Java tutorial
package gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.utils; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import java.sql.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.*; import org.LexGrid.concepts.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.InterfaceElements.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.Iterators.*; import org.LexGrid.codingSchemes.*; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.*; import org.LexGrid.relations.*; import org.LexGrid.naming.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.types.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Extensions.Generic.*; import*; import gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.utils.test.*; import org.LexGrid.lexevs.metabrowser.*; import org.LexGrid.lexevs.metabrowser.MetaBrowserService.*; import org.LexGrid.lexevs.metabrowser.model.*; import org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity; import gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.common.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_START --> * Copyright 2008,2009 NGIT. This software was developed in conjunction * with the National Cancer Institute, and so to the extent government * employees are co-authors, any rights in such works shall be subject * to Title 17 of the United States Code, section 105. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer of Article 3, * below. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by NGIT and the National * Cancer Institute." If no such end-user documentation is to be * included, this acknowledgment shall appear in the software itself, * wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * 3. The names "The National Cancer Institute", "NCI" and "NGIT" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software. * 4. This license does not authorize the incorporation of this software * into any third party proprietary programs. This license does not * authorize the recipient to use any trademarks owned by either NCI * or NGIT * 5. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, * NGIT, OR THEIR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_END --> */ /** * @author EVS Team * @version 1.0 * * Modification history Initial implementation * */ public class DataUtils { private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(DataUtils.class); private static Vector<String> _sourceListData = null; private LocalNameList _noopList = Constructors.createLocalNameList("_noop_"); private static SortOptionList _sortByCode = Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[] { "code" }); private Connection _con; private Statement _stmt; private ResultSet _rs; private List _supportedStandardReportList = new ArrayList(); private static List _standardReportTemplateList = null; private static List _adminTaskList = null; private static List _userTaskList = null; private static List _propertyTypeList = null; private static List _ontologies = null; private static org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.LexBIGService _lbSvc = null; public org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.ConvenienceMethods _lbConvMethods = null; public CodingSchemeRenderingList _csrl = null; private Vector _supportedCodingSchemes = null; private static HashMap _codingSchemeMap = null; private Vector _codingSchemes = null; private static HashMap _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap = null; private static HashMap _csnv2VersionMap = null; private static List _directionList = null; private static String[] ASSOCIATION_NAMES = null; public final static String INCOMPLETE = "INCOMPLETE"; // ================================================================================== // For customized query use private static String SOURCE_OF = "outbound associations"; private static String TARGET_OF = "inbound associations"; public static final int ALL = 0; public static final int PREFERRED_ONLY = 1; public static final int NON_PREFERRED_ONLY = 2; private static final int RESOLVE_SOURCE = 1; private static final int RESOLVE_TARGET = -1; private static final int RESTRICT_SOURCE = -1; private static final int RESTRICT_TARGET = 1; public static final int SEARCH_NAME_CODE = 1; public static final int SEARCH_DEFINITION = 2; public static final int SEARCH_PROPERTY_VALUE = 3; public static final int SEARCH_ROLE_VALUE = 6; public static final int SEARCH_ASSOCIATION_VALUE = 7; private static final List<String> STOP_WORDS = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "a", "an", "and", "by", "for", "of", "on", "in", "nos", "the", "to", "with" }); public static final String TYPE_ROLE = "type_role"; public static final String TYPE_ASSOCIATION = "type_association"; public static final String TYPE_SUPERCONCEPT = "type_superconcept"; public static final String TYPE_SUBCONCEPT = "type_subconcept"; public static final String TYPE_SIBLINGCONCEPT = "type_siblingconcept"; public static final String TYPE_BROADERCONCEPT = "type_broaderconcept"; public static final String TYPE_NARROWERCONCEPT = "type_narrowerconcept"; public String _ncicbContactURL = null; public String _terminologySubsetDownloadURL = null; public String _ncimBuildInfo = null; public String _ncimAppVersion = null; public String _ncimAppVersionDisplay = null; public String _ncitAnthillBuildTagBuilt = null; public String _evsServiceURL = null; public String _ncitURL = null; public String _lexevs_version = null; private static String[] _hierAssocToParentNodes = new String[] { "PAR", "isa", "branch_of", "part_of", "tributary_of" }; private static String[] _hierAssocToChildNodes = new String[] { "CHD", "inverse_isa" }; private static String[] _assocToSiblingNodes = new String[] { "SIB" }; private static String[] _assocToBTNodes = new String[] { "RB" }; private static String[] _assocToNTNodes = new String[] { "RN" }; private static String[] _relationshipCategories = new String[] { "Parent", "Child", "Broader", "Narrower", "Sibling", "Other" }; private static String SOURCE = "source"; private static String[] META_ASSOCIATIONS = new String[] { "AQ", "CHD", "RB", "RO", "RQ", "SIB", "SY" }; //public static HashMap _formalName2MetadataHashMap = null; private static HashMap _formalName2MetadataHashMap = null; public DataUtils() { // Do nothing // _formalName2MetadataHashMap = null; } public static void setFormalName2MetadataHashMap(HashMap hmap) { _formalName2MetadataHashMap = hmap; } public static HashMap getFormalName2MetadataHashMap() { if (_formalName2MetadataHashMap != null) return _formalName2MetadataHashMap; //LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); //NCImMetadataUtils util = new NCImMetadataUtils(lbSvc); _formalName2MetadataHashMap = NCImMetadataUtils.getFormalName2MetadataHashMap(); return _formalName2MetadataHashMap; } //public static Random rand = null; private static Random rand = null; static { rand = new Random(); } public static int getNextRandomNumber() { /* if (rand == null) { rand = new Random(); } */ return rand.nextInt(); } /* * public static HashMap getFormalName2MetadataHashMap() { if * (formalName2MetadataHashMap != null) return formalName2MetadataHashMap; * * try { formalName2MetadataHashMap = new HashMap(); LexBIGService lbSvc = * RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(true); if (lbSvc == null) { * _logger.warn * ("WARNING: Unable to connect to instantiate LexBIGService ???"); } * CodingSchemeRenderingList csrl = null; try { csrl = * lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); } catch (LBInvocationException ex) { * ex.printStackTrace(); * _logger.error("lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes() FAILED..." + * ex.getCause() ); return null; } * * CodingSchemeRendering[] csrs = csrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int * i=0; i<csrs.length; i++) { int j = i+1; CodingSchemeRendering csr = * csrs[i]; CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); String * formalname = css.getFormalName(); _logger.debug("(" + j + "): " + * formalname); * * Boolean isActive = null; if (csr == null) { * _logger.debug("\tcsr == null???"); } else if (csr.getRenderingDetail() == * null) { _logger.debug("\tcsr.getRenderingDetail() == null"); } else if * (csr.getRenderingDetail().getVersionStatus() == null) { * _logger.debug("\tcsr.getRenderingDetail().getVersionStatus() == null"); } * else { isActive = * csr.getRenderingDetail().getVersionStatus().equals(CodingSchemeVersionStatus * .ACTIVE); } * * String representsVersion = css.getRepresentsVersion(); boolean * includeInactive = false; if ((includeInactive && isActive == null) || * (isActive != null && isActive.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) || (includeInactive * && (isActive != null && isActive.equals(Boolean.FALSE)))) { * CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); * vt.setVersion(representsVersion); try { CodingScheme cs = * lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(formalname, vt); * * if (cs != null) { NameAndValue[] nvList = * MetadataUtils.getMetadataProperties(cs); if (nvList != null) { Vector * metadataProperties = new Vector(); for (int k=0; k<nvList.length; k++) { * NameAndValue nv = (NameAndValue) nvList[k]; * metadataProperties.add(nv.getName() + "|" + nv.getContent()); } * formalName2MetadataHashMap.put(formalname, metadataProperties); } } } * catch (Exception ex) { * _logger.warn("\tWARNING: Unable to resolve coding scheme " + formalname + * " possibly due to missing security token."); * _logger.warn("\t\tAccess to " + formalname + " denied."); } } else { * _logger.warn("\tWARNING: setCodingSchemeMap discards " + formalname); * _logger.warn("\t\trepresentsVersion " + representsVersion); } } } catch * (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } * * return formalName2MetadataHashMap; } */ static { Vector<String> v = getSupportedAssociationNames(Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME, null); ASSOCIATION_NAMES = new String[v.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String s = (String) v.elementAt(i); ASSOCIATION_NAMES[i] = s; } } public static String[] getAllAssociationNames() { /* if (ASSOCIATION_NAMES != null) return null; Vector<String> v = getSupportedAssociationNames(Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME, null); ASSOCIATION_NAMES = new String[v.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String s = (String) v.elementAt(i); ASSOCIATION_NAMES[i] = s; } //return ASSOCIATION_NAMES; */ return Arrays.copyOf(ASSOCIATION_NAMES, ASSOCIATION_NAMES.length); } public static Vector<String> getSupportedAssociationNames(String codingSchemeName, String version) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) { vt.setVersion(version); } CodingScheme scheme = null; try { // RemoteServerUtil rsu = new RemoteServerUtil(); // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = rsu.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingSchemeName, vt); if (scheme == null) { _logger.warn("scheme is NULL"); return null; } Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); SupportedAssociation[] assos = scheme.getMappings().getSupportedAssociation(); for (int i = 0; i < assos.length; i++) { SupportedAssociation sa = (SupportedAssociation) assos[i]; v.add(sa.getLocalId()); } return v; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static Vector<String> getPropertyNameListData(String codingSchemeName, String version) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) { vt.setVersion(version); } CodingScheme scheme = null; try { // RemoteServerUtil rsu = new RemoteServerUtil(); // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = rsu.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingSchemeName, vt); if (scheme == null) return null; Vector<String> propertyNameListData = new Vector<String>(); SupportedProperty[] properties = scheme.getMappings().getSupportedProperty(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { SupportedProperty property = properties[i]; propertyNameListData.add(property.getLocalId()); } return propertyNameListData; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static String getCodingSchemeName(String key) { return (String) _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap.get(key); } public static String getCodingSchemeVersion(String key) { return (String) _csnv2VersionMap.get(key); } public static Vector<String> getRepresentationalFormListData(String key) { String codingSchemeName = (String) _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap.get(key); if (codingSchemeName == null) return null; String version = (String) _csnv2VersionMap.get(key); if (version == null) return null; return getRepresentationalFormListData(codingSchemeName, version); } public static Vector<String> getRepresentationalFormListData(String codingSchemeName, String version) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) { vt.setVersion(version); } CodingScheme scheme = null; try { // RemoteServerUtil rsu = new RemoteServerUtil(); // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = rsu.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingSchemeName, vt); if (scheme == null) return null; Vector<String> propertyNameListData = new Vector<String>(); SupportedRepresentationalForm[] forms = scheme.getMappings().getSupportedRepresentationalForm(); if (forms != null) { for (int i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) { SupportedRepresentationalForm form = forms[i]; propertyNameListData.add(form.getLocalId()); } } return propertyNameListData; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static Vector<String> getPropertyQualifierListData(String key) { String codingSchemeName = (String) _csnv2codingSchemeNameMap.get(key); if (codingSchemeName == null) return null; String version = (String) _csnv2VersionMap.get(key); if (version == null) return null; return getPropertyQualifierListData(codingSchemeName, version); } public static Vector<String> getPropertyQualifierListData(String codingSchemeName, String version) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) { vt.setVersion(version); } CodingScheme scheme = null; try { // RemoteServerUtil rsu = new RemoteServerUtil(); // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = rsu.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingSchemeName, vt); if (scheme == null) return null; Vector<String> propertyQualifierListData = new Vector<String>(); SupportedPropertyQualifier[] qualifiers = scheme.getMappings().getSupportedPropertyQualifier(); for (int i = 0; i < qualifiers.length; i++) { SupportedPropertyQualifier qualifier = qualifiers[i]; propertyQualifierListData.add(qualifier.getLocalId()); } return propertyQualifierListData; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } static { try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingScheme scheme = null; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (lbSvc != null) { scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME, vt); if (scheme != null && scheme.getMappings() != null) { _sourceListData = new Vector<String>(); _sourceListData.add("ALL"); SupportedSource[] sources = scheme.getMappings().getSupportedSource(); if (sources != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { SupportedSource source = sources[i]; _sourceListData.add(source.getLocalId()); } } _sourceListData = SortUtils.quickSort(_sourceListData); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static Vector<String> getSourceListData() { return _sourceListData; } /* public static Vector<String> getSourceListData(String codingSchemeName, String version) { if (_sourceListData != null) return _sourceListData; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag vt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) { vt.setVersion(version); } CodingScheme scheme = null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) return null; scheme = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingSchemeName, vt); if (scheme == null) return null; _sourceListData = new Vector<String>(); if (scheme.getMappings() == null) return null; _sourceListData.add("ALL"); SupportedSource[] sources = scheme.getMappings().getSupportedSource(); if (sources == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { SupportedSource source = sources[i]; _sourceListData.add(source.getLocalId()); } _sourceListData = SortUtils.quickSort(_sourceListData); return _sourceListData; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } */ public static String int2String(Integer int_obj) { if (int_obj == null) { return null; } String retstr = Integer.toString(int_obj); return retstr; } public static Entity getConceptByCode(String codingSchemeName, String vers, String ltag, String code) { try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc == null???"