Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc * Copyright SemanticBits LLC * Copyright AgileX Technologies, Inc * Copyright Ekagra Software Technologies Ltd * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.cacis.common.util; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.util.StringListImpl; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSAnnotation; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSComplexTypeDefinition; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSConstants; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSImplementation; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSLoader; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModel; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModelGroup; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSNamedMap; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSNamespaceItem; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSNamespaceItemList; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSObjectList; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSParticle; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSTerm; import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSTypeDefinition; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Utility for extracting schematron rules from an HL7 service schema. Because the rules are abstract, we need to * traverse the schema and generate possible paths to all instances of a given type. * * This produces two schematron schema files. The abstract schema file contains all the abstract rules extracted from * the schema. As part of the extraction, we put all the rules in a single pattern, to make inclusion work. Also, we use * the name of each pattern as the rule assertion text, so that error messages will have some human readable content. * Finally, we modify the rule tests so that all elements are properly referenced with the hl7 namespace. * * A known limitation is that this does not handle derivation by extension in the service schema. So far, the * MIF-generated service schemas do not appear to use it. * * @author dkokotov * @since Aug 19, 2010 */ // TODO Move this class into a utils or tools project. public class ExtractSchematron { // NOPMD private static final String V3_NS = "urn:hl7-org:v3"; private static final String V3_PREFIX = "hl7"; private static final String XS_NS = ""; private static final String XS_PREFIX = "xs"; private static final String XSI_NS = ""; private static final String XSI_PREFIX = "xsi"; private static final String SCH_NS = ""; // private static final String SCH_NS = ""; private static final String SCH_PREFIX = "sch"; private static final String XPATHFN_NS = ""; private static final String XPATHFN_PREFIX = "fn"; private static final Map<String, String> DEFAULT_NS_MAP = Maps.newHashMap(); static { DEFAULT_NS_MAP.put(V3_NS, V3_PREFIX); DEFAULT_NS_MAP.put(XS_NS, XS_PREFIX); DEFAULT_NS_MAP.put(XSI_NS, XSI_PREFIX); DEFAULT_NS_MAP.put(SCH_NS, SCH_PREFIX); DEFAULT_NS_MAP.put(XPATHFN_NS, XPATHFN_PREFIX); } // XML Schema "anyType" is the parent of all complex types private static final String XS_ANYTYPE_NAME = "anyType"; // the list of special flavor names which do not have a dot in their name private static final List<String> SPECIAL_FLAVOR_TYPES = Arrays.asList("BN", "CV", "PN", "PNXP", "TN", "TNXP", "ON", "ONXP"); // regexp for finding element references in the schematron rules, so we can prepend hl7: // this needs to match all elements but omit attributes, functions, reserved XPath keywords etc. // The basic approach is two-part: restrict what can come before the potential match and what can // can be part of the match. // the following are what can come before a possible element reference: // - nothing (match can be at the very start of XPath expression) // - "or " or "and " // - "::" or "/" or "(" // an element must consist of just letters (in theory numbers can be part of an element name, but // none of the iso 21090 elements use them). we then further check that this is not one of the known // xpath keywords or functions: // and, not, or, count, string-length, self, starts-with private static final String ELEMENT_REGEXP = "(^|or |and |::|/|\\(|\\|)([^@naocmspxt()&\\.\\[\\\\=*+>!