Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright ScenPro Inc, SAIC-F * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ // Copyright ScenPro, Inc 2007 // $Header: /cvsshare/content/cvsroot/cdecurate/src/gov/nih/nci/cadsr/cdecurate/test/,v 1.11 2008-03-13 17:57:59 chickerura Exp $ // $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $ /* * To run: * * TestSpreadsheetDownload userId password * */ package gov.nih.nci.cadsr.cdecurate.test; import gov.nih.nci.cadsr.cdecurate.util.AdministeredItemUtil; import gov.nih.nci.cadsr.common.TestUtil; import; import; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Struct; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.sql.DataSource; import oracle.sql.Datum; import oracle.sql.STRUCT; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author shegde * @useful sqls - * --getting a DE with all columns populated select "DE Long Name", "DE Public ID", OC_CONCEPTS, PROP_CONCEPTS, VD_CONCEPTS, REP_CONCEPTS, VALID_VALUES, CLASSIFICATIONS, DESIGNATIONS, REFERENCE_DOCS, DE_DERIVATION from CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW WHERE OC_CONCEPTS IS NOT EMPTY and PROP_CONCEPTS IS NOT EMPTY and VD_CONCEPTS IS NOT EMPTY and REP_CONCEPTS IS NOT EMPTY and VALID_VALUES IS NOT EMPTY and CLASSIFICATIONS IS NOT EMPTY and DESIGNATIONS IS NOT EMPTY and REFERENCE_DOCS IS NOT EMPTY and DE_DERIVATION IS NOT NULL -- desc DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T * --checking specific columns * select "DE Preferred Definition","VD Short Name" ,"VD Long Name" from cde_excel_generator_view where cde_idseq = 'E0F50D35-0EBD-1078-E034-0003BA12F5E7'; -- VD select * from VD_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW where ; * * --spreadsheet columns sqls --AI to AN in Excel sheet (Exist in customDownload.sql at line 362) SELECT con.preferred_name, con.long_name, con.con_id, con.definition_source, con.origin, con.evs_source, com.primary_flag_ind, com.display_order FROM component_concepts_ext com, properties_ext prop,concepts_ext con WHERE prop.condr_idseq = com.condr_idseq(+) AND com.con_idseq = con.con_idseq(+) ORDER BY display_order DESC; --BT to CB in Excel sheet (Exist in customDownload.sql at line 403) SELECT pv.VALUE, vm.long_name short_meaning, vm.preferred_definition, sbrext_common_routines.get_concepts(vm.condr_idseq) meaningconcepts, pv.begin_date, pv.end_date, vm.vm_id, vm.version, defs.definition --GF32647 FROM sbr.permissible_values pv, sbr.vd_pvs vp, sbr.definitions_view defs,--GF32647 value_meanings vm, sbr.value_domains vd, representations_ext rep, sbr.contexts vd_conte, sbr.data_elements de, conceptual_domains cd WHERE vp.vd_idseq = vd.vd_idseq AND vp.pv_idseq = pv.pv_idseq AND pv.vm_idseq = vm.vm_idseq AND vm.vm_idseq = defs.ac_idseq(+) --GF32647 AND de.vd_idseq = 'EAA9208F-77F2-5AA0-E034-0003BA3F9857' AND vd.conte_idseq = vd_conte.conte_idseq AND vd.cd_idseq = cd.cd_idseq AND vd.rep_idseq = rep.rep_idseq(+); --CK to CO in Excel sheet (Exist in customDownload.sql at line 466) SELECT, des_conte.version,, des.detl_name, des.lae_name FROM sbr.designations des, sbr.data_elements de,sbr.contexts des_conte WHERE de.de_idseq = des.ac_idseq(+) AND des.conte_idseq = des_conte.conte_idseq(+); * * @table SQL> desc CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- CDE_IDSEQ NOT NULL CHAR(36) DE Short Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) DE Long Name VARCHAR2(255) DE Preferred Question Text VARCHAR2(4000) DE Preferred Definition NOT NULL VARCHAR2(2000) DE Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) DE Context Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) DE Context Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) DE Public ID NOT NULL NUMBER DE Workflow Status NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) DE Registration Status VARCHAR2(50) DE Begin Date DATE DE Source VARCHAR2(240) DEC Public ID NOT NULL NUMBER DEC Short Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) DEC Long Name VARCHAR2(255) DEC Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) DEC Context Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) DEC Context Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) OC Public ID NUMBER OC Long Name VARCHAR2(255) OC Short Name VARCHAR2(30) OC Context Name VARCHAR2(30) OC Version NUMBER(4,2) OC_CONCEPTS CONCEPTS_LIST_T Property Public ID NUMBER Property Long Name VARCHAR2(255) Property Short Name VARCHAR2(30) Property Context Name VARCHAR2(30) Property Version NUMBER(4,2) PROP_CONCEPTS CONCEPTS_LIST_T VD Public ID NOT NULL NUMBER VD Short Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) VD Long Name VARCHAR2(255) VD Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) VD Context Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) VD Context Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) VD Type VARCHAR2(14) VD Datatype NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) VD Min Length NUMBER(8) VD Max Length NUMBER(8) VD Min value VARCHAR2(255) VD Max Value VARCHAR2(255) VD Decimal Place NUMBER(2) VD Format VARCHAR2(20) VD_CONCEPTS CONCEPTS_LIST_T Representation Public ID NUMBER Representation Long Name VARCHAR2(255) Representation Short Name VARCHAR2(30) Representation Context Name VARCHAR2(30) Representation Version NUMBER(4,2) REP_CONCEPTS CONCEPTS_LIST_T VALID_VALUES VALID_VALUE_LIST_T CLASSIFICATIONS CDEBROWSER_CSI_LIST_T DESIGNATIONS DESIGNATIONS_LIST_T REFERENCE_DOCS CDEBROWSER_RD_LIST_T DE_DERIVATION DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T CD Public ID NOT NULL NUMBER CD Short Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) CD Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) CD Context Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) * SQL> desc VD_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- VD_IDSEQ NOT NULL CHAR(36) VD Public ID NOT NULL NUMBER VD Short Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) VD Long Name VARCHAR2(255) VD Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) VD Context Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) VD Context Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) VD Type VARCHAR2(14) VD Datatype NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) VD Min Length NUMBER(8) VD Max Length NUMBER(8) VD Min value VARCHAR2(255) VD Max Value VARCHAR2(255) VD Decimal Place NUMBER(2) VD Format VARCHAR2(20) VD_CONCEPTS CONCEPTS_LIST_T Representation Public ID NUMBER Representation Long Name VARCHAR2(255) Representation Short Name VARCHAR2(30) Representation Context Name VARCHAR2(30) Representation