Java tutorial
package gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.utils; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.*; import org.LexGrid.concepts.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.Iterators.*; import org.LexGrid.codingSchemes.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.types.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Extensions.Generic.*; import org.LexGrid.naming.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.InterfaceElements.*; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.*; import*; import gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.common.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.language.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; /** * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_START --> * Copyright 2008,2009 NGIT. This software was developed in conjunction * with the National Cancer Institute, and so to the extent government * employees are co-authors, any rights in such works shall be subject * to Title 17 of the United States Code, section 105. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer of Article 3, * below. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by NGIT and the National * Cancer Institute." If no such end-user documentation is to be * included, this acknowledgment shall appear in the software itself, * wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * 3. The names "The National Cancer Institute", "NCI" and "NGIT" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software. * 4. This license does not authorize the incorporation of this software * into any third party proprietary programs. This license does not * authorize the recipient to use any trademarks owned by either NCI * or NGIT * 5. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, * NGIT, OR THEIR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_END --> */ /** * @author EVS Team * @version 1.0 * * Modification history Initial implementation * */ public class SearchUtils { private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(SearchUtils.class); public static final String SEARCH_BY_NAME_ONLY = "SEARCH_BY_NAME_ONLY";//1; public static final String SEARCH_BY_CODE_ONLY = "SEARCH_BY_CODE_ONLY";//2; public static final String SEARCH_BY_NAME_AND_CODE = "SEARCH_BY_NAME_AND_CODE";//3; //private static String CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM = "LuceneQuery"; private static String CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM = "exactMatch"; private DoubleMetaphone _doubleMetaphone = null; private int _max_str_length = 1000; private int _penalty_multiplier_1 = 1; private int _penalty_multiplier_2 = 2; private boolean _apply_sort_score = false; private boolean _sort_by_pt_only = true; private Connection _con; private Statement _stmt; private ResultSet _rs; private static org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.LexBIGService _lbSvc = null; public org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.ConvenienceMethods _lbConvMethods = null; public CodingSchemeRenderingList _csrl = null; private static HashMap _codingSchemeMap = null; private static HashMap _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap = null; private static HashMap _csnv2VersionMap = null; //private static String _url = null; public static int ALL = 0; public static int PREFERRED_ONLY = 1; public static int NON_PREFERRED_ONLY = 2; private static int RESOLVE_SOURCE = 1; private static int RESOLVE_TARGET = -1; private static int RESTRICT_SOURCE = -1; private static int RESTRICT_TARGET = 1; public static final int SEARCH_NAME_CODE = 1; public static final int SEARCH_DEFINITION = 2; public static final int SEARCH_PROPERTY_VALUE = 3; public static final int SEARCH_ROLE_VALUE = 6; public static final int SEARCH_ASSOCIATION_VALUE = 7; private static final List<String> STOP_WORDS = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "a", "an", "and", "by", "for", "of", "on", "in", "nos", "the", "to", "with" }); private static HashMap _propertyLocalNameListHashMap = null; public enum NameSearchType { All, Name, Code }; public SearchUtils() { initializeSortParameters(); } public SearchUtils(String url) { //SearchUtils._url = url; initializeSortParameters(); } private void initializeSortParameters() { _propertyLocalNameListHashMap = new HashMap(); try { NCItBrowserProperties properties = NCItBrowserProperties.getInstance(); String sort_str = properties.getProperty(NCItBrowserProperties.SORT_BY_SCORE); _sort_by_pt_only = true; _apply_sort_score = true; if (sort_str != null) { if (sort_str.compareTo("false") == 0) { _apply_sort_score = false; } else if (sort_str.compareToIgnoreCase("all") == 0) { _sort_by_pt_only = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } private static void setCodingSchemeMap() { _codingSchemeMap = new HashMap(); _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap = new HashMap(); _csnv2VersionMap = new HashMap(); try { // RemoteServerUtil rsu = new RemoteServerUtil(); // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = rsu.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeRenderingList csrl = lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); if (csrl == null) _logger.warn("csrl is NULL"); CodingSchemeRendering[] csrs = csrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csrs.length; i++) { CodingSchemeRendering csr = csrs[i]; Boolean isActive = csr.getRenderingDetail().getVersionStatus() .equals(CodingSchemeVersionStatus.ACTIVE); // if (isActive != null && isActive.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); String formalname = css.getFormalName(); String representsVersion = css.getRepresentsVersion(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); vt.setVersion(representsVersion); CodingScheme scheme = null; try { scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(formalname, vt); if (scheme != null) { _codingSchemeMap.put((Object) formalname, (Object) scheme); String value = formalname + " (version: " + representsVersion + ")"; // _logger.debug(value); _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap.put(value, formalname); _csnv2VersionMap.put(value, representsVersion); } } catch (Exception e) { String urn = css.getCodingSchemeURI(); try { scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(urn, vt); if (scheme != null) { _codingSchemeMap.put((Object) formalname, (Object) scheme); String value = formalname + " (version: " + representsVersion + ")"; // _logger.debug(value); _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap.put(value, formalname); _csnv2VersionMap.put(value, representsVersion); } } catch (Exception ex) { String localname = css.getLocalName(); try { scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(localname, vt); if (scheme != null) { _codingSchemeMap.put((Object) formalname, (Object) scheme); String value = formalname + " (version: " + representsVersion + ")"; // _logger.debug(value); _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap.put(value, formalname); _csnv2VersionMap.put(value, representsVersion); } } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Vector getSuperconceptCodes(String scheme, String version, String code) { // throws LBException{ long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(_url); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); csvt.setVersion(version); /* String desc = null; try { desc = lbscm .createCodeNodeSet(new String[] { code }, scheme, csvt) .resolveToList(null, null, null, 1) .getResolvedConceptReference(0).getEntityDescription() .getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { desc = "<not found>"; } */ // Iterate through all hierarchies and levels ... String[] hierarchyIDs = lbscm.getHierarchyIDs(scheme, csvt); for (int k = 0; k < hierarchyIDs.length; k++) { String hierarchyID = hierarchyIDs[k]; AssociationList associations = lbscm.getHierarchyLevelPrev(scheme, csvt, hierarchyID, code, false, null); for (int i = 0; i < associations.getAssociationCount(); i++) { Association assoc = associations.getAssociation(i); AssociatedConceptList concepts = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts(); for (int j = 0; j < concepts.getAssociatedConceptCount(); j++) { AssociatedConcept concept = concepts.getAssociatedConcept(j); String nextCode = concept.getConceptCode(); v.add(nextCode); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { _logger.debug("Run time (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms)); } return v; } public Vector getSuperconceptCodes_Local(String scheme, String version, String code) { // throws LBException{ long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); Vector v = new Vector(); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = LexBIGServiceImpl.defaultInstance(); LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); csvt.setVersion(version); /* String desc = null; try { desc = lbscm .createCodeNodeSet(new String[] { code }, scheme, csvt) .resolveToList(null, null, null, 1) .getResolvedConceptReference(0).getEntityDescription() .getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { desc = "<not found>"; } */ // Iterate through all hierarchies and levels ... String[] hierarchyIDs = lbscm.getHierarchyIDs(scheme, csvt); for (int k = 0; k < hierarchyIDs.length; k++) { String hierarchyID = hierarchyIDs[k]; AssociationList associations = lbscm.getHierarchyLevelPrev(scheme, csvt, hierarchyID, code, false, null); for (int i = 0; i < associations.getAssociationCount(); i++) { Association assoc = associations.getAssociation(i); AssociatedConceptList concepts = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts(); for (int j = 0; j < concepts.getAssociatedConceptCount(); j++) { AssociatedConcept concept = concepts.getAssociatedConcept(j); String nextCode = concept.getConceptCode(); v.add(nextCode); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { _logger.debug("Run time (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms)); } return v; } public Vector getHierarchyAssociationId(String scheme, String version) { Vector association_vec = new Vector(); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); // Will handle secured ontologies later. CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(version); CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, versionOrTag); Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); java.lang.String[] ids = hierarchies[0].getAssociationNames(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (!association_vec.contains(ids[i])) { association_vec.add(ids[i]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return association_vec; } /* * public static String getVocabularyVersionByTag(String codingSchemeName, * String ltag) { if (codingSchemeName == null) return null; try { * //EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new * RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = * RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeRenderingList lcsrl = * lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); CodingSchemeRendering[] csra = * lcsrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csra.length; i++) { * CodingSchemeRendering csr = csra[i]; CodingSchemeSummary css = * csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); if * (css.getFormalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0 || * css.getLocalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0) { if (ltag == null) * return css.getRepresentsVersion(); RenderingDetail rd = * csr.getRenderingDetail(); CodingSchemeTagList cstl = rd.getVersionTags(); * java.lang.String[] tags = cstl.getTag(); for (int j = 0; j < tags.length; * j++) { String version_tag = (String) tags[j]; if * (version_tag.compareToIgnoreCase(ltag) == 0) { return * css.getRepresentsVersion(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { * //e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("Version corresponding to tag " + * ltag + " is not found " + " in " + codingSchemeName); } return null; } */ public static String getVocabularyVersionByTag(String codingSchemeName, String ltag) { if (codingSchemeName == null) return null; String version = null; int knt = 0; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeRenderingList lcsrl = lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); CodingSchemeRendering[] csra = lcsrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csra.length; i++) { CodingSchemeRendering csr = csra[i]; CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); if (css.getFormalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0 || css.getLocalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0) { version = css.getRepresentsVersion(); knt++; if (ltag == null) return css.getRepresentsVersion(); RenderingDetail rd = csr.getRenderingDetail(); CodingSchemeTagList cstl = rd.getVersionTags(); java.lang.String[] tags = cstl.getTag(); for (int j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { String version_tag = (String) tags[j]; if (version_tag.compareToIgnoreCase(ltag) == 0) { return css.getRepresentsVersion(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (ltag == null || (ltag.compareToIgnoreCase("PRODUCTION") == 0 & knt == 1)) { _logger.warn("\tUse " + version + " as default version."); return version; } return null; } public static Vector<String> getVersionListData(String codingSchemeName) { Vector<String> v = new Vector(); try { //RemoteServerUtil rsu = new RemoteServerUtil(); // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = rsu.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeRenderingList csrl = lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); if (csrl == null) { _logger.warn("csrl is NULL"); return v; } CodingSchemeRendering[] csrs = csrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csrs.length; i++) { CodingSchemeRendering csr = csrs[i]; Boolean isActive = csr.getRenderingDetail().getVersionStatus() .equals(CodingSchemeVersionStatus.ACTIVE); // if (isActive != null && isActive.