Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Ekagra and SemanticBits, LLC * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.integration.catissue.client; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.DateConverter; import; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.CollectionProtocol; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.CollectionProtocolRegistration; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.ConsentTier; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.ConsentTierResponse; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.Participant; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.ParticipantMedicalIdentifier; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.Race; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.factory.CollectionProtocolFactory; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.factory.CollectionProtocolRegistrationFactory; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.factory.ConsentTierResponseFactory; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.factory.ParticipantFactory; import edu.wustl.catissuecore.factory.RaceFactory; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.ApplicationException; /** * This is the Client class for create Registration and update Registration * * @author Vinodh * @author Rohit Gupta */ public class CaTissueParticipantClient { private static final String NOT_SPECIFIED = "Not Specified"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CaTissueParticipantClient.class); private CaTissueAPIClientWithRegularAuthentication caTissueAPIClient; private static final String DISABLED = "Disabled"; private final XStream xStream = new XStream(new StaxDriver()); private static final String XLS_TRANSFORMATION_EXP = "Exception occurred while XSL transformation."; /** * Constructor * * @param loginName - loginName for the API authentication * @param password - password for the API authentication * @throws MalformedURLException - MalformedURLException * @throws BeansException - BeansException */ public CaTissueParticipantClient(String loginName, String password) throws BeansException, MalformedURLException { super(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(CaTissueParticipantClient.class.getClassLoader()); this.caTissueAPIClient = new CaTissueAPIClientWithRegularAuthentication(loginName, password); initXStream(); } private void initXStream() { // CGLIB - related settings start /* * xStream.addDefaultImplementation( org.hibernate.collection.PersistentList.class, java.util.List.class); * xStream.addDefaultImplementation( org.hibernate.collection.PersistentMap.class, java.util.Map.class); * xStream.addDefaultImplementation( org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet.class, java.util.Set.class); * * Mapper mapper = xStream.getMapper(); xStream.registerConverter(new HibernateCollectionConverter(mapper)); * xStream.registerConverter(new HibernateMapConverter(mapper)); */ // CGLIB - related settings end xStream.alias("participant", Participant.class); xStream.alias("race", Race.class); xStream.alias("collectionProtocol", CollectionProtocol.class); xStream.alias("collectionProtocolRegistration", CollectionProtocolRegistration.class); xStream.alias("consentTierResponse", ConsentTierResponse.class); xStream.alias("consentTier", ConsentTier.class); xStream.alias("participantMedicalIdentifier", ParticipantMedicalIdentifier.class); final String[] accFrmts = new String[] { "", "yyyyMMdd", "yyyy-MM-dd", "MM/dd/yyyy", // catissue formats "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S a", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssz", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z", // JDK 1.3 needs both // versions "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssa" }; // backwards compatibility xStream.registerConverter(new DateConverter("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S z", accFrmts, true)); } /** * Returns the instance of CaTissueAPIClientWithRegularAuthentication being used * * @return instance of CaTissueAPIClientWithRegularAuthentication */ public CaTissueAPIClientWithRegularAuthentication getCaTissueAPIClient() { return caTissueAPIClient; } /** * Returns the instance of XStream being used * * @return instance of XStream */ public XStream getxStream() { return xStream; } /** * Parses Participant from xml * * @param participantXMLStr - Participant as XML String * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException * @return instance of Participant */ public Participant parseParticipant(String participantXMLStr) throws ApplicationException { Participant participant = null; try { participant = (Participant) xStream.fromXML(new StringReader(participantXMLStr)); } catch (ConversionException ce) { if (ce.getMessage().contains("Cannot parse date")) { LOG.error("Exception occurred while performing XSL transformation on Date field.", ce); throw new ApplicationException( "Exception occurred while performing XSL transformation on Date field.", ce); } else { LOG.error(XLS_TRANSFORMATION_EXP + ce.getCause(), ce); throw new ApplicationException(XLS_TRANSFORMATION_EXP + ce.getCause(), ce); } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF } catch (Exception e) { // NOPMD // CHECKSTYLE:ON LOG.error(XLS_TRANSFORMATION_EXP + e.getCause(), e); throw new ApplicationException(XLS_TRANSFORMATION_EXP + e.getCause(), e); } return participant; } /** * This method is used to register a Participant in caTissue * * @param participantXMLStr - Participant information in the form of XMLString * @return XMLString - currently null * @throws ApplicationException ApplicationException */ public String registerParticipantFromXML(String