Version NUMBER(4,2) REP_CONCEPTS CONCEPTS_LIST_T VALID_VALUES VALID_VALUE_LIST_T CLASSIFICATIONS CDEBROWSER_CSI_LIST_T DESIGNATIONS DESIGNATIONS_LIST_T CD Public ID NOT NULL NUMBER CD Short Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) CD Version NOT NULL NUMBER(4,2) CD Context Name NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) SQL> */ public class TestSpreadsheetDownload { public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestSpreadsheetDownload.class.getName()); protected static Connection m_conn = null; private static final int GRID_MAX_DISPLAY = 10; FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; ArrayList<String> columnHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> columnTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<String[]>> typeMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String[]>>(); HashMap<String, String> arrayColumnTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); ArrayList<String> allExpandedColumnHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, List<String[]>>> arrayData = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, List<String[]>>>(); //======================================================================= public static void main(String[] args) { // testDE(args); testVD(args); } private static void testVD(String[] args) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; String value = null; Array array1 = null; ResultSet nestedRs1; oracle.sql.STRUCT s1 = null; Array array2 = null; ResultSet nestedRs2; oracle.sql.STRUCT s2 = null; STRUCT array3 = null; /*ResultSet nestedRs3;*/ oracle.sql.STRUCT s3 = null; Array array3_1 = null; ResultSet nestedRs3_1; oracle.sql.STRUCT s3_1 = null; try { connectDB(args[0], args[1]); logger.debug("connected"); //e.g. select OC_CONCEPTS from CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW --type is CONCEPTS_LIST_T String qry = "SELECT VD_CONCEPTS, REP_CONCEPTS, VALID_VALUES, CLASSIFICATIONS, DESIGNATIONS FROM VD_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW" + " where " // + "rownum < 11" + "\"VD Public ID\" = 2990741"; stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(qry); // _EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW.OC_CONCEPTS: /* SQL> desc CONCEPTS_LIST_T; CONCEPTS_LIST_T TABLE OF CONCEPT_DETAIL_T Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- PREFERRED_NAME VARCHAR2(30) LONG_NAME VARCHAR2(255) CON_ID NUMBER DEFINITION_SOURCE VARCHAR2(2000) ORIGIN VARCHAR2(240) EVS_SOURCE VARCHAR2(255) PRIMARY_FLAG_IND VARCHAR2(3) DISPLAY_ORDER NUMBER SQL> SQL> desc VALID_VALUE_LIST_T; VALID_VALUE_LIST_T TABLE OF VALID_VALUE_T Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- VALIDVALUE VARCHAR2(255) VALUEMEANING VARCHAR2(255) MEANINGDESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(2000) MEANINGCONCEPTS VARCHAR2(2000) PVBEGINDATE DATE PVENDDATE DATE VMPUBLICID NUMBER VMVERSION NUMBER(4,2) VMALTERNATEDEFINITIONS VARCHAR2(2000) SQL> SQL> desc DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- DerivationType VARCHAR2(30) DerivationTypeDescription VARCHAR2(200) Methods VARCHAR2(4000) Rule VARCHAR2(4000) ConcatenationCharacter VARCHAR2(1) ComponentDataElementsList DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST _T SQL> SQL> desc DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T; DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T TABLE OF DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_T Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- PublicId NUMBER LongName VARCHAR2(255) PreferredName VARCHAR2(30) PreferredDefinition VARCHAR2(2000) Version NUMBER(4,2) WorkflowStatus VARCHAR2(20) ContextName VARCHAR2(30) DisplayOrder NUMBER SQL> */ rset = stmt.executeQuery(); int rowcount = 0; while ( { System.out.println("************************************** start ROW " + ++rowcount + " **************************************"); array1 = rset.getArray(1); nestedRs1 = array1.getResultSet(); array2 = rset.getArray(2); nestedRs2 = array2.getResultSet(); array3 = /*rset.getArray(3); //cause oracle.sql.STRUCT cannot be cast to oracle.sql.ARRAY */ ((oracle.sql.STRUCT) rset .getObject(3)); ///* while ( { System.out.println("************************************** start CONCEPT_DETAIL_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //System.out.println("Current value[0] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(1) + "]"); //System.out.println("Current value[1] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(2) + "]"); try { s1 = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) nestedRs1.getObject(2); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (s1 != null) { String sqlname = s1.getSQLTypeName(); Datum[] attrs = s1.getOracleAttributes(); if (sqlname.equals("SBREXT.CONCEPT_DETAIL_T")) { System.out.println("PREFERRED_NAME=" + AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[0].getBytes()))); System.out.println("LONG_NAME=" + AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[1].getBytes()))); System.out.println("CON_ID=" + attrs[2].intValue()); } else throw new Exception("Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in parent"); } System.out.println("************************************** end CONCEPT_DETAIL_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } //*/ ///* while ( { System.out.println("************************************** start VALID_VALUE_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //System.out.println("Current value[0] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(1) + "]"); //System.out.println("Current value[1] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(2) + "]"); try { s2 = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) nestedRs2.getObject(2); //cause "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01403: no data found" for empty VALID_VALUE_LIST_T } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println( "Error while retriving VALID_VALUE_T, error was = [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } if (s2 != null) { String sqlname = s2.getSQLTypeName(); Datum[] attrs = s2.getOracleAttributes(); if (sqlname.equals("SBREXT.VALID_VALUE_T")) { System.out.println("VALIDVALUE=" + AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters(attrs[0].getBytes())); System.out.println("PVBEGINDATE=" + attrs[4].dateValue()); System.out.println("VMPUBLICID=" + attrs[6].intValue()); } else throw new Exception("Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in parent"); } System.out.println("************************************** end