private Set<Label> scopeTypeLabelsImplicitPlayers(GraqlCompute query) { return scopeTypes(query).filter(Concept::isRelationType).map(Concept::asRelationType) .filter(RelationType::isImplicit).flatMap(RelationType::roles).flatMap(Role::players) .map(SchemaConcept::label).collect(toSet()); } /** * Helper method to get implicit relation types of attributes * * @param types * @return a set of type Labels */ private static Set<Label> getAttributeImplicitRelationTypeLabes(Set<Type> types) { // If the sub graph contains attributes, we may need to add implicit relations to the path return .map(attributeType -> Schema.ImplicitType.HAS.getLabel(attributeType.label())).collect(toSet()); } /** * Helper method to get the types to be included in the query target * * @return a set of Types */ private ImmutableSet<Type> targetTypes(Computable.Targetable<?> query) { if (query.of().isEmpty()) { throw GraqlSemanticException.statisticsAttributeTypesNotSpecified(); } return query.of().stream().map(t -> { Label label = Label.of(t); Type type = tx.getSchemaConcept(label); if (type == null) throw GraqlSemanticException.labelNotFound(label); if (!type.isAttributeType()) throw GraqlSemanticException.mustBeAttributeType(type.label()); return type; }).flatMap(Type::subs).collect(ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet()); } /** * Helper method to get the labels of the type in the query target * * @return a set of type Labels */ private Set<Label> targetTypeLabels(Computable.Targetable<?> query) { return targetTypes(query).stream().map(SchemaConcept::label).collect(ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet()); } /** * Helper method to check whether the concept types in the target have any instances * * @return true if they exist, false if they don't */ private boolean targetContainsInstance(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query) { for (Label attributeType : targetTypeLabels(query)) { for (Label type : scopeTypeLabels(query)) { Boolean patternExist = tx .stream(Graql.match(Graql.var("x").has(attributeType.getValue(), Graql.var()), Graql.var("x").isa(Graql.type(type.getValue()))), false) .iterator().hasNext(); if (patternExist) return true; } } return false; //TODO: should use the following ask query when ask query is even lazier // List<Pattern> checkResourceTypes = // .map(type -> var("x").has(type, var())).collect(Collectors.toList()); // List<Pattern> checkSubtypes = // .map(type -> var("x").isa(Graql.label(type))).collect(Collectors.toList()); // // return tx.get().graql().infer(false) // .match(or(checkResourceTypes), or(checkSubtypes)).get().aggregate(ask()).execute(); } /** * Helper method to get all the concept types that should scope of compute query, which includes the implicit types * between attributes and entities, if target types were provided. This is used for compute statistics queries. * * @return a set of type labels */ private Set<Label> extendedScopeTypeLabels(GraqlCompute.Statistics.Value query) { Set<Label> extendedTypeLabels = getAttributeImplicitRelationTypeLabes(targetTypes(query)); extendedTypeLabels.addAll(scopeTypeLabels(query)); extendedTypeLabels.addAll(query.of().stream().map(Label::of).collect(toSet())); return extendedTypeLabels; } /** * Helper method to get the types to be included in the query scope * * @return stream of Concept Types */ private Stream<Type> scopeTypes(GraqlCompute query) { // Get all types if query.inTypes() is empty, else get all scoped types of each meta type. // Only include attributes and implicit "has-xxx" relations when user specifically asked for them. if ( { ImmutableSet.Builder<Type> typeBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); if (scopeIncludesAttributes(query)) { tx.getMetaConcept().subs().forEach(typeBuilder::add); } else { tx.getMetaEntityType().subs().forEach(typeBuilder::add); tx.getMetaRelationType().subs().filter(relationType -> !relationType.isImplicit()) .forEach(typeBuilder::add); } return; } else { Stream<Type> subTypes = -> { Label label = Label.of(t); Type type = tx.getType(label); if (type == null) throw GraqlSemanticException.labelNotFound(label); return type; }).flatMap(Type::subs); if (!scopeIncludesAttributes(query)) { subTypes = subTypes.filter(relationType -> !relationType.isImplicit()); } return subTypes; } } /** * Helper method to get the labels of the type in the query scope * * @return a set of Concept Type Labels */ private ImmutableSet<Label> scopeTypeLabels(GraqlCompute query) { return scopeTypes(query).map(SchemaConcept::label).collect(ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet()); } /** * Helper method to check whether the concept types in the scope have any instances * * @return */ private boolean scopeContainsInstance(GraqlCompute query) { if (scopeTypeLabels(query).isEmpty()) return false; List<Pattern> checkSubtypes = scopeTypeLabels(query).stream() .map(type -> Graql.var("x").isa(Graql.type(type.getValue()))).collect(Collectors.toList()); return, false).iterator().hasNext(); } /** * Helper method to check if concept instances exist in the query scope * * @param ids * @return true if they exist, false if they don't */ private boolean scopeContainsInstances(GraqlCompute query, ConceptId... ids) { for (ConceptId id : ids) { Thing thing = tx.getConcept(id); if (thing == null || !scopeTypeLabels(query).contains(thing.type().label())) return false; } return true; } /** * Helper method to check whether attribute types should be included in the query scope * * @return true if they exist, false if they don't */ private boolean scopeIncludesAttributes(GraqlCompute query) { return query.includesAttributes() || scopeIncludesImplicitOrAttributeTypes(query); } /** * Helper method to check whether implicit or attribute types are included in the query scope * * @return true if they exist, false if they don't */ private boolean scopeIncludesImplicitOrAttributeTypes(GraqlCompute query) { if ( return false; return -> { Label label = Label.of(t); SchemaConcept type = tx.getSchemaConcept(label); return (type != null && (type.isAttributeType() || type.isImplicit())); }); } /** * Helper method to convert type labels to IDs * * @param labelSet * @return a set of LabelIds */ private Set<LabelId> convertLabelsToIds(Set<Label> labelSet) { return; } }