Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Ekagra Software Technologies Ltd. * Copyright SAIC, SAIC-Frederick * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.restgen.codegen; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Implementation; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Input; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Mapping; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Method; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Operation; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Options; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Output; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.mapping.model.Resource; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.util.GeneratorUtil; import gov.nih.nci.restgen.util.JarHelper; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplate; import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplateGroup; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ClassParser; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import com.predic8.schema.ComplexType; import com.predic8.schema.Element; import com.predic8.schema.Schema; import com.predic8.schema.TypeDefinition; import com.predic8.wsdl.Binding; import com.predic8.wsdl.Definitions; import com.predic8.wsdl.Fault; import com.predic8.wsdl.Port; import com.predic8.wsdl.PortType; import com.predic8.wsdl.Service; import com.predic8.wsdl.WSDLParser; /** * RESTful resource generator * This generator works with EJB and SOAP web service mapping and generate RESTful resources. * StringTemplate is used to for code template. Generator parsess mapping information and * populates code template with values. * @author konkapv * */ public class RESTfulResourceGenerator extends Generator { /** * Constructor * @param context */ public RESTfulResourceGenerator(GeneratorContext context) { super(context); } protected void init() { getContext().getLogger().info("Generating RESTful resource..."); } protected void preProcess() { //getContext().getLogger().info("Generating RESTful resource...preProcess"); } protected void validate() { //getContext().getLogger().info("Generating RESTful resource...validate"); } /** * Generate RESTful resource based on mapping to EJB or SOAP web service. */ public void runProcess() throws GeneratorException { //getContext().getLogger().info("Generating RESTful resource...runProcess started"); Mapping mapping = context.getMapping(); if (mapping.getOptions().getWrapperType().equals(Options.SOAP_SERVICE)) runProcessSOAP(); else if (mapping.getOptions().getWrapperType().equals(Options.EJB)) runProcessEJB(); else throw new GeneratorException("Invalid wrapper type."); } /** * Generate RESTful resource based on SOAP web service mapaping * * @throws GeneratorException */ private void runProcessSOAP() throws GeneratorException { Mapping mapping = context.getMapping(); List<Resource> resources = mapping.getResources(); StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("restful"); StringTemplate putTemplate = null; StringTemplate postTemplate = null; StringTemplate getTemplate = null; StringTemplate deleteTemplate = null; WSDLParser parser = new WSDLParser(); Definitions defs = parser.parse(context.getMapping().getOptions().getWsdlLocation()); for (Resource resource : resources) { StringTemplate resourceTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/RESTfulResource"); String resourceName = resource.getName(); List<Method> methods = resource.getMethods(); List<String> getMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> putMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> postMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> deleteMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); int counter = 1; for (Method method : methods) { getTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/GetMethodSOAP"); postTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/PostMethodSOAP"); deleteTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/DeleteMethodSOAP"); putTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/PutMethodSOAP"); String methodName = resource.getName() + counter; if (method.getName().equals(Method.GET)) { String getString = generateMethod(resourceName, method, getTemplate, methodName, defs); getMethodStr.add(getString); } else if (method.getName().equals(Method.PUT)) { String putString = generateMethod(resourceName, method, putTemplate, methodName, defs); putMethodStr.add(putString); } else if (method.getName().equals(Method.POST)) { String postString = generateMethod(resourceName, method, postTemplate, methodName, defs); postMethodStr.add(postString); } else if (method.getName().equals(Method.DELETE)) { String deleteString = generateMethod(resourceName, method, deleteTemplate, methodName, defs); deleteMethodStr.add(deleteString); } counter++; } resourceTemplate.setAttribute("packageName", Constants.GENERATOR_PKG_NAME); resourceTemplate.setAttribute("ResourcePath", resource.getPath()); resourceTemplate.setAttribute("ResourceName", resourceName); for (String str : getMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("GetMethods", str); } for (String str : putMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("PutMethods", str); } for (String str : postMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("PostMethods", str); } for (String str : deleteMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("DeleteMethods", str); } resourceTemplate.setAttribute("importStatements", "import gov.nih.nci.restgen.generated.client.