Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright SAIC, SAIC-Frederick. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ /** * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_START --> The contents of this file are subject to the caAdapter Software License (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at the following location: [caAdapter Home Directory]\docs\caAdapter_license.txt, or at: * <!-- LICENSE_TEXT_END --> */ package; //import; //import; //import; //import; import gov.nih.nci.caadapter.common.util.FileUtil; import; import; //import gov.nih.nci.cbiit.cmts.common.XSDParser; import gov.nih.nci.cbiit.cmts.mapping.MappingFactory; import gov.nih.nci.cbiit.cmts.ui.common.ActionConstants; //import gov.nih.nci.cbiit.cmts.util.ZipFileUtil; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; /** * Add Web Service Mapping Secnario class * * @author OWNER: Ye Wu * @author LAST UPDATE $Author: wangeug $ * @version $Revision: 1.7 $ * @date $$Date: 2009-04-14 20:02:40 $ * @since caadapter v1.3.1 */ public class AddNewScenario extends HttpServlet { private String SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG = "source"; private String TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG = "target"; private String path; private boolean isDoGet = false; private String sourceOriginalXSDPath = null; private String targetOriginalXSDPath = null; private String mappingFileName = null; private List<String> includedXSDList = null; private List<String> tempXSDList = null; private List<String> alreadyFoundXSDURLList = null; //private List<String> targetXSDList = new ArrayList<String>(); //private String scenarioHomePath = ""; /** ********************************************************** * doPost() ************************************************************ */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { path = null; sourceOriginalXSDPath = null; targetOriginalXSDPath = null; mappingFileName = null; tempXSDList = null; alreadyFoundXSDURLList = null; includedXSDList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { /* disable security for caAdatper 4.3 release 03-31-2009 HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if(session==null) { res.sendRedirect("/caAdapterWS/"); return; } String user = (String) session.getAttribute("userid"); System.out.println(user); AbstractSecurityDAO abstractDao= DAOFactory.getDAO(); SecurityAccessIF getSecurityAccess = abstractDao.getSecurityAccess(); Permissions perm = getSecurityAccess.getUserObjectPermssions(user, 1); System.out.println(perm); if (!perm.getCreate()){ System.out.println("No create Permission for user" + user); res.sendRedirect("/caAdapterWS/"); return; } */ // Create a factory for disk-based file items DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); // Create a new file upload handler ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); // Parse the request List<FileItem> /* FileItem */ items = upload.parseRequest(req); // Process the uploaded items String method = ""; // add, update or delete scenario String scenarioName = null; //mapping scenario name Iterator<FileItem> iter = items.iterator(); String transType = ""; String securityCode = null; String deletionTag = null; List<FileItem> fileItemList = new ArrayList<FileItem>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItem item = (FileItem); if (item.isFormField()) { String formFieldName = item.getFieldName(); String itemValue = item.getString(); System.out.println( "AddNewScenario.doPost()..item is formField:" + formFieldName + "=" + itemValue); //if (item.getFieldName().equals("jobType")) jobType = item.getString(); if (formFieldName.equals("transformationType")) { transType = itemValue.trim().toLowerCase(); if (transType.startsWith("xq")) transType = "xq"; if (transType.startsWith("xsl")) transType = "xsl"; } if (formFieldName.equals("methd")) { method = itemValue; //System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()..."+formFieldName+":"+method); } if (formFieldName.equals("deleteSecurityCode")) { securityCode = itemValue; ///System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()..."