Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright SAIC * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.analysis.server; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.analysis.messaging.AnalysisResult; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.analysis.messaging.GLMSampleGroup; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.analysis.messaging.GeneralizedLinearModelRequest; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.analysis.messaging.GeneralizedLinearModelResult; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.analysis.messaging.GeneralizedLinearModelResultEntry; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.analysis.messaging.SampleGroup; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.enumeration.CoVariateType; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.enumeration.StatisticalMethodType; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.exceptions.AnalysisServerException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.rosuda.JRclient.REXP; /** * This is the GLM task that interfaces with the RServe application. * * * @author caIntegrator Team */ public class GeneralizedLinearModelTaskR extends AnalysisTaskR { private GeneralizedLinearModelResult glmResult = null; public static final int MIN_GROUP_SIZE = 3; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GeneralizedLinearModelTaskR.class); public GeneralizedLinearModelTaskR(GeneralizedLinearModelRequest request) { this(request, true); logger.debug("constructting glm with true"); } public GeneralizedLinearModelTaskR(GeneralizedLinearModelRequest request, boolean debugRcommands) { super(request, debugRcommands); logger.debug("constructting glm with " + debugRcommands); } public void run() { logger.debug("starting glm with " + this.getDebugRcommands()); GeneralizedLinearModelRequest glmRequest = (GeneralizedLinearModelRequest) getRequest(); glmResult = new GeneralizedLinearModelResult(glmRequest.getSessionId(), glmRequest.getTaskId()); + ": processing generalized linear model request=" + glmRequest); // Validate that all the groups are correct and not overlapping List<GLMSampleGroup> groups = glmRequest.getComparisonGroups(); //groups.add((GLMSampleGroup) glmRequest.getBaselineGroup()); boolean errorCondition = false; SampleGroup idsSeen = new SampleGroup(); String errorMsg = null; for (SampleGroup group : groups) { if (group.size() < 2) { errorMsg = "Group: " + group.getGroupName() + " has less than two members. Sending exception."; logger.error(errorMsg); errorCondition = true; break; } if (idsSeen.containsAny(group)) { errorMsg = "Group: " + group.getGroupName() + " contains overlapping ids. Sending exception."; logger.error(errorMsg); errorCondition = true; break; } idsSeen.addAll(group); } if (errorCondition) { AnalysisServerException ex = new AnalysisServerException( "One or more groups have overlapping members or contain less than 3 entries."); ex.setFailedRequest(glmRequest); logger.error("Groups have overlapping members or less than 3 entries."); setException(ex); return; } // set the data file // check to see if the data file on the compute connection is the // same as that for the analysis task try { setDataFile(glmRequest.getDataFileName()); } catch (AnalysisServerException e) { e.setFailedRequest(glmRequest); logger.error("Internal Error. Error setting data file to fileName for generalized linear model =" + glmRequest.getDataFileName()); setException(e); return; } // Execute the tasks to perform the GLM analysis try { SampleGroup baselineGroup = glmRequest.getBaselineGroup(); List<GLMSampleGroup> sampleGroups = glmRequest.getComparisonGroups(); String glmPatients = "GLMPATIENTS"; String glmGroups = "GLMGROUPS"; logger.debug("building"); List<String> allPatients = null; allPatients = createPatientList(baselineGroup, sampleGroups); String groupPatientCmd = getGlmPatientGroupCommand(glmPatients, allPatients); String groupNameCommand = getGlmGroupNameCommand(glmGroups, allPatients, baselineGroup, sampleGroups); logger.debug("about to invoke r"); doRvoidEval(groupPatientCmd); doRvoidEval(groupNameCommand); logger.debug("invoking r"); // Filter by gene variance to invrease performance Double geneVariance = glmRequest.getGeneVariance(); String varianceCommand = "subMatrix<-GeneFilterVariance(dataMatrix," + geneVariance.toString() + ")"; doRvoidEval(varianceCommand); String glmCommand = null; String commandName = null; StatisticalMethodType method = glmRequest.getStatisticalMethod(); if (StatisticalMethodType.ANOVA.equals(method)) { commandName = "eagle.anova.array"; } else if (StatisticalMethodType.GLM.equals(method)) { commandName = "eagle.glm.array"; } else { throw new AnalysisServerException("Invalid Statistical Method"); } List<CoVariateType> coVariateTypes = glmRequest.getCoVariateTypes(); if (coVariateTypes == null || coVariateTypes.size() == 0) { glmCommand = "glmResult<-" + commandName + "(subMatrix, " + glmPatients + ", " + glmGroups + ", FALSE, " + "null" + ")"; } else { String matrixName = constructDataMatrix(allPatients, (GLMSampleGroup) baselineGroup, sampleGroups); glmCommand = "glmResult<-" + commandName + "(subMatrix, " + glmPatients + ", " + glmGroups + ", TRUE, " + matrixName + ")"; } doRvoidEval(glmCommand); // get the labels Vector reporterIds = doREval("glmReporters <- dimnames(glmResult)[[1]]").asVector(); List<SampleGroup> resultSampleGroups = new ArrayList<SampleGroup>(); if (glmRequest.getComparisonGroups().size() < 2 && (glmRequest.getCoVariateTypes() == null || glmRequest.getCoVariateTypes().size() < 1)) { String groupId = doREval("glmGroups <- dimnames(glmResult)[[2]]").asString(); resultSampleGroups.add(new SampleGroup(groupId)); } else { Vector groupIds = new Vector(); groupIds = doREval("glmGroups <- dimnames(glmResult)[[2]]").asVector(); for (Object groupId : groupIds) { resultSampleGroups.add(new