Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Oracle Inc, SAIC-F. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.cadsr.bulkloader.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory; import javax.naming.spi.NamingManager; import javax.sql.DataSource; import junit.framework.TestCase; import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConfig; import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConnection; import org.dbunit.database.IDatabaseConnection; import org.dbunit.dataset.FilteredDataSet; import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet; import org.dbunit.dataset.ITable; import org.dbunit.dataset.NoPrimaryKeyException; import org.dbunit.dataset.filter.ITableFilter; import org.dbunit.dataset.filter.SequenceTableFilter; import org.dbunit.operation.DatabaseOperation; import org.springframework.mock.jndi.SimpleNamingContextBuilder; public abstract class MainTestCase extends TestCase { protected static final String WORKING_IN_DIR = "/tmp"; protected static final String WORKING_OUT_DIR = WORKING_IN_DIR + "/out"; static ITableFilter filter; static List allDeleteCmds; static PropertyManager propertyManager; static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); static String propertyLocation = "/junit/"; static String ddlLocation = "/junit/ddl/cadsr.sql"; static List tableNames; protected String schema; protected URL dataURL; protected DatabaseTestWrapper databaseWrapper; protected String dataSourceJNDIName; protected DataSource explicitDataSource; protected String explicitDataSourceSchema; protected Log log; private static Pattern createTablePattern = Pattern.compile("CREATE\\s+TABLE"); protected boolean runInRealContainer; static { propertyManager = new PropertyManager(getProperties()); if (!NamingManager.hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder()) { try { SimpleNamingContextBuilder builder = new SimpleNamingContextBuilder(); builder.activate(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NamingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //NamingManager.setInitialContextFactoryBuilder(builder); } // emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("ticketquotes"); } /** * uses the default unit test schema and unit test settings * * @param name */ public MainTestCase(String name) { super(name); log = LogFactory.getLog("test.junit"); } public MainTestCase(String name, Boolean runInContainer) { this(name); runInRealContainer = runInContainer.booleanValue(); } /** * Loads the data into the unit test database * * @param name * @param clazz * @param dataURLLocation */ public MainTestCase(String name, Class clazz, String dataURLLocation) { this(name); this.dataURL = getResource(clazz, dataURLLocation); } /** * use the container category settings including schema and jndi * settings for the data source * * @param name * @param clazz * @param dataURLLocation * @param containerCategory */ public MainTestCase(String name, Class clazz, String dataURLLocation, String containerCategory) { this(name); this.dataURL = getResource(clazz, dataURLLocation); schema = getPropertyManager().getContainerDataSourceSchema(containerCategory); dataSourceJNDIName = getPropertyManager().getContainerDataSourceJNDI(containerCategory); } /** * Explicitly define the data source. * Explicitly defining the data source bypasses the use of the db that is normally configured * for use in Unit Tests. */ public MainTestCase(String name, Class clazz, String dataURLLocation, DataSource dataSource, String schema) { this(name); this.dataURL = dataURLLocation == null ? null : getResource(clazz, dataURLLocation); this.schema = schema; this.explicitDataSource = dataSource; } public MainTestCase(String name, Class clazz, String dataURLLocation, String containerCategory, Boolean runInContainer) { this(name, clazz, dataURLLocation, containerCategory); runInRealContainer = runInContainer.booleanValue(); } protected String formatDate(Date