Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Oracle inc, SAIC-F * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.persistence.dao.jdbc; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.AddressTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.AdminComponentTypeTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.AttachmentTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.CSITransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.ContactCommunicationTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.ContactTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.ContextTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.DefinitionTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.DesignationTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.OrganizationTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.PersonTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.dto.ReferenceDocumentTransferObject; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.exception.DMLException; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.persistence.dao.AdminComponentDAO; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Address; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.AdminComponent; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.AdminComponentType; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Attachment; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.ClassSchemeItem; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.ComponentType; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Contact; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.ContactCommunication; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Context; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Definition; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Designation; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Organization; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.Person; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.resource.ReferenceDocument; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.servicelocator.ServiceLocator; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.servicelocator.SimpleServiceLocator; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.common.util.StringUtils; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.MappingSqlQuery; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate; import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure; public class JDBCAdminComponentDAO extends JDBCBaseDAO implements AdminComponentDAO { private static PreferredNameGenerator nameGen = null; private static HasCreateQuery hasCreateQry = null; private static HasUpdateQuery hasUpdateQry = null; private static HasDeleteQuery hasDeleteQry = null; public JDBCAdminComponentDAO(ServiceLocator locator) { super(locator); } public int updateLongName(String adminIdseq, String newLongName, String username) { return 0; } public String generatePreferredName(String longName) { return this.getNameGen().getPreferredName(longName); } public boolean hasUpdate(String username, String acIdseq) { String retValue = this.getHasUpdateQry().execute(username.toUpperCase(), acIdseq); return StringUtils.toBoolean(retValue); } public boolean hasDelete(String username, String acIdseq) { String retValue = this.getHasDeleteQry().execute(username.toUpperCase(), acIdseq); return StringUtils.toBoolean(retValue); } public boolean hasCreate(String username, String acType, String conteIdseq) { String retValue = this.getHasCreateQry().execute(username.toUpperCase(), acType, conteIdseq); return StringUtils.toBoolean(retValue); } /** * Gets all ReferenceDocuments for a AdminComp * * @return <b>Collection</b> Collection of ReferenceDocumentTransferObjects */ public List getAllReferenceDocuments(String adminComponentId, String docType) { List col = new ArrayList(); ReferenceDocumentsQuery query = new ReferenceDocumentsQuery(); query.setDataSource(getDataSource()); query.setSql(adminComponentId, docType); col = query.execute(); Iterator iter = col.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ReferenceDocument ref = (ReferenceDocument); ref.setAttachments(this.getAllReferenceDocumentAttachments(ref.getDocIDSeq())); } return col; } private List getAllReferenceDocumentAttachments(String refDocId) { ReferenceAttachmentsQuery query = new ReferenceAttachmentsQuery(getDataSource()); return query.execute(refDocId); } private JDBCAdminComponentDAO.HasCreateQuery getHasCreateQry() { if (hasCreateQry == null) { hasCreateQry = new HasCreateQuery(this.getDataSource()); } return hasCreateQry; } private JDBCAdminComponentDAO.HasDeleteQuery getHasDeleteQry() { if (hasDeleteQry == null) { hasDeleteQry = new HasDeleteQuery(this.getDataSource()); } return hasDeleteQry; } private JDBCAdminComponentDAO.HasUpdateQuery getHasUpdateQry() { if (hasUpdateQry == null) { hasUpdateQry = new HasUpdateQuery(this.getDataSource()); } return hasUpdateQry; } private JDBCAdminComponentDAO.PreferredNameGenerator getNameGen() { if (nameGen == null) { nameGen = new PreferredNameGenerator(this.getDataSource()); } return nameGen; } /** * Assigns the specified classification to an admin component * * @param <b>acId</b> Idseq of an admin component * @param <b>csCsiId</b> csCsiId * * @return <b>int</b> 1 - success; 0 - failure */ public int assignClassification(String acId, String csCsiId) { try { InsertAcCsi insertAcCsi = new InsertAcCsi(this.getDataSource()); int res = insertAcCsi.insertOneAcCsiRecord(csCsiId, acId); } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) { DMLException dmlExp = new DMLException("Did not succeed. Classification is already assigned."); dmlExp.setErrorCode(ERROR_DUPLICATE_CLASSIFICATION); throw dmlExp; } return 1; } /** * Removes the specified classification assignment for an admin component * * @param <b>acCsiId</b> acCsiId * * @return <b>int</b> 1 - success; 0 - failure */ public int removeClassification(String acCsiId) { DeleteAcCsi deleteAcCsi = new DeleteAcCsi(this.getDataSource()); int res = deleteAcCsi.deleteOneAcCsiRecord(acCsiId); if (res != 1) { DMLException dmlExp = new DMLException("Did not succeed removing classification for an AC."); dmlExp.setErrorCode(ERROR_REMOVEING_CLASSIFICATION); throw dmlExp; } return 1; } /** * Removes the specified classification assignment for an admin component * give cscsiIdseq and adminComponent