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(vers); ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(new String[] { code }, codingSchemeName); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(codingSchemeName, versionOrTag); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, 1); if (matches == null) { _logger.debug("Concept not found."); return null; } int count = matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); // Analyze the result ... if (count == 0) return null; if (count > 0) { try { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference().nextElement(); Entity entry = ref.getReferencedEntry(); return entry; } catch (Exception ex1) { _logger.error("Exception entry == null"); return null; } } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return null; } public static CodedNodeSet restrictToSource(CodedNodeSet cns, String source) { if (cns == null) return cns; if (source == null || source.compareTo("*") == 0 || source.compareTo("") == 0 || source.compareTo("ALL") == 0) return cns; LocalNameList contextList = null; LocalNameList sourceLnL = null; NameAndValueList qualifierList = null; Vector<String> w2 = new Vector<String>(); w2.add(source); sourceLnL = vector2LocalNameList(w2); LocalNameList propertyLnL = null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] types = new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION }; try { cns = cns.restrictToProperties(propertyLnL, types, sourceLnL, contextList, qualifierList); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("restrictToSource throws exceptions."); return null; } return cns; } public static Entity getConceptByCode(String codingSchemeName, String vers, String ltag, String code, String source) { try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc == null???"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (vers != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(vers); ConceptReferenceList crefs = createConceptReferenceList(new String[] { code }, codingSchemeName); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(codingSchemeName, versionOrTag); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (cns == null) return null; cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); cns = restrictToSource(cns, source); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, 1); if (matches == null) { _logger.warn("Concept not found."); return null; } // Analyze the result ... if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference().nextElement(); Entity entry = ref.getReferencedEntry(); return entry; } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return null; } public static NameAndValueList createNameAndValueList(String[] names, String[] values) { NameAndValueList nvList = new NameAndValueList(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(names[i]); if (values != null) { nv.setContent(values[i]); } nvList.addNameAndValue(nv); } return nvList; } public ResolvedConceptReferenceList getNext(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator) { return iterator.getNext(); } public Vector getParentCodes(String scheme, String version, String code) { Vector hierarchicalAssoName_vec = getHierarchyAssociationId(scheme, version); if (hierarchicalAssoName_vec == null || hierarchicalAssoName_vec.size() == 0) { return null; } String hierarchicalAssoName = (String) hierarchicalAssoName_vec.elementAt(0); // KLO, 01/23/2009 // Vector<Concept> superconcept_vec = util.getAssociationSources(scheme, // version, code, hierarchicalAssoName); Vector superconcept_vec = getAssociationSourceCodes(scheme, version, code, hierarchicalAssoName); /* if (superconcept_vec == null) return null; */ // SortUtils.quickSort(superconcept_vec, SortUtils.SORT_BY_CODE); return superconcept_vec; } public Vector getAssociationSourceCodes(String scheme, String version, String code, String assocName) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(new String[] { assocName }, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); int maxToReturn = NCImBrowserProperties.get_maxToReturn(); matches = cng.resolveAsList(ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme), false, true, 1, 1, new LocalNameList(), null, null, maxToReturn); if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { Enumeration<? extends ResolvedConceptReference> refEnum = matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference(); while (refEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refEnum.nextElement(); AssociationList targetof = ref.getTargetOf(); Association[] associations = targetof.getAssociation(); for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; // KLO assoc = processForAnonomousNodes(assoc); AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(); for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; v.add(ac.getReferencedEntry().getEntityCode()); } } } SortUtils.quickSort(v); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public static ConceptReferenceList createConceptReferenceList(String[] codes, String codingSchemeName) { if (codes == null) { return null; } ConceptReferenceList list = new ConceptReferenceList(); for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCodingSchemeName(codingSchemeName); cr.setConceptCode(codes[i]); list.addConceptReference(cr); } return list; } public Vector getSubconceptCodes(String scheme, String version, String code) { // throws // LBException{ Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); csvt.setVersion(version); /* String desc = null; try { desc = lbscm .createCodeNodeSet(new String[] { code }, scheme, csvt) .resolveToList(null, null, null, 1) .getResolvedConceptReference(0).getEntityDescription() .getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { desc = "<not found>"; } */ // Iterate through all hierarchies and levels ... String[] hierarchyIDs = lbscm.getHierarchyIDs(scheme, csvt); for (int k = 0; k < hierarchyIDs.length; k++) { String hierarchyID = hierarchyIDs[k]; AssociationList associations = null; associations = null; try { associations = lbscm.getHierarchyLevelNext(scheme, csvt, hierarchyID, code, false, null); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("getSubconceptCodes - Exception lbscm.getHierarchyLevelNext "); return v; } for (int i = 0; i < associations.getAssociationCount(); i++) { Association assoc = associations.getAssociation(i); AssociatedConceptList concepts = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts(); for (int j = 0; j < concepts.getAssociatedConceptCount(); j++) { AssociatedConcept concept = concepts.getAssociatedConcept(j); String nextCode = concept.getConceptCode(); v.add(nextCode); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public Vector getSuperconceptCodes(String scheme, String version, String code) { // throws LBException{ long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); csvt.setVersion(version); /* String desc = null; try { desc = lbscm .createCodeNodeSet(new String[] { code }, scheme, csvt) .resolveToList(null, null, null, 1) .getResolvedConceptReference(0).getEntityDescription() .getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { desc = "<not found>"; } */ // Iterate through all hierarchies and levels ... String[] hierarchyIDs = lbscm.getHierarchyIDs(scheme, csvt); for (int k = 0; k < hierarchyIDs.length; k++) { String hierarchyID = hierarchyIDs[k]; AssociationList associations = lbscm.getHierarchyLevelPrev(scheme, csvt, hierarchyID, code, false, null); for (int i = 0; i < associations.getAssociationCount(); i++) { Association assoc = associations.getAssociation(i); AssociatedConceptList concepts = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts(); for (int j = 0; j < concepts.getAssociatedConceptCount(); j++) { AssociatedConcept concept = concepts.getAssociatedConcept(j); String nextCode = concept.getConceptCode(); v.add(nextCode); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { _logger.debug("Run time (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms)); } return v; } public Vector getHierarchyAssociationId(String scheme, String version) { Vector association_vec = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); // Will handle secured ontologies later. CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(version); CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, versionOrTag); Mappings mappings = cs.getMappings(); SupportedHierarchy[] hierarchies = mappings.getSupportedHierarchy(); java.lang.String[] ids = hierarchies[0].getAssociationNames(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (!association_vec.contains(ids[i])) { association_vec.add(ids[i]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return association_vec; } public static String getVocabularyVersionByTag(String codingSchemeName, String ltag) { if (codingSchemeName == null) return null; String version = null; int knt = 0; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeRenderingList lcsrl = lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); CodingSchemeRendering[] csra = lcsrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csra.length; i++) { CodingSchemeRendering csr = csra[i]; CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); if (css.getFormalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0 || css.getLocalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0) { version = css.getRepresentsVersion(); knt++; if (ltag == null) return version; RenderingDetail rd = csr.getRenderingDetail(); CodingSchemeTagList cstl = rd.getVersionTags(); java.lang.String[] tags = cstl.getTag(); // KLO, 102409 /* if (tags == null) return version; */ if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { String version_tag = (String) tags[j]; if (version_tag.compareToIgnoreCase(ltag) == 0) { return version; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } if (ltag != null && ltag.compareToIgnoreCase("PRODUCTION") == 0 & knt == 1) { _logger.debug("\tUse " + version + " as default."); return version; } return null; } public static Vector<String> getVersionListData(String codingSchemeName) { Vector<String> v = new Vector(); try { // RemoteServerUtil rsu = new RemoteServerUtil(); // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = rsu.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeRenderingList csrl = lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); if (csrl == null) { _logger.warn("csrl is NULL"); return null; } CodingSchemeRendering[] csrs = csrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csrs.length; i++) { CodingSchemeRendering csr = csrs[i]; Boolean isActive = csr.getRenderingDetail().getVersionStatus() .equals(CodingSchemeVersionStatus.ACTIVE); if (isActive != null && isActive.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); String formalname = css.getFormalName(); if (formalname.compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0) { String representsVersion = css.getRepresentsVersion(); v.add(representsVersion); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return v; } public static String getFileName(String pathname) { File file = new File(pathname); String filename = file.getName(); return filename; } protected static Association processForAnonomousNodes(Association assoc) { // clone Association except associatedConcepts Association temp = new Association(); temp.setAssociatedData(assoc.getAssociatedData()); temp.setAssociationName(assoc.getAssociationName()); temp.setAssociationReference(assoc.getAssociationReference()); temp.setDirectionalName(assoc.getDirectionalName()); temp.setAssociatedConcepts(new AssociatedConceptList()); for (int i = 0; i < assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConceptCount(); i++) { // Conditionals to deal with anonymous nodes and UMLS top nodes // "V-X" // The first three allow UMLS traversal to top node. // The last two are specific to owl anonymous nodes which can act // like false // top nodes. if (assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i).getReferencedEntry() != null && assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i).getReferencedEntry() .getIsAnonymous() != null && assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i).getReferencedEntry() .getIsAnonymous() != false && !assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i).getConceptCode().equals("@") && !assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i).getConceptCode().equals("@@")) { // do nothing } else { temp.getAssociatedConcepts() .addAssociatedConcept(assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(i)); } } return temp; } public static LocalNameList vector2LocalNameList(Vector<String> v) { if (v == null) return null; LocalNameList list = new LocalNameList(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String vEntry = (String) v.elementAt(i); list.addEntry(vEntry); } return list; } protected static NameAndValueList createNameAndValueList(Vector names, Vector values) { if (names == null) return null; NameAndValueList nvList = new NameAndValueList(); for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { String name = (String) names.elementAt(i); String value = (String) values.elementAt(i); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(name); if (value != null) { nv.setContent(value); } nvList.addNameAndValue(nv); } return nvList; } protected static CodingScheme getCodingScheme(String codingScheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag) throws LBException { CodingScheme cs = null; try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(codingScheme, versionOrTag); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return cs; } public static Vector<SupportedProperty> getSupportedProperties(CodingScheme cs) { if (cs == null) return null; Vector<SupportedProperty> v = new Vector<SupportedProperty>(); SupportedProperty[] properties = cs.getMappings().getSupportedProperty(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { SupportedProperty sp = (SupportedProperty) properties[i]; v.add(sp); } return v; } public static Vector<String> getSupportedPropertyNames(CodingScheme cs) { Vector w = getSupportedProperties(cs); if (w == null) return null; Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++) { SupportedProperty sp = (SupportedProperty) w.elementAt(i); v.add(sp.getLocalId()); } return v; } public static Vector<String> getSupportedPropertyNames(String codingScheme, String version) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(version); try { CodingScheme cs = getCodingScheme(codingScheme, versionOrTag); return getSupportedPropertyNames(cs); } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public static Vector getPropertyNamesByType(Entity concept, String property_type) { Vector v = new Vector(); org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Property[] properties = null; if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("GENERIC") == 0) { properties = concept.getProperty(); } else if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("PRESENTATION") == 0) { properties = concept.getPresentation(); } else if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("COMMENT") == 0) { properties = concept.getComment(); } else if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("DEFINITION") == 0) { properties = concept.getDefinition(); } if (properties == null || properties.length == 0) return v; HashSet hset = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { Property p = (Property) properties[i]; String nm = p.getPropertyName(); if (!hset.contains(nm)) { hset.add(nm); v.add(p.getPropertyName()); } } hset.clear(); return v; } public static Vector getPropertyValues(Entity concept, String property_type, String property_name) { Vector v = new Vector(); org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Property[] properties = null; if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("GENERIC") == 0) { properties = concept.getProperty(); } else