Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package gr.demokritos.iit.textforms; import gr.demokritos.iit.api.API; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; /** * * @author grv */ public abstract class TextForm { protected String id; protected String text; protected String date_created; public TextForm(String text) { = "none"; this.text = text; this.date_created = "none"; } public TextForm(String id, String text, String date_created) { = id; this.text = text; this.date_created = date_created; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getText() { return text; } public String getDate_created() { return date_created; } public abstract ArrayList<String> sentenceSplit(); public abstract String toFormat(); /** * Get an instance of the correct subclass - the subclass that can parse the * JSON. If an error is encountered it throws an exception like specified * below. * * @param data, the data representing the text object * @param classname, the class - subclass of TextForm to use to parse * the format. Will cal fromFormat of that class. * @return An instance of the class that parses the JSON * @throws gr.demokritos.iit.textforms.TextForm.InvalidFormatException */ public static TextForm fromFormat(String data, Class classname) throws InvalidFormatException { try { Class<? extends TextForm> textform = classname.asSubclass(TextForm.class); Method fromFormat = textform.getMethod("fromFormat", String.class); return textform.cast(fromFormat.invoke(null, data)); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { if (!API.mapping.containsValue(classname)) { Logger.getLogger(TextForm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "fromFormat generics expects one of the " + "following values {0}", API.mapping.values().toString()); } Logger.getLogger(TextForm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } } public void prettyPrint() { System.out.println("text id: " + id); System.out.println("text: " + text); System.out.println("date created " + date_created); } /** * Remove HTML strings from the text */ protected void removeHTML() { this.text = this.text.replaceAll("&", "and"); this.text = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(this.text); } // currently not used protected String removeCamelCase(String str) { str = Arrays.toString(str.split("(?<!(^|\\p{Lu}))(?=\\p{Lu})|(?<!^)(?=\\p{Lu}\\p{Ll})")); str = Arrays.toString(str.split("(?<=[\\w&&\\D])(?=\\d)")).replaceAll("\\,|\\[|\\]", ""); str = str.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); return str; } public static class InvalidFormatException extends Exception { private static final String message = "Couldn't parse JSON, either it is" + " malformed, or its fields do not correspond" + " to one of the classes we were expecting"; public InvalidFormatException() { super(message); } public InvalidFormatException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Replace some symbols and then tokenize the sentence * * @return array of Strings - the tokens */ protected String[] tokenizeSentence() { //TODO maybe use stanford tokenizer? this.text = this.text.replaceAll("", "-"); this.text = this.text.replaceAll("!+", "!"); this.text = this.text.replaceAll("\\?+", "?"); this.text = this.text.replaceAll("|\\.+", "."); this.text = this.text.replaceAll("(!\\?)+", "!?"); this.text = this.text.replaceAll("(\\?!)+", "?!"); this.text = this.text.replaceAll("\\t|\\r|\\n|\\r\\n", " "); this.text = this.text.replaceAll("\"|\\^|\\*|\\(|\\)|<|>|~|`|[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); return this.text.split("\\s+"); } protected ArrayList<String> rebuildSentences(String[] tokens) { ArrayList<String> clean_sentences = new ArrayList(); String sentence = ""; for (String s : tokens) { if (!s.equals("")) { sentence += s.trim() + " "; if (s.endsWith(".") || s.endsWith("!") || s.endsWith("?")) { sentence = sentence.trim(); //don't add empty or small sentences if ((!sentence.matches("\\s+")) || sentence.length() > 2) { clean_sentences.add(sentence.trim()); } sentence = ""; } } } clean_sentences.add(sentence.trim()); // Adding last sentence return clean_sentences; } }