Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright SemanticBits, Northwestern University and Akaza Research
 * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.
 * See for details.
package gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.datamigrator;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BatchPreparedStatementSetter;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * This class will migrate existing users to new groups.
 * @see gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.datamigrator.UserPrivilegeMigrator
 * @author Monish Dombla
 * @author Biju Joseph (Refactored - made use of template)

public class UserDataMigrator extends CaaersDataMigratorTemplate {

    public static final List<String> EXISTING_GROUPS = Arrays.asList("caaers_study_cd", "caaers_participant_cd",
            "caaers_central_office_sae_cd", "caaers_data_cd", "caaers_ae_cd", "caaers_site_cd", "caaers_physician");

    public MigraorType migratorType() {
        return MigraorType.USER;

     * Migrates users,groups,siteresearchstaffrole,studypersonnel
    public void migrate(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) {
        log.debug("Migration required performing migration ......");
        //Migrate SuperUsers
        //Migrate Normal users
        //Migrate SiteResearchStaffRoles
        //Migrate SP role codes

        //NOTE : - The user data provisioning is moved to another UserPrivilegeMigrator migrator. 

        log.debug("Migration complete");


     * This method will migrate all users assigned to 
     * caaers_super_user group. (SYSTEM_ADMIN) SYSTEM & users are migrated through groovy.
    protected void migrateSuperUsers(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) {

        List<Map<String, Object>> csmUsers = getCsmUsers("caaers_super_user");
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(csmUsers))

        insertProtectionGroupsAndProtectionElements("HealthcareSite", context.isOracle());
        insertProtectionGroupsAndProtectionElements("Study", context.isOracle());

        List<String> groupNames = Arrays.asList("system_administrator", "business_administrator",
                "person_and_organization_information_manager", "data_importer", "user_administrator",
                "study_qa_manager", "study_creator", "supplemental_study_information_manager",
                "study_team_administrator", "study_site_participation_administrator", "ae_rule_and_report_manager",
                "study_calendar_template_builder", "registration_qa_manager", "subject_manager",
                "study_subject_calendar_manager", "registrar", "ae_reporter", "ae_expedited_report_reviewer",
                "ae_study_data_reviewer", "lab_impact_calendar_notifier", "lab_data_user", "data_reader",

        List<String> siteScopedGroupNames = Arrays.asList("person_and_organization_information_manager",
                "user_administrator", "study_qa_manager", "study_creator", "supplemental_study_information_manager",
                "study_team_administrator", "study_site_participation_administrator", "registration_qa_manager",

        List<String> studyScopedGroupNames = Arrays.asList("study_calendar_template_builder",
                "study_subject_calendar_manager", "registrar", "ae_reporter", "ae_expedited_report_reviewer",
                "ae_study_data_reviewer", "lab_impact_calendar_notifier", "lab_data_user", "data_reader",

        for (Map map : csmUsers) {
            String loginName = map.get("login_name").toString();
            String userId = map.get("user_id").toString();
            log.debug("LoginName" + "::" + loginName + " -- User Id :: " + userId);

            insertIntoCsmUserGroup(userId, groupNames, context.isOracle());

            relateSuperUserGroupsToProtectionElements(loginName, "HealthcareSite", siteScopedGroupNames,
            relateSuperUserGroupsToProtectionElements(loginName, "HealthcareSite", studyScopedGroupNames,
            relateSuperUserGroupsToProtectionElements(loginName, "Study", studyScopedGroupNames,

            String deleteSql = "delete from csm_user_group where user_id IN (-1,-7,-9) and group_id < 0";

            log.debug("Moved " + loginName + " from caaers_super_user");


