Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * CWUser Copyright 2005, NOAA.
 * See the LICENSE.txt file in this file's directory.
package gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch;

import com.cohort.array.ByteArray;
import com.cohort.array.IntArray;
import com.cohort.array.PrimitiveArray;
import com.cohort.array.StringArray;
import com.cohort.ema.*;
import com.cohort.util.Calendar2;
import com.cohort.util.File2;
import com.cohort.util.Math2;
import com.cohort.util.MustBe;
import com.cohort.util.String2;
import com.cohort.util.Test;
import com.cohort.util.XML;

import com.lowagie.text.PageSize;

import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.griddata.*;
import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.pointdata.Table;
import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.*;
import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util.*;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

 * This is a collection of the things unique to a user's CWBrowser or CWBrowserSA session.
 * @author Bob Simons ( 2005-09-12
public class CWUser extends User {

    private EmaClass emaClass;
    private MapScreen mapScreen;
    private GridScreen gridScreen;
    private ContourScreen contourScreen;
    private VectorScreen vectorScreen;
    private PointVectorScreen pointVectorScreen;
    private PointScreen pointScreen[];
    private TrajectoryScreen trajectoryScreen[];
    private EmaSelect edit;
    private EmaButton submitForm, resetAll, back;
    private boolean lonPM180;
    private static final int imageGap = 10; //gap, if there is a map and a graph
    private int nPointScreens;
    private int nTrajectoryScreens;

     * The constructor for User. 
    public CWUser(OneOf oneOf, Shared shared, HttpSession session, boolean doTally) {
        super(oneOf, shared, session, doTally);

        //my order of creation must match Edit options order (so editOption assigned is correct)
        emaClass = new EmaClass(oneOf.fullClassName(), oneOf.emaRB2(), oneOf.classRB2());
        int editOption = 0;
        mapScreen = new MapScreen(editOption++, oneOf, shared, emaClass, doTally);
        gridScreen = new GridScreen(editOption++, oneOf, shared, emaClass, doTally);
        contourScreen = new ContourScreen(editOption++, oneOf, shared, emaClass, doTally);
        vectorScreen = new VectorScreen(editOption++, oneOf, shared, emaClass, doTally);
        pointVectorScreen = new PointVectorScreen(editOption++, oneOf, shared, emaClass, doTally);
        nPointScreens = oneOf.nPointScreens();
        pointScreen = new PointScreen[nPointScreens];
        for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++)
            pointScreen[ps] = new PointScreen(editOption++, ps + 1, oneOf, shared, emaClass, doTally);
        nTrajectoryScreens = oneOf.nTrajectoryScreens();
        trajectoryScreen = new TrajectoryScreen[nTrajectoryScreens];
        for (int ts = 0; ts < nTrajectoryScreens; ts++)
            trajectoryScreen[ts] = new TrajectoryScreen(editOption++, ts + 1, oneOf, shared, emaClass, doTally);

        //addAttribute(new EmaLabel(this, "instructions"));
        emaClass.addAttribute(edit = new EmaSelect(emaClass, "edit"));
        emaClass.addAttribute(submitForm = new EmaButton(emaClass, "submitForm"));
        emaClass.addAttribute(resetAll = new EmaButton(emaClass, "resetAll"));
        emaClass.addAttribute(back = new EmaButton(emaClass, "back"));

        Test.ensureNotNull(edit.getLabel(), "edit.label is null.");
        Test.ensureNotNull(submitForm.getLabel(), "submitForm.label is null.");
        Test.ensureNotNull(resetAll.getLabel(), "resetAll.label is null.");
        Test.ensureNotNull(back.getLabel(), "back.label is null.");


        lonPM180 = oneOf.lonPM180();

     * This resets the Shared info for this user.
     * Because this is handled by one method (with one value passed in), 
     * it has the effect of synchronizing everything done within it.
     * @param shared the new Shared object
    public void setShared(Shared shared) {
        this.shared = shared;
        for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++)
        for (int ts = 0; ts < nTrajectoryScreens; ts++)

    /** This returns the user's emaClass object. */
    public EmaClass emaClass() {
        return emaClass;

    /** This returns the user's mapScreen object. */
    public MapScreen mapScreen() {
        return mapScreen;

    /** This returns the user's gridScreen object. */
    public GridScreen gridScreen() {
        return gridScreen;

    /** This returns the user's contourScreen object. */
    public ContourScreen contourScreen() {
        return contourScreen;

    /** This returns the user's vectorScreen object. */
    public VectorScreen vectorScreen() {
        return vectorScreen;

    /** This returns the user's pointVectorScreen object. */
    public PointVectorScreen pointVectorScreen() {
        return pointVectorScreen;

    /** This returns one of the user's pointScreen objects. */
    public PointScreen pointScreen(int which) {
        return pointScreen[which];

    /** This returns one of the user's trajectoryScreen objects. */
    public TrajectoryScreen trajectoryScreen(int which) {
        return trajectoryScreen[which];

    /** This returns the user's edit object. */
    public EmaSelect edit() {
        return edit;

    /** This returns the user's submitForm object. */
    public EmaButton submitForm() {
        return submitForm;

    /** This returns the user's emaButton object. */
    public EmaButton resetAll() {
        return resetAll;

    /** This returns the user's back object. */
    public EmaButton back() {
        return back;

     * This returns the number of requests made in this user session.
     * @param session usually created with request.getSession()
     * @return the number of requests made in this user session
     *    (or -1 if defaults haven't even been set)
    public int getNRequestsThisSession(HttpSession session) {
        return emaClass.getNRequestsThisSession(session);

     * This handles a "request" from a user, storing incoming attributes
     * as session values.
     * This updates totalNRequests, totalProcessingTime, maxProcessingTime.
     * @param request 
     * @return true if all the values on the form are valid
    public boolean processRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {

        //before processRequest, note some previous values (from user session)
        String previousRegionValue = mapScreen().region.getValue(session);
        String previousDataSet = gridScreen().dataSet.getValue(session);
        String previousViewAnomaly = gridScreen().view.getValue(session);
        String previousContour = contourScreen().dataSet.getValue(session);
        String previousUnits = gridScreen().units.getValue(session);
        String previousContourUnits = contourScreen().units.getValue(session);
        String previousPointDataSet[] = new String[nPointScreens];
        String previousPointUnits[] = new String[nPointScreens];
        for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++) {
            previousPointDataSet[ps] = pointScreen(ps).dataSet.getValue(session);
            previousPointUnits[ps] = pointScreen(ps).units.getValue(session);
        //trajectoryScreen's DataSets don't require this type of adjustment

        //call standard processRequest
        boolean result = emaClass().processRequest(request);

        //was submitter a request to reset all settings for this client?
        String submitter = emaClass().getSubmitterButtonName(request);
        if (submitter.equals(resetAll().getName())) {

        //if grid dataset or view anomaly has changed ...
        String newGridDataSetValue = gridScreen().dataSet.getValue(session);
        if (oneOf.verbose())
                    "dataSetValue=" + newGridDataSetValue + " previous=" + previousDataSet + "\nviewAnomaly new="
                            + gridScreen().view.getValue(session) + " previous=" + previousViewAnomaly);
        if ((!previousDataSet.equals(newGridDataSetValue)
                && !shared.dataSetsAreSimilar(previousDataSet, newGridDataSetValue))) {
            //set invalid; they'll be set to default for new dataset later
            gridScreen().units.setValue(session, ""); //I considered: let it try to stay same  (e.g., SST -> SST Anom)
            gridScreen().palette.setValue(session, "");
            gridScreen().paletteScale.setValue(session, "");
            gridScreen().paletteMin.setValue(session, "");
            gridScreen().paletteMax.setValue(session, "");
        if (!previousViewAnomaly.equals(gridScreen().view.getValue(session))) {
            //set invalid; they'll be set to default for new dataset later
            gridScreen().palette.setValue(session, "");
            gridScreen().paletteScale.setValue(session, "");
            gridScreen().paletteMin.setValue(session, "");
            gridScreen().paletteMax.setValue(session, "");

        //if units changed, ...
        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log("unitsValue=" + gridScreen().units.getValue(session) + " previousUnits=" + previousUnits);
        if (!previousUnits.equals(gridScreen().units.getValue(session))) {
            //set invalid; they'll be set to default for new dataset later
            gridScreen().paletteMin.setValue(session, "");
            gridScreen().paletteMax.setValue(session, "");

        //if contourDataset changed, ...
        String newContourDataSetValue = contourScreen().dataSet.getValue(session);
        if (!previousContour.equals(newContourDataSetValue)
                && !shared.dataSetsAreSimilar(previousContour, newContourDataSetValue)) {
            //set invalid; they'll be set to default for new dataset later
            contourScreen().units.setValue(session, ""); //I considered: let it try to stay same  (e.g., SST -> SST Anom)
            contourScreen().drawLinesAt.setValue(session, "");

        //if contourUnits changed, ...
        if (!previousContourUnits.equals(contourScreen().units.getValue(session))) {
            //set invalid; it'll be set to default for new dataset later
            contourScreen().drawLinesAt.setValue(session, "");

        for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++) {
            //if pointDataset changed ...
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("pointScreen" + (ps + 1) + " dataSetValue=" + pointScreen(ps).dataSet.getValue(session)
                        + " previousDataSetValue=" + previousPointDataSet[ps]);
            if (!previousPointDataSet[ps].equals(pointScreen(ps).dataSet.getValue(session))) {
                pointScreen(ps).units.setValue(session, "");
                pointScreen(ps).palette.setValue(session, "");
                pointScreen(ps).paletteScale.setValue(session, "");

            //if pointUnits changed ...
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("pointScreen" + (ps + 1) + " unitsValue=" + pointScreen(ps).units.getValue(session)
                        + " previousUnits=" + previousPointUnits[ps]);
            if (!previousPointUnits[ps].equals(pointScreen(ps).units.getValue(session))) {
                //set invalid; they'll be fixed below
                pointScreen(ps).paletteMin.setValue(session, "");
                pointScreen(ps).paletteMax.setValue(session, "");