Idseq * @param <b>acCsiId</b> acCsiId * * @return <b>int</b> 1 - success; 0 - failure */ public int removeClassification(String cscsiIdseq, String acId) { DeleteCSIForAdminComp deleteAcCsi = new DeleteCSIForAdminComp(this.getDataSource()); int res = deleteAcCsi.deleteAcClassification(cscsiIdseq, acId); if (res != 1) { DMLException dmlExp = new DMLException("Did not succeed removing classification for an AC."); dmlExp.setErrorCode(ERROR_REMOVEING_CLASSIFICATION); throw dmlExp; } return 1; } /** * Retrieves all the assigned classifications for an admin component * * @param <b>acId</b> Idseq of an admin component * * @return <b>Collection</b> Collection of CSITransferObject */ public Collection retrieveClassifications(String acId) { ClassificationQuery classificationQuery = new ClassificationQuery(); classificationQuery.setDataSource(getDataSource()); classificationQuery.setSql(); return classificationQuery.execute(acId); } // Publish ChangeOrder /** * Check if the Admin Component is published * * @param <b>acId</b> Idseq of an admin component * * @return <b>Collection</b> Collection of CSITransferObject */ public boolean isClassifiedForPublish(String acId, String conteIdSeq) { PublishClassificationQuery query = new PublishClassificationQuery(getDataSource()); Integer count = (Integer) query.isPublished(acId, conteIdSeq); if (count.intValue() > 0) return true; else return false; } /** * Gets all CSI by funtion and admin Component type * * @param <b>acId</b> Idseq of an admin component * * * @param csType * @param csiType * @param contextIdseq * @return */ public List getCSIByType(String csType, String csiType, String contextIdseq) { CSCSIsByTypeQuery query = new CSCSIsByTypeQuery(getDataSource()); return query.getCSCSIs(csType, csiType, contextIdseq); } /** * Gets all CSI by classification and classification item type * * @param <b>csType</b> type of classification * @param <b>csiType</b> type of classification item * * */ public List getAllCSIByType(String csType, String csiType) { AllCSCSIsByTypeQuery query = new AllCSCSIsByTypeQuery(getDataSource()); return query.getCSCSIs(csType, csiType); } /** * Gets all CSI for CTEP * * @param * * */ public List getCSIForContextId(String contextId) { CSCSIsByContextIDQuery query = new CSCSIsByContextIDQuery(getDataSource()); return query.getCSCSIs(contextId); } /** * Gets all CSCSI * * @param * * */ public List getCSCSIHierarchy() { CSCSIsHierQuery query = new CSCSIsHierQuery(); query.setDataSource(getDataSource()); query.setSql(); return query.execute(); } /** * Gets all CSCSI for a context * * @param * * */ public List<ClassSchemeItem> getCSCSIHierarchyByContext(String contextIdseq) { CSCSIsHierByContextQuery query = new CSCSIsHierByContextQuery(getDataSource()); return query.getCSCSIs(contextIdseq); } /** * Gets all CSCSI by type * * @param csType * @param csiType * */ public List getCSCSIHierarchyByType(String csType, String csiType) { CSCSIsHierQueryByType query = new CSCSIsHierQueryByType(getDataSource()); return query.getCSCSIs(csType, csiType); } /** * Gets all CSCSI by type * * @param csType * @param csiType * */ public List getCSCSIHierarchyByTypeAndContext(String csType, String csiType, String contextIdseq) { CSCSIsHierQueryByTypeAndContext query = new CSCSIsHierQueryByTypeAndContext(getDataSource()); return query.getCSCSIs(csType, csiType, contextIdseq); } /** * Designate the ACs to the specified context. * @param contextIdSeq context id seq * @param acIdList a list of AC id seq. * @return the total number of ac designated to the context. * with the given registration status */ public int designate(String contextIdSeq, List acIdList, String createdBy) { int res = 0; DesignateCDE designateCDE = new DesignateCDE(this.getDataSource()); res = designateCDE.designate(contextIdSeq, acIdList, createdBy); return res; } /** * * @param acIdList a list of AC * @param contextIdSeq context id seq. * @return true if all the AC are designated in the context. */ public boolean isAllACDesignatedToContext(List acIdList, String contextIdSeq) { CheckACDesignationQuery query = new CheckACDesignationQuery(getDataSource()); return query.isAllACDesignatedToContext(acIdList, contextIdSeq); } /** * @param acIdList a list of AC * @return Context object. */ public Context getContext(String acIdSeq) { ContextQuery query = new ContextQuery(); query.setDataSource(getDataSource()); query.setSql(); return query.getContext(acIdSeq); } public AdminComponentType getAdminComponentType(String publicId, String version) { ComponentTypeQuery compQry = new ComponentTypeQuery(); compQry.setDataSource(getDataSource()); compQry.setQuerySql(); AdminComponentType adminComp = compQry.getComponentType(publicId, version); return adminComp; } /** * @param acIdList a list of AC * @return contact list object. */ public List<Contact> getContacts(String acIdseq) { List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList(); PersonContactByACIdQuery personQuery = new PersonContactByACIdQuery(); personQuery.setDataSource(getDataSource()); contacts.addAll(personQuery.getPersonContacts(acIdseq)); ContactCommunicationsQuery commQuery = new ContactCommunicationsQuery(); commQuery.setDataSource(getDataSource()); Iterator<Contact> perIter = contacts.iterator(); while (perIter.hasNext()) { Person person =; person.setContactCommunications(commQuery.getContactCommsbyPerson(person.getId())); } OrgContactByACIdQuery orgQuery = new OrgContactByACIdQuery(); orgQuery.setDataSource(getDataSource()); List<Contact> orgContacts = orgQuery.getOrgContacts(acIdseq); Iterator<Contact> orgIter = orgContacts.iterator(); while (orgIter.hasNext()) { Organization org =; org.setContactCommunications(commQuery.getContactCommsbyOrg(org.getId())); } contacts.addAll(orgContacts); return contacts; } public List<Designation> getDesignations(String acIdSeq, String type) { DesignationQuery query = new DesignationQuery(); query.setDataSource(getDataSource()); query.setSql(type); List<Designation> desigs = query.getDesignations(acIdSeq, type); for (Designation designation : desigs) { List<ClassSchemeItem> cscsiList = getAcAttrCSCSIByAcAttrId(designation.getDesigIDSeq()); ((DesignationTransferObject) designation).setCsCsis(cscsiList); } return desigs; } public List<Definition> getDefinitions(String acIdSeq) { DefinitionQuery query = new DefinitionQuery(); query.setDataSource(getDataSource()); query.setSql(); List<Definition> definitions = query.getDefinitions(acIdSeq); for (Definition def : definitions) { List<ClassSchemeItem> cscsiList = getAcAttrCSCSIByAcAttrId(def.getId()); ((DefinitionTransferObject) def).setCsCsis(cscsiList); } return definitions; } public List<ClassSchemeItem> getAcAttrCSCSIByAcAttrId(String acAttrIdSeq) { AcAttrQuery query = new AcAttrQuery(); query.setDataSource(getDataSource()); query.setSql(); List<ClassSchemeItem> results = query.getAcAttrCsCsi(acAttrIdSeq); return results; } public static void main(String[] args) { ServiceLocator locator = new SimpleServiceLocator(); JDBCAdminComponentDAO jdbcAdminComponentDAO = new JDBCAdminComponentDAO(locator); /* int res = jdbcAdminComponentDAO.assignClassification( "99BA9DC8-2357-4E69-E034-080020C9C0E0", "29A8FB30-0AB1-11D6-A42F-0010A4C1E842"); // acId, csCsiId System.out.println ("res = " + res); */ /* int deleteRes = jdbcAdminComponentDAO.removeClassification ("D66B85B6-4EDA-469B-E034-0003BA0B1A09"); System.out.println ("deleteRes = " + deleteRes); Collection csito = jdbcAdminComponentDAO.retrieveClassifications( "29A8FB19-0AB1-11D6-A42F-0010A4C1E842"); */ Collection contacts = jdbcAdminComponentDAO.getContacts("0B244855-6696-5A67-E044-0003BA8EB8F1"); System.out.println(contacts.size()); } /** * Inner class that checks if the user has a create privilege on the * administered component within the context */ private class HasCreateQuery extends StoredProcedure { public HasCreateQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "cadsr_security_util.has_create_privilege"); setFunction(true); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("returnValue", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_ua_name", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_actl_name", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_conte_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } public String execute(String username, String acType, String conteIdseq) { Map in = new HashMap(); in.put("p_ua_name", username); in.put("p_actl_name", acType); in.put("p_conte_idseq", conteIdseq); Map out = execute(in); String retValue = (String) out.get("returnValue"); return retValue; } } /** * Inner class that checks if the user has a delete privilege on the * administered component */ private class HasDeleteQuery extends StoredProcedure { public HasDeleteQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "cadsr_security_util.has_delete_privilege"); setFunction(true); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("returnValue", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_ua_name", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_ac_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } public String execute(String username, String acIdseq) { Map in = new HashMap(); in.put("p_ua_name", username); in.put("p_ac_idseq", acIdseq); Map out = execute(in); String retValue = (String) out.get("returnValue"); return retValue; } } /** * Inner class that checks if the user has an update privilege on the * administered component */ private class HasUpdateQuery extends StoredProcedure { public HasUpdateQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "cadsr_security_util.has_update_privilege"); setFunction(true); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("returnValue", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_ua_name", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_ac_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } public String execute(String username, String acIdseq) { Map in = new HashMap(); in.put("p_ua_name", username); in.put("p_ac_idseq", acIdseq); Map out = execute(in); String retValue = (String) out.get("returnValue"); return retValue; } } /** * Inner class to get preferred name */ private class PreferredNameGenerator extends StoredProcedure { public PreferredNameGenerator(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "set_name.set_qc_name"); setFunction(true); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("returnValue", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("name", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } public String getPreferredName(String longName) { Map in = new HashMap(); in.put("name", longName); Map out = execute(in); String retValue = (String) out.get("returnValue"); return retValue; } } /** * Inner class that insert a record in the ac_csi table. * */ private class InsertAcCsi extends SqlUpdate { public InsertAcCsi(DataSource ds) { String insertSql = " INSERT INTO sbr.ac_csi_view (ac_csi_idseq, cs_csi_idseq, ac_idseq) " + " VALUES " + " (?, ?, ?) "; this.setDataSource(ds); this.setSql(insertSql); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("ac_csi_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("cs_cs_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("ac_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected int insertOneAcCsiRecord(String csCsId, String acId) { String acCsiId = generateGUID(); Object[] obj = new Object[] { acCsiId, csCsId, acId }; int res = update(obj); return res; } } /** * Inner class that insert a record in the DESIGNATIONS table. * */ private class DesignateCDE extends SqlUpdate { //constants. private static final String DESIGNATIONS_COL_NAME = "'UNKNOWN_NAME'"; private static final String DESIGNATIONS_COL_LAE_NAME = "'ENGLISH'"; public DesignateCDE(DataSource ds) { String insertSql = " INSERT INTO sbr.designations_view (desig_idseq, ac_idseq, conte_idseq, name, detl_name, lae_name, created_by) " + " (select ?, ?, ?, PREFERRED_NAME, 'USED_BY', 'ENGLISH', ? from sbr.admin_components_view where " + " ac_idseq = ?)"; this.setDataSource(ds); this.setSql(insertSql); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("desig_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("ac_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("conte_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("created_by", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("ac_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected int designate(String contextIdSeq, List acIdList, String createdBy) { //sanity check if (acIdList == null || acIdList.size() == 0) {"ac ID list is null or empty list. Nothing is designated."); return 0; } Object[] obj = new Object[] { "", "", contextIdSeq, createdBy, "" }; int total = 0; int res = 0; Iterator it = acIdList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { obj[0] = generateGUID(); obj[1] = (String); obj[4] = obj[1]; try { res = update(obj); } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) { //log info but will not throw exception"ac ID " + obj[1] + " is already designated to context ID " + contextIdSeq); } total += res; } return total; } } /** * Inner class that delete a record in the ac_csi table. * */ private class DeleteAcCsi extends SqlUpdate { public DeleteAcCsi(DataSource ds) { String deleteSql = " DELETE FROM sbr.ac_csi_view WHERE ac_csi_idseq = ? "; this.setDataSource(ds); this.setSql(deleteSql); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("ac_csi_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected int deleteOneAcCsiRecord(String acCsiId) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { acCsiId }; int res = update(obj); return res; } } /** * Inner class to get all classifications that belong to * the specified data element */ class ClassificationQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { ClassificationQuery() { super(); } public void setSql() { super.setSql("SELECT csi.long_name csi_name, csi.csitl_name, csi.csi_idseq, " + " cscsi.cs_csi_idseq, cs.preferred_definition, cs.long_name," + " accsi.ac_csi_idseq, cs.cs_idseq, cs.version, cs.cs_id, csi.csi_id, csi.version csi_version " + " , cs.cstl_name," + " FROM sbr.ac_csi_view accsi, sbr.cs_csi_view cscsi, sbr.contexts_view cs_conte," + " sbr.cs_items_view csi, sbr.classification_schemes_view cs " + " WHERE accsi.ac_idseq = ? " + " AND accsi.cs_csi_idseq = cscsi.cs_csi_idseq " + " AND cscsi.csi_idseq = csi.csi_idseq " + " AND cscsi.cs_idseq = cs.cs_idseq " + " AND cs.conte_idseq = cs_conte.conte_idseq "); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("AC_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { CSITransferObject csito = new CSITransferObject(); csito.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString(1)); csito.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString(2)); csito.setCsiIdseq(rs.getString(3)); csito.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString(4)); csito.setClassSchemeDefinition(rs.getString(5)); csito.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString(6)); csito.setAcCsiIdseq(rs.getString(7)); csito.setCsIdseq(rs.getString(8)); csito.setCsVersion(new Float(rs.getString(9))); csito.setCsID(rs.getString(10)); csito.setCsiId(new Integer(rs.getString(11))); csito.setCsiVersion(new Float(rs.getString(12))); csito.setClassSchemeType(rs.getString(13)); csito.setCsContext(rs.getString(14)); return csito; } } /** * Inner class to get all ReferenceDocuments that belong to * the specified Admin Component */ class ReferenceDocumentsQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { ReferenceDocumentsQuery() { super(); } public void setSql(String adminCompId, String docType) { super.setSql("SELECT, ref.dctl_name, ref.ac_idseq, " + " ref.rd_idseq, ref.url, ref.doc_text, " + " ref.conte_idseq,, ref.display_order" + " FROM sbr.reference_documents_view ref, sbr.contexts_view con" + " WHERE ref.ac_idseq = '" + adminCompId + "'" + // " AND ref.DCTL_NAME = '"+ docType+"'" + " AND ref.conte_idseq = con.conte_idseq " + " order by ref.display_order"); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ReferenceDocument refDoc = new ReferenceDocumentTransferObject(); refDoc.setDocName(rs.getString(1)); refDoc.setDocType(rs.getString(2)); refDoc.setDocIDSeq(rs.getString(4)); String url = getURLWithProtocol(rs.getString(5)); refDoc.setUrl(getURLWithProtocol(url)); refDoc.setDocText(rs.getString(6)); refDoc.setDisplayOrder(rs.getInt(9)); ContextTransferObject contextTransferObject = new ContextTransferObject(); contextTransferObject.setConteIdseq(rs.getString(7)); //CONTE_IDSEQ contextTransferObject.setName(rs.getString(8)); // CONTEXT_NAME refDoc.setContext(contextTransferObject); return refDoc; } } private String getURLWithProtocol(String incompleteURL) { if (incompleteURL == null) return null; String urlWithProtocol = incompleteURL; try { new URL(incompleteURL); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { urlWithProtocol = "http://" + incompleteURL.trim(); } return urlWithProtocol; } /** * Inner class to get all ReferenceDocuments that belong to * the specified Admin Component */ class ReferenceAttachmentsQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { ReferenceAttachmentsQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "SELECT, refb.mime_type, refb.doc_size, refb.DATE_CREATED" + " FROM sbr.reference_blobs_view refb" + " WHERE refb.rd_idseq = ?" + " order by date_created "); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("refDocId", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { Attachment attachment = new AttachmentTransferObject(); attachment.setName(rs.getString(1)); attachment.setMimeType(rs.getString(2)); attachment.setDocSize(rs.getLong(3)); attachment.setDateCreated(rs.getTimestamp(4)); return attachment; } } //Change Order class PublishClassificationQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { PublishClassificationQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "SELECT COUNT(*) from published_forms_view " + " WHERE QC_idseq = ? and publish_conte_idseq = ?"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("QC_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("publish_conte_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object isPublished(String acIdseq, String conteIdSeq) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { acIdseq, conteIdSeq }; return findObject(obj); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { return new Integer(rs.getInt(1)); } } //Publish Change Order class CSCSIsByContextIDQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { CSCSIsByContextIDQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "SELECT csi.csi_idseq " + " ,csi.long_name csi_name" + " ,csitl_name " + " ,csi.preferred_definition description " + " ,csc.cs_csi_idseq " + " ,cs.preferred_name " + "FROM sbr.cs_items_view csi " + " ,sbr.cs_csi_view csc " + " ,sbr.classification_schemes_view cs " + "WHERE csi.csi_idseq = csc.csi_idseq " + "AND cs.CONTE_IDSEQ = ? " + "AND csc.cs_idseq = cs.cs_idseq " + "AND cs.preferred_name in( 'CRF_DISEASE','Phase' ) " + "ORDER BY upper(csi.long_name) "); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("context_id", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csiTO = new CSITransferObject(); csiTO.setCsiIdseq(rs.getString("csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString("csi_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString("csitl_name")); csiTO.