Java tutorial
package gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.utils; import*; import java.util.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.*; import org.LexGrid.codingSchemes.*; import org.LexGrid.naming.*; import org.LexGrid.concepts.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Extensions.Generic.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.*; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.Iterators.*; import org.LexGrid.lexevs.metabrowser.*; import org.LexGrid.lexevs.metabrowser.model.*; import org.LexGrid.lexevs.metabrowser.model.MetaTreeNode.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; import org.json.*; /** * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_START --> * Copyright 2008,2009 NGIT. This software was developed in conjunction * with the National Cancer Institute, and so to the extent government * employees are co-authors, any rights in such works shall be subject * to Title 17 of the United States Code, section 105. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer of Article 3, * below. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by NGIT and the National * Cancer Institute." If no such end-user documentation is to be * included, this acknowledgment shall appear in the software itself, * wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * 3. The names "The National Cancer Institute", "NCI" and "NGIT" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software. * 4. This license does not authorize the incorporation of this software * into any third party proprietary programs. This license does not * authorize the recipient to use any trademarks owned by either NCI * or NGIT * 5. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, * NGIT, OR THEIR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_END --> */ /** * @author EVS Team * @version 1.0 * * Modification history Initial implementation * */ public class SourceTreeUtils { private Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(SourceTreeUtils.class); // protected final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); private String[] _hierAssocToParentNodes = new String[] { "PAR", "isa", "branch_of", "part_of", "tributary_of" }; private String[] _hierAssociationToParentNodes = new String[] { "PAR" }; private String[] _hierAssocToChildNodes = new String[] { "CHD" }; public final boolean DIRECTION_FORWARD = true; public final String NC_METATHESAURUS = "NCI Metathesaurus"; private SortOptionList _sortByCode = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "code" }); private LocalNameList _noopList = Constructors.createLocalNameList("_noop_"); private int _maxLevel = 50; private int _maxLinks = 300; private LexBIGService lbSvc = null; private LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = null; private MetaBrowserService mbs = null; public String sourceHierarchies = "AOD|AOT|CBO|CCS|CSP|CST|FMA|GO|HL7V3.0|ICD10|ICD10CM|ICD10PCS|ICD9CM|ICDO|ICPC|LNC|MDBCAC|MDR|MEDLINEPLUS|MGED|MSH|MTHHH|NCBI|NCI|NDFRT|NPO|OMIM|PDQ|PNDS|RADLEX|SOP|UMD|USPMG|UWDA"; public SourceTreeUtils(LexBIGService lbSvc) { this.lbSvc = lbSvc; try { this.lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); this.lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); this.mbs = (MetaBrowserService) lbSvc.getGenericExtension("metabrowser-extension"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void setSourceHierarchies(String sourceHierarchies) { this.sourceHierarchies = sourceHierarchies; } public String getSourceHierarchies() { return this.sourceHierarchies; } public Vector getSupportedSources(String codingScheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag) { Vector v = new Vector(); try { CodingScheme cs = null; try { cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingScheme, versionOrTag); } catch (Exception ex2) { cs = null; ex2.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("Unable to resolveCodingScheme " + codingScheme); } if (cs != null) { SupportedSource[] sources = cs.getMappings().getSupportedSource(); for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { v.add(sources[i].getLocalId()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public NameAndValueList createNameAndValueList(String[] names, String[] values) { NameAndValueList nvList = new NameAndValueList(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(names[i]); if (values != null) { nv.setContent(values[i]); } nvList.addNameAndValue(nv); } return nvList; } // intra-CUI (atom-to-atom relationships) ??? // Tree traversal -- detect and avoid loops (intra-CUI) public ArrayList getNextLevelTreeNodeNamesAndCodes(String scheme, String version, String code, String source) { return getTreeNodeNamesAndCodes(scheme, version, code, source, true); } public ArrayList getPrevLevelTreeNodeNamesAndCodes(String scheme, String version, String code, String source) { return getTreeNodeNamesAndCodes(scheme, version, code, source, false); } public ArrayList getTreeNodeNamesAndCodes(String scheme, String version, String code, String source, boolean direction) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); if (cs == null) return null; Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0) return null; SupportedHierarchy hierarchyDefn = hierarchies[0]; //String hier_id = hierarchyDefn.getLocalId(); String[] associationsToNavigate = hierarchyDefn.getAssociationNames(); boolean associationsNavigatedFwd = hierarchyDefn.getIsForwardNavigable(); if (!direction) associationsNavigatedFwd = !associationsNavigatedFwd; NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(associationsToNavigate, null); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; try { CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; if (source != null) { nameAndValueList_qualifier = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { "source" }, new String[] { source }); } cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); matches = cng.resolveAsList(graphFocus, associationsNavigatedFwd, !associationsNavigatedFwd, 1, 1, new LocalNameList(), propertyTypes, null, -1); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Analyze the result ... if (matches != null && matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference().nextElement(); if (ref != null) { AssociationList sourceof = ref.getSourceOf(); if (!associationsNavigatedFwd) sourceof = ref.getTargetOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; if (assoc != null) { if (assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() != null) { AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() .getAssociatedConcept(); if (acl != null) { for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; if (ac != null && !ac.getConceptCode().startsWith("@")) { EntityDescription ed = ac.getEntityDescription(); if (ed != null) { list.add(ed.getContent() + "|" + ac.getConceptCode()); } } } } } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } _logger.debug( "Run time (milliseconds) getSubconcepts: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " to resolve "); SortUtils.quickSort(list); return list; } public ArrayList getSubconceptsInTree(String scheme, String version, String code, String source) { return getAssociatedConceptsInTree(scheme, version, code, source, true); } private boolean isLeaf(MetaTreeNode focus) { return focus.getExpandedState().equals(ExpandedState.LEAF); } public ArrayList getSuperconceptsInTree(String scheme, String version, String code, String source) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); if (cs == null) return null; Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0) return null; SupportedHierarchy hierarchyDefn = hierarchies[0]; //String hier_id = hierarchyDefn.getLocalId(); String[] associationsToNavigate = hierarchyDefn.getAssociationNames(); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(associationsToNavigate, null); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; try { CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; if (source != null) { nameAndValueList_qualifier = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { "source" }, new String[] { source }); } cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); matches = cng.resolveAsList(graphFocus, false, true, 1, 1, new LocalNameList(), propertyTypes, null, null, -1, true); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Analyze the result ... if (matches != null && matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ResolvedConceptReference[] rcra = matches.getResolvedConceptReference(); for (int k = 0; k < rcra.length; k++) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) rcra[k]; if (ref.getConceptCode().compareTo(code) != 0) { list.add(ref); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } _logger.debug( "Run time (milliseconds) getSubconcepts: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " to resolve "); SortUtils.quickSort(list); return list; } public ArrayList getAssociatedConceptsInTree(String scheme, String version, String code, String source, boolean direction) { return getAssociatedConceptsInTree(scheme, version, code, source, direction, 1, 1, false); } public ArrayList getAssociatedConceptsInTree(String scheme, String version, String code, String source, boolean direction, int resolveCodedEntryDepth, int resolveAssociationDepth, boolean keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); if (cs == null) return null; Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0) { return null; } SupportedHierarchy hierarchyDefn = hierarchies[0]; String[] associationsToNavigate = hierarchyDefn.getAssociationNames(); boolean associationsNavigatedFwd = hierarchyDefn.getIsForwardNavigable(); if (!direction) associationsNavigatedFwd = !associationsNavigatedFwd; NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(associationsToNavigate, null); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; try { CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; if (source != null) { nameAndValueList_qualifier = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { "source" }, new String[] { source }); } cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); matches = cng.resolveAsList(graphFocus, associationsNavigatedFwd, !associationsNavigatedFwd, resolveCodedEntryDepth, resolveAssociationDepth, new LocalNameList(), propertyTypes, null, null, -1, keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (matches == null) { System.out.println("matches: NULL???"); } else if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() == 0) { System.out.println("No match"); } // Analyze the result ... if (matches != null && matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ResolvedConceptReference[] rcra = matches.getResolvedConceptReference(); for (int k = 0; k < rcra.length; k++) { // ResolvedConceptReference ref = // (ResolvedConceptReference) // matches.enumerateResolvedConceptReference().nextElement(); ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) rcra[k]; if (ref != null) { AssociationList sourceof = ref.getSourceOf(); if (!associationsNavigatedFwd) sourceof = ref.getTargetOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; if (assoc != null) { if (assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() != null) { AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() .getAssociatedConcept(); if (acl != null) { for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; if (ac != null && !ac.getConceptCode().startsWith("@")) { list.add(ac); } } } } } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } _logger.debug( "Run time (milliseconds) getSubconcepts: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " to resolve "); SortUtils.quickSort(list); return list; } public ArrayList getRootConceptNamesAndCodes(String scheme, String version, String source) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); if (cs == null) { _logger.warn("CodingScheme is NULL??? " + scheme); return null; } Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0) return null; SupportedHierarchy hierarchyDefn = hierarchies[0]; //String hier_id = hierarchyDefn.getLocalId(); //String[] associationsToNavigate = // hierarchyDefn.getAssociationNames(); boolean associationsNavigatedFwd = hierarchyDefn.getIsForwardNavigable(); //NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = // createNameAndValueList(associationsToNavigate, null); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; try { CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; ConceptReference graphFocus = null; try { _logger.debug("cng.resolveAsList ..."); // matches = cng.resolveAsList(graphFocus, // associationsNavigatedFwd, !associationsNavigatedFwd, 1, // 1, new LocalNameList(), null, null, -1); matches = cng.resolveAsList(graphFocus, associationsNavigatedFwd, !associationsNavigatedFwd, 1, 1, new LocalNameList(), propertyTypes, null, 10); } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); _logger.error( "\tNo top nodes could be located for the supplied restriction set in the requested direction.\n"); return new ArrayList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Analyze the result ... if (matches != null && matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference().nextElement(); if (ref != null) { AssociationList sourceof = ref.getSourceOf(); if (!associationsNavigatedFwd) sourceof = ref.getTargetOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; if (assoc != null) { if (assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() != null) { AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() .getAssociatedConcept(); if (acl != null) { for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; if (ac != null && !ac.getConceptCode().startsWith("@")) { EntityDescription ed = ac.getEntityDescription(); if (ed != null) { list.add(ed.getContent() + "|" + ac.getConceptCode()); } } } } } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } _logger.debug("Run time (milliseconds) getRootConceptNamesAndCodes: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " to resolve "); SortUtils.quickSort(list); return list; } public LocalNameList vector2LocalNameList(Vector<String> v) { if (v == null) return null; LocalNameList list = new LocalNameList(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String vEntry = (String) v.elementAt(i); list.addEntry(vEntry); } return list; } private CodedNodeSet restrictToActiveStatus(CodedNodeSet cns, boolean activeOnly) { if (cns == null) return null; if (!activeOnly) return cns; // no restriction, do nothing try { cns = cns.restrictToStatus(CodedNodeSet.ActiveOption.ACTIVE_ONLY, null); return cns; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(String scheme, String version, String sourceAbbr, String code, int maxToReturn, boolean searchInactive) { if (sourceAbbr == null || code == null) return null; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(version); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; Vector<String> v = null; //if (code != null && code.compareTo("") != 0) { if (code.compareTo("") != 0) { qualifierList = new NameAndValueList(); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName("source-code"); nv.setContent(code); qualifierList.addNameAndValue(nv); } LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; // sourceLnL Vector<String> w2 = new Vector<String>(); w2.add(sourceAbbr); LocalNameList sourceLnL = vector2LocalNameList(w2); if (sourceAbbr.compareTo("*") == 0 || sourceAbbr.