Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright SemanticBits, Northwestern University and Akaza Research
 * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.
 * See for details.
package gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.utils;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;

 * @author Biju Joseph
public class XsltTransformerTest extends TestCase {

    public void testToText() throws Exception {
        String xml = new XsltTransformer().toText(xmlSearchResult(), "/xslt/c2a_generic_response.xslt");

        String xml2 = new XsltTransformer().toText(xmlStudyDetailsResult(), "/xslt/c2a_generic_response.xslt");
        String s = StringUtils.trim(xml2);
        int i = NumberUtils.toInt(s, -99);
        assertEquals(1, i);


    public String xmlSearchResult() {
        return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
                + "<payload xmlns:stud=\"\">\n"
                + "    <system>caaers</system>\n" + "    <response>\n"
                + "        <operation name=\"searchStudy\">\n" + "            <data>\n"
                + "                <stud:studies>\n" + "                    <stud:study>\n"
                + "                        <shortTitle>Phase II Trial of Flavopiridol and Cisplatin in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian and\n"
                + "                            Primary Peritoneal Carcinomas\n"
                + "                        </shortTitle>\n" + "                        <fundingSponsor>\n"
                + "                            <organizationAssignedIdentifier>\n"
                + "                                <value>5876</value>\n"
                + "                            </organizationAssignedIdentifier>\n"
                + "                            <stud:studyFundingSponsor>\n"
                + "                                <stud:organization>\n"
                + "                                    <name>Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program</name>\n"
                + "                                    <nciInstituteCode>CTEP</nciInstituteCode>\n"
                + "                                </stud:organization>\n"
                + "                            </stud:studyFundingSponsor>\n"
                + "                        </fundingSponsor>\n" + "                    </stud:study>\n"
                + "                </stud:studies>\n" + "            </data>\n" + "        </operation>\n"
                + "    </response>\n" + "</payload>";

    public String xmlStudyDetailsResult() {
        return "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\">\n" + "   <soap:Body>\n"
                + "      <payload correlationId=\"1336138727601\" xmlns:com=\"\" xmlns:soapenv=\"\">\n"
                + "         <system>caaers</system>\n" + "         <response>\n"
                + "            <entity xmlns:stud=\"\">study</entity>\n"
                + "            <operation name=\"updateStudyResponse\" xmlns:stud=\"\">\n"
                + "               <status>Processed</status>\n" + "               <data>\n"
                + "                  <ns3:entityProcessingOutcome xmlns:ns1=\"\" xmlns:ns3=\"\" xmlns:ns4=\"\" xmlns:ns5=\"\" xmlns:ns6=\"\">\n"
                + "                     <klassName>gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.Study</klassName>\n"
                + "                     <businessIdentifier>N027D</businessIdentifier>\n"
                + "                     <message>Study with Short Title  \"A Phase I Study of CCI-779 and Temozolomide in Combination with Radiation Therapy in Glioblastoma Multiforme\" updated in caAERS</message>\n"
                + "                     <dataBaseId>1</dataBaseId>\n"
                + "                     <failed>false</failed>\n"
                + "                  </ns3:entityProcessingOutcome>\n" + "               </data>\n"
                + "            </operation>\n" + "         </response>\n" + "      </payload>\n"
                + "   </soap:Body>\n" + "</soap:Envelope>";