+formFieldName+":"+method); } if (formFieldName.equals("scenarioName")) { scenarioName = itemValue; if ((scenarioName != null) && (!scenarioName.trim().equals(""))) { scenarioName = scenarioName.trim(); String scenarioDeleteTag = "##scenariodelete:"; if (scenarioName.startsWith(scenarioDeleteTag)) { scenarioName = scenarioName.substring(scenarioDeleteTag.length()); String deletionPassword = ""; String scenarioName2 = scenarioName; int iddx = scenarioName.indexOf(":"); if (iddx > 0) { scenarioName2 = scenarioName.substring(0, iddx).trim(); deletionPassword = scenarioName.substring(iddx + 1).trim(); } if (!deletionPassword.trim().equals("")) { deletionTag = deletionPassword; scenarioName = scenarioName2; } else { String errMsg = "Failure : Null Password for scenario deletion"; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect( "" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } } } else { } } } else fileItemList.add(item); } if ((deletionTag != null) || (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteScenario"))) { String errMsg = "Sorry.. Delete scenario is currently not in service."; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } if ((scenarioName == null) || (scenarioName.trim().equals(""))) { String errMsg = "Failure : Scenario Name is Null"; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } scenarioName = scenarioName.trim(); for (char c : scenarioName.toCharArray()) { byte b = (byte) c; int i = (int) b; String bl = null; if ((i >= 97) && (i <= 122)) bl = "" + c; // lowercase alphabetic else if ((i >= 65) && (i <= 90)) bl = "" + c; // uppercase alphabetic else if ((i >= 48) && (i <= 57)) bl = "" + c; // numeric char else if (i == 45) bl = "" + c; // "-" else if (i == 95) bl = "" + c; // "_" if (bl == null) { String errMsg = "Invalid character for scenario name : only alpha-numeric, hypen and underscore. : " + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } } //if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteScenario")) //{ // //} //else { scenarioName = scenarioName.trim(); path = System.getProperty("gov.nih.nci.cbiit.cmts.path"); if (path == null) path = ScenarioUtil.CMTS_SCENARIO_HOME; File scnHome = new File(path); if (!scnHome.exists()) { if (!scnHome.mkdir()) { String errMsg = "Scenario home directory creation failure. Not able to save:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...Error:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } } String scenarioPath = path + File.separator + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...scenarioPath:" + scenarioPath); File scenarioDir = null; boolean exists = false; for (File f2 : scnHome.listFiles()) { if (!f2.isDirectory()) continue; String fName = f2.getName(); if (fName.equalsIgnoreCase(scenarioName)) { scenarioDir = f2; exists = true; break; } } //boolean exists = scenarioDir.exists(); //scenarioHomePath = scenarioPath; if (exists) { if ((deletionTag != null) || (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteScenario"))) { if ((deletionTag == null) && (securityCode == null)) { String errMsg = "No delete confirmation code for delete scenario:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...Error:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } boolean pass = false; for (File f2 : scenarioDir.listFiles()) { if (!f2.isFile()) continue; String fName = f2.getName(); if ((fName.equalsIgnoreCase( ActionConstants.SCENARIO_DELETE_SECURITY_CONFIRMATION_CODE_FILE)) || (fName.equalsIgnoreCase("password.txt"))) { String tr = FileUtil.readFileIntoString(f2.getAbsolutePath()); if ((tr == null) || (tr.trim().equals(""))) continue; if ((deletionTag != null) && (deletionTag.trim().equals(tr.trim()))) pass = true; if ((securityCode != null) && (securityCode.trim().equals(tr.trim()))) pass = true; } if (pass) break; } if (!pass) { //String daTag = ActionConstants.NEW_ADD_SCENARIO_TAG; //if ((deletionTag != null)&&(deletionTag.trim().equals(daTag))) pass = true; //if ((securityCode != null)&&(securityCode.trim().equals(daTag))) pass = true; } if (!pass) { String errMsg = "Invalid Delete Confirmation Code for delete scenario:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()..Error:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } boolean deletionSuccess = true; if (deleteFile(scenarioDir)) { try { ScenarioUtil.deleteOneScenarioRegistration(scenarioName); } catch (Exception e1) { deletionSuccess = false; } } else deletionSuccess = false; if (deletionSuccess) res.sendRedirect("" + URLEncoder.encode("Scenario Deletion Success : " + scenarioName, "UTF-8")); else { String errMsg = "Scenario deletion failure:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...Error:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); } return; } else // method value is 'addNewScenario' { //String errMsg="Scenario already exists. Not able to save:"+scenarioName+"<br>If you want to update this scenario. Delete the scenario first."; String errMsg = "Scenario already exists. Not able to save:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } } else { if ((deletionTag != null) || (method.