*;"); GeneratorUtil.writeFile(mapping.getOptions().getOutputPath() + getFileOutputPath(), resourceName + "", resourceTemplate.toString()); } } private void processPojo(Resource resource) throws GeneratorException { if (context.getMapping().getOptions().getWrapperType().equals(Options.EJB)) { String libDest = context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "WEB-INF"; String sourcePath = resource.getPojoLocation(); File jarSrcFile = new File(sourcePath); String jarFileName = null; if (sourcePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) > 0) jarFileName = sourcePath.substring(sourcePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, sourcePath.length()); else jarFileName = sourcePath; StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("restful"); StringTemplate indexTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/JAXBIndex"); jarFileName = jarFileName.substring(0, jarFileName.indexOf(".")) + ".jar"; if (sourcePath.endsWith(".jar")) { File destFile = new File(libDest + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + jarFileName); try { JarFile file = new JarFile(jarSrcFile); String oldDir = ""; String dirName = ""; boolean firstIter = true; boolean generate = false; for (Enumeration<JarEntry> enums = file.entries(); enums.hasMoreElements();) { JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) enums.nextElement(); if (entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { dirName = entry.getName().substring(0, entry.getName().lastIndexOf("/")); if (firstIter) { firstIter = false; oldDir = dirName; } String fileName = entry.getName().substring(entry.getName().lastIndexOf("/") + 1, entry.getName().indexOf(".class")); generate = true; indexTemplate.setAttribute("ClassName", fileName); if (!oldDir.equals(dirName)) { dirName = dirName.replace("/", File.separator); GeneratorUtil.writeFile( context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + getFileOutputPath() + File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "classes" + File.separator + dirName, "jaxb.index", indexTemplate.toString()); indexTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/JAXBIndex"); generate = false; } } //System.out.println(entry.getName()); } if (generate) { dirName = dirName.replace("/", File.separator); GeneratorUtil.writeFile(context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "classes" + File.separator + dirName, "jaxb.index", indexTemplate.toString()); } GeneratorUtil.copyFile(jarSrcFile, destFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to copy POJO jar into output lib folder"); } } else { try { String pojoLocation = resource.getPojoLocation(); File file = new File(pojoLocation); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); ClassParser cp = new ClassParser(is, file.getName()); JavaClass javaClass = cp.parse(); String packageName = javaClass.getPackageName(); String dirStart = null; if (packageName.indexOf(".") > 0) { dirStart = packageName.substring(0, packageName.indexOf(".")); } else dirStart = packageName; String outDirName = libDest + File.separator + "classes" + File.separator + packageName.replace(".", File.separator); File outDir = new File(outDirName); if (!outDir.exists()) outDir.mkdirs(); File jarDestClassFile = new File(outDirName + File.separator + javaClass.getFileName()); File jarSrcClassFile = new File(pojoLocation); GeneratorUtil.copyFile(jarSrcClassFile, jarDestClassFile); // GeneratorUtil.copyDir(jarSrcDir, libDest + File.separator // + "classes"); String dirName = packageName.replace(".", File.separator); String entry = javaClass.getFileName().substring(0, javaClass.getFileName().indexOf(".class")); indexTemplate.setAttribute("ClassName", entry); GeneratorUtil.writeFile(context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "classes" + File.separator + dirName, "jaxb.index", indexTemplate.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to generate web archive file.", e); } } } } private void processJNDIProperties(Method method) throws GeneratorException { if (method.getImplementation().getClientType() != null && method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_REMOTE)) { String jndiDest = context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "classes"; File jndiDestFolder = new File(jndiDest); if (!jndiDestFolder.exists()) { jndiDestFolder.mkdirs(); } String jndiFilePath = method.getImplementation().getJndiProperties(); String jndiFileName = jndiFilePath.substring(jndiFilePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); File destFile = new File(jndiDest + File.separator + jndiFileName); File srcFile = new File(jndiFilePath); try { GeneratorUtil.copyFile(srcFile, destFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to copy POJO jar into output lib folder"); } } } private void runProcessEJB() throws GeneratorException { Mapping mapping = context.getMapping(); List<Resource> resources = mapping.getResources(); StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("restfulejb"); StringTemplate