VALID_VALUE_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } // while ( if (array3 != null) { System.out.println("************************************** start DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //TEST SQL: /* SELECT DE_DERIVATION FROM CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW where "DE Public ID" = 2341940; */ String sqlname = array3.getSQLTypeName(); if (sqlname.equals("SBREXT.DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T")) { Datum[] valueDatum = array3.getOracleAttributes(); String[] values = new String[valueDatum.length]; for (int a = 0; a < valueDatum.length; a++) { if (valueDatum[a] != null) { Class c = valueDatum[a].getClass(); if (c.getName().equals("oracle.sql.CHAR")) { values[a] = new String(valueDatum[a].getBytes()); //valueDatum[a].toString(); //should not do toString(), it will cause "???" in the value! System.out.println("Current colum type = [" + c.getName() + "]"); // System.out.println("Current colum name = [" + c.getCanonicalName() + "]"); //TBD not sure how to get the column name System.out.println("Current value[" + a + "] = [" + values[a] + "]"); System.out.println("--- end of column ---"); } else { System.out.println("what are you my child=" + valueDatum[a]); if (c.getName().equals("oracle.sql.ARRAY")) { int childCount = 0; array3_1 = ((oracle.sql.ARRAY) valueDatum[a]); nestedRs3_1 = array3_1.getResultSet(); while ( { System.out.println( "************************************** start DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //System.out.println("Current value[0] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(1) + "]"); //System.out.println("Current value[1] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(2) + "]"); try { s3_1 = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) nestedRs3_1.getObject(2); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (s3_1 != null) { String sqlname3_1 = s3_1.getSQLTypeName(); Datum[] attrs = s3_1.getOracleAttributes(); if (sqlname3_1.equals("SBREXT.DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_T")) { childCount++; System.out.println("PublicId=" + attrs[0].intValue()); System.out.println("LongName=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[1].getBytes()))); System.out.println("PreferredName=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[2].getBytes()))); System.out.println("PreferredDefinition=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[3].getBytes()))); System.out.println("Version=" + attrs[4].intValue()); System.out.println("WorkflowStatus=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[5].getBytes()))); System.out.println("ContextName=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[6].getBytes()))); System.out.println("DisplayOrder=" + attrs[7].intValue()); System.out .println("************************************** child " + childCount + " of DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } else throw new Exception( "Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in child"); } System.out.println( "************************************** end DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } } else { System.out.println("what are you my child=" + valueDatum[a]); } } } else { System.out.println("Current value[" + a + "] is NULL or empty."); System.out.println("--- end of column ---"); } } } else throw new Exception("Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in parent"); System.out.println("************************************** end DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); // } System.out.println("************************************** end ROW " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { rset.close(); stmt.close(); m_conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void testDE(String[] args) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; String value = null; Array array1 = null; ResultSet nestedRs1; oracle.sql.STRUCT s1 = null; Array array2 = null; ResultSet nestedRs2; oracle.sql.STRUCT s2 = null; STRUCT array3 = null; /*ResultSet nestedRs3;*/ oracle.sql.STRUCT s3 = null; Array array3_1 = null; ResultSet nestedRs3_1; oracle.sql.STRUCT s3_1 = null; try { connectDB(args[0], args[1]); logger.debug("connected"); //e.g. select OC_CONCEPTS from CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW --type is CONCEPTS_LIST_T String qry = "SELECT OC_CONCEPTS, VALID_VALUES, DE_DERIVATION FROM CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW" + " where " // + "rownum < 11" // + "\"DE Public ID\" = 3124888" //test case for ORA-01403: no data found" // + "\"DE Public ID\" = 2341940" //get by entering *derived* in DE search based on Name and Def + "\"DE Public ID\" = 2341940" //DERIVATION METHOD test, created by Denise ; stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement(qry); // _EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW.OC_CONCEPTS: /* SQL> desc CONCEPTS_LIST_T; CONCEPTS_LIST_T TABLE OF CONCEPT_DETAIL_T Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- PREFERRED_NAME VARCHAR2(30) LONG_NAME VARCHAR2(255) CON_ID NUMBER DEFINITION_SOURCE VARCHAR2(2000) ORIGIN VARCHAR2(240) EVS_SOURCE VARCHAR2(255) PRIMARY_FLAG_IND VARCHAR2(3) DISPLAY_ORDER NUMBER SQL> SQL> desc VALID_VALUE_LIST_T; VALID_VALUE_LIST_T TABLE OF VALID_VALUE_T Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- VALIDVALUE VARCHAR2(255) VALUEMEANING VARCHAR2(255) MEANINGDESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(2000) MEANINGCONCEPTS VARCHAR2(2000) PVBEGINDATE DATE PVENDDATE DATE VMPUBLICID NUMBER VMVERSION NUMBER(4,2) VMALTERNATEDEFINITIONS VARCHAR2(2000) SQL> SQL> desc DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- DerivationType VARCHAR2(30) DerivationTypeDescription VARCHAR2(200) Methods VARCHAR2(4000) Rule VARCHAR2(4000) ConcatenationCharacter VARCHAR2(1) ComponentDataElementsList DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST _T SQL> SQL> desc DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T; DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T TABLE OF DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_T Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- PublicId NUMBER LongName VARCHAR2(255) PreferredName VARCHAR2(30) PreferredDefinition VARCHAR2(2000) Version NUMBER(4,2) WorkflowStatus VARCHAR2(20) ContextName VARCHAR2(30) DisplayOrder NUMBER SQL> */ rset = stmt.executeQuery(); int rowcount = 0; while ( { System.out.println("************************************** start ROW " + ++rowcount + " **************************************"); array1 = rset.getArray(1); nestedRs1 = array1.getResultSet(); array2 = rset.getArray(2); nestedRs2 = array2.getResultSet(); array3 = /*rset.getArray(3); //cause oracle.sql.STRUCT cannot be cast to oracle.sql.ARRAY */ ((oracle.sql.STRUCT) rset .getObject(3)); ///* while ( { System.out.println("************************************** start CONCEPT_DETAIL_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //System.out.println("Current value[0] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(1) + "]"); //System.out.println("Current value[1] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(2) + "]"); try { s1 = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) nestedRs1.getObject(2); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (s1 != null) { String sqlname = s1.getSQLTypeName(); Datum[] attrs = s1.getOracleAttributes(); if (sqlname.equals("SBREXT.CONCEPT_DETAIL_T")) { System.out.println("PREFERRED_NAME=" + AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[0].getBytes()))); System.out.println("LONG_NAME=" + AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[1].getBytes()))); System.out.println("CON_ID=" + attrs[2].intValue()); } else throw new Exception("Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in parent"); } System.out.println("************************************** end CONCEPT_DETAIL_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } //*/ ///* while ( { System.out.println("************************************** start VALID_VALUE_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //System.out.println("Current value[0] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(1) + "]"); //System.out.println("Current value[1] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(2) + "]"); try { s2 = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) nestedRs2.getObject(2); //cause "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01403: no data found" for empty VALID_VALUE_LIST_T } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println( "Error while retriving VALID_VALUE_T, error was = [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } if (s2 != null) { String sqlname = s2.getSQLTypeName(); Datum[] attrs = s2.getOracleAttributes(); if (sqlname.equals("SBREXT.VALID_VALUE_T")) { System.out.println("VALIDVALUE=" + AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters(attrs[0].getBytes())); System.out.println("PVBEGINDATE=" + attrs[4].dateValue()); System.out.println("VMPUBLICID=" + attrs[6].intValue()); } else throw new Exception("Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in parent"); } System.out.println("************************************** end VALID_VALUE_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } // while ( if (array3 != null) { System.out.println("************************************** start DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //TEST SQL: /* SELECT DE_DERIVATION FROM CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW where "DE Public ID" = 2341940; */ String sqlname = array3.getSQLTypeName(); if (sqlname.equals("SBREXT.DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T")) { Datum[] valueDatum = array3.getOracleAttributes(); String[] values = new String[valueDatum.length]; for (int a = 0; a < valueDatum.length; a++) { if (valueDatum[a] != null) { Class c = valueDatum[a].getClass(); if (c.getName().equals("oracle.sql.CHAR")) { values[a] = new String(valueDatum[a].getBytes()); //valueDatum[a].toString(); //should not do toString(), it will cause "???" in the value! System.out.println("Current colum type = [" + c.getName() + "]"); // System.out.println("Current colum name = [" + c.getCanonicalName() + "]"); //TBD not sure how to get the column name System.out.println("Current value[" + a + "] = [" + values[a] + "]"); System.out.println("--- end of column ---"); } else { System.out.println("what are you my child=" + valueDatum[a]); if (c.getName().equals("oracle.sql.ARRAY")) { int childCount = 0; array3_1 = ((oracle.sql.ARRAY) valueDatum[a]); nestedRs3_1 = array3_1.getResultSet(); while ( { System.out.println( "************************************** start DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); //System.out.println("Current value[0] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(1) + "]"); //System.out.println("Current value[1] = [" + nestedRs.getObject(2) + "]"); try { s3_1 = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) nestedRs3_1.getObject(2); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (s3_1 != null) { String sqlname3_1 = s3_1.getSQLTypeName(); Datum[] attrs = s3_1.getOracleAttributes(); if (sqlname3_1.equals("SBREXT.DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_T")) { childCount++; System.out.println("PublicId=" + attrs[0].intValue()); System.out.println("LongName=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[1].getBytes()))); System.out.println("PreferredName=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[2].getBytes()))); System.out.println("PreferredDefinition=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[3].getBytes()))); System.out.println("Version=" + attrs[4].intValue()); System.out.println("WorkflowStatus=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[5].getBytes()))); System.out.println("ContextName=" + AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters((attrs[6].getBytes()))); System.out.println("DisplayOrder=" + attrs[7].intValue()); System.out .println("************************************** child " + childCount + " of DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } else throw new Exception( "Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in child"); } System.out.println( "************************************** end DATA_ELEMENT_DERIVATION_LIST_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } } else { System.out.println("what are you my child=" + valueDatum[a]); } } } else { System.out.println("Current value[" + a + "] is NULL or empty."); System.out.println("--- end of column ---"); } } } else throw new Exception("Invalid type name: " + sqlname + " in parent"); System.out.println("************************************** end DERIVED_DATA_ELEMENT_T " + rowcount + " **************************************"); // } System.out.println("************************************** end ROW " + rowcount + " **************************************"); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { rset.close(); stmt.close(); m_conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void connectDB(String username, String password) { try { //DO NOT HARD CODE the user/password