Java tutorial
package gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.utils; import java.util.*; import net.sf.ehcache.*; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.*; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.*; import org.LexGrid.concepts.*; import org.json.*; import org.lexevs.tree.model.*; import org.lexevs.tree.service.*; import*; import gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.common.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; /** * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_START --> * Copyright 2008,2009 NGIT. This software was developed in conjunction * with the National Cancer Institute, and so to the extent government * employees are co-authors, any rights in such works shall be subject * to Title 17 of the United States Code, section 105. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer of Article 3, * below. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by NGIT and the National * Cancer Institute." If no such end-user documentation is to be * included, this acknowledgment shall appear in the software itself, * wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * 3. The names "The National Cancer Institute", "NCI" and "NGIT" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software. * 4. This license does not authorize the incorporation of this software * into any third party proprietary programs. This license does not * authorize the recipient to use any trademarks owned by either NCI * or NGIT * 5. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, * NGIT, OR THEIR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_END --> */ /** * @author EVS Team * @version 1.0 * * Modification history * Initial implementation * */ public class CacheController { private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(CacheController.class); public static final String ONTOLOGY_ADMINISTRATORS = "ontology_administrators"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_FILE = "ontology_file"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_FILE_ID = "ontology_file_id"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_DISPLAY_NAME = "ontology_display_name"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_NODE = "ontology_node"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID = "ontology_node_id"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_NODE_SCHEME = "ontology_node_scheme"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_SOURCE = "ontology_source"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME = "ontology_node_name"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_NODE_PARENT_ASSOC = "ontology_node_parent_assoc"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT = "ontology_node_child_count"; public static final String ONTOLOGY_NODE_DEFINITION = "ontology_node_definition"; public static final String CHILDREN_NODES = "children_nodes"; private static CacheController _instance = null; private static CacheManager _cacheManager = null; private static Cache _cache = null; static { String cacheName = "treeCache"; _cacheManager = getCacheManager(); if (!_cacheManager.cacheExists(cacheName)) { _cacheManager.addCache(cacheName); _logger.debug("cache added"); } _cache = _cacheManager.getCache(cacheName); } /* public CacheController(String cacheName) { if (!_cacheManager.cacheExists(cacheName)) { _cacheManager.addCache(cacheName); } _logger.debug("cache added"); _cache = _cacheManager.getCache(cacheName); } public static CacheController getInstance() { synchronized (CacheController.class) { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new CacheController("treeCache"); } } return _instance; } */ public static CacheController getInstance() { return new CacheController(); } private static CacheManager getCacheManager() { if (_cacheManager != null) return _cacheManager; try { NCItBrowserProperties properties = NCItBrowserProperties.getInstance(); String ehcache_xml_pathname = properties.getProperty(NCItBrowserProperties.EHCACHE_XML_PATHNAME); _cacheManager = new CacheManager(ehcache_xml_pathname); return _cacheManager; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public String[] getCacheNames() { return getCacheManager().getCacheNames(); } public void clear() { _cache.removeAll(); // cache.flush(); } public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return _cache.isKeyInCache(key); } public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return _cache.isValueInCache(value); } public boolean isEmpty() { return _cache.getSize() > 0; } public JSONArray getSubconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code) { return getSubconcepts(scheme, version, code, true); } public JSONArray getSubconcepts(String scheme, String version, String code, boolean fromCache) { if (scheme == null) { scheme = Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME; String retval = DataUtils.getCodingSchemeName(scheme); if (retval != null) { scheme = retval; version = DataUtils.key2CodingSchemeVersion(scheme); } } HashMap map = null; JSONArray nodeArray = null; ViewInHierarchyUtils util = new ViewInHierarchyUtils(); // getRemainingSubconcepts if (code.indexOf("_dot_") != -1) { code = util.getFocusCode(code); boolean from_root = false; if (code.indexOf("root_") != -1) { from_root = true; } map = util.getRemainingSubconcepts(scheme, version, code, from_root); /* if (map == null) { return null; } */ nodeArray = hashMap2JSONArray(map); return