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteScenario"))) { String errMsg = "This Scenario is NOT exists for deleting:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } boolean success = (new File(scenarioPath)).mkdir(); if (!success) { String errMsg = "Faild to create scenario:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } fileList.add(scenarioPath); if ((securityCode == null) || (securityCode.trim().equals(""))) { //String errMsg="Null delete confirmation code: This must be input for delete scenario in the future."; //System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...Error:"+errMsg); //req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); //deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); //res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); //return; } else { String securityCodePath = scenarioPath + File.separator + ActionConstants.SCENARIO_DELETE_SECURITY_CONFIRMATION_CODE_FILE; FileWriter fw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(securityCodePath); fw.write(securityCode); fw.close(); } catch (Exception ie) { String errMsg = "Delete confirmation Code Saving error."; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...Error:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } fileList.add(securityCodePath); } String sourcePath = scenarioPath + File.separator + SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG; success = (new File(sourcePath)).mkdir(); if (!success) { String errMsg = "Faild to create source schema folder:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...Error:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } fileList.add(sourcePath); String targetPath = scenarioPath + File.separator + TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG; success = (new File(targetPath)).mkdir(); if (!success) { String errMsg = "Faild to create target schema folder:" + scenarioName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...Error:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } fileList.add(targetPath); } } String pathSourceZip = null; String pathTargetZip = null; boolean instructionFileFound = false; if (fileItemList.size() > 0) { for (FileItem item : fileItemList) { String fieldName = item.getFieldName(); //System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()..item is NOT formField:"+item.getFieldName());//+"="+item.getString()); String filePath = item.getName(); String fileName = extractOriginalFileName(filePath); if (fileName == null || fileName.equals("")) continue; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()..original file Name:" + fileName + ", Path=" + filePath + ", TransType=" + transType); //System.out.println(" ..original file Path:"+filePath); String tempFileName = fileName; String uploadedFilePath = path + File.separator + scenarioName + File.separator + fileName.toLowerCase(); if (fieldName.equals("mappingFileName")) { System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...mapping file:" + uploadedFilePath); String uploadedMapBak = uploadedFilePath + ".bak"; //write bak of Mapping file item.write(new File(uploadedMapBak)); int idxT = tempFileName.lastIndexOf("."); if (idxT <= 0) { String errMsg = "This File cannot be identify its file type : " + tempFileName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } tempFileName = tempFileName.substring(idxT + 1); if (tempFileName.toLowerCase().startsWith(transType.toLowerCase())) { instructionFileFound = true; } else { String errMsg = "Not Matched between Transformation Type `" + transType + "` and the Instruction File type. : " + tempFileName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } if (uploadedFilePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".map")) { updateMapping(uploadedMapBak, path + File.separator + scenarioName); fileList.add(uploadedMapBak); fileList.add(uploadedFilePath); } else //xslt and xq { item.write(new File(uploadedFilePath)); fileList.add(uploadedFilePath); } } //else if (fieldName.equals("sourceXsdName")) else { String sourceORtarget = null; if (fieldName.startsWith("sourceXsdName")) sourceORtarget = SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG; else if (fieldName.startsWith("targetXsdName")) sourceORtarget = TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG; if (sourceORtarget != null) { if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xsd")) { if ((transType.equals("xq")) || (transType.equals("xsl"))) { String errMsg = "Transformation Type -" + transType + "- doesn't need any schema