Java tutorial
package gov.usda.DataCatalogClient; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * The Catalog class is based on Project Open Data metadata specification 1.1 * and W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) * * There are a couple of ways to load data into this object. * * 1. Load data from a Project Open Data compliant json file. @see loadCatalogFromCKAN(String catalogFileName) * An example would be: * Catalog catalog = new Catalog(); * catalog.loadCatalogFromCKAN("ckan.json") * * 2. Load data from a CKAN compliant JSON file. @see * * The Catalog class has 3 ways to output it's member variables. * * 1. To output to Project Open Data compliant JSON use toProjectOpenDataJSON(String, Boolean). * The second parameter is for creating either the Enterprise Data Inventory or the Public Data Listing * * 2. This class has helper method for creating CSV for distribution in Excel and potentially importing * to other * * @author bbrotsos * */ public class Catalog { //Project Open Data json field constants public final static String PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_CONFORMS_TO = "conformsTo"; public final static String PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_CONTEXT = "@context"; public final static String PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_DESCRIBED_BY = "describedBy"; public final static String PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_IDENTIFIER = "@id"; public final static String PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_TYPE = "@type"; public final static String CKAN_CATALOG = "result"; //Documentation on DCAT here: private String description; private String homepage; private Date issued; private String language; private String license; private String rights; private String spatial; private String title; //Project Open Data additional fields: private String conformsTo; private String context; private String describedBy; private String id; private String type; private List<Dataset> dataSetList; private CatalogException catalogException; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Catalog.class.getName()); /** * The Public Data Listing contains all datasets in datasetList that have accessLevel set * for Dataset.AccessLevel.PUBLIC or Dataset.AccessLevel.Restricted. * * The Enterprise Data Inventory has all dataset in datasetList. This includes datasets * marked Dataset.AccessLevel.Private which is "non-public" in the data.json file. * * More information can be found at Project Open Data website. * * @author bbrotsos * */ public enum DataListingCode { PUBLIC_DATA_LISTING, ENTERPRISE_DATA_INVENTORY; }; public Catalog() { dataSetList = new ArrayList<Dataset>(); catalogException = new CatalogException(); } /** * Populates this class' member variables from CKAN JSON Object * <p> * When doing a search on CKAN, the result is an array of packages(in this program datasets). * This method begins the process of marshaling the JSON into Java Objects by looping through * the packages and calling the loadDataset methods at the dataset level. * @param catalogCKAN_JSON JSONObject The results from a CKAN query. */ public void loadCatalogFromCKAN(JSONObject catalogCKAN_JSON) throws CatalogException { if (catalogCKAN_JSON == null) { throw (new NullPointerException("JSONObject catalogCKAN_JSON cannot be null")); } final JSONObject resultObject = (JSONObject) catalogCKAN_JSON.get(CKAN_CATALOG); final JSONArray packageList = (JSONArray) resultObject.get(Dataset.CKAN_DATASET); for (int i = 0; i < packageList.size(); i++) { final JSONObject packageObject = (JSONObject) packageList.get(i); final Dataset ds = new Dataset(); try { ds.loadDatasetFromCKAN_JSON(packageObject); dataSetList.add(ds); } catch (DatasetException e) { //TODO: Capture entire error catalogException.addError(e.toString()); } } addBureauNameToDataset(); Collections.sort(dataSetList); if (!validateCatalog() || catalogException.exceptionSize() > 0) { throw (catalogException); } } /** * Adds datasets from another catalog to this catalog. * * @param otherCatalog Catalog Another catalog who's datasets will be combined with this object. */ public void addFromOtherCatalog(Catalog otherCatalog) { if (otherCatalog == null) { throw (new NullPointerException("Catalog otherCatalog cannot be null")); } final List<Dataset> otherDatasetList = otherCatalog.dataSetList; for (Dataset ds : otherDatasetList) { dataSetList.add(ds); } } /** * Outputs