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") == 0) { sourceLnL = null; } ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator matchIterator = null; SortOptionList sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery", "code"}); try { CodedNodeSet cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, null, null); if (cns == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConceptsd returns null"); return null; } CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] { CodedNodeSet.PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; cns = cns.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, qualifierList); if (cns != null) { boolean activeOnly = !searchInactive; cns = restrictToActiveStatus(cns, activeOnly); try { matchIterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, null);// ConvenienceMethods.createLocalNameList(getPropertyForCodingScheme(cs)),null); } catch (Exception ex) { } return matchIterator; } } catch (Exception e) { // getLogger().error("ERROR: Exception in findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching."); return null; } return null; } protected void displayRef(PrintWriter pw, int k, ResolvedConceptReference ref) { try { pw.println( "(" + k + ") " + ref.getConceptCode() + ":" + ref.getEntityDescription().getContent() + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } protected void displayRef(int k, ResolvedConceptReference ref) { try { _logger.debug( "(" + k + ") " + ref.getConceptCode() + ":" + ref.getEntityDescription().getContent() + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void dumpIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator) { if (iterator == null) return; int knt = 0; try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { knt++; displayRef(knt, ref); knt++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Paths to roots (View in Source Hierarchy) Traverse up until the unique // SRC V-<sab> concept is reached. // Check NCIt methods // Find parents. // For each parent, add children // Use recursion until the unique SRC V-<sab> concept is reached // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////// // search tree // //////////////// protected ResolvedConceptReference resolveConcept(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String code) throws LBException { CodedNodeSet cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, csvt); cns = cns.restrictToMatchingProperties(ConvenienceMethods.createLocalNameList("conceptCode"), null, code, "exactMatch", null); ResolvedConceptReferenceList cnsList = cns.resolveToList(null, null, new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION }, 1); return (cnsList.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() == 0) ? null : cnsList.getResolvedConceptReference(0); } public boolean hasSubconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code, String source) { ArrayList list = getNextLevelTreeNodeNamesAndCodes(scheme, version, code, source); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) return true; return false; } protected boolean hasChildren(TreeItem tiParent, String code) { if (tiParent == null) return false; if (tiParent._assocToChildMap == null) return false; for (String association : tiParent._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = tiParent._assocToChildMap.get(association); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); if (childItem._code.compareTo(code) == 0) return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isValidForSAB(AssociatedConcept ac, String sab) { /* * for (NameAndValue qualifier : * ac.getAssociationQualifiers().getNameAndValue()) { if * ("source".equalsIgnoreCase(qualifier.getName()) && * sab.equalsIgnoreCase(qualifier.getContent())) return true; } * //_logger.debug("(*) isValidForSAB returns false " + * ac.getEntityDescription().getContent()); return false; */ return true; } protected Presentation[] getSourcePresentations(ResolvedConceptReference rcr, String sab) { // Ensure the associated entity was resolved, and look at each // assigned presentation for a matching source qualifier. List<Presentation> matches = new ArrayList<Presentation>(); if (rcr.getEntity() != null) for (Presentation p : rcr.getEntity().getPresentation()) for (Source src : p.getSource()) if (sab.equalsIgnoreCase(src.getContent())) matches.add(p); return matches.toArray(new Presentation[matches.size()]); } protected String getDirectionalLabel(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, Association assoc, boolean navigatedFwd) throws LBException { String associationName = lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode(scheme, csvt, assoc.getAssociationName()); String assocLabel = navigatedFwd ? lbscm.getAssociationForwardName(associationName, scheme, csvt) : lbscm.getAssociationReverseName(associationName, scheme, csvt); if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank(assocLabel)) assocLabel = (navigatedFwd ? "" : "[Inverse]") + assoc.getAssociationName(); return assocLabel; } /* protected String getDirectionalLabel(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, Association assoc, boolean navigatedFwd) throws LBException { String assocLabel = navigatedFwd ? lbscm.getAssociationForwardName(assoc .getAssociationName(), scheme, csvt) : lbscm .getAssociationReverseName(assoc.getAssociationName(), scheme, csvt); if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank(assocLabel)) assocLabel = (navigatedFwd ? "" : "[Inverse]") + assoc.getAssociationName(); return assocLabel; } */ // ==================================================================================================================== public ResolvedConceptReference getRootInSRC(String scheme, String version, String source) { try { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(scheme, version, "SRC", "V-" + source, -1, true); if (iterator != null) { try { //int numRemaining = iterator.numberRemaining(); /* if (iterator == null) return null; */ try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { return ref; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public HashMap getTreePathData(String scheme, String version, String sab, String code, int maxLevel) throws LBException { long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); HashMap map = getTreePathData(scheme, csvt, sab, code, maxLevel); _logger.debug("Run time (milliseconds) getTreePathData: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms)); return map; } public HashMap getTreePathData(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String sab, String focusCode) throws LBException { return getTreePathData(scheme, csvt, sab, focusCode, -1); } public HashMap getTreePathData(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String sab, String cui, int maxLevel) throws LBException { HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); ResolvedConceptReference rcr = resolveConcept(scheme, csvt, cui); if (rcr == null) { _logger.debug("Unable to resolve a concept for CUI = '" + cui + "'"); return null; } else { _logger.debug("Concept found: " + rcr.getReferencedEntry().getEntityDescription().getContent() + " -- " + rcr.getCode()); } ResolvedConceptReference SRC_root = getRootInSRC(scheme, csvt.getVersion(), sab); String