and check in SVN/Git please! setConn(TestUtil.getConnection(username, password)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main1(String[] args) { connectDB(args[0], args[1]); TestSpreadsheetDownload download = new TestSpreadsheetDownload(); download.setColHeadersAndTypes("CDE"); ArrayList<String[]> downloadRows = download.getRecords(false, false); download.createDownloadColumns(downloadRows); } //======================================================================= public void get_m_conn() { // get the connection if (m_conn == null) { m_conn = connectDB1(); setConn(m_conn); } } //======================================================================= /** * @param ub_ * @return Connection */ public Connection connectDB1() { Connection SBRDb_conn = null; try { try { SBRDb_conn = this.getConnFromDS(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Servlet error: no pool connection.", e); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Servlet connectDB : " + e.toString(), e); } return SBRDb_conn; } //======================================================================= /** * Start in the /conf/template.cdecurate-oracle-ds.xml file. Notice the * <jndi-name>. This name is used by JBoss to create and identify the * connection pool. We copied this name to the /conf/template.web.xml file * in the <param-value> element. The <param-name> for this initialization * value appears in the code NCICurationServlet.initOracleConnect() method. * The data source pool name is then saved in a class variable * "_dataSourceName". * The variable is used by the * CurationServlet.getConnFromDS() method which is used by the * CurationServlet.connectDB() method. * * @return */ public Connection getConnFromDS() { // Use tool database pool. Context envContext = null; DataSource ds = null; String user_; String pswd_; try { envContext = new InitialContext(); ds = (DataSource) envContext.lookup("jdbc/CDECurateDS"); user_ = "cdebrowser"; pswd_ = "cdeuser"; } catch (Exception e) { String stErr = "Error creating database pool[" + e.getMessage() + "]."; logger.fatal(stErr, e); return null; } // Open connection Connection con = null; try { con = ds.getConnection(user_, pswd_); } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("Could not open database connection.", e); return null; } return con; } //======================================================================= /** * @return the m_conn */ public Connection getConn() { return m_conn; } //======================================================================= /** * @param m_conn * the m_conn to set */ public static void setConn(Connection conn) { m_conn = conn; } //======================================================================= private void setColHeadersAndTypes(String type) { String sList = new String(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; if (sList == "") sList = "CDE_IDSEQ,DEC_IDSEQ,VD_IDSEQ,Conceptual Domain Public ID,Conceptual Domain Short Name,Conceptual Domain Version,Conceptual Domain Context Name"; ArrayList<String> excluded = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String col : sList.split(",")) { excluded.add(col); } try { String qry = "SELECT * FROM sbrext." + type + "_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW where 1=2"; ps = getConn().prepareStatement(qry); // Object[] inputValues = new Object[columnNames.length]; // inputValues[0] = new java.math.BigDecimal(100); // inputValues[1] = new String("String Value"); // inputValues[2] = new String("This is my resume."); // inputValues[3] = new Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime()); // // // prepare blob object from an existing binary column // String insert = "insert into resume (id, name, content, date_created ) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"; // pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insert); // // pstmt.setObject(1, inputValues[0]); // pstmt.setObject(2, inputValues[1]); // pstmt.setObject(3, inputValues[2]); // pstmt.setObject(4, inputValues[3]); rs = ps.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int numColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); // Get the column names and types; column indices start from 1 for (int i = 1; i < numColumns + 1; i++) { String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i); columnName = prettyName(columnName); columnHeaders.add(columnName); String columnType = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i); if (columnType.endsWith("_T") && !typeMap.containsKey(columnType)) { String typeKey = i + ":" + columnType; columnTypes.add(typeKey); ArrayList<String[]> typeBreakdown = getType(typeKey, columnName, type); typeMap.put(i + ":" + columnType, typeBreakdown); if (typeBreakdown.size() > 0) { String[] typeColNames = typeBreakdown.get(0); String[] orderedTypeColNames = getOrderedTypeNames(typeKey, columnName, type); for (int c = 0; c < orderedTypeColNames.length; c++) { arrayColumnTypes.put(typeColNames[c], typeKey); allExpandedColumnHeaders.add(orderedTypeColNames[c]); } } else allExpandedColumnHeaders.add(columnName); } else { columnTypes.add(columnType); allExpandedColumnHeaders.add(columnName); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (ps != null) try { ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } //======================================================================= private String prettyName(String name) { if (name.startsWith("DE ")) return name.replace("DE ", "Data Element "); else if (name.startsWith("DEC ")) return name.replace("DEC ", "Data Element Concept "); else if (name.startsWith("VD ")) return name.replace("VD ", "Value Domain "); else if (name.startsWith("OC ")) return name.replace("OC ", "Object Class "); else if (name.startsWith("CD ")) return name.replace("CD ", "Conceptual Domain "); return name; } //======================================================================= private ArrayList<String[]> getType(String type, String name, String download) { ArrayList<String[]> colNamesAndTypes = new ArrayList<String[]>(); ArrayList<String> attrName = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> attrTypeName = new ArrayList<String>(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sqlStmt = "select * from sbrext.custom_download_types c where UPPER(c.type_name) = ? order by c.column_index"; String[] splitType = type.split("\\."); type = splitType[1]; try { ps = getConn().prepareStatement(sqlStmt); ps.setString(1, type); rs = ps.executeQuery(); int i = 0; while ( { i++; String col = rs.getString("DISPLAY_NAME"); String ctype = rs.getString("DISPLAY_TYPE"); if (type.toUpperCase().contains("CONCEPT")) { if (name.toUpperCase().startsWith("REP")) name = "Representation Concept"; else if (name.toUpperCase().startsWith("VD")) name = "Value Domain Concept"; else if (name.toUpperCase().startsWith("OC")) name = "Object Class Concept"; else if (name.startsWith("PROP")) name = "Property Concept"; col = name + " " + col; } if (type.toUpperCase().contains("DESIGNATION")) { if (download.equals("CDE")) download = "Data Element"; else if (download.equals("VD")) download = "Value Domain"; else if (download.equals("DEC")) download = "Data Element Concept"; col = download + " " + col; } attrName.add(col); attrTypeName.add(ctype); } // System.out.println(type + " "+i); rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String[] attrNames = new String[attrName.size()]; String[] attrTypeNames = new String[attrTypeName.