a Catalog into tab delimited format. * <p> * Begins the process by listing out the header and calling all datasets to create * tab delimitted lines. * @param filePath String The output file for the catalog tab delimitted file. * @param dataListCode DataListingCode This will either print the Public Data Listing or the Enterprise * Data Inventory */ public void toCSV(String filePath, DataListingCode dataListingCode) throws IOException { Collections.sort(dataSetList); if (filePath == null) { throw (new NullPointerException("filepath cannot be null")); } PrintWriter out = null; CSVPrinter csvPrinter = null; CSVFormat csvFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withRecordSeparator("\n"); List<String> catalogString = new ArrayList<String>(); catalogString.add("Agency Name"); catalogString.add("Title"); catalogString.add("Description"); catalogString.add("MediaType"); catalogString.add("Download URL"); catalogString.add("Frequency"); catalogString.add("Bureau Code"); catalogString.add("Contact Email"); catalogString.add("Contact Name"); catalogString.add("Landing Page"); catalogString.add("Program Code"); catalogString.add("Publisher"); catalogString.add("Public Access Level"); catalogString.add("Access Level Comment"); catalogString.add("Tags"); catalogString.add("Last Update"); catalogString.add("Release Date"); catalogString.add("Unique Identifier"); catalogString.add("Data Dictionary"); catalogString.add("License"); catalogString.add("Spatial"); catalogString.add("Temporal"); catalogString.add("System of Records"); catalogString.add("Data Quality"); catalogString.add("Language"); catalogString.add("Theme"); catalogString.add("Reference"); catalogString.add("CKAN Create Date"); catalogString.add("CKAN Modified Date"); catalogString.add("CKAN Revision Timestamp"); catalogString.add("Is Part Of"); try { out = new PrintWriter(filePath); csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(out, csvFormat); csvPrinter.printRecord(catalogString); for (Dataset ds : dataSetList) { if (dataListingCode.equals(DataListingCode.ENTERPRISE_DATA_INVENTORY)) { csvPrinter.printRecord(ds.datasetToListString()); } else if (dataListingCode.equals(DataListingCode.PUBLIC_DATA_LISTING)) { if (ds.getAccessLevel().equals(Dataset.AccessLevel.PUBLIC.toString()) || ds.getAccessLevel().equals(Dataset.AccessLevel.RESTRICTED)) { csvPrinter.printRecord(ds.datasetToListString()); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw (e); } finally { out.close(); csvPrinter.close(); } } /** * Populates catalog from Project Open Data compliant json object * * @param catalogObject */ public void loadFromProjectOpenDataJSON(JSONObject catalogObject) throws CatalogException { if (catalogObject == null) { throw (new NullPointerException("catalogObject cannot be null")); } setConformsTo((String) catalogObject.get(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_CONFORMS_TO)); setDescribedBy((String) catalogObject.get(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_DESCRIBED_BY)); setContext((String) catalogObject.get(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_CONTEXT)); setType((String) catalogObject.get(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_TYPE)); final JSONArray dataSetArray = (JSONArray) catalogObject.get(Dataset.PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_DATASET); for (int i = 0; i < dataSetArray.size(); i++) { final Dataset ds = new Dataset(); final JSONObject dataSetObject = (JSONObject) dataSetArray.get(i); try { ds.loadFromProjectOpenDataJSON(dataSetObject); dataSetList.add(ds); } catch (DatasetException e) { catalogException.addError(e.toString()); } } addBureauNameToDataset(); Collections.sort(dataSetList); if (!validateCatalog() || catalogException.exceptionSize() > 0) { throw (catalogException); } } /** * This method adds bureau names to datasets. * 1. Get bureau names and abbreviations from config file and add to JSONArray * 2. Loop through datasets and pull out bureau code * 3. Loop through bureaus looking for match. * 4. Enhance the dataset with bureau name and abbreviation */ private void addBureauNameToDataset() { JSONArray bureauArray = null; try { bureauArray = Utils.getBureauList(); } catch (ParseException | IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot load bureaus. Please check that bureau_code_data.json is correctly formatted."); } for (Dataset ds : dataSetList) { addBureauName(ds, bureauArray); } } /** * Adds