Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Kim A. Betti, Alexey Zhokhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package grails.plugins.sitemapper.impl; import grails.plugins.sitemapper.ContentChangeFrequency; import grails.plugins.sitemapper.Entry; import grails.plugins.sitemapper.EntryWriter; import grails.plugins.sitemapper.Extension; import grails.plugins.sitemapper.extension.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import static grails.plugins.sitemapper.ValidationUtils.*; /** * Responsible for printing sitemap entries as XML to output stream. * * @author <a href=''>Kim A. Betti</a> * @author <a href=''>Alexey Zhokhov</a> */ public final class XmlEntryWriter implements EntryWriter { public static final String LOCATION_TAG = "loc"; public static final String LAST_MOD_TAG = "lastmod"; public static final String EXPIRES_TAG = "expires"; public static final String CHANGE_FREQ_TAG = "changefreq"; public static final String PRIORITY_TAG = "priority"; public static final String ALT_LINK = "xhtml:link"; public static final String DATA_OBJECT_TAG = "DataObject"; public static final String DATA_OBJECT_ATTR_TAG = "Attribute"; public static final String IMAGE_LOCATION_TAG = "image:loc"; public static final String IMAGE_CAPTION_TAG = "image:caption"; public static final String IMAGE_GEO_LOCATION_TAG = "image:geo_location"; public static final String IMAGE_TITLE = "image:title"; public static final String IMAGE_LICENSE = "image:license"; public static final String VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_TAG = "video:thumbnail_loc"; public static final String VIDEO_TITLE_TAG = "video:title"; public static final String VIDEO_DESCRIPTION_TAG = "video:description"; public static final String VIDEO_CONTENT_LOCATION_TAG = "video:content_loc"; public static final String VIDEO_PLAYER_LOCATION_TAG = "video:player_loc"; public static final String VIDEO_DURATION_TAG = "video:duration"; public static final String VIDEO_EXPIRATION_DATE_TAG = "video:expiration_date"; public static final String VIDEO_RATING_TAG = "video:rating"; public static final String VIDEO_VIEW_COUNT_TAG = "video:view_count"; public static final String VIDEO_PUBLICATION_DATE_TAG = "video:publication_date"; public static final String VIDEO_FAMILY_FRIENDLY_TAG = "video:family_friendly"; public static final String VIDEO_TAG_TAG = "video:tag"; public static final String VIDEO_CATEGORY_TAG = "video:category"; public static final String VIDEO_RESTRICTION_TAG = "video:restriction"; public static final String VIDEO_GALLERY_LOCATION_TAG = "video:gallery_loc"; public static final String VIDEO_PRICE_TAG = "video:price"; public static final String VIDEO_REQUIRES_SUBSCRIPTION_TAG = "video:requires_subscription"; public static final String VIDEO_UPLOADER_TAG = "video:uploader"; public static final String VIDEO_PLATFORM_TAG = "video:platform"; public static final String VIDEO_LIVE_TAG = "video:live"; public static final String NEWS_NAME = "news:name"; public static final String NEWS_LANGUAGE = "news:language"; public static final String NEWS_ACCESS = "news:access"; public static final String NEWS_GENRES = "news:genres"; public static final String NEWS_PUBLICATION_DATE = "news:publication_date"; public static final String NEWS_TITLE = "news:title"; public static final String NEWS_KEYWORDS = "news:keywords"; public static final String NEWS_STOCK_TICKERS = "news:stock_tickers"; private static final String URL_OPEN = "<url>"; private static final String URL_CLOSE = "</url>"; private static final String PAGE_MAP_OPEN = "<PageMap xmlns=\"\">"; private static final String PAGE_MAP_CLOSE = "</PageMap>"; private static final String IMAGE_OPEN = "<image:image>"; private static final String IMAGE_CLOSE = "</image:image>"; private static final String VIDEO_OPEN = "<video:video>"; private static final String VIDEO_CLOSE = "</video:video>"; private static final String NEWS_OPEN = "<news:news>"; private static final String NEWS_CLOSE = "</news:news>"; private static final String NEWS_PUBLICATION_OPEN = "<news:publication>"; private static final String NEWS_PUBLICATION_CLOSE = "</news:publication>"; private final DateUtils dateUtils = new DateUtils(); private