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < attrName.size(); i++) { attrNames[i] = attrName.get(i); attrTypeNames[i] = attrTypeName.get(i); } colNamesAndTypes.add(attrNames); colNamesAndTypes.add(attrTypeNames); return colNamesAndTypes; } //======================================================================= private String[] getOrderedTypeNames(String type, String name, String download) { ArrayList<String> attrName = new ArrayList<String>(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sqlStmt = "select * from sbrext.custom_download_types c where UPPER(c.type_name) = ? order by c.display_column_index"; String[] splitType = type.split("\\."); type = splitType[1]; try { ps = getConn().prepareStatement(sqlStmt); ps.setString(1, type); rs = ps.executeQuery(); int i = 0; while ( { i++; String col = rs.getString("DISPLAY_NAME"); String ctype = rs.getString("DISPLAY_TYPE"); if (type.toUpperCase().contains("CONCEPT")) { if (name.toUpperCase().startsWith("REP")) name = "Representation Concept"; else if (name.toUpperCase().startsWith("VD")) name = "Value Domain Concept"; else if (name.toUpperCase().startsWith("OC")) name = "Object Class Concept"; else if (name.startsWith("PROP")) name = "Property Concept"; col = name + " " + col; } if (type.toUpperCase().contains("DESIGNATION")) { if (download.equals("CDE")) download = "Data Element"; else if (download.equals("VD")) download = "Value Domain"; else if (download.equals("DEC")) download = "Data Element Concept"; col = download + " " + col; } attrName.add(col); } // System.out.println(type + " "+i); rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String[] attrNames = new String[attrName.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < attrName.size(); i++) { attrNames[i] = attrName.get(i); } return attrNames; } //======================================================================= private ArrayList<String[]> getRecords(boolean full, boolean restrict) { ArrayList<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<String[]>(); ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { if (getConn() == null) { logger.error("Cannot get DB Connection"); } else { int rowNum = 0; List<String> sqlStmts = getSQLStatements(full, restrict); for (String sqlStmt : sqlStmts) { ps = getConn().prepareStatement(sqlStmt); rs = ps.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int numColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); while ( { String[] row = new String[numColumns]; HashMap<String, List<String[]>> typeArrayData = null; for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) { if (columnTypes.get(i).endsWith("_T")) { List<String[]> rowArrayData = getRowArrayData(rs, columnTypes.get(i), i); if (typeArrayData == null) { typeArrayData = new HashMap<String, List<String[]>>(); } typeArrayData.put(columnTypes.get(i), rowArrayData); } else { //truncate timestamp if (columnTypes.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) { row[i] = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(rs.getString(i + 1)); } else { row[i] = rs.getString(i + 1); //??? getString() even for STRUCT ??? } // System.out.println("rs.getString(i+1) = " + // rs.getString(i+1)); } } // If there were no arrayData added, add null to keep // parity with rows. if (typeArrayData == null) { arrayData.add(null); } else { arrayData.add(rowNum, typeArrayData); } rows.add(row); rowNum++; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (ps != null) try { ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return rows; } //======================================================================= private Sheet fillInBump(Sheet sheet, int originalRow, int rownum, int bump, ArrayList<String[]> allRows, ArrayList<String> allTypes, int[] colIndices) { String temp = null; for (int a = rownum; a < rownum + bump; a++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(a); for (int j = 0; j < colIndices.length; j++) { String currentType = allTypes.get(colIndices[j]); if (currentType.endsWith("_T")) { // Do nothing } else { Cell cell = row.createCell(j); temp = allRows.get(originalRow)[colIndices[j]]; logger.debug("at line 481 of*****" + temp + currentType); if (currentType.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) { temp = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(temp); } cell.setCellValue(temp); } } } return sheet; } //======================================================================= //*** REPLACE THIS METHOD with the real on in CustomDownloadServlet!!! *** private List<String[]> getRowArrayData(ResultSet rs, String columnType, int index) throws Exception { List<String[]> rowArrayData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); Array array = null; //Special case: first row has info on derivation, others on data elements if (columnType.indexOf("DERIVED") > 0) { Object derivedObject = rs.getObject(index + 1); STRUCT struct = (STRUCT) derivedObject; Datum[] valueStruct = struct.getOracleAttributes(); //Fifth entry is the array with DE's array = (Array) valueStruct[5]; if (array != null) { String[] derivationInfo = new String[5]; for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++) { if (valueStruct[z] != null) { Class c = valueStruct[z].getClass(); String s = c.getName(); if (c.getName().toUpperCase().contains("NUMBER")) { derivationInfo[z] = Integer.toString(valueStruct[z].intValue()); } else if (c.getName().toUpperCase().contains("DATE")) { derivationInfo[z] = valueStruct[z].dateValue().toString(); derivationInfo[z] = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(derivationInfo[z]); } else { derivationInfo[z] = AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters(valueStruct[z].getBytes()); } // derivationInfo[z] =(valueStruct[z] != null)? valueStruct[z].toString(): ""; } } logger.debug("At line 272 of" + "****" + Arrays.asList(derivationInfo)); rowArrayData.add(derivationInfo); ResultSet nestedRs = array.getResultSet(); while ( { STRUCT deStruct = (STRUCT) nestedRs.getObject(2); Datum[] valueDatum = deStruct.getOracleAttributes(); String[] values = new String[valueDatum.length]; for (int a = 0; a < valueDatum.length; a++) { if (valueDatum[a] != null) { Class c = valueDatum[a].getClass(); String s = c.getName(); if (c.getName().toUpperCase().contains("NUMBER")) { values[a] = Integer.toString(valueDatum[a].intValue()); } else if (c.getName().toUpperCase().contains("DATE")) { values[a] = valueDatum[a].dateValue().toString(); values[a] = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(values[a]); } else { values[a] = AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters(valueDatum[a].getBytes()); } // values[a]= valueDatum[a].toString(); } } logger.debug("At line 297 of" + "****" + Arrays.asList(values)); rowArrayData.add(values); } } } else { array = rs.getArray(index + 1); if (array != null) { ResultSet nestedRs = array.getResultSet(); while ( { STRUCT valueStruct = (STRUCT) nestedRs.getObject(2); //GF30779 Datum[] valueDatum = valueStruct.getOracleAttributes(); //GF30779 String[] values = new String[valueDatum.length]; int slide = 0; for (int a = 0; a < valueDatum.length; a++) { if (valueDatum[a] != null) { Class c = valueDatum[a].getClass(); String s = c.getName(); String truncatedTimeStamp = null; //GF30799 if (c.getName().toUpperCase().contains("STRUCT")) { STRUCT str = (STRUCT) valueDatum[a]; //GF30779 Datum[] strValues = str.getOracleAttributes(); //GF30779 logger.debug("At line 298 of" + "***" + Arrays.asList(strValues) + "****" + Arrays.asList(str.getAttributes())); values = new String[valueDatum.length + strValues.length - 1]; slide = -1; for (int b = 0; b < strValues.length; b++) { if (strValues[b] != null) { Class structClass = strValues[b].getClass(); String className = structClass.getName(); // truncatedTimeStamp = strValues[b].toString(); //begin GF30779 // logger.debug("At line 299 of" + truncatedTimeStamp); if (className.toUpperCase().contains("NUMBER")) { //GF30779======START truncatedTimeStamp = Integer.toString(strValues[b].intValue()); //caused java.sql.SQLException: Conversion to integer failed } else if (className.toUpperCase().contains("DATE")) { truncatedTimeStamp = strValues[b].dateValue().toString(); truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil .truncateTime(truncatedTimeStamp); } else { truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters(strValues[b].getBytes()); } //GF30779=============END // truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil.handleSpecialCharacters(strValues[b].getBytes()); // GF30779 logger.debug("At line 316 of" + "***" + truncatedTimeStamp + "***" + className + "***" + valueDatum[a] + "***" + strValues[b]); // if (columnType.contains("VALID_VALUE") && truncatedTimeStamp != null && truncatedTimeStamp.contains(":")) { // truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(truncatedTimeStamp); // logger.debug("At line 304 of" + truncatedTimeStamp); // } //end GF30779 values[b] = truncatedTimeStamp; slide++; } } } else { if (c.getName().toUpperCase().contains("NUMBER")) { //GF30779===START truncatedTimeStamp = Integer.toString(valueDatum[a].intValue()); } else if (c.getName().toUpperCase().contains("DATE")) { truncatedTimeStamp = valueDatum[a].dateValue().toString(); truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(truncatedTimeStamp); } else { truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil .handleSpecialCharacters(valueDatum[a].getBytes()); } //GF30779=============END // truncatedTimeStamp = valueDatum[a].toString(); //begin GF30779 logger.debug("At line 335 of" + "****" + truncatedTimeStamp + "*****" + s); // truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil.toASCIICode(truncatedTimeStamp); // GF30779 // logger.debug("At line 313 of" + truncatedTimeStamp + s + valueDatum[a]); // if (columnType.contains("VALID_VALUE") && truncatedTimeStamp != null && truncatedTimeStamp.contains(":")) { // truncatedTimeStamp = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(truncatedTimeStamp); // logger.debug("At line 316 of" + truncatedTimeStamp); // } //end GF30779 values[a + slide] = truncatedTimeStamp; } } else { values[a] = ""; } } rowArrayData.add(values); } } } return rowArrayData; } //======================================================================= private List<String> getSQLStatements(boolean full, boolean restrict) { List<String> sqlStmts = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> downloadIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); //useful SQL /* SELECT CDE_IDSEQ --* --OC_CONCEPTS, VALID_VALUES, --DE_DERIVATION FROM CDE_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW where --CDE_IDSEQ = 'C67194F6-BFC9-53D6-E034-0003BA12F5E7' "DE Public ID" = --2341940 -- OK :) --64550 --two dowmload IDs!!!??? not sure how to test this in test class but this is causing error too --3232325 ORA-01403: no data found :( --3232338 blank row!!! 3124888 */ downloadIDs.add("C67194F6-BFC9-53D6-E034-0003BA12F5E7"); // CDE_IDSEQ of DE with Long name is DNA Index Value and Public ID is 64516 - seems ok downloadIDs.add("CFCBA97B-D243-5D7B-E034-0003BA12F5E7"); // Public ID is 2179601 downloadIDs.add("CFCBA97B-D27B-5D7B-E034-0003BA12F5E7"); // Public ID is 2179615 // downloadIDs.add("FCF89106-22D3-2D93-E034-0003BA3F9857"); // Public ID is 2341940 - seems OK // downloadIDs.add("A1EB3697-8ECD-E94B-E040-BB89AD436A29"); // Public ID is 3232325 - cause java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01403: no data found // downloadIDs.add("A1EB3697-8F89-E94B-E040-BB89AD436A29"); // Public ID is 3232338 - cause blank/empty row (not supposed to be empty!!!) // downloadIDs.add("8C7A38F6-8D66-4D33-E040-BB89AD435FB9"); // Public ID is 3124888 - all columns should be populated but blank row was found (zero row) String type = "CDE"; String sqlStmt = null; if (!full) { StringBuffer[] whereBuffers = getWhereBuffers(downloadIDs); for (StringBuffer wBuffer : whereBuffers) { sqlStmt = "SELECT * FROM sbrext." + type + "_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW " + "WHERE " + type + "_IDSEQ IN " + " ( " + wBuffer.toString() + " ) "; if (restrict) { sqlStmt += " and ROWNUM <= " + GRID_MAX_DISPLAY; sqlStmts.add(sqlStmt); break; } else { sqlStmts.add(sqlStmt); } } } else { sqlStmt = "SELECT * FROM sbrext." + type + "_EXCEL_GENERATOR_VIEW"; if (restrict) sqlStmt += " where ROWNUM <= " + GRID_MAX_DISPLAY; sqlStmts.add(sqlStmt); } return sqlStmts; } //======================================================================= private StringBuffer[] getWhereBuffers(ArrayList<String> downloadIds) { StringBuffer whereBuffer = null; List<StringBuffer> whereBuffers = null; if (downloadIds.size() <= 1000) { // make sure that there are no more // than 1000 ids in each 'IN' clause whereBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (String id : downloadIds) { whereBuffer.append("'" + id + "',"); } whereBuffer.deleteCharAt(whereBuffer.length() - 1); } else { whereBuffers = new ArrayList<StringBuffer>(); int counter = 0; whereBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (String id : downloadIds) { whereBuffer.append("'" + id + "',"); counter++; if (counter % 1000 == 0) { whereBuffer.deleteCharAt(whereBuffer.length() - 1); whereBuffers.add(whereBuffer); whereBuffer = new StringBuffer(); } } // add the final chunk to the list if (whereBuffer.length() > 0) { whereBuffer.deleteCharAt(whereBuffer.length() - 1); whereBuffers.add(whereBuffer); } } if (whereBuffers == null) { whereBuffers = new ArrayList<StringBuffer>(1); whereBuffers.add(whereBuffer); } return whereBuffers.toArray(new StringBuffer[0]); } //======================================================================= private void createDownloadColumns(ArrayList<String[]> allRows) { final int MAX_ROWS = 65000; String sheetName = "Custom Download"; int sheetNum = 1; String fillIn = "false";// set true to fill in all values. String[] columns = null; ArrayList<String> defaultHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String cName : allExpandedColumnHeaders) { if (cName.endsWith("IDSEQ") || cName.startsWith("CD ") || cName.startsWith("Conceptual Domain")) { /* skip */ } else { System.out.println("cName = " + cName); defaultHeaders.add(cName); } } columns = defaultHeaders.toArray(new String[defaultHeaders.size()]); int[] colIndices = new int[columns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { String colName = columns[i]; if (columnHeaders.indexOf(colName) < 0) { String tempType = arrayColumnTypes.get(colName); int temp = columnTypes.indexOf(tempType); colIndices[i] = temp; } else { int temp = columnHeaders.indexOf(colName); colIndices[i] = temp; } } Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName); Font font = wb.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); CellStyle boldCellStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); boldCellStyle.setFont(font); boldCellStyle.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_GENERAL); Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); headerRow.setHeightInPoints(12.75f); String temp; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(i); temp = columns[i]; cell.setCellValue(temp); cell.setCellStyle(boldCellStyle); } // freeze the first row sheet.createFreezePane(0, 1); Row row = null; Cell cell; int rownum = 1; int bump = 0; int i = 0; try { System.out.println("Total CDEs to download [" + allRows.size() + "]"); for (i = 0; i < allRows.size(); i++, rownum++) { // Check if row already exists int maxBump = 0; if (sheet.getRow(rownum + bump) == null) { row = sheet.createRow(rownum + bump); } if (allRows.get(i) == null) continue; for (int j = 0; j < colIndices.length; j++) { cell = row.createCell(j); String currentType = columnTypes.get(colIndices[j]); if (currentType.endsWith("_T")) { // Deal with CS/CSI String[] originalArrColNames = typeMap.get(currentType).get(0); // Find current column in original data int originalColumnIndex = -1; for (int a = 0; a < originalArrColNames.length; a++) { if (columns[j].equals(originalArrColNames[a])) { originalColumnIndex = a; break; } } // ArrayList<HashMap<String,ArrayList<String[]>>> // arrayData1 = // (ArrayList<HashMap<String,ArrayList<String[]>>>)arrayData; HashMap<String, List<String[]>> typeArrayData = arrayData.get(i); ArrayList<String[]> rowArrayData = (ArrayList<String[]>) typeArrayData.get(currentType); if (rowArrayData != null) { int tempBump = 0; for (int nestedRowIndex = 0; nestedRowIndex < rowArrayData.size(); nestedRowIndex++) { String[] nestedData = rowArrayData.get(nestedRowIndex); String data = ""; if (currentType.contains("DERIVED")) { // Derived data element is special double // nested, needs to be modified to be more // general. // General DDE information is in the first 4 // columns, but contained in the first row // of the Row Array Data if (originalColumnIndex < 5) { if (nestedRowIndex == 0) data = (originalColumnIndex > 0) ? nestedData[originalColumnIndex] : nestedData[originalColumnIndex + 1]; } else { if (nestedRowIndex + 1 < rowArrayData.size()) { data = rowArrayData.get(nestedRowIndex + 1)[originalColumnIndex - 5]; } } } else data = nestedData[originalColumnIndex]; logger.debug( "at line 828 of*****" + data + currentType); if (currentType.contains("VALID_VALUE")) { data = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(data); } cell.setCellValue(data); tempBump++; if (nestedRowIndex < rowArrayData.size() - 1) { row = sheet.getRow(rownum + bump + tempBump); if (row == null) { if (rownum + bump + tempBump >= MAX_ROWS) { sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName + "_" + sheetNum); sheetNum++; rownum = 1; bump = 0; tempBump = 0; } row = sheet.createRow(rownum + bump + tempBump); } cell = row.createCell(j); } else { // Go back to top row row = sheet.getRow(rownum + bump); if (tempBump > maxBump) maxBump = tempBump; } } } } else { temp = allRows.get(i)[colIndices[j]]; logger.debug("at line 866 of*****" + temp + currentType); if (currentType.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) { temp = AdministeredItemUtil.truncateTime(temp); } cell.setCellValue(temp); } } bump = bump + maxBump; if (fillIn != null && (fillIn.equals("true") || fillIn.equals("yes") && bump > 0)) { sheet = fillInBump(sheet, i, rownum, bump, allRows, columnTypes, colIndices); rownum = rownum + bump; bump = 0; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { // Please specify the path below if needed, otherwise it will create in the root/dir where this test class is run fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("Test_Excel.xls"); wb.write(fileOutputStream); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { /** * Close the fileOutputStream. */ try { if (fileOutputStream != null) { fileOutputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } //======================================================================= }