if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("PRESENTATION") == 0) { properties = concept.getPresentation(); } /* * else if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("INSTRUCTION")== 0) { * properties = concept.getInstruction(); } */ else if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("COMMENT") == 0) { properties = concept.getComment(); } else if (property_type.compareToIgnoreCase("DEFINITION") == 0) { properties = concept.getDefinition(); } else { _logger.warn("WARNING: property_type not found -- " + property_type); } if (properties == null || properties.length == 0) return v; for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { Property p = (Property) properties[i]; if (property_name.compareTo(p.getPropertyName()) == 0) { //String t = p.getValue().getContent(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(p.getValue().getContent()); Source[] sources = p.getSource(); if (sources != null && sources.length > 0) { Source src = sources[0]; //t = t + "|" + src.getContent(); buf.append("|" + src.getContent()); } else { if (property_name.compareToIgnoreCase("definition") == 0) { _logger.warn("*** WARNING: " + property_name + " with no source data: " + p.getValue().getContent()); PropertyQualifier[] qualifiers = p.getPropertyQualifier(); if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers.length; j++) { PropertyQualifier q = qualifiers[j]; String qualifier_name = q.getPropertyQualifierName(); String qualifier_value = q.getValue().getContent(); // _logger.debug("\t*** qualifier_name: " + // qualifier_name); // _logger.debug("\t*** qualifier_value: " // + qualifier_value); if (qualifier_name.compareTo("source") == 0) { //t = t + "|" + qualifier_value; // _logger.debug("*** SOURCE: " + // qualifier_value); buf.append("|" + qualifier_value); break; } } } else { _logger.warn("*** SOURCE NOT FOUND IN qualifiers neither. "); } } } String t = buf.toString(); v.add(t); } } return v; } // ===================================================================================== public List getSupportedRoleNames(LexBIGService lbSvc, String scheme, String version) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); List list = new ArrayList(); try { CodingScheme cs = lbSvc.resolveCodingScheme(scheme, csvt); Relations[] relations = cs.getRelations(); for (int i = 0; i < relations.length; i++) { Relations relation = relations[i]; if (relation.getContainerName().compareToIgnoreCase("roles") == 0) { AssociationPredicate[] asso_array = relation.getAssociationPredicate(); for (int j = 0; j < asso_array.length; j++) { AssociationPredicate association = (AssociationPredicate) asso_array[j]; list.add(association.getAssociationName()); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return list; } public static void sortArray(ArrayList list) { String tmp; if (list.size() <= 1) return; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String s1 = (String) list.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < list.size(); j++) { String s2 = (String) list.get(j); if (s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2) > 0) { tmp = s1; list.set(i, s2); list.set(j, tmp); } } } } public static void sortArray(String[] strArray) { String tmp; if (strArray.length <= 1) return; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < strArray.length; j++) { if (strArray[i].compareToIgnoreCase(strArray[j]) > 0) { tmp = strArray[i]; strArray[i] = strArray[j]; strArray[j] = tmp; } } } } public String[] getSortedKeys(HashMap map) { if (map == null) return null; Set keyset = map.keySet(); String[] names = new String[keyset.size()]; Iterator it = keyset.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String s = (String); names[i] = s; i++; } sortArray(names); return names; } public String getPreferredName(Entity c) { Presentation[] presentations = c.getPresentation(); for (int i = 0; i < presentations.length; i++) { Presentation p = presentations[i]; if (p.getPropertyName().compareTo("Preferred_Name") == 0) { return p.getValue().getContent(); } } return null; } public HashMap getRelationshipHashMap(String scheme, String version, String code) { return getRelationshipHashMap(scheme, version, code, null); } protected static String getDirectionalLabel(LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm, String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, Association assoc, boolean navigatedFwd) throws LBException { String assocLabel = navigatedFwd ? lbscm.getAssociationForwardName(assoc.getAssociationName(), scheme, csvt) : lbscm.getAssociationReverseName(assoc.getAssociationName(), scheme, csvt); if (StringUtils.isNullOrBlank(assocLabel)) assocLabel = (navigatedFwd ? "" : "[Inverse]") + assoc.getAssociationName(); return assocLabel; } public LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods createLexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods(LexBIGService lbSvc) { LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = null; try { lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc.getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return lbscm; } public HashMap getRelationshipHashMap(String scheme, String version, String code, String sab) { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); // Perform the query ... ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; //List list = new ArrayList();// getSupportedRoleNames(lbSvc, scheme, // version); ArrayList roleList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList associationList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList superconceptList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList siblingList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList subconceptList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList btList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ntList = new ArrayList(); Vector parent_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToParentNodes)); Vector child_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToChildNodes)); Vector sibling_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToSiblingNodes)); Vector bt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToBTNodes)); Vector nt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToNTNodes)); HashMap map = new HashMap(); try { // LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = // createLexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods(lbSvc); /* * LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = * (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc * .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); * lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); */ CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); if (sab != null) { cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(null, Constructors.createNameAndValueList(sab, SOURCE)); } int maxToReturn = NCImBrowserProperties.get_maxToReturn(); matches = cng.resolveAsList(ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme), true, false, 1, 1, _noopList, null, null, null, maxToReturn, false); if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference> refEnum = (Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference>) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference(); while (refEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refEnum.nextElement(); AssociationList sourceof = ref.getSourceOf(); Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; String associationName = assoc.getAssociationName(); // String associationName = // lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode(scheme, // csvt, assoc.getAssociationName()); AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(); for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; EntityDescription ed = ac.getEntityDescription(); String name = "No Description"; if (ed != null) name = ed.getContent(); String pt = name; if (associationName.compareToIgnoreCase("equivalentClass") != 0) { String s = associationName + "|" + pt + "|" + ac.getConceptCode(); if (!parent_asso_vec.contains(associationName) && !child_asso_vec.contains(associationName)) { if (sibling_asso_vec.contains(associationName)) { siblingList.add(s); } else if (bt_vec.contains(associationName)) { btList.add(s); } else if (nt_vec.contains(associationName)) { ntList.add(s); } else { associationList.add(s); } } } } } } } if (roleList.size() > 0) { SortUtils.quickSort(roleList); } if (associationList.size() > 0) { // KLO, 052909 associationList = removeRedundantRelationships(associationList, "RO"); SortUtils.quickSort(associationList); } if (siblingList.size() > 0) { SortUtils.quickSort(siblingList); } if (btList.size() > 0) { SortUtils.quickSort(btList); } if (ntList.size() > 0) { SortUtils.quickSort(ntList); } map.put(TYPE_ROLE, roleList); map.put(TYPE_ASSOCIATION, associationList); map.put(TYPE_SIBLINGCONCEPT, siblingList); map.put(TYPE_BROADERCONCEPT, btList); map.put(TYPE_NARROWERCONCEPT, ntList); Vector superconcept_vec = getSuperconcepts(scheme, version, code); for (int i = 0; i < superconcept_vec.size(); i++) { Entity c = (Entity) superconcept_vec.elementAt(i); // String pt = getPreferredName(c); String pt = c.getEntityDescription().getContent(); superconceptList.add(pt + "|" + c.getEntityCode()); } SortUtils.quickSort(superconceptList); map.put(TYPE_SUPERCONCEPT, superconceptList); Vector subconcept_vec = getSubconcepts(scheme, version, code); for (int i = 0; i < subconcept_vec.size(); i++) { Entity c = (Entity) subconcept_vec.elementAt(i); // String pt = getPreferredName(c); String pt = c.getEntityDescription().getContent(); subconceptList.add(pt + "|" + c.getEntityCode()); } SortUtils.quickSort(subconceptList); map.put(TYPE_SUBCONCEPT, subconceptList); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return map; } public Vector getSuperconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code) { return getAssociationSources(scheme, version, code, _hierAssocToChildNodes); } public Vector getAssociationSources(String scheme, String version, String code, String[] assocNames) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = ConvenienceMethods.createNameAndValueList(assocNames); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); boolean resolveForward = false; boolean resolveBackward = true; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; int maxToReturn = -1; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = codedNodeGraph2CodedNodeSetIterator(cng, graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); v = resolveIterator(iterator, maxToReturn, code); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public Vector getSubconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code) { return getAssociationTargets(scheme, version, code, _hierAssocToChildNodes); } public Vector getAssociationTargets(String scheme, String version, String code, String[] assocNames) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { // EVSApplicationService lbSvc = new // RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = ConvenienceMethods.createNameAndValueList(assocNames); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); boolean resolveForward = true; boolean resolveBackward = false; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; int maxToReturn = -1; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = codedNodeGraph2CodedNodeSetIterator(cng, graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); v = resolveIterator(iterator, maxToReturn, code); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator codedNodeGraph2CodedNodeSetIterator(CodedNodeGraph cng, ConceptReference graphFocus, boolean resolveForward, boolean resolveBackward, int resolveAssociationDepth, int maxToReturn) { CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = cng.toNodeList(graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); if (cns == null) { _logger.warn("cng.toNodeList returns null???"); return null; } SortOptionList sortCriteria = null; // Constructors.createSortOptionList(new String[]{"matchToQuery", // "code"}); LocalNameList propertyNames = null; CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = null; try { iterator = cns.resolve(sortCriteria, propertyNames, propertyTypes); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (iterator == null) { _logger.warn("cns.resolve returns null???"); } return iterator; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Vector resolveIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator, int maxToReturn) { return resolveIterator(iterator, maxToReturn, null); } public Vector resolveIterator(ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator, int maxToReturn, String code) { Vector v = new Vector(); if (iterator == null) { _logger.debug("No match."); return v; } try { int iteration = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { iteration++; iterator = iterator.scroll(maxToReturn); ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl = iterator.getNext(); ResolvedConceptReference[] rcra = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(); for (int i = 0; i < rcra.length; i++) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = rcra[i]; org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity ce = rcr.getReferencedEntry(); if (code == null) { v.add(ce); } else { if (ce.getEntityCode().compareTo(code) != 0) v.add(ce); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public static Vector<String> parseData(String line) { return parseData(line, "|"); } public static Vector<String> parseData(String line, String tab) { Vector data_vec = new Vector(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, tab); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String value = st.nextToken(); if (value.compareTo("null") == 0) value = " "; data_vec.add(value); } return data_vec; } public static String getHyperlink(String url, String codingScheme, String code) { codingScheme = codingScheme.replace(" ", "%20"); String link = url + "/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=" + codingScheme + "&code=" + code; return link; } public List getHierarchyRoots(String scheme, String version, String hierarchyID) throws LBException { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); return getHierarchyRoots(scheme, csvt, hierarchyID); } public List getHierarchyRoots(String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String hierarchyID) throws LBException { int maxDepth = 1; LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); ResolvedConceptReferenceList roots = lbscm.getHierarchyRoots(scheme, csvt, hierarchyID); List list = resolvedConceptReferenceList2List(roots); SortUtils.quickSort(list); return list; } public List resolvedConceptReferenceList2List(ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rcrl.