Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc, ESAC, ScenPro & SAIC * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.domain.application; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.application.query.InvalidCriterionException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * */ public class CompoundCriterion extends AbstractCriterion implements Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String ALL_GENES = "-AllGenes-"; private BooleanOperatorEnum booleanOperator; private Collection<AbstractCriterion> criterionCollection = new LinkedHashSet<AbstractCriterion>(); /** * @return the criterionCollection */ public Collection<AbstractCriterion> getCriterionCollection() { return criterionCollection; } /** * @param criterionCollection the criterionCollection to set */ public void setCriterionCollection(Collection<AbstractCriterion> criterionCollection) { this.criterionCollection = criterionCollection; } /** * @return the booleanOperator */ public BooleanOperatorEnum getBooleanOperator() { return booleanOperator; } /** * @param booleanOperator the booleanOperator to set */ public void setBooleanOperator(BooleanOperatorEnum booleanOperator) { this.booleanOperator = booleanOperator; } /** * Determines if there exists any masked criteria in this compound criterion. * @return boolean if there are any masked criteria. */ public boolean isHasMaskedCriteria() { for (AbstractCriterion criterion : getCriterionCollection()) { if (criterion.isMaskedCriterion()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected boolean isMaskedCriterion() { return isHasMaskedCriteria(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected CompoundCriterion clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { CompoundCriterion clone = (CompoundCriterion) super.clone(); clone.setCriterionCollection(cloneCriterionCollection()); return clone; } private Collection<AbstractCriterion> cloneCriterionCollection() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Collection<AbstractCriterion> clones = new HashSet<AbstractCriterion>(); for (AbstractCriterion abstractCriterion : criterionCollection) { clones.add(abstractCriterion.clone()); } return clones; } /** * @return Returns all gene symbols for all criterion under this compound criterion. */ public List<String> getAllGeneSymbols() { List<String> geneSymbolsInQuery = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AbstractCriterion criterion : getCriterionCollection()) { geneSymbolsInQuery.addAll(criterion.getGeneSymbolsInCriterion()); } return geneSymbolsInQuery; } /** * @return Returns all gene symbols for all criterion under this compound criterion. */ public Set<String> getAllSubjectIds() { Set<String> subjectIdsInQuery = new HashSet<String>(); for (AbstractCriterion criterion : getCriterionCollection()) { subjectIdsInQuery.addAll(criterion.getSubjectIdentifiers()); } return subjectIdsInQuery; } /** * @param genomicCriterionType the criterion type to get the platforms for. * @return returns all platform names for all criterion under this compound criterion. */ public Set<String> getAllPlatformNames(GenomicCriterionTypeEnum genomicCriterionType) { Set<String> platformNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (AbstractCriterion criterion : getCriterionCollection()) { if (criterion instanceof CompoundCriterion) { platformNames.addAll(((CompoundCriterion) criterion).getAllPlatformNames(genomicCriterionType)); } else { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(criterion.getPlatformName(genomicCriterionType))) { platformNames.add(criterion.getPlatformName(genomicCriterionType)); } } } return platformNames; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getPlatformName(GenomicCriterionTypeEnum genomicCriterionType) { return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Set<String> getSubjectIdentifiers() { return getAllSubjectIds(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<String> getGeneSymbolsInCriterion() { return getAllGeneSymbols(); } /** * Validate GeneExpression criterion. * @throws InvalidCriterionException when not valid */ public void validateGeneExpressionCriterion() throws InvalidCriterionException { boolean isFoldChange = false; boolean isGeneName = false; boolean isExpressionLevel = false; List<String> geneSymbols = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AbstractCriterion criterion : getCriterionCollection()) { if (criterion instanceof FoldChangeCriterion) { isFoldChange = true; validateDuplicateGeneSymbol(geneSymbols, criterion); validateMixedCriterion(isFoldChange, isGeneName, isExpressionLevel); } else if (criterion instanceof GeneNameCriterion) { isGeneName = true; validateMixedCriterion(isFoldChange, isGeneName, isExpressionLevel); } else if (criterion instanceof ExpressionLevelCriterion) { isExpressionLevel = true; validateExpressionLevelValues((ExpressionLevelCriterion) criterion); validateMixedCriterion(isFoldChange, isGeneName, isExpressionLevel); } } } private void validateExpressionLevelValues(ExpressionLevelCriterion expressionLevelCriterion) throws InvalidCriterionException { if ((RangeTypeEnum.INSIDE_RANGE.equals(expressionLevelCriterion.getRangeType()) || RangeTypeEnum.OUTSIDE_RANGE.equals(expressionLevelCriterion.getRangeType())) && (expressionLevelCriterion.getLowerLimit() > expressionLevelCriterion.getUpperLimit())) { throw new InvalidCriterionException( "The expression level criterion values are invalid due to the lower limit" + " being greater than the upper limit."); } } private void validateMixedCriterion(boolean isFoldChange, boolean isGeneName, boolean isExpressionlevel) throws InvalidCriterionException { int numMixedTypes = 0; if (isFoldChange) { numMixedTypes++; } if (isGeneName) { numMixedTypes++; } if (isExpressionlevel) { numMixedTypes++; } if (numMixedTypes > 1) { throw new InvalidCriterionException( "Gene Name, Expression Level, and Fold change criterion can't be mixed."); } } private void validateDuplicateGeneSymbol(List<String> geneSymbols, AbstractCriterion criterion) throws InvalidCriterionException { List<String> criterionGeneSymbols = getGeneSymbols(criterion.getGeneSymbolsInCriterion()); for (String geneSymbol : criterionGeneSymbols) { checkDuplicateGene(geneSymbols, geneSymbol); } geneSymbols.addAll(criterionGeneSymbols); } private void checkDuplicateGene(List<String> geneSymbols, String geneSymbol) throws InvalidCriterionException { if (geneSymbols.contains(geneSymbol)) { throw new InvalidCriterionException( "Gene symbol '" + geneSymbol + "' is in more than 1 Fold Change criterion."); } else if (geneSymbols.contains(ALL_GENES) || (ALL_GENES.equals(geneSymbol) && !geneSymbols.isEmpty())) { throw new InvalidCriterionException("All Genes can't be mixed in different Fold Change criterion."); } } private List<String> getGeneSymbols(List<String> geneSymbolsInCriterion) { List<String> geneSymbols = new ArrayList<String>(); if (geneSymbolsInCriterion.isEmpty()) { geneSymbols.add(ALL_GENES); } else { geneSymbols.addAll(geneSymbolsInCriterion); } return geneSymbols; } }