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); String formalname = css.getFormalName(); if (formalname.compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0) { String representsVersion = css.getRepresentsVersion(); v.add(representsVersion); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return v; } /* protected static Association processForAnonomousNodes(Association assoc) { // clone Association except associatedConcepts Association temp = new Association(); temp.setAssociatedData(assoc.getAssociatedData()); temp.setAssociationName(assoc.getAssociationName()); temp.setAssociationReference(assoc.getAssociationReference()); temp.setDirectionalName(assoc.getDirectionalName()); temp.setAssociatedConcepts(new AssociatedConceptList()); for (int i = 0; i < assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() .getAssociatedConceptCount(); i++) { // Conditionals to deal with anonymous nodes and UMLS top nodes // "V-X" // The first three allow UMLS traversal to top node. // The last two are specific to owl anonymous nodes which can act // like false // top nodes. if (assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i) .getReferencedEntry() != null && assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i) .getReferencedEntry().getIsAnonymous() != null && assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i) .getReferencedEntry().getIsAnonymous() != false && !assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i) .getConceptCode().equals("@") && !assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i) .getConceptCode().equals("@@")) { // do nothing } else { temp.getAssociatedConcepts().addAssociatedConcept( assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i)); } } return temp; } */ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static NameAndValueList createNameAndValueList(String[] names, String[] values) { NameAndValueList nvList = new NameAndValueList(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(names[i]); if (values != null) { nv.setContent(values[i]); } nvList.addNameAndValue(nv); } return nvList; } public static LocalNameList vector2LocalNameList(Vector<String> v) { if (v == null) return null; LocalNameList list = new LocalNameList(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String vEntry = (String) v.elementAt(i); list.addEntry(vEntry); } return list; } protected static NameAndValueList createNameAndValueList(Vector names, Vector values) { if (names == null) return null; NameAndValueList nvList = new NameAndValueList(); for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { String name = (String) names.elementAt(i); String value = (String) values.elementAt(i); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(name); if (value != null) { nv.setContent(value); } nvList.addNameAndValue(nv); } return nvList; } protected ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator restrictToMatchingProperty(String codingSchemeName, String version, Vector property_vec, Vector source_vec, Vector qualifier_name_vec, Vector qualifier_value_vec, java.lang.String matchText, java.lang.String matchAlgorithm, java.lang.String language) { LocalNameList propertyList = vector2LocalNameList(property_vec); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; LocalNameList sourceList = vector2LocalNameList(source_vec); NameAndValueList qualifierList = createNameAndValueList(qualifier_name_vec, qualifier_value_vec); return restrictToMatchingProperty(codingSchemeName, version, propertyList, propertyTypes, sourceList, qualifierList, matchText, matchAlgorithm, language); } protected ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator restrictToMatchingProperty(String codingSchemeName, String version, LocalNameList propertyList, CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes, LocalNameList sourceList, NameAndValueList qualifierList, java.lang.String matchText, java.lang.String matchAlgorithm, java.lang.String language) { CodedNodeSet cns = null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(codingSchemeName, versionOrTag); if (cns == null) { _logger.debug("cns = null"); return null; } LocalNameList contextList = null; try { cns = cns.restrictToMatchingProperties(propertyList, propertyTypes, sourceList, contextList, qualifierList, matchText, matchAlgorithm, language); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); // KLO, 030509 SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; // Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[]{"matchToQuery"}); try { // resolve nothing unless sort_by_pt_only is set to false boolean resolveConcepts = false; if (_apply_sort_score && !_sort_by_pt_only) resolveConcepts = true; try { iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Method: SearchUtil.restrictToMatchingProperty"); _logger.error("* ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return iterator; } private boolean isNull(String s) { if (s == null) return true; s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) return true; if (s.compareTo("") == 0) return true; if (s.compareToIgnoreCase("null") == 0) return true; return false; } public static Entity getConceptByCode(String codingSchemeName, String vers, String ltag, String code) { _logger.debug("************ SearchUtils.getConceptByCode ************ coding_scheme " + codingSchemeName); _logger.debug("************ SearchUtils.getConceptByCode ************ ref_version " + vers); _logger.debug("************ SearchUtils.getConceptByCode ************ ref.getConceptCode() " + code); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc == null???"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(vers); ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(new String[] { code }, codingSchemeName); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(codingSchemeName, versionOrTag); if (cns == null) return null; } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return null; } cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = //cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, null, false, 1); cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, null, false, 1); if (matches == null) { _logger.warn("Concept not found."); return null; } // Analyze the result ... if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference().nextElement(); org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity entry = new org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity(); entry.setEntityCode(ref.getConceptCode()); entry.setEntityCodeNamespace(ref.getCodeNamespace()); entry.setEntityDescription(ref.getEntityDescription()); _logger.debug("************ SearchUtils.getConceptByCode ************ FOUND-" + ref.getEntityDescription()); // Concept entry = ref.getReferencedEntry(); return entry; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return null; } public static ConceptReferenceList createConceptReferenceList(String[] codes, String codingSchemeName) { if (codes == null) { return null; } ConceptReferenceList list = new ConceptReferenceList(); for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCodingSchemeName(codingSchemeName); cr.setConceptCode(codes[i]); list.addConceptReference(cr); } return list; } public Vector getParentCodes(String scheme, String version, String code) { // SearchUtils util = new SearchUtils(); Vector hierarchicalAssoName_vec = getHierarchyAssociationId(scheme, version); if (hierarchicalAssoName_vec == null || hierarchicalAssoName_vec.size() == 0) { return null; } String hierarchicalAssoName = (String) hierarchicalAssoName_vec.elementAt(0); Vector superconcept_vec = getAssociationSources(scheme, version, code, hierarchicalAssoName); //if (superconcept_vec == null) // return null; return superconcept_vec; } public ResolvedConceptReferenceList getNext(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator) { return iterator.getNext(); } /** * Dump_matches to output, for debug purposes * * @param iterator the iterator * @param maxToReturn the max to return */ public static Vector resolveIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator, int maxToReturn) { return resolveIterator(iterator, maxToReturn, null); } public static Vector resolveIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator, int maxToReturn, String code) { Vector v = new Vector(); if (iterator == null) { _logger.debug("No match."); return v; } try { int iteration = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { iteration++; iterator = iterator.scroll(maxToReturn); ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl = iterator.getNext(); ResolvedConceptReference[] rcra = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(); for (int i = 0; i < rcra.length; i++) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = rcra[i]; // org.LexGrid.concepts.Concept ce = // rcr.getReferencedEntry(); org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity ce = new org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity(); ce.setEntityCode(rcr.getConceptCode()); ce.setEntityDescription(rcr.getEntityDescription()); if (code == null) { v.add(ce); } else { if (ce.getEntityCode().compareTo(code) != 0) v.add(ce); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator codedNodeGraph2CodedNodeSetIterator(CodedNodeGraph cng, ConceptReference graphFocus, boolean resolveForward, boolean resolveBackward, int resolveAssociationDepth, int maxToReturn) { CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = cng.toNodeList(graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); if (cns == null) { _logger.warn("cng.toNodeList returns null???"); return null; } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; // Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[]{"matchToQuery", // "code"}); LocalNameList propertyNames = null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; try { iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, propertyNames, propertyTypes); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (iterator == null) { _logger.warn("cns.resolve returns null???"); } return iterator; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Vector getSuperconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code) { // String assocName = "hasSubtype"; String hierarchicalAssoName = "hasSubtype"; Vector hierarchicalAssoName_vec = getHierarchyAssociationId(scheme, version); if (hierarchicalAssoName_vec != null && hierarchicalAssoName_vec.size() > 0) { hierarchicalAssoName = (String) hierarchicalAssoName_vec.elementAt(0); } return getAssociationSources(scheme, version, code, hierarchicalAssoName); } public Vector getAssociationSources(String scheme, String version, String code, String assocName) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { assocName }, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); boolean resolveForward = false; boolean resolveBackward = true; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; int maxToReturn = 1000; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = codedNodeGraph2CodedNodeSetIterator(cng, graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); v = resolveIterator(iterator, maxToReturn, code); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public Vector getSubconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code) { // String assocName = "hasSubtype"; String hierarchicalAssoName = "hasSubtype"; Vector hierarchicalAssoName_vec = getHierarchyAssociationId(scheme, version); if (hierarchicalAssoName_vec != null && hierarchicalAssoName_vec.size() > 0) { hierarchicalAssoName = (String) hierarchicalAssoName_vec.elementAt(0); } return getAssociationTargets(scheme, version, code, hierarchicalAssoName); } public Vector getAssociationTargets(String scheme, String version, String code, String assocName) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { assocName }, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); boolean resolveForward = true; boolean resolveBackward = false; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; int maxToReturn = 1000; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = codedNodeGraph2CodedNodeSetIterator(cng, graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); v = resolveIterator(iterator, maxToReturn, code); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } // search for "lycogen" public static String preprocessContains(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (s.length() == 0) return null; s = s.trim(); List<String> words = toWords(s, "\\s", false, false); String delim = ".*"; StringBuffer searchPhrase = new StringBuffer(); int k = -1; searchPhrase.append(delim); for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { String wd = (String) words.get(i); wd = wd.trim(); if (wd.compareTo("") != 0) { searchPhrase.append(wd); if (words.size() > 1 && i < words.size() - 1) { searchPhrase.append("\\s"); } } } searchPhrase.append(delim); String t = searchPhrase.toString(); return t; } private boolean isNumber(String s) { if (s.length() == 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 5.1 implementation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByName(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { return searchByName(scheme, version, matchText, null, matchAlgorithm, ranking, maxToReturn); } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByName(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { Vector<String> schemes = new Vector<String>(); schemes.add(scheme); Vector<String> versions = new Vector<String>(); versions.add(version); return searchByName(schemes, versions, matchText, source, matchAlgorithm, ranking, maxToReturn); } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByName(Vector<String> schemes, Vector<String> versions, String matchText, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { return searchByName(schemes, versions, matchText, null, matchAlgorithm, ranking, maxToReturn); } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByName(Vector<String> schemes, Vector<String> versions, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { try { if (matchText == null || matchText.trim().length() == 0) return null; Utils.StopWatch stopWatch = new Utils.StopWatch(); Utils.StopWatch stopWatchTotal = new Utils.StopWatch(); boolean debug_flag = false; matchText = matchText.trim(); _logger.debug("searchByName ... " + matchText); // p11.1-q11.1 // /100{WBC} if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { // matchAlgorithm = Constants.CONTAIN_SEARCH_ALGORITHM; matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); } LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); Vector<CodedNodeSet> cns_vec = new Vector<CodedNodeSet>(); for (int i = 0; i < schemes.size(); i++) { stopWatch.start(); String scheme = (String) schemes.elementAt(i); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); String version = (String) versions.elementAt(i); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); CodedNodeSet cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); if (cns != null) { cns = cns.restrictToMatchingDesignations(matchText, null, matchAlgorithm, null); cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); } if (cns != null) cns_vec.add(cns); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Restricting CNS on " + scheme + " delay (msec): " + stopWatch.duration()); } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = false; if (ranking) { sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery"}); } else { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "entityDescription" }); // code _logger.debug("*** Sort alphabetically..."); } stopWatch.start(); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Calling cns.resolve to resolve the union CNS ... "); ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = new QuickUnionIterator(cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Resolve CNS union delay (msec): " + stopWatch.duration()); if (iterator.numberRemaining() <= 0) { stopWatch.start(); iterator = matchConceptCode(schemes, versions, matchText, source, CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Match concept code delay (msec): " + stopWatch.duration()); } _logger.debug("Total search delay (msec): " + stopWatchTotal.duration()); return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator filterIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator, String scheme, String version, String code) { if (iterator == null) return null; try { int num = iterator.numberRemaining(); if (num <= 1) return iterator; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { try { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { if (ref.getConceptCode().compareTo(code) == 0) { long ms0 = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay0 = 0; LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(new String[] { code }, scheme); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { try { cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } if (cns == null) { _logger.warn( "getConceptByCode getCodingSchemeConcepts returns null??? " + scheme); return null; } cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); return cns.resolve(null, null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public static ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator matchConceptCode(Vector<String> schemes, Vector<String> versions, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm) { try { int n = schemes.size(); Vector<CodedNodeSet> cns_vec = new Vector<CodedNodeSet>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { String scheme = schemes.get(i); String version = versions.get(i); CodedNodeSet cns = matchConceptCode_CNS(scheme, version, matchText, source, matchAlgorithm); if (cns != null) cns_vec.add(cns); } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = true; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = new QuickUnionIterator(cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); return iterator; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /* private static CodedNodeSet matchConceptCode_CNS( String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm) throws Exception { LexBIGService lbs = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); Vector v = new Vector(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); CodedNodeSet cns = getNodeSet(lbs, scheme, versionOrTag); if (source != null) cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; LocalNameList sourceList = null; LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; cns = cns.restrictToMatchingProperties(ConvenienceMethods .createLocalNameList(new String[] { "conceptCode" }), propertyTypes, sourceList, contextList, qualifierList, matchText, matchAlgorithm, null); SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = true; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); if (iterator == null || iterator.numberRemaining() <= 0) { return matchConceptCode_CNS(scheme, version, matchText); } return cns; } */ private static CodedNodeSet matchConceptCode_CNS(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm) throws Exception { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(version); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; Vector<String> v = null; String code = matchText; String sourceAbbr = source; CodedNodeSet cns = null; if (code != null && code.compareTo("") != 0) { qualifierList = new NameAndValueList(); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName("source-code"); nv.setContent(code); qualifierList.addNameAndValue(nv); } LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; // sourceLnL Vector<String> w2 = new Vector<String>(); w2.add(sourceAbbr); LocalNameList sourceLnL = vector2LocalNameList(w2); if (sourceAbbr != null && (sourceAbbr.compareTo("*") == 0 || sourceAbbr.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") == 0)) { sourceLnL = null; } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery", "code"}); try { //CodedNodeSet cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, version); cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); if (cns == null) { _logger.warn("getNodeSet returns null"); return null; } CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; cns = cns.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, qualifierList); if (cns != null) { //boolean activeOnly = false; //cns = restrictToActiveStatus(cns, activeOnly); try { iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, null);// ConvenienceMethods.createLocalNameList(getPropertyForCodingScheme(cs)),null); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception e) { //return null; //e.printStackTrace(); } if (iterator == null || iterator.numberRemaining() <= 0) { /* _logger .warn("matchConceptCode_CNS scheme: " + scheme + " version: " + version + " algorithm: " + matchAlgorithm + " -- no source code match " + matchText); _logger .warn("matchConceptCode_CNS calling concept code match scheme: " + scheme + " version: " + version + " " + matchText); */ return matchConceptCode_CNS(scheme, version, matchText); } return cns; } public static ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator matchConceptCode(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm) { try { CodedNodeSet cns = matchConceptCode_CNS(scheme, version, matchText, source, matchAlgorithm); SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = true; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); /* if (source == null || source.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") == 0) { return filterIterator(iterator, scheme, version, matchText); } */ return iterator; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static CodedNodeSet matchConceptCode_CNS(String scheme, String version, String code) throws Exception { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); //Vector v = new Vector(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); CodedNodeSet cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(new String[] { code }, scheme); cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, versionOrTag); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); return cns; } public static ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator matchConceptCode(String scheme, String version, String code) { try { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; CodedNodeSet cns = matchConceptCode_CNS(scheme, version, code); SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = true; iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); return filterIterator(iterator, scheme, version, code); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static Entity matchConceptByCode(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm) { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = matchConceptCode(scheme, version, matchText, source, matchAlgorithm); if (iterator == null) return null; try { while (iterator.hasNext()) { /* * ResolvedConceptReference[] refs = *; * for(ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs){ return * ref.getReferencedEntry(); } */ ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { if (ref.getReferencedEntry().getEntityCode().equals(matchText)) { return ref.getReferencedEntry(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Method: SearchUtil.matchConceptByCode"); _logger.error("* ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } return null; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected static List<String> toWords(String s, String delimitRegex, boolean removeStopWords, boolean removeDuplicates) { String[] words = s.split(delimitRegex); List<String> adjusted = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { String temp = words[i].toLowerCase(); if (removeDuplicates && adjusted.contains(temp)) continue; if (!removeStopWords || !STOP_WORDS.contains(temp)) adjusted.add(temp); } return adjusted; } protected static String[] toWords(String s, boolean removeStopWords) { String[] words = s.split("\\s"); List<String> adjusted = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { if (!removeStopWords || !STOP_WORDS.contains(words[i])) adjusted.add(words[i].toLowerCase()); } return adjusted.toArray(new String[adjusted.size()]); } protected static List<String> toWords2(String s, String delimitRegex, boolean removeStopWords, boolean removeDuplicates) { s = s.trim(); s = replaceSpecialCharsWithBlankChar(s); List<String> adjusted = new ArrayList<String>(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String temp = st.nextToken().toLowerCase(); if (removeDuplicates && adjusted.contains(temp)) continue; if (!removeStopWords || !STOP_WORDS.contains(temp)) { adjusted.add(temp); } } return adjusted; } public static String preprocessSearchString(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (s.length() == 0) return null; StringBuffer searchPhrase = new StringBuffer(); List<String> words = toWords(s, "\\s", true, false); int k = -1; for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { String wd = (String) words.get(i); wd = wd.trim(); if (wd.compareTo("") != 0) { k++; if (k > 0) { searchPhrase.append(" "); } searchPhrase.append(wd); } } String t = searchPhrase.toString(); return t; } public static boolean nonAlphabetic(String s) { if (s == null) return false; if (s.length() == 0) return true; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(ch)) return false; } return true; } /* * private static String replaceSpecialChars(String s){ //String * escapedChars = "|!(){}[]^\"~*?:;-"; String escapedChars = * "|!(){}[]^\"~*?;-_"; for (int i=0; i<escapedChars.length(); i++) { char c * = escapedChars.charAt(i); s = s.replace(c, ' '); } return s; } */ private static String escapeSpecialChars(String s, String specChars) { String escapeChar = "\\"; StringBuffer regex = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (specChars.indexOf(c) != -1) { regex.append(escapeChar); } regex.append(c); } return regex.toString(); } private static String replaceSpecialChars(String s) { String escapedChars = "/"; for (int i = 0; i < escapedChars.length(); i++) { char c = escapedChars.charAt(i); s = s.replace(c, '.'); } return s; } public static String preprocessRegExp(String s) { s = replaceSpecialChars(s); // s = escapeSpecialChars(s, "()"); s = escapeSpecialChars(s, "(){}\\,-[]"); String prefix = s.toLowerCase(); String[] words = toWords(prefix, false); // include stop words StringBuffer regex = new StringBuffer(); regex.append('^'); for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { boolean lastWord = i == words.length - 1; String word = words[i]; int word_length = word.length(); if (word_length > 0) { regex.append('('); if (word.charAt(word.length() - 1) == '.') { regex.append(word.substring(0, word.length())); regex.append("\\w*"); } else { regex.append(word); } regex.append("\\s").append(lastWord ? '*' : '+'); regex.append(')'); } } return regex.toString(); } /************************ * Custom sort processing ************************/ /** * Sorts the given concept references based on a scoring algorithm designed * to provide a more natural ordering. Scores are determined by comparing * each reference against a provided search term. * * @param searchTerm The term used for comparison; single or multi-word. * @param toSort The iterator containing references to sort. * @param maxToReturn Sets upper limit for number of top-scored items * returned. * @return Iterator over sorted references. * @throws LBException */ protected ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator sortByScore(String searchTerm, ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator toSort, int maxToReturn) throws LBException { // Determine the set of individual words to compare against. List<String> compareWords = toScoreWords(searchTerm); // Create a bucket to store results. Map<String, ScoredTerm> scoredResult = new TreeMap<String, ScoredTerm>(); // Score all items ... while (toSort.hasNext()) { // Working in chunks of 100. ResolvedConceptReferenceList refs =; for (int i = 0; i < refs.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refs.getResolvedConceptReference(i); String code = ref.getConceptCode(); Entity ce = ref.getReferencedEntry(); ce.setEntityCodeNamespace(ref.getCodingSchemeName()); // Note: Preferred descriptions carry more weight, // but we process all terms to allow the score to improve // based on any contained presentation. Presentation[] allTermsForConcept = ce.getPresentation(); for (Presentation p : allTermsForConcept) { // float score = score(p.getValue().getContent(), // compareWords, p.isIsPreferred(), i); float score = score(p.getValue().getContent(), compareWords, p.isIsPreferred(), i); // Check for a previous match on this code for a different // presentation. // If already present, keep the highest score. if (scoredResult.containsKey(code)) { ScoredTerm scoredTerm = (ScoredTerm) scoredResult.get(code); if (scoredTerm._score > score) continue; } scoredResult.put(code, new ScoredTerm(ref, score)); } } } // Return an iterator that will sort the scored result. return new ScoredIterator(scoredResult.values(), maxToReturn); } protected ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator sortByScore(String searchTerm, ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator toSort, int maxToReturn, boolean descriptionOnly) throws LBException { if (!descriptionOnly) return sortByScore(searchTerm, toSort, maxToReturn); // Determine the set of individual words to compare against. List<String> compareWords = toScoreWords(searchTerm); // Create a bucket to store results. Map<String, ScoredTerm> scoredResult = new TreeMap<String, ScoredTerm>(); // Score all items ... while (toSort.hasNext()) { // Working in chunks of 100. ResolvedConceptReferenceList refs =; for (int i = 0; i < refs.