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(i); list.add(rcr); } return list; } public static Vector getSynonyms(String scheme, String version, String tag, String code, String sab) { Entity concept = getConceptByCode(scheme, version, tag, code); return getSynonyms(concept, sab); } public static Vector getSynonyms(String scheme, String version, String tag, String code) { Entity concept = getConceptByCode(scheme, version, tag, code); return getSynonyms(concept, null); } public static Vector getSynonyms(Entity concept) { return getSynonyms(concept, null); } public static Vector getSynonyms(Entity concept, String sab) { if (concept == null) return null; Vector v = new Vector(); Presentation[] properties = concept.getPresentation(); int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { Presentation p = properties[i]; // name String term_name = p.getValue().getContent(); String term_type = "null"; String term_source = "null"; String term_source_code = "null"; // source-code PropertyQualifier[] qualifiers = p.getPropertyQualifier(); if (qualifiers != null) { for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers.length; j++) { PropertyQualifier q = qualifiers[j]; String qualifier_name = q.getPropertyQualifierName(); String qualifier_value = q.getValue().getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareTo("source-code") == 0) { term_source_code = qualifier_value; break; } } } // term type term_type = p.getRepresentationalForm(); // source Source[] sources = p.getSource(); if (sources != null && sources.length > 0) { Source src = sources[0]; term_source = src.getContent(); } String t = null; if (sab == null) { t = term_name + "|" + term_type + "|" + term_source + "|" + term_source_code; v.add(t); } else if (term_source != null && sab.compareTo(term_source) == 0) { t = term_name + "|" + term_type + "|" + term_source + "|" + term_source_code; v.add(t); } } SortUtils.quickSort(v); return v; } public String getNCICBContactURL() { if (_ncicbContactURL != null) { return _ncicbContactURL; } String default_url = ""; NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _ncicbContactURL = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.NCICB_CONTACT_URL); if (_ncicbContactURL == null) { _ncicbContactURL = default_url; } } catch (Exception ex) { } _logger.debug("getNCICBContactURL returns " + _ncicbContactURL); return _ncicbContactURL; } public String getTerminologySubsetDownloadURL() { NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _terminologySubsetDownloadURL = properties .getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.TERMINOLOGY_SUBSET_DOWNLOAD_URL); } catch (Exception ex) { } return _terminologySubsetDownloadURL; } public String getNCIMBuildInfo() { if (_ncimBuildInfo != null) { return _ncimBuildInfo; } String default_info = "N/A"; NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _ncimBuildInfo = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.NCIM_BUILD_INFO); if (_ncimBuildInfo == null) { _ncimBuildInfo = default_info; } } catch (Exception ex) { } _logger.debug("getNCIMBuildInfo returns " + _ncimBuildInfo); return _ncimBuildInfo; } public String getApplicationVersion() { if (_ncimAppVersion != null) { return _ncimAppVersion; } String default_info = "1.0"; NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _ncimAppVersion = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.NCIM_APP_VERSION); if (_ncimAppVersion == null) { _ncimAppVersion = default_info; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return _ncimAppVersion; } private String getApplicationVersionDisplay() { if (_ncimAppVersionDisplay != null) return _ncimAppVersionDisplay; try { NCImBrowserProperties properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); String value = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.NCIM_APP_VERSION_DISPLAY); if (value == null) return _ncimAppVersionDisplay = ""; String version = getApplicationVersion(); value = value.replace("$application.version", version); return _ncimAppVersionDisplay = value; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return _ncimAppVersionDisplay = ""; } } private static String _applicationVersionDisplay = null; public static String getApplicationVersionJspDisplay() { if (_applicationVersionDisplay == null) _applicationVersionDisplay = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS(new DataUtils().getApplicationVersionDisplay()); return _applicationVersionDisplay; } public String getNCITAppBuildTag() { if (_ncitAnthillBuildTagBuilt != null) { return _ncitAnthillBuildTagBuilt; } String default_info = "N/A"; NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _ncitAnthillBuildTagBuilt = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.APP_BUILD_TAG); if (_ncitAnthillBuildTagBuilt == null) { _ncitAnthillBuildTagBuilt = default_info; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return _ncitAnthillBuildTagBuilt; } public String getEVSServiceURL() { if (_evsServiceURL != null) { return _evsServiceURL; } String default_info = "Local LexEVS"; NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _evsServiceURL = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.EVS_SERVICE_URL); if (_evsServiceURL == null) { _evsServiceURL = default_info; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return _evsServiceURL; } public String getNCItURL() { if (_ncitURL != null) { return _ncitURL; } String default_info = "N/A"; NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _ncitURL = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.NCIT_URL); if (_ncitURL == null) { _ncitURL = default_info; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return _ncitURL; } public String getLexVersion() { if (_lexevs_version != null) { return _lexevs_version; } String default_info = "N/A"; NCImBrowserProperties properties = null; try { properties = NCImBrowserProperties.getInstance(); _lexevs_version = properties.getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.LEXEVS_VERSION); if (_lexevs_version == null) { _lexevs_version = default_info; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return _lexevs_version; } public static Vector<String> getMatchTypeListData(String codingSchemeName, String version) { Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); v.add("String"); v.add("Code"); v.add("CUI"); return v; } public static Vector getSources(String scheme, String version, String tag, String code) { Vector sources = getSynonyms(scheme, version, tag, code); // GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORME|DI|DXP|U000721 HashSet hset = new HashSet(); Vector source_vec = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { String s = (String) sources.elementAt(i); Vector ret_vec = parseData(s, "|"); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(0); String type = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String src = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String srccode = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(3); if (!hset.contains(src)) { hset.add(src); source_vec.add(src); } } SortUtils.quickSort(source_vec); return source_vec; } public static boolean containSource(Vector sources, String source) { if (sources == null || sources.size() == 0) return false; String s = null; for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { s = (String) sources.elementAt(i); if (s.compareTo(source) == 0) return true; } return false; } public Vector getAssociatedConcepts(String scheme, String version, String code, String sab) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); // NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = // ConvenienceMethods.createNameAndValueList(assocNames); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(null, Constructors.createNameAndValueList(sab, SOURCE)); ConceptReference graphFocus = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme); boolean resolveForward = true; boolean resolveBackward = true; int resolveAssociationDepth = 1; int maxToReturn = -1; ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator iterator = codedNodeGraph2CodedNodeSetIterator(cng, graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward, resolveAssociationDepth, maxToReturn); v = resolveIterator(iterator, maxToReturn, code); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } SortUtils.quickSort(v); return v; } protected boolean isValidForSAB(AssociatedConcept ac, String sab) { for (NameAndValue qualifier : ac.getAssociationQualifiers().getNameAndValue()) if (SOURCE.equalsIgnoreCase(qualifier.getContent()) && sab.equalsIgnoreCase(qualifier.getName())) return true; return false; } public Vector sortSynonyms(Vector synonyms, String sortBy) { if (sortBy == null) sortBy = "name"; HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); Vector key_vec = new Vector(); String delim = " "; for (int n = 0; n < synonyms.size(); n++) { String s = (String) synonyms.elementAt(n); Vector synonym_data = parseData(s, "|"); String term_name = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(0); String term_type = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(1); String term_source = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(2); String term_source_code = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(3); String key = term_name + delim + term_source + delim + term_source_code + delim + term_type; if (sortBy.compareTo("type") == 0) key = term_type + delim + term_name + delim + term_source + delim + term_source_code; if (sortBy.compareTo("source") == 0) key = term_source + delim + term_name + delim + term_source_code + delim + term_type; if (sortBy.compareTo("code") == 0) key = term_source_code + delim + term_name + delim + term_source + delim + term_type; hmap.put(key, s); key_vec.add(key); } key_vec = SortUtils.quickSort(key_vec); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < key_vec.size(); i++) { String s = (String) key_vec.elementAt(i); v.add((String) hmap.get(s)); } return v; } public static HashMap getAssociatedConceptsHashMap(String codingSchemeName, String vers, String code, String source) { return getAssociatedConceptsHashMap(codingSchemeName, vers, code, source, 1); } public static HashMap getAssociatedConceptsHashMap(String codingSchemeName, String vers, String code, String source, int resolveCodedEntryDepth) { HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) return null; LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); /* if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc == null???"); return hmap; } */ CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (vers != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(vers); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(codingSchemeName, null, null); if (source != null) { cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(Constructors.createNameAndValueList(META_ASSOCIATIONS), Constructors.createNameAndValueList("source", source)); } CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = cng.resolveAsList( Constructors.createConceptReference(code, codingSchemeName), true, false, resolveCodedEntryDepth, 1, null, propertyTypes, null, -1); if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference> refEnum = (Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference>) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference(); while (refEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refEnum.nextElement(); AssociationList sourceof = ref.getSourceOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; String associationName = lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode( codingSchemeName, versionOrTag, assoc.getAssociationName()); Vector v = new Vector(); AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(); for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; if (associationName.compareToIgnoreCase("equivalentClass") != 0) { v.add(ac); } } hmap.put(associationName, v); } } } } } cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(codingSchemeName, null, null); if (source != null) { cng = cng.restrictToAssociations( Constructors .createNameAndValueList(new MetaTreeUtils(lbSvc).getHierAssociationToChildNodes()), Constructors.createNameAndValueList("source", source)); } else { cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(Constructors .createNameAndValueList(new MetaTreeUtils(lbSvc).getHierAssociationToChildNodes()), null); } matches = cng.resolveAsList(Constructors.createConceptReference(code, codingSchemeName), false, true, resolveCodedEntryDepth, 1, null, propertyTypes, null, -1); if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference> refEnum = (Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference>) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference(); while (refEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refEnum.nextElement(); AssociationList sourceof = ref.getTargetOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; String associationName = lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode( codingSchemeName, versionOrTag, assoc.getAssociationName()); Vector v = new Vector(); AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(); for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; if (associationName.compareToIgnoreCase("equivalentClass") != 0) { v.add(ac); } } if (associationName.compareTo("CHD") == 0) { associationName = "PAR"; } hmap.put(associationName, v); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return hmap; } public static HashMap getRelatedConceptsHashMap(String codingSchemeName, String vers, String code, String source) { return getRelatedConceptsHashMap(codingSchemeName, vers, code, source, 1); } public static HashMap getRelatedConceptsHashMap(String codingSchemeName, String vers, String code, String source, int resolveCodedEntryDepth) { HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) return null; LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); /* if (lbSvc == null) { Debug.println("lbSvc == null???"); return hmap; } */ CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (vers != null) versionOrTag.setVersion(vers); CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(codingSchemeName, null, null); if (source != null) { cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(Constructors.createNameAndValueList(META_ASSOCIATIONS), Constructors.createNameAndValueList("source", source)); } CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = new CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[1]; propertyTypes[0] = PropertyType.PRESENTATION; ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = cng.resolveAsList( Constructors.createConceptReference(code, codingSchemeName), true, true, resolveCodedEntryDepth, 1, null, propertyTypes, null, -1); if (matches != null) { java.lang.Boolean incomplete = matches.getIncomplete(); // _logger.debug("(*) Number of matches: " + // matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount()); // _logger.debug("(*) Incomplete? " + incomplete); hmap.put(INCOMPLETE, incomplete.toString()); } else { return null; } if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference> refEnum = (Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference>) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference(); while (refEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refEnum.nextElement(); AssociationList sourceof = ref.getSourceOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; String associationName = lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode( codingSchemeName, versionOrTag, assoc.getAssociationName()); String associationName0 = associationName; String directionalLabel = associationName; boolean navigatedFwd = true; try { directionalLabel = getDirectionalLabel(lbscm, codingSchemeName, versionOrTag, assoc, navigatedFwd); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.println("(*) getDirectionalLabel throws exceptions: " + directionalLabel); } //Vector v = new Vector(); AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(); for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; String asso_label = associationName; String qualifier_name = null; String qualifier_value = null; if (associationName.compareToIgnoreCase("equivalentClass") != 0) { for (NameAndValue qual : ac.getAssociationQualifiers().getNameAndValue()) { qualifier_name = qual.getName(); qualifier_value = qual.getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareToIgnoreCase("rela") == 0) { asso_label = qualifier_value; // replace // associationName // by // Rela // value break; } } Vector w = null; String asso_key = directionalLabel + "|" + asso_label; if (hmap.containsKey(asso_key)) { w = (Vector) hmap.get(asso_key); } else { w = new Vector(); } w.add(ac); hmap.put(asso_key, w); } } } } } sourceof = ref.getTargetOf(); if (sourceof != null) { Association[] associations = sourceof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; String associationName = lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode( codingSchemeName, versionOrTag, assoc.getAssociationName()); String associationName0 = associationName; if (associationName.compareTo("CHD") == 0 || associationName.compareTo("RB") == 0) { String directionalLabel = associationName; boolean navigatedFwd = false; try { directionalLabel = getDirectionalLabel(lbscm, codingSchemeName, versionOrTag, assoc, navigatedFwd); // Debug.println("(**) directionalLabel: associationName " // + associationName + // " directionalLabel: " + // directionalLabel); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.println( "(**) getDirectionalLabel throws exceptions: " + directionalLabel); } //Vector v = new Vector(); AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts().getAssociatedConcept(); for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; String asso_label = associationName; String qualifier_name = null; String qualifier_value = null; if (associationName.compareToIgnoreCase("equivalentClass") != 0) { for (NameAndValue qual : ac.getAssociationQualifiers() .getNameAndValue()) { qualifier_name = qual.getName(); qualifier_value = qual.getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareToIgnoreCase("rela") == 0) { // associationName = // qualifier_value; // // replace associationName // by Rela value asso_label = qualifier_value; break; } } Vector w = null; String asso_key = directionalLabel + "|" + asso_label; if (hmap.containsKey(asso_key)) { w = (Vector) hmap.get(asso_key); } else { w = new Vector(); } w.add(ac); hmap.put(asso_key, w); } } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return hmap; } private String findRepresentativeTerm(Entity c, String sab) { Vector synonyms = getSynonyms(c, sab); if (synonyms == null || synonyms.size() == 0) { // return null; // t = term_name + "|" + term_type + "|" + term_source + "|" + // term_source_code; return c.getEntityDescription().getContent() + "|" + Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_TYPE + "|" + Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_SOURCE + "|" + Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_SOURCE_CODE; } return NCImBrowserProperties.getHighestTermGroupRank(synonyms); } String getAssociationDirectionalName(LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm, String scheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt, String associationName, boolean navigatedFwd) { String assocLabel = null; try { assocLabel = navigatedFwd ? lbscm.getAssociationForwardName(associationName, scheme, csvt) : lbscm.getAssociationReverseName(associationName, scheme, csvt); } catch (Exception ex) { } return assocLabel; } // Method for populating By Source tab relationships table public Vector getNeighborhoodSynonyms(String scheme, String version, String code, String sab) { Debug.println("(*) getNeighborhoodSynonyms ..." + sab); Vector parent_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToParentNodes)); Vector child_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToChildNodes)); Vector sibling_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToSiblingNodes)); Vector bt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToBTNodes)); Vector nt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToNTNodes)); Vector w = new Vector(); HashSet hset = new HashSet(); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; String action = "Retrieving distance-one relationships from the server"; // HashMap hmap = getAssociatedConceptsHashMap(scheme, version, code, // sab); HashMap hmap = getRelatedConceptsHashMap(scheme, version, code, sab); delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); //Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); //Iterator it = keyset.iterator(); Iterator it = hmap.entrySet().iterator(); HashSet rel_hset = new HashSet(); HashSet hasSubtype_hset = new HashSet(); long ms_categorization_delay = 0; long ms_categorization; long ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay = 0; long ms_find_highest_rank_atom; long ms_remove_RO_delay = 0; long ms_remove_RO; long ms_all_delay = 0; long ms_all; ms_all = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (it.hasNext()) { ms_categorization = System.currentTimeMillis(); //String rel_rela = (String); // _logger.debug("rel_rela: " + rel_rela); Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel_rela = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); if (rel_rela.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { Vector u = parseData(rel_rela, "|"); String rel = (String) u.elementAt(0); String rela = (String) u.elementAt(1); String category = "Other"; if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; /* * if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else * if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else * if (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; else if * (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; */ else if (sibling_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Sibling"; ms_categorization_delay = ms_categorization_delay + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_categorization); //Object obj = hmap.get(rel_rela); Object obj = thisEntry.getValue(); if (obj != null) { Vector v = (Vector) obj; // For each related concept: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { AssociatedConcept ac = (AssociatedConcept) v.elementAt(i); EntityDescription ed = ac.getEntityDescription(); Entity c = ac.getReferencedEntry(); if (!hset.contains(c.getEntityCode())) { hset.add(c.getEntityCode()); // Find the highest ranked atom data ms_find_highest_rank_atom = System.currentTimeMillis(); String t = findRepresentativeTerm(c, sab); ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay = ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_find_highest_rank_atom); t = t + "|" + c.getEntityCode() + "|" + rela + "|" + category; // _logger.debug(t); w.add(t); // Temporarily save non-RO other relationships if (category.compareTo("Other") == 0 && category.compareTo("RO") != 0) { if (rel_hset.contains(c.getEntityCode())) { rel_hset.add(c.getEntityCode()); } } if (category.compareTo("Child") == 0 && category.compareTo("CHD") != 0) { if (hasSubtype_hset.contains(c.getEntityCode())) { hasSubtype_hset.add(c.getEntityCode()); } } } } } } } Vector u = new Vector(); // Remove redundant RO relationships for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++) { String s = (String) w.elementAt(i); Vector<String> v = parseData(s, "|"); if (v.size() >= 5) { String associationName = v.elementAt(5); if (associationName.compareTo("RO") != 0) { u.add(s); } else { String associationTargetCode = v.elementAt(4); if (!rel_hset.contains(associationTargetCode)) { u.add(s); } } } } // Remove redundant CHD relationships for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++) { String s = (String) w.elementAt(i); Vector<String> v = parseData(s, "|"); if (v.size() >= 5) { String associationName = v.elementAt(5); if (associationName.compareTo("CHD") != 0) { u.add(s); } else { String associationTargetCode = v.elementAt(4); if (!rel_hset.contains(associationTargetCode)) { u.add(s); } } } } ms_all_delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_all; action = "categorizing relationships into six categories"; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + ms_categorization_delay); DBG.debugDetails(ms_categorization_delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); action = "finding highest ranked atoms"; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay); DBG.debugDetails(ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); ms_remove_RO_delay = ms_all_delay - ms_categorization_delay - ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay; action = "removing redundant RO relationships"; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + ms_remove_RO_delay); DBG.debugDetails(ms_remove_RO_delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); // Initial sort (refer to sortSynonymData method for sorting by a // specific column) long ms_sort_delay = System.currentTimeMillis(); u = removeRedundantRecords(u); SortUtils.quickSort(u); action = "initial sorting"; delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_sort_delay; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); DBG.debugDetails("Max Return", NCImBrowserProperties.get_maxToReturn()); return u; } public static String getRelationshipCode(String id) { if (id.compareTo("Parent") == 0) return "1"; else if (id.compareTo("Child") == 0) return "2"; else if (id.compareTo("Broader") == 0) return "3"; else if (id.compareTo("Narrower") == 0) return "4"; else if (id.compareTo("Sibling") == 0) return "5"; else return "6"; } public static boolean containsAllUpperCaseChars(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch < 65 || ch > 90) return false; } return true; } public static Vector sortSynonymData(Vector synonyms, String sortBy) { if (sortBy == null) sortBy = "name"; HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); Vector key_vec = new Vector(); String delim = " "; for (int n = 0; n < synonyms.size(); n++) { String s = (String) synonyms.elementAt(n); Vector synonym_data = parseData(s, "|"); String term_name = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(0); String term_type = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(1); String term_source = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(2); String term_source_code = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(3); String cui = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(4); String rel = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(5); String rel_type = (String) synonym_data.elementAt(6); String rel_type_str = getRelationshipCode(rel_type); String key = term_name + delim + term_type + delim + term_source + delim + term_source_code + delim + cui + delim + rel + delim + rel_type_str; if (sortBy.compareTo("type") == 0) key = term_type + delim + term_name + delim + term_source + delim + term_source_code + delim + cui + delim + rel + delim + rel_type_str; if (sortBy.compareTo("source") == 0) key = term_source + delim + term_name + delim + term_type + delim + cui + delim + rel + delim + rel_type_str; if (sortBy.compareTo("code") == 0) key = term_source_code + delim + term_name + delim + term_type + delim + term_source + delim + cui + delim + rel + delim + rel_type_str; if (sortBy.compareTo("rel") == 0) { String rel_key = rel; if (containsAllUpperCaseChars(rel)) rel_key = "|"; key = rel + term_name + delim + term_type + delim + term_source + delim + term_source_code + delim + cui + delim + rel_type_str; } if (sortBy.compareTo("cui") == 0) key = cui + term_name + delim + term_type + delim + term_source + delim + term_source_code + delim + rel + delim + rel_type_str; if (sortBy.compareTo("rel_type") == 0) key = rel_type_str + delim + rel + delim + term_name + delim + term_type + delim + term_source + delim + term_source_code + delim + cui; hmap.put(key, s); key_vec.add(key); } key_vec = SortUtils.quickSort(key_vec); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < key_vec.size(); i++) { String s = (String) key_vec.elementAt(i); v.add((String) hmap.get(s)); } return v; } // KLO, 052909 private ArrayList removeRedundantRelationships(ArrayList associationList, String rel) { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); HashSet target_set = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < associationList.size(); i++) { String s = (String) associationList.get(i); Vector<String> w = parseData(s, "|"); String associationName = w.elementAt(0); if (associationName.compareTo(rel) != 0) { String associationTargetCode = w.elementAt(2); target_set.add(associationTargetCode); } } for (int i = 0; i < associationList.size(); i++) { String s = (String) associationList.get(i); Vector<String> w = parseData(s, "|"); String associationName = w.elementAt(0); if (associationName.compareTo(rel) != 0) { a.add(s); } else { String associationTargetCode = w.elementAt(2); if (!target_set.contains(associationTargetCode)) { a.add(s); } } } return a; } public static Vector sortRelationshipData(Vector relationships, String sortBy) { if (sortBy == null) sortBy = "name"; HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); Vector key_vec = new Vector(); String delim = "|"; for (int n = 0; n < relationships.size(); n++) { String s = (String) relationships.elementAt(n); Vector ret_vec = parseData(s, "|"); String relationship_name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(0); String target_concept_name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String target_concept_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String rel_sab = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(3); String key = target_concept_name + delim + relationship_name + delim + target_concept_code + delim + rel_sab; if (sortBy.compareTo("source") == 0) { key = rel_sab + delim + target_concept_name + delim + relationship_name + delim + target_concept_code; } else if (sortBy.compareTo("rela") == 0) { key = relationship_name + delim + target_concept_name + delim + target_concept_code + delim + rel_sab; } else if (sortBy.compareTo("code") == 0) { key = target_concept_code + delim + target_concept_name + delim + relationship_name + delim + rel_sab; } hmap.put(key, s); key_vec.add(key); } key_vec = SortUtils.quickSort(key_vec); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < key_vec.size(); i++) { String s = (String) key_vec.elementAt(i); v.add((String) hmap.get(s)); } return v; } public void removeRedundantRecords(HashMap hmap) { //Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); //Iterator it = keyset.iterator(); Iterator it = hmap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { //String rel = (String); //Vector v = (Vector) hmap.get(rel); Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); Vector v = (Vector) thisEntry.getValue(); HashSet hset = new HashSet(); Vector u = new Vector(); for (int k = 0; k < v.size(); k++) { String t = (String) v.elementAt(k); if (!hset.contains(t)) { u.add(t); hset.add(t); } } hmap.put(rel, u); } } public Vector removeRedundantRecords(Vector v) { HashSet hset = new HashSet(); Vector u = new Vector(); for (int k = 0; k < v.size(); k++) { String t = (String) v.elementAt(k); if (!hset.contains(t)) { u.add(t); hset.add(t); } } return u; } /* * public HashMap getAssociationTargetHashMap(String scheme, String version, * String code, Vector sort_option) { * * Debug.println("(*) DataUtils getAssociationTargetHashMap "); Vector * parent_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays .asList(hierAssocToParentNodes_)); * Vector child_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays * .asList(hierAssocToChildNodes_)); Vector sibling_asso_vec = new * Vector(Arrays .asList(assocToSiblingNodes_)); Vector bt_vec = new * Vector(Arrays.asList(assocToBTNodes_)); Vector nt_vec = new * Vector(Arrays.asList(assocToNTNodes_)); Vector category_vec = new * Vector(Arrays.asList(relationshipCategories_)); * * HashMap rel_hmap = new HashMap(); for (int k = 0; k < * category_vec.size(); k++) { String category = (String) * category_vec.elementAt(k); Vector vec = new Vector(); * rel_hmap.put(category, vec); } * * Vector w = new Vector(); HashSet hset = new HashSet(); * * long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; String action = * "Retrieving all relationships from the server"; HashMap hmap = * getRelatedConceptsHashMap(scheme, version, code, null, 0); // * resolveCodedEntryDepth // = // 0; delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - * ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); * DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); * * Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); Iterator it = keyset.iterator(); * * // Categorize relationships into six categories and find association // * source data ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = * "Categorizing relationships into six categories; finding source data for each relationship" * ; while (it.hasNext()) { String rel_rela = (String); if * (rel_rela.