Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010, Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd or
 * third-party contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package gov.usgs.anss.query.filefactory;

import gov.usgs.anss.query.metadata.ChannelMetaData;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * @author geoffc
public class SacHeaders {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SacHeaders.class.getName());

    static {
        logger.fine("$Id: 1995 2010-02-15 01:10:51Z richardg $");

     * Triplicated phases may have mulitple arrivals for the same phase type.  This
     * method removes the later arrivals for phases of the same type in the list.
     * <p>
     * See books like
     * for more information.
     * @param phases
     * @return list with later arrivals for phases of the same type in the list removed.
    public static List<SacPhasePick> reduceTriplicatedPhases(List<SacPhasePick> phases) {

        // Go through the phases backwards and use a
        // map to make the phases unique.  This will
        // preserve the first arrival for a phase type
        // which we are assuming is the most important.
        Map<String, Double> map = new HashMap<String, Double>();


        for (SacPhasePick phase : phases) {
            map.put(phase.getPhaseName(), phase.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds());

        List<SacPhasePick> reducedPhases = new LinkedList<SacPhasePick>();

        for (String phaseName : map.keySet()) {
            reducedPhases.add(new SacPhasePick(phaseName, map.get(phaseName)));


        return reducedPhases;

    // QuakeML doens't restrict mag type - these are the
    // values in the GeoNet DB.
    public enum SacMagType {

        MB(52, "IMB (Bodywave Magnitude)"), MS(53, "IMS (Surfacewave Magnitude)"), ML(54,
                "IML (Local Magnitude)"), MW(55, "IMW (Moment Magnitude)"), MD(56,
                        "IMD (Duration Magnitude)"), MX(57, "IMX (User Defined Magnitude)");
        private int magNum;
        private String description;

        SacMagType(int magNum, String description) {
            this.magNum = magNum;
            this.description = description;

        public int magNum() {
            return magNum;

    public enum SacEventType {

        EARTHQUAKE(40, "IQUAKE (Earthquake)"), EXPLOSION(79, "IEX (Other explosion)"), QUARRYBLAST(70,
                "IQB (Quarry or mine blast confirmed by quarry)"), CHEMICALEXPLOSION(43,
                        "ICHEM (Chemical explosion)"), NUCLEAREXPLOSION(37, "INUCL (Nuclear event)"), LANDSLIDE(82,
                                "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), DEBRISAVALANCHE(82,
                                        "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), ROCKSLIDE(82,
                                                "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), MINECOLLAPSE(82,
                                                        "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), VOLCANICERUPTION(82,
                                                                "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), METEORIMPACT(
                                                                        "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), PLANECRASH(
                                                                                "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), BUILDINGCOLLAPSE(
                                                                                        "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), SONICBOOM(
                                                                                                "IO_ (Other source of known origin)"), NOTEXISTING(
                                                                                                        "IU (Undetermined or conflicting information)"), NULL(
                                                                                                                "IU (Undetermined or conflicting information)"), OTHER(
                                                                                                                        "IOTHER (Other)");
        private int eventTypeNum;
        private String description;

        SacEventType(int eventTypeNum, String description) {
            this.eventTypeNum = eventTypeNum;
            this.description = description;

        public int eventTypeNum() {
            return eventTypeNum;

    public static SacTimeSeries setEventHeader(SacTimeSeries sac, DateTime eventOrigin, Double eventLat,
            Double eventLon, Double eventDepth, Double eventMag, int sacMagType, int sacEventType) {

        if (eventLat == null) {
            eventLat = -12345.0;

        if (eventLon == null) {
            eventLon = -12345.0;

        if (eventDepth == null) {
            eventDepth = -12345.0;

        if (eventMag == null) {
            eventMag = -12345.0;