        //trajectoryScreens don't require that type of adjustment 

        //then... ensure min/max/X/Y are set to valid values for lonPM180 setting
        double MIN_RANGE = 0.01; //inc is MIN_RANGE/10=0.01 
        double tMinX = mapScreen().minX.getDouble(session);
        double tMaxX = mapScreen().maxX.getDouble(session);
        double tMinY = mapScreen().minY.getDouble(session);
        double tMaxY = mapScreen().maxY.getDouble(session);
        if (!Double.isFinite(tMinX))
            tMinX = String2.parseDouble(mapScreen().minX.getDefaultValue());
        if (!Double.isFinite(tMaxX))
            tMaxX = String2.parseDouble(mapScreen().maxX.getDefaultValue());
        if (!Double.isFinite(tMinY))
            tMinY = String2.parseDouble(mapScreen().minY.getDefaultValue());
        if (!Double.isFinite(tMaxY))
            tMaxY = String2.parseDouble(mapScreen().maxY.getDefaultValue());
        if (lonPM180) {
            tMinX = Math2.looserAnglePM180(tMinX);
            tMaxX = Math2.looserAnglePM180(tMaxX);
        } else {
            tMinX = Math2.looserAngle0360(tMinX);
            tMaxX = Math2.looserAngle0360(tMaxX);
        if (tMinX > tMaxX) {
            double d = tMinX;
            tMinX = tMaxX;
            tMaxX = d;
        if (tMinY > tMaxY) {
            double d = tMinY;
            tMinY = tMaxY;
            tMaxY = d;
        double xZoomInc = Math.max((tMaxX - tMinX) / 10, MIN_RANGE / 10);
        double yZoomInc = Math.max((tMaxY - tMinY) / 10, MIN_RANGE / 10);
        if (xZoomInc >= 1)
            xZoomInc = Math.rint(xZoomInc);
        if (yZoomInc >= 1)
            yZoomInc = Math.rint(yZoomInc);
        String2.log("xZoomInc=" + xZoomInc + " yZoomInc=" + yZoomInc);

        //deal with zoomIn 
        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log(Math2.memoryString() + "\nsubmitter = " + submitter);
        if (submitter.equals(mapScreen().zoomIn.getName())) {
            //move min/max/X/Y inward by zoomInc 
            if (tMaxX - tMinX > MIN_RANGE) {
                tMinX += xZoomInc;
                tMaxX -= xZoomInc;
            if (tMaxY - tMinY > MIN_RANGE) {
                tMinY += yZoomInc;
                tMaxY -= yZoomInc;

        //deal with zoomOut 
        if (submitter.equals(mapScreen().zoomOut.getName())) {
            tMinX -= xZoomInc;
            tMaxX += xZoomInc;
            tMinY -= yZoomInc;
            tMaxY += yZoomInc;

        //deal with up 
        if (submitter.equals(mapScreen().moveNorth.getName()) && tMaxY < oneOf.regionMaxY()) {
            tMinY += yZoomInc;
            tMaxY += yZoomInc;

        //deal with down 
        if (submitter.equals(mapScreen().moveSouth.getName()) && tMinY > oneOf.regionMinY()) {
            tMinY -= yZoomInc;
            tMaxY -= yZoomInc;

        //deal with left
        if (submitter.equals(mapScreen().moveWest.getName()) && tMinX > oneOf.regionMinX()) {
            tMinX -= xZoomInc;
            tMaxX -= xZoomInc;

        //deal with right 
        if (submitter.equals(mapScreen().moveEast.getName()) && tMaxX < oneOf.regionMaxX()) {
            tMinX += xZoomInc;
            tMaxX += xZoomInc;

        //final validity check
        //find absolute min and max (they may be reversed to match pixels min/max)
        tMinX = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinX(), oneOf.regionMaxX(), tMinX);
        tMaxX = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinX(), oneOf.regionMaxX(), tMaxX);
        tMinY = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinY(), oneOf.regionMaxY(), tMinY);
        tMaxY = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinY(), oneOf.regionMaxY(), tMaxY);
        if (tMaxX - tMinX < MIN_RANGE) {
            double average = (tMinX + tMaxX) / 2;
            tMinX = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinX(), oneOf.regionMaxX(), average - MIN_RANGE / 2);
            tMaxX = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinX(), oneOf.regionMaxX(), average + MIN_RANGE / 2);
        if (tMaxY - tMinY < MIN_RANGE) {
            double average = (tMinY + tMaxY) / 2;
            tMinY = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinY(), oneOf.regionMaxY(), average - MIN_RANGE / 2);
            tMaxY = Math2.minMax(oneOf.regionMinY(), oneOf.regionMaxY(), average + MIN_RANGE / 2);

        //did region value change?
        //[the logic of this section requires deep thinking]
        String regionValue = mapScreen().region.getValue(session);
        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log("regionValue=" + regionValue + " previousRegion=" + previousRegionValue);
        if (regionValue.equals(previousRegionValue)) {
            //form was submitted by user changing some other component
            //set region to a standard region?
            mapScreen().region.setValue(session, ""); //or unset if no match
            String tMinXString = String2.genEFormat6(tMinX);
            String tMaxXString = String2.genEFormat6(tMaxX);
            String tMinYString = String2.genEFormat6(tMinY);
            String tMaxYString = String2.genEFormat6(tMaxY);
            for (int tRegion = 0; tRegion < oneOf.regionInfo().length; tRegion++) {
                if (tMinXString.equals(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][1])
                        && tMaxXString.equals(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][2])
                        && tMinYString.equals(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][3])
                        && tMaxYString.equals(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][4])) {
                    if (oneOf.verbose())
                        String2.log("match tRegion=" + tRegion);
                    mapScreen().region.setValue(session, mapScreen().region.getOption(tRegion));
        } else { //form was submitted by user choosing a different region
            int tRegion = mapScreen().region.indexOf(regionValue);
            if (tRegion >= 0) { //it should be
                tMinX = String2.parseDouble(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][1]);
                tMaxX = String2.parseDouble(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][2]);
                tMinY = String2.parseDouble(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][3]);
                tMaxY = String2.parseDouble(oneOf.regionInfo()[tRegion][4]);

        //save the changes
        mapScreen().minX.setValue(session, String2.genEFormat6(tMinX));
        mapScreen().maxX.setValue(session, String2.genEFormat6(tMaxX));
        mapScreen().minY.setValue(session, String2.genEFormat6(tMinY));
        mapScreen().maxY.setValue(session, String2.genEFormat6(tMaxY));

        return result;

     * This does most of the work (validate each screen, generate html,
     * and create the files).
     * @param request is a request from a user
     * @param htmlSB 
     * @return true if successful (no exceptions thrown)
    public boolean getHTMLForm(HttpServletRequest request, StringBuilder htmlSB, long startTime) {
        boolean succeeded = true;

        try {
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("\n************ getHTMLForm");

            IntObject step = new IntObject(1); //the next step number for the user
            IntObject rowNumber = new IntObject(0);

            //do some preliminary work on tRegion since it affects customRegionsImage
            int tRegion = mapScreen().region.indexOf(mapScreen.region.getValue(session));
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("tRegion=" + tRegion + "=" + mapScreen.region.getValue(session));
            String customRegionsImage = createCustomRegionsImage(session); //used a few lines below
            boolean displayErrorMessages = false;//an EMA setting; always false

            //validate the 'edit' widget
            int editIndex = edit().getSelectedIndex(session);
            if (editIndex < 0) {
                editIndex = 0;
                edit().setValue(session, edit().getOption(0));

            //show (show = editIndex, but equals -1 if a getXxx button pressed)
            //  Thus, show reflects which screen is shown to the user.
            int show = editIndex;
            String submitter = emaClass().getSubmitterButtonName(request);
            if (submitter.length() > 0) {
                if (mapScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter) || gridScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter)
                        || contourScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter)
                        || vectorScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter)
                        || pointVectorScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter))
                    show = -1;
                for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++)
                    if (pointScreen(ps).submitterIsAGetButton(submitter))
                        show = -1;
                for (int ts = 0; ts < nTrajectoryScreens; ts++)
                    if (trajectoryScreen(ts).submitterIsAGetButton(submitter))
                        show = -1;

            //display the 'edit' row on the form
            if (show >= 0) {
                //the start of the HTML form and the HTML Table

                //the 'edit' row
                htmlSB.append("    <tr style=\"background-color:#" + oneOf.backgroundColor(0) + ";\">\n"
                        + "      <td>" + edit.getLabel() + "&nbsp;</td>\n" + "      <td style=\"width:90%;\">"
                        + edit.getControl(edit.getValue(session)) + "</td>\n");

            //did user click on the map?    (after 'show' is known)
            //get x,y from query
            String query = request.getQueryString();
            String2.log("Query: " + query);
            if (query != null && query.matches("\\d+,\\d+")) { //digits,digits
                String lastImageFileName = (String) session.getAttribute("lastImageFileName");
                if (lastImageFileName != null) {
                    IntArray graphLocation = OneOf.getGraphLocation(lastImageFileName);
                    if (graphLocation != null) {
                        double ttMinX = mapScreen.minX.getDouble(session);
                        double ttMaxX = mapScreen.maxX.getDouble(session);
                        double ttMinY = mapScreen.minY.getDouble(session);
                        double ttMaxY = mapScreen.maxY.getDouble(session);

                        int po = query.indexOf(',');
                        int pixelX = String2.parseInt(query.substring(0, po));
                        int pixelY = String2.parseInt(query.substring(po + 1));

                        int originXPixel = graphLocation.get(0);
                        int endXPixel = graphLocation.get(1);
                        int originYPixel = graphLocation.get(2);
                        int endYPixel = graphLocation.get(3);
                        double lon = ttMinX
                                + ((ttMaxX - ttMinX) * (pixelX - originXPixel)) / (endXPixel - originXPixel);
                        double lat = ttMinY
                                + ((ttMaxY - ttMinY) * (pixelY - originYPixel)) / (endYPixel - originYPixel);
                        lon = Math2.roundTo(lon, 3);
                        lat = Math2.roundTo(lat, 3);
                        String2.log("Edit==Grid? " + (show == gridScreen.editOption()) + " clickX=" + pixelX + " y="
                                + pixelY + " -> lon=" + lon + " lat=" + lat + "\n ttMinX=" + ttMinX + " ttMaxX="
                                + ttMaxX + " ttMinY=" + ttMinY + " ttMaxY=" + ttMaxY + "\n originXPixel="
                                + originXPixel + " endXPixel=" + endXPixel + " originYPixel=" + originYPixel
                                + " endYPixel=" + endYPixel);
                        boolean queryOk = lon >= ttMinX && lon <= ttMaxX && lat >= ttMinY && lat <= ttMaxY;
                        if (show == gridScreen.editOption()) {
                            gridScreen.timeSeriesLon.setValue(session, queryOk ? String2.genEFormat6(lon) : "");
                            gridScreen.timeSeriesLat.setValue(session, queryOk ? String2.genEFormat6(lat) : "");
                        } // else if ...

            if (show == mapScreen.editOption()) {//map only visible mapScreen because it works on min/max/X/Y HTML components
                int mapScreenRows = 8;
                htmlSB.append("      <td rowspan=\"" + mapScreenRows + "\" style=\"background-color:#FFFFFF\">\n"
                        + "        <a href=\"" + emaClass.getUrl() + "\"" +
                        //onclick was here
                        ">" + //no \n or space gap before next thing

                        //Don't use ismap=\"ismap\" to call server side processing if client side isn't working.
                        //Now, isMap is used for user clicking on the map in the main image.
                        "<img src=\"" + customRegionsImage + "\" id=\"regionsImage\" \n" + "            alt=\""
                        + oneOf.regionsImageAlt() + "\" title=\"" + oneOf.regionsImageTitle() + "\"\n"
                        + "            width=\"" + oneOf.regionsImageWidth() + "\" height=\""
                        + oneOf.regionsImageHeight() + "\"\n" +
                        //CLICK = CHANGE THE CENTER
                        "        onclick=\"javascript:\n" +
                        "          var form = document." + emaClass.getFormName() + ";\n" + 
                        //get eventX/Y where user clicked on the regionsImage (0,0 at upper left)
                        //the problem is that IE and Netscape do it differently
                        //this solution is adapted from 
                        //default = center of image (no change)
                        "          eventX = " + ((regionsImageMinXPixel + regionsImageMaxXPixel)/2) + ";\n" +
                        "          eventY = " + ((regionsImageMinYPixel + regionsImageMaxYPixel)/2) + ";\n" +
                        "          if (window.event) {\n" +
                        "            eventX = window.event.offsetX;\n" +
                        "            eventY = window.event.offsetY;\n" +
                        //IE and Opera use this code
                        //"            alert('upper handler: x=' + eventX + ' y=' + eventY);\n" +
                        "          } else if ( {\n" +
                        "            eventX = event.clientX;\n" +
                        "            eventY = event.clientY;\n" +
                        "            var el =;\n" +
                        "            do {\n" +
                        "              eventX -= el.offsetLeft;\n" +
                        "              eventY -= el.offsetTop;\n" +
                        "            } while ((el = el.offsetParent));\n" +
                        //FireFox uses this code            
                        //"            alert('lower handler: x=' + eventX + ' y=' + eventY);\n" +
                        "          }\n" +
                        "          var minXEl = form.minX;\n" +
                        "          var maxXEl = form.maxX;\n" +
                        "          var minYEl = form.minY;\n" +
                        "          var maxYEl = form.maxY;\n" +
                        "          if (!isFinite(minXEl.value)) minXEl.value = " + regionsImageMinXDegrees + ";\n" +
                        "          if (!isFinite(maxXEl.value)) maxXEl.value = " + regionsImageMaxXDegrees + ";\n" +
                        "          if (!isFinite(minYEl.value)) minYEl.value = " + regionsImageMaxYDegrees + ";\n" + //yes, reversed
                        "          if (!isFinite(maxYEl.value)) maxYEl.value = " + regionsImageMinYDegrees + ";\n" +
                        "          var xRange2 = Math.abs(maxXEl.value - minXEl.value) / 2;\n" +
                        "          var yRange2 = Math.abs(maxYEl.value - minYEl.value) / 2;\n" +
                        "          if (xRange2 == 0) xRange2 = 10;\n" +
                        "          if (yRange2 == 0) yRange2 = 10;\n" +
                        "          var centerX = " + regionsImageMinXDegrees + 
                        " + ((eventX - " + regionsImageMinXPixel + ")/" +
                        (regionsImageMaxXPixel - regionsImageMinXPixel) + 
                        ") * " + (regionsImageMaxXDegrees - regionsImageMinXDegrees) + ";\n" +
                        "          var centerY = " + regionsImageMinYDegrees + 
                        " + ((eventY - " + regionsImageMinYPixel + ")/" +
                        (regionsImageMaxYPixel - regionsImageMinYPixel) + 
                        ") * " + (regionsImageMaxYDegrees - regionsImageMinYDegrees) + ";\n" +
                        //Round to the nearest 0.5 (0.25 would probably also work well)   
                        //GMT doesn't handle < 0.25
                        //I wanted round to nearest .1, but *10 /10 leads to bruised numbers
                        "          minXEl.value = Math.round((centerX - xRange2)*2) / 2;\n" +
                        "          maxXEl.value = Math.round((centerX + xRange2)*2) / 2;\n" +
                        "          minYEl.value = Math.round((centerY - yRange2)*2) / 2;\n" +
                        "          maxYEl.value = Math.round((centerY + yRange2)*2) / 2;\n" +
                        "          form.submit();\"\n" +

                        //end of image tag        end of 'a' tag
                        //CLICK = A REGION       
                        "            usemap=\"#regionCoordinates\"></a>\n" +

                        + "        <br><div style=\"text-align:center;\"><small>" + oneOf.regionsImageLabel()
                        + "</small></div></td>\n");


            if (show >= 0) {
                htmlSB.append("    </tr>\n");

            //if animation requested, set synchronizeTimes to true
            if (submitter.equals(mapScreen.animationViewIt.getName()))
                mapScreen.synchronizeTimes.setValue(session, "true");

            //validate mapScreen first (region info need by other screens) and add 'show' screen to htmlSB  
            mapScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB);
            double tMinX = mapScreen.minX.getDouble(session);
            double tMaxX = mapScreen.maxX.getDouble(session);
            double tMinY = mapScreen.minY.getDouble(session);
            double tMaxY = mapScreen.maxY.getDouble(session);
            String cWESNString = FileNameUtility.makeWESNString(tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY);

            //validate the editIndex screen first (so timePeriod and centeredTime are known for synchronizing dates)
            String synchTimePeriod = null;
            String synchCenteredTime = null;
            String synchBeginDate = null;
            if (editIndex == gridScreen.editOption()) {
                gridScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY, cWESNString,
                synchTimePeriod = gridScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session);
                synchCenteredTime = gridScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session);
                synchBeginDate = gridScreen.beginTime.getValue(session);
            } else if (editIndex == contourScreen.editOption()) {
                contourScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        cWESNString, mapScreen.imageSizeIndex);
                synchTimePeriod = contourScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session);
                synchCenteredTime = contourScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session);
            } else if (editIndex == vectorScreen.editOption()) {
                vectorScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        cWESNString, mapScreen.imageSizeIndex);
                synchTimePeriod = vectorScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session);
                synchCenteredTime = vectorScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session);
            } else if (editIndex == pointVectorScreen.editOption()) {
                pointVectorScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        cWESNString, mapScreen.imageSizeIndex);
                synchTimePeriod = pointVectorScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session);
                synchCenteredTime = pointVectorScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session);
                synchBeginDate = pointVectorScreen.beginTime.getValue(session);
            } else {
                for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++) {
                    PointScreen tps = pointScreen[ps];
                    if (editIndex == tps.editOption()) {
                        tps.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        synchTimePeriod = tps.timePeriod.getValue(session);
                        synchCenteredTime = tps.centeredTime.getValue(session);
                        synchBeginDate = tps.beginTime.getValue(session);
                for (int ts = 0; ts < nTrajectoryScreens; ts++) {
                    TrajectoryScreen tts = trajectoryScreen[ts];
                    if (editIndex == tts.editOption()) {
                        tts.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        //synchTimePeriod   = tts.timePeriod.getValue(session);
                        //synchCenteredTime = tts.endTime.getValue(session);
                        //synchBeginDate    = tts.startTime.getValue(session);
                        //String2.log("synchTimePeriod=" + synchTimePeriod + " synchCenteredTime=" + synchCenteredTime);

            //synchronize the other timePeriods
            if (mapScreen.synchronizeTimesValue && synchTimePeriod != null) {
                if (editIndex != gridScreen.editOption())
                    gridScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, synchTimePeriod);
                //bathymetry has no date
                if (editIndex != contourScreen.editOption())
                    contourScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, synchTimePeriod);
                if (editIndex != vectorScreen.editOption())
                    vectorScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, synchTimePeriod);
                if (editIndex != pointVectorScreen.editOption())
                    pointVectorScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, synchTimePeriod);
                for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++)
                    if (editIndex != pointScreen(ps).editOption())
                        pointScreen(ps).timePeriod.setValue(session, synchTimePeriod);
                //trajectoryScreen currently not involved 
            //synchronize the other centeredTimes
            if (mapScreen.synchronizeTimesValue && synchCenteredTime != null) {
                if (editIndex != gridScreen.editOption())
                            synchedTime(gridScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session), synchCenteredTime));
                //bathymetry has no centeredTime
                if (editIndex != contourScreen.editOption())
                            synchedTime(contourScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session), synchCenteredTime));
                if (editIndex != vectorScreen.editOption())
                            synchedTime(vectorScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session), synchCenteredTime));
                if (editIndex != pointVectorScreen.editOption())
                            synchedTime(pointVectorScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session), synchCenteredTime));
                for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++)
                    if (editIndex != pointScreen(ps).editOption())
                                synchedTime(pointScreen(ps).centeredTime.getValue(session), synchCenteredTime));
                //trajectoryScreen currently not involved
            //synchronize the other beginTimes
            if (mapScreen.synchronizeTimesValue && synchBeginDate != null) {
                if (editIndex != gridScreen.editOption())
                    gridScreen.beginTime.setValue(session, synchBeginDate);
                //bathymetry has no beginTime
                //if (editIndex != contourScreen.editOption()) contourScreen.beginTime.setValue(session, synchBeginDate);
                //if (editIndex != vectorScreen.editOption())  vectorScreen.beginTime.setValue(session, synchBeginDate);
                if (editIndex != pointVectorScreen.editOption())
                    pointVectorScreen.beginTime.setValue(session, synchBeginDate);
                for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++)
                    if (editIndex != pointScreen(ps).editOption())
                        pointScreen(ps).beginTime.setValue(session, synchBeginDate);
                //trajectoryScreen currently not involved