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { Vector u = * DataUtils.parseData(rel_rela, "|"); String rel = (String) u.elementAt(0); * String rela = (String) u.elementAt(1); * * String category = "Other"; if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = * "Parent"; else if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else * if (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if * (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; else if * (sibling_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Sibling"; Vector v = * (Vector) hmap.get(rel_rela); * * for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { AssociatedConcept ac = * (AssociatedConcept) v.elementAt(i); EntityDescription ed = * ac.getEntityDescription(); String source = "unspecified"; * * for (NameAndValue qualifier : ac.getAssociationQualifiers() * .getNameAndValue()) { if (SOURCE.equalsIgnoreCase(qualifier.getName())) { * source = qualifier.getContent(); w = (Vector) rel_hmap.get(category); if * (w == null) { w = new Vector(); } String str = rela + "|" + * ac.getEntityDescription().getContent() + "|" + ac.getCode() + "|" + * source; if (!w.contains(str)) { w.add(str); rel_hmap.put(category, w); } * } } } } } delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; * Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); * DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); * * // Remove redundant RO relationships ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); * action = "Removing redundant RO and CHD relationships"; * * HashSet other_hset = new HashSet(); Vector w2 = (Vector) * rel_hmap.get("Other"); for (int k = 0; k < w2.size(); k++) { String s = * (String) w2.elementAt(k); * * // _logger.debug("(*) getAssociationTargetHashMap s " + s); Vector * ret_vec = DataUtils.parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) * ret_vec.elementAt(0); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String * target_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) * ret_vec.elementAt(3); String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if * (rel.compareTo("RO") != 0 && !other_hset.contains(t)) { * other_hset.add(t); } } Vector w3 = new Vector(); for (int k = 0; k < * w2.size(); k++) { String s = (String) w2.elementAt(k); Vector ret_vec = * DataUtils.parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(0); * String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String target_code = * (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) * ret_vec.elementAt(3); if (rel.compareTo("RO") != 0) { w3.add(s); } else { * // RO String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if * (!other_hset.contains(t)) { w3.add(s); } } } rel_hmap.put("Other", w3); * * other_hset = new HashSet(); w2 = (Vector) rel_hmap.get("Child"); for (int * k = 0; k < w2.size(); k++) { String s = (String) w2.elementAt(k); * * // _logger.debug("(*) getAssociationTargetHashMap s " + s); * * Vector ret_vec = DataUtils.parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) * ret_vec.elementAt(0); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String * target_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) * ret_vec.elementAt(3); String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if * (rel.compareTo("CHD") != 0 && !other_hset.contains(t)) { * other_hset.add(t); } } w3 = new Vector(); for (int k = 0; k < w2.size(); * k++) { String s = (String) w2.elementAt(k); * * // _logger.debug("(*) getAssociationTargetHashMap s " + s); * * Vector ret_vec = DataUtils.parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) * ret_vec.elementAt(0); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String * target_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) * ret_vec.elementAt(3); if (rel.compareTo("CHD") != 0) { w3.add(s); } else * { String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if * (!other_hset.contains(t)) { w3.add(s); } } } rel_hmap.put("Child", w3); * delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; * Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); * DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); * * ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = * "Sorting relationships by sort options (columns)"; * * // Sort relationships by sort options (columns) if (sort_option == null) * { for (int k = 0; k < category_vec.size(); k++) { String category = * (String) category_vec.elementAt(k); w = (Vector) rel_hmap.get(category); * SortUtils.quickSort(w); rel_hmap.put(category, w); } } else { for (int k * = 0; k < category_vec.size(); k++) { String category = (String) * category_vec.elementAt(k); w = (Vector) rel_hmap.get(category); String * sortOption = (String) sort_option.elementAt(k); // * SortUtils.quickSort(w); w = sortRelationshipData(w, sortOption); * rel_hmap.put(category, w); } } delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; * Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); * DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); * * removeRedundantRecords(rel_hmap); String incomplete = (String) * hmap.get(INCOMPLETE); if (incomplete != null) rel_hmap.put(INCOMPLETE, * incomplete); return rel_hmap; } * * public HashMap getAssociationTargetHashMap(String scheme, String version, * String code) { return getAssociationTargetHashMap(scheme, version, code, * null); } */ public Vector hashSet2Vector(HashSet hset) { if (hset == null) return null; Vector v = new Vector(); Iterator it = hset.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String t = (String); v.add(t); } return v; } // For relationships tab public HashMap getAssociationTargetHashMap(String CUI, Vector sort_option) { Debug.println("(*) DataUtils getAssociationTargetHashMap "); long ms, delay = 0; String action = null; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Initializing member variables"; List<String> par_chd_assoc_list = new ArrayList(); par_chd_assoc_list.add("CHD"); par_chd_assoc_list.add("RB"); Vector parent_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToParentNodes)); Vector child_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToChildNodes)); Vector sibling_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToSiblingNodes)); Vector bt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToBTNodes)); Vector nt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToNTNodes)); Vector category_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_relationshipCategories)); HashMap rel_hmap = new HashMap(); for (int k = 0; k < category_vec.size(); k++) { String category = (String) category_vec.elementAt(k); HashSet hset = new HashSet(); rel_hmap.put(category, hset); } HashSet w = new HashSet(); Map<String, List<RelationshipTabResults>> map = null; Map<String, List<RelationshipTabResults>> map2 = null; LexBIGService lbs = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); MetaBrowserService mbs = null; delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); try { mbs = (MetaBrowserService) lbs.getGenericExtension("metabrowser-extension"); if (mbs == null) { _logger.error("Error! metabrowser-extension is null!"); return null; } ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Retrieving " + SOURCE_OF; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); //"CUI: " + CUI); //"Direction: " + Direction.SOURCEOF); map = mbs.getRelationshipsDisplay(CUI, null, Direction.SOURCEOF); //"Done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! getRelationshipsDisplay !!!!"); delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Retrieving " + TARGET_OF; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); map2 = mbs.getRelationshipsDisplay(CUI, par_chd_assoc_list, Direction.TARGETOF); delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } // Categorize relationships into six categories and find association // source data ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Categorizing relationships into six categories; finding source data for each relationship"; Iterator rel_it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (rel_it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); List<RelationshipTabResults> relations = (List<RelationshipTabResults>) thisEntry.getValue(); //for (String rel : map.keySet()) { //List<RelationshipTabResults> relations = map.get(rel); if (rel.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { String category = "Other"; /* * if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else * if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if * (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if * (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; */ if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else if (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; else if (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if (sibling_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Sibling"; for (RelationshipTabResults result : relations) { String code = result.getCui(); if (code.compareTo(CUI) != 0 && code.indexOf("@") == -1) { String rela = result.getRela(); String source = result.getSource(); String name = result.getName(); w = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get(category); if (w == null) { w = new HashSet(); } String str = rela + "|" + name + "|" + code + "|" + source; if (!w.contains(str)) { w.add(str); rel_hmap.put(category, w); } } } } } Iterator rel_it2 = map2.entrySet().iterator(); while (rel_it2.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); List<RelationshipTabResults> relations = (List<RelationshipTabResults>) thisEntry.getValue(); //for (String rel : map2.keySet()) { //List<RelationshipTabResults> relations = map2.get(rel); if (rel.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { String category = "Other"; /* * if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else * if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if * (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if * (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; */ if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else if (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; else if (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if (sibling_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Sibling"; for (RelationshipTabResults result : relations) { String code = result.getCui(); if (code.compareTo(CUI) != 0 && code.indexOf("@") == -1) { String rela = result.getRela(); String source = result.getSource(); String name = result.getName(); w = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get(category); if (w == null) { w = new HashSet(); } String str = rela + "|" + name + "|" + code + "|" + source; if (!w.contains(str)) { w.add(str); rel_hmap.put(category, w); } } } } } delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); // Remove redundant RO relationships ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Removing redundant RO and CHD relationships"; HashSet other_hset = new HashSet(); HashSet w2 = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get("Other"); Iterator it = w2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String s = (String); Vector ret_vec = parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(0); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String target_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(3); String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if (rel.compareTo("RO") != 0 && !other_hset.contains(t)) { other_hset.add(t); } } HashSet w3 = new HashSet(); w2 = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get("Other"); it = w2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String s = (String); Vector ret_vec = parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(0); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String target_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(3); if (rel.compareTo("RO") != 0) { w3.add(s); } else { // RO String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if (!other_hset.contains(t)) { w3.add(s); } } } rel_hmap.put("Other", w3); other_hset = new HashSet(); w2 = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get("Child"); it = w2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String s = (String); Vector ret_vec = parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(0); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String target_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(3); String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if (rel.compareTo("CHD") != 0 && !other_hset.contains(t)) { other_hset.add(t); } } w3 = new HashSet(); w2 = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get("Child"); it = w2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String s = (String); Vector ret_vec = parseData(s, "|"); String rel = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(0); String name = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(1); String target_code = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(2); String src = (String) ret_vec.elementAt(3); if (rel.compareTo("CHD") != 0) { w3.add(s); } else { String t = name + "|" + target_code + "|" + src; if (!other_hset.contains(t)) { w3.add(s); } } } rel_hmap.put("Child", w3); delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Sorting relationships by sort options (columns)"; HashMap new_rel_hmap = new HashMap(); // Sort relationships by sort options (columns) if (sort_option == null) { for (int k = 0; k < category_vec.size(); k++) { String category = (String) category_vec.elementAt(k); w = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get(category); Vector rel_v = hashSet2Vector(w); SortUtils.quickSort(rel_v); new_rel_hmap.put(category, rel_v); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < category_vec.size(); k++) { String category = (String) category_vec.elementAt(k); w = (HashSet) rel_hmap.get(category); Vector rel_v = hashSet2Vector(w); String sortOption = (String) sort_option.elementAt(k); rel_v = sortRelationshipData(rel_v, sortOption); new_rel_hmap.put(category, rel_v); } } delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getAssociationTargetHashMap"); // KLO, testing Vector sibling_vector = getSiblings(CUI); if (sort_option != null) { sibling_vector = sortRelationshipData(sibling_vector, (String) sort_option.elementAt(4)); } //new_rel_hmap.put("Sibling", getSiblings(CUI)); new_rel_hmap.put("Sibling", sibling_vector); removeRedundantRecords(new_rel_hmap); String incomplete = (String) new_rel_hmap.get(INCOMPLETE); if (incomplete != null) { new_rel_hmap.put(INCOMPLETE, incomplete); } return new_rel_hmap; } public HashMap createCUI2SynonymsHahMap(Map<String, List<BySourceTabResults>> map, Map<String, List<BySourceTabResults>> map2) { HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); if (map != null) { Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); List<BySourceTabResults> relations = (List<BySourceTabResults>) thisEntry.getValue(); //for (String rel : map.keySet()) { //List<BySourceTabResults> relations = map.get(rel); if (rel.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { for (BySourceTabResults result : relations) { String rela = result.getRela(); String cui = result.getCui(); String source = result.getSource(); String name = result.getTerm(); Vector v = null; if (hmap.containsKey(cui)) { v = (Vector) hmap.get(cui); } else { v = new Vector(); } // check if v.contains result v.add(result); hmap.put(cui, v); } } } } if (map2 != null) { Iterator it = map2.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); List<BySourceTabResults> relations = (List<BySourceTabResults>) thisEntry.getValue(); //for (String rel : map2.keySet()) { //List<BySourceTabResults> relations = map2.get(rel); if (rel.