Java tutorial
/* * Software License, Version 1.0 Copyright 2010 SRA International, Inc. * Copyright Notice. The software subject to this notice and license includes both human * readable source code form and machine readable, binary, object code form (the "caBIG * Software"). * * Please refer to the complete License text for full details at the root of the project. */ package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.dao; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.ConstantValues; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.Barcode; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.Center; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.Duration; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.SearchCriteria; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.Tumor; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.UUIDDetail; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.UuidBarcodeMapping; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.exception.UUIDException; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.util.CommonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.util.StringUtil; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.util.UUIDConstants; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedRowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * DAO class for UUIDs. Used for adding /updating /getting UUID details * * @author Namrata Rane Last updated by: $Author: $ * @version $Rev: $ */ @Repository public class UUIDDAOImpl implements UUIDDAO { private SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired private CenterQueries centerQueries; @Autowired private UUIDTypeQueries uuidTypeQueries; @Autowired private CommonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator commonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator; private static final String UUID_UPSERT_QUERY = " MERGE INTO UUID " + " USING DUAL ON (" + " UUID = ?)" + " WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN " + " insert(UUID, CREATE_DATE, CENTER_ID, GENERATION_METHOD_ID, CREATED_BY)" + " values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String SQL_UUID_INSERT = "Insert into UUID " + " (UUID, CREATE_DATE, CENTER_ID, GENERATION_METHOD_ID, CREATED_BY)" + " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String DISEASE_QUERY = "select DISEASE_ID AS ID, DISEASE_ABBREVIATION AS NAME," + " DISEASE_NAME AS DESCRIPTION FROM DISEASE WHERE ACTIVE=1 order by DISEASE_NAME"; private static final String SQL_INSERT_BARCODE = "INSERT INTO barcode_history (barcode_id,barcode,uuid,disease_id,effective_date,item_type_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_UUID = "Update UUID Set latest_barcode_id = ? Where uuid = ?"; private static final String SQL_LATEST_BARCODE_FOR_UUID = "select barcode from uuid, barcode_history " + "where uuid.latest_barcode_id=barcode_history.barcode_id and uuid.uuid=lower(?)"; private List<Tumor> diseases; private static final String SELECT_CLAUSE = "SELECT U.UUID, U.CENTER_ID, DOMAIN_NAME, CENTER_TYPE_CODE, " + "U.CREATED_BY, U.CREATE_DATE, U.GENERATION_METHOD_ID, U.LATEST_BARCODE_ID, B.BARCODE, D.DISEASE_ABBREVIATION "; private static final String FROM_CLAUSE = " FROM UUID U INNER JOIN CENTER C ON U.CENTER_ID = C.CENTER_ID " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN BARCODE_HISTORY B ON B.BARCODE_ID = U.LATEST_BARCODE_ID " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN DISEASE D ON B.DISEASE_ID = D.DISEASE_ID "; private static final String WHERE_CLAUSE = " WHERE 1=1 "; private static final String ORDER_BY_CLAUSE = " ORDER BY U.CREATE_DATE DESC "; private static final String SQL_UUID_DETAIL = SELECT_CLAUSE + FROM_CLAUSE + " WHERE u.uuid = ? "; private static final String SQL_UUID_BARCODE = "Select BARCODE_ID, BARCODE, UUID, DISEASE_ID, EFFECTIVE_DATE, ITEM_TYPE_ID " + "from BARCODE_HISTORY where UUID = ?"; private static final String SQL_BARCODE = "Select BARCODE_ID, BARCODE, UUID, DISEASE_ID, EFFECTIVE_DATE, ITEM_TYPE_ID from BARCODE_HISTORY where BARCODE_ID = ?"; private static final String SQL_BARCODE_UUID = "Select u.uuid from uuid u, barcode_history bh where bh.barcode = upper(?) and bh.barcode_id = u.latest_barcode_id"; private static final String SQL_BARCODE_STARTING_WITH = "select barcode_id, barcode, uuid, disease_id, effective_date, item_type_id from barcode_history " + "where barcode like upper(?) order by barcode"; private static final String SQL_UUID_EXISTS_QUERY = "select count(*) from uuid where uuid=lower(?)"; public static final String REPLACE_UUID = "REPLACE_UUID"; public static