date) { String returnValue = null; DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a"); returnValue = formatter.format(date); return returnValue; } protected String formatDate(Calendar calendar) { String returnValue = null; Date date = calendar.getTime(); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a"); returnValue = formatter.format(date); return returnValue; } /*public void begin(WebRequest request) { request.addParameter("runInRealContainer", String.valueOf(runInRealContainer), WebRequest.POST_METHOD); }*/ protected static PropertyManager getPropertyManager() { return propertyManager; } protected boolean doCleanInsert() { return true; } protected void enableImmediateSync() throws Exception { /* if (!runInRealContainer()) { Connection con = databaseWrapper.getConnection().getConnection(); if (!isOracle(con)) { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("SET WRITE_DELAY FALSE"); } }*/ } protected void disableImmediateSync() throws Exception { if (!runInRealContainer()) { Connection con = databaseWrapper.getConnection().getConnection(); if (!isOracle(con)) { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("SET WRITE_DELAY 5000"); } } } protected void closeInMemoryConnection() throws Exception { if (databaseWrapper != null) { databaseWrapper.closeInMemoryConnection(); } } static List getTableNames() throws Exception { if (tableNames != null) { return tableNames; } else { tableNames = new ArrayList(); } String ddl = getDDL(); if (ddl != null) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(ddl)); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { Matcher m = createTablePattern.matcher(line); if (m.find()) { int start = m.end(); int end = line.length(); String tableName = line.substring(start, end).trim(); tableNames.add(tableName); } } } /*Map classMetaData = ((EntityManagerFactoryImpl)emf).getSessionFactory().getAllClassMetadata(); Iterator tableClassesIter = classMetaData.keySet().iterator(); while (tableClassesIter.hasNext()) { String className = (String); String tableName = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".")+1); tableNames.add(tableName); }*/ return tableNames; } static String getDDL() { String ddl = null; try { URL url = MainTestCase.class.getResource(ddlLocation); if (url != null) { ddl = FileUtil.getFileContent(url.openStream()); } else { System.err.println("Unable to find DDL location '" + ddlLocation + "'"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ddl; } static Properties getProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); try { URL url = MainTestCase.class.getResource(propertyLocation); if (url != null) { properties.load(url.openStream()); } else { System.err.println("Unable to find unit test property location '" + propertyLocation + "'"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return properties; } protected static Properties getDBProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("db.url", getPropertyManager().getUnitDataSourceURL()); properties.put("db.username", getPropertyManager().getUnitDataSourceUser()); properties.put("db.password", getPropertyManager().getUnitDataSourcePassword()); return properties; } protected DataSource getDataSource() { return databaseWrapper.getDataSource(); } protected IDatabaseConnection getConnection() throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.getConnection(); } protected boolean isCactusMode() { return runInRealContainer(); } protected String getDefaultDataSchema() { return propertyManager.getUnitDataSourceSchema(); } protected URL getResource(Class clazz, String urlPath) { URL url = clazz.getResource(urlPath); if (url == null) { throw new NullPointerException("URL Location = '" + urlPath + "' not found."); } return url; } protected ITable queryTable(String resultName, String query) throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.createQueryTable(getConnection(), resultName, query); } protected ITable getCustomTable(String