     * This method will migrate all users who belong to 
     * caaers_study_cd -- (study_creator","supplemental_study_information_manager","study_team_administrator","study_site_participation_administrator")
     * caaers_participant_cd -- ("subject_manager","registrar")
     * caaers_central_office_sae_cd -- ("ae_expedited_report_reviewer")
     * caaers_data_cd -- ("ae_study_data_reviewer")
     * caaers_ae_cd -- ("ae_reporter")
     * caaers_site_cd -- ("business_administrator","system_administrator","person_and_organization_information_manager","data_importer","user_administrator",
     *                   "ae_rule_and_report_manager","data_analyst")
     * caaers_physician -- ("ae_reporter") 
    protected void migrateUsers(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) {

        for (String groupName : EXISTING_GROUPS) {

            List<Map<String, Object>> csmUsers = getCsmUsers(groupName);
            for (Map map : csmUsers) {
                String loginName = map.get("login_name").toString();
                String userId = map.get("user_id").toString();
                log.debug("LoginName" + "::" + loginName + " -- User Id :: " + userId);

                if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_study_cd", groupName)) {
                            Arrays.asList("study_creator", "supplemental_study_information_manager",
                                    "study_team_administrator", "study_site_participation_administrator"),
                    log.debug("Moved " + loginName + " from caaers_study_cd");
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_participant_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoCsmUserGroup(userId, Arrays.asList("subject_manager", "registrar"),
                    log.debug("Moved users from caaers_participant_cd");
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_central_office_sae_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoCsmUserGroup(userId, Arrays.asList("ae_expedited_report_reviewer"),
                    log.debug("Moved " + loginName + " from caaers_central_office_sae_cd");
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_data_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoCsmUserGroup(userId, Arrays.asList("ae_study_data_reviewer"), context.isOracle());
                    log.debug("Moved " + loginName + " from caaers_data_cd");
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_ae_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoCsmUserGroup(userId, Arrays.asList("ae_reporter"), context.isOracle());
                    log.debug("Moved " + loginName + " from caaers_ae_cd");
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_physician", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoCsmUserGroup(userId, Arrays.asList("ae_reporter"), context.isOracle());
                    log.debug("Moved " + loginName + " from caaers_physician");
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_site_cd", groupName)) {
                            Arrays.asList("business_administrator", "system_administrator",
                                    "person_and_organization_information_manager", "data_importer",
                                    "user_administrator", "ae_rule_and_report_manager", "data_analyst"),
                    log.debug("Moved " + loginName + " from caaers_physician");

     * This method will return all the users in the provided group.
     * @param groupName
     * @return
    protected List<Map<String, Object>> getCsmUsers(String groupName) {

        String usersSql = "select cu.login_name,cu.user_id " + "from "
                + "csm_user cu, csm_user_group cug, csm_group cg" + " where " + "cu.user_id = cug.user_id and "
                + "cg.group_id = cug.group_id and " + "cg.group_name = '" + groupName + "'";

        List<Map<String, Object>> csmUsers = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(usersSql);
        return csmUsers;

     * This methos will return all the users in CSM_USER table.
     * @return
    protected List<Map<String, Object>> getAllCsmUsers() {
        String usersSql = "select login_name,user_id from csm_user ";
        List<Map<String, Object>> csmUsers = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(usersSql);
        return csmUsers;

     * This method returns the proper sql string for the DB being used.
     * @return
    protected String getInsertCsmUserGroupSql(boolean forOracle) {
        String postgresInsertSql = "INSERT INTO csm_user_group(user_group_id, user_id, group_id) "
                + "VALUES ((select nextval('csm_user_grou_user_group_i_seq')), ? , (select group_id from csm_group where group_name = ?))";

        String oracleInsertSql = "INSERT INTO csm_user_group(user_group_id, user_id, group_id) "
                + "VALUES (csm_user_grou_user_group_i_seq.nextval, ? , (select group_id from csm_group where group_name = ?))";

        return (forOracle) ? oracleInsertSql : postgresInsertSql;


     * This method inserts records into CSM_USER_GROUP table
     * @param userId
     * @param groups
    protected void insertIntoCsmUserGroup(final String userId, final List groups, boolean onOracleDB) {

