Java tutorial
package; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.datatype.XAD; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.datatype.CX; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.datatype.XPN; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.datatype.XTN; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.segment.PID; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; class PrimKV { private void visitAtomic(BasicDBObject o, Object v, String name) { if (v == null) return; if (v instanceof PrimKV) { PrimKV kv = (PrimKV) v; o.append(name, kv.toDBObject()); } else o.append(name, v); } DBObject toDBObject() { BasicDBObject o = new BasicDBObject(); try { for (Field f : this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { Object v = f.get(this); if (v == null) continue; String name = f.getName(); if (v instanceof List<?>) { ArrayList<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object obj : (List<?>) v) { if (obj instanceof PrimKV) { PrimKV t = (PrimKV) obj; objs.add(t.toDBObject()); } else objs.add(obj); } o.append(name, objs); } else visitAtomic(o, v, name); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return o; } void fill_from_DBObject(DBObject o) { try { for (Field f : this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { String k = f.getName(); if (!o.containsField(k)) continue; // if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { // // } else if (PrimKV.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { PrimKV kv = (PrimKV) f.getType().newInstance(); kv.fill_from_DBObject((DBObject) o.get(k)); f.set(this, kv); } else f.set(this, o.get(k)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } final public class iCARDEA_Patient extends PrimKV { public static final String ID_PREFIX = "id:"; /* The following are used for the QPD-3 segment * (QIP - query input parameter list) of the * IHE's Patient Demographic Query */ public static final String ID_SEG_FLD = "@PID.3.1"; public static final String IDNS_SEG_FLD = "@PID.3.4.1"; public static final String IDOID_SEG_FLD = "@PID.3.4.2"; public static final String IDTYPE_SEG_FLD = "@PID.3.4.3"; public static final String FNAME_SEG_FLD = "@PID.5.1.1"; public static final String GNAME_SEG_FLD = "@PID.5.2"; public static final String MOT_FNAME_SEG_FLD = "@PID.6.1.1"; public static final String MOT_GNAME_SEG_FLD = "@PID.6.2"; public static final String DOB_SEG_FLD = "@PID.7.1"; public static final String SEX_SEG_FLD = "@PID.8"; public static final String ADDR_STREET_SEG_FLD = "@PID.11.1.1"; public static final String ADDR_CITY_SEG_FLD = "@PID.11.3"; public static final String ADDR_STATE_SEG_FLD = "@PID.11.4"; public static final String ADDR_ZIP_SEG_FLD = "@PID.11.5"; public static final String ADDR_COUNTRY_SEG_FLD = "@PID.11.6"; public static final String ADDR_TYPE_SEG_FLD = "@PID.11.7"; public static final String ACCNUM_SEG_FLD = "@PID.18.1"; public static final class ID extends PrimKV { public String namespace; public String id; public ID(String ns, String id) { this.namespace = ns; = id; } public String toString() { return id + "@" + namespace; } } public static final class Name extends PrimKV { public String family_name; public String given_name; public String type_code; public String hl7encode() { return String.format("%s^%s^^^^^%s", // "Smith^John^J^III^DR^PHD^L" family_name == null ? "" : family_name, given_name == null ? "" : given_name, type_code == null ? "" : type_code); } public XPN toXPN(PID segm) throws HL7Exception { XPN n = segm.getPid5_PatientName(0); n.getFamilyLastName().getFn1_FamilyName().setValue(this.family_name); n.getGivenName().setValue(this.given_name); n.getNameTypeCode().setValue(this.type_code); return n; } } public static final class Address extends PrimKV { public String street; public String city; public String state; public String zip; public String country; public String type; public String hl7encode() { return String.format("%s^^%s^%s^%s^%s^%s^^^", //1234 Easy St.