            //validate all the screens and add 'show' screen to htmlSB  
            if (editIndex != gridScreen.editOption())
                gridScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY, cWESNString,
            if (editIndex != contourScreen.editOption())
                contourScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        cWESNString, mapScreen.imageSizeIndex);
            if (editIndex != vectorScreen.editOption())
                vectorScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        cWESNString, mapScreen.imageSizeIndex);
            if (editIndex != pointVectorScreen.editOption())
                pointVectorScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
                        cWESNString, mapScreen.imageSizeIndex);
            for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++)
                if (editIndex != pointScreen(ps).editOption())
                    pointScreen(ps).validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
            for (int ts = 0; ts < nTrajectoryScreens; ts++)
                if (editIndex != trajectoryScreen(ts).editOption())
                    trajectoryScreen(ts).validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY,
                            tMaxY, cWESNString);

            //make the image;  this sets several instance variables
            ArrayList imageReturn = makeImage(synchCenteredTime);
            String imageFileName = (String) imageReturn.get(0);
            Table sgtMapResultsTable = (Table) imageReturn.get(1);
            int imageWidth2 = ((Integer) imageReturn.get(2)).intValue();
            ArrayList mapGDLs = (ArrayList) imageReturn.get(3);
            ArrayList graphGDLs = (ArrayList) imageReturn.get(4);
            String warning = (String) imageReturn.get(5);

            //store the imageFileName as the lastImageFileName for this user
            session.setAttribute("lastImageFileName", imageFileName);

            //end of table, end of form; display the image 
            if (show >= 0) {

                //display the map's Get options
                //This is a special case, since imageFileName isn't known until other screens are done.
                if (show == mapScreen.editOption())
                    mapScreen.displayGetOptions(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, imageFileName);

                //display submitForm button
                //This isn't beginning of row, just set the color.
                emaClass().setBeginRow("<tr style=\"background-color:#" + oneOf.backgroundColor(3) + "\">");
                //old way
                //but 'noscript' must be between td /td tags to be HTML compliant. 
                htmlSB.append("    <noscript>\n"
                        + submitForm.getTableEntry(submitForm.getValue(session), displayErrorMessages)
                        + "    </noscript>\n");
                //new way
                //This causes thin empty row in table.
                //    "    " + emaClass.getBeginRow() + "\n" + 
                //    "      <td><noscript>" + submitForm.getLabel() + "&nbsp;</noscript></td>\n" +
                //    "      <td><noscript>" + submitForm.getControl(submitForm().getValue(session)) + "</noscript></td>\n" +
                //    "    " + emaClass.getEndRow() + "\n");

                //end of form
                htmlSB.append(emaClass().getEndOfHTMLForm(startTime, mapScreen.hiddenInputStillPending));

                //generate the animated gif?  
                if (submitter.equals(mapScreen.animationViewIt.getName())) {
                    String tName = createAnimatedGif(session, htmlSB);
                    if (tName != null)
                        imageFileName = tName;

                //display the map image (using isMap so gridScreen etc can lead to timeSeries)
                if (show == gridScreen.editOption()) {
                    htmlSB.append( //href so isMap knows where to send results
                            "<a href=\"" + emaClass.getUrl() + "\">" + "  <img src=\"" + OneOf.PUBLIC_DIRECTORY
                                    + imageFileName + "\"\n" + "      title=\"" + oneOf.clickOnMapToSeeTimeSeries()
                                    + "\"\n" + "      ismap=\"ismap\" alt=\"" + oneOf.clickOnMapToSeeTimeSeries()
                                    + "\"\n" + "      onclick=\"pleaseWait();\"\n" + "      width=\"" + imageWidth2
                                    + "\" height=\"" + mapScreen.imageHeight + "\"></a>\n\n");
                } else {

                    //create stationsUseMap innards if there is info (but not first or last line) 
                    StringBuilder suMap = new StringBuilder();
                    if (sgtMapResultsTable != null && sgtMapResultsTable.nRows() > 0) {
                        //String2.log("sgtMapResultsTable=" + sgtMapResultsTable);
                        //sgtMapResultsTable.isValid(); // for debugging purposes only
                        IntArray minXIA = (IntArray) sgtMapResultsTable.getColumn(0);
                        IntArray maxXIA = (IntArray) sgtMapResultsTable.getColumn(1);
                        IntArray minYIA = (IntArray) sgtMapResultsTable.getColumn(2);
                        IntArray maxYIA = (IntArray) sgtMapResultsTable.getColumn(3);
                        IntArray rowNumberIA = (IntArray) sgtMapResultsTable.getColumn(4);
                        IntArray sourceIA = (IntArray) sgtMapResultsTable.getColumn(5);

                        //combine if duplicate min/max/X/Y
                        //first match found is used -- that is hard to take advantage of that here
                        //note that only markers for current pointScreen are put in <map>
                        //  If it were all pointScreens, it would be unclear which pointScreen to change.
                        //  Or, if change all, then no way to change for just one PointScreen. 
                        //  (And there are other complications about components for other PointScreens
                        //   not being on the html form, so how change.)
                        int tn = minXIA.size();
                        for (int i = 0; i < tn; i++) {
                            //# Pixel 0,0 at upper left
                            //# IE 5.2.3 for Mac OS X insists minX<maxX and minY<maxY
                            int sourceEditOption = sourceIA.array[i];
                            if (sourceEditOption != show) {
                                //not interested if sourceEditOption not visible screen 
                            if (sourceEditOption == pointVectorScreen.editOption()) {
                                if (pointVectorScreen.plotData) {
                                    //String2.log("show=" + show + " i=" + i + " minXIA=" + minXIA.array[i] + " rowNumberIA=" + rowNumberIA.array[i]);
                                    suMap.append("  <area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + minXIA.array[i] + ","
                                            + minYIA.array[i] + "," + maxXIA.array[i] + "," + maxYIA.array[i]
                                            + "\"\n" + "    title=\"Click to plot the time series for "
                                            + (pointVectorScreen.timeSeriesOptions[rowNumberIA.array[i] + 1]) + //+1 since option 0 is ""
                                            "\"\n" + "    alt=\"Click to plot the time series for "
                                            + (pointVectorScreen.timeSeriesOptions[rowNumberIA.array[i] + 1]) + //+1 since option 0 is ""
                                            "\"\n" + "    href=\"#\" " + // was href=\"javascript:
                                            "onClick=\"" + "document." + emaClass.getFormName()
                                            + ".pointVectorTimeSeries.selectedIndex=" + (rowNumberIA.array[i] + 1) + //+1 since option 0 is ""
                                            ";  document." + emaClass.getFormName() + ".submit();\">\n");
                            } else {
                                for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++) {
                                    if (sourceEditOption == pointScreen(ps).editOption()
                                            && pointScreen(ps).plotData) {
                                        suMap.append("  <area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" + minXIA.array[i] + ","
                                                + minYIA.array[i] + "," + maxXIA.array[i] + "," + maxYIA.array[i]
                                                + "\"\n" + "    title=\"Click to plot the time series for "
                                                + (pointScreen(ps).timeSeriesOptions[rowNumberIA.array[i] + 1]) + //+1 since option 0 is ""
                                                "\"\n" + "    alt=\"Click to plot the time series for "
                                                + (pointScreen(ps).timeSeriesOptions[rowNumberIA.array[i] + 1]) + //+1 since option 0 is ""
                                                "\"\n" + "    href=\"#\" " + // was href=\"javascript:
                                                "onClick=\"" + "document." + emaClass.getFormName()
                                                + ".pointTimeSeries" + (ps + 1) + ".selectedIndex="
                                                + (rowNumberIA.array[i] + 1) + //index is +1 since #0 is ""
                                                ";  document." + emaClass.getFormName() + ".submit();\">\n");
                                        break; //we're done looking through pointScreens

                    htmlSB.append("<img src=\"" + OneOf.PUBLIC_DIRECTORY + imageFileName + "\"\n" +
                    //"      title=\"" + oneOf.hereIsAlt() + "\"\n" +
                            "      alt=\"" + oneOf.hereIsAlt() + "\""
                            + (suMap.length() == 0 ? "" : " usemap=\"#stationCoordinates\"") + "\n"
                            + "      width=\"" + imageWidth2 + "\" height=\"" + mapScreen.imageHeight + "\">\n\n");
                    if (suMap.length() > 0) {
                        htmlSB.append("<map name=\"stationCoordinates\">\n");



            //deal with show < 0
            if (show < 0) {
                //backButtonForm is useful in several situations.
                //The link to go back to CWBrowser.jsp often lead to jumble of previous values. [why?]
                //String oBack = "o back to editing the map.";
                //htmlSB.append("<p>Then, <a href=\"CWBrowser.jsp\" title=\"G" + oBack + "\">g" + oBack + "</a>\n");
                //(The browser's Back button goes to the previous page which is fine.)
                //So use a Back button:
                String backButtonForm = emaClass.getStartOfHTMLForm() + "<tr>\n" + "  <td>" + back.getLabel() + "\n"
                        + back.getControl(back.getValue(session)) + "\n" + "  </td>\n" + "  <td>&nbsp;</td>\n" + //to take up horizontal space
                        "</tr>\n" + emaClass.getEndOfHTMLForm(startTime, mapScreen.hiddenInputStillPending) + "\n";

                //deal with 'get' requests
                boolean submitterHandled = true;
                if (submitter.equals(mapScreen.getPdf.getName())) {
                    String pdfFileName = File2.getNameNoExtension(imageFileName) + ".pdf";
                    if (File2.touch(oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + pdfFileName)) {
                        if (oneOf.verbose())
                            String2.log("reuse pdf file: " + pdfFileName);
                    } else {
                        //POLICY: because this procedure may be used in more than one thread,
                        //do work on unique temp files names using randomInt, then rename to proper file name.
                        //If procedure fails half way through, there won't be a half-finished file.
                        int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

                        int pdfWidth1 = graphGDLs.size() > 0 ? oneOf.pdfLandscapeWidths()[mapScreen.imageSizeIndex]
                                : oneOf.pdfPortraitWidths()[mapScreen.imageSizeIndex];
                        int pdfHeight = graphGDLs.size() > 0 ? oneOf.pdfLandscapeHeights()[mapScreen.imageSizeIndex]
                                : oneOf.pdfPortraitHeights()[mapScreen.imageSizeIndex];
                        int pdfWidth2 = pdfWidth1;
                        int pdfGap = imageGap * 2;
                        if (graphGDLs.size() > 0)
                            pdfWidth2 = pdfWidth2 * 2 + pdfGap;
                        double fontScale = SgtMap.PDF_FONTSCALE;
                        //was 1 + mapScreen.imageSizeIndex/(graphGDLs.size() > 0? 4.0 : 2.0); 

