Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Oracle inc, SAIC-F * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ // Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.util; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.util.logging.Log; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.util.logging.LogFactory; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; /** * A Bean class. * <P> * @author Oracle Corporation */ public class CommonListBean extends Object { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CommonListBean.class.getName()); private HttpServletRequest myRequest; private String detailReq_Type = ""; private String dlbMId = ""; private int numOfColumns = 0; private String[] searchParm; private String[] displayParm; private String[] sqlStmtParm; private String[] jspLinkParm; private String mySqlStmt = ""; // hold partial SQL statement private String orderByClause; private String sqlStmt = ""; // for query private DBUtil dBBroker = null; private Vector rsVector = null; private Vector dataVector = null; private int rsVectorIdx = 0; private boolean compressFlag = true; private int linkCol = 0; private String[] mySearchStr; private String searchClause = ""; private UserInfoBean uib = null; private String extraURL = ""; //for additional link parameters private int[] myLovCols = null; private List pageList = null; /** * Display information (link) will be formatted for an LOV */ public static final int LOV_DISPLAY = 0; /** * Display information (link) will be formatted for an "in-page" LIST. */ public static final int LIST_DISPLAY = 1; private int displayMode = LIST_DISPLAY; private boolean firstTime; /** * Number of rows Displayed can be setShowRowNum( int ) method, * the desault number is 10. */ private int showRowNum = 10; int startRec = 0; // (0 = first record) int rNum = 0; String xSearchStr = ""; /** * Constructor * * @param request * @param response * @param dBBroker * @param mySearch * @param myJspLinkParm * @param myDispParm * @param mySqlParm */ public CommonListBean(HttpServletRequest request, //DBBroker dBBroker, DBUtil dBBroker, String[] mySearch, String[] myJspLinkParm, String[] myDispParm, String[] mySqlParm, boolean buildSearchClause, int[] lovPassbackCols) throws SQLException { myRequest = request; this.dBBroker = dBBroker; searchParm = mySearch; jspLinkParm = myJspLinkParm; displayParm = myDispParm; sqlStmtParm = mySqlParm; myLovCols = lovPassbackCols; int as = displayParm.length; if (searchParm != null) { int numSearchFields = this.searchParm.length / 2; } int ss = 0; //System.out.println("numSearchParm: "+ numSearchFields); mySearchStr = request.getParameterValues("SEARCH"); if (buildSearchClause) { if (mySearchStr != null) { ss = mySearchStr.length; for (int s = 0; s < ss; s++) { String myStr = mySearchStr[s]; //String newStr = StringReplace.strReplace(myStr,"*","%"); searchClause += " and upper (nvl(" + this.searchParm[2 * s] + ",'%')) like upper ( '%" + myStr + "%') "; /*searchClause+= " and upper (nvl(" + this.searchParm[2*s] + ",'%')) like upper ( nvl('" + newStr + "','%')) " ;*/ //System.out.println("myStr: " + myStr + " searchClause: " + searchClause); } } } if (request.getParameter("NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY") != null) { this.firstTime = false; populate(); } else { this.firstTime = true; } } /** * Forces the bean to execute the database query. This is useful in cases where * the hit list will be displayed without any search fields or find button. * <p> * NOTE: It is not advisable to use this method when the NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY * HTTP request parameter is passed by the browser. * @return True if first time, false otherwise */ public void forcePopulate() throws SQLException { this.populate(); this.firstTime = false; } /** * Specifies if this is the first time that the list/lov was displayed. * @return True if first time, false otherwise */ public boolean isFirstDisplay() { return this.firstTime; } /** * Change the display mode for this instance. * @param New display mode */ public void setDisplayMode(int newMode) { this.displayMode = newMode; } /** * Change the number of display rows for this instance. * @param New number of display rows */ public void setShowRowNum(int newNum) { this.showRowNum = newNum; } private String[] getSearchStrArray() { return mySearchStr; } private String[] getSearchParm() { return searchParm; } private String[] getDisplayParm() { return displayParm; } private String[] getJspLinkParm() { return jspLinkParm; } private int getLinkCol() { return linkCol; } /* public void setDisplayParm(String[] myDisParm){ displayParm=myDisParm; } public void setJspLinkParm(String[] myJspLinkParm){ jspLinkParm=myJspLinkParm; } */ public void