\\-0-9]" + "|n(?!ot[ \\(])|a(?!nd[ \\(])|o(?!r[ \\(])|c(?!ount\\()|m(?!atches\\()" + "|s(?!tring-length\\(|elf|tarts-with\\()|t(?!ext\\()" + "|p(?!lain')|x(?!si:))"; private static final String USAGE = "Usage: extract [service-schema] [datatypes-schema] " + "[output-abstract-schematron] [output-concrete-schematron]"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ExtractSchematron.class); private final XSLoader schemaLoader; private final Map<QName, TypeUsage> datatypeUsages = new HashMap<QName, TypeUsage>(); private final Map<QName, TypeUsage> flavorUsages = new HashMap<QName, TypeUsage>(); private final Map<QName, QName> datatypeExtensions = new HashMap<QName, QName>(); private final BiMap<String, String> nsMap = HashBiMap.create(DEFAULT_NS_MAP); private final DocumentBuilderFactory dfactory; private final XPathExpression patternExpr; private final Transformer serializer; /** * Main method, expect at least 4 arguments: location of top-level service XSD, location of ISO datatypes XSD * (optionally followed by a comma and the location of flavors XSD), and the names of the concrete and abstract * schematron schema files to output. Optionally can also provide a 5th argument: a comma-separated list of * additional rule files to bring in. * * @param args the command-line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 4) { LOG.warn(USAGE); System.exit(-1); } else { System.setProperty(DOMImplementationRegistry.PROPERTY, "org.apache.xerces.dom.DOMXSImplementationSourceImpl"); try { String ruleFiles = null; // NOPMD to remove DD-anomaly warning if (args.length > 4) { ruleFiles = args[4]; } new ExtractSchematron().extract(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], ruleFiles); // CHECKSTYLE:OFF it's a main method, so may as well catch the generic exception } catch (final Exception e) { // CHECKSTYLE:ON LOG.error("Error extracting ", e); } } } /** * Creates new instance of the schematron extractor. * * @throws ClassCastException if there is an error getting a SchemaLoader * @throws ClassNotFoundException if there is an error getting a SchemaLoader * @throws InstantiationException if there is an error getting a SchemaLoader * @throws IllegalAccessException if there is an error getting a SchemaLoader * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError if there is an error getting a serializer * @throws TransformerConfigurationException if there is an error getting a serializer * @throws XPathExpressionException if there is an error compiling expressions */ public ExtractSchematron() throws ClassCastException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, XPathExpressionException { final DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance(); final XSImplementation impl = (XSImplementation) registry.getDOMImplementation("XS-Loader"); this.dfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); this.dfactory.setNamespaceAware(true); final XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); final XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); xpath.setNamespaceContext(new SchNamespaceContext()); this.serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); this.serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); this.patternExpr = xpath.compile("//sch:pattern"); this.schemaLoader = impl.createXSLoader(null); } /** * Does the extraction. * * @param serviceSchema location of the top-level service schema file * @param datatypesAndFlavorsSchemas location of the iso datatypes schema file, optionally followed by a comma and * the location of the flavors schema file * @param abstractSchematron name of the schematron file with abstract rules to write. * @param concreteSchematron name of the schematron file with concrete rules to write. * @param commaSeparatedRuleFileList a comma-separated list of rule file names (each rule should have at a MINIMUM * two files such as foo-abstract.sch & foo-concrete.sch) Multiple concrete rule files can also be * passed-in * @throws IOException if there is an error writing files */ public void extract(String serviceSchema, String datatypesAndFlavorsSchemas, String abstractSchematron, String concreteSchematron, String commaSeparatedRuleFileList) throws IOException { processDatatypes(datatypesAndFlavorsSchemas, abstractSchematron); processServiceSchema(serviceSchema); postprocessFlavorRules(); postprocessDatatypeExtensions(); postprocessFlavorContexts(); writeConcreteSchematron(abstractSchematron, concreteSchematron, commaSeparatedRuleFileList); } /** * Writes out the concrete schematron file, which