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { for (BySourceTabResults result : relations) { String rela = result.getRela(); String cui = result.getCui(); String source = result.getSource(); String name = result.getTerm(); Vector v = null; if (hmap.containsKey(cui)) { v = (Vector) hmap.get(cui); } else { v = new Vector(); } // check if v.contains result v.add(result); hmap.put(cui, v); } } } } return hmap; } public static BySourceTabResults findHighestRankedAtom(Vector<BySourceTabResults> v, String source) { if (v == null) return null; if (v.size() == 0) return null; if (v.size() == 1) return (BySourceTabResults) v.elementAt(0); BySourceTabResults target = null; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { BySourceTabResults r = (BySourceTabResults) v.elementAt(i); if (source != null) { if (r.getSource().compareTo(source) == 0) { if (target == null) { target = r; } else { // select the higher ranked one as target String idx_target = NCImBrowserProperties.getRank(target.getType(), target.getSource()); String idx_atom = NCImBrowserProperties.getRank(r.getType(), r.getSource()); if (idx_atom != null && idx_atom.compareTo(idx_target) > 0) { target = r; } } } } else { return r; } } return target; } public Vector getNeighborhoodSynonyms(String CUI, String sab) { Debug.println("(*) getNeighborhoodSynonyms ..." + sab); List<String> par_chd_assoc_list = new ArrayList(); par_chd_assoc_list.add("CHD"); par_chd_assoc_list.add("RB"); // par_chd_assoc_list.add("RN"); //Vector ret_vec = new Vector(); Vector parent_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToParentNodes)); Vector child_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_hierAssocToChildNodes)); Vector sibling_asso_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToSiblingNodes)); Vector bt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToBTNodes)); Vector nt_vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(_assocToNTNodes)); Vector w = new Vector(); //HashSet hset = new HashSet(); HashSet rel_hset = new HashSet(); HashSet hasSubtype_hset = new HashSet(); long ms_categorization_delay = 0; long ms_categorization; long ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay = 0; long ms_find_highest_rank_atom; long ms_remove_RO_delay = 0; long ms_remove_RO; long ms_all_delay = 0; long ms_all; String action_overall = "By source delay (total time)"; ms_all = System.currentTimeMillis(); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; String action = null;// "Retrieving distance-one relationships from the server"; // HashMap hmap = getAssociatedConceptsHashMap(scheme, version, code, // sab); // HashMap hmap = getRelatedConceptsHashMap(scheme, version, code, sab); Map<String, List<BySourceTabResults>> map = null; Map<String, List<BySourceTabResults>> map2 = null; LexBIGService lbs = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); MetaBrowserService mbs = null; try { action = "Retrieve data from browser extension"; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); mbs = (MetaBrowserService) lbs.getGenericExtension("metabrowser-extension"); // String actionTmp = "Getting " + SOURCE_OF; // long msTmp = System.currentTimeMillis(); map = mbs.getBySourceTabDisplay(CUI, sab, null, Direction.SOURCEOF); // Debug.println("Run time (ms) " + actionTmp + " " + // (System.currentTimeMillis() - msTmp)); // actionTmp = "Getting " + TARGET_OF; // msTmp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // to be modified: BT and PAR only??? map2 = mbs.getBySourceTabDisplay(CUI, sab, par_chd_assoc_list, Direction.TARGETOF); // Debug.println("Run time (ms) " + actionTmp + " " + // (System.currentTimeMillis() - msTmp)); delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } action = "Sort synonyms by CUI"; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); Vector u = new Vector(); HashMap cui2SynonymsMap = createCUI2SynonymsHahMap(map, map2); delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); HashSet CUI_hashset = new HashSet(); ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Categorizing relationships into six categories; finding source data for each relationship"; ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay = 0; String t = null; if (map != null) { Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); List<BySourceTabResults> relations = (List<BySourceTabResults>) thisEntry.getValue(); //or (String rel : map.keySet()) { //List<BySourceTabResults> relations = map.get(rel); if (rel.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { String category = "Other"; /* * if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else * if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if * (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if * (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; */ if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else if (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; else if (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if (sibling_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Sibling"; for (BySourceTabResults result : relations) { String code = result.getCui(); if (code.compareTo(CUI) != 0 && code.indexOf("@") == -1) { // check CUI_hashmap containsKey(rel$code)??? if (!CUI_hashset.contains(rel + "$" + code)) { String rela = result.getRela(); if (rela == null || rela.compareTo("null") == 0) { rela = " "; } Vector v = (Vector) cui2SynonymsMap.get(code); ms_find_highest_rank_atom = System.currentTimeMillis(); BySourceTabResults top_atom = findHighestRankedAtom(v, sab); ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay = ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_find_highest_rank_atom); /* * if (top_atom == null) { Concept c = * getConceptByCode("NCI Metathesaurus", null, null, * code); t = c.getEntityDescription().getContent() * + "|" + Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_TYPE + "|" + * Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_SOURCE + "|" + * Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_SOURCE_CODE; } else { t = * top_atom.getTerm() + "|" + top_atom.getType() + * "|" + top_atom.getSource() + "|" + * top_atom.getCode(); } t = t + "|" + code + "|" + * rela + "|" + category; * * w.add(t); */ if (top_atom == null) { for (int k = 0; k < v.size(); k++) { top_atom = (BySourceTabResults) v.elementAt(k); t = top_atom.getTerm() + "|" + top_atom.getType() + "|" + top_atom.getSource() + "|" + top_atom.getCode(); t = t + "|" + code + "|" + top_atom.getRela() + "|" + category; w.add(t); } } else { t = top_atom.getTerm() + "|" + top_atom.getType() + "|" + top_atom.getSource() + "|" + top_atom.getCode(); t = t + "|" + code + "|" + rela + "|" + category; w.add(t); } CUI_hashset.add(rel + "$" + code); // Temporarily save non-RO other relationships if (category.compareTo("Other") == 0 && rela.compareTo("RO") != 0) { if (!rel_hset.contains(code)) { rel_hset.add(code); } } if (category.compareTo("Child") == 0 && rela.compareTo("CHD") != 0) { if (!hasSubtype_hset.contains(code)) { hasSubtype_hset.add(code); } } } } } } } } // *** do the same for map2 if (map2 != null) { Iterator it = map2.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); List<BySourceTabResults> relations = (List<BySourceTabResults>) thisEntry.getValue(); //for (String rel : map2.keySet()) { //List<BySourceTabResults> relations = map2.get(rel); if (rel.compareTo(INCOMPLETE) != 0) { String category = "Other"; /* * if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else * if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if * (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if * (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; */ if (parent_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Child"; else if (child_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Parent"; else if (bt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Narrower"; else if (nt_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Broader"; else if (sibling_asso_vec.contains(rel)) category = "Sibling"; for (BySourceTabResults result : relations) { String code = result.getCui(); if (code.compareTo(CUI) != 0 && code.indexOf("@") == -1) { if (!CUI_hashset.contains(rel + "$" + code)) { String rela = result.getRela(); if (rela == null || rela.compareTo("null") == 0) { rela = " "; } Vector v = (Vector) cui2SynonymsMap.get(code); ms_find_highest_rank_atom = System.currentTimeMillis(); BySourceTabResults top_atom = findHighestRankedAtom(v, sab); ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay = ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_find_highest_rank_atom); /* * if (top_atom == null) { Concept c = * getConceptByCode("NCI Metathesaurus", null, null, * code); t = c.getEntityDescription().getContent() * + "|" + Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_TYPE + "|" + * Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_SOURCE + "|" + * Constants.EXTERNAL_TERM_SOURCE_CODE; } else { t = * top_atom.getTerm() + "|" + top_atom.getType() + * "|" + top_atom.getSource() + "|" + * top_atom.getCode(); } */ if (top_atom == null) { for (int k = 0; k < v.size(); k++) { top_atom = (BySourceTabResults) v.elementAt(k); t = top_atom.getTerm() + "|" + top_atom.getType() + "|" + top_atom.getSource() + "|" + top_atom.getCode(); t = t + "|" + code + "|" + top_atom.getRela() + "|" + category; w.add(t); } } else { t = top_atom.getTerm() + "|" + top_atom.getType() + "|" + top_atom.getSource() + "|" + top_atom.getCode(); t = t + "|" + code + "|" + rela + "|" + category; w.add(t); } // w.add(t); CUI_hashset.add(rel + "$" + code); // Temporarily save non-RO other relationships if (category.compareTo("Other") == 0 && rela.compareTo("RO") != 0) { if (!rel_hset.contains(code)) { rel_hset.add(code); } } if (category.compareTo("Child") == 0 && rela.compareTo("CHD") != 0) { if (!hasSubtype_hset.contains(code)) { hasSubtype_hset.add(code); } } } } } } } } long total_categorization_delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; String action_atom = "Find highest rank atom delay"; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action_atom + " " + ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay); DBG.debugDetails(ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay, action_atom, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); long absolute_categorization_delay = total_categorization_delay - ms_find_highest_rank_atom_delay; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + absolute_categorization_delay); DBG.debugDetails(absolute_categorization_delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); ms_remove_RO_delay = System.currentTimeMillis(); action = "Remove redundant relationships"; for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++) { String s = (String) w.elementAt(i); int j = i + 1; Vector<String> v = parseData(s, "|"); if (v.size() == 7) { String rel = (String) v.elementAt(6); if (rel.compareTo("Child") != 0 && rel.compareTo("Other") != 0) { u.add(s); } else if (rel.compareTo("Child") == 0) { String rela = (String) v.elementAt(5); if (rela.compareTo("CHD") != 0) { u.add(s); } else { String code = (String) v.elementAt(4); if (!hasSubtype_hset.contains(code)) { u.add(s); } } } else if (rel.compareTo("Other") == 0) { String rela = (String) v.elementAt(5); if (rela.compareTo("RO") != 0) { u.add(s); } else { String code = (String) v.elementAt(4); if (!rel_hset.contains(code)) { u.add(s); } } } } else { // Debug.println("(" + j + ") ??? " + s); } } delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_remove_RO_delay; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); long ms_sort_delay = System.currentTimeMillis(); u = removeRedundantRecords(u); SortUtils.quickSort(u); action = "Initial sorting"; delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_sort_delay; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); // DBG.debugDetails("Max Return", NCImBrowserProperties.maxToReturn); delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms_all; Debug.println("Run time (ms) for " + action_overall + " " + delay); DBG.debugDetails(delay, action_overall, "getNeighborhoodSynonyms"); return u; } public static String getCodingSchemeURIAndVersion(String codingSchemeName, String ltag) { if (codingSchemeName == null) return null; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingSchemeRenderingList lcsrl = lbSvc.getSupportedCodingSchemes(); CodingSchemeRendering[] csra = lcsrl.getCodingSchemeRendering(); for (int i = 0; i < csra.length; i++) { CodingSchemeRendering csr = csra[i]; CodingSchemeSummary css = csr.getCodingSchemeSummary(); if (css.getFormalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0 || css.getLocalName().compareTo(codingSchemeName) == 0) { if (ltag == null) return css.getCodingSchemeURI() + "|" + css.getRepresentsVersion(); RenderingDetail rd = csr.getRenderingDetail(); CodingSchemeTagList cstl = rd.getVersionTags(); java.lang.String[] tags = cstl.getTag(); for (int j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { String version_tag = (String) tags[j]; if (version_tag.compareToIgnoreCase(ltag) == 0) { return css.getCodingSchemeURI() + "|" + css.getRepresentsVersion(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static String encodeTerm(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(s)) return s; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s.length()); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { buf.append(c); } else { buf.append("&#").append((int) c).append(";"); } } return buf.toString(); } // < // Reference: // (whilespace after & is intentional) public static String encode_term(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(s)) return s; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == 60) { buf.append("< "); } else if (c == 62) { buf.append(">"); } else if (c == 38) { buf.append("&"); } else if (c == 32) { buf.append(" "); } else { buf.append(c); } } String t = buf.toString(); return t; } // [#23318] Maintain a history of visited concepts public static String getVisitedConceptLink(Vector concept_vec) { StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer(); String line = "<A href=\"#\" onmouseover=\"Tip('"; strbuf.append(line); strbuf.append("<ul>"); for (int i = 0; i < concept_vec.size(); i++) { int j = concept_vec.size() - i - 1; String concept_data = (String) concept_vec.elementAt(j); Vector w = parseData(concept_data, "|"); String scheme = Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME; String code = (String) w.elementAt(0); String name = (String) w.elementAt(1); //name = encodeTerm(name); name = encode_term(name); strbuf.append("<li>"); line = "<a href=\\'/ncimbrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=" + scheme + "&code=" + code + "\\'>" + name + "</a><br>"; strbuf.append(line); strbuf.append("</li>"); } strbuf.append("</ul>"); line = "',"; strbuf.append(line); line = "WIDTH, 300, TITLE, 'Visited Concepts', SHADOW, true, FADEIN, 300, FADEOUT, 300, STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true)\""; strbuf.append(line); line = " onmouseout=UnTip() "; strbuf.append(line); line = ">Visited Concepts</A>"; strbuf.append(line); return strbuf.toString(); } public static HashMap getSemanticTypes(String[] codes) { MetaBrowserService mbs = null; HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } mbs = (MetaBrowserService) lbSvc.getGenericExtension("metabrowser-extension"); if (mbs == null) { _logger.error("Error! metabrowser-extension is null!"); return null; } List<SemanticTypeHolder> result = mbs.getSemanticType(Arrays.asList(codes)); for (SemanticTypeHolder semanticTypeHolder : result) { hmap.put(semanticTypeHolder.getCui(), semanticTypeHolder.getSemanticType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return hmap; } public static HashMap getPropertyValuesForCodes(String scheme, String version, Vector codes, String propertyName) { try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) { versionOrTag.setVersion(version); } ConceptReferenceList crefs = new ConceptReferenceList(); for (int i = 0; i < codes.size(); i++) { String code = (String) codes.elementAt(i); ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCodingSchemeName(scheme); cr.setConceptCode(code); crefs.addConceptReference(cr); } CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, versionOrTag); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (cns == null) return null; try { LocalNameList propertyNames = new LocalNameList(); propertyNames.addEntry(propertyName); CodedNodeSet.PropertyType[] propertyTypes = null; //long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(), delay = 0; SortOptionList sortOptions = null; LocalNameList filterOptions = null; boolean resolveObjects = true; // needs to be set to true int maxToReturn = codes.size(); ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl = cns.resolveToList(sortOptions, filterOptions, propertyNames, propertyTypes, resolveObjects, maxToReturn); // _logger.debug("resolveToList done"); HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); if (rcrl == null) { _logger.warn("Concept not found."); return null; } if (rcrl.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rcrl.