        // SAC stores year day (nzjday) but not month and day.  
        DateTime start = new DateTime(sac.nzyear, 1, 1, sac.nzhour, sac.nzmin, sac.nzsec, sac.nzmsec,
        start = start.withDayOfYear(sac.nzjday);

        double timeDiff = (start.getMillis() - eventOrigin.getMillis()) / 1000.0d;

        sac.nzyear = eventOrigin.getYear();
        sac.nzjday = eventOrigin.getDayOfYear();
        sac.nzhour = eventOrigin.getHourOfDay();
        sac.nzmin = eventOrigin.getMinuteOfHour();
        sac.nzsec = eventOrigin.getSecondOfMinute();
        sac.nzmsec = eventOrigin.getMillisOfSecond();

        sac.b = sac.b + timeDiff;
        sac.e = sac.e + timeDiff;

        sac.iztype = SacTimeSeries.IO;

        sac.evla = eventLat;
        sac.evlo = eventLon;
        sac.evdp = eventDepth;
        sac.mag = eventMag;
        sac.imagtyp = sacMagType;
        sac.ievtyp = sacEventType;

        sac.lcalda = 1;

        return sac;

    public static SacTimeSeries setEventHeader(SacTimeSeries sac, Event event) {

        Double magnitude = null;
        Double latitude = null;
        Double longitude = null;
        Double depth = null;
        int magType = sacMagType("MX");
        int eventType = sacMagType("NULL");

        if (event.getMagnitude() != 0.0) {
            magnitude = Double.valueOf(event.getMagnitude());
        } else {
            logger.warning("Found no magnitude definition setting to unknown.");
            magnitude = -12345.0;

        if (event.getMagnitudeType() != null) {
            magType = sacMagType(event.getMagnitudeType());

        latitude = Double.valueOf(event.getLatitude());
        longitude = Double.valueOf(event.getLongitude());
        depth = Double.valueOf(event.getDepth()) * 1000.0d;

        if (event.getType() != null) {
            eventType = sacEventType(event.getType());
        } else {
            logger.warning("Found no event type definition setting to unknown.");

        DateTime eventTime = event.getTime();

        sac = SacHeaders.setEventHeader(sac, eventTime, // eventLat, eventLon, eventDepth, eventMag, sacMagType)
                latitude, longitude, depth, // assume meters.
                magnitude, magType, eventType);

        return sac;

     * Extracts phase picks from the QuakeML object for the given SAC object and writes them into the SAC header.
     * The following SAC headers must be set: sac.knetwk, sac.kstnm, sac.kcmpnm
     * The evaluation mode and evaluation status is added to the end of the phase
     * name:
     * <p>
     * 'ac' - automatic confirmed.
     * <p>
     * 'ar' - automatic rejected.
     * <p>
     *  'mc' - manual confirmed.
     * @param sac
     * @param event
     * @return
    public static SacTimeSeries setPhasePicks(SacTimeSeries sac, Event event) {
        return SacHeaders.setHeaderPhasePicks(sac, getQuakeMLPhasePicks(sac, event));

     * Uses TauP ( to calculate synthetic arrival times
     * for goups of phases on standard velocity models and writes the picks into the sac headers.
     * The triplicated phases are removed before writing to the SAC headers.
     * The following SAC headers must
     * be set for any phases to be calculated: sac.evdp, sac.evla, sac.evlo, sac.stla,
     * sac.stlo
     * If sac.cmpinc is set for a vertical component then P phases will be returned;<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == false: p, P, Pn, Pdiff, PKP, PKiKP, PKIKP<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == true: p, P, Pn, Pdiff, PKP, PKiKP, PKIKP, PcP, pP, pPdiff, pPKP, pPKIKP, pPKiKP, sP, sPdiff, sPKP, sPKIKP, sPKiKP<p>
     * If sac.cmpinc is set for a horizontal component then S phases will be returned.<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == false: s, S, Sn, Sdiff, SKS, SKIKS<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == true: s, S, Sn, Sdiff, SKS, SKIKS, sS, sSdiff, sSKS, sSKIKS, ScS, pS, pSdiff, pSKS, pSKIKS
     * Otherwise, if it is not possible to determine if a component is horizontal or vertical
     * a basic set of P and S phases is returned.
     * <p>
     * The name of velocity model that the synthetic phases are calculated on is written into
     * sac.kuser0.
     * For details about the standard velocity models see:
     * @param sac
     * @param extendedPhaseGroups set true for extended phase groups (additional phases).
     * @param velocityModel either "iasp91" (default), "ak135", or "prem".
     * @return
    public static SacTimeSeries setPhasePicks(SacTimeSeries sac, boolean extendedPhaseGroups,
            String velocityModel) {
        List<SacPhasePick> picks = getSyntheticPhases(sac, extendedPhaseGroups, velocityModel);
        sac.kuser0 = velocityModel;
        return (setHeaderPhasePicks(sac, reduceTriplicatedPhases(picks)));

