Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Oracle Inc, SAIC-F * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.service.impl; import gov.nih.nci.cadsr.domain.DataElement; import gov.nih.nci.cadsr.umlproject.domain.UMLAttributeMetadata; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.CaDSRConstants; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.service.CaDSRQueryService; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.umlmodelbrowser.dto.ReferenceDocumentAttachment; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.xml.XMLGeneratorBean; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.MappingSqlQuery; /** * A Oracle JDBC implementation of the CaDSRQueryService */ public class CaDSRQueryServiceImpl implements CaDSRQueryService { private DataSource dataSource; private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CaDSRQueryServiceImpl.class); private QueryRefDocAttachments queryRefDocAttachments = null; private QueryRefDocAttachment queryRefDocAttachment = null; private static final String encoding = "UTF-8"; private static final String rowSetTag = "DataElementsList"; private static final String rowTag = "DataElement"; private static final String cdeXMLQuery = " SELECT PublicId " + ", LongName " + ", PreferredName " + ", PreferredDefinition " + ", Version " + ", WorkflowStatus " + ", ContextName " + ", ContextVersion " + ", Origin " + ", RegistrationStatus " + ", DataElementConcept " + ", ValueDomain " + ", ReferenceDocumentsList " + ", ClassificationsList " + ", AlternateNameList " + ", DataElementDerivation " + " FROM sbrext.DE_XML_GENERATOR_VIEW "; public CaDSRQueryServiceImpl() { } /** * Queries the XML for the DataElements associated with the attributes. * @param attributes * @return CDE XML for data elements associated with the attributes */ public String getXMLForAttributes(Collection<UMLAttributeMetadata> attributes) throws Exception { XMLGeneratorBean cdeXmlGenerator = new XMLGeneratorBean(); Connection conn = null; Connection oracleConn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); //Get the OracleConnection oracleConn = conn.getMetaData().getConnection(); if (!(oracleConn instanceof oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection)) { log.error("DataElement XML download can work with OracleConnection only."); throw new Exception("DataElement XML download can work with OracleConnection only."); } StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(attributes.size() * 33); where.append("DE_IDSEQ IN ('-1'"); for (UMLAttributeMetadata attribute : attributes) { DataElement de = attribute.getDataElement(); where.append(",'" + de.getId() + "'"); } where.append(")"); cdeXmlGenerator.setConnection(oracleConn); cdeXmlGenerator.setQuery(cdeXMLQuery); cdeXmlGenerator.setWhereClause(where.toString()); cdeXmlGenerator.setRowsetTag(rowSetTag); cdeXmlGenerator.setRowTag(rowTag); cdeXmlGenerator.displayNulls(true); String xmlString = cdeXmlGenerator.getXMLString(); return xmlString; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error getting CDE Xml.", e); throw e; } finally { cdeXmlGenerator.closeResources(); if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } if (oracleConn != null) { oracleConn.close(); } } } public Collection<ReferenceDocumentAttachment> getReferenceDocumentAttachments(String referenceDocumentIdseq) throws Exception { if (queryRefDocAttachments == null) { queryRefDocAttachments = new QueryRefDocAttachments(dataSource); } if ((referenceDocumentIdseq == null) && (referenceDocumentIdseq.equals(""))) { throw new Exception("ReferenceDocumentIdseq is required to query attachments."); } try { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = referenceDocumentIdseq; List<ReferenceDocumentAttachment> rdas = queryRefDocAttachments.execute(parameters); return rdas; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error quering reference document attachments for " + referenceDocumentIdseq, e); throw e; } } public ReferenceDocumentAttachment getReferenceDocumentAttachment(String rdaName) throws Exception { if (queryRefDocAttachment == null) { queryRefDocAttachment = new QueryRefDocAttachment(dataSource); } if ((rdaName == null) && (rdaName.equals(""))) { throw new Exception("ReferenceDocumentAttachment name is required to query attachment."); } try { return queryRefDocAttachment.query(rdaName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error quering reference document attachment for " + rdaName, e); throw e; } } public Properties getApplicationProperties(Locale locale) throws Exception { ApplicationPropertiesQuery query = new ApplicationPropertiesQuery(); try { query.setDataSource(getDataSource()); query.setSql(CaDSRConstants.UMLBROWSER, locale.getCountry()); query.execute(); } catch (Exception exp) { log.error("Error getting properties from database"); throw exp; } return query.getProperties(); } public Properties reloadApplicationProperties(Locale locale, String username) throws Exception { // Add code to valiad user preveleges return getApplicationProperties(locale); } /** * Inner class to get Properties */ private class ApplicationPropertiesQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { private Properties properties = new Properties(); ApplicationPropertiesQuery() { super(); } public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } public void setSql(String toolName, String locale) { super.setSql("select PROPERTY, VALUE from TOOL_OPTIONS_EXT " + " where tool_name = '" + toolName + "' and locale = '" + locale + "'"); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { String key = rs.getString(1); String value = rs.getString(2); properties.put(key, value); return null; } } public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } /** * Inner class to query a ReferenceDocumentAttachment, using JDBC from * caDSR. This object is not available for query from caDSR API. */ protected class QueryRefDocAttachments extends MappingSqlQuery { protected QueryRefDocAttachments() { } protected QueryRefDocAttachments(DataSource ds) { String query = "select name,mime_type," + " content_type,blob_content, created_by,date_created, " + " modified_by, date_modified " + " from reference_blobs " + " where rd_idseq=? "; setDataSource(ds); setSql(query); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("rd_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { ReferenceDocumentAttachment rda = new ReferenceDocumentAttachment(); rda.setName(resultSet.getString("name")); rda.setMimeType(resultSet.getString("mime_type")); rda.setContentType(resultSet.getString("content_type")); rda.setCreatedBy(resultSet.getString("created_by")); rda.setDateCreated(resultSet.getDate("date_created")); rda.setBlobContent(resultSet.getBlob("blob_content")); return rda; } } protected class QueryRefDocAttachment extends QueryRefDocAttachments { protected QueryRefDocAttachment(DataSource ds) { String query = "select name,mime_type," + " content_type,blob_content, created_by,date_created, " + " modified_by, date_modified " + " from reference_blobs " + " where name=? "; setDataSource(ds); setSql(query); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("name", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected ReferenceDocumentAttachment query(String name) throws Exception { Object[] parameters = new Object[] { name }; List list = execute(parameters); ReferenceDocumentAttachment rda = null; if ((list != null) && (list.size() > 0)) rda = (ReferenceDocumentAttachment) list.get(0); return rda; } } /*public static void main(String [] args){ try{ OracleConnectionPoolDataSource ocpds = new OracleConnectionPoolDataSource(); ocpds.setURL(""); ocpds.setUser("cdebrowser"); ocpds.setPassword("cdeuser"); CaDSRQueryServiceImpl ci = new CaDSRQueryServiceImpl(); ci.setDataSource(ocpds); UMLAttributeMetadata ua = new UMLAttributeMetadata(); ua.setName("b"); ApplicationService as =ApplicationServiceProvider.getApplicationServiceFromUrl(""); //ApplicationServiceProvider.getRemoteInstance(""); List attributes =, ua); String xml =ci.getXMLForAttributes((Collection<UMLAttributeMetadata>)attributes); System.out.println(xml); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }*/ }