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString("cs_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString("preferred_name")); return csiTO; } protected List getCSCSIs(String contextIdSeq) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { contextIdSeq }; return execute(obj); } } class CSCSIsByTypeQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { CSCSIsByTypeQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "select distinct cscsi.CS_CSI_IDSEQ, i.CSITL_NAME , " + " cs.LONG_NAME, cscsi.LABEL from sbr.classification_schemes_view cs, " + " sbr.cs_items_view i , sbr.cs_csi_view cscsi " + " where cs.CSTL_NAME=? and i.CSITL_NAME=? " + " and cscsi.CSI_IDSEQ=i.CSI_IDSEQ " + " and cscsi.CS_IDSEQ=cs.CS_IDSEQ " + " and cs.CONTE_IDSEQ=? "); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSTL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSITL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CONTE_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csiTO = new CSITransferObject(); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString("LABEL")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString("csitl_name")); csiTO.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString("cs_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString("LONG_NAME")); return csiTO; } protected List getCSCSIs(String csType, String csiType, String contextIdSeq) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { csType, csiType, contextIdSeq }; return execute(obj); } } class AllCSCSIsByTypeQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { AllCSCSIsByTypeQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "select distinct cscsi.CS_CSI_IDSEQ, i.CSITL_NAME , " + " cs.LONG_NAME, cscsi.LABEL , cs.CONTE_IDSEQ " + " from sbr.classification_schemes_view cs, " + " sbr.cs_items_view i , sbr.cs_csi_view cscsi " + " where cs.CSTL_NAME=? and i.CSITL_NAME=? " + " and cscsi.CSI_IDSEQ=i.CSI_IDSEQ " + " and cscsi.CS_IDSEQ=cs.CS_IDSEQ " + " order by cs.CONTE_IDSEQ "); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSTL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSITL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csiTO = new CSITransferObject(); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString("LABEL")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString("csitl_name")); csiTO.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString("cs_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString("LONG_NAME")); csiTO.setCsConteIdseq(rs.getString("CONTE_IDSEQ")); return csiTO; } protected List getCSCSIs(String csType, String csiType) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { csType, csiType, }; return execute(obj); } } /** * Inner class that delete a record in the ac_csi table. * */ private class DeleteCSIForAdminComp extends SqlUpdate { public DeleteCSIForAdminComp(DataSource ds) { String deleteSql = " DELETE FROM sbr.ac_csi_view WHERE cs_csi_idseq = ? and ac_idseq = ? "; this.setDataSource(ds); this.setSql(deleteSql); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("cs_csi_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("ac_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected int deleteAcClassification(String cscsiIdSeq, String acIdSeq) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { cscsiIdSeq, acIdSeq }; int res = update(obj); return res; } } //Load all CsCSI Hierarchy private class CSCSIsHierQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { CSCSIsHierQuery() { super(); } public void setSql() { super.setSql("select cs_idseq, cs_preffered_name, cs_long_name, cstl_name, " + "CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION, " + "csi_idseq, csi_name, csitl_name, csi_description, " + "cs_csi_idseq, csi_level, parent_csi_idseq, cs_conte_idseq " + " from SBREXT.BR_CS_CSI_HIER_VIEW_EXT " + " where CS_ASL_NAME = 'RELEASED' " + " and CSTL_NAME != 'Publishing' " + " order by cs_conte_idseq, CSI_LEVEL, upper(cs_long_name), upper(csi_name)"); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csiTO = new CSITransferObject(); csiTO.setCsIdseq(rs.getString("cs_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeType(rs.getString("cstl_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString("cs_long_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemePrefName(rs.getString("cs_preffered_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeDefinition(rs.getString("CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION")); csiTO.setCsiIdseq(rs.getString("csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString("csi_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString("csitl_name")); csiTO.setCsiDescription(rs.getString("csi_description")); csiTO.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString("cs_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setParentCscsiId(rs.getString("parent_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setCsConteIdseq(rs.getString("cs_conte_idseq")); return csiTO; } } private class CSCSIsHierByContextQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { CSCSIsHierByContextQuery(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "select cs_idseq, cs_preffered_name, cs_long_name, cstl_name, " + "CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION, " + "csi_idseq, csi_name, csitl_name, csi_description, " + "cs_csi_idseq, csi_level, parent_csi_idseq, cs_conte_idseq " + " from SBREXT.BR_CS_CSI_HIER_VIEW_EXT " + " where CS_ASL_NAME = 'RELEASED' " + " and CSTL_NAME != 'Publishing' " + " and cs_conte_idseq = ? " + " order by CSI_LEVEL, upper(cs_long_name), upper(csi_name)"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CONTE_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csiTO = new CSITransferObject(); csiTO.setCsIdseq(rs.getString("cs_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeType(rs.getString("cstl_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString("cs_long_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemePrefName(rs.getString("cs_preffered_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeDefinition(rs.getString("CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION")); csiTO.setCsiIdseq(rs.getString("csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString("csi_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString("csitl_name")); csiTO.setCsiDescription(rs.getString("csi_description")); csiTO.