final String QUERY_EXISTING_UUIDS = "select uuid from uuid where uuid in (" + REPLACE_UUID + ")"; public static final String REPLACE_BARCODE = "REPLACE_BARCODE"; public static final String QUERY_EXISTING_BARCODES = "select barcode from barcode_history where barcode in (" + REPLACE_BARCODE + ")"; public static final String BARCODES_FROM_UUIDS_MAPPING_QUERY = "with v as (" + REPLACE_UUID + ") " + "select bh.barcode, v.uuid from v left outer join uuid u on v.uuid = u.uuid " + "left outer join barcode_history bh on bh.barcode_id = u.latest_barcode_id order by v.uuid"; public static final String UUIDS_FROM_BARCODES_MAPPING_QUERY = "with v as (" + REPLACE_BARCODE + ") " + "select distinct bh.uuid, v.barcode from v left outer join barcode_history bh on v.barcode = bh.barcode " + "order by v.barcode"; public static final String MERGE_PATIENT_UUID_FILE_ID = " merge into participant_uuid_file using dual on (UUID=lower(?) and FILE_ID=?) " + " when not matched then insert (UUID, FILE_ID) values(lower(?), ?)"; @Resource(name = "uuidDataSource") public void setDataSource(final DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource); } /** * Adds an entry in the UUID table in database for the given UUID * * @param uuidDetailList list of UUIDs to be added to the database * @return number of rows affected */ @Transactional @Secured({ "ROLE_UUID_CREATOR" }) @Override public int addUUID(final List<UUIDDetail> uuidDetailList) throws UUIDException { String currentUuid = ""; try { for (final UUIDDetail uuidDetail : uuidDetailList) { currentUuid = uuidDetail.getUuid(); jdbcTemplate.update(SQL_UUID_INSERT, currentUuid, uuidDetail.getCreationDate(), uuidDetail.getCenter().getCenterId(), uuidDetail.getGenerationMethod().getMethodNumber(), uuidDetail.getCreatedBy()); } } catch (DataAccessException exception) { StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder("Error while adding following UUIDs to the database : "); errorMsg.append(currentUuid); errorMsg.append(exception.getMessage()); throw new UUIDException(errorMsg.toString(), exception); } return uuidDetailList.size(); } @Transactional @Secured({ "ROLE_UUID_CREATOR" }) @Override public void addNewUUIDs(final List<UUIDDetail> uuidDetailList) { final List<Object[]> valueList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (final UUIDDetail uuidDetail : uuidDetailList) { Object[] data = new Object[6]; int i = 0; data[i++] = uuidDetail.getUuid(); data[i++] = uuidDetail.getUuid(); data[i++] = uuidDetail.getCreationDate(); data[i++] = uuidDetail.getCenter().getCenterId(); data[i++] = uuidDetail.getGenerationMethod().getMethodNumber(); data[i++] = uuidDetail.getCreatedBy(); valueList.add(data); batchUpdate(UUID_UPSERT_QUERY, valueList); } jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(UUID_UPSERT_QUERY, valueList); } private void batchUpdate(final String query, final List<Object[]> data) { if (data.size() >= ConstantValues.BATCH_SIZE) { jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(query, data); data.clear(); } } /** * Use to add a new barcode_history record in database and sets this barcode_id as the latest barcode for the uuid * * @param barcode details of the barcode history record to be added in database * @throws UUIDException exception thrown while saving data to database */ @Override public void addBarcode(final Barcode barcode) throws UUIDException { final Tumor disease = barcode.getDisease(); final String itemType = commonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator.getItemType(barcode.getBarcode()); final Long itemTypeId = uuidTypeQueries.getUUIDTypeID(itemType); barcode.setItemTypeId(itemTypeId); String existingUUID = getUUIDForBarcode(barcode.getBarcode()); if (existingUUID != null) { if (existingUUID.equals(barcode.getUuid())) { // is this UUID already linked to the barcode as the CURRENT barcode for the UUID? If so, do nothing final String latestBarcodeForUUID = getLatestBarcodeForUUID(existingUUID); if (latestBarcodeForUUID != null && latestBarcodeForUUID.equals(barcode.getBarcode())) { return; } } else { // already linked to a different UUID -- error! throw new UUIDException(new StringBuilder().append("Barcode '").append(barcode.getBarcode()) .append("' is already associated with UUID '").append(existingUUID) .append("'. It cannot be associated with the UUID '").append(barcode.getUuid()) .append("'.").toString()); } } long newId; try { newId = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong("Select barcode_seq.NEXTVAL from DUAL"); barcode.setBarcodeId(newId); jdbcTemplate.update(SQL_INSERT_BARCODE, newId, barcode.getBarcode(), barcode.getUuid(), disease.getTumorId(), barcode.getEffectiveDate(), barcode.getItemTypeId()); } catch (DataAccessException exception) { // this will happen if the UUID is not already in the uuid table final StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder( "Error while adding barcode_history to the database for "); errorMsg.append(barcode.getBarcode()).append(": [").append(barcode.getBarcode()).append(",") .append(barcode.getUuid()).append(".").append(disease.getTumorId()) .append(barcode.getEffectiveDate()).append(barcode.getItemTypeId()).append("]") .append(exception.getMessage()); throw new UUIDException(errorMsg.toString(), exception); } try { jdbcTemplate.update(SQL_UPDATE_UUID, newId, barcode.getUuid()); } catch (DataAccessException exception) { final StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder( "Error while updating uuid latest_barcode_id for UUID: "); errorMsg.append(barcode.getUuid()); throw new UUIDException(errorMsg.toString(), exception); } } @Override public String getLatestBarcodeForUUID(final String uuid) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SQL_LATEST_BARCODE_FOR_UUID, String.class, uuid.toLowerCase()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { return null; } } @Override public boolean uuidExists(final String uuid) { final int count = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(SQL_UUID_EXISTS_QUERY, uuid.toLowerCase()); return count > 0; } @Override public List<String> getUUIDsExistInDB(final List<String> UUIDsToValidate) { final List<String> existingUUIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); int startIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; final int inClauseSize = getInClauseSize(); while (endIndex < UUIDsToValidate.size()) { startIndex = endIndex; endIndex = ((UUIDsToValidate.size() - endIndex) > inClauseSize) ? (endIndex + inClauseSize) : UUIDsToValidate.size(); final List<String> subList = UUIDsToValidate.subList(startIndex, endIndex); final String query = QUERY_EXISTING_UUIDS.replaceAll(REPLACE_UUID, StringUtil.createPlaceHolderString(subList.size(), StringUtil.CaseSensitivity.LOWER_CASE)); existingUUIDs .addAll(jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(query, new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return rs.getString("uuid"); } }, subList.toArray())); } return existingUUIDs; } @Override public List<String> getExistingBarcodes(final List<String> barcodes) { final List<String> existingBarcodes = new ArrayList<String>(); int startIndex; int endIndex = 0; final int inClauseSize = getInClauseSize(); while (endIndex < barcodes.size()) { startIndex = endIndex; endIndex = ((barcodes.size() - endIndex) > inClauseSize) ? (endIndex + inClauseSize) : barcodes.size(); final List<String> subList = barcodes.subList(startIndex, endIndex); final String query = QUERY_EXISTING_BARCODES.replaceAll(REPLACE_BARCODE, StringUtil.createPlaceHolderString(subList.size(), StringUtil.CaseSensitivity.UPPER_CASE)); existingBarcodes .addAll(jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(query, new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return rs.getString("barcode"); } }, subList.toArray())); } return existingBarcodes; } public int getInClauseSize() { return ConstantValues.WS_BATCH_SIZE; } private StringBuilder getUUIDList(final List<UUIDDetail> uuidDetailList) { StringBuilder uuidList = null; for (final UUIDDetail detail : uuidDetailList) { if (uuidList != null) { uuidList.append(", ").append(detail.getUuid()); } else { uuidList = new StringBuilder(detail.getUuid()); } } return uuidList; } private Center getCenter(final int centerId, final String domain_name, final String centerType) { Center center = new Center(); center.setCenterId(centerId); center.setCenterName(domain_name); center.setCenterType(centerType); return center; } /** * Return the list of active diseases from database Note that the diseases are retrieved from database only once * * @return list of centers */ @PostConstruct @Override public List<Tumor> getActiveDiseases() { if (diseases == null) { diseases = jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(DISEASE_QUERY, new ParameterizedRowMapper<Tumor>() { public Tumor mapRow(final ResultSet resultSet, final int i) throws SQLException { final Tumor tumor = new Tumor(); tumor.setTumorId(resultSet.getInt("ID")); tumor.setTumorName(resultSet.getString("NAME")); tumor.setTumorDescription(resultSet.getString("DESCRIPTION")); return tumor; } }); } return diseases; } @Override public Tumor getDisease(final int diseaseId) { Tumor retTumor = null; final List<Tumor> diseases = getActiveDiseases(); for (final Tumor tumor : diseases) { if (tumor.getTumorId() == diseaseId) { retTumor = tumor; } } return retTumor; } /** * Search UUIDs for the given criteria * * @param criteria : search criteria * @return search results */ @Override public List<UUIDDetail> searchUUIDs(final SearchCriteria criteria) { // build the query List<Object> bindVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); String searchQuery = getSearchQuery(criteria, bindVariables); Object[] params = bindVariables.toArray(); return jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(searchQuery, getUUIDRowMapper(), params); } /** * Returns UUID Details * * @param uuid uuid * @return uuid detail object * @throws UUIDException if UUID is not found */ @Override public UUIDDetail getUUIDDetail(final String uuid) throws UUIDException { UUIDDetail uuidDetail = null; List<UUIDDetail> list = jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(SQL_UUID_DETAIL, getUUIDRowMapper(), uuid); if (list.size() > 0) { uuidDetail = list.get(0); // get all the barcodes for that UUID ParameterizedRowMapper<Barcode> barcodeRowMapper = getBarcodeRowMapper(); List<Barcode> barcodeList = jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(SQL_UUID_BARCODE, barcodeRowMapper, uuid); uuidDetail.setBarcodes(barcodeList); uuidDetail.setLatestBarcode(getLatestBarcodeForUUID(uuid)); } if (uuidDetail != null) { return uuidDetail; } else { throw new UUIDException("UUID " + uuid + " not found"); } } // method constructs the search query for the fields set in the search criteria protected String getSearchQuery(final SearchCriteria criteria, final List<Object> bindVariables) { // check for a value of each field and add a condition to where clause if the // value is non-null or the value is other than zero // for tables that need a join with other tables ( fields : Barcode/Disease) // make sure that the from clause has that table and the appropriate joins are added to the where clause StringBuilder fromClause = new StringBuilder(FROM_CLAUSE); StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(WHERE_CLAUSE); final String uuid = criteria.getUuid(); if ((uuid != null) && uuid.length() > 0) { whereClause.append(" and U.UUID = ? "); bindVariables.add(uuid); } final String barcode = criteria.getBarcode(); if ((barcode != null) && barcode.length() > 0) { whereClause.append(" and B.BARCODE = ? "); bindVariables.add(barcode); } if (criteria.getDisease() > 0) { whereClause.append(" and B.DISEASE_ID = ? "); bindVariables.add(criteria.getDisease()); } if (criteria.getCenterId() > 0) { whereClause.append(" and U.CENTER_ID = ? "); bindVariables.add(criteria.getCenterId()); } final String submittedBy = criteria.getSubmittedBy(); if ((submittedBy != null) && submittedBy.length() > 0) { whereClause.append(" and U.CREATED_BY = ? "); bindVariables.add(submittedBy); } if (criteria.getCreationDate() != null) { whereClause.append(" and U.CREATE_DATE > ? "); bindVariables.add(criteria.getCreationDate()); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(criteria.getCreationDate()); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); whereClause.append(" and U.CREATE_DATE < ? "); bindVariables.add(cal.getTime()); } String searchQuery = new StringBuilder(SELECT_CLAUSE).append(fromClause).append(whereClause) .append(ORDER_BY_CLAUSE).toString(); /* used for debugging */ /*Object[] params = bindVariables.toArray(); StringBuilder msg = (new StringBuilder()).append("UUID Search - query : \n") .append(searchQuery).append('\n').append("params: "); for (final Object param : params) { msg.append(param.toString()).append(", "); } System.out.println(msg.toString());*/ /* end debugging */ return searchQuery; } /** * Returns Barcode for a given barcode id * * @param barcodeId barcode id * @return barcode */ @Override public Barcode getBarcodeForId(final long barcodeId) { Barcode barcode = null; if (barcodeId != 0) { barcode = new Barcode(); barcode.setBarcodeId(barcodeId); // get all the barcodes for that UUID ParameterizedRowMapper<Barcode> barcodeRowMapper = getBarcodeRowMapper(); List<Barcode> barcodeList = jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(SQL_BARCODE, barcodeRowMapper, barcodeId); if (barcodeList.size() > 0) { barcode = barcodeList.get(0); } } return barcode; } /** * UUID for a given human-readable barcode * * @param barcode * @return UUID */ @Override public String getUUIDForBarcode(String barcode) { String uuid = null; if (barcode.length() != 0) { try { uuid = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SQL_BARCODE_UUID, String.class, new Object[] { barcode }); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { //doesn't exist, return null } } return uuid; } @Override public List<Barcode> getBarcodesStartingWith(final String barcodePrefix) { List<Barcode> result = new ArrayList<Barcode>(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(barcodePrefix)) { result = jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(SQL_BARCODE_STARTING_WITH, getBarcodeRowMapper(), barcodePrefix + "%"); } return result; } /** * Get the list of UUIDs generated in the specified duration * * @param duration duration : day/month/week * @return list of UUIDs */ @Override public List<UUIDDetail> getNewlyGeneratedUUIDs(final Duration duration) { final List<Object> bindVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); final Date today = getCurrentDate(); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(today); duration.getAdjustedDate(cal); bindVariables.add(cal.getTime()); bindVariables.add(today); final String newUUIDReportQuery = new StringBuilder(SELECT_CLAUSE).append(FROM_CLAUSE).append(WHERE_CLAUSE) .append(" AND U.CREATE_DATE > ? AND U.CREATE_DATE < ? ").append(ORDER_BY_CLAUSE).toString(); final Object[] params = bindVariables.toArray(); return jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(newUUIDReportQuery, getUUIDRowMapper(), params); } /** * Returns the list of Submitted UUIDs. The UUIDs are submitted if there is a latest barCode associated with the * UUID * * @return list of submitted UUIDs */ @Override public List<UUIDDetail> getSubmittedUUIDs() { final List<Object> bindVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); final String submittedUUIDReportQuery = new StringBuilder(SELECT_CLAUSE).append(FROM_CLAUSE) .append(WHERE_CLAUSE).append(" AND U.LATEST_BARCODE_ID is NOT NULL ").append(ORDER_BY_CLAUSE) .toString(); final Object[] params = bindVariables.toArray(); return jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(submittedUUIDReportQuery, getUUIDRowMapper(), params); } /** * Returns the list of Missing UUIDs. The UUIDs are missing if there is no barcode associated with the UUID * * @return list of missing UUIDs */ @Override public List<UUIDDetail> getMissingUUIDs() { final String missingUUIDReportQuery = new StringBuilder(SELECT_CLAUSE).append(FROM_CLAUSE) .append(WHERE_CLAUSE).append(" AND U.LATEST_BARCODE_ID is NULL ").append(ORDER_BY_CLAUSE) .toString(); return jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(missingUUIDReportQuery, getUUIDRowMapper()); } // added this method so that we could override this in the test class and // specify the date ranges with respect to the data loaded for dbunit testing protected Date getCurrentDate() { return new Date(); } private ParameterizedRowMapper<UUIDDetail> getUUIDRowMapper() { return new ParameterizedRowMapper<UUIDDetail>() { public UUIDDetail mapRow(final ResultSet resultSet, final int rowNum) throws SQLException { UUIDDetail uuidDetail = new UUIDDetail(); uuidDetail.setUuid(resultSet.getString("UUID")); uuidDetail.setCreatedBy(resultSet.getString("CREATED_BY")); uuidDetail.setCenter(getCenter(resultSet.getInt("CENTER_ID"), resultSet.getString("DOMAIN_NAME"), resultSet.getString("CENTER_TYPE_CODE"))); uuidDetail.setCreationDate(resultSet.getDate("CREATE_DATE")); uuidDetail.setGenerationMethod( UUIDConstants.getGenerationMethod(resultSet.getInt("GENERATION_METHOD_ID"))); uuidDetail.setLatestBarcode(resultSet.getString("BARCODE")); uuidDetail.setDiseaseAbbrev(resultSet.getString("DISEASE_ABBREVIATION")); return uuidDetail; } }; } private ParameterizedRowMapper<Barcode> getBarcodeRowMapper() { return new ParameterizedRowMapper<Barcode>() { public Barcode mapRow(final ResultSet resultSet, final int rowNum) throws SQLException { final Barcode barcode = new Barcode(); barcode.setBarcode(resultSet.getString("BARCODE")); barcode.setBarcodeId(resultSet.getLong("BARCODE_ID")); barcode.setDisease(getDisease(resultSet.getInt("DISEASE_ID"))); barcode.setEffectiveDate(resultSet.getDate("EFFECTIVE_DATE")); barcode.setUuid(resultSet.getString("UUID")); barcode.setItemTypeId(resultSet.getLong("ITEM_TYPE_ID")); return barcode; } }; } /** * process the sequential union clause needed for the multiple barcode/uuid mapping query * * @param maxParameter max size of underlying list of arguments * @param name name of element to select, uuid or barcode here * @param caseSensitivity lowe, upper or normal * @return fully constructed query arguments */ protected String processUnionClause(int maxParameter, final String name, final StringUtil.CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity) { final StringBuilder