nodeArray; } String key = scheme + "$" + version + "$" + code; if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodeArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getSubconcepts " + scheme + " (code: " + code + ")"); map = new TreeUtils().getSubconcepts(scheme, version, code); //map = util.getSubconcepts(scheme, version, code); nodeArray = hashMap2JSONArray(map); if (fromCache) { try { Element element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodeArray; } public JSONArray getSubValueSets(String scheme, String version, String code) { return getSubValueSets(scheme, version, code, true); } // get sub value sets in scheme public JSONArray getSubValueSets(String scheme, String version, String code, boolean fromCache) { if (scheme == null) scheme = Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME; String retval = DataUtils.getCodingSchemeName(scheme); if (retval != null) { scheme = retval; } HashMap map = null; String key = scheme + "$" + version + "subvsd$" + code; JSONArray nodeArray = null; if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodeArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getSubValueSets "); map = ValueSetHierarchy.getSubValueSets(scheme, code); nodeArray = hashMap2JSONArray(map); if (nodeArray != null && fromCache) { try { Element element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodeArray; } public JSONArray getSubValueSets(String code) { HashMap map = null; String key = "sub_vsd_uri_$" + code; boolean fromCache = true; JSONArray nodeArray = null; if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodeArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getSubValueSets "); map = ValueSetHierarchy.getSubValueSets(code); nodeArray = hashMap2JSONArray(map); if (nodeArray != null && fromCache) { try { Element element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodeArray; } public JSONArray getSubValueSets(String code, boolean fromCache) { HashMap map = null; String key = "sub_vsd$" + code; JSONArray nodeArray = null; if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodeArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getSubValueSets "); map = ValueSetHierarchy.getSubValueSets(null, code); nodeArray = hashMap2JSONArray(map); if (nodeArray != null && fromCache) { try { Element element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodeArray; } /// find coding scheme specific Value Sets public JSONArray getRootValueSets(String scheme, String version) { return getRootValueSets(scheme, version, true); } public JSONArray getRootValueSets(String scheme, String version, boolean fromCache) { List list = null;// new ArrayList(); String key = scheme + "$" + version + "$valueset" + "$root"; JSONArray nodesArray = null; if (scheme == null) scheme = Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME; String retval = DataUtils.getCodingSchemeName(scheme); if (retval != null) { scheme = retval; } if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodesArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodesArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling ValueSetHierarchy.getRootValueSets " + scheme); try { HashMap hmap = ValueSetHierarchy.getRootValueSets(scheme); TreeItem root = (TreeItem) hmap.get("<Root>"); nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (String association : root._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = root._assocToChildMap.get(association); for (TreeItem childItem : children) { String code = childItem._code; String name = childItem._text; int childCount = 0; if (childItem._expandable) childCount = 1; //childItem._text = code + " (" + name + ")"; try { JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); //nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_SCHEME, scheme); //nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, scheme + "$" + code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, name); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, childCount); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, new JSONArray()); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } //nodeArray = list2JSONArray(scheme, list); if (fromCache) { Element element = new Element(key, nodesArray); _cache.put(element); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodesArray; } //build_cs_vs_tree public JSONArray getRootValueSets(boolean fromCache) { List list = null;// new ArrayList(); String key = "cs_valuesetroots"; JSONArray nodesArray = null; if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodesArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodesArray == null) { try { HashMap hmap = ValueSetHierarchy.getRootValueSets(); //ValueSetHierarchy.moveNCItToTop(hmap); TreeItem root = (TreeItem) hmap.get("<Root>"); nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (String association : root._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = root._assocToChildMap.get(association); for (TreeItem childItem : children) { String code = childItem._code; String name = childItem._text; int childCount = 0; if (childItem._expandable) childCount = 1; try { JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, name); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, childCount); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, new JSONArray()); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } //nodeArray = list2JSONArray(scheme, list); if (fromCache) { Element element = new Element(key, nodesArray); _cache.put(element); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodesArray; } // value set home page (Source view) public JSONArray build_src_vs_tree() { return getRootValueSets(true, true); } public JSONArray getRootValueSets(boolean fromCache, boolean bySource) { List list = null;// new ArrayList(); String key = "src_valuesetroots"; JSONArray nodesArray = null; if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodesArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodesArray == null) { try { HashMap hmap = ValueSetHierarchy.build_src_vs_tree(); TreeItem root = (TreeItem) hmap.get("<Root>"); nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (String association : root._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = root._assocToChildMap.get(association); for (TreeItem childItem : children) { String code = childItem._code; String name = childItem._text; if (childItem._expandable) { int childCount = 1; try { JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, name); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, childCount); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, new JSONArray()); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } if (fromCache) { Element element = new Element(key, nodesArray); _cache.put(element); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodesArray; } public JSONArray getRootConcepts(String scheme, String version) { return getRootConcepts(scheme, version, true); } public JSONArray getRootConcepts(String scheme, String version, boolean fromCache) { List list = null;// new ArrayList(); String key = scheme + "$" + version + "$root"; JSONArray nodeArray = null; if (scheme == null) scheme = Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME; String retval = DataUtils.getCodingSchemeName(scheme); if (retval != null) { scheme = retval; version = DataUtils.key2CodingSchemeVersion(scheme); } if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { // _logger.debug("getRootConcepts fromCache element != null returning list" // ); nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } } if (nodeArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getHierarchyRoots "); try { // list = new DataUtils().getHierarchyRoots(scheme, version, // null); list = new TreeUtils().getHierarchyRoots(scheme, version, null); nodeArray = list2JSONArray(scheme, list); if (fromCache) { Element element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodeArray; } private JSONArray list2JSONArray(String scheme, List list) { List newlist = new ArrayList(); JSONArray nodesArray = null; try { if (list != null) { nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object obj = list.get(i); String code = ""; String name = ""; if (obj instanceof ResolvedConceptReference) { ResolvedConceptReference node = (ResolvedConceptReference) obj; code = node.getConceptCode(); try { name = node.getEntityDescription().getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { name = code; } if (name.compareTo("<Not assigned>") == 0) name = code; EntityDescription ed = new EntityDescription(); ed.setContent(name); node.setEntityDescription(ed); newlist.add(node); } else if (obj instanceof Entity) { Entity node = (Entity) obj; code = node.getEntityCode(); try { name = node.getEntityDescription().getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { name = code; } if (name.compareTo("<Not assigned>") == 0) name = code; EntityDescription ed = new EntityDescription(); ed.setContent(name); node.setEntityDescription(ed); newlist.add(node); } } SortUtils.quickSort(newlist); for (int i = 0; i < newlist.size(); i++) { Object obj = newlist.get(i); ResolvedConceptReference node = (ResolvedConceptReference) obj; String code = node.getConceptCode(); String name = node.getEntityDescription().getContent(); int childCount = 1; ArrayList sub_list = TreeUtils.getSubconceptNamesAndCodes(scheme, null, code); if (sub_list.size() == 0) childCount = 0; try { JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, name); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, childCount); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, new JSONArray()); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return nodesArray; } /* * //HL7 fix private JSONArray list2JSONArray(List list) { JSONArray * nodesArray = null; try { if (list != null) { nodesArray = new * JSONArray(); for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { Object obj = * list.get(i); String code = ""; String name = ""; if (obj instanceof * ResolvedConceptReference) { ResolvedConceptReference node = * (ResolvedConceptReference) obj; code = node.getConceptCode(); try { name * = node.getEntityDescription().getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { name * = code; } } else if (obj instanceof Concept) { Concept node = (Concept) * obj; code = node.getEntityCode(); try { name = * node.getEntityDescription().getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { name = * code; } } * * int j = i+1; _logger.debug("( " + j + ") code: " + code + " name: " + * name); * * if (name.compareTo("<Not assigned>") == 0) name = code; * * ResolvedConceptReference node = (ResolvedConceptReference) list.get(i); * int childCount = 1; try { JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); * nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, code); * nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, name); * nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, childCount); * nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, new JSONArray()); * nodesArray.put(nodeObject); * * } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } * * * } catch (Exception ex) { * * } return nodesArray; } */ public JSONArray expand_src_vs_tree(String node_id) { //JSONArray nodesArray = null; String key = "expand_src_vs_tree$" + node_id; JSONArray nodesArray = null; Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodesArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } if (nodesArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling expand_src_vs_tree_exclude_src_nodes " + node_id); try { HashMap hmap = ValueSetHierarchy.expand_src_vs_tree_exclude_src_nodes(node_id); nodesArray = hashMap2JSONArray(hmap); element = new Element(key, nodesArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodesArray; } public JSONArray hashMap2JSONArray(HashMap hmap) { //JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONArray nodesArray = null; try { nodesArray = new JSONArray(); Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); Object[] objs = keyset.toArray(); String code = (String) objs[0]; TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) hmap.get(code); for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); // Collections.sort(children); for (TreeItem childItem : children) { // printTree(childItem, focusCode, depth + 1); JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, childItem._code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, childItem._text); int knt = 0; if (childItem._expandable) { knt = 1; } nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, knt); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return nodesArray; } public JSONArray getPathsToRoots(String scheme, String version, String code) { List list = null;// new ArrayList(); String key = scheme + "$" + version + "$" + code + "$path"; JSONArray nodeArray = null; Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); } if (nodeArray == null) { _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getHierarchyRoots "); try { nodeArray = getPathsToRoots(scheme, version, code, true); element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { _logger.debug("Retrieved from cache."); } return nodeArray; } public JSONArray getPathsToRoots(String ontology_display_name, String version, String node_id, boolean fromCache) { return getPathsToRoots(ontology_display_name, version, node_id, fromCache, -1); } public JSONArray getPathsToRoots(String ontology_display_name, String version, String node_id, boolean fromCache, int maxLevel) { if (ontology_display_name == null) ontology_display_name = Constants.CODING_SCHEME_NAME; String retval = DataUtils.getCodingSchemeName(ontology_display_name); if (retval != null) { ontology_display_name = retval; version = DataUtils.key2CodingSchemeVersion(ontology_display_name); } JSONArray rootsArray = null; if (maxLevel == -1) { rootsArray = getRootConcepts(ontology_display_name, version, false); try { TreeUtils util = new TreeUtils(); HashMap hmap = util.getTreePathData(ontology_display_name, null, null, node_id); // _logger.debug("Calling util.getTreePathData2..."); // HashMap hmap = util.getTreePathData2(ontology_display_name, // null, node_id, maxLevel); // util.printTree(hmap); Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); Object[] objs = keyset.toArray(); String code = (String) objs[0]; TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) hmap.get(code); // TreeItem ti = new // TreeItem("<Root>", // "Root node"); JSONArray nodesArray = getNodesArray(node_id, ti); replaceJSONObjects(rootsArray, nodesArray); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rootsArray; } else { try { TreeUtils util = new TreeUtils(); HashMap hmap = util.getTreePathData(ontology_display_name, null, null, node_id, maxLevel); // HashMap hmap = util.getTreePathData2(ontology_display_name, // null, node_id, maxLevel); // util.printTree(hmap); Object[] objs = hmap.keySet().toArray(); String code = (String) objs[0]; TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) hmap.get(code); List list = util.getTopNodes(ti); rootsArray = list2JSONArray(ontology_display_name, list); /* * Set keyset = hmap.keySet(); Object[] objs = keyset.toArray(); * String code = (String) objs[0]; TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) * hmap.get(code); //TreeItem ti = new TreeItem("<Root>", * "Root node"); */ // JSONArray nodesArray = getNodesArray(ti); JSONArray nodesArray = getNodesArray(node_id, ti); replaceJSONObjects(rootsArray, nodesArray); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rootsArray; } } private void replaceJSONObject(JSONArray nodesArray, JSONObject obj) { String obj_id = null; try { obj_id = (String) obj.get(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < nodesArray.length(); i++) { String node_id = null; try { JSONObject node = nodesArray.getJSONObject(i); node_id = (String) node.get(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (obj_id.compareTo(node_id) == 0) { try { nodesArray.put(i, obj); break; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } private void replaceJSONObjects(JSONArray nodesArray, JSONArray nodesArray2) { for (int i = 0; i < nodesArray2.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject obj = nodesArray2.getJSONObject(i); replaceJSONObject(nodesArray, obj); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } /* * private JSONArray getNodesArray(String node_id, TreeItem ti) { JSONArray * nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (String association : * ti.assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = * ti.assocToChildMap.get(association); SortUtils.quickSort(children); for * (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) * children.get(i); int knt = 0; if (childItem.expandable) { knt = 1; } * JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); try { * nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, childItem.code); * nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, childItem.text); * nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, knt); * nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, getNodesArray(node_id, childItem)); * nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { * * } } } return nodesArray; } */ private int findFocusNodePosition(String node_id, List<TreeItem> children) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); if (node_id.compareTo(childItem._code) == 0) return i; } return -1; } // node_id: search_tree target (highlighted node) private JSONArray getNodesArray(String node_id, TreeItem ti) { JSONArray nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); SortUtils.quickSort(children); int cut_off = 200; int m = cut_off / 2; int m2 = m / 2; if (children.size() <= cut_off) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); int knt = 0; if (childItem._expandable) { knt = 1; } JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); try { nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, childItem._code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, childItem._text); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, knt); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, getNodesArray(node_id, childItem)); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else { int len = children.size(); int min = 0; int max = len - 1; int pos = findFocusNodePosition(node_id, children); if (pos == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); int knt = 0; if (childItem._expandable) { knt = 1; } JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); try { nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, childItem._code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, childItem._text); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, knt); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, getNodesArray(node_id, childItem)); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if (pos < m) { min = 0; max = m + 1; if (max > len) max = len; } else { if (pos - m2 > 0) min = pos - m2; if (pos + m2 < max) max = pos + m2; } JSONObject nodeObject = null; for (int i = min; i < max; i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); int knt = 0; if (childItem._expandable) { knt = 1; } nodeObject = new JSONObject(); try { nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, childItem._code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, childItem._text); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, knt); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, getNodesArray(node_id, childItem)); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } nodeObject = new JSONObject(); try { nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, node_id); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, "(Too many sibling nodes -- only " + m + " of a total " + len + " are displayed.)"); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, 0); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, new JSONArray()); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } return nodesArray; } private JSONArray toJSONArray(TreeItem ti) { JSONArray nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); int knt = 0; if (childItem._expandable) { knt = 1; } JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); try { nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, childItem._code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, childItem._text); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, knt); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, toJSONArray(childItem)); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return nodesArray; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tree Extension Code: // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static String getSubConcepts(String codingScheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag, String code) { String version = null; if (versionOrTag != null && versionOrTag.getVersion() != null) version = versionOrTag.getVersion(); if (!CacheController.getInstance().containsKey(getSubConceptKey(codingScheme, version, code))) { _logger.debug("SubConcepts Not Found In Cache."); TreeService treeService = TreeServiceFactory.getInstance() .getTreeService(RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService()); LexEvsTreeNode node = TreeServiceFactory.getInstance() .getTreeService(RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService()) .getSubConcepts(codingScheme, versionOrTag, code); String json = treeService.getJsonConverter().buildChildrenNodes(node); _cache.put(new Element(getSubConceptKey(codingScheme, version, code), json)); return json; } return (String) _cache.get(getSubConceptKey(codingScheme, version, code)).getObjectValue(); } public static String getTree(String codingScheme, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag, String code) { if (!CacheController.getInstance().containsKey(getTreeKey(codingScheme, code))) { _logger.debug("Tree Not Found In Cache."); TreeService treeService = TreeServiceFactory.getInstance() .getTreeService(RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService()); LexEvsTree tree = treeService.getTree(codingScheme, versionOrTag, code); String json = treeService.getJsonConverter().buildJsonPathFromRootTree(tree.getCurrentFocus()); _cache.put(new Element(getTreeKey(tree, versionOrTag.getVersion()), json)); return json; } return (String) _cache.get(getTreeKey(codingScheme, versionOrTag.getVersion(), code)).getObjectValue(); } public void activeCacheTree(ResolvedConceptReference ref) { _logger.debug("Actively caching tree."); String codingScheme = ref.getCodingSchemeName(); String codingSchemeVersion = ref.getCodingSchemeVersion(); String code = ref.getCode(); if (!CacheController.getInstance().containsKey(getTreeKey(codingScheme, code))) { _logger.debug("Tree Not Found In Cache."); TreeService treeService = TreeServiceFactory.getInstance() .getTreeService(RemoteServerUtil.createLexBIGService()); //LexEvsTree tree = treeService.getTree(codingScheme, null, code); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); if (codingSchemeVersion != null) { versionOrTag.setVersion(codingSchemeVersion); } LexEvsTree tree = treeService.getTree(codingScheme, versionOrTag, code); if (tree == null) return; String json = treeService.getJsonConverter().buildJsonPathFromRootTree(tree.getCurrentFocus()); // _cache.put(new Element(getTreeKey(tree), json)); String treeKey = getTreeKey(tree, codingSchemeVersion); //if (treeKey == null) return; _cache.put(new Element(treeKey, json)); } } /* private static String getTreeKey(LexEvsTree tree) { return getTreeKey(tree.getCodingScheme(), tree.getCurrentFocus() .getCode()); } */ private static String getTreeKey(LexEvsTree tree, String version) { return getTreeKey(tree.getCodingScheme(), version, tree.getCurrentFocus().getCode()); } private static String getSubConceptKey(String codingScheme, String code) { return String.valueOf("SubConcept".hashCode() + codingScheme.hashCode() + code.hashCode()); } private static String getSubConceptKey(String codingScheme, String version, String code) { if (version == null) return getSubConceptKey(codingScheme, code); return String .valueOf("SubConcept".hashCode() + codingScheme.hashCode() + version.hashCode() + code.hashCode()); } private static String getTreeKey(String codingScheme, String code) { return String.valueOf("Tree".hashCode() + codingScheme.hashCode() + code.hashCode()); } private static String getTreeKey(String codingScheme, String version, String code) { return String.valueOf("Tree".hashCode() + codingScheme.hashCode() + version.hashCode() + code.hashCode()); } private JSONArray getNodesArray(TreeItem ti) { JSONArray nodesArray = new JSONArray(); for (String association : ti._assocToChildMap.keySet()) { List<TreeItem> children = ti._assocToChildMap.get(association); SortUtils.quickSort(children); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { TreeItem childItem = (TreeItem) children.get(i); int knt = 0; if (childItem._expandable) { knt = 1; } JSONObject nodeObject = new JSONObject(); try { nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_ID, childItem._code); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_NAME, childItem._text); nodeObject.put(ONTOLOGY_NODE_CHILD_COUNT, knt); nodeObject.put(CHILDREN_NODES, getNodesArray(childItem)); nodesArray.put(nodeObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return nodesArray; } public JSONArray getSourceValueSetTree(String scheme, String version, boolean fromCache) { List list = null;// new ArrayList(); String key = "src_vs_tree"; JSONArray nodeArray = null; // retval = DataUtils.getCodingSchemeName(scheme); /* if (retval != null) { scheme = retval; version = DataUtils.key2CodingSchemeVersion(scheme); } */ if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); _logger.debug("Retrieved source value set tree from cache."); return nodeArray; } } HashMap map = null; _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getSubValueSets "); //map = ValueSetHierarchy.getSourceValueSetTree(scheme, version); map = ValueSetHierarchy.getSourceValueSetTree(); TreeItem root = (TreeItem) map.get("<Root>"); nodeArray = toJSONArray(root); if (nodeArray != null && fromCache) { try { Element element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return nodeArray; } public JSONArray getCodingSchemeValueSetTree(String scheme, String version, boolean fromCache) { List list = null;// new ArrayList(); String key = "cs_vs_tree"; JSONArray nodeArray = null; String retval = DataUtils.getCodingSchemeName(scheme); if (retval != null) { scheme = retval; version = DataUtils.key2CodingSchemeVersion(scheme); } if (fromCache) { Element element = _cache.get(key); if (element != null) { nodeArray = (JSONArray) element.getValue(); _logger.debug("Retrieved terminology value set tree from cache."); return nodeArray; } } HashMap map = null; _logger.debug("Not in cache -- calling getCodingSchemeValueSetTree "); map = ValueSetHierarchy.getCodingSchemeValueSetTree(scheme, version); TreeItem root = (TreeItem) map.get("<Root>"); nodeArray = toJSONArray(root); if (nodeArray != null && fromCache) { try { Element element = new Element(key, nodeArray); _cache.put(element); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return nodeArray; } }