SampleGroup(((REXP) groupId).asString())); } } glmResult.setSampleGroups(resultSampleGroups); List<GeneralizedLinearModelResultEntry> entries = new ArrayList<GeneralizedLinearModelResultEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < reporterIds.size(); i++) { GeneralizedLinearModelResultEntry entry = new GeneralizedLinearModelResultEntry(); String reporter = ((REXP) reporterIds.get(i)).asString(); entry.setReporterId(reporter); double[] pvals = doREval("pval <- glmResult[" + (i + 1) + ",]").asDoubleArray(); entry.setGroupPvalues(pvals); entries.add(entry); } glmResult.setGlmResultEntries(entries); logger.debug("reporterIds.size=" + reporterIds.size()); logger.debug("groupIds.size=" + resultSampleGroups.size()); // glmResult.setSampleGroups(sampleGroups); } catch (AnalysisServerException asex) { AnalysisServerException aex = new AnalysisServerException( "Problem computing GLM. Caught AnalysisServerException in FTestTaskR." + asex.getMessage()); aex.setFailedRequest(glmRequest); setException(aex); logger.error("Caught AnalysisServerException in GLM"); logStackTrace(logger, asex); return; } catch (Exception ex) { AnalysisServerException asex = new AnalysisServerException( "Internal Error. Caught Exception in GLM exClass=" + ex.getClass() + " msg=" + ex.getMessage()); asex.setFailedRequest(glmRequest); setException(asex); logger.error("Caught Exception in GLM"); logStackTrace(logger, ex); return; } } /** * This method constructs a datamatrix for the confounding * factors in the GLM analysis. * * @param allPatients * @param baselineGroup * @param sampleGroups * @return * @throws AnalysisServerException */ private String constructDataMatrix(List<String> allPatients, GLMSampleGroup baselineGroup, List<GLMSampleGroup> sampleGroups) throws AnalysisServerException { // Construct the data matrix for the confounding factors logger.debug("about to construct data matrix"); int count = 0; Set<String> colNames = null; List<String> rowVarNames = new ArrayList<String>(); String varName = "PATIENT"; String command = "<-c("; String rowValues = null; for (String currPatient : allPatients) { HashMap valueMap = null; if (baselineGroup.contains(currPatient)) { valueMap = baselineGroup.getAnnotationMap().get(currPatient); } else { for (GLMSampleGroup sg : sampleGroups) { if (sg.contains(currPatient)) { valueMap = sg.getAnnotationMap().get(currPatient); break; } } } if (colNames == null) { colNames = valueMap.keySet(); } List values = new ArrayList(); for (String s : colNames) { Object o = valueMap.get(s); Double num = null; try { num = Double.parseDouble(o.toString()); values.add(num); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { values.add("\"" + o.toString() + "\""); } } rowValues = StringUtils.join(values.toArray(), ","); rowVarNames.add(varName + count); String rCommand = varName + count + command + rowValues + ")"; doRvoidEval(rCommand); count++; } logger.debug("about to bind data matrix"); String bindCmd = "boundCol <- rbind("; String matrixName = "GLMMATRIX"; String matrixCommand = matrixName + "<-as.matrix(boundCol)"; String dimColumns = "dimnames(" + matrixName + ")[[2]]<-"; String dimRows = "dimnames(" + matrixName + ")[[1]]<-"; String columnNames = StringUtils.join(rowVarNames.toArray(), ","); String cbindCommand = bindCmd + columnNames + ")"; String columnDimNames = "\"" + StringUtils.join(colNames.toArray(), "\",\"") + "\""; String rowDimNames = "\"" + StringUtils.join(allPatients.toArray(), "\",\"") + "\""; String columns = "DIMCOLUMNS"; String rows = "DIMROWS"; doRvoidEval(columns + command + columnDimNames + ")"); doRvoidEval(rows + command + rowDimNames + ")"); doRvoidEval(cbindCommand); doRvoidEval(matrixCommand); doRvoidEval(dimColumns + columns); doRvoidEval(dimRows + rows); return matrixName; } /** * This method creates a list of all the patients in order * to create a vector in R. * * @param baseline * @param comparisons * @return */ private List<String> createPatientList(SampleGroup baseline, List<GLMSampleGroup> comparisons) { String id; List<String> patients = new ArrayList<String>(); if (baseline != null) { for (Iterator i = baseline.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { id = (String); patients.add(id); } } for (SampleGroup group : comparisons) { for (Iterator i = group.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { id = (String); patients.add(id); } } return patients; } /** * This creates the R command to create a vactor of paitents. * * @param groupName * @param patients * @return */ public String getGlmPatientGroupCommand(String groupName, List<String> patients) { String command = groupName + " <- c(" + "\"" + StringUtils.join(patients.toArray(), "\",\"") + "\")"; return command; } /** * This creates the R command to create the vector of * group names, prepending a 0 to the baseline group, * which the R task requires. * * @param groupName * @param patients * @param baseline * @param comparisons * @return */ public String getGlmGroupNameCommand(String groupName, List<String> patients, SampleGroup baseline, List<GLMSampleGroup> comparisons) { List<String> groupNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String patientId : patients) { if (baseline.contains(patientId)) { groupNames.add("0" + baseline.getGroupName()); } else { for (SampleGroup g : comparisons) { if (g.contains(patientId)) { groupNames.add(g.getGroupName()); break; } } } } String command = groupName + " <- c(" + "\"" + StringUtils.join(groupNames.toArray(), "\",\"") + "\")"; return command; } public AnalysisResult getResult() { return glmResult; } public GeneralizedLinearModelResult getGeneralizedLinearModelResult() { return glmResult; } /** * Clean up some of the resources */ public void cleanUp() { try { setRComputeConnection(null); } catch (AnalysisServerException e) { logger.error("Error in cleanUp method."); logger.error(e); setException(e); } } }