                        //??? The pdf's created here have odd colors,
                        //but the pdf's created in SgtMap.test are fine.
                        //What's the difference???
                        Object oar[] = SgtUtil.createPdf(
                                graphGDLs.size() > 0 ? PageSize.LETTER.rotate() : PageSize.LETTER, pdfWidth2,
                                pdfHeight, oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + randomInt + ".pdf");
                        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) oar[0];

                        makeMap(oneOf.highResLogoImageFile(), //note highRes      GMT: noaa-420.ras
                                g2d, 0, 0, pdfWidth1, pdfHeight, fontScale, mapGDLs);

                        //make graphs
                        if (graphGDLs.size() > 0)
                            makeGraphs(oneOf.highResLogoImageFile(), g2d, pdfWidth1 + pdfGap, 0, pdfWidth1,
                                    pdfHeight, fontScale, graphGDLs);

                        if (warning != null)
                            AttributedString2.drawHtmlText(g2d, warning, pdfWidth2 / 2, fontScale * 10, //x,y
                                    oneOf.fontFamily(), fontScale * 10,, 1);

                        //finish the pdf
                        File2.rename(oneOf.fullPublicDirectory(), randomInt + ".pdf", pdfFileName);


                    //tell the user it is available
                            "<p>Click on this link to view the .pdf file, or right click to download the file:\n"
                                    + "<a href=\"" + OneOf.PUBLIC_DIRECTORY + pdfFileName + "\"\n"
                                    + "      title=\"" + pdfFileName + "\">" + pdfFileName + "</a>\n" + "\n"
                                    + "<p>.pdf files can be viewed and printed with\n"
                                    + "<a href=\"\">Acrobat Reader</a>,\n"
                                    + "a free program from Adobe.\n");

                    //The link to go back to CWBrowser.jsp often lead to jumble of previous values. [why?]
                    //String oBack = "o back to editing the map.";
                    //htmlSB.append("<p>Then, <a href=\"CWBrowser.jsp\" title=\"G" + oBack + "\">g" + oBack + "</a>\n");
                    //(The browser's Back button goes to the previous page which is fine.)
                    //So use a Back button:

                } else if (gridScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter)) {
                    gridScreen.respondToSubmitter(submitter, htmlSB, backButtonForm);
                } else if (contourScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter)) {
                    contourScreen.respondToSubmitter(submitter, htmlSB, backButtonForm);
                } else if (vectorScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter)) {
                    vectorScreen.respondToSubmitter(submitter, htmlSB, backButtonForm);
                } else if (pointVectorScreen.submitterIsAGetButton(submitter)) {
                    pointVectorScreen.respondToSubmitter(submitter, htmlSB, backButtonForm);
                } else
                    submitterHandled = false;

                if (!submitterHandled)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected \"submitter\": " + submitter);
            } //end of show < 0

        } catch (Exception e) {
            succeeded = false;

            //display the error message to the user and print to log 
            String tError = MustBe.throwableToString(e);

            htmlSB.append(oneOf.errorMessage1() + "\n" + e.toString() + "\n" + oneOf.errorMessage2() + "\n"
                    + emaClass.getStartOfHTMLForm() + "<tr>\n" + "  <td>" +
                    //The link to go back to CWBrowser.jsp often lead to jumble of previous values. [why?]
                    //String GoBack = "Go back to editing the map.";
                    //"<a href=\"CWBrowser.jsp\" title=\"" + GoBack + "\">" + GoBack + "</a>" +
                    //(The browser's Back button goes to the previous page which is fine.)
                    //So use a Back button:
                    back.getLabel() + "\n" + back.getControl(back.getValue(session)) + "\n" + "<br>("
                    + resetAll.getLabel() + "\n" + resetAll.getControl(resetAll.getValue(session))
                    + "&nbsp;)</td>\n" + "  <td>&nbsp;</td>\n" + //to take up horizontal space
                    "</tr>\n" + emaClass.getEndOfHTMLForm(startTime, mapScreen.hiddenInputStillPending) + "\n"
                    + "<p>&nbsp;<hr>\n" + "<pre>Details:\n" + "\n" + tError + "</pre>\n");

            //send email
  , String2.ERROR + " in " + oneOf.shortClassName(),

        } //end of 'catch'

        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log("************ getHTMLForm done. TOTAL TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));

        return succeeded;


     * This synchronizes an oldTime (regular time or climatology time (year=0001))
     * based on a new synchTime (regular time or climatology time (year=0001)).
     * @return the revised time (or oldTime if trouble)
    private static String synchedTime(String oldTime, String synchTime) {
        if (synchTime == null || synchTime.length() < 4 || oldTime == null || oldTime.length() < 4)
            return oldTime;
        if (synchTime.substring(0, 4).equals("0001")) {
            //synchTime is climatology
            if (oldTime.substring(0, 4).equals("0001")) {
                //oldTime is climatology
                return synchTime;
            } else {
                //oldTime is not climatology -- use the old year + synch month, date, time
                return oldTime.substring(0, 4) + synchTime.substring(4);
        } else {
            //synchTime is not climatology
            if (oldTime.substring(0, 4).equals("0001")) {
                //oldTime is climatology  -- use the old year + synch month, date, time
                return oldTime.substring(0, 4) + synchTime.substring(4);
            } else {
                //oldTime is not climatology
                return synchTime;

     * This makes the image based on the current settings.
     * @param synchCenteredTime  the iso date time the data is supposed to be synchronized on
     * @return an ArrayList with:
     *    <br>0=String imageFileName  without dir (implied public directory); with extension
     *    <br>1=Table sgtMapResultsTable
     *    <br>2=Integer imageWidth2
     *    <br>3=ArrayList mapGDLs
     *    <br>4=ArrayList graphGDLs
     *    <br>5=String warning
     * @throws Exception if trouble
    private ArrayList makeImage(String synchCenteredTime) throws Exception {

        //get the warning string
        String warning = getWarning(synchCenteredTime); //an instance variable

        //make the imageFileName
        String imageFileName = makeImageFileName();

        //update requestedGridFilesMap
        if (doTally)
            oneOf.tally().add("Most Requested " + OneOf.imageExtension + " Files:", imageFileName);

        //gather mapGDLs  (for SgtMap)
        //if user selected it, plot it; even if no data, it will appear in legend  
        ArrayList mapGDLs = new ArrayList();
        GraphDataLayer gdl;
        for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++) {
            gdl = pointScreen(i).getMapGDL();
            if (gdl != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < nTrajectoryScreens; i++) {
            gdl = trajectoryScreen(i).getMapGDL();
            if (gdl != null)

        //gather graphGDLs (GraphDataLayers for SgtGraph)
        //if user selected it, plot it; even if no rows of data, it will appear in legend  
        ArrayList graphGDLs = new ArrayList(); //an instance variable
        gdl = gridScreen.getGraphGDL();
        if (gdl != null)
        gdl = pointVectorScreen.getGraphGDL();
        if (gdl != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++) {
            gdl = pointScreen(i).getGraphGDL();
            if (gdl != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < nTrajectoryScreens; i++) {
            gdl = trajectoryScreen(i).getGraphGDL();
            if (gdl != null)

        int imageWidth1 = mapScreen.imageWidth;
        int imageWidth2 = imageWidth1; //an instance variable
        if (graphGDLs.size() > 0)
            imageWidth2 = imageWidth2 * 2 + imageGap;

        //use SGT to make the image (if it doesn't already exist)
        Table sgtMapResultsTable = null; //an instance variable
        String sgtMapResultTableNcName = oneOf.fullPrivateDirectory() + imageFileName + "";
        if (File2.touch(oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + imageFileName)) {
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("\nCWUser reusing " + OneOf.imageExtension + ": " + imageFileName);

            if (File2.touch(sgtMapResultTableNcName)) {
                sgtMapResultsTable = new Table();
                sgtMapResultsTable.readFlatNc(sgtMapResultTableNcName, null, 1);
        } else {
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("makeMap new imageFileName=" + imageFileName);

            //make the image
            BufferedImage bufferedImage = SgtUtil.getBufferedImage(imageWidth2, mapScreen.imageHeight);
            Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) bufferedImage.getGraphics();

            ArrayList sgtMapResults = makeMap(oneOf.lowResLogoImageFile(), g2d, 0, 0, imageWidth1,
                    mapScreen.imageHeight, 1, mapGDLs); //standard font size

            //store the results in a table
            sgtMapResultsTable = new Table();
            sgtMapResultsTable.addColumn("minX", (PrimitiveArray) sgtMapResults.get(0));
            sgtMapResultsTable.addColumn("maxX", (PrimitiveArray) sgtMapResults.get(1));
            sgtMapResultsTable.addColumn("minY", (PrimitiveArray) sgtMapResults.get(2));
            sgtMapResultsTable.addColumn("maxY", (PrimitiveArray) sgtMapResults.get(3));
            sgtMapResultsTable.addColumn("rowNumber", (PrimitiveArray) sgtMapResults.get(4));
            sgtMapResultsTable.addColumn("pointLayer", (PrimitiveArray) sgtMapResults.get(5));

            //Store the graphLocation information in graphLocationHashtable.
            //graphLocation is an IntArray: originX,endX,originY,endY.
            OneOf.putGraphLocation(imageFileName, (IntArray) sgtMapResults.get(6));

            //store sgtMapResultsTable
            if (sgtMapResultsTable.nRows() > 0)
                sgtMapResultsTable.saveAsFlatNc(sgtMapResultTableNcName, "row"); //not "time"

            String2.log("CWUser graphGDLs.size()=" + graphGDLs.size());
            if (graphGDLs.size() > 0)
                makeGraphs(oneOf.lowResLogoImageFile(), g2d, imageWidth1 + imageGap, 0, imageWidth1,
                        mapScreen.imageHeight, 1, graphGDLs);

            if (warning != null)
                AttributedString2.drawHtmlText(g2d, warning, imageWidth2 / 2, 10, oneOf.fontFamily(), 10,,

            //save image
            SgtUtil.saveImage(bufferedImage, oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + imageFileName);


        //create the arrayList for the return
        ArrayList imageReturn = new ArrayList();
        imageReturn.add(new Integer(imageWidth2));
        return imageReturn;


     * This generates the warning string (if dates not perfectly synchronized).
     * @param synchCenteredTime  just for diagnostic purposes
     * @return the warning string (or null if no warning needed)
    private String getWarning(String synchCenteredTime) {