tableName) throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.createCustomTable(tableName); } protected ITable getCustomTable(String sheetName, String tablename) throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.createCustomTable(sheetName, tablename); } protected ResultSet getExpectedResultSet(String resultsetName) throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.getExpectedResultSet(resultsetName); } /*protected List getQueueMessages(JMSManager manager, JMSQueueConfiguration queueConfig) throws JMSException, NamingException { QueueReceiver receiver = manager.createReceiver(queueConfig, false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); return getQueueMessages(receiver); }*/ /*protected List getQueueMessages(QueueReceiver receiver) throws JMSException { List list = new ArrayList(); ObjectMessage message = null; do { message = (ObjectMessage) receiver.receive(1000); if (message != null) { list.add(message.getObject()); } } while (message != null); return list; }*/ protected void setUp() throws Exception { /*String param = (request != null) ? request.getParameter("runInRealContainer") : null; if (param != null && param.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { runInRealContainer = true; }*/ /* if (!runInRealContainer()) { if (!NamingManager.hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder()) { SimpleNamingContextBuilder builder = new SimpleNamingContextBuilder(); builder.activate(); //NamingManager.setInitialContextFactoryBuilder(builder); } }*/ if (requiresDatabase()) { DataSource dataSource = null; if (runInRealContainer()) { if (dataSourceJNDIName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The test requires a JNDI name for the data source"); } dataSource = createJNDIDataSource(dataSourceJNDIName); } else { if (explicitDataSource != null) { dataSource = explicitDataSource; } else { schema = getDefaultDataSchema(); dataSource = createDefaultDataSource(); } } if (dataURL != null) { databaseWrapper = new DatabaseTestWrapper(dataSource, dataURL, schema, runInRealContainer()); databaseWrapper.setUp(); databaseWrapper = new DatabaseTestWrapper(dataSource, dataURL, schema, runInRealContainer()); databaseWrapper.setUpdate(true); databaseWrapper.setUp(); } } } protected abstract boolean runInRealContainer(); protected abstract boolean requiresDatabase(); protected abstract void containerSetUp() throws Exception; protected ArrayList createDataObject(String resultname) throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.createDataObject(resultname); } protected boolean compareResultSet(ResultSet rs, String resultName) throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.compareResultSet(rs, resultName); } protected DataSource createJNDIDataSource(String jndiName) throws Exception { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); Object dataSourceObject = (DataSource) ctx.lookup(jndiName); if (dataSourceObject == null) { throw new NullPointerException("JNDI Data Source Lookup for '" + jndiName + "' not found."); } if (!DataSource.class.isAssignableFrom(dataSourceObject.getClass())) { throw new Exception("The JNDI Lookup '" + jndiName + "' is of type '" + dataSourceObject.getClass() + "' and not a DataSource"); } return (DataSource) dataSourceObject; } protected DataSource createDefaultDataSource() throws Exception { OracleDataSource unitDataSource = new OracleDataSource(); String url = propertyManager.getUnitDataSourceURL(); String user = propertyManager.getUnitDataSourceUser(); String password = propertyManager.getUnitDataSourcePassword(); unitDataSource.setURL(url); unitDataSource.setUser(user); unitDataSource.setPassword(password); return unitDataSource; } protected void bindToJNDI(String envJNDIName, String realJNDITree) throws Exception { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); Object dataSourceObject = (DataSource) jndiLookup(envJNDIName); if (dataSourceObject == null) { dataSourceObject = (DataSource) jndiLookup(realJNDITree); if (dataSourceObject == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "The env JNDI='" + envJNDIName + "' and real JNDI='" + realJNDITree + "' are both empty."); } ctx.bind(envJNDIName, dataSourceObject); } } protected Object jndiLookup(String jndiName) throws Exception { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); Object ret = null; try { ret = ctx.lookup(jndiName); } catch (NamingException ne) { //ne.