final Appendable output; private final String serverUrl; public XmlEntryWriter(Appendable output, String serverUrl) { this.serverUrl = serverUrl; this.output = output; } @Override public void addEntry(String location, Date modifiedAt) throws IOException { addEntry(location, modifiedAt, null, Entry.DEFAULT_PRIORITY); } @Override public void addEntry(String location, Date modifiedAt, ContentChangeFrequency changeFrequency, Double priority) throws IOException { location = fixLocation(location); assertLocation(location); assertPriority(priority); output.append(URL_OPEN); printLocation(location); if (modifiedAt != null) printLastModification(modifiedAt); if (changeFrequency != null) printChangeFrequency(changeFrequency); if (priority != 0.5) printPriority(priority); output.append(URL_CLOSE); } @Override public void add(Entry entry) throws IOException { String location = fixLocation(entry.getLocation()); assertLocation(location); output.append(URL_OPEN); printLocation(location); if (entry.getModifiedAt() != null) printLastModification(entry.getModifiedAt()); if (entry.getChangeFrequency() != null) printChangeFrequency(entry.getChangeFrequency()); if (entry.getPriority() != 0.5) printPriority(entry.getPriority()); if (entry.getExpires() != null) printExpires(entry.getExpires()); if (entry.getExtensions() != null && !entry.getExtensions().isEmpty()) { for (Extension extension : entry.getExtensions()) { if (extension instanceof Mobile) { printMobile(); } else if (extension instanceof AlternateLink) { AlternateLink item = (AlternateLink) extension; String itemLocation = fixLocation(item.getLocation()); assertLocation(itemLocation); if (item.getLanguage() != null) printAlternateLink(itemLocation, item.getLanguage()); else printAlternateLink(itemLocation); } else if (extension instanceof PageMap) { PageMap item = (PageMap) extension; output.append(PAGE_MAP_OPEN); assertDataObjects(item.getDataObjects()); for (PageMapDataObject dataObject : item.getDataObjects()) { assertDataObjectType(dataObject.getType()); String attrs = ""; if (dataObject.getId() != null) attrs += "id=\"" + dataObject.getId() + "\""; String value = ""; assertDataObjectsAttr(dataObject.getAttributes()); for (PageMapDataObjectAttr attr : dataObject.getAttributes()) { assertDataObjectAttrName(attr.getName()); value += getDataObjectAttr(attr.getName(), attr.getValue()); } printDataObject(dataObject.getType(), attrs, value); } output.append(PAGE_MAP_CLOSE); } else if (extension instanceof Image) { Image item = (Image) extension; String itemLocation = fixLocation(item.getLocation()); assertLocation(itemLocation); if (item.getLicense() != null) assertLocation(item.getLicense()); printImage(itemLocation, item.getCaption(), item.getGeoLocation(), item.getTitle(), item.getLicense()); } else if (extension instanceof Video) { Video item = (Video) extension; String thumbnailLocation = fixLocation(item.getThumbnailLocation()); String contentLocation = item.getContentLocation() != null ? fixLocation(item.getContentLocation()) : null; String playerLocation = item.getPlayerLocation() != null ? fixLocation(item.getPlayerLocation().getLocation()) : null; String galleryLocation = item.getGalleryLocation() != null ? fixLocation(item.getGalleryLocation()) : null; String uploaderInfo = item.getUploaderInfo() != null ? fixLocation(item.getUploaderInfo()) : null; assertLocation(thumbnailLocation); assertVideoTitle(item.getTitle()); assertVideoDescription(item.getDescription()); if (contentLocation != null) assertLocation(contentLocation); if (playerLocation != null) assertLocation(playerLocation); if (galleryLocation != null) assertLocation(galleryLocation); assertVideoDuration(item.getDuration()); assertVideoRating(item.getRating()); List<String> platforms = new ArrayList<String>(); if (item.getPlatforms() != null) { for (Platform platform : item.getPlatforms()) platforms.add(; } printVideo(thumbnailLocation, item.getTitle(), item.getDescription(), contentLocation, item.getPlayerLocation() != null ? playerLocation : null, item.getPlayerLocation() != null && item.getPlayerLocation().isAllowEmbed(), item.getPlayerLocation() != null ? item.getPlayerLocation().getAutoPlay() : null, item.getDuration(), item.getExpirationDate(), item.getRating(), item.getViewCount(), item.getPublicationDate(), item.isFamilyFriendly(), item.getCategory(), item.getTags(), item.getRestriction(), item.getRestrictionRelationship().name(), galleryLocation, item.getGalleryLocationTitle(), item.getPrice(), item.getCurrency().name(), item.getPriceType().name(), item.getPriceResolution() != null ? item.getPriceResolution().name() : null, item.isRequiresSubscription(), item.getUploader(), uploaderInfo, platforms, item.getPlatformsRelationship().name(), item.isLive()); } else if (extension instanceof News) { News item = (News) extension; assertPublicationName(item.getPublicationName()); aseertPublicationLanguage(item.getPublicationLanguage()); assertPublicationDate(item.getPublicationDate()); assertTitle(item.getTitle()); List<String> genres = new ArrayList<String>(); if (item.getGenres() != null && !item.getGenres().isEmpty()) { for (NewsGenre genre : item.getGenres()) { genres.add(genre.value()); } } printNews(item.getPublicationName(), item.getPublicationLanguage(), item.getAccess() != null ? item.getAccess().value() : null, genres, item.getPublicationDate(), item.getTitle(), item.getKeywords(), item.getStockTickers()); } } } output.append(URL_CLOSE); } protected String fixLocation(String url) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(url)) { url = url.trim(); if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://")) return url; else return serverUrl + url; } else { return url; } } protected void printLocation(String locationUrl) throws IOException { printTag(LOCATION_TAG, locationUrl); } protected void printLastModification(Date modifiedAt) throws IOException { printTag(LAST_MOD_TAG, dateUtils.format(modifiedAt)); } protected void printChangeFrequency(ContentChangeFrequency changeFrequency) throws IOException { printTag(CHANGE_FREQ_TAG,; } protected void printPriority(double priority) throws IOException { printTag(PRIORITY_TAG, String.valueOf(priority)); } protected void printExpires(Date expires) throws IOException { printTag(EXPIRES_TAG, dateUtils.format(expires)); } protected void printMobile() throws IOException { String xml = String.format("<%s/>", "mobile:mobile"); output.append(xml); } protected void printAlternateLink(String locationUrl) throws IOException { String xml = String.format("<%s rel=\"alternate\" href=\"%s\"/>", ALT_LINK, locationUrl); output.append(xml); } protected void printAlternateLink(String locationUrl, String language) throws IOException { String xml = String.format("<%s rel=\"alternate\" hreflang=\"%s\" href=\"%s\"/>", ALT_LINK, language.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), locationUrl); output.append(xml); } protected void printDataObject(String type, String attrs, String value) throws IOException { printTag(DATA_OBJECT_TAG, "type=\"" + type + "\"" + (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attrs) ? " " + attrs : ""), value); } protected String getDataObjectAttr(String name, String value) throws IOException { return String.format("<%s %s>%s</%1$s>", DATA_OBJECT_ATTR_TAG, "type=\"" + name + "\"", StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value) ? escape(value) : ""); } protected void printImage(String itemLocation, String caption, String geoLocation, String title, String license) throws IOException { output.append(IMAGE_OPEN); printTag(IMAGE_LOCATION_TAG, itemLocation); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(caption)) printTag(IMAGE_CAPTION_TAG, caption); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(geoLocation)) printTag(IMAGE_GEO_LOCATION_TAG, geoLocation); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(title)) printTag(IMAGE_TITLE, title); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(license)) printTag(IMAGE_LICENSE, license); output.append(IMAGE_CLOSE); } protected void printVideo(String thumbnailLocation, String title, String description, String contentLocation, String playerLocation, boolean allowEmbed, String autoPlay, int duration, Date expirationDate, double rating, long viewCount, Date publicationDate, boolean familyFriendly, String category, List<String> tags, List<String> restriction, String