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 *  Copyright 2001-2005 Internet2
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.provider;

import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.*;
import gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.artifact.*;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

 *  Default implementation of the SAML 1.x browser profiles
 * @author     Scott Cantor
 * @created    February 3, 2005
public class BrowserProfileProvider implements SAMLBrowserProfile {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BrowserProfileProvider.class.getName());
    private static int skew = 1000 * SAMLConfig.instance().getIntProperty("gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.clock-skew");

    public BrowserProfileProvider(Element e) {

     * @see gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLBrowserProfile#receive(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
    public BrowserProfileRequest receive(HttpServletRequest requestContext) throws UnsupportedProfileException {
        BrowserProfileRequest bpr = new BrowserProfileRequest();
        bpr.SAMLResponse = requestContext.getParameter("SAMLResponse");
        if (bpr.SAMLResponse == null) {
            bpr.SAMLArt = requestContext.getParameterValues("SAMLart");
            if (bpr.SAMLArt == null || bpr.SAMLArt.length == 0)
                throw new UnsupportedProfileException(
                        "no SAMLResponse or SAMLart parameters supplied in HTTP request");
        bpr.TARGET = requestContext.getParameter("TARGET");
        return bpr;

     * @see gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLBrowserProfile#receive(java.lang.StringBuffer, gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLBrowserProfile.BrowserProfileRequest, java.lang.String, gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.ReplayCache, gov.nih.nci.cagrid.opensaml.SAMLBrowserProfile.ArtifactMapper, int)
    public BrowserProfileResponse receive(StringBuffer issuer, BrowserProfileRequest requestContext,
            String recipient, ReplayCache replayCache, ArtifactMapper artifactMapper, int minorVersion)
            throws SAMLException {
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Java handles the parameter parsing, so we just check the results.
        SAMLResponse response = null;
        SAMLAssertion assertion = null;
        SAMLAuthenticationStatement authnStatement = null;
        boolean wasPost = true;
        if (requestContext.SAMLResponse != null) {
            response = new SAMLResponse(
                    new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decodeBase64(requestContext.SAMLResponse.getBytes())),
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("decoded SAML response:\n" + response.toString());

            try {
                // Check security bits in the outer wrapper (Recipient and IssueInstant).
                if (XML.isEmpty(recipient) || !XML.safeCompare(recipient, response.getRecipient()))
                    throw new FatalProfileException("detected recipient mismatch in POST profile response");

                if (response.getIssueInstant().getTime() < now - (2 * skew))
                    throw new ExpiredAssertionException("detected expired POST profile response");

                // We don't verify the signature, but at least check for one.
                if (!response.isSigned())
                    throw new FatalProfileException("detected unsigned POST profile response");
            } catch (SAMLException e) {
                if (issuer != null) {
                    Iterator assertions = response.getAssertions();
                    if (assertions.hasNext())
                throw e;
        } else {
            // Check for artifacts.
            if (requestContext.SAMLArt == null || requestContext.SAMLArt.length == 0)
                throw new FatalProfileException("no SAMLResponse or SAMLart parameters supplied");

            if (artifactMapper == null) {
                throw new FatalProfileException(
                        "support of artifact profile requires ArtifactMapper interface object");

            // Import the artifacts.
            Artifact[] artifacts = new Artifact[requestContext.SAMLArt.length];
            for (int index = 0; index < requestContext.SAMLArt.length; index++) {
                try {
                    log.debug("processing encoded artifact (" + requestContext.SAMLArt[index] + ")");

                    // If a replay cache was provided, check for replay.
                    if (replayCache != null) {
                        String key = "A_" + requestContext.SAMLArt[index];
                        if (!replayCache.check(key, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 2 * skew)))
                            throw new ReplayedAssertionException(
                                    "rejecting replayed artifact (" + requestContext.SAMLArt[index] + ")");
                    } else
                        log.warn("replay cache was not provided, this is a potential security risk!");
                    artifacts[index] = SAMLArtifact.getTypeCode(requestContext.SAMLArt[index]).getParser()
                } catch (ArtifactParseException e) {
                    log.error("invalid artifact (" + requestContext.SAMLArt[index] + ")");
                    throw new FatalProfileException("unable to parse artifact");
                } catch (ArtifactParserException e) {
                    log.error("unrecognized artifact type (" + requestContext.SAMLArt[index] + ")");
                    throw new FatalProfileException("unable to build parser for received artifact, unknown type");

            // That's actually the hard part. The rest of the work is mostly done by the caller.
            // An exception might get tossed here, of course.
            SAMLRequest request = new SAMLRequest(Arrays.asList(artifacts));
            response = artifactMapper.resolve(request);
            wasPost = false;

        // At this point, we have a seemingly valid response, either via POST or from an artifact callback.
        // This is messy. We have to basically guess as to where the authentication statement is, by finding
        // one with an appropriate subject confirmation method. We go for the first match inside a valid assertion.
        try {
            boolean bExpired = false;
            for (Iterator assertions = response.getAssertions(); assertion == null && assertions.hasNext();) {
                bExpired = false;
                SAMLAssertion a = (SAMLAssertion);

                // The assertion must be bounded front and back.
                Date notBefore = a.getNotBefore();
                Date notOnOrAfter = a.getNotOnOrAfter();
                if (notBefore == null || notOnOrAfter == null) {
                    log.debug("skipping assertion without time conditions...");

                if (now + skew < notBefore.getTime()) {
                    bExpired = true;
                    log.debug("skipping assertion that's not yet valid...");

                if (notOnOrAfter.getTime() <= now - skew) {
                    bExpired = true;
                    log.debug("skipping expired assertion...");

                // Look for an authentication statement.
                for (Iterator statements = a.getStatements(); authnStatement == null && statements.hasNext();) {
                    SAMLStatement s = (SAMLStatement);
                    if (!(s instanceof SAMLAuthenticationStatement))
                    SAMLAuthenticationStatement as = (SAMLAuthenticationStatement) s;

                    SAMLSubject subject = as.getSubject();
                    for (Iterator methods = subject.getConfirmationMethods(); methods.hasNext();) {
                        String m = (String);
                        if ((wasPost && m.equals(SAMLSubject.CONF_BEARER)) || m.equals(SAMLSubject.CONF_ARTIFACT)
                                || m.equals(SAMLSubject.CONF_ARTIFACT01)) {
                            authnStatement = as;
                            assertion = a;
            if (authnStatement == null) {
                if (bExpired == true && response.getAssertions().hasNext())
                    throw new ExpiredAssertionException("unable to accept assertion because of clock skew");
                throw new FatalProfileException("unable to locate a valid authentication statement");
            } else if (wasPost) {
                // Check for assertion replay. With artifact, the back-channel acts as a replay guard.
                if (replayCache != null) {
                    String key = "P_" + assertion.getId();
                    if (!replayCache.check(key, assertion.getNotOnOrAfter()))
                        throw new ReplayedAssertionException(
                                "rejecting replayed assertion ID (" + assertion.getId() + ")");
                } else
                    log.warn("replay cache was not provided, this is a serious security risk!");
        } catch (SAMLException e) {
            if (issuer != null) {
                Iterator assertions = response.getAssertions();
                if (assertions.hasNext())
            throw e;

        // Copy over profile data.
        BrowserProfileResponse profileResponse = new BrowserProfileResponse();
        profileResponse.response = response;
        profileResponse.assertion = assertion;
        profileResponse.authnStatement = authnStatement;

        // Extract TARGET parameter, if any. Might be required in SAML, but this is more forgiving.
        profileResponse.TARGET = requestContext.TARGET;

        return profileResponse;