includes the abstract file and references the abstract rules for * each possible path to an ISO datatype element. * * @param abstractSchematronLocation * @param concreteSchematronLocation * @param commaSeparatedRuleFileList * @throws IOException */ private void writeConcreteSchematron(String abstractSchematronLocation, String concreteSchematronLocation, // NOPMD String commaSeparatedRuleFileList) throws IOException { // i should probably use DOM or velocity template or some such to do this // but for now this is simple and works final Writer out = new FileWriter(concreteSchematronLocation); try { out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"); out.write("<sch:schema xmlns:xs=\"\" " + "xmlns:sch=\"" + SCH_NS + "\" queryBinding=\"xslt\">\n"); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> nsMapping : this.nsMap.entrySet()) { if (!XS_NS.equals(nsMapping.getKey()) && !SCH_NS.equals(nsMapping.getKey())) { out.write(" <sch:ns prefix=\"" + nsMapping.getValue() + "\" uri=\"" + nsMapping.getKey() + "\"/>\n"); // NOPMD } } out.write(" <sch:include href=\"" + abstractSchematronLocation + "\"/>\n"); // NOPMD /** * Pure file name in <include> statement fails with Xalan xslt processor, but works with Saxon and 1.6 JDK * default. Although the last two fail in other places of the ant build. With the <include> filename being * URI and Xalan xslt engine ant pre-commit build completes successfully. * * Also include any custom rule file names passed-in */ if (commaSeparatedRuleFileList != null) { for (final String ruleFileName : StringUtils.split(commaSeparatedRuleFileList, ',')) { out.write(" <sch:include href=\"" + new File(ruleFileName).toURI().toASCIIString() + "\"/>\n"); // NOPMD } } for (final TypeUsage typeUsage : this.datatypeUsages.values()) { writeTypeUsageToConcreteSchematron(typeUsage, out); } out.write("<!-- flavor rules -->\n"); for (final TypeUsage flavorUsage : this.flavorUsages.values()) { writeTypeUsageToConcreteSchematron(flavorUsage, out); } out.write("</sch:schema>\n"); out.flush(); } finally { try { out.close(); // CHECKSTYLE:OFF We want the original exception to be thrown. } catch (final Exception ex) { // CHECKSTYLE:ON LOG.error("Error closing output stream: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } private void writeTypeUsageToConcreteSchematron(TypeUsage typeUsage, Writer out) throws IOException { final String context = StringUtils.join(typeUsage.getContexts(), " | "); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(context)) { for (final String id : typeUsage.getRuleIds()) { out.write(" <sch:pattern name=\"concrete rules\">\n"); out.write(" <sch:rule context=\"" + context + "\">\n"); out.write(" <sch:extends rule=\"" + id + "\"/>\n"); // NOPMD out.write(" </sch:rule>\n"); out.write(" </sch:pattern>\n"); } } } /** * Read the ISO datatypes schema and build up a mapping of datatype to schematron abstract rule ids. At the same * time, extract the abstract rules and write them to the abstract schematron file. * * @param datatypeSchemaLocation * @param abstractSchematronLocation * @throws IOException */ private void processDatatypes(String datatypesAndFlavorsSchemaLocations, String abstractSchematronLocation) throws IOException { final String[] schemaLocations = StringUtils.split(datatypesAndFlavorsSchemaLocations, ","); final XSModel schema = this.schemaLoader .loadURIList(new StringListImpl(schemaLocations, schemaLocations.length)); if (schema == null) { throw new IOException("Schema not loaded for URI(s): " + datatypesAndFlavorsSchemaLocations); } final Writer out = new FileWriter(abstractSchematronLocation); try { out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"); out.write("<sch:pattern name=\"abstract rules\" xmlns:sch=\"" + SCH_NS + "\">\n"); final XSNamedMap typeDecls = schema.getComponents(XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE); for (int i = 0; i < typeDecls.getLength(); i++) { final XSComplexTypeDefinition typeDecl = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) typeDecls.item(i); processDatatype(typeDecl, out); } out.write("</sch:pattern>\n"); out.flush(); } finally { try { out.close(); // CHECKSTYLE:OFF We want the original exception to be thrown. } catch (final Exception ex) { // CHECKSTYLE:ON LOG.error("Error closing output stream: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } private void processDatatype(XSComplexTypeDefinition