     * Sets phase picks from QuakeML and calculates and sets synthetic picks.
     * <p>
     * Extracts phase picks from the QuakeML object for the given SAC object and writes them into the SAC header.
     * The following SAC headers must be set: sac.knetwk, sac.kstnm, sac.kcmpnm
     * The evaluation mode and evaluation status is added to the end of the phase
     * name:
     * <p>
     * 'ac' - automatic confirmed.
     * <p>
     * 'ar' - automatic rejected.
     * <p>
     *  'mc' - manual confirmed.
     * <p>
     * Uses TauP ( to calculate synthetic arrival times
     * for goups of phases on standard velocity models and writes the picks into the sac headers.
     * The triplicated phases are removed before writing to the SAC headers.
     * The following SAC headers must
     * be set for any phases to be calculated: sac.evdp, sac.evla, sac.evlo, sac.stla,
     * sac.stlo
     * <p>
     * The name of velocity model that the synthetic phases are calculated on is written into
     * sac.kuser0.
     * If sac.cmpinc is set for a vertical component then P phases will be returned;<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == false: p, P, Pn, Pdiff, PKP, PKiKP, PKIKP<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == true: p, P, Pn, Pdiff, PKP, PKiKP, PKIKP, PcP, pP, pPdiff, pPKP, pPKIKP, pPKiKP, sP, sPdiff, sPKP, sPKIKP, sPKiKP<p>
     * If sac.cmpinc is set for a horizontal component then S phases will be returned.<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == false: s, S, Sn, Sdiff, SKS, SKIKS<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == true: s, S, Sn, Sdiff, SKS, SKIKS, sS, sSdiff, sSKS, sSKIKS, ScS, pS, pSdiff, pSKS, pSKIKS
     * Otherwise, if it is not possible to determine if a component is horizontal or vertical
     * a basic set of P and S phases is returned.
     * For details about the standard velocity models see:
    public static SacTimeSeries setPhasePicks(SacTimeSeries sac, Event event, boolean extendedPhaseGroups,
            String velocityModel) {
        List<SacPhasePick> picks = reduceTriplicatedPhases(
                getSyntheticPhases(sac, extendedPhaseGroups, velocityModel));

        picks.addAll(getQuakeMLPhasePicks(sac, event));
        sac.kuser0 = velocityModel;
        return (setHeaderPhasePicks(sac, picks));

     * Extracts phase picks from the QuakeML object for the given SAC object.
     * The following SAC headers must be set: sac.knetwk, sac.kstnm, sac.kcmpnm
     * The evaluation mode and evaluation status is added to the end of the phase
     * name:
     * <p>
     * 'ac' - automatic confirmed.
     * <p>
     * 'ar' - automatic rejected.
     * <p>
     *  'mc' - manual confirmed.
     * <p>
     *  'mr' - manual rejected.
     * @param sac
     * @param event
     * @return
    public static List<SacPhasePick> getQuakeMLPhasePicks(SacTimeSeries sac, Event event) {

        List<Pick> picks = new ArrayList<Pick>();

        for (Pick pick : event.getPicks()) {
            if (pick.getChannel() != null) {
                if (sac.knetwk.trim().equals(pick.getNetwork()) && sac.kstnm.trim().equals(pick.getStation())
                        && sac.kcmpnm.equals(pick.getChannel())) {

        List<SacPhasePick> phasePicks = new ArrayList<SacPhasePick>();