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount(); i++) { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(i); Entity c = rcr.getReferencedEntry(); if (c == null) { _logger.warn("Concept is null."); } else { // _logger.debug(c.getEntityDescription().getContent()); Property[] properties = c.getProperty(); //String values = ""; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) { Property prop = properties[j]; //values = values + prop.getValue().getContent(); buf.append(prop.getValue().getContent()); if (j < properties.length - 1) { //values = values + "; "; buf.append("; "); } } String values = buf.toString(); hmap.put(rcr.getCode(), values); } } } return hmap; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Method: SearchUtil.searchByProperties"); _logger.error("* ERROR: cns.resolve throws exceptions."); _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static Vector getConceptSources(String scheme, String version, String code) { Entity c = getConceptByCode(scheme, version, null, code); if (c == null) return null; Presentation[] presentations = c.getPresentation(); HashSet hset = new HashSet(); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < presentations.length; i++) { Presentation presentation = presentations[i]; // java.lang.String name = presentation.getPropertyName(); // java.lang.String prop_value = // presentation.getValue().getContent(); Source[] sources = presentation.getSource(); for (int j = 0; j < sources.length; j++) { Source source = (Source) sources[j]; java.lang.String sab = source.getContent(); if (!hset.contains(sab)) { hset.add(sab); v.add(sab); } } } hset.clear(); return v; } public static String getMetadataValue(String scheme, String propertyName) { Vector v; try { v = getMetadataValues(scheme, propertyName); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } if (v == null || v.size() == 0) return null; return (String) v.elementAt(0); } public static Vector getMetadataValues(String scheme, String propertyName) { Vector v = new Vector(); /* * if (formalName2MetadataHashMap == null) { * //formalName2MetadataHashMap = getFormalName2MetadataHashMap(); * MetadataUtils.setSAB2FormalNameHashMap(); } */ if (_formalName2MetadataHashMap == null) { //LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); //NCImMetadataUtils util = new NCImMetadataUtils(lbSvc); _formalName2MetadataHashMap = NCImMetadataUtils.getFormalName2MetadataHashMap(); } Vector metadataProperties = (Vector) _formalName2MetadataHashMap.get(scheme); if (metadataProperties != null) { for (int i = 0; i < metadataProperties.size(); i++) { String t = (String) metadataProperties.elementAt(i); Vector w = parseData(t, "|"); String t1 = (String) w.elementAt(0); String t2 = (String) w.elementAt(1); if (t1.compareTo(propertyName) == 0) v.add(t2); } } return v; } public static boolean checkIsLicensed(String sab) { if (sab == null) return false; String securd_vocabularies = NCImBrowserProperties.getSecuredVocabularies(); String target = "|" + sab + "|"; if (securd_vocabularies.indexOf(target) == -1) return false; return true; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // siblings // ////////////////////////////////////////////// public Vector getSiblings(String code) { // return getSiblings("NCI Metathesaurus", null, code); return getSiblingsExt(code); } public Vector getSiblings(String scheme, String version, String code) { LexBIGService lbSvc = null; LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = null; Vector sibling_vec = new Vector(); try { lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc.getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); } catch (Exception ex) { return sibling_vec; } HashSet hset = new HashSet(); String[] assocNames = new String[] { "PAR" }; // find parents Vector v = getAssociatedConceptsByAssociations(lbSvc, lbscm, scheme, version, code, assocNames); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String t = (String) v.elementAt(i); Vector w = parseData(t); String rel = (String) w.elementAt(0); String rela = (String) w.elementAt(1); String parent_name = (String) w.elementAt(2); String parent_code = (String) w.elementAt(3); Vector u = getAssociatedConceptsByAssociations(lbSvc, lbscm, scheme, version, parent_code, assocNames, false); for (int j = 0; j < u.size(); j++) { String t2 = (String) u.elementAt(j); Vector w2 = parseData(t2); String sib_rel = (String) w2.elementAt(0); String sib_rela = (String) w2.elementAt(1); String sib_name = (String) w2.elementAt(2); String sib_code = (String) w2.elementAt(3); String sib_sab = (String) w2.elementAt(4); if (!hset.contains(t2) && sib_code.compareTo(code) != 0) { sibling_vec.add("SIB" + "|" + sib_name + "|" + sib_code + "|" + sib_sab); } } } return sibling_vec; } public Vector getAssociatedConceptsByAssociations(LexBIGService lbSvc, LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm, String scheme, String version, String code, String[] assocNames) { return getAssociatedConceptsByAssociations(lbSvc, lbscm, scheme, version, code, assocNames, true); } public Vector getAssociatedConceptsByAssociations(LexBIGService lbSvc, LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm, String scheme, String version, String code, String[] assocNames, boolean direction) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (version != null) csvt.setVersion(version); ResolvedConceptReferenceList matches = null; Vector v = new Vector(); try { CodedNodeGraph cng = lbSvc.getNodeGraph(scheme, csvt, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList = createNameAndValueList(assocNames, null); NameAndValueList nameAndValueList_qualifier = null; cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(nameAndValueList, nameAndValueList_qualifier); int maxToReturn = -1;// NCImBrowserProperties.maxToReturn; boolean navigationForward = !direction; boolean navigationBackward = direction; matches = cng.resolveAsList(ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(code, scheme), navigationForward, navigationBackward, 1, 1, new LocalNameList(), null, null, maxToReturn); String qualifier_name = null; String qualifier_value = null; if (matches.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference> refEnum = (Enumeration<ResolvedConceptReference>) matches .enumerateResolvedConceptReference(); while (refEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = refEnum.nextElement(); AssociationList targetof = ref.getTargetOf(); if (!direction) targetof = ref.getSourceOf(); if (targetof != null) { Association[] associations = targetof.getAssociation(); if (associations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { Association assoc = associations[i]; if (assoc != null) { String associationName = lbscm.getAssociationNameFromAssociationCode(scheme, csvt, assoc.getAssociationName()); if (associationName.compareToIgnoreCase("equivalentClass") != 0) { AssociatedConcept[] acl = assoc.getAssociatedConcepts() .getAssociatedConcept(); for (int j = 0; j < acl.length; j++) { AssociatedConcept ac = acl[j]; String asso_label = "NA"; String asso_source = "NA"; if (associationName.compareToIgnoreCase("equivalentClass") != 0) { for (NameAndValue qual : ac.getAssociationQualifiers() .getNameAndValue()) { qualifier_name = qual.getName(); qualifier_value = qual.getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareToIgnoreCase("rela") == 0) { asso_label = qualifier_value; // replace // associationName // by // Rela // value break; } } for (NameAndValue qual : ac.getAssociationQualifiers() .getNameAndValue()) { qualifier_name = qual.getName(); qualifier_value = qual.getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareToIgnoreCase("source") == 0) { asso_source = qualifier_value; // replace // associationName // by // Rela // value break; } } } v.add(associationName + "|" + asso_label + "|" + ac.getReferencedEntry().getEntityDescription().getContent() + "|" + ac.getReferencedEntry().getEntityCode() + "|" + asso_source); } } } } } } } SortUtils.quickSort(v); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return v; } public static HashMap getPropertyValueHashMap(String code) { return getPropertyValueHashMap(Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME, null, code); } private static String getSourceQualifierValue(Property p) { if (p == null) return null; PropertyQualifier[] qualifiers = p.getPropertyQualifier(); if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers.length; j++) { PropertyQualifier q = qualifiers[j]; String qualifier_name = q.getPropertyQualifierName(); String qualifier_value = q.getValue().getContent(); if (qualifier_name.compareToIgnoreCase("source") == 0) { return qualifier_value; } } } return null; } private static String getPropertySource(Property p) { if (p == null) return null; Source[] sources = p.getSource(); if (sources != null && sources.length > 0) { Source src = sources[0]; return src.getContent(); } return null; } public static HashMap getPropertyValueHashMap(String scheme, String version, String code) { try { LexBIGService lbSvc = new RemoteServerUtil().createLexBIGService(); if (lbSvc == null) { _logger.warn("lbSvc = null"); return null; } CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); versionOrTag.setVersion(version); ConceptReferenceList crefs = new ConceptReferenceList(); ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCodingSchemeName(scheme); cr.setConceptCode(code); crefs.addConceptReference(cr); CodedNodeSet cns = null; try { cns = lbSvc.getCodingSchemeConcepts(scheme, versionOrTag); cns = cns.restrictToCodes(crefs); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (cns == null) return null; try { SortOptionList sortOptions = null; LocalNameList filterOptions = null; boolean resolveObjects = true; ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl = cns.resolveToList(sortOptions, filterOptions, null, null, resolveObjects, 1); //HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); if (rcrl == null) { _logger.warn("Concept not found."); return null; } if (rcrl.getResolvedConceptReferenceCount() == 0) return null; ResolvedConceptReference rcr = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(0); Entity c = rcr.getReferencedEntry(); if (c == null) { _logger.warn("Concept is null."); return null; } return getPropertyValueHashMap(c); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("* " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static HashMap getPropertyValueHashMap(Entity c) { if (c == null) { return null; } HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); Property[] properties = c.getProperty(); for (int j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) { Property prop = properties[j]; String prop_name = prop.getPropertyName(); String prop_value = prop.getValue().getContent(); String source = getPropertySource(prop); if (source == null) source = "None"; prop_value = prop_value + "|" + source; Vector u = new Vector(); if (hmap.containsKey(prop_name)) { u = (Vector) hmap.get(prop_name); } else { u = new Vector(); } if (!u.contains(prop_value)) { u.add(prop_value); hmap.put(prop_name, u); } } properties = c.getPresentation(); for (int j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) { Property prop = properties[j]; String prop_name = prop.getPropertyName(); String prop_value = prop.getValue().getContent(); String source = getPropertySource(prop); if (source == null) source = "None"; prop_value = prop_value + "|" + source; Vector u = new Vector(); if (hmap.containsKey(prop_name)) { u = (Vector) hmap.get(prop_name); } else { u = new Vector(); } if (!u.contains(prop_value)) { u.add(prop_value); hmap.put(prop_name, u); } } properties = c.getDefinition(); for (int j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) { Property prop = properties[j]; String prop_name = prop.getPropertyName(); String prop_value = prop.getValue().getContent(); String source = getPropertySource(prop); if (source == null) source = "None"; prop_value = prop_value + "|" + source; Vector u = new Vector(); if (hmap.containsKey(prop_name)) { u = (Vector) hmap.get(prop_name); } else { u = new Vector(); } if (!u.contains(prop_value)) { u.add(prop_value); hmap.put(prop_name, u); } } properties = c.getComment(); for (int j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) { Property prop = properties[j]; String prop_name = prop.getPropertyName(); String prop_value = prop.getValue().getContent(); String source = getPropertySource(prop); if (source == null) source = "None"; prop_value = prop_value + "|" + source; Vector u = new Vector(); if (hmap.containsKey(prop_name)) { u = (Vector) hmap.get(prop_name); } else { u = new Vector(); } if (!u.contains(prop_value)) { u.add(prop_value); hmap.put(prop_name, u); } } return hmap; } public List<RelationshipTabResults> getAssociatedConceptsEx(String CUI, String associationName, Direction direction) { List<String> assoc_list = new ArrayList(); assoc_list.add(associationName); LexBIGService lbs = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); CodingScheme cs = null; List results = new ArrayList<RelationshipTabResults>(); try { //cs = getCodingScheme("NCI Metathesaurus", null); MetaBrowserService mbs = null; try { mbs = (MetaBrowserService) lbs.getGenericExtension("metabrowser-extension"); Map<String, List<RelationshipTabResults>> map = null; try { map = mbs.getRelationshipsDisplay(CUI, assoc_list, direction); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String rel = (String) thisEntry.getKey(); List<RelationshipTabResults> relations = (List<RelationshipTabResults>) thisEntry.getValue(); //for (String rel : map.keySet()) { //List<RelationshipTabResults> relations = map.get(rel); for (RelationshipTabResults result : relations) { results.add(result); } } return results; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public Vector getSiblingsExt(String CUI) { Vector v = new Vector(); HashSet hset = new HashSet(); List results = getAssociatedConceptsEx(CUI, "PAR", Direction.TARGETOF); if (results == null) return null; HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); Vector key_vec = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { RelationshipTabResults result = (RelationshipTabResults) results.get(i); List children = getAssociatedConceptsEx(result.getCui(), "CHD", Direction.TARGETOF); for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) { RelationshipTabResults sub_result = (RelationshipTabResults) children.get(j); String t = "SIB" + "|" + sub_result.getName() + "|" + sub_result.getCui() + "|" + sub_result.getSource(); if (!hset.contains(t) && sub_result.getCui().compareTo(CUI) != 0) { hset.add(t); // v.add(t); String key = sub_result.getSource() + "|" + sub_result.getName() + "|" + sub_result.getCui(); hmap.put(key, t); key_vec.add(key); } } } key_vec = SortUtils.quickSort(key_vec); for (int i = 0; i < key_vec.size(); i++) { String key = (String) key_vec.elementAt(i); String value = (String) hmap.get(key); v.add(value); } // return SortUtils.quickSort(v); return v; } public static String getAssociationReverseName(String assoName) { String assocLabel = assoName; try { LexBIGService lbSvc = RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService(); LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods lbscm = (LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods) lbSvc .getGenericExtension("LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods"); lbscm.setLexBIGService(lbSvc); assocLabel = lbscm.getAssociationReverseName(assoName, "NCI Metathesaurus", null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return assocLabel; } public static boolean isNull(String value) { if (value == null || value.compareToIgnoreCase("null") == 0) return true; return false; } public static boolean isNullOrBlank(String value) { if (value == null || value.compareToIgnoreCase("null") == 0 || value.compareTo("") == 0) return true; return false; } public static String wrapWord(String line) { if (line == null) return null; if (line.indexOf(" ") != -1) return line; Vector v = parseData(line, "_"); if (v.size() > 8) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String t = (String) v.elementAt(i); buf.append(t + "_"); } buf.append(" "); for (int i = 4; i < v.size(); i++) { String t = (String) v.elementAt(i); buf.append(t + "_"); } String s = buf.toString(); return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); } return line; } public static String replaceChar(String t, char from, String to) { if (t == null) return null; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++) { char c = t.charAt(i); if (c == from) { buf.append(to); } else { buf.append(String.valueOf(c)); } } return buf.toString(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static String getProperty(String property, String propertyName) throws Exception { String value = null; try { value = NCImBrowserProperties.getProperty(property); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error reading \"" + propertyName + "\" property."); } return value; } public static String[] getRecipients() throws Exception { String value = getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.NCICB_CONTACT_URL, ""); return Utils.toStrings(value, ";", false); } public static String getMailSmtpServer() throws Exception { String value = getProperty(NCImBrowserProperties.MAIL_SMTP_SERVER, "mail.smtp.server"); return value; } }