file."; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect( "" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } uploadedFilePath = path + File.separator + scenarioName + File.separator + sourceORtarget + File.separator + fileName; //File file = new File(uploadedFilePath); //if ((file.exists())&&(file.isFile())) //{ // //} //else //{ System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost().." + sourceORtarget + " schema file:" + uploadedFilePath); item.write(new File(uploadedFilePath)); fileList.add(uploadedFilePath); String bakupFileName = uploadedFilePath + ".bak"; boolean ok = true; String er = ""; try { ok = replaceXSDFile(uploadedFilePath, bakupFileName, sourceORtarget, null); } catch (Exception ee) { er = ee.getMessage(); ok = false; } if (ok) { fileList.add(bakupFileName); } else { String errMsg = "Faild to upload this " + sourceORtarget + " schema file - " + fileName + ": " + er; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect( "" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } //} } else if ((fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) || (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar"))) { if ((transType.equals("xq")) || (transType.equals("xsl"))) { String errMsg = "Transformation Type `" + transType + "` doesn`t need any zip file."; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect( "" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } uploadedFilePath = path + File.separator + scenarioName + File.separator + sourceORtarget + File.separator + fileName;//sourceORtarget+File.separator+fileName; //File file = new File(uploadedFilePath); //if ((file.exists())&&(file.isFile())) //{ // //} //else //{ System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost().." + sourceORtarget + " schema file:" + uploadedFilePath); item.write(new File(uploadedFilePath)); fileList.add(uploadedFilePath); if (sourceORtarget.equals(SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG)) { if (pathSourceZip != null) { String errMsg = "Only one zip file allowed - " + sourceORtarget + " :" + fileName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect( "" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } else pathSourceZip = uploadedFilePath; } else { if (pathTargetZip != null) { String errMsg = "Only one zip file allowed - " + sourceORtarget + " :" + fileName; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect( "" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } else pathTargetZip = uploadedFilePath; } //} } //else //{ // //} } } } } //boolean sourceZipCheckPass = false; //boolean targetZipCheckPass = false; if ((pathSourceZip != null) || (sourceOriginalXSDPath != null)) { try { extractXSDFileFromZip(pathSourceZip, sourceOriginalXSDPath, SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG); sourceOriginalXSDPath = null; } catch (Exception ee) { String errMsg = "Incomplete Source ZIP - " + pathSourceZip + " - file. : " + ee.getMessage(); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } //sourceZipCheckPass = true; } if ((pathTargetZip != null) || (targetOriginalXSDPath != null)) { try { extractXSDFileFromZip(pathTargetZip, targetOriginalXSDPath, TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG); targetOriginalXSDPath = null; } catch (Exception ee) { String errMsg = "Incomplete Target ZIP - " + pathTargetZip + " - file. : " + ee.getMessage(); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } //targetZipCheckPass = true; } List<String> notFoundfiles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String pathXSD : includedXSDList) { String xsdPath = path + File.separator + scenarioName + File.separator + pathXSD; File ff = new File(xsdPath); if ((!ff.exists()) || (!ff.isFile())) { //if ((sourceZipCheckPass)&&(pathXSD.startsWith(SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG + File.separator))) {} //else if ((targetZipCheckPass)&&(pathXSD.startsWith(TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG + File.separator))) {} //else notFoundfiles.add(pathXSD); } } if ((notFoundfiles.size() > 0) || (!instructionFileFound)) { String errMsg = "Incomplete XSD files. Following " + notFoundfiles.size() + " required files are not uploaded. - "; if (notFoundfiles.size() == 1) errMsg = "Incomplete XSD files. Following one required file is not uploaded. - "; if (!instructionFileFound) errMsg = "No Instruction File is uploaded."; else for (String c : notFoundfiles) errMsg = errMsg + "<br>" + c; System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } if ((transType.toLowerCase().equals("map")) && (mappingFileName != null)) { try { MappingFactory.loadMapping(new