        DateTime originTime = event.getTime();

        for (Pick pick : picks) {

            String phaseName = pick.getPhase();
            String status = "u";
            String mode = "u";

            if (pick.getStatus() != null) {
                status = (pick.getStatus().substring(0, 1));
            } else {
                logger.warning("Found no pick evaluation status in the quakeml.  Setting to 'u'.");

            if (pick.getMode() != null) {
                mode = pick.getMode().substring(0, 1);
            } else {
                logger.warning("Found no pick evaluation mode in the quakeml.  Setting to 'u'.");

            // If the pick has no weight then mark it rejected.
            // In the GeoNet CUSP case this means the pick
            // hasn't been 'X'ed but it's residual is so high
            // that it's not included in the solution.
            Double weight = Double.valueOf(pick.getWeight());
            if (weight == 0.0) {
                status = "r";

            String phaseString = String.format("%s %s%s", phaseName, mode, status);

            double arrivalTime = (pick.getTime().getMillis() - originTime.getMillis()) / 1000.0d;

            phasePicks.add(new SacPhasePick(phaseString, arrivalTime));
        return phasePicks;

     * Sets the phase pick fields in the SAC header.  There are ten fields
     * available for picks in the SAC header so the list of SacPhasePick is
     * sorted and the first ten written into the header.
     * For more details on the SAC header see:
     * @param sac
     * @param phasePicks
     * @return
    public static SacTimeSeries setHeaderPhasePicks(SacTimeSeries sac, List<SacPhasePick> phasePicks) {


        Iterator<SacPhasePick> iter = phasePicks.iterator();

        // The SAC header has fields kt[0-9] and t[0-9]
        // There is no way to iterate them - they are all
        //  explictly named so see if we have enough data
        // to set each one.
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt0 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t0 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt1 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t1 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt2 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t2 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt3 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t3 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt4 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t4 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt5 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t5 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt6 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t6 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt7 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t7 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt8 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t8 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            SacPhasePick pick =;
            sac.kt9 = pick.getPhaseName();
            sac.t9 = pick.getTimeAfterOriginInSeconds();

        return sac;

    public static SacTimeSeries setChannelHeader(SacTimeSeries sac, ChannelMetaData md) {
        if (md.getLatitude() != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            sac.stla = md.getLatitude();
        if (md.getLongitude() != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            sac.stlo = md.getLongitude();
        if (md.getElevation() != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            sac.stel = md.getElevation();
        if (md.getDepth() != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            sac.stdp = md.getDepth();
        if (md.getAzimuth() != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            sac.cmpaz = md.getAzimuth();
        if (md.getDip() != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            sac.cmpinc = (md.getDip() + 90.); // seed is down from horiz, sac is down from vertical

        return sac;

    public static int sacMagType(String magType) {
        // Provide a default - this is the closest to unknown for magType
        int num = SacMagType.valueOf("MX").magNum();

        try {
            num = SacMagType.valueOf(magType).magNum();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return num;

    public static int sacEventType(String eventType) {
        int num = SacEventType.valueOf("NULL").eventTypeNum();

        try {
            num = SacEventType.valueOf(eventType.replaceAll("\\s+", "").toUpperCase()).eventTypeNum();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return num;

     * Returns TauP phase classes based on the sac.cmpinc - P phase
     * groups for verticals and S phase groups for horizontals.
     * If the component isn't vertical or horizontal a basic group of
     * P and S picks is returned.
     * @param sac
     * @param extendedPhaseGroups set true for extended phase groups (additional phases).
     * @return string suitable for passing to TauP_Time.getPhaseNames().
    public static String componentOrientationToPhaseGroup(SacTimeSeries sac, boolean extendedPhaseGroups) {
        String phaseGroup = "ttbasic";

        // Vertical
        if (sac.cmpinc == 0.0d || sac.cmpinc == 180.0d) {
            if (extendedPhaseGroups) {
                phaseGroup = "ttp+";
            } else {
                phaseGroup = "ttp";

        // Horizontal
        if (sac.cmpinc == 90.0d) {
            if (extendedPhaseGroups) {
                phaseGroup = "tts+";
            } else {
                phaseGroup = "tts";

        return phaseGroup;