typeDecl, Writer out) throws IOException { final TypeUsage typeUsage = new TypeUsage(); final QName typeName = new QName(V3_NS, typeDecl.getName()); this.datatypeUsages.put(typeName, typeUsage); if (isFlavor(typeName)) { this.flavorUsages.put(typeName, new TypeUsage()); } final XSTypeDefinition parentType = typeDecl.getBaseType(); if (parentType != null && !XS_ANYTYPE_NAME.equals(parentType.getName())) { this.datatypeExtensions.put(typeName, new QName(V3_NS, parentType.getName())); } final XSObjectList annotations = typeDecl.getAnnotations(); if (annotations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < annotations.getLength(); i++) { processDatatypeAnnotation((XSAnnotation) annotations.item(i), typeUsage, out); } } } private boolean isFlavor(QName typeName) { return typeName.getLocalPart().contains(".") && !typeName.getLocalPart().startsWith("StrucDoc") || SPECIAL_FLAVOR_TYPES.contains(typeName.getLocalPart()); } private void processDatatypeAnnotation(XSAnnotation annotation, TypeUsage typeUsage, Writer out) throws IOException { try { final Document doc = this.dfactory.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); annotation.writeAnnotation(doc, XSAnnotation.W3C_DOM_DOCUMENT); final NodeList result = (NodeList) this.patternExpr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < result.getLength(); i++) { final Element patternElt = (Element) result.item(i); // the included schematron rules do not have text content in the assert, // which should be the human-readable version of the test. we will use // the pattern name instead, as it's the most descriptive thing we have final String name = patternElt.getAttribute("name"); // we know each pattern has a single rule and a single assert final Element assertElt = (Element) patternElt.getElementsByTagNameNS(SCH_NS, "assert").item(0); assertElt.setTextContent(name); final String test = assertElt.getAttribute("test"); final String test2 = test.replaceAll(ELEMENT_REGEXP, "$1hl7:$2"); assertElt.setAttribute("test", test2); final Element ruleElt = (Element) patternElt.getElementsByTagNameNS(SCH_NS, "rule").item(0); typeUsage.getRuleIds().add(ruleElt.getAttribute("id")); writeNode(ruleElt, out); out.write("\n"); } } catch (final XPathExpressionException e) { LOG.error("Could not extract rules", e); } catch (final ParserConfigurationException e) { LOG.error("Could not extract rules", e); } catch (final TransformerException e) { LOG.error("Could not extract rules", e); } } // fill out the type usage rule lists by adding in rules from supertypes // conversely, we need to account for abstract types using xsi:type private void postprocessDatatypeExtensions() { // first we have to do a pass to deal with a weird bug in xerces: if a type is used // before its parent type, its annotations are also placed on its parent type. so // do a pass to remove children's rules from their parents. we rely on uniqueness of // rule ids here for (final QName type : this.datatypeUsages.keySet()) { final TypeUsage typeUsage = this.datatypeUsages.get(type); // NOPMD for (QName currentType = this.datatypeExtensions .get(type); currentType != null; currentType = this.datatypeExtensions.get(currentType)) { this.datatypeUsages.get(currentType).getRuleIds().removeAll(typeUsage.getRuleIds()); } } // now go ahead and add in the rules of parents, and the contexts of parents (with xsi:type="child type"), to // children // because we are using sets, we don't care about the order here which would // otherwise cause rules from subtypes to get added to supertypes multiple times for (final QName type : this.datatypeUsages.keySet()) { final TypeUsage typeUsage = this.datatypeUsages.get(type); // NOPMD for (QName parentType = this.datatypeExtensions .get(type); parentType != null; parentType = this.datatypeExtensions.get(parentType)) { final TypeUsage parentUsage = this.datatypeUsages.get(parentType); typeUsage.getRuleIds().addAll(parentUsage.getRuleIds()); for (final String context : parentUsage.getContexts()) { typeUsage.getContexts().add(addXsiType(context, type.getLocalPart())); } } } } // go back and fill out TypeUsage rulesets for flavors which are being referenced with flavorId // this should be done before postprocessDatatypes, since we don't want to include all parent rules // just parent flavor rules private void postprocessFlavorRules() { for (final QName flavorType : this.flavorUsages.keySet()) { final