Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright SemanticBits, Northwestern University and Akaza Research * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. ******************************************************************************/ package; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.UserGroupType; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.ctms.suite.authorization.SuiteRole; import org.acegisecurity.Authentication; import org.acegisecurity.GrantedAuthority; import org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContextHolder; import org.acegisecurity.providers.TestingAuthenticationToken; import org.acegisecurity.providers.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken; import org.acegisecurity.userdetails.User; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * * @author Biju Joseph * */ public final class SecurityUtils { public static String ORGANIZATION_PE = "HealthcareSite"; public static String STUDY_PE = "Study"; private SecurityUtils() { } /** * Returns the original unfabricated {@link Authentication} created by Acegi. * NOTE: Hopefully, this solution -- we need to keep two different {@link Authentication} objects and swap them out when need be -- is temporary, and later * we will figure out a more elegant way. But for now it is what it is. * @return */ public static Authentication getOriginalAuthentication() { return OriginalAuthenticationHolder.getAuthentication(); } /** * This method will find the login name, of the user available in * SecurityContext. * @return */ public static String getUserLoginName() { return getUserLoginName(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()); } /** * This method will find the login name, of the user available in * SecurityContext. * @return */ public static String getUserLoginName(Authentication authentication) { Object principal = authentication.getPrincipal(); String userName = ""; if (principal instanceof User) { userName = ((User) principal).getUsername(); } else { userName = principal.toString(); } return userName; } /** * Returns the granted authorities * @return */ public static GrantedAuthority[] getGrantedAuthorities() { return getGrantedAuthorities(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()); } /** * Returns the granted authorities * @param authentication * @return */ public static GrantedAuthority[] getGrantedAuthorities(Authentication authentication) { // commented out according to my discussion with Biju regarding CAAERS-4135 /**Object principal = authentication.getPrincipal(); GrantedAuthority[] grantedAuthorities = null; if (principal instanceof User) { grantedAuthorities = ((User)principal).getAuthorities(); } else { grantedAuthorities = authentication.getAuthorities(); } return grantedAuthorities; **/ return authentication.getAuthorities(); } /** * Will return the roles of the logged-in user. * @return */ public static UserGroupType[] getRoles() { return getRoles(getAuthentication()); } /** * Will return the roles of the logged-in user. * @param auth - Authentication * @return */ public static UserGroupType[] getRoles(Authentication auth) { List<UserGroupType> roles = new ArrayList<UserGroupType>(); GrantedAuthority[] authorities = getGrantedAuthorities(auth); if (authorities != null) { for (GrantedAuthority ga : authorities) { for (UserGroupType role : UserGroupType.values()) { if (ga.getAuthority().equals(role.getSecurityRoleName())) roles.add(role); } } } return roles.toArray(new UserGroupType[0]); } /** * * Determines whether or not the logged in user has the needed role * @param role - the role to be checked for the logged in user * @return boolean * * */ public static boolean hasAuthorityOf(UserGroupType role) { for (GrantedAuthority ga : getGrantedAuthorities()) { if (ga.getAuthority().equals(role.getSecurityRoleName())) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks whether the logged-in user has the roles supplied in the roles parameter * @param roles * @return */ public static boolean checkAuthorization(UserGroupType... roles) { return checkAuthorization(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(), roles); } /** * Checks whether the logged-in user has the roles supplied in the privilege * @param authentication - A valid authentication object * @param roles - A list of UserGroupType * @return */ public static boolean checkAuthorization(Authentication authentication, UserGroupType... roles) { String[] privileges = new String[roles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) { privileges[i] = roles[i].getSecurityRoleName(); } return checkAuthorization(authentication, privileges); } /** * Will check whether, the authentication, has at least one the roleNames * @param authentication * @param roleNames * @return */ public static boolean checkAuthorization(Authentication authentication, String... roleNames) { GrantedAuthority[] authorities = getGrantedAuthorities(authentication); for (int i = 0; i < authorities.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < roleNames.length; j++) { if (authorities[i].getAuthority().equals(roleNames[j].trim())) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Get the context related authentication object * * */ public static Authentication getAuthentication() { return SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); } /** * This method will return false if the logged in user has at least one globally scoped role. * @return */ public static boolean hasGlobalScopedRoles() { SuiteRole suiteRole; Authentication authentication = getAuthentication(); //caaers_super_user is globally scoped. if (checkAuthorization(authentication, UserGroupType.caaers_super_user)) { return true; } GrantedAuthority[] authorities = getGrantedAuthorities(authentication); for (int i = 0; i < authorities.length; i++) { suiteRole = SuiteRole.getByCsmName(authorities[i].getAuthority()); if (!suiteRole.isScoped()) return true; } return false; } /** * Will return true, if the roles is study scoped. * @param roleName * @return */ public static boolean isStudyScoped(String roleName) { SuiteRole suiteRole = SuiteRole.getByCsmName(roleName); if (suiteRole != null) return suiteRole.isStudyScoped(); return false; } /** * Will return true, if the roles is ONLY site scoped. * * Note : By default all study scoped roles are site scoped. * * @param roleName * @return */ public static boolean isSiteScoped(String roleName) { SuiteRole suiteRole = SuiteRole.getByCsmName(roleName); if (suiteRole != null) return suiteRole.isSiteScoped() && (!isStudyScoped(roleName)); return false; } /** * Will split the protection group into 2 parts. * Eg: Study.NCCTG N06C6.1 will result in {Study, NCCTG N06C6.1} * @param pgName * @return */ public static String[] splitProtectionGroup(String pgName) { int index = StringUtils.indexOf(pgName, '.'); if (index > 0) { String part1 = pgName.substring(0, index); String part2 = pgName.substring(index + 1); if (part1.equals(ORGANIZATION_PE) || part1.equals(STUDY_PE)) { return new String[] { part1, part2 }; } } return new String[0]; } public static Authentication createAuthentication(String userName, String password, GrantedAuthority... grantedAuthorities) { Authentication auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userName, "ignored", grantedAuthorities); return auth; } }