relationship, String galleryLocation, String galleryLocationTitle, double price, String currency, String priceType, String resolution, boolean requiresSubscription, String uploader, String uploaderInfo, List<String> platforms, String platformsRelationship, boolean live) throws IOException { output.append(VIDEO_OPEN); printTag(VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_TAG, thumbnailLocation); printTag(VIDEO_TITLE_TAG, title); printTag(VIDEO_DESCRIPTION_TAG, description); if (contentLocation != null) printTag(VIDEO_CONTENT_LOCATION_TAG, contentLocation); if (playerLocation != null) { String attrs = "allow_embed=\"" + booleanToString(allowEmbed) + "\""; if (autoPlay != null) attrs += " autoplay=\"" + escape(autoPlay) + "\""; printTag(VIDEO_PLAYER_LOCATION_TAG, attrs, escape(playerLocation)); } printTag(VIDEO_DURATION_TAG, String.valueOf(duration)); if (expirationDate != null) printTag(VIDEO_EXPIRATION_DATE_TAG, dateUtils.format(expirationDate)); if (rating > -1) printTag(VIDEO_RATING_TAG, String.valueOf(rating)); if (viewCount > -1) printTag(VIDEO_VIEW_COUNT_TAG, String.valueOf(viewCount)); if (expirationDate != null) printTag(VIDEO_PUBLICATION_DATE_TAG, dateUtils.format(publicationDate)); printTag(VIDEO_FAMILY_FRIENDLY_TAG, booleanToString(familyFriendly)); if (category != null) printTag(VIDEO_CATEGORY_TAG, category); if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { for (String tag : tags) { printTag(VIDEO_TAG_TAG, tag); } } if (restriction != null && !restriction.isEmpty()) { String attrs = "relationship=\"" + relationship.toLowerCase() + "\""; printTag(VIDEO_RESTRICTION_TAG, attrs, escape(StringUtils.join(restriction, " "))); } if (galleryLocation != null) { String attrs = galleryLocationTitle != null ? "title=\"" + galleryLocationTitle + "\"" : ""; printTag(VIDEO_GALLERY_LOCATION_TAG, attrs, escape(galleryLocation)); } if (price > -1) { String attrs = "currency=\"" + currency.toUpperCase() + "\""; if (priceType != null) attrs += " type=\"" + priceType.toLowerCase() + "\""; if (resolution != null) attrs += " resolution=\"" + resolution.toUpperCase() + "\""; printTag(VIDEO_PRICE_TAG, attrs, String.valueOf(price)); } printTag(VIDEO_REQUIRES_SUBSCRIPTION_TAG, booleanToString(requiresSubscription)); if (uploader != null) { String attrs = uploaderInfo != null ? "info=\"" + uploaderInfo + "\"" : ""; printTag(VIDEO_UPLOADER_TAG, attrs, escape(uploader)); } if (platforms != null && !platforms.isEmpty()) { String attrs = "relationship=\"" + platformsRelationship.toLowerCase() + "\""; printTag(VIDEO_PLATFORM_TAG, attrs, escape(StringUtils.join(platforms, " "))); } printTag(VIDEO_LIVE_TAG, booleanToString(live)); output.append(VIDEO_CLOSE); } private void printNews(String publicationName, String publicationLanguage, String access, List<String> genres, Date publicationDate, String title, List<String> keywords, List<String> stockTickers) throws IOException { output.append(NEWS_OPEN); output.append(NEWS_PUBLICATION_OPEN); printTag(NEWS_NAME, publicationName); printTag(NEWS_LANGUAGE, publicationLanguage); output.append(NEWS_PUBLICATION_CLOSE); if (access != null) printTag(NEWS_ACCESS, access); if (genres != null && !genres.isEmpty()) printTag(NEWS_GENRES, StringUtils.join(genres, ", ")); printTag(NEWS_PUBLICATION_DATE, dateUtils.format(publicationDate)); printTag(NEWS_TITLE, title); if (keywords != null && !keywords.isEmpty()) printTag(NEWS_KEYWORDS, StringUtils.join(keywords, ", ")); if (stockTickers != null && !stockTickers.isEmpty()) printTag(NEWS_STOCK_TICKERS, StringUtils.join(stockTickers, ", ")); output.append(NEWS_CLOSE); } protected void printTag(String tagName, String value) throws IOException { String xml = String.format("<%s>%s</%1$s>", tagName, escape(value)); output.append(xml); } protected void printTag(String tagName, String attrs, String value) throws IOException { String xml = String.format(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attrs) ? "<%s %s>%s</%1$s>" : "<%s>%s</%1$s>", tagName, attrs, value); output.append(xml); } String booleanToString(boolean value) { return value ? "yes" : "no"; } String escape(String value) { return StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(value); } }