File(mappingFileName)); } catch (Exception ee) { String errMsg = ee.getMessage(); System.out.println("AddNewScenario.doPost()...ERROR on Load mapping file:" + errMsg); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", errMsg); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(errMsg, "UTF-8")); return; } } ScenarioUtil.addNewScenarioRegistration(scenarioName, transType); res.sendRedirect(""); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { System.out.println("NullPointerException in doPost: " + ne); ne.printStackTrace(); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", ne.getMessage()); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(ne.getMessage(), "UTF-8")); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in doPost: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); req.setAttribute("rtnMessage", e.getMessage()); deleteDirAndFilesOnError(fileList); res.sendRedirect("" + "?message=" + URLEncoder.encode(e.getMessage(), "UTF-8")); } } public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { isDoGet = true; doPost(req, res); } private void extractXSDFileFromZip(String zipPath, String xsdPath, String sourceORtarget) throws Exception { if ((zipPath == null) || (zipPath.trim().equals(""))) return; if ((xsdPath == null) || (xsdPath.trim().equals(""))) return; File zipFile = new File(zipPath); if ((!zipFile.exists()) || (!zipFile.isFile())) { throw new Exception("This is not a file : " + zipPath); } ZipUtil zipUtil = new ZipUtil(zipFile.getAbsolutePath()); String dir = (new File(zipPath)).getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (!dir.endsWith(File.separator)) dir = dir + File.separator; alreadyFoundXSDURLList = new ArrayList<String>(); Exception ee1 = null; try { extractXSDFileFromZip(zipUtil, xsdPath, null, sourceORtarget); } catch (Exception ee) { ee1 = ee; } alreadyFoundXSDURLList = null; try { zipUtil.getZipFile().close(); } catch (IOException ie) { System.out.println("ERROR : Zip file closing failure (" + zipPath + ") : " + ie.getMessage()); } if (ee1 != null) throw ee1; } private void extractXSDFileFromZip(ZipUtil zipUtil, String xsdLocation, String parentUrl, String sourceORtarget) throws Exception { String urlT = ""; String errMsg = null; if ((parentUrl == null) || (parentUrl.trim().equals(""))) { ZipEntry zipEntry = MappingFactory.getXSDZipEntryFromZip(zipUtil, xsdLocation); if (zipEntry == null) { System.out.println("ERROR01 : Zip file finding entry failure : " + xsdLocation); return; } urlT = zipUtil.getAccessURL(zipEntry); } else { String tempUrl = parentUrl; String tempLoc = xsdLocation; //System.out.println("CCCCC 55 location=" + xsdLocation + ", parUrl=" + tempUrl); while (true) { if (tempUrl.endsWith("/")) tempUrl = tempUrl.substring(0, tempUrl.length() - 1); int idx = tempLoc.indexOf("/"); if (idx < 0) idx = tempLoc.indexOf("\\"); if (idx < 0) { tempUrl = tempUrl + "/" + tempLoc; break; } String d = tempLoc.substring(0, idx + 1).trim(); tempLoc = tempLoc.substring(idx + 1); if (d.equals("./")) continue; else if (d.equals("")) { throw new Exception( "invalid xsd path in this zip. (2) url=" + parentUrl + ", Location=" + xsdLocation); } else if (d.equals("../")) { int idx2 = tempUrl.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx2 < 0) { errMsg = "invalid xsd path in this zip. url=" + parentUrl + ", Location=" + xsdLocation; break; //throw new Exception(errMsg); } tempUrl = tempUrl.substring(0, idx2 + 1); if (tempUrl.indexOf("!") < 0) { errMsg = "invalid xsd path in this zip. Null parent! url=" + parentUrl + ", Location=" + xsdLocation; break; //throw new Exception(errMsg); } } else tempUrl = tempUrl + "/" + d; } urlT = tempUrl; } List<String> lines = null; boolean alreadyFoundURL = false; for (String str : alreadyFoundXSDURLList) { if (urlT.equals(str)) alreadyFoundURL = true; } if (alreadyFoundURL) return; String fn = null; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { fn = FileUtil.downloadFromURLtoTempFile(urlT); lines = FileUtil.readFileIntoList(fn); //(new File(fn)).delete(); break; } catch (IOException ie) { boolean makeError = true; while (i == 0) { int idx32 = urlT.indexOf("!