Java tutorial
/* * Software License, Version 1.0 Copyright 2010 SRA International, Inc. * Copyright Notice. The software subject to this notice and license includes both human * readable source code form and machine readable, binary, object code form (the "caBIG * Software"). * * Please refer to the complete License text for full details at the root of the project. */ package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.qclive.common.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; /** * Class that holds a static method for making a copy of a file. * * @author Jessica Chen Last updated by: $Author: sfeirr $ * @version $Rev: 3419 $ */ public class FileCopier { /** * Copies the contents of a file into a new file in the given directory. The new file will have the same name as * the original file. * * @param fromFile the file to copy * @param deployDirectory the directory in which to copy the file -- if this is not a directory, the new file will * be created with this name * * @return the File that was created * * @throws IOException if there are I/O errors during reading or writing */ public static File copy(final File fromFile, final File deployDirectory) throws IOException { // if not a directory, then just use deployDirectory as the filename for the copy File destination = deployDirectory; if (deployDirectory.isDirectory()) { // otherwise use original file's name destination = new File(deployDirectory, fromFile.getName()); } FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; FileChannel sourceChannel = null; FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; FileChannel destinationChannel = null; try { //noinspection IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fromFile); //noinspection ChannelOpenedButNotSafelyClosed sourceChannel = fileInputStream.getChannel(); //noinspection IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(destination); //noinspection ChannelOpenedButNotSafelyClosed destinationChannel = fileOutputStream.getChannel(); final int maxCount = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - (32 * 1024); final long size = sourceChannel.size(); long position = 0; while (position < size) { position += sourceChannel.transferTo(position, maxCount, destinationChannel); } } catch (IOException ie) { throw new IOException("Failed to copy " + fromFile + " to " + deployDirectory + ".\n Error Details: " + ie.toString()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileInputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(sourceChannel); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileOutputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(destinationChannel); } return destination; } public static File move(final File fromFile, final File deployDirectory) throws IOException { File destination = copy(fromFile, deployDirectory); if (!fromFile.delete()) { throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + fromFile); } return destination; } /** * Copy the given source file or directory to the given destination, keeping the same creation date as the source. * * @param sourceFileOrDirectory the source file or directory * @param destinationFileOrDirectory the destination file or directory * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs during the copy */ public static void copyFileOrDirectory(final File sourceFileOrDirectory, final File destinationFileOrDirectory) throws IOException { final File parentDirectory = destinationFileOrDirectory.getParentFile(); if (!parentDirectory.exists()) { boolean success = parentDirectory.mkdirs(); if (!success) { throw new IOException("Directory '" + parentDirectory + "' was not successfully created."); } } if (sourceFileOrDirectory.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.copyDirectory(sourceFileOrDirectory, destinationFileOrDirectory); } else { FileUtils.copyFile(sourceFileOrDirectory, destinationFileOrDirectory); } } }