Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright SemanticBits, Northwestern University and Akaza Research * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. ******************************************************************************/ package; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.web.fields.InputField; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.web.fields.InputFieldAttributes; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.web.fields.InputFieldGroup; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl; import org.springframework.beans.InvalidPropertyException; import; import org.springframework.validation.ObjectError; /** * @author Rhett Sutphin */ public abstract class AeTabTestCase extends AeWebTestCase { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AeTabTestCase.class); protected AeTab tab; protected StaticMessageSource messageSource; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); messageSource = new StaticMessageSource(); messageSource.addMessage("instruction_ae_modification_detected", Locale.getDefault(), "Testing"); tab = createTab(); tab.setMessageSource(messageSource); tab.setExpeditedReportTree(expeditedReportTree); tab.setEvaluationService(evaluationService); } protected abstract AeTab createTab(); /** * Subclasses should override this to initialize all the components of the command they might * use. E.g., if the tab being tested generates fields for a collection, put an object in that * collection. * * Subclasses need not repeat things which are added as part of the minimally valid command. */ protected void fillInUsedProperties(ExpeditedAdverseEventInputCommand cmd) { } public void testFieldPropertiesExist() { replayMocks(); fillInUsedProperties(command); assertAllFieldPropertiesExist(); } @Override protected EditExpeditedAdverseEventCommand createCommand() { return createMinimallyValidMockCommand(); } protected InputFieldGroup getFieldGroup(String fieldGroupName) { return getTab().createFieldGroups(command).get(fieldGroupName); } protected void assertFieldError(String fieldName, String code, String errorMsg) { assertEquals("Wrong number of errors for " + fieldName, 1, errors.getFieldErrorCount(fieldName)); ObjectError fieldError = errors.getFieldError(fieldName); assertEquals("Wrong code for " + fieldName + " error", code, fieldError.getCode()); assertEquals("Wrong default message for " + fieldName + " error", errorMsg, fieldError.getDefaultMessage()); } protected void assertNoFieldError(String fieldName) { assertEquals("Wrong number of errors for " + fieldName, 0, errors.getFieldErrorCount(fieldName)); } protected void assertNoFieldRequiredErrorRaised(String fieldName, String displayName) { assertNoFieldError(fieldName); } protected void assertFieldRequiredErrorRaised(String fieldName, String displayName) { assertFieldError(fieldName, "REQUIRED", "<b>Missing:</b> "" + displayName + """); } protected void assertDisplayNameForFieldGroup(String expectedDisplayName, String groupName) { String actual = getTab().createFieldGroups(command).get(groupName).getDisplayName(); assertEquals("Wrong display name for " + groupName, expectedDisplayName, actual); } protected void assertFieldProperties(String fieldGroupName, String... expectedProperties) { InputFieldGroup actualGroup = getFieldGroup(fieldGroupName); assertNotNull("There's no group named " + fieldGroupName, actualGroup); List<InputField> actualFields = actualGroup.getFields(); assertEquals("Wrong number of fields in " + fieldGroupName, expectedProperties.length, actualFields.size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedProperties.length; i++) { assertEquals("Wrong property " + i, expectedProperties[i], actualFields.get(i).getPropertyName()); } } protected void assertAllFieldPropertiesExist() { Map<String, InputFieldGroup> groups = getTab().createFieldGroups(command); BeanWrapper wrappedCommand = new BeanWrapperImpl(command); for (String name : groups.keySet()) { for (InputField field : groups.get(name).getFields()) { String msg = "The property " + field.getPropertyName() + " (group " + name + ") is not present in the command. Either the command was not properly initialized (override fillInUsedProperties), or one of the tab's field groups is wrong."; try { assertNotNull(msg, wrappedCommand.getPropertyType(field.getPropertyName())); } catch (InvalidPropertyException ipe) { log.debug("Property not found exception", ipe); fail(msg); } } } } protected void doValidate() { replayMocks(); getTab().validate(command, errors); verifyMocks(); } public AeTab getTab() { return tab; } protected Map<Object, Object> getActualSelectFieldOptions(String fieldGroupName, String propertyName) { return getActualSelectFieldOptions(getFieldGroup(fieldGroupName).getFields(), propertyName); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) protected Map<Object, Object> getActualSelectFieldOptions(List<InputField> fields, String propertyName) { InputField field = findField(fields, propertyName); Map<Object, Object> options = InputFieldAttributes.getOptions(field); assertNotNull("Field for " + propertyName + " is not a select", options); return options; } protected InputField findField(List<InputField> fields, String propertyName) { InputField field = null; for (InputField candidate : fields) { if (candidate.getPropertyName().equals(propertyName)) { field = candidate; break; } } assertNotNull("No field for " + propertyName + ": " + fields, field); return field; } }