        //determine level of timePeriod sychronization
        long startEndCount[] = { Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE };
        boolean timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = true;
        //EEEEK!!! isClimatology not dealt with. Deal with below after real time period calculated???
        if (gridScreen.plotData && !gridScreen.isClimatology) {
            timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = adjustStartEndCount(startEndCount,
                    gridScreen.startCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), gridScreen.endCalendar.getTimeInMillis(),
        if (contourScreen.plotData && !contourScreen.isClimatology) {
            timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = adjustStartEndCount(startEndCount,
                    contourScreen.startCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), contourScreen.endCalendar.getTimeInMillis(),
        if (vectorScreen.plotData && !vectorScreen.xGridDataSet.isClimatology) {
            timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = adjustStartEndCount(startEndCount,
                    vectorScreen.startCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), vectorScreen.endCalendar.getTimeInMillis(),
        if (pointVectorScreen.plotData) {
            timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = adjustStartEndCount(startEndCount,
                    pointVectorScreen.endCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized);
        for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++) {
            if (pointScreen(i).plotData) {
                timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = adjustStartEndCount(startEndCount,
                        pointScreen(i).endCalendar.getTimeInMillis(), timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized);
        //trajectory currently not involved in this

        boolean timePeriodsDisjoint = startEndCount[2] >= 2 && //at least 2 data sets will be plotted
                startEndCount[1] < startEndCount[0]; //end time < start time    (not =, since pass data will be =
        //special case: if total time range <=59 minutes,
        //  the time periods are considered the same
        if (startEndCount[2] >= 2 && //at least 2 data sets will be plotted
                startEndCount[4] - startEndCount[3] <= 59 * Calendar2.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE) {
            timePeriodsDisjoint = false;
            timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = true;
            String2.log("timePeriods forced to be not 'different'");
        String tWarning = null;
        if (timePeriodsDisjoint)
            tWarning = oneOf.warningTimePeriodsDisjoint();
        else if (!timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized)
            tWarning = oneOf.warningTimePeriodsDifferent();

        if (oneOf.verbose()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
                    "synchronizedDates=" + mapScreen.synchronizeTimesValue + " synchCenteredTime="
                            + synchCenteredTime + "\n  gridTime=" + gridScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session)
                            + " contourTime=" + contourScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session) + "\n  vectorTime="
                            + vectorScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session) + " pointVectorTime="
                            + pointVectorScreen.centeredTime.getValue(session));
            for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++)
                sb.append("\n  point" + i + "Date=" + pointScreen(i).centeredTime.getValue(session));
            //trajectoryScreens currently not involved

        return tWarning;

     * This makes the imageFileName from the info from each screen.
     * I had trouble with long file names (>126 char). ImageMagick would just return a black .gif. E.g.
     * LATsstaS1day_20050425_x-135_X-113_y30_Y50_PRainbow_Linear_8_28_CLATsstaS1day20050425_4.0_8.0_13.0_16.0_0xFF0000_VOQNux10S1day20050415.gif
     * So I replaced the less important (and potentially long) palette info with hashcodes
     * (which return the same code for the same data -- so images can be cached).  
     * And I removed nice but not necessary underscores. Example of new file name:
     * LATsstaS1day_20050425_x-135_X-113_y30_Y50P1468940094B-1743676600COQNuxS101day20050426_-118101458VOQNux10S1day20050426.gif
     *  4/26/05 
     * @return the imageFileName  doesn't include directory; does include extension
    private String makeImageFileName() {
        boolean thisVerbose = false;
        //hashCodes are good because they will be same for same info
        String tImageFileName = gridScreen.startImageFileName;
        if (thisVerbose)
            String2.log("CWUser.makeImageFileName after grid = " + tImageFileName);
        tImageFileName += contourScreen.addToImageFileName;
        if (thisVerbose)
            String2.log("  after contour = " + tImageFileName);
        if (vectorScreen.plotData) {
            tImageFileName += vectorScreen.addToImageFileName;
            if (thisVerbose)
                String2.log("  after vector = " + tImageFileName);
        if (pointVectorScreen.plotData) {
            tImageFileName += pointVectorScreen.addToImageFileName;
            if (thisVerbose)
                String2.log("  after pointVector = " + tImageFileName);
        for (int ps = 0; ps < nPointScreens; ps++) {
            if (pointScreen(ps).plotData) {
                tImageFileName += pointScreen(ps).addToImageFileName;
                if (thisVerbose)
                    String2.log("  after point " + ps + " = " + tImageFileName);
        for (int ts = 0; ts < nTrajectoryScreens; ts++) {
            if (trajectoryScreen(ts).plotData) {
                tImageFileName += trajectoryScreen(ts).addToImageFileName;
                if (thisVerbose)
                    String2.log("  after trajectory " + ts + " = " + tImageFileName);
        tImageFileName += OneOf.imageExtension;
        if (thisVerbose)
            String2.log("CWUser.makeImageFileName final = " + tImageFileName);
        return tImageFileName;

     * This adjusts latestStartEarliestEndCount.
     * @param latestStartEarliestEndCount the long[5] with the 
     *    0=latestStart, 1=earliestEnd, 2=count, 3=earliestStart, 4=latestEnd
     * @param tStart in millis since epoch
     * @param tEnd in millis since epoch
     * @param timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized
     * @return false if timePeriodsPerfectlySychronized was false or tStart!=latestStart || tEnd!=earliestEnd.
    private boolean adjustStartEndCount(long[] latestStartEarliestEndCount, long tStart, long tEnd,
            boolean timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized) {
        latestStartEarliestEndCount[0] = Math.max(latestStartEarliestEndCount[0], tStart);
        latestStartEarliestEndCount[1] = Math.min(latestStartEarliestEndCount[1], tEnd);
        latestStartEarliestEndCount[3] = Math.min(latestStartEarliestEndCount[3], tStart);
        latestStartEarliestEndCount[4] = Math.max(latestStartEarliestEndCount[4], tEnd);
        if (latestStartEarliestEndCount[2] > 1
                && (tStart != latestStartEarliestEndCount[0] || tEnd != latestStartEarliestEndCount[1]))
            timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized = false;
        //String2.log("adjustStartEndCount tStart=" + Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(tStart/1000) +
        //    " tEnd=" + Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(tEnd/1000) +
        //    "\n latestStart=" + Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(latestStartEarliestEndCount[0]/1000) +
        //    " earliestEnd=" + Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoString(TlatestStartEarliestEndCount[1]/1000) +
        //    " perfect=" + timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized +
        //    "\n earliestStart=" + Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(latestStartEarliestEndCount[3]/1000) +
        //    " latestEnd=" + Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(latestStartEarliestEndCount[4]/1000));
        return timePeriodsPerfectlySynchronized;

     * This creates an animated gif.
     * @param session
     * @param htmlSB
     * @return the name of the animated gif file.
     *    Name doesn't include directory; file is in oneOf.fullPublicDirectory().
     *    Name does include .gif extension (not OneOf.imageExtension).
     *    This returns null if silent failure.
     * @throws Exception if trouble
    private String createAnimatedGif(HttpSession session, StringBuilder htmlSB) throws Exception {

        String errorInMethod = String2.ERROR + " in createAnimatedGif:\n";
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int animationN = String2.parseInt(mapScreen.animationNValue);
        String timePeriod = mapScreen.animationTimePeriodValue;
        double animationFPS = String2.parseDouble(mapScreen.animationFPSValue);
        int delay = Math2.roundToInt(100.0 / animationFPS); //in 1/100th's second   
        int show = -1;
        if (doTally) {
            oneOf.tally().add("Animation N:", "" + animationN);
            oneOf.tally().add("Animation Time Period:", timePeriod);

        //generate the animatedGifFileName
        String animatedGifFileName = "Animate" + animationN + timePeriod + animationFPS + "_"
                + File2.getNameNoExtension(makeImageFileName()) + ".gif"; //this is always .gif, not OneOf.imageExtension

        //already exists?       
        if (File2.touch(oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + animatedGifFileName)) {
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("\nANIMATED GIF reusing: " + animatedGifFileName);
            return animatedGifFileName;
        } else {
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("\nANIMATED GIF creating: " + animatedGifFileName);

        //generate the magic number  so ImageMagick regex can find the files
        int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        //get the end date (the latest of dates in use e.g., ymdh not just ymd)
        String centeredTimeValue = "";
        centeredTimeValue = String2.max(centeredTimeValue, gridScreen.plotData ? gridScreen.centeredTimeValue : "");
        centeredTimeValue = String2.max(centeredTimeValue, contourScreen.plotData ? contourScreen.timeValue : "");
        centeredTimeValue = String2.max(centeredTimeValue, vectorScreen.plotData ? vectorScreen.timeValue : "");
        centeredTimeValue = String2.max(centeredTimeValue,
                pointVectorScreen.plotData ? pointVectorScreen.centeredTimeValue : "");
        for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++)
            centeredTimeValue = String2.max(centeredTimeValue,
                    pointScreen[i].plotData ? pointScreen[i].centeredTimeValue : "");
        //trajectoryScreen currently not involved
        if (centeredTimeValue.equals("")) //no end date  because no data
            return null; //silent failure

        //make currentCalendar
        GregorianCalendar currentCalendar = Calendar2.parseISODateTimeZulu(centeredTimeValue); //throws Exception if trouble
        String ttp = null; //must be one of TimePeriod.OPTIONS
        int timePeriodConstant = -1;
        int timePeriodFactor = 1;
        if (timePeriod.equals("hours")) {
            ttp = "pass";
            timePeriodConstant = Calendar2.HOUR_OF_DAY;
        } else if (timePeriod.equals("days")) {
            ttp = "1 day";
            timePeriodConstant = Calendar2.DATE;
        } else if (timePeriod.equals("weeks")) {
            ttp = "8 day";
            timePeriodConstant = Calendar2.DATE;
            timePeriodFactor = 7;
        } else if (timePeriod.equals("months")) {
            ttp = "1 month";
            timePeriodConstant = Calendar2.MONTH;
        } else if (timePeriod.equals("years")) {
            ttp = "1 year";
            timePeriodConstant = Calendar2.YEAR;
        } else
            Test.error(errorInMethod + "invalid timePeriod: " + timePeriod);

        currentCalendar.add(timePeriodConstant, -(animationN - 1) * timePeriodFactor);