setLinkCol(int linkcol) { linkCol = linkcol; } private boolean getCompressFlag() { return compressFlag; } public void setCompressFlag(boolean flag) { compressFlag = flag; } private String[] getSqlStmtParm() { return sqlStmtParm; } public void setSqlStmtParm(String[] mySqlStmtParm) { sqlStmtParm = mySqlStmtParm; } private String getDetailReq_Type() { return detailReq_Type; } public void setDetailReq_Type(String reqtype) { detailReq_Type = reqtype; } private String getOrderByClause() { orderByClause = "" + this.getSqlStmtParm()[1]; return orderByClause; } private String getMySqlStmt() { String[] sA = this.getDisplayParm(); String[] sA1 = this.getJspLinkParm(); int sALength = sA.length; int sA1Length = sA1.length; String tableColName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sALength; i += 2) { tableColName += (tableColName.equals("")) ? "" + sA[i] : ", " + sA[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < sA1Length; i += 2) { tableColName += (tableColName.equals("")) ? "" + sA1[i] : ", " + sA1[i]; } mySqlStmt = "select " + tableColName + this.getSqlStmtParm()[0]; return mySqlStmt; } private void populate() throws SQLException { sqlStmt = this.getMySqlStmt() + searchClause + this.getOrderByClause(); log.debug("sqlstmt: " + sqlStmt); rsVector = dBBroker.retrieveMultipleRecordsDB(sqlStmt); log.debug("rsVector: " + rsVector.size()); pageList = new ArrayList(9); pageList.add(new Integer(40)); pageList.add(new Integer(80)); pageList.add(new Integer(115)); pageList.add(new Integer(145)); pageList.add(new Integer(170)); pageList.add(new Integer(200)); pageList.add(new Integer(230)); } private boolean hasMoreDetailRows() { if (rsVectorIdx < rsVector.size()) { dataVector = (Vector) rsVector.elementAt(rsVectorIdx); rsVectorIdx++; return true; } else { return false; } } private String getColValue(int i) { return (String) dataVector.elementAt(i); } private int getRowCount() { /*int count = 0; try { String str="select count(*)" + this.getSqlStmtParm()[0]; Vector vec = dBBroker.retrieveRecordDB(str); count = Integer.parseInt((String)vec.elementAt(0)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return count;*/ return rsVector.size(); } //--------> The masterName is the first column in the select stmt //--------> masterId is the second to the last column, detailId is the last column!!! // // DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE USED // //public String getMasterName() { // return (String)dataVector.elementAt(0); // } /** * Displays the page information that normally appears below the hit list. Includes * current page, next page, and go page information. * @return String containing page info HTML. */ public String getPageInfo() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); String extraURLInfo = this.getExtraURLInfo(); if (rNum > this.showRowNum) { result.append("<p class=\"OraFieldText\">Current Page: <b>" + (startRec / this.showRowNum + 1) + " "); if (rNum - startRec > this.showRowNum) { if (this.mySearchStr != null) { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + (startRec + this.showRowNum) + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo + xSearchStr) + "')\">Next Page</A>"); } else { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + (startRec + this.showRowNum) + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo) + "')\">Next Page</A>"); } } result.append("</p>"); result.append("<P class=\"OraFieldText\"><b>Go Page: "); for (int i = 0; i < rNum; i += this.showRowNum) { //if ((i/this.showRowNum +1) ==50 ||(i/this.showRowNum +1) ==100) { if (pageList.contains(new Integer(i / this.showRowNum + 1))) { result.append("<br>"); } if (this.mySearchStr != null) { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + i + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo + xSearchStr) + "')\">" + (i / this.showRowNum + 1) + "</A>"); } else { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + i + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo) + "')\">" + (i / this.showRowNum + 1) + "</A>"); } } } return result.toString(); } /** * Makes the total number of records available to calling JSP's. Note that * this is the total number of records satisfied by the query, not displayed at one time. * @return Total number of records */ public int getTotalRecordCount() { int result = 0; if (this.rsVector != null) { result = rsVector.size(); } return result; } /** * Displays the result hit list based on the results of the user's search. * Calling JSP must provide <TABLE> tags. * @return String containing the hit list HTML. */ public String getHitList() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int numOfCol = (displayParm.length + jspLinkParm.length) / 2; int numOfLinkParm = jspLinkParm.length / 2; int colNum = 