TypeUsage flavorUsage = this.flavorUsages.get(flavorType); final TypeUsage typeUsage = this.datatypeUsages.get(flavorType); // the ruleset for flavor usage is the rules of this flavor type and any parent flavors types // (but not non-flavor types - those will be captured as part of a non-flavor context) flavorUsage.getRuleIds().addAll(typeUsage.getRuleIds()); for (QName parentFlavorType = this.datatypeExtensions.get(flavorType); parentFlavorType != null && isFlavor(parentFlavorType); parentFlavorType = this.datatypeExtensions .get(parentFlavorType)) { final TypeUsage parentUsage = this.datatypeUsages.get(parentFlavorType); flavorUsage.getRuleIds().addAll(parentUsage.getRuleIds()); } } } // go back and fill out TypeUsage contexts for flavors which are being referenced with flavorId // this should be done after postprocessDatatypes, since we want to include the xsi:type contexts private void postprocessFlavorContexts() { for (final QName flavorType : this.flavorUsages.keySet()) { // the contexts for flavor usage are the contexts to the flavor type's immediate non-flavor supertype, which // by now will include the xsi:type contexts to that type's parents, with the addition of // [@flavorId=flavorType] final TypeUsage flavorUsage = this.flavorUsages.get(flavorType); final TypeUsage parentNonFlavorTypeUsage = this.datatypeUsages.get(getDatatypeParent(flavorType)); if (parentNonFlavorTypeUsage == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Flavor type " + flavorType + " has a missing or undefined non-flavor parent type"); } for (final String context : parentNonFlavorTypeUsage.getContexts()) { flavorUsage.getContexts().add(addFlavorId(context, flavorType.getLocalPart())); } } } private QName getDatatypeParent(QName flavorType) { if (flavorType == null || !isFlavor(flavorType)) { return flavorType; } return getDatatypeParent(this.datatypeExtensions.get(flavorType)); } /** * Create a new context by appending xsi:type=<type> to the given context * * @param context * @param type * @return */ private String addXsiType(String context, String type) { return String.format( "%s[@xsi:type and fn:resolve-QName(@xsi:type, self::node())=fn:QName('" + V3_NS + "', '%s')]", context, type); } /** * Create a new context by appending flavorId=<type> to the given context * * @param context * @param type * @return */ private String addFlavorId(String context, String type) { return String.format("%s[@flavorId='%s']", context, type); } /** * Read the service schema(s) (and included schemas), and build up the set of XPath paths to each element whose type * is an ISO datatype. * * @param schemasList list of service schemas to process * @throws IOException */ private void processServiceSchema(String schemasList) throws IOException { if (schemasList == null) { return; } int count = 0; for (final String schemaLocation : StringUtils.split(schemasList, ',')) { final XSModel schema = this.schemaLoader.loadURI(schemaLocation.trim()); if (schema == null) { throw new IOException("Schema not loaded for URI: " + schemaLocation); } // populate namespace-prefix map final XSNamespaceItemList nsList = schema.getNamespaceItems(); for (int i = 0; i < nsList.getLength(); i++) { final XSNamespaceItem nsItem = nsList.item(i); if (!this.nsMap.containsKey(nsItem.getSchemaNamespace())) { this.nsMap.put(nsItem.getSchemaNamespace(), "ns" + count++); } } // traverse the element tree starting from top final XSNamedMap elementDecls = schema.getComponents(XSConstants.ELEMENT_DECLARATION); final Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack = new LinkedList<XSElementDeclaration>(); // NOPMD for (int i = 0; i < elementDecls.getLength(); i++) { processElement(eltStack, (XSElementDeclaration) elementDecls.item(i)); } } } private void processElement(Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack) { final XSElementDeclaration elementDecl = eltStack.getLast(); if (elementDecl.getTypeDefinition().getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.SIMPLE_TYPE) { // not an ISO complex type and no subelements, no further work necessary return; } final XSComplexTypeDefinition elementType = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) elementDecl.getTypeDefinition(); final QName type = typeQName(elementType); if (this.datatypeUsages.containsKey(type)) { this.datatypeUsages.get(type).contexts.add(toXPath(eltStack)); // we support paths to datatype children of