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString("cs_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setParentCscsiId(rs.getString("parent_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setCsConteIdseq(rs.getString("cs_conte_idseq")); return csiTO; } protected List getCSCSIs(String contextIdseq) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { contextIdseq }; return execute(obj); } } //Load CsCSI Hierarchy by cs and csi type private class CSCSIsHierQueryByType extends MappingSqlQuery { CSCSIsHierQueryByType(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "select cs_idseq, cs_preffered_name, cs_long_name, " + "CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION, " + "csi_idseq, csi_name, csitl_name, csi_description, " + "cs_csi_idseq, csi_level, parent_csi_idseq, cs_conte_idseq " + " from SBREXT.BR_CS_CSI_HIER_VIEW_EXT " + " where upper(CSTL_NAME) =upper(?) and upper(CSITL_NAME)=upper(?) " + " and CS_ASL_NAME = 'RELEASED' " + " and CSTL_NAME != 'Publishing' " + " order by cs_conte_idseq, CSI_LEVEL, upper(cs_long_name), upper(csi_name)"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSTL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSITL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csiTO = new CSITransferObject(); csiTO.setCsIdseq(rs.getString("cs_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString("cs_long_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemePrefName(rs.getString("cs_preffered_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeDefinition(rs.getString("CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION")); csiTO.setCsiIdseq(rs.getString("csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString("csi_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString("csitl_name")); csiTO.setCsiDescription(rs.getString("csi_description")); csiTO.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString("cs_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setParentCscsiId(rs.getString("parent_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setCsConteIdseq(rs.getString("cs_conte_idseq")); return csiTO; } protected List getCSCSIs(String csType, String csiType) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { csType, csiType }; return execute(obj); } } private class CSCSIsHierQueryByTypeAndContext extends MappingSqlQuery { CSCSIsHierQueryByTypeAndContext(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "select cs_idseq, cs_preffered_name, cs_long_name, " + "CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION, " + "csi_idseq, csi_name, csitl_name, csi_description, " + "cs_csi_idseq, csi_level, parent_csi_idseq, cs_conte_idseq " + " from SBREXT.BR_CS_CSI_HIER_VIEW_EXT " + " where upper(CSTL_NAME) =upper(?) and upper(CSITL_NAME)=upper(?) " + " and CS_ASL_NAME = 'RELEASED' " + " and CSTL_NAME != 'Publishing' " + " and cs_conte_idseq = ? " + " order by CSI_LEVEL, upper(cs_long_name), upper(csi_name)"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("conte_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSTL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("CSITL_NAME", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csiTO = new CSITransferObject(); csiTO.setCsIdseq(rs.getString("cs_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString("cs_long_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemePrefName(rs.getString("cs_preffered_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeDefinition(rs.getString("CS_PREFFRED_DEFINITION")); csiTO.setCsiIdseq(rs.getString("csi_idseq")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString("csi_name")); csiTO.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString("csitl_name")); csiTO.setCsiDescription(rs.getString("csi_description")); csiTO.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString("cs_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setParentCscsiId(rs.getString("parent_csi_idseq")); csiTO.setCsConteIdseq(rs.getString("cs_conte_idseq")); return csiTO; } protected List getCSCSIs(String csType, String csiType, String contextIdseq) { Object[] obj = new Object[] { csType, csiType, contextIdseq }; return execute(obj); } } /** * * @param cscsiIdseq cscsi idseq * @param regStatus the registration status * @return true if there are admin component registered under this cscsi * with the given registration status */ public boolean hasRegisteredAC(String cscsiIdseq, String regStatus) { HasACRegistered hasAC = new HasACRegistered(this.getDataSource()); return hasAC.executeHasACRegistered(cscsiIdseq, regStatus); } /** * Inner class that accesses database to delete a question. */ private class HasACRegistered extends StoredProcedure { public HasACRegistered(DataSource ds) { super(ds, "sbrext_cs_details.has_registered_ac"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_par_cs_csi_idseq", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("p_reg_status", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("p_is_registered", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("p_return_code", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("p_return_desc", Types.VARCHAR)); compile(); } public boolean executeHasACRegistered(String cscsiIdseq, String regStatus) { Map in = new HashMap(); in.put("p_par_cs_csi_idseq", cscsiIdseq); in.put("p_reg_status", regStatus); Map out = execute(in); String returnCode = (String) out.get("p_is_registered"); return returnCode.equals("1"); } } /** * Inner class to check if all AC are in the specified context. */ private class CheckACDesignationQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { CheckACDesignationQuery(DataSource ds) { super(); setDataSource(ds); } public boolean isAllACDesignatedToContext(List acIdList, String contextIdSeq) { setSql(acIdList, contextIdSeq); List retList = execute(); if (retList == null || retList.