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refs.getResolvedConceptReference(i); String code = ref.getConceptCode(); String name = ref.getEntityDescription().getContent(); float score = score(name, compareWords, true, i); scoredResult.put(code, new ScoredTerm(ref, score)); } } // Return an iterator that will sort the scored result. return new ScoredIterator(scoredResult.values(), maxToReturn); } protected float score_contains(String text, String target) { String text_lower = text.toLowerCase(); String target_lower = target.toLowerCase(); int n = text_lower.indexOf(target_lower); if (n == -1) return -1 * _max_str_length; int m1 = n; int m2 = text.length() - (n + target.length()); int score = _max_str_length - _penalty_multiplier_2 * m2 - _penalty_multiplier_1 * m1; return Math.max(0, score); } protected ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator sortByScore(String searchTerm, ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator toSort, int maxToReturn, String algorithm) throws LBException { // Determine the set of individual words to compare against. List<String> compareWords = toScoreWords(searchTerm); List<String> compareCodes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int k = 0; k < compareWords.size(); k++) { String word = (String) compareWords.get(k); compareCodes.add(word); } //String target = ""; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (algorithm.compareTo("DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery") == 0) { compareCodes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int k = 0; k < compareWords.size(); k++) { String word = (String) compareWords.get(k); String doubleMetaphonecode = doubleMetaphoneEncode(word); compareCodes.add(doubleMetaphonecode); // _logger.debug("*** DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery word " + word + // " code: " + doubleMetaphone.encode(word)); //target = target + doubleMetaphonecode; buf.append(doubleMetaphonecode); if (k < compareWords.size() - 1) //target = target + " "; buf.append(" "); } } String target = buf.toString(); // Create a bucket to store results. Map<String, ScoredTerm> scoredResult = new TreeMap<String, ScoredTerm>(); // Score all items ... int knt = 0, nloops = 0; //long msTotal = System.currentTimeMillis(), long msTotal_toSortNext = 0, msTotal_sorted = 0; while (toSort.hasNext()) { ++nloops; // Working in chunks of 100. long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; ResolvedConceptReferenceList refs =; // slow why??? // //Debug.println("Run time (ms): method call took " // + (delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " millisec."); // DBG.debugDetails("" + nloops + ") " + // Utils.timeToString(delay) + // " []"); msTotal_toSortNext += delay; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < refs.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refs.getResolvedConceptReference(i); String code = ref.getConceptCode(); Entity ce = ref.getReferencedEntry(); ce.setEntityCodeNamespace(ref.getCodingSchemeName()); // Note: Preferred descriptions carry more weight, // but we process all terms to allow the score to improve // based on any contained presentation. Presentation[] allTermsForConcept = ce.getPresentation(); for (Presentation p : allTermsForConcept) { float score = (float) 0.0; /* * if (algorithm.compareTo("DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery") != * 0) { score = score(p.getValue().getContent(), * compareWords); } else { score = * score(p.getValue().getContent(), compareWords, * compareCodes, target, true); } */ if (algorithm.compareTo("contains") == 0 || algorithm.compareTo("RegExp") == 0) { score = score_contains(p.getValue().getContent(), searchTerm); // score = score(p.getValue().getContent(), // compareWords); } else if (algorithm.compareTo("DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery") == 0) { score = score(p.getValue().getContent(), compareWords, compareCodes, target, true); } else { score = score(p.getValue().getContent(), compareWords); } if (score > 0.) { // Check for a previous match on this code for a // different presentation. // If already present, keep the highest score. if (scoredResult.containsKey(code)) { ScoredTerm scoredTerm = (ScoredTerm) scoredResult.get(code); if (scoredTerm._score > score) continue; } scoredResult.put(code, new ScoredTerm(ref, score)); } } } int num_concepts = refs.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); knt = knt + num_concepts; // if (knt > 1000) break; // //Debug.println("" + knt + // " completed. Run time (ms): Assigning scores to " + num_concepts // + " concepts took " + (delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + // " millisec."); // DBG.debugDetails("" + nloops + ") Sorted [" + knt + // " concepts]: " + Utils.timeToString(delay)); msTotal_sorted += delay; } // if (//DBG.isPerformanceTesting()) { // long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - msTotal; // long avgDuration = duration/nloops; // DBG.debugDetails("* Summary of toSort/Sorted calls:"); // DBG.debugDetails(duration, "Run Time", "sortByScore"); // DBG.debugDetails("Iterations", nloops); // DBG.debugDetails(avgDuration, "Average", "sortByScore"); // DBG.debugDetails(msTotal_toSortNext, "Total time", // "sortByScore"); // DBG.debugDetails(msTotal_sorted, "Total sorted time", "sortByScore"); // } // Return an iterator that will sort the scored result. return new ScoredIterator(scoredResult.values(), maxToReturn); } protected ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator sortByScore(String searchTerm, ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator toSort, int maxToReturn, boolean descriptionOnly, String algorithm) throws LBException { if (!descriptionOnly) { return sortByScore(searchTerm, toSort, maxToReturn); } // Determine the set of individual words to compare against. List<String> compareWords = toScoreWords(searchTerm); List<String> compareCodes = new ArrayList<String>(compareWords.size()); //String target = ""; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (algorithm.compareTo("DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery") == 0) { for (int k = 0; k < compareWords.size(); k++) { String word = (String) compareWords.get(k); String doubleMetaphonecode = doubleMetaphoneEncode(word); compareCodes.set(k, doubleMetaphonecode); //target = target + doubleMetaphonecode; buf.append(doubleMetaphonecode); if (k < compareWords.size() - 1) //target = target + " "; buf.append(" "); } } String target = buf.toString(); // Create a bucket to store results. Map<String, ScoredTerm> scoredResult = new TreeMap<String, ScoredTerm>(); // Score all items ... while (toSort.hasNext()) { // Working in chunks of 100. long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); ResolvedConceptReferenceList refs =; // slow why??? // _logger.debug("Run time (ms): took " + // (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " millisec."); ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < refs.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refs.getResolvedConceptReference(i); String code = ref.getConceptCode(); String name = ref.getEntityDescription().getContent(); float score = (float) 0.0;// score(name, compareWords, true, i); /* * if (algorithm.compareTo("DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery") == 0) { * score = score(name, compareWords, compareCodes, target, * true); } else { score = score(name, compareWords); } */ if (algorithm.compareTo("DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery") == 0) { score = score(name, compareWords, compareCodes, target, true); } else if (algorithm.compareTo("contains") == 0 || algorithm.compareTo("RegExp") == 0) { score = score_contains(name, searchTerm); } else { score = score(name, compareWords); } if (score > 0.) { scoredResult.put(code, new ScoredTerm(ref, score)); } } // _logger.debug("Run time (ms): assigning scores took " + // (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " millisec."); } // Return an iterator that will sort the scored result. return new ScoredIterator(scoredResult.values(), maxToReturn); } /** * Returns a score providing a relative comparison of the given text against * a set of keywords. * <p> * Currently the score is evaluated as a simple percentage based on number * of words in the first set that are also in the second, with minor * adjustment for order (matching later words given slightly higher weight, * anticipating often the subject of search will follow descriptive text). * Weight is also increased for shorter phrases (measured in # words) If the * text is indicated to be preferred, the score is doubled to promote * 'bubbling to the top'. * <p> * Ranking from the original search is available but not currently used in * the heuristic (tends to throw-off desired alphabetic groupings later). * * @param text * @param keywords * @param isPreferred * @param searchRank * @return The score; a higher value indicates a stronger match. */ protected float score(String text, List<String> keywords, boolean isPreferred, float searchRank) { List<String> wordsToCompare = toScoreWords(text); float totalWords = wordsToCompare.size(); float matchScore = 0; float position = 0; for (Iterator<String> words = wordsToCompare.listIterator(); words.hasNext(); position++) { String word =; if (keywords.contains(word)) matchScore += ((position / 10) + 1); } return Math.max(0, 100 + (matchScore / totalWords * 100) - (totalWords * 2)); // Math.max(0, 100 + (matchScore / totalWords * 100) - (totalWords * 2)) // * (isPreferred ? 2 : 1); } /* scoring method for DoubleMetaphoneLuceneQuery */ protected float score(String text, List<String> keywords, List<String> keyword_codes, String target, boolean fuzzy_match) { List<String> wordsToCompare = toScoreWords(text); float totalWords = wordsToCompare.size(); float matchScore = 0; float position = 0; //String s = ""; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int k = 0; for (Iterator<String> words = wordsToCompare.listIterator(); words.hasNext(); position++) { String word =; if (keywords.contains(word)) { // matchScore += ((position / 10) + 1); // matchScore = matchScore * 2; matchScore = matchScore + (float) 10. * ((position / 10) + 1); word = doubleMetaphoneEncode(word); } else if (fuzzy_match) { word = doubleMetaphoneEncode(word); if (keyword_codes.contains(word)) { matchScore += ((position / 10) + 1); } } //s = s + word; buf.append(word); if (k < wordsToCompare.size() - 1) //s = s + " "; buf.append(" "); k++; } String s = buf.toString(); if (s.indexOf(target) == -1) { return (float) 0.0; } float score = Math.max(0, 100 + (matchScore / totalWords * 100) - (totalWords * 2)); return score; // Math.max(0, 100 + (matchScore / totalWords * 100) - (totalWords * 2)) // * (isPreferred ? 2 : 1); } /** * Return words from the given string to be used in scoring algorithms, in * order of occurrence and ignoring duplicates, stop words, whitespace and * common separators. * * @param s * @return List */ protected List<String> toScoreWords(String s) { // return toWords(s, "[\\s,:+-;]", true, true); return toWords2(s, "[\\s,:+-;]", true, true); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private boolean containsSpecialChars(String s) { // String escapedChars = "/.|!(){}[]^\"~*?;-_"; String escapedChars = "/.|!(){}[]^\"~?;-_"; for (int i = 0; i < escapedChars.length(); i++) { char c = escapedChars.charAt(i); if (s.indexOf(c) != -1) return true; } return false; } private static String replaceSpecialCharsWithBlankChar(String s) { String escapedChars = "/.|!(){}[]^\"~*?;-_"; for (int i = 0; i < escapedChars.length(); i++) { char c = escapedChars.charAt(i); s = s.replace(c, ' '); } s = s.trim(); return s; } public static Vector resolveIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator, int maxToReturn, String code, boolean sortLight) { Vector v = new Vector(); if (iterator == null) { _logger.warn("No match."); return v; } if (maxToReturn <= 0) maxToReturn = 100; try { int iteration = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { iteration++; iterator = iterator.scroll(maxToReturn); ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl = iterator.getNext(); if (rcrl != null) { ResolvedConceptReference[] rcra = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(); if (rcra != null && rcra.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rcra.length; i++) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = rcra[i]; if (rcr != null) { if (sortLight) { org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity ce = new org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity(); ce.setEntityCode(rcr.getConceptCode()); ce.setEntityDescription(rcr.getEntityDescription()); if (code == null) { v.add(ce); } else { if (ce.getEntityCode().compareTo(code) != 0) v.add(ce); } } else { Entity ce = rcr.getReferencedEntry(); if (ce == null) { _logger.debug("rcr.getReferencedEntry() returns null???"); } else { if (code == null) v.add(ce); else if (ce.getEntityCode().compareTo(code) != 0) v.add(ce); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return v; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public HashMap getNamespaceId2CodingSchemeFormalNameMapping() { HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("setCodingSchemeMap..??????????????"); return null; } try { CodingSchemeRenderingList csrl = null; try { csrl = lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); } catch (LBInvocationException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes() FAILED..." + ex.getCause()); return null; } CodingSchemeRendering[] csrs = csrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csrs.length; i++) { CodingSchemeRendering csr = csrs[i]; Boolean isActive = csr.getRenderingDetail().getVersionStatus() .equals(CodingSchemeVersionStatus.ACTIVE); // _logger.debug("\nActive? " + isActive); // if (isActive != null && isActive.