rootName = SRC_root.getReferencedEntry().getEntityDescription().getContent(); //String rootCode = SRC_root.getCode(); // Dummy root (place holder) TreeItem ti = new TreeItem("<Root>", "Root node", null); int pathsResolved = 0; try { // Identify the set of all codes on path from root // to the focus code ... TreeItem[] pathsFromRoot = buildPathsToRoot(rcr, scheme, csvt, sab, maxLevel); pathsResolved = pathsFromRoot.length; for (TreeItem rootItem : pathsFromRoot) { if (rootItem._text.compareTo(rootName) == 0) { for (String assoc : rootItem._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = rootItem._assocToChildMap.get(assoc); for (TreeItem childItem : children) { ti.addChild(assoc, childItem); } } } else { ti.addChild("CHD", rootItem); } } ti._expandable = true; } finally { _logger.debug("SourceTreeUtils Run time (milliseconds): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " to resolve " + pathsResolved + " paths from root."); if (pathsResolved == 0) { ti._text = "No path found"; } } hmap.put(cui, ti); return hmap; } protected TreeItem[] buildPathsToRoot(ResolvedConceptReference rcr, String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String sab, int maxLevel) throws LBException { // String root_name = // rcr.getReferencedEntry().getEntityDescription().getContent();//, // NCI_SOURCE, "PT"); String root_name = getHighestRankedAtomName(rcr.getReferencedEntry(), sab); // TreeItem ti = new TreeItem(rcr.getCode(), // rcr.getEntityDescription().getContent()); TreeItem ti = new TreeItem(rcr.getCode(), root_name); // LexBIGService lbs = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); ti._expandable = hasSubconcepts(scheme, csvt.getVersion(), rcr.getCode(), sab); // Maintain root tree items. Set<TreeItem> rootItems = new HashSet<TreeItem>(); Set<String> visited_links = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, TreeItem> code2Tree = new HashMap(); int currLevel = 0; // Natural flow of hierarchy relations moves forward // from tree root to leaves. Build the paths to root here // by processing upstream (child to parent) relationships. buildPathsToUpperNodes(ti, rcr, scheme, csvt, sab, code2Tree, rootItems, visited_links, maxLevel, currLevel); return rootItems.toArray(new TreeItem[rootItems.size()]); } protected void buildPathsToUpperNodes(TreeItem ti, ResolvedConceptReference rcr, String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String sab, Map<String, TreeItem> code2Tree, Set<TreeItem> roots, Set<String> visited_links, int maxLevel, int currLevel) throws LBException { if (maxLevel != -1 && currLevel > maxLevel) { return; } // Only need to process a code once ... if (code2Tree.containsKey(rcr.getCode())) { return; } // Cache for future reference. code2Tree.put(rcr.getCode(), ti); // UMLS relations can be defined with forward direction // being parent to child or child to parent on a source // by source basis. Iterate twice to ensure completeness; // once navigating child to parent relations forward // and once navigating parent to child relations // backward. Both have the net effect of navigating // from the bottom of the hierarchy to the top. boolean isRoot = true; String[] associationsToNavigate = null; boolean associationsNavigatedFwd = false; boolean fwd = false; ArrayList acl = getSuperconceptsInTree(scheme, csvt.getVersion(), rcr.getCode(), sab); if (acl != null) { for (int j = 0; j < acl.size(); j++) { // AssociatedConcept refParent = (AssociatedConcept) acl.get(j); ResolvedConceptReference refParent = (ResolvedConceptReference) acl.get(j); Presentation[] sabMatch = getSourcePresentations(refParent, sab); if (sabMatch.length > 0) { // We need to take into account direction of // navigation on each pass to get the right label. String directionalName = "CHD";// getDirectionalLabel(scheme, // csvt, assoc, !fwd); // Check for a previously registered item for the // parent. If found, re-use it. Otherwise, create // a new parent tree item. String parentCode = refParent.getCode(); String parentName = getHighestRankedAtomName(refParent.getReferencedEntry(), sab); String link = rcr.getConceptCode() + "|" + parentCode; if (!visited_links.contains(link)) { visited_links.add(link); TreeItem tiParent = code2Tree.get(parentCode); if (tiParent == null) { // Create a new tree item. // tiParent = new TreeItem(parentCode, // refParent.getEntityDescription().getContent(), // getAtomText(refParent, sab)); tiParent = new TreeItem(parentCode, parentName);// , // getAtomText(refParent, // sab)); // Add immediate children of the parent code with an // indication of sub-nodes (+). Codes already // processed as part of the path are ignored since // they are handled through recursion. // String[] downstreamAssoc = fwd ? // hierAssocToChildNodes_ : hierAssocToParentNodes_; // addChildren(tiParent, scheme, csvt, sab, // parentCode, code2Tree.keySet(), downstreamAssoc, // fwd); addChildren(tiParent, scheme, csvt, sab, parentCode, code2Tree.keySet(), associationsToNavigate, true); // Try to go higher through recursion. buildPathsToUpperNodes(tiParent, refParent, scheme, csvt, sab, code2Tree, roots, visited_links, maxLevel, currLevel + 1); } // Add the child (eliminate redundancy -- e.g., // hasSubtype and CHD) if (!hasChildren(tiParent, ti._code)) { tiParent.addChild(directionalName, ti); tiParent._expandable = true; } isRoot = false; } } } } if (maxLevel != -1 && currLevel == maxLevel) isRoot = true; if (isRoot) { roots.add(ti); } } protected void addChildren(TreeItem ti, String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String sab, String branchRootCode, Set<String> codesToExclude, String[] associationsToNavigate, boolean associationsNavigatedFwd) throws LBException { // Resolve the next branch, representing children of the given // code, navigated according to the provided relationship and // direction. Resolve the children as a code graph, looking 2 // levels deep but leaving the final level unresolved. ArrayList branchItemList = getAssociatedConceptsInTree(scheme, csvt.getVersion(), branchRootCode, sab, true, 1, 2, false); if (branchItemList == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < branchItemList.size(); i++) { AssociatedConcept branchItemNode = (AssociatedConcept) branchItemList.get(i); String branchItemCode = branchItemNode.getConceptCode(); // Add here if not in the list of excluded codes. // This is also where we look to see if another level // was indicated to be available. If so, mark the // entry with a '+' to indicate it can be expanded. // if (!branchItemNode.getReferencedEntry().getIsAnonymous()) { if (!branchItemCode.startsWith("@")) { if (!codesToExclude.contains(branchItemCode)) { String branchItemNodeName = null; try { branchItemNodeName = getCodeDescription(branchItemNode, sab); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } TreeItem childItem = new TreeItem(branchItemCode, branchItemNodeName); AssociationList grandchildBranch = associationsNavigatedFwd ? branchItemNode.getSourceOf() : branchItemNode.getTargetOf(); if (grandchildBranch != null) childItem._expandable = true; String childNavText = "CHD"; ti.addChild(childNavText, childItem); } else { // _logger.debug("(*) Excluding self-referential node: " + // branchItemCode); // ti.text = ti.text + " (*)"; } } } } public void Util_displayMessage(String msg) { _logger.debug(msg); } protected void printTree(TreeItem ti, String focusCode, int depth) { StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < depth * 2; i++) indent.append("| "); StringBuffer codeAndText = new