placeHolderString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < maxParameter; i++) { switch (caseSensitivity) { case CASE_SENSITIVE: placeHolderString.append("select ? as " + name + " from dual union "); break; case LOWER_CASE: placeHolderString.append("select lower(?) as " + name + " from dual union "); break; case UPPER_CASE: placeHolderString.append("select upper(?) as " + name + " from dual union "); break; } } placeHolderString.delete(placeHolderString.lastIndexOf(" union "), placeHolderString.length()); return placeHolderString.toString(); } @Override public List<UuidBarcodeMapping> getLatestBarcodesForUUIDs(final List<String> uuids) { final List<UuidBarcodeMapping> barcodeList = new LinkedList<UuidBarcodeMapping>(); int startIndex; int endIndex = 0; final int inClauseSize = getInClauseSize(); while (endIndex < uuids.size()) { startIndex = endIndex; endIndex = ((uuids.size() - endIndex) > inClauseSize) ? (endIndex + inClauseSize) : uuids.size(); final List<String> subList = uuids.subList(startIndex, endIndex); final String query = BARCODES_FROM_UUIDS_MAPPING_QUERY.replaceAll(REPLACE_UUID, processUnionClause(subList.size(), "uuid", StringUtil.CaseSensitivity.LOWER_CASE)); barcodeList.addAll( jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(query, new ParameterizedRowMapper<UuidBarcodeMapping>() { @Override public UuidBarcodeMapping mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { final String barcode = rs.getString("barcode"); final String uuid = rs.getString("uuid"); final String error = "barcode mapping for uuid '" + uuid + "' was not found"; return new UuidBarcodeMapping(barcode == null ? error : barcode, uuid); } }, subList.toArray())); } return barcodeList; } @Override public List<UuidBarcodeMapping> getUUIDsForBarcodes(List<String> barcodes) { final List<UuidBarcodeMapping> uuidList = new LinkedList<UuidBarcodeMapping>(); int startIndex; int endIndex = 0; final int inClauseSize = getInClauseSize(); while (endIndex < barcodes.size()) { startIndex = endIndex; endIndex = ((barcodes.size() - endIndex) > inClauseSize) ? (endIndex + inClauseSize) : barcodes.size(); final List<String> subList = barcodes.subList(startIndex, endIndex); final String query = UUIDS_FROM_BARCODES_MAPPING_QUERY.replaceAll(REPLACE_BARCODE, processUnionClause(subList.size(), "barcode", StringUtil.CaseSensitivity.UPPER_CASE)); uuidList.addAll( jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().query(query, new ParameterizedRowMapper<UuidBarcodeMapping>() { @Override public UuidBarcodeMapping mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { final String barcode = rs.getString("barcode"); final String uuid = rs.getString("uuid"); final String error = "uuid mapping for barcode '" + barcode + "' was not found"; return new UuidBarcodeMapping(barcode, uuid == null ? error : uuid); } }, subList.toArray())); } return uuidList; } @Override public void addParticipantFileUUIDAssociation(final String UUID, final Long fileId) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(UUID) && fileId != null && fileId.longValue() > 0) { Object[] patientUUIDArray = { UUID.toLowerCase(), fileId, UUID.toLowerCase(), fileId }; List patientUUIDArrayList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); patientUUIDArrayList.add(patientUUIDArray); addParticipantFileUUIDAssociation(patientUUIDArrayList); } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(UUID)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" Non empty UUID must be present"); } if (fileId == null || fileId.longValue() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" Non empty file Id must be present"); } } } @Override public void addParticipantFileUUIDAssociation(final List<Object[]> patientsUUIDAndFileId) { jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(MERGE_PATIENT_UUID_FILE_ID, patientsUUIDAndFileId); } public void setJdbcTemplate(org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate; } public void setCenterQueries(gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.dao.CenterQueries centerQueries) { this.centerQueries = centerQueries; } public void setUuidTypeQueries(gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.dao.UUIDTypeQueries uuidTypeQueries) { this.uuidTypeQueries = uuidTypeQueries; } public void setCommonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator( gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.util.CommonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator commonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator) { this.commonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator = commonBarcodeAndUUIDValidator; } }