        //ensure the screen time periods are <= ttp
        int ttpIndex = TimePeriods.exactTimePeriod(ttp);
        if (TimePeriods.exactTimePeriod(gridScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session)) > ttpIndex)
            gridScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, ttp);
        if (TimePeriods.exactTimePeriod(contourScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session)) > ttpIndex)
            contourScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, ttp);
        if (TimePeriods.exactTimePeriod(vectorScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session)) > ttpIndex)
            vectorScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, ttp);
        if (TimePeriods.exactTimePeriod(pointVectorScreen.timePeriod.getValue(session)) > ttpIndex)
            pointVectorScreen.timePeriod.setValue(session, ttp);
        for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++)
            if (TimePeriods.exactTimePeriod(pointScreen[i].timePeriod.getValue(session)) > ttpIndex)
                pointScreen[i].timePeriod.setValue(session, ttp);
        //trajectoryScreens aren't involved

        //generate special imageFileNames's for last nFrames time periods (including current)
        StringArray specialImageNames = new StringArray();
        try { //so can clean up if exception thrown
            for (int frame = 0; frame < animationN; frame++) {

                //set desired timeValue   //map and bathymetry screens unchanged
                String currentDateString = Calendar2.formatAsISODateTimeSpace(currentCalendar);
                setScreenDates(session, currentDateString);
                String2.log("createAnimatedGif frame#" + frame + " for " + currentDateString);

                //validate the screens (to get closest date, set imageFileName, etc.)
                validateScreensWithDates(session, show, htmlSB);

                //generate the frame's gif
                ArrayList imageReturn = makeImage(currentDateString);
                String imageFileName = (String) imageReturn.get(0);
                Table sgtMapResultsTable = (Table) imageReturn.get(1);
                int gifWidth2 = ((Integer) imageReturn.get(2)).intValue();
                ArrayList mapGDLs = (ArrayList) imageReturn.get(3);
                ArrayList graphGDLs = (ArrayList) imageReturn.get(4);
                String warning = (String) imageReturn.get(5);

                //make a copy of the gif under a special name  (so ImageMagick regex can find them in order)
                String specialImageName = oneOf.fullPrivateDirectory() + randomInt + String2.zeroPad("" + frame, 3)
                        + //3 zeroPadded digits so they will be sorted by frame number
                File2.copy(oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + imageFileName, specialImageName);

                //advance currentCalendar
                currentCalendar.add(timePeriodConstant, timePeriodFactor); //e.g., Calendar.DATE, 1

            //generate the animated Gif with ImageMagick
            long imTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            SSR.dosOrCShell("convert -delay " + delay + " " + "-loop 1 " + //defines how many times the animation should loop
                    oneOf.fullPrivateDirectory() + randomInt + "*" + OneOf.imageExtension + " "
                    + oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + animatedGifFileName, 120);
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("  animated gif generated in TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - imTime) + " ms");

            //delete the specially named image files
            for (int i = 0; i < specialImageNames.size(); i++)

            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("  createAnimatedGif done. TOTAL TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String2.log(errorInMethod + MustBe.throwableToString(e));

            //delete the specially named image files
            for (int i = 0; i < specialImageNames.size(); i++)

            //delete the animatedGif file
            File2.delete(oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + animatedGifFileName);

            //go back to the original values
            setScreenDates(session, centeredTimeValue);

            //validate the screens (to get closest date, set imageFileName, etc.)
            validateScreensWithDates(session, show, htmlSB);

            throw e;

        return animatedGifFileName;

     * This sets the date on all of the screens.
     * @param session
     * @param currentIsoSpaceString
    private void setScreenDates(HttpSession session, String currentIsoSpaceString) {
        //map and bathymetry screens don't have a date
        gridScreen.centeredTime.setValue(session, currentIsoSpaceString);
        contourScreen.centeredTime.setValue(session, currentIsoSpaceString);
        vectorScreen.centeredTime.setValue(session, currentIsoSpaceString);
        pointVectorScreen.centeredTime.setValue(session, currentIsoSpaceString);
        for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++)
            pointScreen[i].centeredTime.setValue(session, currentIsoSpaceString);
        //trajectoryScreens currently aren't involved

     * This validates all of the screens.
     * @param session
     * @param show
     * @param htmlSB
     * @param throws Exception if trouble
    private void validateScreensWithDates(HttpSession session, int show, StringBuilder htmlSB) throws Exception {
        IntObject step = new IntObject(1);
        IntObject rowNumber = new IntObject(0);
        double tMinX = mapScreen.minX.getDouble(session);
        double tMaxX = mapScreen.maxX.getDouble(session);
        double tMinY = mapScreen.minY.getDouble(session);
        double tMaxY = mapScreen.maxY.getDouble(session);
        String cWESNString = FileNameUtility.makeWESNString(tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY);

        gridScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY, cWESNString,
        contourScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY, cWESNString,
        vectorScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY, cWESNString,
        pointVectorScreen.validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY, cWESNString,
        for (int i = 0; i < nPointScreens; i++)
            pointScreen[i].validate(session, show, step, rowNumber, htmlSB, tMinX, tMaxX, tMinY, tMaxY,
        //trajectoryScreens currently don't have dates


     * This uses SgtMap to make a map.
     * @param logoFileName
     * @param g2D
     * @param ulx the upperleft x pixel for the active area
     * @param uly the upperleft y pixel for the active area
     * @param areaWidth the width of the active area (graph, labels, legend)
     * @param areaHeight the height of the active area (graph, labels, legend)
     * @param fontScale the relative font scale (1 = normal)
     * @param graphDataLayers the active graphDataLayers
     * @return ArrayList with info about where the GraphDataLayer markers were plotted 
     *   for generating the user map on the image
     *   [0]=IntArray minX, [1]=IntArray maxX, [2]=IntArray minY, [3]=IntArray maxY,
     *   [4]=IntArray rowNumber [5]=ByteArray pointLayer(0,1,2,...)
     *   This will return null if no stations plotted.
     * @throws Exception if trouble
    public ArrayList makeMap(String logoFileName, Graphics2D g2D, int ulx, int uly, int areaWidth, int areaHeight,
            double fontScale, ArrayList graphDataLayers) throws Exception {

        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log("\n////******** CWUser.makeMap");
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        double minX = mapScreen.minX.getDouble(session);
        double maxX = mapScreen.maxX.getDouble(session);
        double minY = mapScreen.minY.getDouble(session);
        double maxY = mapScreen.maxY.getDouble(session);

        int graphArea[] = SgtMap.predictGraphSize(fontScale, areaWidth, areaHeight, minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
        int graphWidth = graphArea[0];
        int graphHeight = graphArea[1];

        //note that getGrid works automatically with image or pdf or ...
        //because getGrid uses areaWidth and areaHeight
        //** gather imageResFileNames before call makeMap,
        //   because a failure (e.g., no data in range) changes 
        //   (e.g., gridScreen.)plotData to false
        Grid gridGrid = gridScreen.getGrid(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, graphWidth, graphHeight);
        Grid contourGrid = contourScreen.getGrid(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, graphWidth, graphHeight);
        //if (oneOf.verbose() && gridScreen.plotData) String2.log("gridGrid=" + gridGrid.toString(false));

        //add the vector graphDataLayer
        if (vectorScreen.plotData) {
            //Further reduce graphWidth and Height by /5 (nice round number)
            //  since vectors are always sparse.
            //This reduces nPoints significantly (1/25), 
            //but leaves flexibility of decimation process in sgtMap.makeMap(),
            //which typically wants ~1/20.
            Grid xGrid = vectorScreen.getXGrid(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, graphWidth / 5, graphHeight / 5);
            Grid yGrid = vectorScreen.getYGrid(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, graphWidth / 5, graphHeight / 5);
            if (xGrid != null && yGrid != null) {
                String tUnits = oneOf.vectorInfo()[vectorScreen.absoluteDataSetIndex][OneOf.VIUnits];
                graphDataLayers.add(new GraphDataLayer(vectorScreen.editOption(), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
                        GraphDataLayer.DRAW_GRID_VECTORS, false, false, "", tUnits, //x,y axis title
                        "(" + tUnits + ") " + vectorScreen.legendTime,
                        vectorScreen.xGridDataSet.courtesy.length() == 0 ? null
                                : "Data courtesy of " + vectorScreen.xGridDataSet.courtesy, //Vector data
                        null, //title4
                        null, xGrid, yGrid, null, new Color(String2.parseInt("0x" + vectorScreen.colorValue)),
                        GraphDataLayer.MARKER_TYPE_NONE, 0,
                        String2.parseDouble(oneOf.vectorInfo()[vectorScreen.absoluteDataSetIndex][OneOf.VISize]), // standardVector=e.g. 10m/s 

        //add the pointVector graphDataLayer
        if (pointVectorScreen.plotData) {
            Table averageTable = new Table();
            averageTable.readFlatNc(pointVectorScreen.fullAverageFileName, null, 1); //1=unpack
            String tUnits = oneOf.pointVectorInfo()[pointVectorScreen.absoluteDataSetIndex][OneOf.PVIUnits];
            graphDataLayers.add(new GraphDataLayer(pointVectorScreen.editOption(), 0, 1, 5, 6, -1, //x,y,u,v
                    GraphDataLayer.DRAW_POINT_VECTORS, false, false, "", tUnits, //x,y axis title
                    "(" + tUnits + ") " + pointVectorScreen.legendTime,
                    "Data courtesy of " + pointVectorScreen.legendCourtesy, //Point vector data
                    null, //title4
                    averageTable, null, null, null,
                    new Color(String2.parseInt("0x" + pointVectorScreen.colorValue)),
                    GraphDataLayer.MARKER_TYPE_NONE, 0,
                            oneOf.pointVectorInfo()[pointVectorScreen.absoluteDataSetIndex][OneOf.PVISize]), // standardVector=e.g. 10m/s 