/"); //if (idx32 < 0) break; ZipEntry zipEntry = null; if ((errMsg != null) || (idx32 < 0)) zipEntry = MappingFactory.getXSDZipEntryFromZip(zipUtil, xsdLocation); else zipEntry = MappingFactory.getXSDZipEntryFromZip(zipUtil, urlT.substring(idx32 + 2)); if (zipEntry == null) { //System.out.println("CCCC 54" + "zip entry is null. : " + xsdLocation + ", url=" + urlT); break; } urlT = zipUtil.getAccessURL(zipEntry); makeError = false; break; } if (makeError) { if (errMsg != null) { System.out.println("ERROR : " + errMsg + ", message=" + ie.getMessage()); //throw new Exception(errMsg); return; } else { System.out.println( "ERROR : ZIP URL dowm Load error (" + urlT + ") : message=" + ie.getMessage()); return; //throw new Exception("ZIP URL dowm Load error ("+urlT+") : " + ie.getMessage()); } } } } int idx21 = urlT.lastIndexOf("/"); //if (idx21 < 0) idx21 = urlT.lastIndexOf("!"); if (idx21 < 0) throw new Exception("Invalid Url form : " + urlT); String parUrl = urlT.substring(0, idx21); if ((lines == null) || (lines.size() == 0)) throw new Exception("Empty zip entry : " + urlT); else { boolean isEmpty = true; for (String line : lines) if (!line.trim().equals("")) isEmpty = false; if (isEmpty) throw new Exception("Empty zip entry (2) : " + urlT); } alreadyFoundXSDURLList.add(urlT); //System.out.println("CCCC Found XSD zip entry : " + urlT + ", parUrl=" +parUrl); File fileToDir = (new File(zipUtil.getZipFile().getName())).getParentFile(); String fileToDirStr = fileToDir.getAbsolutePath(); if (!fileToDirStr.endsWith(File.separator)) fileToDirStr = fileToDirStr + File.separator; String fileName = extractOriginalFileName(xsdLocation); replaceXSDFile(fn, null, sourceORtarget, fileToDirStr + fileName.toLowerCase()); if ((tempXSDList != null) && (tempXSDList.size() > 0)) { for (String str : tempXSDList) { if (!str.trim().equals("")) extractXSDFileFromZip(zipUtil, str, parUrl, sourceORtarget); } } } /* private void extractXSDFileFromZip2(ZipUtil zipUtil, String xsdLocation, String dir, String parentUrl) { //String xsdName = extractOriginalFileName(xsdLocation); if ((parentUrl == null)||(parentUrl.trim().equals(""))) { ZipEntry zipEntry = getXSDZipEntryFromZip(zipUtil, xsdLocation); if (zipEntry == null) { System.out.println("ERROR01 : Zip file finding entry failure : " + xsdLocation); return; } String tempFileName = ""; try { tempFileName = zipUtil.copyEntryToFile(zipEntry, dir); } catch(IOException ie) { System.out.println("ERROR02 : ZipEntry tempfile saving failure ("+xsdLocation+") : " + ie.getMessage()); return; } if (tempFileName == null) { System.out.println("ERROR03 : ZipEntry tempfile saving failure. Already Exist.("+xsdLocation+") : "); return; } } if (!replaceXSDFile(tempFileName, null, (new File(dir)).getName())) { System.out.println("ERROR04 : Zip file replaceXSDFile() failure ("+xsdLocation+") : " + tempFileName); return; } alreadyWriteXSDList.add(xsdLocation); if (tempXSDList.size() > 0) { Object[] d = tempXSDList.toArray(); tempXSDList = null; for(Object o:d) { String ss = (String) o; boolean found = false; for(String cc:alreadyWriteXSDList) { if (cc.equals(ss)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) extractXSDFileFromZip(zipUtil, ss, dir); } } } private ZipEntry getXSDZipEntryFromZip1(ZipUtil zipUtil, String xsdLocation) { String xsdName = extractOriginalFileName(xsdLocation); ZipEntry zipEntry = null; try { zipEntry = zipUtil.searchEntryWithWholeName(xsdName); } catch(IOException ie) { List<String> list1 = zipUtil.getEntryNames(); String select = null; int number = -1; for(String str:list1) { int count = -1; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(xsdName)) { select = str; break; } if (str.toLowerCase().endsWith("/"+xsdName.toLowerCase())) {} else if (str.toLowerCase().endsWith("\\"+xsdName.toLowerCase())) {} else continue; String loc = xsdLocation.substring(0, xsdLocation.length()-xsdName.length()); String ent = str.substring(0, str.length()-xsdName.length()); int cnt2 = 0; for(int i=0;i<ent.length();i++) { if (i >= loc.length()) break; String acharL = loc.substring(loc.length()-(i+1), loc.length()-i); String acharE = ent.substring(ent.length()-(i+1), ent.length()-i); if (acharL.equals("\\")) acharL = "/"; if (acharE.equals("\\")) acharE = "/"; if (acharL.equalsIgnoreCase(acharE)) cnt2++; else break; } if (cnt2 > 0) count = cnt2; if (count > number) { number = count; select = str; } } if (select != null) { zipEntry = zipUtil.getZipFile().getEntry(select); } else zipEntry = null; } //System.out.println("CCCC new XSD location:" + xsdF); return zipEntry; } */ private void deleteDirAndFilesOnError(List<String> fileList) { if (fileList.size() == 0) return; for (int i = 1; i <= fileList.size(); i++) { String path = fileList.get(fileList.size() - i); File file = new File(path); if (!deleteFile(file)) { System.out.println("delete scenario file failure : " + path); } } } private boolean deleteFile(File file) { if (file.isFile()) return file.delete(); if (!file.isDirectory()) return false; File[] list = file.listFiles(); boolean res = true; for (File file2 : list) { if (!deleteFile(file2)) res = false; } if (!res) return false; return file.delete(); } private String extractOriginalFileName(String filePath) { if (filePath == null || filePath.trim().equals("")) return null; int subIndx = 0; if (filePath.lastIndexOf("/") > -1) subIndx = filePath.lastIndexOf("/"); else if (filePath.lastIndexOf("\\") > -1) subIndx = filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (subIndx > 0) return filePath.substring(subIndx + 1); //the original string is file name return filePath; } /** * Update the reference in .map to the .scs and .h3s files. * * @param mapplingBakFileName mapping file name */ public void updateMapping(String mapplingBakFileName, String fileHome) throws Exception { Document xmlDOM = readFile(mapplingBakFileName); NodeList components = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("component"); for (int i = 0; i < components.getLength(); i++) { Element component = (Element) components.item(i); //update location of SCS, H3S Attr locationAttr = component.getAttributeNode("location"); Attr typeAttr = component.getAttributeNode("type"); if (locationAttr != null) { String cmpType = ""; if (typeAttr != null) cmpType = typeAttr.getValue(); if (cmpType != null && cmpType.equalsIgnoreCase("v2")) continue; String originalLoc = locationAttr.getValue(); String localName = extractOriginalFileName(originalLoc); // locationAttr.setValue(fileHome+File.separator+cmpType+File.separator+localName); //includedXSDList.add(cmpType+File.separator+localName.toLowerCase()); if (cmpType.equalsIgnoreCase(SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG)) { sourceOriginalXSDPath = originalLoc; locationAttr.setValue(SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG + File.separator + localName.toLowerCase()); includedXSDList.add(SOURCE_DIRECTORY_TAG + File.separator + localName.toLowerCase()); } if (cmpType.equalsIgnoreCase(TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG)) { targetOriginalXSDPath = originalLoc; locationAttr.setValue(TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG + File.separator + localName.toLowerCase()); includedXSDList.add(TARGET_DIRECTORY_TAG + File.separator + localName.toLowerCase()); } //System.out.println("CCCCC updateMapping Add file list : " + cmpType+File.separator+localName.toLowerCase()); //locationAttr.setValue(cmpType+File.separator+localName); } // //update VOM reference // Attr groupAttr = component.getAttributeNode("group"); // if (groupAttr!=null // &&groupAttr.getValue()!=null // &&groupAttr.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("vocabulary")) // { // NodeList chldComps = component.getElementsByTagName("data"); // for(int j=0;j<chldComps.getLength();j++) // { // Element chldElement = (Element)chldComps.item(j); // Attr valueAttr=chldElement.getAttributeNode("value"); // if (valueAttr!=null) // { // String localFileName=extractOriginalFileName(valueAttr.getValue()); // valueAttr.setValue(localFileName); // } // } // } } System.out.println("AddNewScenario.updateMapping()..mapbakfile:" + mapplingBakFileName); outputXML(xmlDOM, mapplingBakFileName.substring(0, mapplingBakFileName.lastIndexOf(".bak"))); } /** * replace XSD file - change the XSD path value of include element * * @param fileName XSD File name * */ private boolean replaceXSDFile(String fileName, String backupFileName, String sourceORtarget, String toFileName) throws Exception { List<String> xsdList = null; try { xsdList = FileUtil.readFileIntoList(fileName); } catch (IOException ie) { return false; } File file1 = new File(fileName); if ((toFileName != null) && (!toFileName.trim().equals(""))) fileName = toFileName; List<String> xsdList2 = new ArrayList<String>(); tempXSDList = new ArrayList<String>(); String locationAttr = "schemaLocation=\""; String xsdT = ""; String xsd = null; boolean skipping = false; for (int i = 0; i < xsdList.size(); i++) { String xsdT2 = xsdList.get(i); xsdT = ""; xsd = null; int idxx1 = -1; int idxx2 = -1; while (true) { idxx1 = xsdT2.indexOf("<!