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); String formalname = css.getFormalName(); _logger.debug("\tformalname: " + formalname); EntityDescription ed = css.getCodingSchemeDescription(); _logger.debug("\tcodingSchemeDescription: " + ed.getContent()); java.lang.String uri = css.getCodingSchemeURI(); _logger.debug("\tURI: " + uri); java.lang.String localName = css.getLocalName(); _logger.debug("\tlocalName: " + localName); java.lang.String version = css.getRepresentsVersion(); _logger.debug("\tversion: " + version + "\n"); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(formalname, versionOrTag); SupportedNamespace[] namespaces = cs.getMappings().getSupportedNamespace(); for (int j = 0; j < namespaces.length; j++) { SupportedNamespace ns = namespaces[j]; java.lang.String ns_name = ns.getEquivalentCodingScheme(); java.lang.String ns_id = ns.getContent(); _logger.debug("\tns_name: " + ns_name + " ns_id:" + ns_id); if (ns_id != null && ns_id.compareTo("") != 0) { hmap.put(ns_id, formalname); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return hmap; } public Vector searchByCode(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm) { LexBIGService lbs = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); Vector v = new Vector(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { //cns = lbs.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, null); cns = getNodeSet(lbs, scheme, versionOrTag); if (source != null) cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; LocalNameList sourceList = null; LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; cns = cns.restrictToMatchingProperties( ConvenienceMethods.createLocalNameList(new String[] { "conceptCode" }), propertyTypes, sourceList, contextList, qualifierList, matchText, matchAlgorithm, null); ResolvedConceptReference[] list = null; try { list = cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, 500).getResolvedConceptReference(); for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : list) { v.add(ref.getReferencedEntry()); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("WARNING: searchByCode throws exception."); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("WARNING: searchByCode throws exception."); } return v; } private CodedNodeSet union(Vector<CodedNodeSet> cns_vec) { if (cns_vec == null) return null; if (cns_vec.size() == 0) return null; CodedNodeSet cns = cns_vec.elementAt(0); if (cns_vec.size() == 1) return cns; for (int i = 1; i < cns_vec.size(); i++) { CodedNodeSet next_cns = cns_vec.elementAt(i); try { cns = cns.union(next_cns); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("WARNING: cns.union throws exception."); } } return cns; } /* * public Vector findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(String scheme, String * version, String sourceAbbr, String code, int maxToReturn, boolean * searchInactive) { if (sourceAbbr == null || code == null) return new * Vector(); * * LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); * CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); * versionOrTag.setVersion(version); * * if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } * * LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; * * Vector<String> v = null; * * if (code != null && code.compareTo("") != 0) { qualifierList = new * NameAndValueList(); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); * nv.setName("source-code"); nv.setContent(code); * qualifierList.addNameAndValue(nv); } * * LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; // sourceLnL Vector<String> w2 = new * Vector<String>(); w2.add(sourceAbbr); LocalNameList sourceLnL = * vector2LocalNameList(w2); if (sourceAbbr.compareTo("*") == 0 || * sourceAbbr.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") == 0) { sourceLnL = null; } * * ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator matchIterator = null; SortOptionList * sortCriteria = null;//Constructors.createSortOptionList(new * String[]{"matchToQuery", "code"}); try { CodedNodeSet cns = * lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, null); if (cns == null) { * _logger.warn("lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConceptsd returns null"); return null; * } CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] * {CodedNodeSet.PropertyType.PRESENTATION}; cns = * cns.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, * qualifierList); * * if (cns != null) { boolean activeOnly = !searchInactive; cns = * restrictToActiveStatus(cns, activeOnly); * * try { matchIterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, * null,null);//ConvenienceMethods * .createLocalNameList(getPropertyForCodingScheme(cs)),null); } catch * (Exception ex) { * * } if (matchIterator != null) { v = resolveIterator( matchIterator, * maxToReturn); return v; } } * * } catch (Exception e) { * //getLogger().error("ERROR: Exception in findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching." * ); return null; } return null; } */ private CodedNodeSet restrictToActiveStatus(CodedNodeSet cns, boolean activeOnly) { if (cns == null) return null; if (!activeOnly) return cns; // no restriction, do nothing try { cns = cns.restrictToStatus(CodedNodeSet.ActiveOption.ACTIVE_ONLY, null); return cns; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static CodedNodeSet restrictToSource(CodedNodeSet cns, String source) { if (cns == null) return cns; if (source == null || source.compareTo("*") == 0 || source.compareTo("") == 0 || source.compareTo("ALL") == 0) return cns; LocalNameList contextList = null; LocalNameList sourceLnL = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; Vector<String> w2 = new Vector<String>(); w2.add(source); sourceLnL = vector2LocalNameList(w2); LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] { CodedNodeSet.PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; try { cns = cns.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, qualifierList); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("restrictToSource throws exceptions."); return null; } return cns; } private static final boolean isInteger(final String s) { for (int x = 0; x < s.length(); x++) { final char c = s.charAt(x); if (x == 0 && (c == '-')) continue; // negative if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) continue; // 0 - 9 return false; // invalid } return true; // valid } private static final boolean containsDigit(final String s) { for (int x = 0; x < s.length(); x++) { final char c = s.charAt(x); if (x == 0 && (c == '-')) continue; // negative if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) return true; } return false; // does not contain digit } protected String doubleMetaphoneEncode(String word) { if (word == null || word.length() == 0) return word; // if (isInteger(word)) return word; if (containsDigit(word)) return word; return _doubleMetaphone.encode(word); } protected float score(String text, List<String> keywords) { List<String> wordsToCompare = toScoreWords(text); float totalWords = wordsToCompare.size(); float matchScore = 0; float position = 0; for (Iterator<String> words = wordsToCompare.listIterator(); words.hasNext(); position++) { String word =; if (keywords.contains(word)) matchScore += ((position / 10) + 1); } return Math.max(0, 100 + (matchScore / totalWords * 100) - (totalWords * 2)); // Math.max(0, 100 + (matchScore / totalWords * 100) - (totalWords * 2)) // * (isPreferred ? 2 : 1); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search by matching ALL properties // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void displayRef(ResolvedConceptReference ref) { _logger.debug(ref.getConceptCode() + ":" + ref.getEntityDescription().getContent()); } public void dumpIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator itr) { try { while (itr.hasNext()) { try { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { displayRef(ref); } } catch (Exception ex) { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } /* * new SearchUtils().searchByProperties(scheme, version, matchText, * property_types, property_names, source, matchAlgorithm, * excludeDesignation, ranking, maxToReturn); */ public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByProperties(Vector schemes, Vector versions, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean excludeDesignation, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { if (matchAlgorithm == null || matchText == null) { return null; } String matchText0 = matchText; String matchAlgorithm0 = matchAlgorithm; matchText0 = matchText0.trim(); _logger.debug("searchByProperties..." + matchText); //if (matchText == null || matchText.length() == 0) { if (matchText.length() == 0) { return null; } matchText = matchText.trim(); if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); } CodedNodeSet cns = null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; String scheme = null; String version = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } Vector cns_vec = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < schemes.size(); i++) { cns = null; iterator = null; scheme = (String) schemes.elementAt(i); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); version = (String) versions.elementAt(i); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); try { //cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, null); cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); if (cns != null) { try { LocalNameList propertyNames = new LocalNameList(); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = getAllPropertyTypes(); if (excludeDesignation) { propertyTypes = getAllNonPresentationPropertyTypes(); } String language = null; try { cns = cns.restrictToMatchingProperties(propertyNames, propertyTypes, matchText, matchAlgorithm, language); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("\t(*) restrictToMatchingProperties throws exceptions???: " + matchText + " matchAlgorithm: " + matchAlgorithm); // e.printStackTrace(); } try { cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("\t(*) restrictToSource throws exceptions???: " + matchText + " matchAlgorithm: " + matchAlgorithm); // e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("\t(*) searchByProperties2 throws exceptions."); // ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // return null; } if (cns != null) { cns_vec.add(cns); } } iterator = null; /* * cns = union(cns_vec); if (cns == null) return null; */ LocalNameList restrictToProperties = null;// new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = false; SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; if (ranking) { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "matchToQuery" }); } else { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "entityDescription" }); // code _logger.debug("*** Sort alphabetically..."); resolveConcepts = false; } try { try { long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; // iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, // restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); iterator = new QuickUnionIterator(cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Method: SearchUtil.searchByProperties"); _logger.error("* ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } if (!excludeDesignation) { int lcv = 0; int iterator_size = 0; if (iterator != null) { try { iterator_size = iterator.numberRemaining(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } while (iterator_size == 0 && lcv < schemes.size()) { scheme = (String) schemes.elementAt(lcv); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); version = (String) versions.elementAt(lcv); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); iterator = matchConceptCode(scheme, version, matchText0, source, CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM); if (iterator != null) { try { iterator_size = iterator.numberRemaining(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } lcv++; } } // return iterator; return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator); } private CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] getAllPropertyTypes() { CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[4]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.COMMENT; propertyTypes[1] = PropertyType.DEFINITION; propertyTypes[2] = PropertyType.GENERIC; propertyTypes[3] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; return propertyTypes; } private CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] getAllNonPresentationPropertyTypes() { CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[3]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.COMMENT; propertyTypes[1] = PropertyType.DEFINITION; propertyTypes[2] = PropertyType.GENERIC; return propertyTypes; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search by matching ALL relationships // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public CodedNodeGraph getRestrictedCodedNodeGraph(LexBIGService lbSvc, String scheme, String version, String associationName, CodedNodeSet cns, int direction) { CodedNodeGraph cng = null; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(version); try { cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, versionOrTag, null); if (associationName != null) { NameAndValueList asso_list = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { associationName }, null); cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(asso_list, null); } if (cns != null) { if (direction == -1) { cng = cng.restrictToSourceCodes(cns); } else if (direction == 1) { cng = cng.restrictToTargetCodes(cns); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return cng; } public SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator createSearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator( ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator quickUnionIterator, boolean resolveForward, boolean resolveBackward, int resolveAssociationDepth, int maxToReturn) { return createSearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator(quickUnionIterator, resolveForward, resolveBackward, null, null, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); } public SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator createSearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator( ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator quickUnionIterator, boolean resolveForward, boolean resolveBackward, NameAndValueList associationNameAndValueList, NameAndValueList associationQualifierNameAndValueList, int resolveAssociationDepth, int maxToReturn) { try { SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator decorator = new SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator( quickUnionIterator); decorator.setResolveForward(resolveForward); decorator.setResolveBackward(resolveBackward); decorator.setResolveAssociationDepth(resolveAssociationDepth); if (associationNameAndValueList != null) { decorator.setAssociationNameAndValueList(associationNameAndValueList); } if (associationQualifierNameAndValueList != null) { decorator.setAssociationQualifierNameAndValueList(associationQualifierNameAndValueList); } decorator.setMaxToReturn(maxToReturn); /* try { int numberRemaining = decorator.numberRemaining(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } */ return decorator; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByAssociations(Vector schemes, Vector versions, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean designationOnly, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { if (matchText == null) return null; Vector codingSchemeNames = new Vector(); String matchText0 = matchText; String matchAlgorithm0 = matchAlgorithm; //matchText0 = matchText0.trim(); boolean containsMapping = false; _logger.debug("searchByAssociations..." + matchText); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); long dt = 0; long total_delay = 0; boolean timeout = false; boolean preprocess = true; //if (matchText == null || matchText.length() == 0) { if (matchText.length() == 0) { return null; } matchText = matchText.trim(); if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { // matchAlgorithm = Constants.CONTAIN_SEARCH_ALGORITHM; // to be // replaced by literalSubString matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); } CodedNodeSet cns = null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; String scheme = null; String version = null; String message = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } Vector cns_vec = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < schemes.size(); i++) { cns = null; iterator = null; scheme = (String) schemes.elementAt(i); _logger.debug("\tsearching " + scheme); ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); version = (String) versions.elementAt(i); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); // i++; try { // KLO, 022410 change failed //cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, null); cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); // cns = getNodeSetByEntityType(scheme, versionOrTag, // "concept"); if (cns != null) { try { // find cns if (designationOnly) { try { cns = cns.restrictToMatchingDesignations(matchText, null, matchAlgorithm, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); String associationName = null; int direction = RESTRICT_TARGET; // CodedNodeGraph cng = // getRestrictedCodedNodeGraph(lbSvc, scheme, // version, associationName, cns, direction); // toNode boolean resolveForward = false; boolean resolveBackward = true; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; // int maxToReturn = -1; ConceptReference graphFocus = null; // CodedNodeSet cns2 = cng.toNodeList(graphFocus, // resolveForward, resolveBackward, // resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); // CodedNodeSet difference(CodedNodeSet // codesToRemove) // cns = cns2.difference(cns); //if (cns != null) { /* cns = filterOutAnonymousClasses(lbSvc, scheme, cns); */ //if (cns != null) { cns_vec.add(cns); codingSchemeNames.add(scheme); if (!containsMapping) { boolean isMapping = DataUtils.isMapping(scheme, null); if (isMapping) { containsMapping = true; } } //} //} } catch (Exception ex) { // return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // return null; } dt = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); total_delay = total_delay + dt; //if (total_delay > (long) (NCItBrowserProperties.getPaginationTimeOut() * 60 * 1000)) { if (total_delay > Constants.MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE * NCItBrowserProperties.getPaginationTimeOut()) { message = "WARNING: Search is incomplete -- please enter more specific search criteria."; // cont_flag = false; break; } } iterator = null; if (cns_vec.size() == 0) { return null; } /* * cns = union(cns_vec); if (cns == null) return null; */ LocalNameList restrictToProperties = null;// new LocalNameList(); // boolean resolveConcepts = true; // if (!ranking) resolveConcepts = false; boolean resolveConcepts = false; SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; if (ranking) { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "matchToQuery" }); } else { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "entityDescription" }); // code _logger.debug("*** Sort alphabetically..."); // resolveConcepts = false; } // Need to set to true to retrieve concept name resolveConcepts = true; try { try { boolean resolveForward = false; boolean resolveBackward = true; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; // iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, // restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); if (!containsMapping) { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator quickUnionIterator = new QuickUnionIterator(cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); /* try { int quickIteratorNumberRemaining = quickUnionIterator.numberRemaining(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } */ /* iterator = new SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator( quickUnionIterator, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); */ iterator = createSearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator(quickUnionIterator, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); } else { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator quickUnionIteratorWrapper = new QuickUnionIteratorWrapper( codingSchemeNames, cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); /* iterator = new SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator( QuickUnionIteratorWrapper, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); */ iterator = createSearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator(quickUnionIteratorWrapper, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Method: SearchUtil.searchByAssociations"); _logger.error("* ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } // Pending LexEVS fix: // if (iterator != null) iterator.setMessage(message); // return iterator; return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator, message); } private CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] getAllPropertypes() { CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[4]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.COMMENT; propertyTypes[1] = PropertyType.DEFINITION; propertyTypes[2] = PropertyType.GENERIC; // propertyTypes[3] = PropertyType.INSTRUCTION; propertyTypes[3] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; return propertyTypes; } private ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator filterOutAnonymousClasses(LexBIGService lbSvc, String scheme, CodedNodeSet cns, ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator) { int maxReturn = 100; ConceptReferenceList codeList = new ConceptReferenceList(); int knt = 0; int knt_concept = 0; try { if (iterator == null || iterator.numberRemaining() == 0) return iterator; // _logger.debug("iterator.numberRemaining(): " + // iterator.numberRemaining()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { String code = ref.getConceptCode(); knt++; _logger.debug("(" + knt + ") code: " + code); if (code.indexOf("@") == -1) { codeList.addConceptReference(ref); knt_concept++; } else { // _logger.debug("name: " + // ref.getEntityDescription().getContent()); } } } // _logger.debug("(**) Number of concepts: " + knt_concept); // KLO 022410 changed failed. //cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, null, null); cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, null); // cns = getNodeSetByEntityType(scheme, null, "concept"); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(codeList); SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = false; iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); // _logger.debug("New iterator.numberRemaining(): " + // iterator.numberRemaining()); return iterator; } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } private CodedNodeSet filterOutAnonymousClasses(LexBIGService lbSvc, String scheme, CodedNodeSet cns) { if (cns == null) return cns; SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = false; int maxReturn = 100; ConceptReferenceList codeList = new ConceptReferenceList(); int knt = 0; int knt_concept = 0; try { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); // _logger.debug("iterator.numberRemaining(): " + // iterator.numberRemaining()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs =; for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { String code = ref.getConceptCode(); knt++; // _logger.debug("(" + knt + ") code: " + code); if (code.indexOf("@") == -1) { codeList.addConceptReference(ref); knt_concept++; } else { // _logger.debug("name: " + // ref.getEntityDescription().getContent()); } } } if (knt_concept == 0) return null; // _logger.debug("(**) Number of concepts: " + knt_concept); //cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, null, null); cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, null); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(codeList); return cns; } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public String findBestContainsAlgorithm(String matchText) { if (matchText == null) return "nonLeadingWildcardLiteralSubString"; matchText = matchText.trim(); if (matchText.length() == 0) return "nonLeadingWildcardLiteralSubString"; // or null if (matchText.length() > 1) return "nonLeadingWildcardLiteralSubString"; char ch = matchText.charAt(0); if (Character.isDigit(ch)) return "literal"; else if (Character.isLetter(ch)) return "LuceneQuery"; else return "literalContains"; } public static LocalNameList getPropertyLocalNameList(String codingSchemeName) { if (_propertyLocalNameListHashMap == null) { _propertyLocalNameListHashMap = new HashMap(); } if (!_propertyLocalNameListHashMap.containsKey(codingSchemeName)) { try { LocalNameList lnl = getAllPropertyNames(codingSchemeName); _propertyLocalNameListHashMap.put(codingSchemeName, lnl); return lnl; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { return (LocalNameList) _propertyLocalNameListHashMap.get(codingSchemeName); } return null; } public static LocalNameList getAllPropertyNames(String codingSchemeName) throws Exception { LocalNameList propertyNames = new LocalNameList(); LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingSchemeName, null); for (SupportedProperty prop : cs.getMappings().getSupportedProperty()) { propertyNames.addEntry(prop.getLocalId()); } return propertyNames; } public static CodedNodeSet getNodeSet(LexBIGService lbSvc, String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag) throws Exception { CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, versionOrTag); CodedNodeSet.AnonymousOption restrictToAnonymous = CodedNodeSet.AnonymousOption.NON_ANONYMOUS_ONLY; //6.0 mod (KLO, 101810) cns = cns.restrictToAnonymous(restrictToAnonymous); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } /* LocalNameList entityTypes = new LocalNameList(); entityTypes.addEntry("concept"); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, entityTypes); */ return cns; } public static CodedNodeSet getNodeSetByEntityType(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag, String vEntry) { LocalNameList list = new LocalNameList(); if (vEntry != null) list.addEntry(vEntry); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } return lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, list); } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByProperties(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String[] property_types, String[] property_names, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean excludeDesignation, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { if (matchText == null) return null; boolean restrictToProperties = false; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; LocalNameList propertyNames = null; LocalNameList sourceList = null; if (property_types != null || property_names != null) { _logger.debug("Case #1 -- property_types != null || property_names != null"); restrictToProperties = true; if (property_types != null) propertyTypes = createPropertyTypes(property_types); if (property_names != null) propertyNames = ConvenienceMethods.createLocalNameList(property_names); } else { _logger.debug("Case #2 "); propertyNames = new LocalNameList(); propertyTypes = getAllPropertyTypes(); if (excludeDesignation) { _logger.debug("Case #3 "); propertyTypes = getAllNonPresentationPropertyTypes(); } } _logger.debug("searchByProperties scheme: " + scheme); _logger.debug("searchByProperties matchAlgorithm: " + matchAlgorithm); _logger.debug("searchByProperties source: " + source); _logger.debug("searchByProperties excludeDesignation: " + excludeDesignation); /* if (source != null) sourceList = ConvenienceMethods.createLocalNameList(new String[] { source }); */ NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; String matchText0 = matchText; String matchAlgorithm0 = matchAlgorithm; matchText0 = matchText0.trim(); //if (matchText == null || matchText.length() == 0) { if (matchText.length() == 0) { return null; } matchText = matchText.trim(); if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); } CodedNodeSet cns = null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } cns = null; iterator = null; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); try { cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, null); if (cns != null) { try { String language = null; try { _logger.debug("*** restrictToMatchingProperties ...matchText " + matchText + " matchAlgorithm " + matchAlgorithm); cns = cns.restrictToMatchingProperties(propertyNames, propertyTypes, matchText, matchAlgorithm, language); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.debug("\t(*) restrictToMatchingProperties throws exceptions???: " + matchText + " matchAlgorithm: " + matchAlgorithm); // e.printStackTrace(); } try { _logger.debug("restrictToSource ...source " + source); cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("\t(*) restrictToSource throws exceptions???: " + matchText + " matchAlgorithm: " + matchAlgorithm); // e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("\t(*) searchByProperties2 throws exceptions."); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // return null; } iterator = null; if (cns == null) { return null; } // LocalNameList restrictToProperties = null;//new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = false; SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; if (ranking) { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "matchToQuery" }); } else { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "entityDescription" }); // code _logger.debug("*** Sort alphabetically..."); resolveConcepts = false; } try { try { long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); _logger.debug("cns.resolve ..."); iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, null, null, resolveConcepts); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Method: SearchUtil.searchByProperties"); _logger.error("* ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } if (!excludeDesignation) { int lcv = 0; int iterator_size = 0; if (iterator != null) { try { iterator_size = iterator.numberRemaining(); _logger.debug("Number of matches: " + iterator_size); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (iterator_size == 0) { iterator = matchConceptCode(scheme, version, matchText0, source, CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM); if (iterator != null) { try { iterator_size = iterator.numberRemaining(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator); } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByProperties(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean excludeDesignation, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { return searchByProperties(scheme, version, matchText, null, null, source, matchAlgorithm, excludeDesignation, ranking, maxToReturn); } public static CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] createPropertyTypes(String[] types) { if (types == null || types.length == 0) return null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[types.length]; int knt = -1; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { String type = (String) types[i]; if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("PRESENTATION") == 0) { knt++; propertyTypes[knt] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; } else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("DEFINITION") == 0) { knt++; propertyTypes[knt] = PropertyType.DEFINITION; } else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("GENERIC") == 0) { knt++; propertyTypes[knt] = PropertyType.GENERIC; } else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("COMMENT") == 0) { knt++; propertyTypes[knt] = PropertyType.COMMENT; } } return propertyTypes; } /* * public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByName(String * scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String * matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { return * searchByName(scheme, version, matchText, source, matchAlgorithm, ranking, * maxToReturn, NameSearchType.All); } */ public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByName(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn, NameSearchType nameSearchType) { if (matchText == null || matchText.length() == 0) return null; matchText = matchText.trim(); if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("startsWith") == 0) { // No literalStartsWith support } else if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { // p11.1-q11.1 // /100{WBC} // matchAlgorithm = CONTAIN_SEARCH_ALGORITHM; matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); // _logger.debug("algorithm: " + matchAlgorithm); } ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; if (nameSearchType == NameSearchType.All || nameSearchType == NameSearchType.Name) { CodedNodeSet cns = null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, null); if (cns == null) { _logger.warn("cns = null"); return null; } // LocalNameList contextList = null; try { LocalNameList sourceList = null; if (source != null && source.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") != 0) { sourceList = new LocalNameList(); sourceList.addEntry(source); } cns = cns.restrictToMatchingDesignations(matchText, SearchDesignationOption.ALL, matchAlgorithm, null); cns = cns.restrictToProperties(null, propertyTypes, sourceList, null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } LocalNameList restrictToProperties = null;// new // LocalNameList(); LocalNameList propertyNames = Constructors.createLocalNameList("Semantic_Type"); // boolean resolveConcepts = true; // Semantic_Type is no longer // required. SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; boolean resolveConcepts = true; LocalNameList filterOptions = null; propertyTypes = null; try { try { long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); // iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, propertyNames, // restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, filterOptions, propertyNames, propertyTypes, resolveConcepts); /* * Debug.println("cns.resolve delay ---- Run time (ms): " * + (delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + * " -- matchAlgorithm " + matchAlgorithm); */ // DBG.debugDetails(delay, "cns.resolve", // "searchByName, CodedNodeSet.resolve"); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } if (nameSearchType == NameSearchType.All || nameSearchType == NameSearchType.Code) { try { int size = iterator != null ? iterator.numberRemaining() : 0; if (size == 0) { iterator = matchConceptCode(scheme, version, matchText, source, CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM); } size = iterator.numberRemaining(); if (size == 0) { iterator = findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(scheme, version, source, matchText, maxToReturn, true); } // Find ICD9CM concepts by code size = iterator.numberRemaining(); if (size < 20) { // heuristic rule (if the number of matches is large, // then it's less likely that the matchText is a code) Vector w = new Vector(); w.add(iterator); ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator itr1 = matchConceptCode(scheme, version, matchText, source, CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM); if (itr1 != null) w.add(itr1); ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator itr2 = findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(scheme, version, source, matchText, maxToReturn, true); if (itr2 != null) w.add(itr2); iterator = getResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorUnion(scheme, version, w); } } catch (Exception e) { } } return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator); } ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator getResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorUnion(String scheme, String version, Vector<ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator> v) { if (v == null) return null; int maxReturn = 100; Vector w = new Vector(); HashSet hset = new HashSet(); ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator matchIterator = null; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = (ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator) v.elementAt(i); try { while (iterator != null && iterator.hasNext()) { ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl =; if (rcrl != null) { ResolvedConceptReference[] refs = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(); if (refs != null) { for (ResolvedConceptReference ref : refs) { if (ref != null) { if (!hset.contains(ref.getConceptCode())) { w.add(ref.getConceptCode()); hset.add(ref.getConceptCode()); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (w.size() > 0) { String[] codes = new String[w.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++) { String code = (String) w.elementAt(i); codes[i] = code; } try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc == null???"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(codes, scheme); CodedNodeSet cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, null); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; cns = cns.restrictToProperties(null, types, null, null, null); try { matchIterator = cns.resolve(null, null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } hset.clear(); } return matchIterator; } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(String scheme, String version, String sourceAbbr, String code, int maxToReturn, boolean searchInactive) { if (sourceAbbr == null || code == null) return null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator matchIterator = null; LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(version); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; Vector<String> v = null; //if (code != null && code.compareTo("") != 0) { if (code.compareTo("") != 0) { qualifierList = new NameAndValueList(); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName("source-code"); nv.setContent(code); qualifierList.addNameAndValue(nv); } LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; // sourceLnL Vector<String> w2 = new Vector<String>(); w2.add(sourceAbbr); LocalNameList sourceLnL = vector2LocalNameList(w2); if (sourceAbbr.compareTo("*") == 0 || sourceAbbr.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") == 0) { sourceLnL = null; } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery", "code"}); try { CodedNodeSet cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, null); if (cns == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConceptsd returns null"); return null; } CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; cns = cns.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, qualifierList); if (cns != null) { boolean activeOnly = !searchInactive; cns = restrictToActiveStatus(cns, activeOnly); try { matchIterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, null);// ConvenienceMethods.createLocalNameList(getPropertyForCodingScheme(cs)),null); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return matchIterator; } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByCode(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; iterator = matchConceptCode(scheme, version, matchText, source, CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM); try { int size = iterator.numberRemaining(); if (size == 0) { iterator = findConceptWithSourceCodeMatching(scheme, version, source, matchText, maxToReturn, true); } return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByAssociations(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean designationOnly, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { return searchByAssociations(scheme, version, matchText, null, null, null, Constants.SEARCH_SOURCE, source, matchAlgorithm, designationOnly, ranking, maxToReturn); } /* * String[] associationsToNavigate, String[] association_qualifier_names, * String[] association_qualifier_values */ public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByAssociations(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String[] associationsToNavigate, String[] association_qualifier_names, String[] association_qualifier_values, int search_direction, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean designationOnly, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { /* * _logger.debug("searchByAssociations scheme: " + scheme); * _logger.debug("searchByAssociations matchText: " + matchText); * _logger.debug("searchByAssociations resolve_direction: " + * search_direction); _logger.debug("searchByAssociations source: " + * source); _logger.debug("searchByAssociations search_direction: " + * search_direction); * _logger.debug("searchByAssociations matchAlgorithm: " + * matchAlgorithm); * * if (associationsToNavigate != null) { for (int lcv=0; * lcv<associationsToNavigate.length; lcv++) { String str = (String) * associationsToNavigate[lcv]; * _logger.debug("searchByAssociations associationsToNavigate: " + str); * } } * * if (association_qualifier_names != null) { for (int lcv=0; * lcv<association_qualifier_names.length; lcv++) { String str = * (String) association_qualifier_names[lcv]; * _logger.debug("searchByAssociations association_qualifier_names: " + * str); } } * * if (association_qualifier_values != null) { for (int lcv=0; * lcv<association_qualifier_values.length; lcv++) { String str = * (String) association_qualifier_values[lcv]; * _logger.debug("searchByAssociations association_qualifier_values: " + * str); } } */ if (matchText == null) return null; NameAndValueList associationList = null; if (associationsToNavigate != null) { associationList = createNameAndValueList(associationsToNavigate, null); } NameAndValueList qualifiers = null; if (association_qualifier_names != null) { qualifiers = createNameAndValueList(association_qualifier_names, association_qualifier_values); } //String matchText0 = matchText; String matchAlgorithm0 = matchAlgorithm; //matchText0 = matchText0.trim(); String message = null; long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); long dt = 0; long total_delay = 0; boolean timeout = false; boolean preprocess = true; //if (matchText == null || matchText.length() == 0) { if (matchText.length() == 0) { return null; } matchText = matchText.trim(); if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); } CodedNodeSet cns = null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } Vector cns_vec = new Vector(); cns = null; iterator = null; _logger.debug("\tsearching " + scheme); ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); try { // KLO, 022410 change failed //cns = lbSvc.getNodeSet(scheme, versionOrTag, null); cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); // cns = getNodeSetByEntityType(scheme, versionOrTag, // "concept"); if (cns != null) { try { // find cns if (designationOnly) { cns = cns.restrictToMatchingDesignations(matchText, null, matchAlgorithm, null); } cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; // int maxToReturn = -1; // ConceptReference graphFocus = null; // CodedNodeSet cns2 = cng.toNodeList(graphFocus, // resolveForward, resolveBackward, // resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); // CodedNodeSet difference(CodedNodeSet codesToRemove) // cns = cns2.difference(cns); // if (cns != null) { // cns = filterOutAnonymousClasses(lbSvc, scheme, cns); if (cns != null) { cns_vec.add(cns); } // } } catch (Exception ex) { // return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // return null; } dt = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); total_delay = total_delay + dt; //if (total_delay > (long) (NCItBrowserProperties.getPaginationTimeOut() * 60 * 1000)) { if (total_delay > Constants.MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE * NCItBrowserProperties.getPaginationTimeOut()) { message = "WARNING: Search is incomplete -- please enter more specific search criteria."; } iterator = null; if (cns_vec.size() == 0) { return null; } LocalNameList restrictToProperties = null;// new LocalNameList(); // boolean resolveConcepts = true; // if (!ranking) resolveConcepts = false; boolean resolveConcepts = false; SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; if (ranking) { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "matchToQuery" }); } else { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "entityDescription" }); // code // resolveConcepts = false; } resolveConcepts = false; try { try { boolean resolveForward = true; boolean resolveBackward = true; if (search_direction == Constants.SEARCH_SOURCE) { resolveForward = false; resolveBackward = true; } else if (search_direction == Constants.SEARCH_TARGET) { resolveForward = true; resolveBackward = false; } int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; // iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, null, // restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator quickUnionIterator = new QuickUnionIterator(cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); if (associationsToNavigate == null && qualifiers == null) { /* iterator = new SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator( quickUnionIterator, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); */ iterator = createSearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator(quickUnionIterator, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); } else { /* iterator = new SearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator( quickUnionIterator, resolveForward, resolveBackward, associationList, qualifiers, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); */ iterator = createSearchByAssociationIteratorDecorator(quickUnionIterator, resolveForward, resolveBackward, associationList, qualifiers, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Method: SearchUtil.searchByAssociations"); _logger.error("* ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { _logger.debug("Run time (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms)); } // Pending LexEVS fix: // if (iterator != null) iterator.setMessage(message); if (iterator == null) { _logger.warn("=================== searchByAssociations returns iterator == null???"); } return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator, message); } //KLO, 091211 public Boolean isCodeInCodingScheme(String scheme, String version, String code) { Boolean retval = null; CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return retval; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) { versionOrTag.setVersion(version); } cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setConceptCode(code); return cns.isCodeInSet(cr); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return retval; } public ResolvedConceptReferenceList searchByName(String scheme, String version, String matchText, String algorithm) throws Exception { CodedNodeSet cns = null; ResolvedConceptReferenceList list = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, versionOrTag); if (cns == null) { _logger.debug("cns = null"); return null; } boolean preferredOnly = false; cns = cns.restrictToMatchingDesignations(matchText, preferredOnly, algorithm, null); list = cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, -1); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public CodedNodeSet getCodedNodeSetContrainingCode(LexBIGService lbSvc, String codingSchemeName, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag, String code) { try { if (code == null) { return null; } if (code.indexOf("@") != -1) return null; // anonymous class ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(new String[] { code }, codingSchemeName); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, codingSchemeName, versionOrTag); if (cns == null) { _logger.debug("getNodeSet returns null??? " + codingSchemeName); return null; } cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); return cns; } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private boolean includeInQuickUnion(CodedNodeSet cns) { if (cns == null) return false; try { ResolvedConceptReferenceList list = cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, null, false, -1); for (int i = 0; i < list.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = list.getResolvedConceptReference(i); String name = rcr.getEntityDescription().getContent(); String code = rcr.getConceptCode(); if (name.compareTo(code) == 0) { return false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return true; } // [#31975] Simple Search for concept in HUGO brings concept list with duplicate concepts. // Problem: QuickUnionIterator does not have a capability to filter out deplicated matches // HUGO header concepts (non-leaf) have code equaling name, causing duplicated matches. // Solution: check if code same as name in cns_code and determine whether to // add to cns_vec accordingly. public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByNameAndCode(Vector<String> schemes, Vector<String> versions, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn) { try { if (matchText == null || matchText.trim().length() == 0) return null; Utils.StopWatch stopWatch = new Utils.StopWatch(); Utils.StopWatch stopWatchTotal = new Utils.StopWatch(); boolean debug_flag = false; matchText = matchText.trim(); _logger.debug("searchByName ... " + matchText); // p11.1-q11.1 // /100{WBC} if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { // matchAlgorithm = Constants.CONTAIN_SEARCH_ALGORITHM; matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); } LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); Vector<CodedNodeSet> cns_vec = new Vector<CodedNodeSet>(); for (int i = 0; i < schemes.size(); i++) { stopWatch.start(); String scheme = (String) schemes.elementAt(i); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); String version = (String) versions.elementAt(i); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); //Name search CodedNodeSet cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); if (cns != null) { cns = cns.restrictToMatchingDesignations(matchText, null, matchAlgorithm, null); cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); } if (cns != null) cns_vec.add(cns); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; LocalNameList sourceList = null; LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; // concept code match: /* CodedNodeSet cns_code = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); if (source != null) { cns_code = restrictToSource(cns_code, source); } CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; LocalNameList sourceList = null; LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; cns_code = cns_code.restrictToMatchingProperties(ConvenienceMethods .createLocalNameList(new String[] { "conceptCode" }), propertyTypes, sourceList, contextList, qualifierList, matchText, CODE_SEARCH_ALGORITHM, null); //matchText, "exactMatch", null); */ String code = matchText; CodedNodeSet cns_code = getCodedNodeSetContrainingCode(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag, code); if (cns_code != null && includeInQuickUnion(cns_code)) { cns_vec.add(cns_code); } //if (cns_code != null) cns_vec.add(cns_code); // source code match: CodedNodeSet cns_src_code = null; if (DataUtils.hasSourceCodeQualifier(scheme)) { String sourceAbbr = source; qualifierList = null; if (code != null && code.compareTo("") != 0) { qualifierList = new NameAndValueList(); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName("source-code"); nv.setContent(code); qualifierList.addNameAndValue(nv); } LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; // sourceLnL Vector<String> w2 = new Vector<String>(); LocalNameList sourceLnL = null; if (sourceAbbr != null && (sourceAbbr.compareTo("*") == 0 || sourceAbbr.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") == 0)) { sourceLnL = null; } else if (sourceAbbr != null) { w2.add(sourceAbbr); sourceLnL = vector2LocalNameList(w2); } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery", "code"}); contextList = null; try { cns_src_code = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; cns_src_code = cns_src_code.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, qualifierList); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (cns_src_code != null) cns_vec.add(cns_src_code); } if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("searchByNameAndCode QuickUnion delay (msec): " + stopWatch.duration()); SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = false; if (ranking) { sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery"}); } else { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "entityDescription" }); // code _logger.debug("*** Sort alphabetically..."); } stopWatch.start(); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Calling cns.resolve to resolve the union CNS ... "); ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = new QuickUnionIterator(cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Resolve CNS union delay (msec): " + stopWatch.duration()); _logger.debug("Total search delay (msec): " + stopWatchTotal.duration()); return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper searchByNameOrCode(Vector<String> schemes, Vector<String> versions, String matchText, String source, String matchAlgorithm, boolean ranking, int maxToReturn, String searchTarget) { if (searchTarget == null) searchTarget = SEARCH_BY_NAME_ONLY; try { if (matchText == null || matchText.trim().length() == 0) return null; Utils.StopWatch stopWatch = new Utils.StopWatch(); Utils.StopWatch stopWatchTotal = new Utils.StopWatch(); boolean debug_flag = false; matchText = matchText.trim(); _logger.debug("searchByName ... " + matchText); // p11.1-q11.1 // /100{WBC} if (matchAlgorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("contains") == 0) { matchAlgorithm = findBestContainsAlgorithm(matchText); } LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); Vector<CodedNodeSet> cns_vec = new Vector<CodedNodeSet>(); for (int i = 0; i < schemes.size(); i++) { stopWatch.start(); String scheme = (String) schemes.elementAt(i); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); String version = (String) versions.elementAt(i); if (version != null) { versionOrTag.setVersion(version); } //Name search if (searchTarget.compareToIgnoreCase(SEARCH_BY_CODE_ONLY) != 0) { CodedNodeSet cns = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); if (cns != null) { cns = cns.restrictToMatchingDesignations(matchText, null, matchAlgorithm, null); cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); } if (cns != null) { cns_vec.add(cns); } } else { CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; LocalNameList sourceList = null; LocalNameList contextList = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; String code = matchText; CodedNodeSet cns_code = getCodedNodeSetContrainingCode(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag, code); if (cns_code != null && includeInQuickUnion(cns_code)) { cns_vec.add(cns_code); } // source code match: CodedNodeSet cns_src_code = null; if (DataUtils.hasSourceCodeQualifier(scheme)) { String sourceAbbr = source; qualifierList = null; if (code != null && code.compareTo("") != 0) { qualifierList = new NameAndValueList(); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName("source-code"); nv.setContent(code); qualifierList.addNameAndValue(nv); } LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; // sourceLnL Vector<String> w2 = new Vector<String>(); LocalNameList sourceLnL = null; if (sourceAbbr != null && (sourceAbbr.compareTo("*") == 0 || sourceAbbr.compareToIgnoreCase("ALL") == 0)) { sourceLnL = null; } else if (sourceAbbr != null) { w2.add(sourceAbbr); sourceLnL = vector2LocalNameList(w2); } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery", "code"}); contextList = null; try { cns_src_code = getNodeSet(lbSvc, scheme, versionOrTag); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; cns_src_code = cns_src_code.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, qualifierList); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (cns_src_code != null) cns_vec.add(cns_src_code); } } if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("searchByNameAndCode QuickUnion delay (msec): " + stopWatch.duration()); SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; LocalNameList restrictToProperties = new LocalNameList(); boolean resolveConcepts = false; if (ranking) { sortCriteria = null;// Constructors.createSortOptionList(new // String[]{"matchToQuery"}); } else { sortCriteria = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "entityDescription" }); // code _logger.debug("*** Sort alphabetically..."); } stopWatch.start(); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Calling cns.resolve to resolve the union CNS ... "); ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = new QuickUnionIterator(cns_vec, sortCriteria, null, restrictToProperties, null, resolveConcepts); if (debug_flag) _logger.debug("Resolve CNS union delay (msec): " + stopWatch.duration()); _logger.debug("Total search delay (msec): " + stopWatchTotal.duration()); return new ResolvedConceptReferencesIteratorWrapper(iterator); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }