Java tutorial
package; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.CustomProperties; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.DocumentSummaryInformation; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.MarkUnsupportedException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.NoPropertySetStreamException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySet; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySetFactory; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.SummaryInformation; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.WritingNotSupportedException; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DirectoryEntry; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentEntry; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentInputStream; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import org.apache.poi.POIXMLProperties.CoreProperties; import org.apache.poi.POIXMLProperties; import; import; import; /** * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_START --> * Copyright 2008-2016 NGIS. This software was developed in conjunction * with the National Cancer Institute, and so to the extent government * employees are co-authors, any rights in such works shall be subject * to Title 17 of the United States Code, section 105. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer of Article 3, * below. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by NGIS and the National * Cancer Institute." If no such end-user documentation is to be * included, this acknowledgment shall appear in the software itself, * wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * 3. The names "The National Cancer Institute", "NCI" and "NGIS" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software. * 4. This license does not authorize the incorporation of this software * into any third party proprietary programs. This license does not * authorize the recipient to use any trademarks owned by either NCI * or NGIS * 5. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, * NGIS, OR THEIR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_END --> */ /** * @author EVS Team * @version 1.0 * * Modification history: * Initial implementation * */ public final class XLSXMetadataUtils { private static String SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR = "SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR"; private static String SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS = "SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS"; private static String SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE = "SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE"; private static String SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT = "SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT"; public static boolean freezeRow(String filename, int sheetNumber, int rowNum) { FileOutputStream fileOut = null; boolean status = false; try { InputStream inp = new FileInputStream(filename); Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inp); Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNumber); sheet.createFreezePane(0, rowNum); // this will freeze first rowNum rows fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename); wb.write(fileOut); status = true; System.out.println("File modified " + filename); } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("ERROR: freezeRow " + filename); } finally { try { fileOut.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return status; } public static void copyFile(String sourcefile, String targetfile) { InputStream inStream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; try { File afile = new File(sourcefile); File bfile = new File(targetfile); inStream = new FileInputStream(afile); outStream = new FileOutputStream(bfile); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int length; while ((length = > 0) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, length); } inStream.close(); outStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getCreator(File file) { String author = null; try { OPCPackage pkg =; POIXMLProperties props = new POIXMLProperties(pkg); POIXMLProperties.CoreProperties core_properties = props.getCoreProperties(); author = core_properties.getCreator(); pkg.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return author; } public static void setCreator(File file, String author) { try { OPCPackage pkg =; POIXMLProperties props = new POIXMLProperties(pkg); POIXMLProperties.CoreProperties core_properties = props.getCoreProperties(); core_properties.setCreator(author); pkg.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getPOISummaryData(String filename, String key) { String value = null; OPCPackage pkg = null; try { pkg = File(filename)); POIXMLProperties props = new POIXMLProperties(pkg); POIXMLProperties.CoreProperties core_properties = props.getCoreProperties(); if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR) == 0) { value = core_properties.getCreator(); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS) == 0) { value = core_properties.getKeywords(); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE) == 0) { value = core_properties.getTitle(); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT) == 0) { value = core_properties.getSubject(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { pkg.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } public static void setPOISummaryData(String filename, String key, String value) { OPCPackage pkg = null; try { pkg = File(filename)); POIXMLProperties props = new POIXMLProperties(pkg); POIXMLProperties.CoreProperties core_properties = props.getCoreProperties(); if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR) == 0) { core_properties.setCreator(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS) == 0) { core_properties.setKeywords(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE) == 0) { core_properties.setTitle(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT) == 0) { core_properties.setSubjectProperty(value); } } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { pkg.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void setPOISummaryData(String filename, String[] keys, String[] values) { OPCPackage pkg = null; try { pkg = File(filename)); POIXMLProperties props = new POIXMLProperties(pkg); POIXMLProperties.CoreProperties core_properties = props.getCoreProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i]; String value = values[i]; if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR) == 0) { core_properties.setCreator(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS) == 0) { core_properties.setKeywords(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE) == 0) { core_properties.setTitle(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT) == 0) { core_properties.setSubjectProperty(value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { pkg.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } public static String getSummaryData(String filename, String key) { String value = null; FileInputStream stream = null; try { stream = new FileInputStream(new File(filename)); POIFSFileSystem poifs = null; try { poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(stream); } catch (Exception e) { stream.close(); return getPOISummaryData(filename, key); } DirectoryEntry dir = poifs.getRoot(); DocumentEntry siEntry = (DocumentEntry) dir.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); if (siEntry != null) { DocumentInputStream dis = new DocumentInputStream(siEntry); PropertySet ps = new PropertySet(dis); SummaryInformation si = new SummaryInformation(ps); if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR) == 0) { value = si.getAuthor(); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS) == 0) { value = si.getKeywords(); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE) == 0) { value = si.getTitle(); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT) == 0) { value = si.getSubject(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.getStackTrace(); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return value; } public static void setSummaryData(String filename, String[] keys, String[] values) { String size = getFileSize(filename); FileInputStream stream = null; try { stream = new FileInputStream(new File(filename)); POIFSFileSystem poifs = null; boolean passed = false; try { poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(stream); passed = true; } catch (Exception e) { passed = false; } if (!passed) { setPOISummaryData(filename, keys, values); stream.close(); return; } HSSFWorkbook workbook = null; SummaryInformation summaryInfo = null; FileInputStream fis = null; try { System.out.println(filename); fis = new FileInputStream(filename); workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fis); summaryInfo = workbook.getSummaryInformation(); if (summaryInfo == null) { workbook.createInformationProperties(); summaryInfo = workbook.getSummaryInformation(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i]; String value = values[i]; System.out.println(key + " -> " + value); if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR) == 0) { summaryInfo.setAuthor(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS) == 0) { summaryInfo.setKeywords(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE) == 0) { summaryInfo.setTitle(value); } else if (key.compareTo(SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT) == 0) { summaryInfo.setSubject(value); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { fis.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(filename)); workbook.write(fos); fos.flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { fos.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getAuthor(File file) { String author = null; try { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file); POIFSFileSystem poifs = null; try { poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(stream); } catch (Exception e) { stream.close(); return getCreator(file); } DirectoryEntry dir = null; try { dir = poifs.getRoot(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("DirectoryEntry is NULL???"); return null; } DocumentEntry siEntry = (DocumentEntry) dir.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); if (siEntry != null) { DocumentInputStream dis = new DocumentInputStream(siEntry); PropertySet ps = new PropertySet(dis); SummaryInformation si = new SummaryInformation(ps); author = si.getAuthor(); } stream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.getStackTrace(); } return author; } public static void setAuthor(String filename, String author) { try { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(new File(filename)); POIFSFileSystem poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(stream); DirectoryEntry dir = poifs.getRoot(); System.out.println("SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME: " + SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); DocumentEntry siEntry = (DocumentEntry) dir.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); DocumentInputStream dis = new DocumentInputStream(siEntry); PropertySet ps = new PropertySet(dis); SummaryInformation si = new SummaryInformation(ps); System.out.println("SummaryInformation setAuthor: " + author); si.setAuthor(author); OutputStream outStream = null; outStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(filename)); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int length; while ((length = > 0) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, length); } outStream.close(); stream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.getStackTrace(); } } public static void setAuthor(File file, String author) { try { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file); POIFSFileSystem poifs = null; try { poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(stream); } catch (Exception e) { stream.close(); setCreator(file, author); return; } DirectoryEntry dir = poifs.getRoot(); DocumentEntry siEntry = (DocumentEntry) dir.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); if (siEntry != null) { DocumentInputStream dis = new DocumentInputStream(siEntry); PropertySet ps = new PropertySet(dis); SummaryInformation si = new SummaryInformation(ps); si.setAuthor(author); } stream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.getStackTrace(); } } public static String getReadableFileSize(long size) { if (size <= 0) return "0"; final String[] units = new String[] { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" }; int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(1024)); return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#").format(size / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups]; } public static String getFileSize(String filename) { File file = new File(filename); return getReadableFileSize(file.length()); } public static void dumpMetadata(String filename) { String author = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR: " + author); String keywords = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS: " + keywords); String title = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE: " + title); String subject = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT: " + subject); String size = getFileSize(filename); System.out.println("file size: " + size); } public static void updateMetadata(String filename, String author, String keywords, String title, String subject) { String[] keys = new String[4]; keys[0] = SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR; keys[1] = SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS; keys[2] = SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE; keys[3] = SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT; String[] values = new String[4]; values[0] = author; values[1] = keywords; values[2] = title; values[3] = subject; setSummaryData(filename, keys, values); } public static void writeSummaryData(String filename) { System.out.println("Filename: " + filename); String author = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR: " + author); String keywords = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS: " + keywords); String title = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE: " + title); String subject = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT: " + subject); String size = getFileSize(filename); System.out.println("file size: " + size); } public static void main(String[] args) { String filename = "CDISC_Controlled_Terminology_Multiple_Term_Request_Spreadsheet.xlsx"; filename = "20150115 Term Browser Functional Automation LOE.xlsx"; //filename = "FDA-SPL_Country_Code_REPORT__14.12e.xls"; filename = args[0]; String size = getFileSize(filename); System.out.println("file size: " + size); //String backupfile = "new_" + filename; //String targetfile = "backup.xlsx"; //copyFile(filename, backupfile); //freezeRow(targetfile, 1, 4); String[] keys = new String[4]; keys[0] = SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR; keys[1] = SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS; keys[2] = SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE; keys[3] = SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT; String[] values = new String[4]; values[0] = "NCI/EVS"; values[1] = "Cancer, Neoplasm"; values[2] = "Neoplasm Core"; values[3] = "Neoplasm_Core_16.08e"; System.out.println("setSummaryData " + filename); setSummaryData(filename, keys, values); writeSummaryData(filename); //writeSummaryData(backupfile); /* String author = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_AUTHOR: " + author); String keywords = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_KEYWORDS: " + keywords); String title = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_TITLE: " + title); String subject = getSummaryData(filename, SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT); System.out.println("SUMMARY_DATA_SUBJECT: " + subject); size = getFileSize(filename); System.out.println("file size: " + size); */ } }