getTemplate = null; StringTemplate postTemplate = null; StringTemplate deleteTemplate = null; StringTemplate putTemplate = null; StringTemplate resourceTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/RESTfulResource"); StringTemplate indexTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/JAXBIndex"); for (Resource resource : resources) { String resourceName = resource.getName(); List<Method> methods = resource.getMethods(); List<String> getMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> putMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> postMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> deleteMethodStr = new ArrayList<String>(); int counter = 1; for (Method method : methods) { String methodName = resource.getName() + counter; if (method.getName().equals(Method.GET)) { if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_LOCAL)) { getTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/GetMethodEJBLocal"); } else if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_REMOTE)) { getTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/GetMethodEJBRemote"); } String getString = generateMethodEJB(resourceName, method, methodName, getTemplate); getMethodStr.add(getString); } else if (method.getName().equals(Method.PUT)) { if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_LOCAL)) { putTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/PutMethodEJBLocal"); } else if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_REMOTE)) { putTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/PutMethodEJBRemote"); } String putString = generateMethodEJB(resourceName, method, methodName, putTemplate); putMethodStr.add(putString); } else if (method.getName().equals(Method.POST)) { if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_LOCAL)) { postTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/PostMethodEJBLocal"); } else if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_REMOTE)) { postTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/PostMethodEJBRemote"); } String postString = generateMethodEJB(resourceName, method, methodName, postTemplate); postMethodStr.add(postString); } else if (method.getName().equals(Method.DELETE)) { if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_LOCAL)) { deleteTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/DeleteMethodEJBLocal"); } else if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_REMOTE)) { deleteTemplate = group.getInstanceOf("gov/nih/nci/restgen/templates/DeleteMethodEJBRemote"); } String deleteString = generateMethodEJB(resourceName, method, methodName, deleteTemplate); deleteMethodStr.add(deleteString); } processJNDIProperties(method); processPojo(resource); processEJBJar(method); counter++; } resourceTemplate.setAttribute("packageName", Constants.GENERATOR_PKG_NAME); resourceTemplate.setAttribute("ResourcePath", resource.getPath()); resourceTemplate.setAttribute("ResourceName", resourceName); for (String str : getMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("GetMethods", str); } for (String str : putMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("PutMethods", str); } for (String str : postMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("PostMethods", str); } for (String str : deleteMethodStr) { resourceTemplate.setAttribute("DeleteMethods", str); } GeneratorUtil.writeFile(mapping.getOptions().getOutputPath() + getFileOutputPath(), resourceName + "", resourceTemplate.toString()); } } private void processEJBJar(Method method) throws GeneratorException { if (context.getMapping().getOptions().getWrapperType().equals(Options.EJB)) { String ejbLoc = context.getMapping().getOptions().getEjbLocation(); File src = new File(ejbLoc); String ejbFileName = ejbLoc.substring(ejbLoc.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); String jarDest = context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + ejbFileName; File dest = new File(jarDest); try { GeneratorUtil.copyFile(src, dest); String outputPath = context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "temp"; if (method.getImplementation().getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_REMOTE)) { String deletePathName = outputPath + File.separator + "META-INF"; new JarHelper().removeJarEntry(jarDest, deletePathName, outputPath); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to copy EJB jar to output lib folder"); } } } private String generateMethodEJB(String resourceName, Method method, String methodName, StringTemplate template) throws GeneratorException { Implementation impl = method.getImplementation(); template.setAttribute("MethodName", methodName); template.setAttribute("ResourceName", resourceName); JarFile jarFile = null; org.jdom2.Document doc = null; try { jarFile = new JarFile(context.getMapping().getOptions().getEjbLocation()); JarEntry jarEntry = jarFile.getJarEntry("META-INF/ejb-jar.xml"); if (jarEntry != null) { InputStream is = jarFile.getInputStream(jarEntry); SAXBuilder sax = new SAXBuilder(); doc =; } else throw new GeneratorException("Invalid EJB JAR path. Unable to load ejb-jar.xml"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GeneratorException("Failed to load EJB JAR. ", e); } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new