Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Washington State Department of Transportation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.gwtphonegap.client.PhoneGap; import com.googlecode.gwtphonegap.client.geolocation.GeolocationCallback; import com.googlecode.gwtphonegap.client.geolocation.Position; import com.googlecode.gwtphonegap.client.geolocation.PositionError; import com.googlecode.gwtphonegap.client.notification.AlertCallback; import com.googlecode.gwtphonegap.client.notification.PromptCallback; import com.googlecode.gwtphonegap.client.notification.PromptResults; import com.googlecode.mgwt.mvp.client.MGWTAbstractActivity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; public class TrafficMapActivity extends MGWTAbstractActivity implements TrafficMapView.Presenter { private final ClientFactory clientFactory; private TrafficMapView view; private EventBus eventBus; private WSDOTDataService dbService; private PhoneGap phoneGap; private Analytics analytics; private Accessibility accessibility; private static List<Integer> starred = new ArrayList<>(); private static List<CameraItem> cameraItems = new ArrayList<>(); private static List<HighwayAlertItem> highwayAlertItems = new ArrayList<>(); private static List<RestAreaItem> restAreaItems = new ArrayList<>(); private static List<CalloutItem> calloutItems = new ArrayList<>(); private static final String CAMERAS_URL = Consts.HOST_URL + "/traveler/api/cameras"; private static final String HIGHWAY_ALERTS_URL = Consts.HOST_URL + "/traveler/api/highwayalerts"; private static DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a"); public TrafficMapActivity(ClientFactory clientFactory) { this.clientFactory = clientFactory; } @Override public void start(AcceptsOneWidget panel, final EventBus eventBus) { view = clientFactory.getTrafficMapView(); dbService = clientFactory.getDbService(); phoneGap = clientFactory.getPhoneGap(); analytics = clientFactory.getAnalytics(); accessibility = clientFactory.getAccessibility(); this.eventBus = eventBus; view.setPresenter(this); view.setMapLocation(); // Set initial map location. if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map"); } panel.setWidget(view); accessibility.postScreenChangeNotification(); view.refreshMap(); } private void getCameras() { /** * Check the cache table for the last time data was downloaded. If we are within * the allowed time period, don't sync, otherwise get fresh data from the server. */ dbService.getCacheLastUpdated(Tables.CAMERAS, new ListCallback<GenericRow>() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(List<GenericRow> result) { boolean shouldUpdate = true; if (!result.isEmpty()) { double now = System.currentTimeMillis(); double lastUpdated = result.get(0).getDouble(CachesColumns.CACHE_LAST_UPDATED); shouldUpdate = (Math.abs(now - lastUpdated) > (7 * 86400000)); // Refresh every 7 days. } view.showProgressIndicator(); if (shouldUpdate) { /** * Check the cameras table for any starred entries. If we find some, * save them to a list so we can re-star those after we flush the database. */ dbService.getStarredCameras(new ListCallback<GenericRow>() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(List<GenericRow> result) { starred.clear(); if (!result.isEmpty()) { for (GenericRow row : result) { starred.add(row.getInt(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_ID)); } } JsonpRequestBuilder jsonp = new JsonpRequestBuilder(); // Set timeout for 30 seconds (30000 milliseconds) jsonp.setTimeout(30000); jsonp.requestObject(CAMERAS_URL, new AsyncCallback<CamerasFeed>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { view.hideProgressIndicator(); phoneGap.getNotification().alert("Can't load data. Check your connection.", new AlertCallback() { @Override public void onOkButtonClicked() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }, "Connection Error"); } @Override public void onSuccess(CamerasFeed result) { if (result.getCameras() != null) { cameraItems.clear(); CameraItem item; int numCameras = result.getCameras().getItems().length(); for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) { item = new CameraItem(); item.setCameraId(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getId()); item.setTitle(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getTitle()); item.setImageUrl(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getUrl()); item.setLatitude(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getLat()); item.setLongitude(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getLon()); item.setHasVideo(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getHasVideo()); item.setRoadName(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getRoadName()); if (starred.contains(result.getCameras().getItems().get(i).getId())) { item.setIsStarred(1); } cameraItems.add(item); } // Purge existing cameras covered by incoming data dbService.deleteCameras(new VoidCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess() { // Bulk insert all the new cameras dbService.insertCameras(cameraItems, new RowIdListCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(List<Integer> rowIds) { // Update the cache table with the time we did the update List<CacheItem> cacheItems = new ArrayList<CacheItem>(); cacheItems.add(new CacheItem(Tables.CAMERAS, System.currentTimeMillis())); dbService.updateCachesTable(cacheItems, new VoidCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess() { view.hideProgressIndicator(); drawCamerasLayer(); } }); } }); } }); } } }); } }); } else { view.hideProgressIndicator(); drawCamerasLayer(); } } }); } private void drawCamerasLayer() { dbService.getCameras(new ListCallback<GenericRow>() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(List<GenericRow> result) { LatLngBounds bounds = view.getViewportBounds(); LatLng swPoint = bounds.getSouthWest(); LatLng nePoint = bounds.getNorthEast(); ArrayList<LatLonItem> viewableMapArea = new ArrayList<LatLonItem>(); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); List<CameraItem> cameras = new ArrayList<CameraItem>(); int numRows = result.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { if (inPolygon(viewableMapArea, result.get(i).getDouble(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_LATITUDE), result.get(i).getDouble(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_LONGITUDE))) { cameras.add(new CameraItem(result.get(i).getInt(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_ID), result.get(i).getString(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_TITLE), result.get(i).getString(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_URL), result.get(i).getDouble(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_LATITUDE), result.get(i).getDouble(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_LONGITUDE), result.get(i).getInt(CamerasColumns.CAMERA_HAS_VIDEO))); } } if (!result.isEmpty()) { view.drawCameras(cameras); } } }); } private void getHighwayAlerts() { /** * Check the cache table for the last time data was downloaded. If we are within * the allowed time period, don't sync, otherwise get fresh data from the server. */ dbService.getCacheLastUpdated(Tables.HIGHWAY_ALERTS, new ListCallback<GenericRow>() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(List<GenericRow> result) { boolean shouldUpdate = true; if (!result.isEmpty()) { double now = System.currentTimeMillis(); double lastUpdated = result.get(0).getDouble(CachesColumns.CACHE_LAST_UPDATED); shouldUpdate = (Math.abs(now - lastUpdated) > (5 * 60000)); // Refresh every 5 minutes. } if (shouldUpdate) { try { JsonpRequestBuilder jsonp = new JsonpRequestBuilder(); // Set timeout for 30 seconds (30000 milliseconds) jsonp.setTimeout(30000); jsonp.requestObject(HIGHWAY_ALERTS_URL, new AsyncCallback<HighwayAlerts>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(HighwayAlerts result) { highwayAlertItems.clear(); if (result.getAlerts() != null) { HighwayAlertItem item; int size = result.getAlerts().getItems().length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { item = new HighwayAlertItem(); item.setAlertId(result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i).getAlertID()); item.setHeadlineDescription( result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i).getHeadlineDescription()); item.setEventCategory( result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i).getEventCategory()); item.setPriority(result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i).getPriority()); item.setStartLatitude(result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i) .getStartRoadwayLocation().getLatitude()); item.setStartLongitude(result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i) .getStartRoadwayLocation().getLongitude()); item.setStartRoadName(result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i) .getStartRoadwayLocation().getRoadName()); item.setLastUpdatedTime(dateFormat .format(new Date(Long.parseLong(result.getAlerts().getItems().get(i) .getLastUpdatedTime().substring(6, 19))))); highwayAlertItems.add(item); } // Purge existing highway alerts covered by incoming data dbService.deleteHighwayAlerts(new VoidCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess() { // Bulk insert all the new highway alerts dbService.insertHighwayAlerts(highwayAlertItems, new RowIdListCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(List<Integer> rowIds) { // Update the cache table with the time we did the update List<CacheItem> cacheItems = new ArrayList<CacheItem>(); cacheItems.add(new CacheItem(Tables.HIGHWAY_ALERTS, System.currentTimeMillis())); dbService.updateCachesTable(cacheItems, new VoidCallback() { @Override public void onFailure( DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess() { drawHighwayAlertsLayer(); } }); } }); } }); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { drawHighwayAlertsLayer(); } } }); } private void drawHighwayAlertsLayer() { dbService.getHighwayAlerts(new ListCallback<GenericRow>() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(List<GenericRow> result) { LatLngBounds bounds = view.getViewportBounds(); LatLng swPoint = bounds.getSouthWest(); LatLng nePoint = bounds.getNorthEast(); ArrayList<LatLonItem> viewableMapArea = new ArrayList<LatLonItem>(); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); List<HighwayAlertItem> alerts = new ArrayList<HighwayAlertItem>(); for (GenericRow alert : result) { if (inPolygon(viewableMapArea, alert.getDouble(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_LATITUDE), alert.getDouble(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_LONGITUDE))) { alerts.add(new HighwayAlertItem(alert.getInt(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_ID), alert.getString(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_CATEGORY), alert.getString(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_HEADLINE), alert.getDouble(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_LATITUDE), alert.getDouble(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_LONGITUDE), alert.getString(HighwayAlertsColumns.HIGHWAY_ALERT_PRIORITY))); } } if (!result.isEmpty()) { view.drawAlerts(alerts); } } }); } private void getRestAreas() { String jsonString = AppBundle.INSTANCE.restAreaData().getText(); RestAreaFeed restAreas = JsonUtils.safeEval(jsonString); RestAreaItem item; for (int i = 0; i < restAreas.getRestAreas().length(); i++) { item = new RestAreaItem(); item.setId(i); item.setRoute(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getRoute()); item.setLocation(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getLocation()); item.setDescription(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getDescription()); item.setMilepost(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getMilepost()); item.setDirection(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getDirection()); item.setLatitude(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getLatitude()); item.setLongitude(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getLongitude()); item.setNotes(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getNotes()); item.setHasDump(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).hasDump()); item.setOpen(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).isOpen()); item.setAmenities(restAreas.getRestAreas().get(i).getAmenities()); restAreaItems.add(item); } drawRestAreasLayer(); } private void drawRestAreasLayer() { LatLngBounds bounds = view.getViewportBounds(); LatLng swPoint = bounds.getSouthWest(); LatLng nePoint = bounds.getNorthEast(); ArrayList<LatLonItem> viewableMapArea = new ArrayList<LatLonItem>(); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); List<RestAreaItem> visibleRestAreas = new ArrayList<>(); for (RestAreaItem restArea : restAreaItems) { if (inPolygon(viewableMapArea, Double.valueOf(restArea.getLatitude()), Double.valueOf(restArea.getLongitude()))) { visibleRestAreas.add(restArea); } } if (!visibleRestAreas.isEmpty()) { view.drawRestAreas(visibleRestAreas); } } /** * */ private void getCallouts() { calloutItems.clear(); CalloutItem item = new CalloutItem(); item.setTitle("JBLM"); item.setImageUrl(""); item.setLatitude(47.103033); item.setLongitude(-122.584394); calloutItems.add(item); drawCalloutsLayer(); } /** * */ private void drawCalloutsLayer() { LatLngBounds bounds = view.getViewportBounds(); LatLng swPoint = bounds.getSouthWest(); LatLng nePoint = bounds.getNorthEast(); ArrayList<LatLonItem> viewableMapArea = new ArrayList<LatLonItem>(); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(nePoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), nePoint.getLongitude())); viewableMapArea.add(new LatLonItem(swPoint.getLatitude(), swPoint.getLongitude())); List<CalloutItem> callouts = new ArrayList<CalloutItem>(); for (CalloutItem item : calloutItems) { if (inPolygon(viewableMapArea, item.getLatitude(), item.getLongitude())) { callouts.add(new CalloutItem(item.getTitle(), item.getImageUrl(), item.getLatitude(), item.getLongitude())); } } if (!callouts.isEmpty()) { view.drawCallouts(callouts); } } /** * Iterate through collection of LatLon objects in ArrayList and see if * passed latitude and longitude point is within the collection. * * @param points * @param latitude * @param longitude * @return */ private boolean inPolygon(ArrayList<LatLonItem> points, double latitude, double longitude) { int j = points.size() - 1; double lat = latitude; double lon = longitude; boolean inPoly = false; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { if ((points.get(i).getLongitude() < lon && points.get(j).getLongitude() >= lon) || (points.get(j).getLongitude() < lon && points.get(i).getLongitude() >= lon)) { if (points.get(i).getLatitude() + (lon - points.get(i).getLongitude()) / (points.get(j).getLongitude() - points.get(i).getLongitude()) * (points.get(j).getLatitude() - points.get(i).getLatitude()) < lat) { inPoly = !inPoly; } } j = i; } return inPoly; } @Override public void onStop() { view.setPresenter(null); } @Override public void onBackButtonPressed() {, ActionNames.BACK); } @Override public void onMenuButtonPressed() { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/Menu"); } clientFactory.getPlaceController().goTo(new TrafficMenuPlace()); } @Override public void onCameraButtonPressed(boolean showCameras) { if (showCameras) { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackEvent("Traffic", "Cameras", "Hide Cameras"); } view.hideCameras(); } else { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackEvent("Traffic", "Cameras", "Show Cameras"); } view.showCameras(); } } @Override public void onCameraSelected(int cameraId) { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/Cameras"); } clientFactory.getPlaceController().goTo(new CameraPlace(Integer.toString(cameraId))); } @Override public void onAlertSelected(int alertId) { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/Map Alert"); } clientFactory.getPlaceController().goTo(new AlertPlace(Integer.toString(alertId))); } @Override public void onRestAreaSelected(int restAreaId) { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/Rest Area"); } clientFactory.getPlaceController().goTo(new RestAreaPlace(Integer.toString(restAreaId))); } @Override public void onCalloutSelected(String url) { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/Callout"); } clientFactory.getPlaceController().goTo(new CalloutPlace(url)); } @Override public void onLocateButtonPressed() { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/My Location"); } phoneGap.getGeolocation().getCurrentPosition(new GeolocationCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(Position position) { double latitude = position.getCoordinates().getLatitude(); double longitude = position.getCoordinates().getLongitude(); view.addMapMarker(position); view.setMapLocation(latitude, longitude, 12); } @Override public void onFailure(PositionError error) { switch (error.getCode()) { case PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED: phoneGap.getNotification().alert( "You can turn Location Services on at Settings > Privacy > Location Services.", new AlertCallback() { @Override public void onOkButtonClicked() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }, "Location Services Off"); break; default: break; } } }); } @Override public void onTrafficAlertsButtonPressed(LatLngBounds bounds) { // Check if map has loaded if (bounds != null) { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/Alerts In This Area"); } clientFactory.getPlaceController().goTo(new TrafficAlertsPlace(bounds)); } } /** * Creates a prompt dialog to collect the new favorite location name * and confirm it's addition. */ @Override public void onStarButtonPressed() { if (Consts.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) { analytics.trackScreen("/Traffic Map/Star Location"); } // Collect Location information phoneGap.getNotification().prompt("Enter a name for this location.", new PromptCallback() { @Override public void onPrompt(PromptResults results) { if (results.getButtonIndex() == 2) { LatLng center = view.getMapWidget().getCenter(); int zoom = view.getMapWidget().getZoom(); LocationItem locationItem = new LocationItem(results.getInput1(), center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), zoom); // Add location item to Database dbService.insertLocation(locationItem, new VoidCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { phoneGap.getNotification().alert("Location was not added to favorites", new AlertCallback() { @Override public void onOkButtonClicked() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }, "Failed"); } @Override public void onSuccess() { } }); } } }, "New Favorite Location", "", new String[] { "Cancel", "Ok" }); } @Override public void onMapIsIdle() { captureClickEvents(); getCameras(); getHighwayAlerts(); getRestAreas(); getCallouts(); } @Override public void onRefreshMapButtonPressed() { view.refreshMap(); // getViewportBounds() will return null in drawHighwayAlertsLayer() // before map has loaded on screen if (view.getViewportBounds() != null) { getHighwayAlerts(); } } /** * JSNI method to capture click events and open urls in PhoneGap * InAppBrowser. * * Tapping external links on the Google map like the Google logo and 'Terms * of Use' will cause those links to open in the same browser window as the * app with no way for the user to return to the app. * * */ public static native void captureClickEvents() /*-{ var anchors = $doc.getElementsByTagName('a'); for ( var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { anchors[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $, '_blank', 'location=yes,enableViewportScale=yes'); }); } }-*/; }