Source code

Java tutorial


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package gov.nih.nci.lmp.mimGpml;

import gov.nih.nci.lmp.mim.mimVisLevel1.*;

import java.awt.Color;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;

import org.apache.commons.collections.BidiMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap.DualHashBidiMap;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;

import org.pathvisio.core.debug.Logger;

 * A utility class of helper methods and variables used in both import and export.
 * @author Augustin Luna <>
 * @author Margot Sunshine 
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 1.0
public abstract class CommonHelper {

    /** Namespace for MIM-Vis. */
    public static final String MIM_VIS_NS = "";

     * Initialize the interaction types. This is the mapping from the GPML to
     * MIM-Vis interactions; not the MIM-Vis to MIM-Bio mapping.
     * @return the mapping of GPML to MIMVis arrowheads
    public static BidiMap getGpmlToMimVisArrowHeadMap() {
        BidiMap arrowHash = new DualHashBidiMap();

        arrowHash.put("mim-necessary-stimulation", "NecessaryStimulation");
        arrowHash.put("mim-stimulation", "Stimulation");
        arrowHash.put("mim-inhibition", "Inhibition");
        arrowHash.put("mim-absolute-inhibition", "AbsoluteInhibition");
        arrowHash.put("mim-catalysis", "Catalysis");
        arrowHash.put("mim-cleavage", "CovalentBondCleavage");
        arrowHash.put("mim-binding", "NonCovalentReversibleBinding");
        arrowHash.put("mim-covalent-bond", "CovalentIrreversibleBinding");
        arrowHash.put("mim-modification", "CovalentModification");
        arrowHash.put("mim-production-wo-loss", "ProductionWithoutLoss");
        arrowHash.put("mim-conversion", "StochiometricConversion");
        arrowHash.put("mim-transcription-translation", "TemplateReaction");
        arrowHash.put("Line", "Line");
        arrowHash.put("mim-next-feature", "NextFeature");
        arrowHash.put("mim-first-feature", "FirstFeature");
        arrowHash.put("mim-branching-right", "BranchingRight");
        arrowHash.put("mim-branching-left", "BranchingLeft");
        arrowHash.put("mim-state-combination", "StateCombination");

        //TODO: To be added in a future MIM specification
        //arrowHash.put("mim-gap", ArrowHeadEnumType.GAP);
        return arrowHash;

     * Gets the XML printing options.
     * @return the XML options
    public static XmlOptions getXmlOptions() {

        // Set some default export parameters
        XmlOptions xmlOptions = new XmlOptions();

        final int indentSize = 4;

        // xmlOptions.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces();
        HashMap<String, String> ns = new HashMap<String, String>();
        ns.put(MIM_VIS_NS, "mimVis");


        // Needed so that no namespace prefixes are appended to elements
        // this.xmlOptions.setUseDefaultNamespace();


        return xmlOptions;

     * Gets the MIM-Vis XML object by ID.
     * TODO: It does not appear possible to use the Saxon engine to process
     * XPath queries within Pathvisio; the plugin fails to load. The approach
     * taken instead relies on JDOM/Jaxen to process XPath.
     * @param doc
     *            the doc
     * @param elemId
     *            the element id
     * @return the vis xml object by id
    public static XmlObject getVisXmlObjectById(DiagramDocument doc, String elemId) {

        // TODO: Account for bioId
        // String queryExpression =
        // "/mimVis:Diagram/mimVis:InteractionGlyph[@visId='" + elemId + "']";
        String queryExpression = "//*[@visId='" + elemId + "']";

        Logger.log.debug("elemId:" + elemId);
        Logger.log.debug("queryExpression:" + queryExpression);

        try {
            org.w3c.dom.Document wDoc = (org.w3c.dom.Document) doc.getDomNode();
            javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
            javax.xml.xpath.XPath wXpath = factory.newXPath();
            javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression expr = wXpath.compile(queryExpression);

            Object result = expr.evaluate(wDoc, javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants.NODESET);
            org.w3c.dom.NodeList nodes = (org.w3c.dom.NodeList) result;

            Logger.log.debug("NodeList size: " + nodes.getLength());

             * If the size is not one, then there is a duplicate key issue that
             * needs to be dealt with. Treat it as an error and return null.
            if (nodes.getLength() == 1) {
                XmlObject xmlObj = XmlObject.Factory.parse(nodes.item(0));
                Logger.log.debug("glyph.xmlText: " + xmlObj.xmlText(getXmlOptions()));