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (retList.containsAll(acIdList)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public void setSql(List acIdList, String contextIdSeq) { String acIdListStr = getDelimetedIdSeq(acIdList, ", "); System.out.println("acIdListStr=" + acIdListStr); super.setSql("SELECT ac_idseq from sbr.designations_view where conte_idseq= '" + contextIdSeq + "' " + " and detl_name='USED_BY' and lae_name='ENGLISH' and ac_idseq in (" + acIdListStr + ")"); compile(); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { String acIdSeq = rs.getString(1); return acIdSeq; } } /** * Inner class that queries the context for the * administered component */ class ContextQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { ContextQuery() { super(); } public void setSql() { super.setSql( "select con.CONTE_IDSEQ, con.DESCRIPTION, con.NAME, con.PAL_NAME, con.LL_NAME, con.language " + " from sbr.contexts_view con, sbr.admin_components_view ac " + " where ac.CONTE_IDSEQ = con.CONTE_IDSEQ " + " and ac.ac_idseq = ?"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("AC_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); } protected Context getContext(String acIdSeq) { Object[] params = new Object[] { acIdSeq }; List results = execute(params); Context context = null; if (results.size() > 0) { context = (Context) results.get(0); } return context; } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ContextTransferObject cto = new ContextTransferObject(); cto.setConteIdseq(rs.getString(1)); cto.setName(rs.getString(3)); cto.setDescription(rs.getString(2)); cto.setPalName(rs.getString(4)); cto.setLlName(rs.getString(5)); cto.setLanguage(rs.getString(6)); return cto; } } private class DesignationQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { DesignationQuery() { super(); } public void setSql(String type) { if (type == null) { super.setSql( "select des.desig_idseq,, des.detl_name, des.lae_name, con.CONTE_IDSEQ, con.NAME, con.PAL_NAME, " + " DES.DATE_CREATED, DES.DATE_MODIFIED " + " from sbr.contexts_view con, sbr.designations_view des " + " where des.CONTE_IDSEQ = con.CONTE_IDSEQ " + " and des.ac_idseq = ?"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("AC_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); } else { super.setSql( "select des.desig_idseq,, des.detl_name, des.lae_name, con.CONTE_IDSEQ, con.NAME, con.PAL_NAME, " + " DES.DATE_CREATED, DES.DATE_MODIFIED " + " from sbr.contexts_view con, sbr.designations_view des " + " where des.CONTE_IDSEQ = con.CONTE_IDSEQ " + " and des.ac_idseq = ? and des.detl_name=?"); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("AC_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("detl_name", Types.VARCHAR)); } } protected List<Designation> getDesignations(String acIdSeq, String type) { Object[] params; if (type == null) { params = new Object[] { acIdSeq }; } else { params = new Object[] { acIdSeq, type }; } List results = execute(params); return (List<Designation>) results; } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { DesignationTransferObject dto = new DesignationTransferObject(); dto.setDesigIDSeq(rs.getString(1)); dto.setName(rs.getString(2)); dto.setType(rs.getString(3)); dto.setLanguage(rs.getString(4)); Context cto = new ContextTransferObject(); cto.setConteIdseq(rs.getString(5)); cto.setName(rs.getString(6)); dto.setContext(cto); dto.setDateCreated(rs.getTimestamp("DATE_CREATED")); dto.setDateModified(rs.getTimestamp("DATE_MODIFIED")); return dto; } }//end of private class private class DefinitionQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { DefinitionQuery() { super(); } public void setSql() { super.setSql(" select def.defin_idseq, def.definition, def.defl_name, " + " def.lae_name, con.CONTE_IDSEQ, con.NAME, con.PAL_NAME, DEF.DATE_CREATED, DEF.DATE_MODIFIED " + " from sbr.contexts_view con, sbr.definitions_view def " + " where def.CONTE_IDSEQ = con.CONTE_IDSEQ " + " and def.ac_idseq = ? "); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("AC_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); } protected List<Definition> getDefinitions(String acIdSeq) { Object[] params = new Object[] { acIdSeq }; List results = execute(params); return (List<Definition>) results; } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { DefinitionTransferObject dto = new DefinitionTransferObject(); //fixing dto.setId(rs.getString(1)); dto.setDefinition(rs.getString(2)); dto.setType(rs.getString(3)); dto.setLanguage(rs.getString(4)); //dto.setOrigin(); Context cto = new ContextTransferObject(); cto.setConteIdseq(rs.getString(5)); cto.setName(rs.getString(6)); dto.setContext(cto); dto.setDateCreated(rs.getTimestamp("DATE_CREATED")); dto.setDateModified(rs.getTimestamp("DATE_MODIFIED")); return dto; } }//end of private class private class AcAttrQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { AcAttrQuery() { super(); } public void setSql() { super.setSql("SELECT csi.long_name csi_name, csi.csitl_name, csi.csi_idseq, " + " cscsi.cs_csi_idseq, cs.preferred_definition, cs.long_name, " + " ext.aca_idseq, cs.cs_idseq, cs.version , csi.preferred_definition description, " + " cs.cs_id, csi.csi_id, csi.version csi_version " + " FROM sbrext.ac_att_cscsi_view_ext ext, sbr.cs_csi_view cscsi, " + " sbr.cs_items_view csi, sbr.classification_schemes_view cs " + " WHERE ext.ATT_IDSEQ = ? " + " AND ext.cs_csi_idseq = cscsi.cs_csi_idseq " + " AND cscsi.csi_idseq = csi.csi_idseq " + " AND cscsi.cs_idseq = cs.cs_idseq " + " ORDER BY upper(csi.long_name) "); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("ATT_IDSEQ", Types.VARCHAR)); } protected List<ClassSchemeItem> getAcAttrCsCsi(String acAttrIdSeq) { Object[] params = new Object[] { acAttrIdSeq }; List<ClassSchemeItem> results = execute(params); return results; } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ClassSchemeItem csito = new CSITransferObject(); csito.setClassSchemeItemName(rs.getString(1)); csito.setClassSchemeItemType(rs.getString(2)); csito.setCsiIdseq(rs.getString(3)); csito.setCsCsiIdseq(rs.getString(4)); csito.setClassSchemeDefinition(rs.getString(5)); csito.setClassSchemeLongName(rs.getString(6)); csito.setCsIdseq(rs.getString(8)); csito.setCsVersion(new Float(rs.getString(9))); csito.setCsiDescription(rs.getString("description")); csito.setCsID(rs.getString("cs_id")); csito.setCsiId(new Integer(rs.getString("csi_id"))); csito.setCsiVersion(new Float(rs.getString("csi_version"))); return csito; } } private String getDelimetedIdSeq(List idSeqList, String delimiter) { if (idSeqList == null || idSeqList.isEmpty()) { return ""; } StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); String delimted = null; Iterator it = idSeqList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String idseq = (String); sbuf.append(delimiter).append("'").append(idseq).append("'"); } //System.out.println("subString = " + sbuf.substring(1) ); return sbuf.substring(delimiter.length()); } class PersonContactByACIdQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { String last_accId = null; Contact currentContact = null; List contactList = new ArrayList(); Person currPerson = null; PersonContactByACIdQuery() { super(); } public void setQuerySql(String acidSeq) { String querySql = " SELECT acc.acc_idseq, acc.org_idseq, acc.per_idseq, acc.contact_role," + " per.LNAME, per.FNAME, addr.CADDR_IDSEQ," + " addr.ADDR_LINE1, addr.ADDR_LINE2, addr.CADDR_IDSEQ, addr.CITY, addr.POSTAL_CODE, addr.STATE_PROV " + " FROM sbr.ac_contacts_view acc, sbr.persons_view per, sbr.contact_addresses_view addr " + " where acc.ac_idseq = '" + acidSeq + "' and " + " acc.per_idseq = per.per_idseq and addr.PER_IDSEQ = per.PER_IDSEQ " + " ORDER BY acc.acc_idseq, acc.rank_order "; super.setSql(querySql); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { String accId = rs.getString("acc_idseq"); Address address = new AddressTransferObject(); address.setAddressLine1(rs.getString("addr_line1")); address.setAddressLine2(rs.getString("addr_line2")); address.setId(rs.getString("CADDR_IDSEQ")); address.setCity(rs.getString("city")); address.setPostalCode(rs.getString("POSTAL_CODE")); address.setState(rs.getString("STATE_PROV")); String personId = rs.getString("per_idseq"); if (currPerson == null || !currPerson.getId().equals(personId)) { currPerson = new PersonTransferObject(); currPerson.setFirstName(rs.getString("fname")); currPerson.setLastName(rs.getString("lname")); currPerson.setId(rs.getString("per_idseq")); currPerson.setAddresses(new ArrayList()); } currPerson.getAddresses().add(address); if (currentContact == null || !currentContact.getIdseq().equals(accId)) { currentContact = new ContactTransferObject(); currentContact.setIdseq(accId); currentContact.setContactRole(rs.getString("contact_role")); contactList.add(currentContact); } currentContact.setPerson(currPerson); return currentContact; } protected List getPersonContacts(String acIdSeq) { setQuerySql(acIdSeq); this.execute(); return contactList; } } class ContactCommunicationsQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { ContactCommunicationsQuery() { super(); } public void setQuerySql(String idType, String orgIdSeq) { String querySql = " select cc.CCOMM_IDSEQ, cc.CTL_NAME, cc.CYBER_ADDRESS, " + " cc.RANK_ORDER " + " from sbr.contact_comms_view cc " + " where " + idType + " = '" + orgIdSeq + "'" + " and ( CTL_NAME='PHONE' OR CTL_NAME='EMAIL') " + " ORDER BY rank_order"; super.setSql(querySql); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { ContactCommunication cc = new ContactCommunicationTransferObject(); cc.setId(rs.getString("ccomm_idseq")); cc.setType(rs.getString("ctl_name")); cc.setValue(rs.getString("cyber_address")); cc.setRankOrder(rs.getInt("rank_order")); return cc; } protected List<ContactCommunication> getContactCommsbyPerson(String personId) { this.setQuerySql("per_idseq", personId); return execute(); } protected List<ContactCommunication> getContactCommsbyOrg(String orgId) { this.setQuerySql("org_idseq", orgId); return execute(); } } class OrgContactByACIdQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { String last_accId = null; Contact currentContact = null; List contactList = new ArrayList(); Organization currOrg = null; OrgContactByACIdQuery() { super(); } public void setQuerySql(String acidSeq) { String querySql = " SELECT acc.acc_idseq, acc.org_idseq, acc.per_idseq, acc.contact_role," + ", addr.CADDR_IDSEQ," + " addr.ADDR_LINE1, addr.ADDR_LINE2, addr.CADDR_IDSEQ, addr.CITY, addr.POSTAL_CODE, addr.STATE_PROV " + " FROM sbr.ac_contacts_view acc, sbr.organizations_view org, sbr.contact_addresses_view addr " + " where acc.ac_idseq = '" + acidSeq + "' and " + " acc.org_idseq = org.org_idseq and addr.ORG_IDSEQ = ORG.ORG_IDSEQ " + " ORDER BY acc.acc_idseq, acc.rank_order "; super.setSql(querySql); } protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rownum) throws SQLException { String accId = rs.getString("acc_idseq"); Address address = new AddressTransferObject(); address.setAddressLine1(rs.getString("addr_line1")); address.setAddressLine2(rs.getString("addr_line2")); address.setId(rs.getString("CADDR_IDSEQ")); address.setCity(rs.getString("city")); address.setPostalCode(rs.getString("POSTAL_CODE")); address.setState(rs.getString("STATE_PROV")); String orgId = rs.getString("org_idseq"); if (currOrg == null || !currOrg.getId().equals(orgId)) { currOrg = new OrganizationTransferObject(); currOrg.setName(rs.getString("name")); currOrg.setId(rs.getString("org_idseq")); currOrg.setAddresses(new ArrayList()); } currOrg.getAddresses().add(address); if (currentContact == null || !currentContact.getIdseq().equals(accId)) { currentContact = new ContactTransferObject(); currentContact.setIdseq(accId); currentContact.setContactRole(rs.getString("contact_role")); contactList.add(currentContact); } currentContact.setOrganization(currOrg); return currentContact; } protected List getOrgContacts(String acIdSeq) { setQuerySql(acIdSeq); this.execute(); return contactList; } } private class ComponentTypeQuery extends MappingSqlQuery { public ComponentTypeQuery() { super(); } public void setQuerySql() { String querySql = "select * from ADMIN_COMPONENTS_VIEW where public_id=? and version=?"; super.setSql(querySql); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("public_id", Types.INTEGER)); declareParameter(new SqlParameter("version", Types.NUMERIC)); } @Override protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { AdminComponentTypeTransferObject adminComp = new AdminComponentTypeTransferObject(); adminComp.setIdseq(rs.getString(1)); adminComp.setComponentType(ComponentType.getComponentType(rs.getString(2))); adminComp.setVersion(new Float(rs.getString(3))); adminComp.setPreferredName(rs.getString(4)); adminComp.setLongName(rs.getString(10)); adminComp.setPublicId(rs.getInt(22)); return adminComp; } public AdminComponentType getComponentType(String publicId, String version) { if (!StringUtils.isInteger(publicId) || !StringUtils.isDecimal(version)) { return null; } List results = execute(new Object[] { new Integer(publicId), new Double(version) }); if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { return (AdminComponentType) results.get(0); } return null; } } }