     * Uses TauP ( to calculate synthetic arrival times
     * for goups of phases on standard velocity models.  The following SAC headers must
     * be set for any phases to be calculated: sac.evdp, sac.evla, sac.evlo, sac.stla,
     * sac.stlo
     * If sac.cmpinc is set for a vertical component then P phases will be returned;<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == false: p, P, Pn, Pdiff, PKP, PKiKP, PKIKP<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == true: p, P, Pn, Pdiff, PKP, PKiKP, PKIKP, PcP, pP, pPdiff, pPKP, pPKIKP, pPKiKP, sP, sPdiff, sPKP, sPKIKP, sPKiKP<p>
     * If sac.cmpinc is set for a horizontal component then S phases will be returned.<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == false: s, S, Sn, Sdiff, SKS, SKIKS<p>
     * for extendedPhaseGroups == true: s, S, Sn, Sdiff, SKS, SKIKS, sS, sSdiff, sSKS, sSKIKS, ScS, pS, pSdiff, pSKS, pSKIKS
     * Otherwise, if it is not possible to determine if a component is horizontal or vertical
     * a basic set of P and S phases is returned.
     * <p>
     * The name of velocity model that the synthetic phases are calculated on is written into
     * sac.kuser0.
     * For details about the standard velocity models see:
     * @param sac
     * @param extendedPhaseGroups set true for extended phase groups (additional phases).
     * @param velocityModel either "iasp91" (default), "ak135", or "prem".
     * @return
    public static List<SacPhasePick> getSyntheticPhases(SacTimeSeries sac, boolean extendedPhaseGroups,
            String velocityModel) {

        List<SacPhasePick> sacPhasePicks = new ArrayList<SacPhasePick>();

        String model = velocityModel == null ? "iasp91" : velocityModel;

        // Checks that we have all the values we need set in the header.
        boolean requiredValues = true;

        if (sac.evdp == -12345.0d) {
            logger.warning("Event depth not set, will not be able to calculate phases.");
            requiredValues = false;
        if (sac.stla == -12345.0d) {
            logger.warning("Station latitude not set, will not be able to calculate phases.");
            requiredValues = false;
        if (sac.stlo == -12345.0d) {
            logger.warning("Station longitude not set, will not be able to calculate phases.");
            requiredValues = false;
        if (sac.evla == -12345.0d) {
            logger.warning("Event latitude not set, will not be able to calculate phases.");
            requiredValues = false;
        if (sac.evlo == -12345.0d) {
            logger.warning("Event longitude not set, will not be able to calculate phases.");
            requiredValues = false;

        if (requiredValues) {
            double deg = SphericalCoords.distance(sac.stla, sac.stlo, sac.evla, sac.evlo);

            TauP_Time taup = null;

            try {
                taup = new TauP_Time(model);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.warning("Problem loading velocity model, will not be able to calculate phases.");

            if (taup != null) {

                String phaseGroup = SacHeaders.componentOrientationToPhaseGroup(sac, extendedPhaseGroups);

                if (phaseGroup.equals("ttbasic")) {
                            "Problem determining if component is horizontal or vertical will use a basic phase group with P and S phases.");

                // TODO
                // Get some standard lists of phases from Taup.  There
                // doesn't seem to be a clean way in Taup to add them as
                // the phases of interest without iterating the list.
                // Did I miss something?
                List phaseNames = TauP_Time.getPhaseNames(phaseGroup);
                Iterator phaseIter = phaseNames.iterator();
                while (phaseIter.hasNext()) {

                try {
                    taup.depthCorrect(sac.evdp / 1000.0d); // SAC header is in m and _looks_ like this requires km.
                } catch (TauModelException ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(SacHeaders.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                try {
                } catch (TauModelException ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(SacHeaders.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

                Arrival[] arrivals = taup.getArrivals();

                for (int i = 0; i < arrivals.length; i++) {
                    sacPhasePicks.add(new SacPhasePick(arrivals[i].getName(), arrivals[i].getTime()));

        return sacPhasePicks;