Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright (c) 2006 SAIC, SAIC-F. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ /** * */ package gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.util; import gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.dto.lookup.LookupManager; import gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.dto.lookup.PatientDataLookup; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; /** * @author sahnih * */ public class IGVHelper { private String IGV_TEMPLATE_LOC = "rembrandt.igv.template.location"; private String IGV_JNLP_URL = "rembrandt.igv.jnlp.url"; private String IGV_JNPL_TEMPLATE_LOC = "rembrandt.igv.jnpl.template.location"; private String igvFileName = null; private String igvFilePath = null; private String igvCopyNumberFileName = null; private String igvClinicalFileName = null; private String clinicalFile = null; private String igvJNPL = null; private String genome = null; private String igvSessionURL = null; private String gpGE_FilenameURL = null; private String gpCP_FilenameURL = null; private String rembrandtUser = null; private String encodedUser = null; public IGVHelper() { igvFilePath = System.getProperty("gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.data_directory"); clinicalFile = System.getProperty("rembrandt.igv.clinical.filename"); if (igvFilePath != null && clinicalFile != null) { igvClinicalFileName = igvFilePath + File.separator + clinicalFile; } } public IGVHelper(String sessionID, String locus, String appURL, String fileNameURL, String rembrandtUser) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { super(); igvFilePath = System.getProperty("gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.data_directory"); clinicalFile = System.getProperty("rembrandt.igv.clinical.filename"); genome = System.getProperty(""); String templateLocation = System.getProperty(IGV_TEMPLATE_LOC); String jnlpTemplateLocation = System.getProperty(IGV_JNPL_TEMPLATE_LOC); generateFileName(sessionID, rembrandtUser); if (fileNameURL != null) { if (checkIfGPFileExists(fileNameURL + ".seg") && rembrandtUser != null) { this.gpCP_FilenameURL = "" + "&u=" + encodedUser + "&gp=" + fileNameURL + ".seg"; } if (checkIfGPFileExists(fileNameURL + ".gct") && rembrandtUser != null) { this.gpGE_FilenameURL = "" + "&u=" + encodedUser + "&gp=" + fileNameURL + ".gct"; } } else {//If NOT GP IGV than its from Copy Number query gpCP_FilenameURL = "" + "&cn=" + sessionID + "-" + igvCopyNumberFileName; } FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(templateLocation); String igvTemplateString = readInputStreamAsString(is); is = new FileInputStream(jnlpTemplateLocation); String igvJnplTemplateString = readInputStreamAsString(is); igvTemplateString = replaceTemplateTokens(igvTemplateString, genome, locus, appURL, sessionID); writeStringtoFile(igvTemplateString, igvFileName); //igvURL = replaceUrlTokens( igvJnlpUrl , locus, appURL,sessionID); igvJNPL = replaceUrlTokens(igvJnplTemplateString, locus, appURL, sessionID); } public IGVHelper(String sessionID, String locus, String appURL) throws IOException { this(sessionID, locus, appURL, null, null); } private String readInputStreamAsString(FileInputStream fileInput) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int ch; try { while ((ch = != -1) { sb.append((char) ch); } fileInput.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return sb.toString(); } private String replaceUrlTokens(String igvJnlpUrl, String locus, String appUrl, String sessionID) { if (igvJnlpUrl != null) { igvJnlpUrl = igvJnlpUrl.replace("{locus}", (locus != null) ? locus : "None"); igvSessionURL = "" + "&igv=" + sessionID + "-" + getIgvFileName(); igvSessionURL = appUrl + igvSessionURL; igvJnlpUrl = igvJnlpUrl.replace("{session_url}", (igvSessionURL != null) ? igvSessionURL : "None"); } return igvJnlpUrl; } private String replaceTemplateTokens(String igvTemplateString, String genome, String locus, String appUrl, String sessionID) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { if (!igvClinicalFileExists()) { createIGVSampleDataFile(); } if (igvTemplateString != null) { igvTemplateString = igvTemplateString.replace("{genome}", (genome != null) ? genome : "None"); igvTemplateString = igvTemplateString.replace("{locus}", (locus != null) ? locus : "None"); String clURL = "" + "&cl=" + clinicalFile; //<Resource name="rembrandt-cn" path="{rembrandt-cn}"/> igvTemplateString = igvTemplateString.replace( "<Resource name=\"rembrandt-cn\" path=\"{rembrandt-cn}\"/>", (gpCP_FilenameURL != null) ? "<Resource name=\"rembrandt-cn\" path=\"" + appUrl + gpCP_FilenameURL + "\"/>" : ""); igvTemplateString = igvTemplateString.replace( "<Resource name=\"rembrandt-ge\" path=\"{rembrandt-ge}\"/>", (gpGE_FilenameURL != null) ? "<Resource name=\"rembrandt-ge\" path=\"" + appUrl + gpGE_FilenameURL + "\"/>" : ""); igvTemplateString = igvTemplateString .replace("<Resource name=\"rembrandt-clinical\" path=\"{rembrandt-clinical}\"/>", (clURL != null) ? "<Resource name=\"rembrandt-clinical\" path=\"" + appUrl + clURL + "\"/>" : ""); //igvTemplateString = igvTemplateString.replace("{rembrandt-ge}", (gpGE_FilenameURL!