GeneratorException("Failed to load EJB JAR ejb-jar.xml ", e); } org.jdom2.Element root = doc.getRootElement(); org.jdom2.Element eBeans = root.getChild("enterprise-beans", root.getNamespace()); List<org.jdom2.Element> sessionBeans = eBeans.getChildren("session", root.getNamespace()); String ejbHomeName = null; String ejbRemoteName = null; boolean foundService = false; for (org.jdom2.Element sessionBean : sessionBeans) { org.jdom2.Element ejbName = sessionBean.getChild("ejb-name", root.getNamespace()); if (ejbName.getValue().equals(impl.getName())) { foundService = true; org.jdom2.Element ejbHome = sessionBean.getChild("home", root.getNamespace()); ejbHomeName = ejbHome.getValue(); org.jdom2.Element ejbRemote = sessionBean.getChild("remote", root.getNamespace()); ejbRemoteName = ejbRemote.getValue(); break; } } if (!foundService) throw new GeneratorException("Unable to find EJB from ejb-jar.xml for " + impl.getName()); String returnType = getOperationReturnType(impl); if (!returnType.equals("void")) { template.setAttribute("ReturnTypeNotVoid", true); template.setAttribute("PostReturnType", returnType); template.setAttribute("PutReturnType", returnType); template.setAttribute("DeleteReturnType", returnType); } else { template.setAttribute("ReturnTypeResponse", true); template.setAttribute("PostReturnType", "Response"); template.setAttribute("PutReturnType", "Response"); template.setAttribute("DeleteReturnType", "Response"); } template.setAttribute("ReturnType", returnType); String pathParamPath = getOperationPath(impl, method.getName()); if (pathParamPath != null) { template.setAttribute("PathParamPath", "@Path(\"" + pathParamPath + "\")"); template.setAttribute("PathParamPathShort", pathParamPath); } template.setAttribute("PathParam", getOperationPathParams(method, impl)); template.setAttribute("HomeInterface", ejbHomeName); template.setAttribute("RemoteInterface", ejbRemoteName); template.setAttribute("OperationName", impl.getOperation().getName()); String operationParams = getOperationParams(impl); //if (operationParams != null) // operationParams = operationParams + ", "; template.setAttribute("OperationParameters", operationParams); template.setAttribute("RequestType", getRequestTypes(impl)); template.setAttribute("OperationParamNames", getOperationParams(impl)); if (impl.getClientType().equals(Implementation.EJB_REMOTE)) { String jndiPath = impl.getJndiProperties(); String fileName = jndiPath.substring(jndiPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); template.setAttribute("JNDIProperties", fileName); } template.setAttribute("JNDIName", impl.getJndiName()); return template.toString(); } private String getOperationReturnType(Implementation impl) { Operation operation = impl.getOperation(); Output output = operation.getOutput(); if (output == null) return "void"; else return output.getType(); } private String getOperationParams(Implementation impl) { Operation operation = impl.getOperation(); List<Input> inputs = operation.getInputs(); if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) return null; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<Input> iterator = inputs.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Input input = (Input); buffer.append(input.getName()); if (iterator.hasNext()) buffer.append(", "); } return buffer.toString(); } private String getRequestTypes(Implementation impl) { Operation operation = impl.getOperation(); List<Input> inputs = operation.getInputs(); if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) return null; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<Input> iterator = inputs.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Input input = (Input); buffer.append(input.getType() + " " + input.getName()); if (iterator.hasNext()) buffer.append(", "); } return buffer.toString(); } private String getOperationPathParams(Method method, Implementation impl) { Operation operation = impl.getOperation(); List<Input> inputs = operation.getInputs(); if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) return null; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<Input> iterator = inputs.iterator(); boolean append = false; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Input input = (Input); buffer.append("@PathParam(\"" + input.getName() + "\") "); buffer.append(input.getType() + " " + input.getName()); append = true; if (iterator.hasNext()) buffer.append(", "); } if (!method.getName().equals(Method.GET)) append = false; if (append) return buffer.toString() + ","; else return buffer.toString(); } private String getOperationPath(Implementation impl, String methodName) { if (methodName.equals(Method.POST) || methodName.equals(Method.PUT)) { if (impl.getPath() != null && impl.getPath().trim().length() > 0) return "/" + impl.getPath(); else return null; } Operation operation = impl.getOperation(); List<Input> inputs = operation.getInputs(); String path = null; if (impl.getPath() != null && impl.getPath().trim().length() > 0) path = "/" + impl.getPath(); //if (methodPath != null && methodPath.trim().length() > 0) // path = "/" + methodPath; if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) return path; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<Input> iterator = inputs.