participantXMLStr) throws ApplicationException { return registerParticipant(participantXMLStr); } /** * This method is used to register a Participant. It will parse the incoming XMLString and then call the private * method to register the participant * * @param participantXMLStr - Participant information in the form of XMLString * @return null * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public String registerParticipant(String participantXMLStr) throws ApplicationException { final Participant participant = parseParticipant(participantXMLStr); registerParticipant(participant); return null; } /** * Registers Participant in CaTissue * * @param participant - Participant to be registered * @return instance of Participant * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public Participant registerParticipant(Participant participant) throws ApplicationException { if (participant == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(participant.getLastName())) { throw new ApplicationException("Participant does not contain the unique medical identifier"); } // populate the CP-Title inside Participant-CPR-CP-Title. Also call populateConsentTierResponse() populateCP(participant); Participant returnParticipant = null; try { returnParticipant = caTissueAPIClient.insert(participant); } catch (ApplicationException ae) { LOG.error("Create Registration Failed for Participant with Subject ID as " + participant.getLastName(), ae); throw new ApplicationException(ae); } return returnParticipant; } /** * This method is used to update a Participant in caTissue. * * @param participantXMLStr - Participant update information in the form of XMLString * @return exisitingParticipant detail in form of XMLString which might be required for Rollback * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public String updateParticipantRegistrationFromXML(String participantXMLStr) throws ApplicationException { return updateParticipantRegistration(participantXMLStr); } /** * This method is used to update a Participant in caTissue. It will parse the incoming XMLString and then call the * private method to update the participant * * @param participantXMLStr - Participant update information in the form of XMLString * @return exisitingParticipant detail in form of XMLString which might be required for Rollback * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public String updateParticipantRegistration(String participantXMLStr) throws ApplicationException { Participant participant = parseParticipant(participantXMLStr); participant = updateParticipantRegistration(participant); return xStream.toXML(participant); } /** * updates Participant registration in CaTissue * * @param participant - Participant to be registered * @return instance of Participant * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public Participant updateParticipantRegistration(Participant participant) throws ApplicationException { if (participant == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(participant.getLastName())) { LOG.error("Participant does not contain the unique medical identifier " + participant.getLastName()); throw new ApplicationException("Participant does not contain the unique medical identifier"); } final Participant existingParticipant = getParticipantForPatientId(participant.getLastName(), getShortTitleForParticipant(participant)); if (existingParticipant == null) { LOG.error("CaTissue does not contain a participant with the unique identifier, " + participant.getLastName()); throw new ApplicationException("CaTissue does not contain a participant with the unique identifier, " + participant.getLastName()); } // check if the collection protocol is different, if different then throw exception if (isCollectionProtocolChanged(participant, existingParticipant)) { LOG.error("Update Participant Registration failed for " + participant.getLastName() + "and exception is Study can't be changed while updating the Participant."); throw new ApplicationException("Update Participant Registration failed for " + participant.getLastName() + "and exception is Study can't be changed while updating the Participant."); } participant.setId(existingParticipant.getId()); // Set the values in CPR only for Create Participant Flow and don't set it for UpdateParticipant participant.setCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection(new HashSet<CollectionProtocolRegistration>()); // code to handle the existing/new race collection updateParticipantRaceCollection(existingParticipant, participant); try { caTissueAPIClient.update(participant); } catch (ApplicationException ae) { LOG.error("Update Registration Failed for Participant with Subject ID " + participant.getLastName(), ae); throw new ApplicationException(ae); } return copyFrom(existingParticipant); } /** * This method is used to check if the CollectionProtocol of incoming participant is different from * existingParticipant * * @return true if the CP is different */ private boolean isCollectionProtocolChanged(Participant participant, Participant existingParticipant) { boolean isCPChanged = false; final List<CollectionProtocolRegistration> existCPRList = new ArrayList<CollectionProtocolRegistration>( existingParticipant.getCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection()); final CollectionProtocolRegistration existCPR = (CollectionProtocolRegistration) existCPRList.get(0); final String existShortTitle = existCPR.getCollectionProtocol().getShortTitle(); final ArrayList<CollectionProtocolRegistration> cprColl = new ArrayList<CollectionProtocolRegistration>( participant.getCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection()); final String shortTitle = cprColl.get(0).getCollectionProtocol().getShortTitle(); if (!shortTitle.equals(existShortTitle)) { isCPChanged = true; } return isCPChanged; } /** * This method is used to delete a Participant in caTissue. * * @param participantXMLStr participant to be delete in the form of XMLString * @return true if participant is deleted * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public boolean deleteParticipantFromXML(String participantXMLStr) throws ApplicationException { final Participant participant = deleteParticipant(participantXMLStr); boolean flag = false; if (participant != null) { flag = true; } return flag; } /** * This method is used to delete a Participant in caTissue. It will parse the incoming XMLString and then call the * private method to delete the participant * * @param participantXMLStr participant to be delete in the form of XMLString * @return Participant - deleted Participant * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public Participant deleteParticipant(String participantXMLStr) throws ApplicationException { final Participant participant = parseParticipant(participantXMLStr); return deleteParticipant(participant); } /** * Soft deletes Participant in CaTissue. That is to mark it as disabled with SSN set as NULL. * * @param participant - Participant to be deleted * @return instance of Participant * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public Participant deleteParticipant(Participant participant) throws ApplicationException { final Participant persistedParticipant = getParticipantForPatientId(participant.getLastName(), getShortTitleForParticipant(participant)); if (persistedParticipant == null) { return null; } persistedParticipant.setActivityStatus(DISABLED); persistedParticipant.setSocialSecurityNumber(null); persistedParticipant.setLastName(null); final Iterator<CollectionProtocolRegistration> iter = persistedParticipant .getCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final CollectionProtocolRegistration collectionProtocolRegistration = (CollectionProtocolRegistration) iter .next(); collectionProtocolRegistration.setProtocolParticipantIdentifier(""); collectionProtocolRegistration.setActivityStatus(DISABLED); caTissueAPIClient.update(collectionProtocolRegistration); } /* * Iterator<ParticipantMedicalIdentifier> iter = persistedParticipant.getParticipantMedicalIdentifierCollection * ().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ParticipantMedicalIdentifier participantMedicalIdentifier = * (ParticipantMedicalIdentifier) iter .next();//caTissueAPIClient.delete( * "Delete from ParticipantMedicalIdentifier pmi where" + participantMedicalIdentifier.getId()); * caTissueAPIClient.delete(participantMedicalIdentifier); } */ persistedParticipant.getParticipantMedicalIdentifierCollection().clear(); return caTissueAPIClient.update(persistedParticipant); } /** * retrieve participants registered to a collection protocol * * @param cpTitle - collection protocol title * @return list of participant for that collection protocol * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public List<Participant> getParticipantsForCollectionProtocol(String cpTitle) throws ApplicationException { return caTissueAPIClient.getApplicationService().query(CqlUtility.getParticipantsForCP(cpTitle)); } /** * Retrieve the participant for given PatientId * * @param participantId - PatientId for which participant has to be fetched * @param shortTitle - ShortTitle of the CollectionProtocol * @return Participant * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ public Participant getParticipantForPatientId(String participantId, String shortTitle) throws ApplicationException { final List<Participant> prtcpntLst = caTissueAPIClient.getApplicationService() .query(CqlUtility.getParticipantForPatientId(participantId, shortTitle)); if (prtcpntLst == null || prtcpntLst.isEmpty()) { return null; } return prtcpntLst.get(0); } /** * This method is used to populate the CP-title inside Participant object for given CP-shortTitle. Also it will call * method to populate the default ConsentTierResponse * * @param participant * @return Participant with Title populated * @throws ApplicationException - ApplicationException */ private Participant populateCP(Participant participant) throws ApplicationException { final ArrayList<CollectionProtocolRegistration> cprColl = new ArrayList<CollectionProtocolRegistration>( participant.getCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection()); if (!cprColl.isEmpty()) { // We are expecting only ONE CPR here final CollectionProtocolRegistration incomingCPR = cprColl.get(0); final CollectionProtocol incomingCP = incomingCPR.getCollectionProtocol(); // get the existing CollectionProtocol for given shortTitle final CollectionProtocol fetchedCP = getExistingCollectionProtocol(incomingCP.getShortTitle()); if (fetchedCP != null) { // set the fetched CP_Title into the Participant-CPR-CP-title incomingCP.setTitle(fetchedCP.getTitle()); populateConsentTierResponse(incomingCPR, fetchedCP); } } return participant; } private void populateConsentTierResponse(final CollectionProtocolRegistration incomingCPR, final CollectionProtocol fetchedCP) throws ApplicationException { final Collection<ConsentTier> consentTierCollection = fetchedCP.getConsentTierCollection(); if (consentTierCollection == null || consentTierCollection.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("Collection Protocol's consent tier statements list is empty."); throw new ApplicationException("Collection Protocol's consent tier statements list is empty."); } final Iterator<ConsentTier> it = consentTierCollection.