bureau name and bureau abbreviation to a dataset from a config file, normally * bureau_config_data.json. Called from addBureaNameToDataset which goes through * the entire catalog. * @param ds * @param bureauArray */ private void addBureauName(Dataset ds, JSONArray bureauArray) { Boolean found = false; List<String> bureauCodeList = ds.getBureauCodeList(); for (String bureauCode : bureauCodeList) { for (int i = 0; i < bureauArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject bureauObject = (JSONObject) bureauArray.get(i); if (bureauCode.equals(bureauObject.get("bureau_code"))) { ds.setBureauName((String) bureauObject.get("bureau_name")); ds.setBureauAbbreviation((String) bureauObject.get("bureau_abbreviation")); found = true; } } if (!found) { ds.setBureauName( "Name not found for bureau code: " + bureauCode + ", see bureau configuration file."); } found = false; } } /** * Populates catalog object from CKAN compliant results string. * @param catalogJSONString String CKAN search results string */ public void loadCatalogFromJSONString(String catalogJSONString) throws CatalogException { if (catalogJSONString == null) { throw (new NullPointerException("catalogJSONString cannot be null")); } JSONObject resourceCKAN_JSON = null; try { resourceCKAN_JSON = Utils.loadJsonObjectFromString(catalogJSONString); } catch (ParseException e) { catalogException.addError("Error parsing string: " + e.toString()); } loadCatalogFromCKAN(resourceCKAN_JSON); } /** * Populates catalog from CKAN compliant json file. * @param catalogFileName */ public void loadCatalogFromCKAN(String catalogFileName) throws CatalogException { if (catalogFileName == null) { throw (new NullPointerException("catalogFileName cannot be null")); } JSONObject resourceCKAN_JSON = new JSONObject(); try { resourceCKAN_JSON = Utils.loadJsonObjectFile(catalogFileName); } catch (IOException | ParseException e) { catalogException.addError(e.toString()); throw (catalogException); } loadCatalogFromCKAN(resourceCKAN_JSON); } /** * Outputs catalog object to Project Open Data v1.1 compliant json file for example data.json. * <p> * * @param podFilePath * @param privateIndicator */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void toProjectOpenDataJSON(String podFilePath, DataListingCode dataListingType) throws IOException { Collections.sort(dataSetList); if (podFilePath == null || dataListingType == null) { throw (new NullPointerException("podFilePath or privateIndicator cannot be null.")); } final JSONObject catalogJSON = new JSONObject(); final JSONArray dataSetArray = new JSONArray(); catalogJSON.put(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_CONFORMS_TO, ""); catalogJSON.put(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_DESCRIBED_BY, ""); catalogJSON.put(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_CONTEXT, ""); catalogJSON.put(PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_CATALOG_TYPE, "dcat:Catalog"); int privateCount = 0; int publicCount = 0; for (Dataset ds : dataSetList) { if (dataListingType.equals(DataListingCode.ENTERPRISE_DATA_INVENTORY)) { dataSetArray.add(ds.toProjectOpenDataJSON()); privateCount++; } else if (dataListingType.equals(DataListingCode.PUBLIC_DATA_LISTING)) { String publicAccessLevel = ds.getAccessLevel(); if (publicAccessLevel.equals(Dataset.AccessLevel.PUBLIC.toString()) || publicAccessLevel.equals(Dataset.AccessLevel.RESTRICTED.toString())) { dataSetArray.add(ds.toProjectOpenDataJSON()); publicCount++; } } } System.out.println("Public Count: " + publicCount); System.out.println("DatasetArray: " + dataSetArray.size()); System.out.println("Private Count: " + privateCount); System.out.println(dataSetList.size()); catalogJSON.put(Dataset.PROJECT_OPEN_DATA_DATASET, dataSetArray); Utils.printJSON(podFilePath, catalogJSON); } /** * Skeleton method * @return */ public JSONObject toCKAN_JSON() { JSONObject catalogCKAN_JSON = new JSONObject(); return catalogCKAN_JSON; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public Date getIssued() { return issued; } public void setIssued(Date issued) { this.issued = issued; } public String getLanguage() { return language; } public void setLanguage(String language) { this.language = language; } public String getLicense() { return license; } public void setLicense(String license) { this.license = license; } public String getRights() { return rights; } public void setRights(String