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } protected void debugResultSet(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception { databaseWrapper.debugResultSet(resultSet); } protected boolean compareResultSet(ResultSet rs, ResultSet expected) throws Exception { return databaseWrapper.compareResultSet(rs, expected); } protected Date createDate(String date) { return dateFormat.parse(date, new ParsePosition(0)); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { //MockContextFactory.revertSetAsInitial(); if (databaseWrapper != null) { databaseWrapper.tearDown(); } } /*protected void jmsBind(JMSQueueConfiguration queueConfig) throws NamingException { String jndiQueueName = queueConfig.getQueueName(); String jndiQueueConnectionFactory = queueConfig.getQueueConnectionFactory(); Queue mockPriceAdjustmentQueue = new org.mockejb.jms.MockQueue(jndiQueueName); QueueConnectionFactory mockQueueConnectionfactory = new org.mockejb.jms.QueueConnectionFactoryImpl(); //manage the queue bindings InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); ctx.rebind(jndiQueueConnectionFactory, mockQueueConnectionfactory); ctx.rebind(jndiQueueName, mockPriceAdjustmentQueue); }*/ /*protected void jmsBind(JMSTopicConfiguration topicConfig) throws NamingException { String jndiTopicName = topicConfig.getTopicName(); String jndiTopicConnectionFactory = topicConfig.getTopicConnectionFactory(); MockTopic topic = new MockTopic(jndiTopicName); TopicConnectionFactoryImpl mockTopicConnectionfactory = new org.mockejb.jms.TopicConnectionFactoryImpl(); //manage the topic bindings InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); ctx.rebind(jndiTopicConnectionFactory, mockTopicConnectionfactory); ctx.rebind(jndiTopicName, topic); }*/ /** * @created June 24, 2005 */ public static class PropertyManager { Properties properties; public PropertyManager(Properties properties) { = properties; } public String getContainerDataSourceSchema(String category) { String property = category + ".container.schema"; return properties.getProperty(property); } public String getContainerDataSourceJNDI(String category) { String property = category + ".container.datasource.jndi"; return properties.getProperty(property); } public String getUnitDataSourceSchema() { String property = "common.unit.schema"; return properties.getProperty(property); } public String getUnitDataSourceJNDI() { String property = "common.unit.jndi"; return properties.getProperty(property); } public String getUnitDataSourceURL() { String property = "common.unit.datasource.url"; return properties.getProperty(property); } public String getUnitDataSourceUser() { String property = "common.unit.datasource.user"; return properties.getProperty(property); } public String getUnitDataSourcePassword() { String property = "common.unit.datasource.password"; return properties.getProperty(property); } } /** * @created July 5, 2005 */ public class MockContextFactoryBuilder implements javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactoryBuilder { public InitialContextFactory createInitialContextFactory(Hashtable environment) throws NamingException { // return new MockContextFactory(); return null; } } /** * @created June 24, 2005 */ protected class DBUnitWrapperException extends Exception { private Exception causeException; public DBUnitWrapperException() { causeException = null; } public DBUnitWrapperException(String message) { super(message); causeException = null; } public DBUnitWrapperException(Exception