Java tutorial
package gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.actions.facility; import gov.utah.dts.det.admin.model.PickListValue; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.dao.SearchException; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.documents.FileDescriptor; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.documents.templating.TemplateService; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.documents.templating.templates.MailingLabelsTemplate; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.model.Person; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.model.Region; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.model.User; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.model.enums.FacilityType; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.model.enums.RoleType; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.model.view.FacilitySearchView; import; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.service.FacilitySearchCriteria; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.service.RegionService; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.service.UserService; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.sort.enums.FacilitySortBy; import gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.view.facility.FacilityStatus; import gov.utah.dts.det.query.SortBy; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Namespace; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Results; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Preparable; @SuppressWarnings("serial") @ParentPackage("main") @Namespace("/facility/search") @Results({ @Result(name = "input", location = "facilitySearch", type = "tiles"), @Result(name = "success", location = "facilitySearchResults", type = "tiles"), @Result(name = "print", location = "facilitySearchPrint", type = "tiles"), @Result(name = "labels", type = "stream", params = { "contentType", "${descriptor.contentType}", "contentDisposition", "attachment;filename=\"${descriptor.fileName}\"", "contentLength", "${descriptor.contentLength}", "inputName", "descriptor.inputStream" }), @Result(name = "error", location = "index", type = "redirectAction") }) public class UserSearchAction extends BaseSearchAction implements Preparable { private static final Map<Integer, String> MONTHS = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); static { MONTHS.put(1, "January"); MONTHS.put(2, "February"); MONTHS.put(3, "March"); MONTHS.put(4, "April"); MONTHS.put(5, "May"); MONTHS.put(6, "June"); MONTHS.put(7, "July"); MONTHS.put(8, "August"); MONTHS.put(9, "September"); MONTHS.put(10, "October"); MONTHS.put(11, "November"); MONTHS.put(12, "December"); } private UserService userService; private RegionService regionService; protected TemplateService templateService; private FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType nmSrchType = FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType.ANY_PART; private FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType siteNmSrchType = FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType.ANY_PART; private Long rId; private FacilityType facType; private FacilityStatus facStatus; private List<Long> deactReasIds; private boolean incReg = false; private List<Long> licStatusIds; private List<Long> licServiceCodeIds; private Long lsId; private Date licExpRangeStart; private Date licExpRangeEnd; private boolean cond = false; private boolean incExe = false; private List<Long> exeIds; private boolean incInProc = false; private boolean incInact = false; private List<Long> inactReasIds; private boolean incUnlic = false; private FileDescriptor descriptor; private Set<Region> regions; private List<PickListValue> licenseStatuses; private List<PickListValue> licenseServiceCodes; private Set<Person> licensingSpecialists; private List<PickListValue> exemptions; private List<PickListValue> inactiveReasons; @Override public void prepare() { super.prepare(); } @Action(value = "index") public String doIndex() { return INPUT; } @Action(value = "search-results") public String doSearch() { FacilitySearchCriteria criteria = getCriteriaObj(); //printCriteria(criteria); try { List<FacilitySearchView> list = facilityService.searchFacilities(criteria, FacilitySortBy.valueOf(lstCtrl.getSortBy()), lstCtrl.getPage() - 1, lstCtrl.getResultsPerPage()); lstCtrl.setResults(list); Integer numResults = facilityService.searchFacilitiesCount(criteria); lstCtrl.setNumOfResults(numResults); } catch (SearchException se) { addActionError(se.getMessage()); return ERROR; } return SUCCESS; } @Action(value = "print-search-results") public String doPrint() { FacilitySearchCriteria criteria = getCriteriaObj(); try { int results = facilityService.searchFacilitiesCount(criteria); if (results < 1500) { lstCtrl.setResults(facilityService.searchFacilities(criteria, FacilitySortBy.valueOf(lstCtrl.getSortBy()), 0, 1500)); } else { addActionError("There are " + results + " results. Please narrow the search to below 1500 results before printing."); } } catch (SearchException se) { addActionError(se.getMessage()); return ERROR; } return "print"; } @Action(value = "print-labels") public String doPrintLabels() { List<FacilitySearchView> labels = null; try { labels = facilityService.searchFacilities(getCriteriaObj(), FacilitySortBy.valueOf(lstCtrl.getSortBy()), 0, 20000); } catch (SearchException se) { addActionError(se.getMessage()); return ERROR; } Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>(); context.put(MailingLabelsTemplate.MAILING_LABELS_KEY, labels); descriptor = new FileDescriptor(); templateService.render(MailingLabelsTemplate.TEMPLATE_KEY, context, descriptor); return "labels"; } private FacilitySearchCriteria getCriteriaObj() { return new FacilitySearchCriteria(fName, nmSrchType, siteName, siteNmSrchType, null, rId, county, city, zip, null, facType, facStatus, null, incReg, licTypeIds, licStatusIds, licServiceCodeIds, lsId, licExpRangeStart, licExpRangeEnd, cond, incExe, exeIds, incInProc, incInact, inactReasIds, incUnlic); } public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService = userService; } public void setRegionService(RegionService regionService) { this.regionService = regionService; } public void setTemplateService(TemplateService templateService) { this.templateService = templateService; } public FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType getNmSrchType() { return nmSrchType; } public void setNmSrchType(FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType nmSrchType) { this.nmSrchType = nmSrchType; } public FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType getSiteNmSrchType() { return siteNmSrchType; } public void setSiteNmSrchType(FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType siteNmSrchType) { this.siteNmSrchType = siteNmSrchType; } public Long getRId() { return rId; } public void setRId(Long rId) { if (rId != null && rId.longValue() == -1l) { this.rId = null; } else { this.rId = rId; } } public FacilityType getFacType() { return facType; } public void setFacType(FacilityType facType) { this.facType = facType; } public FacilityStatus getFacStatus() { return facStatus; } public void setFacStatus(FacilityStatus facStatus) { this.facStatus = facStatus; } public List<Long> getDeactReasIds() { return deactReasIds; } public void setDeactReasIds(List<Long> deactReasIds) { this.deactReasIds = deactReasIds; } public boolean isIncReg() { return incReg; } public void setIncReg(boolean incReg) { this.incReg = incReg; } public List<Long> getLicStatusIds() { return licStatusIds; } public void setLicStatusIds(List<Long> licStatusIds) { this.licStatusIds = licStatusIds; } public List<Long> getLicServiceCodeIds() { return licServiceCodeIds; } public void setLicServiceCodeIds(List<Long> licServiceCodeIds) { this.licServiceCodeIds = licServiceCodeIds; } public Long getLsId() { return lsId; } public void setLsId(Long lsId) { if (lsId != null && lsId.longValue() == -1l) { this.lsId = null; } else { this.lsId = lsId; } } public Date getLicExpRangeStart() { return licExpRangeStart; } public void setLicExpRangeStart(Date licExpRangeStart) { this.licExpRangeStart = licExpRangeStart; } public Date getLicExpRangeEnd() { return licExpRangeEnd; } public void setLicExpRangeEnd(Date licExpRangeEnd) { this.licExpRangeEnd = licExpRangeEnd; } public boolean isCond() { return cond; } public void setCond(boolean cond) { this.cond = cond; } public boolean isIncExe() { return incExe; } public void setIncExe(boolean incExe) { this.incExe = incExe; } public List<Long> getExeIds() { return exeIds; } public void setExeIds(List<Long> exeIds) { this.exeIds = exeIds; } public boolean isIncInProc() { return incInProc; } public void setIncInProc(boolean incInProc) { this.incInProc = incInProc; } public boolean isIncInact() { return incInact; } public void setIncInact(boolean incInact) { this.incInact = incInact; } public List<Long> getInactReasIds() { return inactReasIds; } public void setInactReasIds(List<Long> inactReasIds) { this.inactReasIds = inactReasIds; } public boolean isIncUnlic() { return incUnlic; } public void setIncUnlic(boolean incUnlic) { this.incUnlic = incUnlic; } public FileDescriptor getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } public List<FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType> getNameSearchTypes() { return Arrays.asList(FacilitySearchCriteria.NameSearchType.values()); } public Set<Region> getRegions() { if (regions == null) { regions = regionService.getRegions(false); } return regions; } public Map<Integer, String> getMonths() { return MONTHS; } public List<FacilityType> getFacilityTypes() { return Arrays.asList(FacilityType.values()); } public List<FacilityStatus> getFacilityStatuses() { List<FacilityStatus> statuses = new ArrayList<FacilityStatus>(); if (SecurityUtil.isUserInternal()) { statuses = Arrays.asList(FacilityStatus.values()); } else { statuses.add(FacilityStatus.REGULATED); } return statuses; } public List<PickListValue> getLicenseStatuses() { if (licenseStatuses == null) { licenseStatuses = pickListService.getValuesForPickList("License Status", true); } return licenseStatuses; } public List<PickListValue> getLicenseServiceCodes() { if (licenseServiceCodes == null) { licenseServiceCodes = pickListService.getValuesForPickList("Service Code", true); } return licenseServiceCodes; } public Set<Person> getLicensingSpecialists() { if (licensingSpecialists == null) { licensingSpecialists = userService.getPeople(RoleType.ROLE_LICENSOR_SPECIALIST, false, true, false); } return licensingSpecialists; } public List<PickListValue> getExemptions() { if (exemptions == null) { exemptions = pickListService.getValuesForPickList("Exemption", true); } return exemptions; } public List<PickListValue> getInactiveReasons() { if (inactiveReasons == null) { inactiveReasons = pickListService.getValuesForPickList("Facility Deactivation Reasons", false); } return inactiveReasons; } @Override public List<SortBy> getSortBys() { //get the sort bys List<SortBy> sortBys = new ArrayList<SortBy>(); if (SecurityUtil.isUserInternal()) { sortBys.addAll(Arrays.asList(FacilitySortBy.values())); } else if (SecurityUtil.isUserPartner()) { sortBys.addAll(FacilitySortBy.getPartnerSortBys()); } return sortBys; } public Map<String, String> getSearchCriteria() { Map<String, String> criteria = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fName)) { criteria.put("Name", fName); criteria.put("Name Search Type", nmSrchType.getDisplayName()); } if (rId != null && rId.longValue() != -1l) { Region r = regionService.loadRegion(rId); if (r != null) { criteria.put("Region", r.getName()); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(county)) { criteria.put("County", county); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(city)) { criteria.put("City", city); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(zip)) { criteria.put("Zip Code", zip); } if (facType == null) { criteria.put("Facility Type", "Center and Home Based"); } else { criteria.put("Facility Type", facType.getDisplayName()); } if (facStatus != null) { criteria.put("Facility Status",; } String deactReasons = getSearchedPickLists(deactReasIds); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(deactReasons)) { criteria.put("Deactivation Reasons", deactReasons); } String licenseTypesString = getSearchedPickLists(licTypeIds); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licenseTypesString)) { criteria.put("License Types", licenseTypesString); } String licenseStatusesString = getSearchedPickLists(licStatusIds); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licenseStatusesString)) { criteria.put("License Statuses", licenseStatusesString); } String licenseServiceCodesString = getSearchedPickLists(licServiceCodeIds); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licenseServiceCodesString)) { criteria.put("License Service Codes", licenseServiceCodesString); } if (lsId != null && lsId.longValue() != -1l) { User usr = userService.loadUserByPersonId(lsId); if (usr != null) { criteria.put("Licensing Specialist", usr.getPerson().getFirstAndLastName()); } } if (licExpRangeStart != null && licExpRangeEnd != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/YYYY"); criteria.put("License Expires Between", sdf.format(licExpRangeStart) + " - " + sdf.format(licExpRangeEnd)); } else if (licExpRangeStart != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/YYYY"); criteria.put("License Expires After", sdf.format(licExpRangeStart)); } else if (licExpRangeEnd != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/YYYY"); criteria.put("License Expires Before", sdf.format(licExpRangeEnd)); } if (cond) { criteria.put("Conditional Facilities", "Yes"); } String exemptionTypes = getSearchedPickLists(exeIds); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(exemptionTypes)) { criteria.put("Exemptions", exemptionTypes); } criteria.put("Include Currently Regulated", incReg == true ? "Yes" : "No"); criteria.put("Include Currently Exempt", incExe == true ? "Yes" : "No"); criteria.put("Include Inactive - In Process", incInProc == true ? "Yes" : "No"); criteria.put("include Inactive", incInact == true ? "Yes" : "No"); criteria.put("Include Unlicensed", incUnlic == true ? "Yes" : "No"); return criteria; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void printCriteria(FacilitySearchCriteria criteria) { System.out.println("01 " + criteria.getFacilityName()); System.out.println("02 " + criteria.getNameSearchType()); System.out.println("03 " + criteria.getSiteName()); System.out.println("04 " + criteria.getSiteNameSearchType()); System.out.println("05 " + criteria.getRegionId()); System.out.println("06 " + criteria.getCounty()); System.out.println("07 " + criteria.getCity()); System.out.println("08 " + criteria.getZipCode()); System.out.println("09 " + criteria.getFacilityType()); System.out.println("10 " + criteria.getFacilityStatus()); System.out.println("11 " + criteria.isIncludeRegulated()); System.out.println("12 " + criteria.getLicenseTypeIds()); System.out.println("13 " + criteria.getLicenseStatusIds()); System.out.println("14 " + criteria.getLicenseServiceCodeIds()); System.out.println("15 " + criteria.getLicensingSpecialistId()); System.out.println("16 " + criteria.getLicenseExpRangeStart()); System.out.println("17 " + criteria.getLicenseExpRangeEnd()); System.out.println("18 " + criteria.isConditional()); System.out.println("19 " + criteria.isIncludeExempt()); System.out.println("20 " + criteria.getExemptionIds()); System.out.println("21 " + criteria.isIncludeInProcess()); System.out.println("22 " + criteria.isIncludeInactive()); System.out.println("23 " + criteria.getInactiveReasonIds()); System.out.println("24 " + criteria.isIncludeUnlicensed()); } }