rights) { this.rights = rights; } public String getSpatial() { return spatial; } public void setSpatial(String spatial) { this.spatial = spatial; } public String getHomepage() { return homepage; } public void setHomepage(String homepage) { this.homepage = homepage; } public String getContext() { return context; } public void setContext(String context) { this.context = context; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getConformsTo() { return conformsTo; } public void setConformsTo(String conformsTo) { this.conformsTo = conformsTo; } public String getDescribedBy() { return describedBy; } public void setDescribedBy(String describedBy) { this.describedBy = describedBy; } public int size() { return dataSetList.size(); } public void toLegacyXML(String xmlFileName, DataListingCode dataListingType) { Element catalogElement = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); catalogElement = doc.createElement("catalog"); for (Dataset ds : dataSetList) { if (dataListingType.equals(DataListingCode.PUBLIC_DATA_LISTING)) { String publicAccessLevel = ds.getAccessLevel(); if (publicAccessLevel.equals(Dataset.AccessLevel.PUBLIC.toString()) || publicAccessLevel.equals(Dataset.AccessLevel.RESTRICTED.toString())) { catalogElement.appendChild(ds.toLegacyXML(doc)); } } } TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(catalogElement); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File(xmlFileName)); transformer.transform(source, result); } catch (ParserConfigurationException | TransformerException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in field to Legacy dataset " + title + " " + e.toString()); } } /** * Validates catalog is Project Open Data 1.1 compliant * <p> * This method checks business rules that identifiers are unique. Other business rules * will be added in the future. * @return */ public Boolean validateCatalog() { Boolean validIndicator = true; validIndicator = validateUniqueIdentifiers(); return validIndicator; } /** * Search through datasetList looking for identifiers that are equal. All identifiers * should be unique. * @return */ public Boolean validateUniqueIdentifiers() { Boolean validIndicator = true; //optimize this for (int i = 0; i < dataSetList.size(); i++) { String identifier = dataSetList.get(i).getUniqueIdentifier(); for (int k = i + 1; k < dataSetList.size(); k++) { String otherIdentifier = dataSetList.get(k).getUniqueIdentifier(); if (identifier.equals(otherIdentifier)) { catalogException.addError("Invalid catalog: non-unique identifier: " + otherIdentifier); validIndicator = false; } } } return validIndicator; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof Catalog)) { return false; } Catalog catalog_other = (Catalog) o; return new EqualsBuilder().append(conformsTo, catalog_other.conformsTo) .append(context, catalog_other.context).append(dataSetList, catalog_other.dataSetList) .append(describedBy, catalog_other.describedBy).append(description, catalog_other.description) .append(homepage, catalog_other.homepage).append(id, .append(issued, catalog_other.issued).append(language, catalog_other.language) .append(license, catalog_other.license).append(rights, catalog_other.rights) .append(spatial, catalog_other.spatial).append(title, catalog_other.title) .append(type, catalog_other.type).isEquals(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder(19, 29).append(conformsTo).append(context).append(dataSetList) .append(describedBy).append(description).append(homepage).append(id).append(issued).append(language) .append(license).append(rights).append(spatial).append(title).append(type).toHashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Catalog [title=" + title + ", description=" + description + ", issued=" + issued + ", language=" + language + ", license=" + license + ", rights=" + rights + ", spatial=" + spatial + ", homepage=" + homepage + ", context=" + context + ", id=" + id + ", type=" + type + ", conformsTo=" + conformsTo + ", describedBy=" + describedBy + ", dataSetList=" + dataSetList + "]"; } //This is for mulitple organization catalogs public void loadMulitpleCatalogsFromCKAN(String catalogFileName) { //TODO: testing skeleton for loadMultipleCatalogsFromCKAN } public void produceQuarterlyReport(String quarterReportFileName) { //TODO: testing skeleton for produceQuarterlyReport } public void produceBureauMetrics(String bureauMetricsFileName) { //TODO: testing skeleton for produceBureauMetrics } }