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Input input = (Input); buffer.append("/{" + input.getName() + "}"); } if (path != null) return path + buffer.toString(); else return buffer.toString(); } private String generateMethod(String resourceName, Method method, StringTemplate template, String methodName, Definitions defs) throws GeneratorException { template.setAttribute("MethodName", methodName); template.setAttribute("ResourceName", resourceName); Implementation impl = method.getImplementation(); boolean operationValid = false; for (PortType pt : defs.getPortTypes()) { for (com.predic8.wsdl.Operation op : pt.getOperations()) { if (impl.getOperation().getName().equals(op.getName())) { operationValid = true; List<Fault> faults = op.getFaults(); for (Fault fault : faults) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String faultName = fault.getName(); if (!fault.getName().endsWith("Exception")) faultName = fault.getName() + "_Exception"; buffer.append("catch(gov.nih.nci.restgen.generated.client." + faultName + " e)\n"); buffer.append("{\n"); buffer.append("\t e.printStackTrace();\n"); buffer.append("\t throw new WebApplicationException(buildResponseError(\"GET_METHOD\", \"" + resourceName + "\", \"" + methodName + "\", \"Failed to process GET method\"+ e.toString()).build());\n"); buffer.append("}"); template.setAttribute("ResourceException", buffer.toString()); } } } } if (!operationValid) { throw new GeneratorException("Operation name mapping is missing for " + impl.getOperation().getName() + ". Aborting the process!! "); } List<Service> services = defs.getServices(); String portType = null; String portName = null; for (Service service : services) { List<Port> ports = service.getPorts(); for (Port port : ports) { if (port.getName().equals(impl.getPortName())) { Binding binding = port.getBinding(); portType = binding.getType().getLocalPart(); portName = port.getName(); template.setAttribute("PortType", portType); template.setAttribute("PortName", portName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + portName.substring(1)); List<String[]> params = getMethodParameters(portType, impl.getOperation().getName()); String[] paramTypes = params.get(0); String[] paramTypeNames = params.get(1); String returnType = getMethodReturnType(portType, impl.getOperation().getName(), defs); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { buffer.append(paramTypes[i] + " " + paramTypeNames[i]); if (i < paramTypes.length - 1) buffer.append(", "); } template.setAttribute("RequestType", buffer.toString()); buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < paramTypeNames.length; i++) { buffer.append("\"" + paramTypeNames[i] + "\""); if (i < paramTypeNames.length - 1) buffer.append(", "); } String pathParam = constructPathParam(paramTypeNames, paramTypes, method.getName()); String pathParamPath = constructPathParamPath(impl, paramTypeNames, paramTypes, method.getName()); String opParams = constructOperationParams(paramTypeNames); if (!returnType.equals("void")) { template.setAttribute("ReturnTypeNotVoid", true); template.setAttribute("PostReturnType", returnType); template.setAttribute("PutReturnType", returnType); template.setAttribute("DeleteReturnType", returnType); } else { template.setAttribute("ReturnTypeResponse", true); template.setAttribute("PostReturnType", "Response"); template.setAttribute("PutReturnType", "Response"); template.setAttribute("DeleteReturnType", "Response"); } template.setAttribute("ReturnType", returnType); if (returnType.startsWith("java.lang")) template.setAttribute("ReturnTypePrimitive", true); else template.setAttribute("ReturnTypePrimitive", false); template.setAttribute("OperationParameters", opParams); if (pathParamPath != null) { template.setAttribute("PathParamPath", "@Path(\"" + pathParamPath + "\")"); template.setAttribute("PathParamPathShort", pathParamPath); } template.setAttribute("PathParam", pathParam); template.setAttribute("ParamNames", buffer.toString()); } } } if (portType == null || portType.trim().length() == 0) throw new GeneratorException("Port type information is missing. Please check the WSDL!"); template.setAttribute("ServiceName", impl.getName()); template.setAttribute("OperationName", impl.getOperation().getName()); template.setAttribute("ServiceNamespace", defs.getNamespaceContext().toString()); template.setAttribute("WSDLURL", context.getMapping().getOptions().getWsdlLocation()); return template.toString(); } private String constructPathParam(String[] paramNames, String[] paramTypes, String methodName) throws GeneratorException { if ((paramNames.length != paramTypes.length)) throw new GeneratorException("Failed to parse path paramters."); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) { buffer.append("@PathParam(\"" + paramNames[i] + "\") " + paramTypes[i] + " " + paramNames[i]); found = true; if (i < paramNames.length - 1) buffer.append(", "); } if (found && methodName.equals(Method.GET)) return buffer.toString() + ","; else return buffer.toString(); } private String constructPathParamPath(Implementation impl, String[] paramNames, String[] paramTypes, String methodName) throws GeneratorException { if (methodName.equals(Method.POST) || methodName.equals(Method.PUT)) { if (impl.getPath() != null && impl.getPath().trim().length() > 0) return "/" + impl.getPath(); else return null; } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (impl.getPath() != null && impl.getPath().trim().length() > 0) buffer.append("/" + impl.getPath()); if ((paramNames.length != paramTypes.length)) throw new GeneratorException("Failed to parse path paramters."); for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) { buffer.append("/{" + paramNames[i] + "}"); } return buffer.toString(); } private String constructOperationParams(String[] paramNames) throws GeneratorException { if (paramNames == null || paramNames.length == 0) return ""; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) { buffer.append(paramNames[i]); if (i < paramNames.length - 1) buffer.append(","); } return buffer.toString(); } private List<String[]> getMethodParameters(String portName, String operationName) throws GeneratorException { File file = new File(context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator); List<String[]> returnType = new ArrayList<String[]>(); try { // Convert File to a URL URL url = file.toURI().toURL(); URL[] urls = new URL[] { url }; // Create a new class loader with the directory ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(urls); Class klass = cl.loadClass("gov.nih.nci.restgen.generated.client." + portName); java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods = klass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { java.lang.reflect.Method cMethod = methods[i]; if (cMethod.getName().equals(operationName)) { Annotation[][] annotations = cMethod.getParameterAnnotations(); Class[] params = cMethod.getParameterTypes(); String[] strParams = new String[params.length]; String[] strParamNames = new String[params.length]; for (int x = 0; x < params.length; x++) { strParams[x] = params[x].getName(); for (int j = 0; j < annotations.length; j++) { if (annotations[x][j].annotationType().getName().equals("javax.jws.WebParam")) { strParamNames[x] = (String) AnnotationUtils.getValue(annotations[x][j], "name"); break; } } } returnType.add(strParams); returnType.add(strParamNames); return returnType; } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to load compiled client classes", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to load compiled client classes", e); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to load compiled client classes", e); } return null; } private String getMethodReturnType(String portName, String operationName, Definitions defs) throws GeneratorException { File file = new File(context.getMapping().getOptions().getOutputPath() + File.separator); try { URL url = file.toURI().toURL(); URL[] urls = new URL[] { url }; ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(urls); Class klass = cl.loadClass("gov.nih.nci.restgen.generated.client." + portName); java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods = klass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { java.lang.reflect.Method cMethod = methods[i]; if (cMethod.getName().equals(operationName)) { String rType = cMethod.getReturnType().getName(); if (rType.startsWith("java.util.")) { String genericType = getOperationReturnTypeFromWSDL(portName, operationName, defs); if (genericType != null) { return rType + "<" + genericType + ">"; } else { return rType; } } else if (rType.startsWith("java.lang.")) { return "java.lang.String"; } else return rType; } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to load compiled client classes", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new GeneratorException("Failed to load compiled client classes", e); } return null; } private String getOperationReturnTypeFromWSDL(String portName, String operationName, Definitions defs) throws GeneratorException { String returnType = null; for (PortType pt : defs.getPortTypes()) { for (com.predic8.wsdl.Operation op : pt.getOperations()) { if (operationName.equals(op.getName())) { com.predic8.wsdl.Output output = op.getOutput(); List<Schema> schemas = defs.getSchemas(); String outputName = output.getName(); if (outputName == null) outputName = output.getMessage().getName(); for (Schema schema : schemas) { //if(schema.getNamespaceContext() != null) // continue; List<ComplexType> types = schema.getComplexTypes(); ComplexType complex = null; if (types.size() != 0) { complex = schema.getComplexType(outputName); } if (complex == null) { try { Element schemaElement = schema.getElement(outputName); complex = (ComplexType) schemaElement.getEmbeddedType(); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } if (complex == null) throw new GeneratorException("Failed to parse complex type for " + output.getName()); List<Element> elements = complex.getSequence().getElements(); Element element = elements.get(0); String qName = element.getType().getQualifiedName(); if (qName.contains(":")) qName = qName.substring(qName.indexOf(":") + 1); String uqName = qName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + qName.substring(1); if (schema.getComplexType(qName) != null) return "gov.nih.nci.restgen.generated.client." + uqName; else return uqName; } } } } return returnType; } protected void postProcess() { getContext().getLogger().info("Generating RESTful resource...Completed!"); } }