--"); idxx2 = xsdT2.indexOf("-->"); if (idxx1 >= 0) { if (idxx2 > 0) { //System.out.println("both - idxx1=" + idxx1 + ", idxx2=" + idxx2 + ", skipping=" + skipping + ", line=" + xsdList.get(i)); if (idxx2 < idxx1) { if (!skipping) throw new Exception("Invalid XSD Remark (3)(" + fileName + ") : " + xsdList.get(i)); xsdT2 = xsdT2.substring(idxx2 + 3); skipping = false; //throw new Exception("Invalid XSD Remark ("+fileName+") : " + xsdT2); } else { xsdT = xsdT + xsdT2.substring(0, idxx1); xsdT2 = xsdT2.substring(idxx2 + 3); skipping = false; } } else { //System.out.println("CCCCC 55 idxx1 only idxx1=" + idxx1 + ", idxx2=" + idxx2 + ", skipping=" + skipping + ", line=" + xsdList.get(i)); xsd = xsdT2.substring(0, idxx1); skipping = true; break; } } else if (idxx2 >= 0) { //System.out.println("CCCCC 55 idxx2 only idxx1=" + idxx1 + ", idxx2=" + idxx2 + ", skipping=" + skipping + ", line=" + xsdList.get(i)); if (!skipping) throw new Exception("Invalid XSD Remark (2)(" + fileName + ") : " + xsdT2); xsdT2 = xsdT2.substring(idxx2 + 3); skipping = false; } else break; } if (skipping) { //System.out.println("CCCCC 55 skipping idxx1=" + idxx1 + ", idxx2=" + idxx2 + ", skipping=" + skipping + ", line=" + xsdList.get(i)); if (xsd != null) xsdT = xsdT + xsd; else continue; } else xsdT = xsdT + xsdT2; if (xsdT.trim().equals("")) continue; xsd = xsdT; String xsd2 = ""; while (true) { int idx1 = xsd.indexOf(locationAttr); if (idx1 < 0) { xsd2 = xsd2 + xsd; break; } else if (idx1 == 0) { } else { String ach = xsd.substring(idx1 - 1, idx1); if ((ach.equals(" ")) || (ach.equals("\t"))) { } else { xsd2 = xsd2 + xsd; break; } } String sub = xsd.substring(0, idx1 + locationAttr.length()); xsd2 = xsd2 + sub; xsd = xsd.substring(idx1 + locationAttr.length()); int idx2 = xsd.indexOf("\""); if (idx2 < 0) return false; String path = xsd.substring(0, idx2); xsd = xsd.substring(idx2); boolean found = false; for (String str : tempXSDList) { if (str.equals(path)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) tempXSDList.add(path); while (true) { int idx3 = path.indexOf("/"); if (idx3 < 0) idx3 = path.indexOf("\\"); if (idx3 < 0) break; path = path.substring(idx3 + 1); } xsd2 = xsd2 + path.toLowerCase(); boolean found2 = false; String path2 = sourceORtarget + File.separator + path.toLowerCase(); for (String str : includedXSDList) { if (str.equals(path2)) { found2 = true; break; } } if (!found2) includedXSDList.add(path2); //System.out.println("CCCCC replaceXSDFile : " + sourceORtarget + File.separator + path.toLowerCase()); //xsd2 = xsd2 + path; } xsdList2.add(xsd2); } //File file1 = new File(fileName); String nm = file1.getName(); File parent = file1.getParentFile(); if ((toFileName != null) && (!toFileName.trim().equals(""))) { File file2 = new File(toFileName); nm = file2.getName(); parent = file2.getParentFile(); } while (!parent.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(sourceORtarget)) { parent = parent.getParentFile(); if (parent == null) { throw new Exception("ERROR : Not found " + sourceORtarget + "directory."); //return false; } } String parPath = parent.getAbsolutePath(); if ((backupFileName != null) && (!backupFileName.trim().equals(""))) { File file2 = new File(backupFileName); file1.renameTo(file2); } else file1.delete(); //if (!nm.equals(nm.toLowerCase())) //{ if (!parPath.endsWith(File.separator)) parPath = parPath + File.separator; fileName = parPath + nm.toLowerCase(); //} FileWriter fw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(fileName); for (int i = 0; i < xsdList2.size(); i++) { String xsdC = xsdList2.get(i); fw.write(xsdC + "\n"); } fw.close(); } catch (Exception ie) { throw new Exception("Failure writing XSD file from ZIP : " + ie.getMessage()); } //System.out.println("CCCC XSD file writing success : " + fileName); return true; } /** * Parse a XML document into DOM Tree * * @param fileName File name * @return XML DOM Tree */ private Document readFile(String fileName) throws Exception { if (fileName == null) { throw new Exception("Wrong filename for readFile()"); } return readFile(new File(fileName)); } /** * Parse a XML document into DOM Tree * * @param file The input File handler * @return XML DOM Tree */ private Document readFile(File file) throws Exception { org.w3c.dom.Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); //dbf.setValidating(true); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = db.parse(file); return doc; } catch (SAXParseException ex) { throw (ex); } catch (SAXException ex) { Exception x = ex.getException(); throw ((x == null) ? ex : x); } } /** * Save the modified .map file. * * @param domDoc .map file's dom tree * @param outputFileName the target .map file you want save */ private void outputXML(Document domDoc, String outputFileName) throws JDOMException, IOException { // Create new DOMBuilder, using default parser DOMBuilder builder = new DOMBuilder(); org.jdom.Document jdomDoc =; XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(); File file = new File(outputFileName); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); outputter.output(jdomDoc, writer); writer.close(); mappingFileName = file.getAbsolutePath(); } }