Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright Northwestern University and SemanticBits, LLC
 * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.
 * See for details.

import gov.nih.nci.cabig.ctms.CommonsSystemException;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * Captures a collection of {@link DefaultConfigurationProperty}s for a certain
 * application.  Handles loading a .properties file containing default values
 * and the human-readable names and descriptions for each property.
 * <p>
 * This details properties file should contain up to three entries for each
 * <code>ConfigurationProperty</code> in the system.  The property names are
 * the the configuration property key, followed by a period, followed by either
 * <code>default</code>, <code>name</code>, or <code>description</code>.  For
 * example, if you had added configuration property like this:
 * <pre>configurationProperties.add(new ConfigurationProperty.Int("smtpPort"))</pre>
 * Your properties file might contain lines like this:
 * <pre>smtpPort.default=25
 * e-mail server (SMTP) port
 * smtpPort.description=The port on which to communicate with the SMTP server</pre>
 * The three properties are:
 * <dl>
 *   <dt>name</dt>
 *     <dd>The human-readable name for the configuration property.  Required.</dd>
 *   <dt>default</dt>
 *     <dd>The default value for the configuration property (if it should have a non-null default).
 *         Optional.</dd>
 *   <dt>description</dt>
 *     <dd>A longer human-readable description, suitable for inline help.  Optional.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @author Rhett Sutphin
 * @see Configuration
public class DefaultConfigurationProperties implements ConfigurationProperties {
    private Map<String, ConfigurationProperty<?>> props = new TreeMap<String, ConfigurationProperty<?>>();
    private Properties details;

     * Loads the details properties from the given resource.  A typical use might be
     * <pre>public class MyAppConfiguration extends DatabaseBackedConfiguration {
     *     private static final ConfigurationProperties PROPERTIES
     *         = new ConfigurationProperties(new ClassPathResource("", MyAppConfiguration.class));
     *     // ...
     * }</pre>
     * This would look for a file named "" in the same package as
     * <pre>MyAppConfiguration</pre>.
     * @see
    public DefaultConfigurationProperties(Resource detailsProperties) {

    protected DefaultConfigurationProperties(Properties detailsProperties) {
        this.details = detailsProperties;

    public DefaultConfigurationProperties() {
        this(new Properties());

    private static Properties loadDetails(Resource resource) {
        Properties details = new Properties();
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CommonsSystemException("Failed to load property details from " + resource, e);
        return details;

    public <V> ConfigurationProperty<V> add(ConfigurationProperty<V> prop) {
        props.put(prop.getKey(), prop);
        if (prop instanceof DefaultConfigurationProperty) {
            ((DefaultConfigurationProperty<V>) prop).setCollection(this);
        return prop;

    public int size() {
        return props.size();

    public ConfigurationProperty<?> get(String key) {
        return props.get(key);

    public Collection<ConfigurationProperty<?>> getAll() {
        return props.values();

    public boolean containsKey(String key) {
        return props.containsKey(key);

    public String getNameFor(String key) {
        return getDetails().getProperty(key + ".name");

    public String getDescriptionFor(String key) {
        return getDetails().getProperty(key + ".description");

    public String getStoredDefaultFor(String key) {
        return getDetails().getProperty(key + ".default");

    private Properties getDetails() {
        return details;

    public static ConfigurationProperties union(ConfigurationProperties... items) {
        DefaultConfigurationProperties union = new DefaultConfigurationProperties();
        for (ConfigurationProperties collection : items) {
            for (ConfigurationProperty<?> property : collection.getAll()) {
        return union;

    public static DefaultConfigurationProperties empty() {
        return new Empty();

    private static class Empty extends DefaultConfigurationProperties {
        public Empty() {
            super(new Properties());

        public <V> ConfigurationProperty<V> add(ConfigurationProperty<V> prop) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add not supported for empty property list");