ex) { causeException = null; causeException = ex; } public DBUnitWrapperException(String message, Exception ex) { super(message); causeException = null; causeException = ex; } public Exception getCausedByException() { return causeException; } public String getMessage() { String msg = super.getMessage(); if (causeException == null) { return msg; } if (msg == null) { return "nested exception is: " + causeException.toString(); } else { return msg + "; nested exception is: " + causeException.toString(); } } public void printStackTrace(PrintStream ps) { if (causeException == null) { super.printStackTrace(ps); } else { synchronized (ps) { ps.println(this); causeException.printStackTrace(ps); super.printStackTrace(ps); } } } public void printStackTrace() { printStackTrace(System.err); } public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter pw) { if (causeException == null) { super.printStackTrace(pw); } else { synchronized (pw) { pw.println(this); causeException.printStackTrace(pw); super.printStackTrace(pw); } } } } class DatabaseTestWrapper extends DBTestCase { protected DataSource dataSource; protected URL dataURL; protected String schema; protected Connection conn = null; protected DatabaseConnection dbconnection = null; protected boolean inContainer; protected IDataSet dataSetInUse; private boolean update; public boolean isUpdate() { return update; } public void setUpdate(boolean update) { this.update = update; } public DatabaseTestWrapper(DataSource dataSource, URL dataURL, String schema, boolean inContainer) throws Exception { super(dataURL); this.dataSource = dataSource; this.dataURL = dataURL; this.schema = schema; this.inContainer = inContainer; conn = dataSource.getConnection(); if (!inContainer && !isOracle(conn)) { /* Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("SET write_delay 5000");*/ } if (conn == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "Data source '" + dataSource.toString() + "' resulted in a null connection"); } if (schema == null || schema.trim().length() == 0) { dbconnection = new DatabaseConnection(conn); } else { dbconnection = new DatabaseConnection(conn, schema); } try { DatabaseConfig config = dbconnection.getConfig(); if (inContainer) { //String id2 = ""; //config.setFeature(id2, true); } String id = ""; config.setFeature(id, false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public ArrayList createDataObject(String resultname) throws Exception { return createDataObject(dataURL, resultname); } public void generateExcelSchema() throws Exception { if (!inContainer) { String excelFile = "schema.xls"; if (!(new File(excelFile)).exists()) { // ExcelSchemaGenerator.generateSchema(excelFile, conn, schema); } } } protected IDatabaseConnection getConnection() throws Exception { if (dbconnection.getConnection().isClosed()) { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); if (schema == null || schema.trim().length() == 0) { dbconnection = new DatabaseConnection(conn); } else { dbconnection = new DatabaseConnection(conn, schema); } // dbconnection = new DatabaseConnection(conn); } return dbconnection; } protected IDataSet getDataSet() throws Exception { try { ArrayList alltables = (ArrayList) getTableNames();//TestCaseUtility.getAllTableList(conn); IDataSet dataset = super.createCustomDataSet(alltables); dataSetInUse = getFilteredDataset(dataset); return dataSetInUse; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } protected DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } protected DatabaseOperation getSetUpOperation() throws Exception { if (!update) { if (doCleanInsert()) { return DatabaseOperation.CLEAN_INSERT; } return DatabaseOperation.REFRESH; } return DatabaseOperation.UPDATE; } protected IDataSet getFilteredDataset(IDataSet dataset) throws Exception { IDatabaseConnection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (filter == null) { filter = new SequenceTableFilter(sortedTableNames); //new