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final ConsentTier consentTier = (ConsentTier); final ConsentTierResponse ctResp = ConsentTierResponseFactory.getInstance().createObject(); ctResp.setConsentTier(consentTier); ctResp.setResponse(NOT_SPECIFIED); incomingCPR.getConsentTierResponseCollection().add(ctResp); } } private String getShortTitleForParticipant(Participant participant) { String shortTitle = ""; final ArrayList<CollectionProtocolRegistration> cprColl = new ArrayList<CollectionProtocolRegistration>( participant.getCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection()); if (!cprColl.isEmpty()) { // We are expecting only ONE CPR here final CollectionProtocolRegistration cpr = cprColl.get(0); final CollectionProtocol collectionProtocol = cpr.getCollectionProtocol(); shortTitle = collectionProtocol.getShortTitle(); } return shortTitle; } /** * This method is used to update the Race collection. It will replace the existing Race with the current Race and * then if the current race is MORE, then it will add remaining new race inside the collection. If the new Race is * LESSER than existing then it will set the remaining existing(after replacing with current race) to null. This * logic is implemented to avoid unnecessary null records in the database. * * @return */ private Participant updateParticipantRaceCollection(Participant existingParticipant, Participant participant) { final Race[] existRaceArray = (Race[]) existingParticipant.getRaceCollection() .toArray(new Race[existingParticipant.getRaceCollection().size()]); final Race[] newRaceArray = (Race[]) participant.getRaceCollection() .toArray(new Race[participant.getRaceCollection().size()]); final int existRaceCount = existRaceArray.length; final int newRaceCount = newRaceArray.length; // if the existing Race are more than the new/incoming Race if (existRaceCount >= newRaceCount) { int i = 0; for (; i < newRaceCount; i++) { // Iterate(till newRaceCount) & Replace the existing Race with the new/incoming Race existRaceArray[i].setRaceName(newRaceArray[i].getRaceName()); existRaceArray[i].setParticipant(newRaceArray[i].getParticipant()); } for (; i < existRaceCount; i++) { // set the remaining(more) existing Race to NULL existRaceArray[i].setRaceName(null); existRaceArray[i].setParticipant(null); } final Set<Race> mySet = new HashSet<Race>(); Collections.addAll(mySet, existRaceArray); participant.setRaceCollection(mySet); } else { // if the existing Race are LESS than the new/incoming Race int i = 0; for (; i < existRaceCount; i++) { // Iterate(till existRaceCount) & Replace the existing Race with the new/incoming Race existRaceArray[i].setRaceName(newRaceArray[i].getRaceName()); existRaceArray[i].setParticipant(newRaceArray[i].getParticipant()); } final Set<Race> mySet = new HashSet<Race>(); Collections.addAll(mySet, existRaceArray); participant.setRaceCollection(mySet); for (; i < newRaceCount; i++) { // add the remaining left new/incoming Race in the collection participant.getRaceCollection().add(newRaceArray[i]); } } return participant; } private CollectionProtocol getExistingCollectionProtocol(String shortTitle) throws ApplicationException { CollectionProtocol cp = new CollectionProtocol(); cp.setShortTitle(shortTitle); cp = caTissueAPIClient.searchById(CollectionProtocol.class, cp); return cp; } private Participant copyFrom(Participant participant) { final Participant p = ParticipantFactory.getInstance().createObject(); p.setId(participant.getId()); p.setActivityStatus(participant.getActivityStatus()); p.setBirthDate(participant.getBirthDate()); p.setEthnicity(participant.getEthnicity()); p.setFirstName(participant.getFirstName()); p.setLastName(participant.getLastName()); p.setGender(participant.getGender()); p.setMetaPhoneCode(participant.getMetaPhoneCode()); p.setSocialSecurityNumber(participant.getSocialSecurityNumber()); p.setVitalStatus(participant.getVitalStatus()); final Iterator<Race> iter = participant.getRaceCollection().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Race race = (Race); final Race r = RaceFactory.getInstance().createObject(); r.setParticipant(p); r.setRaceName(race.getRaceName()); p.getRaceCollection().add(r); } final Iterator<CollectionProtocolRegistration> cprIter = participant .getCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection().iterator(); while (cprIter.hasNext()) { final CollectionProtocolRegistration collectionProtocolRegistration = (CollectionProtocolRegistration) cprIter .next(); final CollectionProtocol collectionProtocol = collectionProtocolRegistration.getCollectionProtocol(); final CollectionProtocol cp = CollectionProtocolFactory.getInstance().createObject(); cp.setActivityStatus(collectionProtocol.getActivityStatus()); cp.setTitle(collectionProtocol.getTitle()); cp.setShortTitle(collectionProtocol.getShortTitle()); final CollectionProtocolRegistration cpr = CollectionProtocolRegistrationFactory.getInstance() .createObject(); cpr.setParticipant(p); cpr.setConsentSignatureDate(collectionProtocolRegistration.getConsentSignatureDate()); cpr.setRegistrationDate(collectionProtocolRegistration.getRegistrationDate()); cpr.setProtocolParticipantIdentifier(collectionProtocolRegistration.getProtocolParticipantIdentifier()); //setting empty consenttier status collection, as update flow will not update consent tier cpr.setConsentTierResponseCollection( (Collection<ConsentTierResponse>) new LinkedHashSet<ConsentTierResponse>()); cpr.setCollectionProtocol(cp); p.getCollectionProtocolRegistrationCollection().add(cpr); } return p; } /** * * @param caTissueAPIClient CaTissueAPIClientWithRegularAuthentication */ public void setCaTissueAPIClient(CaTissueAPIClientWithRegularAuthentication caTissueAPIClient) { this.caTissueAPIClient = caTissueAPIClient; } }