StringBuffer(indent).append(focusCode.equals(ti._code) ? ">" : " ") .append(ti._code).append(':').append(org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.abbreviate(ti._text, 120)) .append(ti._expandable ? " [+]" : ""); if (ti._auis != null) for (String line : ti._auis.split("\\|")) codeAndText.append('\n').append(indent).append(" {") .append(org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.abbreviate(line, 120)).append('}'); Util_displayMessage(codeAndText.toString()); indent.append("| "); for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { Util_displayMessage(indent.toString() + association); List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); Collections.sort(children); for (TreeItem childItem : children) printTree(childItem, focusCode, depth + 1); } } public void dumpTreeItems(HashMap hmap) { try { Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); Object[] objs = keyset.toArray(); String code = (String) objs[0]; TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) hmap.get(code); printTree(ti, code, 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * C0879923 * * presentation: HTLV1 IgG Ser Ql RepresentationalForm: OSN Source: LNC * * Qualifier name: LUI Qualifier value: L1740213 Qualifier name: SUI * Qualifier value: S0130345 Qualifier name: AUI Qualifier value: A0155015 * Qualifier name: source-code Qualifier value: 22360-2 Qualifier name: * SUPPRESS Qualifier value: N Qualifier name: mrrank Qualifier value: 255 * * presentation: human t-cell lymphotropic virus-1 Antibody.immunoglobulin * G:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal * RepresentationalForm: LX Source: LNC * * * Qualifier name: LUI Qualifier value: L3810313 Qualifier name: SUI * Qualifier value: S4356848 Qualifier name: AUI Qualifier value: A8393666 * Qualifier name: source-code Qualifier value: 22360-2 Qualifier name: * mrrank Qualifier value: 259 Qualifier name: SUPPRESS Qualifier value: N * * * presentation: HTLV 1 Ab.IgG:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Ord RepresentationalForm: LN * Source: LNC * * Qualifier name: SUI Qualifier value: S4449216 Qualifier name: AUI * Qualifier value: A8490332 Qualifier name: source-code Qualifier value: * 22360-2 Qualifier name: mrrank Qualifier value: 258 Qualifier name: * SUPPRESS Qualifier value: N Qualifier name: LUI Qualifier value: L0095099 * * * Associations: (C0879923) analyzed_by Serum (C0229671) qualifiers: * RUI:R43827205 STYPE1:AUI STYPE2:AUI SUPPRESS:N rela:analyzed_by * source:LNC source-aui:A8490332 target-aui:A7791940 * * has_expanded_form human t-cell lymphotropic virus-1 * Antibody.immunoglobulin G:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in * time:Serum:Ordinal (C0879923) qualifiers: RUI:R44116328 STYPE1:AUI * STYPE2:AUI SUPPRESS:N rela:has_expanded_form self-referencing:true (*) * source:LNC source-aui:A8490332 // HTLV 1 Ab.IgG:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Ord * target-aui:A0155015 // HTLV1 IgG Ser Ql (extracted from Presentation * data) * * * C0879923 * * HTLV1 IgG Ser Ql * * Hyperlink NCI Metathesaurus, LNC, A8490332 Hyperlink NCI Metathesaurus, * LNC, A0155015 * * * * (*) Reconstructing source hierarchy based on NCIm can be overly * complicated. source-aui -->[rela]-->target-aui (direction) * * What rela values are part of source hierarchy? e.g., is the rela * has_expanded_form a part of LNC hierarchy? What about the direction? Is * there an inverse rela, is_expanded_form_of??? * * [A] -->(has_expanded_form)-->[B} implies [A] is a subconcept of [B]?, or * [B] is a subconcept of [A]? * * Where are these data stored? */ protected String getCodeDescription(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String code) throws LBException { CodedNodeSet cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, csvt); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(Constructors.createConceptReferenceList(code, scheme)); ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl = cns.resolveToList(null, _noopList, null, 1); if (rcrl.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { EntityDescription desc = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(0).getEntityDescription(); if (desc != null) return desc.getContent(); } return "<Not assigned>"; } protected String getCodeDescription(ResolvedConceptReference ref) throws LBException { EntityDescription desc = ref.getEntityDescription(); if (desc != null) return desc.getContent(); return "<Not assigned>"; } protected String getCodeDescription(ResolvedConceptReference ref, String sab) throws LBException { return getHighestRankedAtomName(ref.getReferencedEntry(), sab); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (CUI C1136323) * * LOINCCLASSTYPES (CUI CL403889) * * Laboratory Class (CUI C1314970) * * Microbiology procedure (CUI C0085672) * * HTLV1 IgG Ser Ql * * rela:has_expanded_form self-referencing:true (*) source:LNC * source-aui:A8490332 // HTLV 1 Ab.IgG:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Ord target-aui:A0155015 * // HTLV1 IgG Ser Ql (extracted from Presentation data) * * public String getAtom2AtomRelationships(AssociatedConcept ac, String sab) * { Vector v = new Vector(); String rela = null; String source = null; * String self_referencing = null; String source_aui = null; String * target_aui = null; * * for (NameAndValue qual : ac.getAssociationQualifiers().getNameAndValue()) * { String qualifier_name = qual.getName(); String qualifier_value = * qual.getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareTo("source") == 0) source = * qualifier_value; if (qualifier_name.compareTo("self-referencing") == 0) * self_referencing = qualifier_value; if * (qualifier_name.compareTo("source-aui") == 0) source_aui = * qualifier_value; if (qualifier_name.compareTo("target-aui") == 0) * target_aui = qualifier_value; } if (source.compareTo(sab) == 0 && * self_referencing != null && self_referencing.compareTo("true") == 0) { // * convert AUI to name by comparing PRESENTATION properties return * source_aui + "$" + rela + "$" + target_aui + "$" + ac.getCode(); } return * null; } */ public String getPropertyNameByQualifierValue(AssociatedConcept ac, String qual_name, String qual_value) { Entity c = ac.getReferencedEntry(); Presentation[] presentations = c.getPresentation(); for (int i = 0; i < presentations.length; i++) { Presentation presentation = presentations[i]; PropertyQualifier[] qualifiers = presentation.getPropertyQualifier(); for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers.length; j++) { PropertyQualifier qualifier = qualifiers[j]; String qualifier_name = qualifier.getPropertyQualifierName(); String qualifier_value = qualifier.getValue().getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareTo(qual_name) == 0 && qualifier_value.compareTo(qual_value) == 0) { return presentation.getPropertyName(); } } } return null; } public String getHighestRankedAtomName(Entity c, String sab) { int rank = -1; String name = "Not assigned";// c.getEntityDescription().getContent(); Presentation[] presentations = c.getPresentation(); for (int i = 0; i < presentations.length; i++) { Presentation presentation = presentations[i]; boolean containsSource = false; Source[] sources = presentation.getSource(); if (sources != null && sources.length > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < sources.length; k++) { Source src = sources[0]; String src_name = src.getContent(); if (src_name.compareTo(sab) == 0) { containsSource = true; break; } } } if (containsSource) { PropertyQualifier[] qualifiers = presentation.getPropertyQualifier(); for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers.length; j++) { PropertyQualifier