0; String[] linkParmName = new String[numOfLinkParm]; String[] linkParm = new String[numOfLinkParm]; int display_num; String masterName = ""; String linkParms = ""; if (this.isFirstDisplay()) { result.append(""); } else { for (int a = 0; a < numOfLinkParm; a++) { linkParmName[a] = jspLinkParm[a * 2 + 1]; } //result.append("<TABLE border=\"0\" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 BGCOLOR=\"#F7F7E7\">"); result.append("<TABLE border=\"0\" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 class=\"OraBGAccentVeryDark\">"); //result.append("<TABLE border=\"0\" CLASS=\"OracleHitListTable\">"); result.append("<TR class=\"OraTableRowHeader\">"); rNum = this.getRowCount(); display_num = this.showRowNum; colNum = displayParm.length; for (int i = 1; i < colNum; i += 2) { // for loop 1 //result.append("<TH ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"BOTTOM\" BGCOLOR=\"#CCCC99\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" >" + displayParm[i] + "</font></TH>"); result.append("<TH ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"BOTTOM\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" nowrap>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(displayParm[i]) + "</font></TH>"); } //for loop 1 over result.append("</TR>"); if (rNum > 0) { startRec = (myRequest.getParameter("page_num") != null) ? Integer.parseInt(myRequest.getParameter("page_num")) : 0; /* check start record s and assign display record number */ if (rNum - startRec >= this.showRowNum) { display_num = this.showRowNum; } else { display_num = rNum - startRec; } // // Skip the previous page's records up to the start record for the current page // for (int i = 0; i < startRec && this.hasMoreDetailRows(); i++) { } for (int i = startRec; i < display_num + startRec && this.hasMoreDetailRows(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < numOfLinkParm; a++) { int p = numOfCol - numOfLinkParm + a; linkParm[a] = linkParmName[a] + "=" + this.getColValue(p); //System.out.println("i=s-->linkParm[" +a +"]: " + linkParm[a]); } linkParms = ""; for (int m = 0; m < linkParm.length; m++) { linkParms += "&" + linkParm[m]; } //System.out.println("linkParms: " + linkParms); result.append("<TR class=\"OraTabledata\">"); // check if the display column is the link column int dispLength = 0; if (this.getDisplayParm() != null) { dispLength = this.getDisplayParm().length; } //System.out.println("dispLength: " + dispLength); for (int d = 0; d < dispLength / 2; d++) { /********* Skip repetitive first col but show it on new page ***********/ if (d == 0) { if (!masterName.equals(this.getColValue(d)) || i == startRec || this.getCompressFlag() == false) { if (d == this.getLinkCol()) { if (displayMode == LIST_DISPLAY) { result.append( "<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"TOP\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" nowrap><a href=\"javascript:redirect1('" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getDetailReq_Type()) + "','" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(linkParms) + "')\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(d)) + "</font></a></TD>"); } else { // THIS ASSUMES THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE LINK COLUMN // AND ONLY ONE DISPLAY COLUMN // // LOV's should always have first display column = return display column // and first link column (only one) = ID column String lovLink = ""; if (myLovCols != null) { for (int m = 0; m < myLovCols.length; m++) { if (m != (myLovCols.length - 1)) { lovLink = lovLink + "'" + getValidJSString(this.getColValue(myLovCols[m])) + "'" + ","; } else { lovLink = lovLink + "'" + getValidJSString(this.getColValue(myLovCols[m])) + "'"; } } } result.append( "<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"TOP\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" nowrap><a href=\"javascript:passback('" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(this.getColValue(dispLength / 2)) + "'," + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(lovLink) + ")\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(d)) + "</font></a></TD>"); } } else { result.append( "<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"TOP\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" nowrap>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(d)) + "</font></TD>"); } } else { result.append("<TD> </TD>"); } } else if (d == this.getLinkCol()) { if (displayMode == LIST_DISPLAY) { result.append( "<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"TOP\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" nowrap><a href=\"javascript:redirect1('" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getDetailReq_Type()) + "','" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(linkParms) + "')\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(d)) + "</font></a></TD>"); } else { // THIS ASSUMES THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE LINK COLUMN // AND ONLY ONE DISPLAY COLUMN // // LOV's should always have first display column = return display column // and first link column (only one) = ID column result.append( "<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"TOP\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" nowrap><a href=\"javascript:passback('" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(dispLength / 2)) + "','" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(0)) + "')\">" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(d)) + "</font></a></TD>"); } } else { // for all non link columns, replace nulls with a single space if (this.getColValue(d) != null) { result.append( "<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" valign=\"TOP\"><font size=\"-1\" FACE=\"ARIAL\" nowrap>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(this.getColValue(d)) + "</font></TD>"); } else { result.append("<TD> </TD>"); } } } result.append("</TR>"); masterName = this.getColValue(0); } } result.append("</TABLE>"); } return result.toString(); } /** * Displays the search fields that accept user input. Calling JSP's must * provide <TABLE>, <FORM>, and FIND button tags. * @return String containing the search fields HTML. */ public String getSearchFields() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int sArLength = searchParm.length / 2; //String xSearchStr=""; for (int s = 0; s < sArLength; s++) { //result.append("<TR><TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\">" + searchParm[2*s+1] + "</TD>"); result.append("<TR><TD class=\"fieldtitlebold\" nowrap>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(searchParm[2 * s + 1]) + "</TD>"); if (mySearchStr != null) { xSearchStr += StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("&SEARCH=" + mySearchStr[s]); //result.append("<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"SEARCH\" SIZE=\"15\" value=\"" + mySearchStr[s] + "\"></TD></TR>"); result.append( "<TD class=\"OraFieldText\" nowrap><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"SEARCH\" SIZE=\"15\" value=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(mySearchStr[s]) + "\"></TD></TR>"); } else { //result.append("<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"SEARCH\" SIZE=\"15\" value=\"\"></TD></TR>"); result.append( "<TD class=\"OraFieldText\" nowrap><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"SEARCH\" SIZE=\"15\" value=\"\"></TD></TR>"); } } return result.toString(); } public String getExtraURLInfo() { return extraURL; } public void setExtraURLInfo(String s) { extraURL = s; } // Added for SBR public String getValidJSString(String sourceStr) { String newStr = StringReplace.strReplace(sourceStr, "'", "\\'"); newStr = StringReplace.strReplace(newStr, "\"", """); return newStr; } public void setSearchInfo() { int sArLength = searchParm.length / 2; for (int s = 0; s < sArLength; s++) { if (mySearchStr != null) { xSearchStr += "&SEARCH=" + mySearchStr[s]; } } } public void setSearchInfo(String urlParams) { xSearchStr = urlParams; } public Vector getQueryResults() { return rsVector; } public void resetRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { myRequest = request; rsVectorIdx = 0; } public void resetResultVectorIdx() { rsVectorIdx = 0; } /** * Displays the page information in a list. * @return String containing page info HTML. */ public String getPageInfoAsPopList() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); String extraURLInfo = this.getExtraURLInfo(); if (rNum > this.showRowNum) { result.append("<p>Current Page: <b>" + (startRec / this.showRowNum + 1) + " "); if (rNum - startRec > this.showRowNum) { if (this.mySearchStr != null) { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + (startRec + this.showRowNum) + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo + xSearchStr) + "')\">Next Page</A>"); } else { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + (startRec + this.showRowNum) + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo) + "')\">Next Page</A>"); } } result.append("</p>"); result.append("<P><b>Go Page: "); for (int i = 0; i < rNum; i += this.showRowNum) { if (this.mySearchStr != null) { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + i + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo) + xSearchStr + "')\">" + (i / this.showRowNum + 1) + "</A>"); } else { result.append(" <A HREF= \"javascript:goPage('page_num=" + i + "&NOT_FIRST_DISPLAY=1" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(extraURLInfo) + "')\">" + (i / this.showRowNum + 1) + "</A>"); } } } return result.toString(); } }