        ArrayList results = SgtMap.makeMap(false, SgtUtil.LEGEND_BELOW, oneOf.legendTitle1(), oneOf.legendTitle2(),
                oneOf.fullContextDirectory() + "images/", logoFileName, minX, maxX, minY, maxY,

                gridGrid != null, gridGrid, 1, //scaleFactor,
                gridScreen.altScaleFactor, gridScreen.altOffset, gridScreen.fullDataSetCptName,
                gridScreen.boldTitle, SgtUtil.getNewTitle2(gridScreen.unitsValue, gridScreen.legendTime, ""),
                gridScreen.courtesy == null || gridScreen.courtesy.length() == 0 ? null
                        : "Data courtesy of " + gridScreen.courtesy,


                contourGrid != null, contourGrid, 1, //scaleFactor,
                contourScreen.altScaleFactor, contourScreen.altOffset, contourScreen.drawLinesAtValue,
                new Color(String2.parseInt("0x" + contourScreen.colorValue)), contourScreen.boldTitle,
                contourScreen.unitsValue, "", contourScreen.legendTime,
                contourScreen.courtesy == null || contourScreen.courtesy.length() == 0 ? null
                        : "Data courtesy of " + contourScreen.courtesy, //Contour data

                graphDataLayers, g2D, ulx, uly, areaWidth, areaHeight, 0, //no coastline adjustment

        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log("\\\\\\\\******** CWUser.makeMap done. TOTAL TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
                    + "\n");
        return results;

     * This uses SgtGraph to make time series graphs.
     * @param logoFileName
     * @param g2D
     * @param ulx the upperleft x pixel for the active area
     * @param uly the upperleft y pixel for the active area
     * @param areaWidth the width of the active area (graph, labels, legend)
     * @param areaHeight the height of the active area (graph, labels, legend)
     * @param fontScale the relative font scale (1 = normal)
     * @param graphDataLayers the active graphDataLayers
     * @throws Exception if trouble
    public void makeGraphs(String logoFileName, Graphics2D g2D, int ulx, int uly, int areaWidth, int areaHeight,
            double fontScale, ArrayList graphGDLs) throws Exception {

        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log("\n////******** CWUser.makeGraphs");
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int n = graphGDLs.size();
        if (n == 0)

        //if all the x and y units the same, plot on one graph
        GraphDataLayer gpl0 = (GraphDataLayer) graphGDLs.get(0);
        boolean allSame = gpl0.draw != GraphDataLayer.DRAW_STICKS; //if draw_sticks, allSame is false
        String xUnits = gpl0.table.columnAttributes(gpl0.v1).getString("units");
        String yUnits = gpl0.table.columnAttributes(gpl0.v2).getString("units");
        if (xUnits == null || yUnits == null)
            allSame = false;
        if (allSame) {
            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { //1 since comparing to 0
                GraphDataLayer gdl = (GraphDataLayer) graphGDLs.get(i);
                if (gdl.draw == GraphDataLayer.DRAW_STICKS
                        || !xUnits.equals(gdl.table.columnAttributes(gdl.v1).getString("units"))
                        || !yUnits.equals(gdl.table.columnAttributes(gdl.v2).getString("units"))) {
                    allSame = false;
        if (allSame) {
            oneOf.sgtGraph().makeGraph(false, gpl0.xAxisTitle, gpl0.yAxisTitle, SgtUtil.LEGEND_BELOW,
                    oneOf.legendTitle1(), oneOf.legendTitle2(), oneOf.fullContextDirectory() + "images/",
                    logoFileName, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, true, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, true, gpl0.xIsTimeAxis,
                    gpl0.yIsTimeAxis, graphGDLs, g2D, ulx, uly, areaWidth, areaHeight, 2, //graph width/height
                    SgtGraph.DefaultBackgroundColor, fontScale);

        //for xAxis=time graphs, force all to have same x axis range
        double minTime = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double maxTime = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            GraphDataLayer gdl = (GraphDataLayer) graphGDLs.get(i);
            if (gdl.xIsTimeAxis) {
                PrimitiveArray timeCol = gdl.table.getColumn(gdl.v1);
                double tStats[] = timeCol.calculateStats();
                if (tStats[PrimitiveArray.STATS_N] > 0) {
                    minTime = Math.min(minTime, tStats[PrimitiveArray.STATS_MIN]);
                    maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, tStats[PrimitiveArray.STATS_MAX]);
        if (minTime == Double.MAX_VALUE)
            minTime = Double.NaN;
        if (maxTime == -Double.MAX_VALUE)
            maxTime = Double.NaN;
        if (minTime == maxTime) {
            double suggest[] = Math2.suggestLowHigh(minTime, maxTime);
            minTime = suggest[0];
            maxTime = suggest[1];

        //plot separate graphs
        //divide the vertical area into n sections, one for each GraphDataLayer
        int tUly = uly;
        int tAreaHeight = areaHeight / n;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            GraphDataLayer gdl = (GraphDataLayer) graphGDLs.get(i);
            ArrayList tArrayList = new ArrayList();
            oneOf.sgtGraph().makeGraph(false, gdl.xAxisTitle, gdl.yAxisTitle, SgtUtil.LEGEND_BELOW,
                    oneOf.legendTitle1(), oneOf.legendTitle2(), oneOf.fullContextDirectory() + "images/",
                    logoFileName, gdl.xIsTimeAxis ? minTime : Double.NaN, gdl.xIsTimeAxis ? maxTime : Double.NaN,
                    true, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, true, gdl.xIsTimeAxis, gdl.yIsTimeAxis, tArrayList, g2D, ulx,
                    tUly, areaWidth, tAreaHeight, 2, //graph width/height
                    SgtGraph.DefaultBackgroundColor, fontScale);
            tUly += tAreaHeight;

        if (oneOf.verbose())
            String2.log("\\\\\\\\******** CWUser.makeGraphs done. TOTAL TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
                    + "\n");

     * This generates the regionsImageUrl image which is 
     * a copy of regionsImage with a rectangle drawn
     * on it (based on the currend x/y/Min/Max values).
     * This also does some checking/validating of x/y/Min/Max.
     * <p>This won't throw exception.
     * If trouble, it returns the unhighlighted regions image.
     * @param session is the session associated with a user
     * @return the url of the resulting image (regionsImageUrl if successful
     *    or regionsImageDefaultUrl if not)
    public String createCustomRegionsImage(HttpSession session) {
        try {
            //the already validated x/y/Min/Max values
            double minXValue = mapScreen.minX.getDouble(session);
            double maxXValue = mapScreen.maxX.getDouble(session);
            double minYValue = mapScreen.minY.getDouble(session);
            double maxYValue = mapScreen.maxY.getDouble(session);
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("\ncreateCustomRegionsImage " + minXValue + "," + maxXValue + "," + minYValue + ","
                        + maxYValue);
            long tTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            double xRange2 = (maxXValue - minXValue) / 2;
            double yRange2 = (maxYValue - minYValue) / 2;

            //calculate x/y/width/height
            //currently, x calculations seem incorrect but come out perfect (except for full area); 
            //  y calculations seem correct but are sometimes off by one (hard to get perfect)
            int x = Math2.truncToInt(oneOf.regionsImageMinXPixel() + ((minXValue - oneOf.regionsImageMinXDegrees())
                    / (oneOf.regionsImageMaxXDegrees() - oneOf.regionsImageMinXDegrees()))
                    * (oneOf.regionsImageMaxXPixel() - oneOf.regionsImageMinXPixel()));
            int x2 = Math2.truncToInt(oneOf.regionsImageMinXPixel() + ((maxXValue - oneOf.regionsImageMinXDegrees())
                    / (oneOf.regionsImageMaxXDegrees() - oneOf.regionsImageMinXDegrees()))
                    * (oneOf.regionsImageMaxXPixel() - oneOf.regionsImageMinXPixel()));
            if (minXValue == oneOf.regionsImageMinXDegrees()) {
                /*String2.log("Region x--"); */} //fudge
            if (maxXValue == oneOf.regionsImageMaxXDegrees()) {
                /*String2.log("Region x2--");*/} //fudge 
            int y = Math2.roundToInt(oneOf.regionsImageMinYPixel() + ((minYValue - oneOf.regionsImageMinYDegrees())
                    / (oneOf.regionsImageMaxYDegrees() - oneOf.regionsImageMinYDegrees()))
                    * (oneOf.regionsImageMaxYPixel() - oneOf.regionsImageMinYPixel() + 1));
            int y2 = Math2.roundToInt(oneOf.regionsImageMinYPixel() + ((maxYValue - oneOf.regionsImageMinYDegrees())
                    / (oneOf.regionsImageMaxYDegrees() - oneOf.regionsImageMinYDegrees()))
                    * (oneOf.regionsImageMaxYPixel() - oneOf.regionsImageMinYPixel() + 1));
            int width = x2 - x;
            int height = y2 - y;
            if (width < 0) { //drawRect doesn't like negative width or height
                x += width;
                width = -width;
            if (height < 0) {
                y += height;
                height = -height;

            //does the file already exist?
            String newName = File2.getNameNoExtension(oneOf.regionsImageFileName()) + "x" + x + "y" + y + "w"
                    + width + "h" + height + OneOf.imageExtension;
            String newFullDirName = oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + newName;
            if (File2.touch(newFullDirName)) {
                if (oneOf.verbose())
                    String2.log("  createCustomRegionsImage done. " + "reuse: " + newName);
                return OneOf.PUBLIC_DIRECTORY + newName;
            if (oneOf.verbose())
                String2.log("  new region image: " + newName);

            //POLICY: because this procedure may be used in more than one thread,
            //do work on unique temp files names using randomInt, then rename to proper file name.
            //If procedure fails half way through, there won't be a half-finished file.
            int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

            //generate image file with selected region highlighted 
            //do via Java
            //read the file
            BufferedImage bi = SgtUtil.readImage(oneOf.regionsImageFullFileName());
            Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
            g.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
            SgtUtil.saveImage(bi, newFullDirName);

            /*old approach -- do via imageMagick
            //generate to a tempName then rename (quickly) in case process is interrupted
            String tempName = randomInt + OneOf.imageExtension;
            String cmd = "convert " + //+antialias " + //+antialias turns off (!) antialiasing
            "-fill transparent " +
            "-stroke red " +
            "-draw 'rectangle " + x + "," + y + " " + (x + width) + "," + (y + height) + "' " +
            " " + oneOf.regionsImageFullFileName() + 
            " " + oneOf.fullPublicDirectory() + tempName;
            SSR.dosOrCShell(cmd, 10);
            //last step: rename it to desired name
            File2.rename(oneOf.fullPublicDirectory(), tempName, newName); 

            if (oneOf.verbose())
                if (oneOf.verbose())
                            "  createCustomRegionsImage done. TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tTime) + "\n");
            return OneOf.PUBLIC_DIRECTORY + newName;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String2.log(MustBe.throwable("BrowserCW.createCustomRegionsImage", e));
            return oneOf.regionsImageDefaultUrl();