qualifier = qualifiers[j]; String qualifier_name = qualifier.getPropertyQualifierName(); String qualifier_value = qualifier.getValue().getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareTo("mrrank") == 0) { int curr_rank = Integer.parseInt(qualifier_value.trim()); if (curr_rank > rank) { name = presentation.getValue().getContent(); rank = curr_rank; } } } } } return name; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public PrintWriter openPrintWriter(String outputfile) { try { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputfile), "UTF-8"), true); return pw; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void closeWriter(PrintWriter pw) { if (pw == null) { System.out.println("WARNING: closeWriter is not open."); return; } pw.close(); } public HashMap getChildren(String CUI, String SAB) { //HashSet hset = new HashSet(); HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); TreeItem ti = null; try { MetaTree tree = mbs.getMetaNeighborhood(CUI, SAB); MetaTreeNode focus = tree.getCurrentFocus(); ti = new TreeItem(focus.getCui(), focus.getName()); if (isLeaf(focus)) { _logger.debug("Leaf node -- no children."); ti._expandable = false; hmap.put(ti._code, ti); return hmap; } else { ti._expandable = true; } Iterator iterator = focus.getChildren(); if (iterator == null) { return hmap; } String childNavText = "CHD"; while (iterator.hasNext()) { MetaTreeNode child = (MetaTreeNode); TreeItem childItem = new TreeItem(child.getCui(), child.getName()); childItem._expandable = true; if (isLeaf(child)) { childItem._expandable = false; } ti.addChild(childNavText, childItem); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (ti != null) { hmap.put(ti._code, ti); } return hmap; } public List getSourceHierarchyRoots(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String sab) throws LBException { try { CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); if (cs == null) return null; Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0) return null; // SupportedHierarchy hierarchyDefn = hierarchies[0]; //String hier_id = hierarchyDefn.getLocalId(); /* String[] associationsToNavigate = hierarchyDefn.getAssociationNames(); boolean associationsNavigatedFwd = hierarchyDefn.getIsForwardNavigable(); */ // String code = "C1140168"; ResolvedConceptReference SRC_root = getRootInSRC(scheme, csvt.getVersion(), sab); String rootName = SRC_root.getReferencedEntry().getEntityDescription().getContent(); String rootCode = SRC_root.getCode(); _logger.debug("Searching for roots in " + sab + " under -- " + rootName + " (CUI: " + rootCode + ")"); HashMap hmap = getChildren(rootCode, sab); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) hmap.get(rootCode); for (String assoc : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> roots = ti._assocToChildMap.get(assoc); for (int k = 0; k < roots.size(); k++) { TreeItem root = roots.get(k); ResolvedConceptReference rcr = new ResolvedConceptReference(); EntityDescription desc = new EntityDescription(); desc.setContent(root._text); rcr.setEntityDescription(desc); rcr.setCode(root._code); list.add(rcr); } } SortUtils.quickSort(list); return list; } catch (Exception ex) { } return new ArrayList(); } public HashMap getSubconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code, String sab) { try { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); if (cs == null) return null; Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0) return null; SupportedHierarchy hierarchyDefn = hierarchies[0]; //String hier_id = hierarchyDefn.getLocalId(); String[] associationsToNavigate = hierarchyDefn.getAssociationNames(); boolean associationsNavigatedFwd = hierarchyDefn.getIsForwardNavigable(); return getSubconcepts(scheme, version, code, sab, associationsToNavigate, associationsNavigatedFwd); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("getSubconcepts throws exception???"); ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public HashMap getSubconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code, String sab, String[] asso_names, boolean associationsNavigatedFwd) { //HashSet hset = new HashSet(); HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); TreeItem ti = null; //Vector w = new Vector(); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Set<String> codesToExclude = Collections.EMPTY_SET; Set<String> codesToExclude = new HashSet();// Collections.EMPTY_SET; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); try { //Entity c = DataUtils.getConceptByCode(scheme, version, null, code); Entity c = new ConceptDetails(lbSvc).getConceptByCode(scheme, version, code); if (c == null) { _logger.warn("Concept not found ??? " + code); return null; } // ResolvedConceptReference SRC_root = getRootInSRC(scheme, // csvt.getVersion(), sab); String name = c.getEntityDescription().getContent(); ti = new TreeItem(code, name); ti._expandable = false; // KLO, testing codesToExclude.add(code); addChildren(ti, scheme, csvt, sab, code, codesToExclude, asso_names, associationsNavigatedFwd); hmap.put(code, ti); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } _logger.debug( "Run time (milliseconds) getSubconcepts: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " to resolve "); return hmap; } public List getTopNodes(TreeItem ti) { List list = new ArrayList(); getTopNodes(ti, list, 0, 1); return list; } public void getTopNodes(TreeItem ti, List list, int currLevel, int maxLevel) { if (list == null) list = new ArrayList(); if (currLevel > maxLevel) return; if (ti._assocToChildMap.keySet().size() > 0) { if (ti._text.compareTo("Root node") != 0) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = new ResolvedConceptReference(); rcr.setConceptCode(ti._code); EntityDescription entityDescription = new EntityDescription(); entityDescription.setContent(ti._text); rcr.setEntityDescription(entityDescription); list.add(rcr); } } for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); Collections.sort(children); for (TreeItem childItem : children) { getTopNodes(childItem, list, currLevel + 1, maxLevel); } } } public List getTopNodes(TreeItem ti, String sab) { List list = new ArrayList(); getTopNodes(ti, list, 0, 1, sab); return list; } public void getTopNodes(TreeItem ti, List list, int currLevel, int maxLevel, String sab) { if (list == null) list = new ArrayList(); if (currLevel > maxLevel) { return; } if (ti._assocToChildMap.keySet().size() > 0) { if (ti._text.compareTo("Root node") != 0) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = new ResolvedConceptReference(); rcr.setConceptCode(ti._code); EntityDescription entityDescription = new EntityDescription(); entityDescription.setContent(ti._text); rcr.setEntityDescription(entityDescription); list.add(rcr); } } for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); Collections.sort(children); for (TreeItem childItem : children) { getTopNodes(childItem, list, currLevel + 1, maxLevel, sab); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // self-referential relationships // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getAtomName(AssociatedConcept ac, String aui) { Entity c = ac.getReferencedEntry(); Presentation[] presentations = c.getPresentation(); for (int i = 0; i < presentations.length; i++) { Presentation presentation = (Presentation) presentations[i]; java.lang.String name = presentation.getPropertyName(); java.lang.String prop_value = presentation.getValue().getContent(); PropertyQualifier[] qualifiers = presentation.getPropertyQualifier(); for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers.length; j++) { String qualifierName = qualifiers[j].getPropertyQualifierName(); String qualifierValue = qualifiers[j].getValue().getContent(); if (qualifierName.compareTo("AUI") == 0 && qualifierValue.compareTo(aui) == 0) { return prop_value; } } } return null; } public String getSelfReferentialRelationship(String associationName, AssociatedConcept ac, String sab) { //Vector v = new Vector(); String rela = associationName; String source = null; String self_referencing = null; String source_aui = null; String target_aui = null; String source_aui_name = null; String target_aui_name = null; for (NameAndValue qual : ac.getAssociationQualifiers().getNameAndValue()) { String qualifier_name = qual.getName(); String qualifier_value = qual.getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareTo("source") == 0) source = qualifier_value; if (qualifier_name.compareTo("self-referencing") == 0) self_referencing = qualifier_value; if (qualifier_name.compareTo("source-aui") == 0) { source_aui = qualifier_value; source_aui_name = getAtomName(ac, source_aui); } if (qualifier_name.compareTo("target-aui") == 0) { target_aui = qualifier_value; target_aui_name = getAtomName(ac, target_aui); } if (qualifier_name.compareTo("rela") == 0) rela = qualifier_value; } if (source.compareTo(sab) == 0 && self_referencing != null && self_referencing.compareTo("true") == 0) { return source_aui + "$" + source_aui_name + "$" + rela + "$" + target_aui + "$" + target_aui_name + "$" + source + "$" + ac.getCode() + "$" + ac.getEntityDescription().getContent(); } return null; } public ConceptReferenceList createConceptReferenceList(String[] codes, String codingSchemeName) { if (codes == null) { return null; } ConceptReferenceList list = new ConceptReferenceList(); for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCodingSchemeName(codingSchemeName); cr.setConceptCode(codes[i]); list.addConceptReference(cr); } return list; } public ArrayList getIntraCUIRelationships(String scheme, String version, String code, String source, boolean direction) { int resolveCodedEntryDepth = 1; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; boolean keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved = false; return getIntraCUIRelationships(scheme, version, code, source, direction, resolveCodedEntryDepth, resolveAssociationDepth, keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved); } public ArrayList getIntraCUIRelationships(String scheme, String version, String code, String source, boolean direction, int resolveCodedEntryDepth, int resolveAssociationDepth, boolean keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved) { if (source == null) return null; Vector sources = new Vector(); sources.add(source); return getIntraCUIRelationships(scheme, version, code, sources, direction, resolveCodedEntryDepth, resolveAssociationDepth, keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved); } public ArrayList getIntraCUIRelationships(String scheme, String version, String code, Vector sources, boolean direction) { int resolveCodedEntryDepth = 1; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; boolean keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved = false; return getIntraCUIRelationships(scheme, version, code, sources, direction, resolveCodedEntryDepth, resolveAssociationDepth, keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved); } public ArrayList getIntraCUIRelationships(String scheme, String version, String code, Vector sources, boolean direction, int resolveCodedEntryDepth, int resolveAssociationDepth, boolean keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (sources == null || sources.size() == 0) return list; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { CodingScheme cs = null; try { cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (cs == null) return null; Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0) return null; SupportedHierarchy hierarchyDefn = hierarchies[0]; //String hier_id = hierarchyDefn.getLocalId(); String[] associationsToNavigate = hierarchyDefn.getAssociationNames(); boolean associationsNavigatedFwd = hierarchyDefn.getIsForwardNavigable(); if (!direction) associationsNavigatedFwd = !associationsNavigatedFwd; CodedNodeSet cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, csvt, null); ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(new String[] { code }, scheme); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(associationsToNavigate, null); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; for (int k = 0; k < sources.size(); k++) { String source = (String) sources.elementAt(k); try { CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; if (source != null) { nameAndValueList_qualifier = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { "source" }, new String[] { source }); } cng = cng.restrictToTargetCodes(cns); cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; try { matches = cng.resolveAsList(graphFocus, associationsNavigatedFwd, !associationsNavigatedFwd, resolveCodedEntryDepth, resolveAssociationDepth, new LocalNameList(), propertyTypes, null, null, -1, keepLastAssociationLevelUnresolved); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Analyze the result ... if (matches == null) { _logger.warn("matches == null ??? "); return list; } if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference().nextElement(); if (ref != null) { AssociationList sourceof = ref.getSourceOf(); if (!associationsNavigatedFwd) sourceof = ref.getTargetOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; if (assoc != null) { String associationName = lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode(scheme, csvt, assoc.getAssociationName()); //if (assoc != null) { if (assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() != null) { AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() .getAssociatedConcept(); if (acl != null) { for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; if (ac != null && !ac.getConceptCode().startsWith("@")) { // _logger.debug("\t" + // ac.getCode()); String t = getSelfReferentialRelationship(associationName, ac, source); if (t != null) { // _logger.debug(t); list.add(t); } } } } } //} } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } _logger.debug( "Run time (milliseconds) getSubconcepts: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " to resolve "); // SortUtils.quickSort(list); return list; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getChildrenJSON(String CUI, String SAB) { HashMap hmap = getChildren(CUI, SAB); if (hmap == null) return null; TreeItem root = (TreeItem) hmap.get(CUI); return JSON2TreeItem.treeItem2Json(root); } public String getSourceRootsJSON(String CUI, String SAB) { HashMap hmap = getSourceRoots(CUI, SAB); if (hmap == null) return null; TreeItem root = (TreeItem) hmap.get(CUI); return JSON2TreeItem.treeItem2Json(root); } public HashMap getSourceRoots(String CUI, String SAB) { HashSet hset = new HashSet(); HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); TreeItem ti = null; Vector v = new Vector(); String childNavText = "CHD"; boolean hasMoreChildren = false; try { MetaBrowserService mbs = (MetaBrowserService) lbSvc.getGenericExtension("metabrowser-extension"); MetaTree tree = mbs.getMetaNeighborhood(CUI, SAB); MetaTreeNode focus = tree.getCurrentFocus(); ti = new TreeItem(focus.getCui(), focus.getName()); if (isLeaf(focus)) { ti._expandable = false; hmap.put(ti._code, ti); return hmap; } else { ti._expandable = true; } Iterator iterator = focus.getChildren(); if (iterator == null) { hmap.put(ti._code, ti); return hmap; } int knt = 0; hasMoreChildren = false; while (iterator.hasNext()) { MetaTreeNode child = (MetaTreeNode); if (!hset.contains(child.getCui())) { TreeItem childItem = new TreeItem(child.getCui(), child.getName()); childItem._expandable = true; if (isLeaf(child)) { childItem._expandable = false; } v.add(childItem); hset.add(child.getCui()); } } } catch (Exception e) { } v = SortUtils.quickSort(v); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) v.elementAt(i); ti.addChild(childNavText, childItem); } if (ti != null) { hmap.put(ti._code, ti); } return hmap; } private JSONArray HashMap2JSONArray(HashMap hmap) { JSONArray nodesArray = null; try { nodesArray = new JSONArray(); Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); Object[] objs = keyset.toArray(); String code = (String) objs[0]; TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) hmap.get(code); String json = JSON2TreeItem.treeItem2Json(ti); return new JSONArray(json); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return nodesArray; } public JSONArray getSourceRoots(String scheme, String version, String sab) { HashMap map = null; //String key = scheme + "$" + version + "$" + sab; JSONArray nodeArray = null; ResolvedConceptReference src_root = getRootInSRC(scheme, version, sab); if (src_root == null) return null; map = getSourceRoots(src_root.getConceptCode(), sab); nodeArray = HashMap2JSONArray(map); return nodeArray; } public Vector getSupportedSources() { return getSupportedSources(NC_METATHESAURUS, new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag()); } public void getRootConceptsBySource(String outputfile) { PrintWriter pw = openPrintWriter(outputfile); if (pw == null) return; long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); _logger.debug(outputfile + " opened."); _logger.debug("Writing root concepts by source - please wait."); Vector src_with_roots = new Vector(); Vector src_without_roots = new Vector(); String scheme = "NCI Metathesaurus"; String version = null; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); String relation = null; // String association = "CHD"; boolean searchInactive = true; //Vector sources = getSupportedSources(scheme, version); Vector sources = getSupportedSources(scheme, csvt); if (sources != null) { pw.println("Number of NCIm Supported Sources: " + sources.size()); } else { pw.println("getSupportedSources returns null??? "); return; } sources = SortUtils.quickSort(sources); System.out.println("sources.size(): " + sources.size()); int max = sources.size(); int lcv = 0; for (int k = 0; k < max; k++) { lcv++; String source = (String) sources.elementAt(k); System.out.println("(" + lcv + ") " + source); int k1 = k + 1; pw.println("\n(" + k1 + ")" + source); _logger.debug("(" + k1 + ")" + source); TreeItem ti = getSourceTree(source); if (ti != null && ti._expandable) { printTree(pw, ti, 0); String json = getSourceRootsJSON(ti._code, source); pw.println(json); src_with_roots.add(source); } else { src_without_roots.add(source); } } pw.println("Sources with roots: "); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("|"); for (int i = 0; i < src_with_roots.size(); i++) { String src = (String) src_with_roots.elementAt(i); int j = i + 1; pw.println("(" + j + "): " + src); //t = t + src + "|"; buf.append(src + "|"); } String t = buf.toString(); pw.println(t); pw.println("\nSources without roots: "); //t = "|"; buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < src_without_roots.size(); i++) { String src = (String) src_without_roots.elementAt(i); int j = i + 1; pw.println("(" + j + "): " + src); //t = t + src + "|"; buf.append(src + "|"); } t = buf.toString(); pw.println(t); closeWriter(pw); _logger.debug("Output file " + outputfile + " generated."); _logger.debug("Run time (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms)); } public TreeItem getSourceTree(String source) { boolean searchInactive = true; TreeItem ti = null; String scheme = NC_METATHESAURUS; String version = null; try { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(scheme, version, "SRC", "V-" + source, -1, searchInactive); if (iterator != null) { try { int knt = 0; try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { knt++; HashMap hmap = getSourceRoots(ref.getConceptCode(), source); ti = (TreeItem) hmap.get(ref.getConceptCode()); if (ti != null && ti._expandable) { return ti; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static void printTree(PrintWriter pw, TreeItem ti, int depth) { if (ti == null) return; StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < depth * 2; i++) { indent.append("\t"); } StringBuffer codeAndText = new StringBuffer(); codeAndText.append(indent); codeAndText.append("").append(ti._code).append(':').append(ti._text).append(ti._expandable ? " [+]" : ""); pw.println(codeAndText); for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); printTree(pw, childItem, depth + 1); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int uniformInclusive(int min, int max) { if (max < min) max = min; Random random = new Random(); return random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min; } public int uniform(int min, int max) { return uniformInclusive(min, max); } public ResolvedConceptReference getRandomResolvedConceptReference(String source) { // public TreeItem getSourceTree(String source) { SourceTreeUtils sourceTreeUtils = new SourceTreeUtils(lbSvc); TreeItem ti = sourceTreeUtils.getSourceTree(source); if (ti == null) return null; if (!ti._expandable) { return null; } Vector v = new Vector(); Iterator iterator = ti._assocToChildMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String assocText = (String); List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(assocText); for (int k = 0; k < children.size(); k++) { TreeItem child_ti = (TreeItem) children.get(k); ResolvedConceptReference rcr = new ResolvedConceptReference(); EntityDescription ed = new EntityDescription(); ed.setContent(child_ti._text); rcr.setEntityDescription(ed); rcr.setCode(child_ti._code); v.add(rcr); } } if (v.size() == 0) return null; //int m = new RandomVariateGenerator().uniform(0, v.size()-1); int m = uniform(0, v.size() - 1); return (ResolvedConceptReference) v.elementAt(m); } public Vector findViewInHierarchySources(String body) { if (body == null) return null; String source_hierarchy = getSourceHierarchies(); Vector u = gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.utils.StringUtils.parseData(source_hierarchy); System.out.println("u.size: " + u.size()); for (int i = 0; i < u.size(); i++) { String t = (String) u.elementAt(i); if (body.contains("View In " + t + " Hierarchy")) { u.add(t); } } return u; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void main(String[] args) { String outputfile = args[0]; LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); SourceTreeUtils test = new SourceTreeUtils(lbSvc); //test.getRootConceptsBySource(outputfile); String source_hierarchy = test.getSourceHierarchies(); Vector u = gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.utils.StringUtils.parseData(source_hierarchy); System.out.println("u.size: " + u.size()); for (int i = 0; i < u.size(); i++) { String t = (String) u.elementAt(i); int j = i + 1; System.out.println("(" + j + ") " + t); ResolvedConceptReference rcr = test.getRandomResolvedConceptReference(t); if (rcr != null) { System.out.println(rcr.getEntityDescription().getContent() + " (" + rcr.getCode() + ")"); } else { System.out.println("rcr == null"); } } } }