datatype elements, but no further if (isPreviousElementDatatype(eltStack)) { return; } } // If there is recursive nature upto 2 levels // like, Type1/Type2/Type1/Type2 // it is stopped from adding to the stack if (isSameElementDatatypePresentInPreviousLevels(eltStack, 2)) { // LOG.warn("************* " + toXPath(eltStack)+ " *****************"); return; } // recurse into subelements, if any if (elementType.getParticle() == null) { return; } else { processParticle(eltStack, elementType.getParticle()); } } private QName typeQName(XSTypeDefinition type) { return new QName(type.getNamespace(), StringUtils.defaultString(type.getName(), "##ANONYMOUS##")); } private boolean isPreviousElementDatatype(Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack) { final Iterator<XSElementDeclaration> it = eltStack.descendingIterator(); // skip the tail element; if (!it.hasNext()) { return false; } final XSTypeDefinition lastType =; return this.datatypeUsages.containsKey(typeQName(lastType)); } private boolean isSameElementDatatypePresentInPreviousLevels(Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack, int uptoNoOfLevels) { final Iterator<XSElementDeclaration> it = eltStack.descendingIterator(); // skip the tail element final XSTypeDefinition checkType =; XSTypeDefinition lastType = null; for (int i = 0; i < uptoNoOfLevels; i++) { if (!it.hasNext()) { return false; } lastType =; if (typeQName(checkType).equals(typeQName(lastType))) { return true; } } return false; } private void processElement(Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack, XSElementDeclaration element) { eltStack.addLast(element); processElement(eltStack); eltStack.removeLast(); } private void processParticle(Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack, XSParticle particle) { final XSTerm term = particle.getTerm(); if (term instanceof XSElementDeclaration) { processElement(eltStack, (XSElementDeclaration) term); } else if (term instanceof XSModelGroup) { processModelGroup(eltStack, (XSModelGroup) term); } // wildcards can be skipped } private void processModelGroup(Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack, XSModelGroup modelGroup) { final XSObjectList particles = modelGroup.getParticles(); for (int i = 0; i < particles.getLength(); i++) { processParticle(eltStack, (XSParticle) particles.item(i)); } } private void writeNode(Node node, Writer w) throws TransformerException { // Set up an identity transformer to use as serializer. this.serializer.transform(new DOMSource(node), new StreamResult(w)); } private String toXPath(Deque<XSElementDeclaration> eltStack) { return StringUtils .join(Iterators.transform(eltStack.iterator(), new Function<XSElementDeclaration, String>() { @Override public String apply(XSElementDeclaration elt) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (elt.getNamespace() != null) { sb.append(getNSPrefix(elt.getNamespace()) + ":"); } return sb.append(elt.getName()).toString(); } }), "/"); } private String getNSPrefix(String ns) { return this.nsMap.get(ns); } /** * Returns populated NamespaceContext. * * @return NamespaceContext */ public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() { return new SchNamespaceContext(); } // Implementation of namespace resolver for XPath expressions private class SchNamespaceContext implements NamespaceContext { @Override public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) { if (prefix == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The prefix cannot be null."); } return ExtractSchematron.this.nsMap.inverse().get(prefix); } @Override public String getPrefix(String namespace) { if (namespace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The namespace uri cannot be null."); } return ExtractSchematron.this.nsMap.get(namespace); } @Override public Iterator<?> getPrefixes(String namespace) { return null; } } // Simple data structure to hold, for an ISO datatype or flavor, its schematron rule ids and XPath paths to elements // of that // type private static class TypeUsage { private final Set<String> ruleIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>(40); private final Set<String> contexts = new LinkedHashSet<String>(40); /** * @return list of rule ids for this type */ public Set<String> getRuleIds() { return this.ruleIds; } /** * @return list of contexts where type is used */ public Set<String> getContexts() { return this.contexts; } } }