^Ste. 123^San Francisco^CA^95123^USA^B^^SF^ street == null ? "" : street, city == null ? "" : city, state == null ? "" : state, zip == null ? "" : zip, country == null ? "" : country, type == null ? "" : type); } public XAD toXAD(PID segm) throws HL7Exception { XAD ad = segm.getPid11_PatientAddress(0); ad.getXad1_StreetAddress().setValue(this.street); ad.getXad3_City().setValue(; ad.getXad4_StateOrProvince().setValue(this.state); ad.getXad5_ZipOrPostalCode().setValue(; ad.getXad6_Country().setValue(; ad.getXad7_AddressType().setValue(this.type); return ad; } } public List<ID> ids; public Name name; public Name mothers_name; public Address addr; public String sex; public String date_of_birth; public String tel_home; public String tel_work; public String ssn; public String accnum; public String drivers_lic; public iCARDEA_Patient() { this.ids = new ArrayList<ID>(); = new Name(); this.mothers_name = new Name(); this.addr = new Address(); } public iCARDEA_Patient(String fn, String gn, String bd, String g) { this.ids = new ArrayList<ID>(); = new Name(); = fn; = gn; this.mothers_name = new Name(); this.addr = new Address(); this.date_of_birth = bd; = g; } public static iCARDEA_Patient create_from_PID(PID pid) { iCARDEA_Patient tr = new iCARDEA_Patient(); for (CX cx : pid.getPid3_PatientIdentifierList()) { String id = cx.getCx1_ID().getValue(); String namespace = cx.getCx4_AssigningAuthority().getHd1_NamespaceID().getValue(); if (namespace == null || "".equals(namespace)) { String uid = cx.getCx4_AssigningAuthority().getHd2_UniversalID().getValue(); String uid_type = cx.getCx4_AssigningAuthority().getHd3_UniversalIDType().getValue(); AssigningAuthority auth = AssigningAuthority.find_by_uid(uid, uid_type); namespace = auth.namespace; } System.out.println("{" + namespace + "}" + id); tr.ids.add(new ID(namespace, id)); } for (XPN name : pid.getPid5_PatientName()) { = name.getFamilyLastName().getFamilyName().getValue(); = name.getGivenName().getValue(); = name.getNameTypeCode().getValue(); break; // take only the first } for (XPN name : pid.getPid6_MotherSMaidenName()) { tr.mothers_name.family_name = name.getFamilyLastName().getFamilyName().getValue(); tr.mothers_name.given_name = name.getGivenName().getValue(); tr.mothers_name.type_code = name.getNameTypeCode().getValue(); break; // take only the first } for (XAD a : pid.getPid11_PatientAddress()) { = a.getCity().getValue(); = a.getCountry().getValue(); tr.addr.state = a.getStateOrProvince().getValue(); tr.addr.street = a.getStreetAddress().getValue(); tr.addr.type = a.getAddressType().getValue(); = a.getZipOrPostalCode().getValue(); } tr.date_of_birth = pid.getDateTimeOfBirth().getTimeOfAnEvent().getValue(); = pid.getSex().getValue(); try { for (XTN tel : pid.getPid13_PhoneNumberHome()) { tr.tel_home = tel.encode(); break; // take only the first } for (XTN tel : pid.getPid14_PhoneNumberBusiness()) { tr.tel_home = tel.encode(); break; // take only the first } tr.ssn = pid.getPid19_SSNNumberPatient().getValue(); tr.drivers_lic = pid.getPid20_DriverSLicenseNumberPatient().encode(); tr.accnum = pid.getPid18_PatientAccountNumber().encode(); } catch (HL7Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return tr; } public static iCARDEA_Patient create_from_DBObject(DBObject o) { iCARDEA_Patient tr = new iCARDEA_Patient(); for (String k : o.keySet()) { if ("name".equals(k)) o.get(k)); else if ("mothers_name".equals(k)) tr.mothers_name.fill_from_DBObject((DBObject) o.get(k)); else if ("addr".equals(k)) tr.addr.fill_from_DBObject((DBObject) o.get(k)); else if ("date_of_birth".equals(k)) tr.date_of_birth = (String) o.get(k); else if ("sex".equals(k)) = (String) o.get(k); else if ("ssn".equals(k)) tr.ssn = (String) o.get(k); else if ("tel_home".equals(k)) tr.tel_home = (String) o.get(k); else if ("tel_work".equals(k)) tr.tel_work = (String) o.get(k); else if ("drivers_lic".equals(k)) tr.drivers_lic = (String) o.get(k); else if ("accnum".equals(k)) tr.accnum = (String) o.get(k); else if ("ids".equals(k)) { for (DBObject i : (List<DBObject>) o.get(k)) { String ns = (String) (i.containsField("namespace") ? i.get("namespace") : null); String id = (String) (i.containsField("id") ? i.get("id") : null); tr.ids.add(new ID(ns, id)); } } else if (k.startsWith(ID_PREFIX)) { String ns = k.substring(ID_PREFIX.length()); String id = (String) o.get(k); tr.ids.add(new ID(ns, id)); } } return tr; } public DBObject toDBObject() { BasicDBObject obj = new BasicDBObject(); if ( != null) obj.append("name",; if (this.mothers_name != null) obj.append("mothers_name", this.mothers_name.toDBObject()); if (this.addr != null) obj.append("addr", this.addr.toDBObject()); if (this.date_of_birth != null) obj.append("date_of_birth", this.date_of_birth); if ( != null) obj.append("sex",; if (this.tel_home != null) obj.append("tel_home", this.tel_home); if (this.tel_work != null) obj.append("tel_work", this.tel_work); if (this.ssn != null) obj.append("ssn", this.ssn); if (this.drivers_lic != null) obj.append("drivers_lic", this.drivers_lic); if (this.accnum != null) obj.append("accnum", this.accnum); List<DBObject> lids = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (ID id : this.ids) lids.add(id.toDBObject()); obj.append("ids", lids); return obj; } public void toPidv25(ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v25.segment.PID pid) throws HL7Exception { toPidv25(pid, false); } public void toPidv25(ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v25.segment.PID pid, boolean justIds) throws HL7Exception { iCARDEA_Patient p = this; int i = 0; for (iCARDEA_Patient.ID d : p.ids) { AssigningAuthority auth = AssigningAuthority.find(d.namespace); if (auth == null) { // this should not happen!! auth = new AssigningAuthority(d.namespace, "", ""); } ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v25.datatype.CX cx = pid.getPid3_PatientIdentifierList(i); cx.getCx4_AssigningAuthority().getHd1_NamespaceID().setValue(d.namespace); cx.getCx4_AssigningAuthority().getHd2_UniversalID().setValue(auth.universal_id); cx.getCx4_AssigningAuthority().getHd3_UniversalIDType().setValue(auth.universal_type); if (auth.epsos_authority) cx.getCx5_IdentifierTypeCode().setValue("EPSOS"); cx.getCx1_IDNumber().setValue(; ++i; } if (justIds) return; pid.getPid5_PatientName(0).parse(; pid.getPid6_MotherSMaidenName(0).parse(p.mothers_name.hl7encode()); if (p.date_of_birth != null) pid.getDateTimeOfBirth().getTs1_Time().parse(p.date_of_birth); if ( != null) pid.getPid8_AdministrativeSex().setValue(; System.out.println("ADDR=" + p.addr.hl7encode()); pid.getPid11_PatientAddress(0).parse(p.addr.hl7encode()); if (p.tel_home != null) pid.getPid13_PhoneNumberHome(0).parse(p.tel_home); if (p.tel_work != null) pid.getPid14_PhoneNumberBusiness(0).parse(p.tel_work); if (p.ssn != null) pid.getPid19_SSNNumberPatient().parse(p.ssn); if (p.drivers_lic != null) pid.getPid20_DriverSLicenseNumberPatient().parse(p.drivers_lic); if (p.accnum != null) pid.getPid18_PatientAccountNumber().parse(p.accnum); } }