                // Logger.log.debug("doc.xmlText: " +
                // doc.xmlText(getXmlOptions()));

                String elemStr = xmlObj.xmlText(getXmlOptions());

                Logger.log.debug("getVisXmlObjectById XML String:" + elemStr);

                 * Sample of the way an XML fragment is represented with
                 * <xml-fragment> tags. This necessitates a modification from
                 * the nodes returned by selectNodes.
                 * <xml-fragment mimVis:visId="ca53d" mimVis:displayName="CAMK"
                 * centerX="166.0" centerY="167.0" mimVis:width="80.0"
                 * mimVis:height="20.0"
                 * xmlns:mimVis="">
                 * <mimVis:mimBioRef>b9044</mimVis:mimBioRef></xml-fragment>
                // Pattern/matcher
                Pattern mimStartElemTag = Pattern.compile("mimVis:[A-Z][A-Za-z]+");
                Matcher matcherStart = mimStartElemTag.matcher(elemStr);

                // System.out.println("matcherStart count: "
                // + matcherStart.groupCount());

                String match = null;

                // Find all matches
                while (matcherStart.find()) {
                    // Get the matching string
                    match =;
                    // System.out.println(" "
                    // +;

                final int prefixLength = "mimVis:".length();

                // String localPart = xmlFrag + "Type";
                String localPart = match.substring(prefixLength) + "Type";

                // Match: mimVis:SimplePhysicalEntityGlyph
                // SPE URI QName:
                // SPE Local QName: SimplePhysicalEntityGlyphType

                QName objQName = new QName(MIM_VIS_NS, localPart);

                SchemaTypeLoader schemaTypeLoader = XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader();
                SchemaType objType = schemaTypeLoader.findType(objQName);

                XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions();

                 * Taken from the XMLBeans autogenerated code of a XSD complex
                 * type. For parsing a XML fragment given the SchemaType.
                xmlObj = XmlBeans.getContextTypeLoader().parse(elemStr, objType, opts);

                return xmlObj;
            } else {
      "ERROR: Most likely a duplicate ID.");
        } catch (XmlException e) {
        } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {

        return null;

     * Gets the MIM-Vis namespace.
     * @return the MIM-Vis namespace
    public static String getMimVisNs() {
        return MIM_VIS_NS;

     * Checks if is not blank.
     * @param str
     *            the str
     * @return true, if is not blank
    public static boolean isNotBlank(String str) {
        if (str != null && !str.equals("")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Validate XML doc.
     * @param xml
     *            the xml
     * @return true, if successful
    public static boolean validateXml(XmlObject xml) {
        boolean isXmlValid = false;

        // Set up the validation error listener to hold error messages
        ArrayList<XmlError> validationMessages = new ArrayList<XmlError>();

        // Validate the XML, collecting messages.
        isXmlValid = xml.validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(validationMessages));

        // If the XML isn't valid, print the messages.
        if (!isXmlValid) {
        return isXmlValid;

     * Receives the collection containing errors found during validation and
     * print the errors to the console.
     * @param validationErrors
     *            The validation errors.
    public static void printErrors(ArrayList<XmlError> validationErrors) {
        Iterator<XmlError> iter = validationErrors.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Logger.log.error(">> " + + "\n");

     * Convert color to hex string.
     * @param color
     *            the color
     * @return the string
    public static String convertColorToHex(Color color) {

        String rgbColorStr = Integer.toHexString(color.getRGB());
        String hexColorStr = rgbColorStr.substring(2, rgbColorStr.length());

        Logger.log.debug("RGB color: " + rgbColorStr);
        Logger.log.debug("Hex color: " + hexColorStr);

        return hexColorStr.toUpperCase();

     * Convert hex string to color.
     * @param hexStr
     *            the hex string for a color
     * @return the color object
    public static Color convertHexToColor(String hexStr) {

        Color color = null;

        // Color.decode() only works if there is a '#' at the start
        if (hexStr.charAt(0) == '#') {
            Logger.log.debug("Not appending '#'");
            color = Color.decode(hexStr);
        } else {
            Logger.log.debug("Appending '#'");
            color = Color.decode("#" + hexStr);

        return color;

    // TODO: Get by Id, Get GenericProperty by Key