DatabaseSequenceFilter(conn); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.err.println("TOOK:" + (end - start)); IDataSet newds = new FilteredDataSet(filter, dataset); return newds; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } protected void cleanUpAll() throws SQLException { if (doCleanInsert()) { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet tables = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String deleteCmd = "DELETE FROM "; if (isOracle(conn)) { try { stmt.executeQuery("SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED"); } catch (SQLException e) { } //deleteCmd = "TRUNCATE TABLE "; } else { /* try { stmt.executeQuery("SET REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY FALSE"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e, e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); throw e; }*/ } if (allDeleteCmds == null) { allDeleteCmds = new LinkedList(); tables = conn.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, null, null); while ( { String tableName = tables.getString("TABLE_SCHEM") + "." + tables.getString("TABLE_NAME"); String deleteSQL = deleteCmd + tableName; allDeleteCmds.add(deleteSQL); } } try { Iterator iter = allDeleteCmds.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String deleteSQL = (String); stmt.executeUpdate(deleteSQL); } } catch (SQLException sqe) { } conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage() + ": Failed to delete tables properly", e); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } if (tables != null) { tables.close(); } } } } protected void setUp() throws Exception { try { if (doCleanInsert()) { cleanUpAll(); } super.setUp(); closeConnection(conn); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Error in data file processing filename = '" + dataURL.toString() + "'"; System.out.println(message + "," + e.getMessage() + "\n" + super.dataSetString); throw new DBUnitWrapperException(message, e); } } protected void closeConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); conn = null; } } protected void closeInMemoryConnection() throws SQLException { if (!inContainer) { /* if (!isOracle(dataSourceProd)) { try { Connection inMemoryConn = dataSourceProd.getConnection(); Statement st = inMemoryConn.createStatement(); st.execute("SHUTDOWN"); inMemoryConn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e, e); } }*/ } else { //Connection con = dataSourceProd.getConnection(); if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { conn.close(); conn = null; } } } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { closeInMemoryConnection(); } } private boolean isOracle(DataSource ds) { Connection con = null; try { con = ds.getConnection(); String productName = con.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName(); return (productName != null && productName.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle")); } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } finally { if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException exc) { } } } } private boolean isOracle(Connection con) { try { String productName = con.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName(); return (productName != null && productName.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle")); } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } } private static String[] sortedTableNames = new String[] { "ACTIONS_LOV", "AC_STATUS_LOV", "BUSINESS_ROLES_LOV", "CM_STATES_LOV", "SECURITY_CONTEXTS_LOV", "AC_ACTIONS_MATRIX", "AC_CI_BU", "AC_TYPES_LOV", "LIFECYCLES_LOV", "PROGRAM_AREAS_LOV", "CONTEXTS", "ORGANIZATIONS", "STEWARDS", "ADMINISTERED_COMPONENTS", "REGISTRARS", "REG_STATUS_LOV", "SUBMITTERS", "AC_REGISTRATIONS", "COMPLEX_REP_TYPE_LOV", "CON_DERIVATION_RULES_EXT", "CSI_TYPES_LOV", "CS_ITEMS", "CS_TYPES_LOV", "CLASSIFICATION_SCHEMES", "CS_CSI", "PERSONS", "CONTACT_ROLES_EXT", "AC_CONTACTS", //"AC_CSI", // moving to the end "AC_CSI_BACKUP", "AC_CSI_CAT_BU", "AC_CSI_DISEASE", "AC_CSI_STAGING", "AC_HISTORIES", "AC_RECS", "AC_SUBJECTS", "AC_WF_RULES", "AC_WF_BUSINESS_ROLES", "ADDR_TYPES_LOV", "ADVANCE_RPT_LOV", "APP_COMPONENT_TYPES_LOV", "APP_OBJECTS_LOV", "APP_VERSIONS", "APP_OBJECTS", "APP_PRIV_LOV", "APP_ROLES_LOV", "APP_GRANTS", "CONCEPTUAL_DOMAINS", "VALUE_MEANINGS", "CD_VMS", "CHARACTER_SET_LOV", "CLASSIFICATION_SCHEMES_BACKUP", "CLASS_SCHEME_ITEMS_BACKUP", "COMM_TYPES_LOV", "DATATYPES_LOV", "OBJECT_CLASSES_LOV", "PROPERTIES_LOV", "OBJECT_CLASSES_EXT", "PROPERTIES_EXT", "CONCEPTS_EXT", "QUALIFIER_LOV_EXT", "DATA_ELEMENT_CONCEPTS", "FORMATS_LOV", "UNIT_OF_MEASURES_LOV", "REPRESENTATIONS_EXT", "VALUE_DOMAINS", "DATA_ELEMENTS", "COMPLEX_DATA_ELEMENTS", "RULE_FUNCTIONS_EXT", "COMPLEX_DE_RELATIONSHIPS", "CONCEPTS_STG", "CONTACT_ADDRESSES", "CONTACT_COMMS", "RELATIONSHIPS_LOV", "CSI_RECS", "CSI_STAGING", "CSI_TYPES_LOV_BACKUP", "CS_CSI_BACKUP", "CS_CSI_BU", "CS_RECS", "CS_TYPES_LOV_BACKUP", "DATA_ELEMENTS_BU", "DEC_RECS", "LANGUAGES_LOV", "DEFINITION_TYPES_LOV_EXT", "DEFINITIONS", "DESIGNATION_TYPES_LOV", "DESIGNATIONS", "DESIGNATIONS_BACKUP", "DESIGNATIONS_BACKUP_NEW", "DESIG_BACKUP", "DE_BACKUP", "DE_RECS", "DOCUMENT_TYPES_LOV", "FAILED_LOG", "GROUPS", "GROUP_RECS", "SC_GROUPS", "GRP_BUSINESS_ROLES", "LOOKUP_LOV", "META_TEXT", "META_UTIL_STATUSES", "MLOG$_AC_CSI", "MLOG$_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEM", "MLOG$_CS_CSI", "MLOG$_CS_ITEMS", "MLOG$_DATA_ELEMENTS", "MLOG$_DATA_ELEMENT_CONCEPT", "MLOG$_DEFINITIONS", "MLOG$_DESIGNATIONS", "MLOG$_VALUE_DOMAINS", "OC_CADSR", "OC_COMPRESULT", "OC_COMPRESULT2", "OC_VD", "PERMISSIBLE_VALUES", "PROGRAMS", "REFERENCE_DOCUMENTS", "REFERENCE_BLOBS", "REFERENCE_FORMATS_LOV", "REL_USAGE_LOV", "RL_RUL", "RULES_LOV", "RUPD$_AC_CSI", "RUPD$_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEM", "RUPD$_CS_CSI", "RUPD$_CS_ITEMS", "RUPD$_DATA_ELEMENTS", "RUPD$_DATA_ELEMENT_CONCEPT", "RUPD$_DEFINITIONS", "RUPD$_DESIGNATIONS", "RUPD$_VALUE_DOMAINS", "SC_CONTEXTS", "USER_ACCOUNTS", "SC_USER_ACCOUNTS", "SUBJECTS", "SUCCESS_LOG", "S_COMPLIANCE_STATUS_LOV", "S_STANDARDS_LOV", "S_AC_STANDARDS", "UI_AC_TYPES_LOV", "S_AC_STD_APPLICABILITIES", "S_CMR_META_MODELS", "S_MANDATORY_TYPES_LOV", "S_STANDARD_ATTRIBUTES", "S_CMM_SA_MAP", "UA_BUSINESS_ROLES", "UI_ACTIVITIES_LOV", "UI_TYPES_LOV", "UI_ELEMENTS", "UI_ITEMS", "UI_CONSTRAINTS", "UI_ELEMENTS_ITEMS", "UI_FRAMESETS", "UI_HIERARCHIES", "UI_LINKS", "UI_HIER_LINK_RECS", "UI_IMAGES", "UI_IMAGE_TYPES_LOV", "UI_ITEM_GENERATORS", "UI_ITEM_HIERARCHIES", "UI_ITEM_IMAGES", "UI_ITEM_LINK_RECS", "UI_LINK_FRAMESET_RECS", "UI_LINK_LINK_RECS", "UI_LINK_PARAMS", "UI_METADATA", "UI_REFERENCE", "USER_GROUPS", "VD_PVS", "VD_PV_RECS", "VD_RECS", "WSGSR_SESSIONS", "WSGSR_USERDATA", "AC_ATT_TYPES_LOV_EXT", "AC_ATT_CSCSI_EXT", "AC_CHANGE_HISTORY_EXT", "AC_CLASS_SCHEMES_STAGING", "AC_SOURCES_EXT", "AC_SOURCES_HST", "AC_SUBMITTERS_STAGING", "ADMINISTERED_COMPONENTS_HST", "ADMIN_COMPONENTS_STAGING", "ADMIN_COMPONENTS_STAGING_BKUP", "ASL_ACTL_EXT", "CDE_CART_ITEMS", "SOURCE_DATA_LOADS", "CLASS_SCHEMES_STAGING", "CLASS_SCHEME_ITEMS_STAGING", "COMPONENT_LEVELS_EXT", "COMPONENT_CONCEPTS_EXT", "CONCEPTS_STAGING", "CONCEPTUAL_DOMAINS_STAGING", "CONCEPT_SOURCES_LOV_EXT", "QUESTION_CONDITIONS_EXT", "QUEST_CONTENTS_EXT", "VALID_VALUES_ATT_EXT", "CONDITION_COMPONENTS_EXT", "MESSAGE_TYPES_EXT", "CONDITION_MESSAGE_EXT", "CREATE$JAVA$LOB$TABLE", "CRF_TOOL_PARAMETER_EXT", "DATA_ELEMENTS_HST", "DATA_ELEMENTS_STAGING", "DATA_ELEMENT_CONCEPTS_STAGING", "DEC_STAGING", "DECR_STAGING", "DEC_RELATIONSHIPS", "DEFINITIONS_STAGING", "DESIGNATIONS_STAGING", "ECLASSES_STAGING", "EATTRIBUTES_STAGING", "EREFERENCES_STAGING", "ERRORS_EXT", "ERROR_LOG", "ESUPERTYPES_STAGING", "GS_TABLES_LOV", "GS_COMPOSITE", "GS_TOKENS", "GUEST_LOG", "ICD", "JAVA$CLASS$MD5$TABLE", "LOADER_DEFAULTS", "MATCH_RESULTS_EXT", "MLOG$_AC_ATT_CSCSI_EXT", 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