=null)? appUrl +gpGE_FilenameURL : "None"); //igvTemplateString = igvTemplateString.replace("{rembrandt-clinical}", (clURL!=null)? clURL : "None"); } return igvTemplateString; } private boolean checkIfGPFileExists(String fileName) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { String gpUrl = System.getProperty(""); gpUrl = gpUrl + "gp/jobResults/" + fileName; URL gctFile = new URL(gpUrl); // URL gctFile = new URL(""); URLConnection conn = gctFile.openConnection(); String password = System.getProperty(""); String loginPassword = rembrandtUser + ":" + password; String encoded = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(loginPassword.getBytes()); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded); bis = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); if (bis != null) { try { bis.close(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } return false; } public void writeStringtoFile(String string, String fileName) throws IOException { if (string != null) { String xmlFile = igvFilePath + fileName; File file = new File(xmlFile); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, string); } } /** * @return the igvFileName */ public String getIgvFileName() { return igvFileName; } private void generateFileName(String sessionId, String rembrandtUser) { igvFilePath = System.getProperty("gov.nih.nci.rembrandt.data_directory"); if (rembrandtUser != null) { this.rembrandtUser = rembrandtUser; this.encodedUser = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(rembrandtUser.getBytes()); } //get the clinical file path if (igvFilePath != null && clinicalFile != null) { igvClinicalFileName = igvFilePath + File.separator + clinicalFile; } //get the session file path if (igvFilePath != null) { igvFilePath = igvFilePath + File.separator + sessionId + File.separator; } /* * Creates the session image temp folder if the * folder does not already exist */ File dir = new File(igvFilePath); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } //the actual unique file name String uniqueName = createUniqueFileName(); igvFileName = uniqueName + ".xml"; igvCopyNumberFileName = uniqueName + "_cn" + ".seg"; } private String createUniqueFileName() { double time = (double) System.currentTimeMillis(); double random = (1 - Math.random()); String one = String.valueOf(random * time); String finalAnswer = one.substring(10); return finalAnswer; } /** * @return the igvFilePath */ public String getIgvFilePath() { return igvFilePath; } /** * @return the igvCopyNumberFileName */ public String getIgvCopyNumberFileName() { return igvCopyNumberFileName; } /** * @return the igvClinicalFileName */ public String getIgvClinicalFileName() { return igvClinicalFileName; } /** * @return the igvURL */ //public String getIgvURL() { // return igvURL; //} /** * @return the igvSessionURL */ public String getIgvSessionURL() { return igvSessionURL; //""; } /** * @return the igvJNPL */ public String getIgvJNPL() { return igvJNPL; } //Create a Sample annotation File for IGV viewer public void createIGVSampleDataFile() { try { PatientDataLookup[] patientData = LookupManager.getPatientData(); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("NAME" + "\t SAMPLE_ID" + "\t DISEASE_TYPE" + "\t WHO_GRADE" + "\t AGE_GROUP" + "\t GENDER" + "\t SURVIVAL_LENGTH_IN_MONTHS" + "\t CENSORING_STATUS" + "\t INSTITUTION_NAME" + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < patientData.length; i++) { PatientDataLookup patient = patientData[i]; stringBuffer.append(patient.getSpecimenName() + "\t" + ((patient.getSampleId() != null) ? patient.getSampleId() : " ") + "\t" + ((patient.getDiseaseType() != null) ? patient.getDiseaseType() : "UNASSIGNED") + "\t" + ((patient.getWhoGrade() != null) ? patient.getWhoGrade() : " ") + "\t" + ((patient.getAgeGroup() != null) ? patient.getAgeGroup() : " ") + "\t" + ((patient.getGender() != null) ? patient.getGender() : " ") + "\t" + ((patient.getSurvivalLengthMonth() != null) ? patient.getSurvivalLengthMonth().toString() : " ") + "\t" + ((patient.getCensoringStatus() != null) ? patient.getCensoringStatus() : " ") + "\t" + ((patient.getInstitutionName() != null) ? patient.getInstitutionName() : " ") + "\n"); } if (igvClinicalFileName != null) { File file = new File(igvClinicalFileName); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, stringBuffer.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getIgvClinicalFile() { return clinicalFile; } public boolean igvClinicalFileExists() { if (igvClinicalFileName != null) { File file = new File(igvClinicalFileName); return file.exists(); } return false; } }