Java tutorial
/* * Software License, Version 1.0 Copyright 2010 SRA International, Inc. * Copyright Notice. The software subject to this notice and license includes both human * readable source code form and machine readable, binary, object code form (the "caBIG * Software"). * * Please refer to the complete License text for full details at the root of the project. */ package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.qclive.common; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.util.TabDelimitedContent; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * The class which loads and parses the tab delimited data and stores it in the tab delimited content object. * * @author Robert S. Sfeir * Last updated by: $Author$ * @version $Rev: 3419 $ */ public class TabDelimitedFileParser { private TabDelimitedContent tabDelimitedContent = null; private Map<Integer, Integer> commentAndEmptyLineMap = null; /** * gets the TabDelimitedContent object. You want to load that from Spring Framework typically and pass the object around. * * @return the TabDelimitedContent object */ public TabDelimitedContent getTabDelimitedContent() { return tabDelimitedContent; } /** * sets the TabDelimitedContent object. * * @param tabDelimitedContent the TabDelimitedContent object */ public void setTabDelimitedContent(final TabDelimitedContent tabDelimitedContent) { this.tabDelimitedContent = tabDelimitedContent; } /** * Loads the tab delimited file into a HashMap containing rows of data. Row 0 represents the header of the tab delimited file. * Each ROW loaded contains the row number (0-based) and a String[] of the values for each row) * * @param fileName the name of the tab delimited file we want to load * @throws IOException when the exception can't be found. */ public void loadTabDelimitedContent(final String fileName) throws IOException, ParseException { loadTabDelimitedContent(new File(fileName)); } public void loadTabDelimitedContent(final File file) throws IOException, ParseException { loadTabDelimitedContent(file, null, false); } public void loadTabDelimitedContent(final File file, final Boolean validateColumnsSize) throws IOException, ParseException { loadTabDelimitedContent(file, null, validateColumnsSize); } /** * Loads the tab delimited file into a HashMap containing rows of data. Row 0 represents the header of the tab delimited file. * Each ROW loaded contains the row number (0-based) and a String[] of the values for each row) * * @param file the tab delimited file we want to load * @param commentToken if the line begins with this, it will be skipped. may be null for no skipping. * @throws IOException when the exception can't be found. */ public void loadTabDelimitedContent(final File file, final String commentToken) throws IOException, ParseException { loadTabDelimitedContent(file, commentToken, false); } /** * Loads the tab delimited file into a HashMap containing rows of data. Row 0 represents the header of the tab delimited file. * Each ROW loaded contains the row number (0-based) and a String[] of the values for each row) * * @param file the tab delimited file we want to load * @param commentToken if the line begins with this, it will be skipped. may be null for no skipping. * @throws IOException when the exception can't be found. */ public void loadTabDelimitedContent(final File file, final String commentToken, final boolean validateColumnsSize) throws IOException, ParseException { final Map<Integer, String[]> dataMap = new HashMap<Integer, String[]>(); final Map<Integer, Integer> allDataLinesMapIncludingComments = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); String dataLine; Integer rowCount = 0; Integer rowCountCommentEmptyLines = 0; FileReader fReader = new FileReader(file); @SuppressWarnings({ "IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed" }) BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fReader); int columnCount = -1; try { while ((dataLine = in.readLine()) != null) { //count comment of empty lines also if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataLine.trim()) || StringUtils.startsWith(dataLine, commentToken)) { rowCountCommentEmptyLines++; } // ignore blank lines! if (dataLine.trim().length() > 0 && (commentToken == null || !dataLine.startsWith(commentToken))) { final String[] rowCols = dataLine.split("\t", -1); //Initialize columnCount columnCount = (columnCount == -1) ? rowCols.length : columnCount; if (validateColumnsSize && (columnCount != rowCols.length)) { throw new ParseException("Error at line no " + rowCount + ": Expected " + columnCount + " columns but found " + rowCols.length + " columns.", rowCols.length); } dataMap.put(rowCount, rowCols); rowCount++; } //setup the map like this <currentDataLineNum,total no. of commentOrEmptyLines> allDataLinesMapIncludingComments.put(rowCount, rowCountCommentEmptyLines); } getTabDelimitedContent().setTabDelimitedContents(dataMap); setCommentAndEmptyLineMap(allDataLinesMapIncludingComments); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fReader); IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); fReader = null; in = null; } } /** * loads the first row of the tab delimited Map into the tab delimited content setter method. */ public void loadTabDelimitedContentHeader() { getTabDelimitedContent().setTabDelimitedHeader(getTabDelimitedContent().getTabDelimitedContents().get(0)); } /** * convenience method to initialize the parser and populate the tab delimited content object with the correct values. * * @param tabDelimitedFile the tab delimited file we want to initialize this class with. * @throws when the file can't be found. */ public void initialize(final String tabDelimitedFile) throws IOException, ParseException { loadTabDelimitedContent(tabDelimitedFile); loadTabDelimitedContentHeader(); } /** * This Map keeps track of comment and empty line in input file * * @return commentAndEmptyLineMap */ public Map<Integer, Integer> getCommentAndEmptyLineMap() { return commentAndEmptyLineMap; } /** * This Map keeps track of comment and empty line in input file * * @param commentAndEmptyLineMap map that keeps track of comment and empty lines */ public void setCommentAndEmptyLineMap(final Map<Integer, Integer> commentAndEmptyLineMap) { this.commentAndEmptyLineMap = commentAndEmptyLineMap; } }