        String sql = getInsertCsmUserGroupSql(onOracleDB);
        BatchPreparedStatementSetter setter = null;
        setter = new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

            public int getBatchSize() {
                return groups.size();

            public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int index) throws SQLException {
                ps.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(userId));
                ps.setString(2, groups.get(index).toString());
        getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(sql, setter);

     * Will related a user group to protection group. 
     * @param userName - Username
     * @param protectionGroupName - protectionGroup name
     * @param groups   - The user groups to associate
     * @param onOracleDB
    protected void relateSuperUserGroupsToProtectionElements(final String userName,
            final String protectionGroupName, final List groups, boolean onOracleDB) {
        String pgSQL = "INSERT INTO csm_user_group_role_pg(user_group_role_pg_id, user_id, protection_group_id, role_id,update_date) "
                + "VALUES ((select nextval('csm_user_grou_user_group_r_seq')), "
                + "(select user_id from csm_user where login_name = ?), "
                + "(select protection_group_id from csm_protection_group where protection_group_name = ?), "
                + "(select role_id from csm_role where role_name = ?), " + "now())";
        String oracleSQL = "INSERT INTO csm_user_group_role_pg(user_group_role_pg_id, user_id, protection_group_id, role_id,update_date) "
                + "VALUES (csm_user_grou_user_group_r_seq.nextval, "
                + "(select user_id from csm_user where login_name = ?), "
                + "(select protection_group_id from csm_protection_group where protection_group_name = ?), "
                + "(select role_id from csm_role where role_name = ?), " + "sysdate)";

        String sql = onOracleDB ? oracleSQL : pgSQL;
        getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {
            public int getBatchSize() {
                return groups.size();

            public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
                ps.setString(1, userName);
                ps.setString(2, protectionGroupName);
                ps.setString(3, groups.get(i).toString());


     * Will insert the protection group and protection elements
     * @param onOracleDB
    protected void insertProtectionGroupsAndProtectionElements(String protectionGroupName, boolean onOracleDB) {

        int pgCount = getJdbcTemplate()
                .queryForInt("select count(*) from csm_protection_group where protection_group_name = '"
                        + protectionGroupName + "'");
        int peCount = getJdbcTemplate()
                .queryForInt("select count(*) from csm_protection_element where protection_element_name = '"
                        + protectionGroupName + "'");

        if (onOracleDB) {

            //insert the protection group - HealthcareSite
            if (pgCount <= 0) {
                        "INSERT INTO csm_protection_group(protection_group_id, protection_group_name, protection_group_description, application_id,update_date,large_element_count_flag) "
                                + "  VALUES (csm_protectio_protection_g_seq.nextval,'" + protectionGroupName
                                + "','Implies All" + protectionGroupName + "', "
                                + "  (select application_id from csm_application where application_name = 'CTMS_SUITE'),sysdate,0)");


            //insert the protection element - HealthcareSite
            if (peCount <= 0) {
                        "INSERT INTO csm_protection_element(protection_element_id, protection_element_name, protection_element_description, object_id, application_id, update_date) "
                                + "  VALUES (csm_protectio_protection_e_seq.nextval,'" + protectionGroupName
                                + "','Implies All " + protectionGroupName + "','" + protectionGroupName + "', "
                                + "  (select application_id from csm_application where application_name = 'CTMS_SUITE'),sysdate)");

                //relate protection group and protection element.
                        "INSERT INTO csm_pg_pe(pg_pe_id, protection_group_id, protection_element_id, update_date) "
                                + "    VALUES (csm_pg_pe_pg_pe_id_seq.nextval, "
                                + " (select protection_group_id from csm_protection_group where protection_group_name = '"
                                + protectionGroupName + "'), "
                                + " (select protection_element_id from csm_protection_element where protection_element_name = '"
                                + protectionGroupName + "'), sysdate)");


        } else {

            //insert the protection group - HealthcareSite
            if (pgCount <= 0) {
                        "INSERT INTO csm_protection_group(protection_group_id, protection_group_name, protection_group_description, application_id,update_date,large_element_count_flag) "
                                + "    VALUES ((select nextval('csm_protectio_protection_g_seq')),'"
                                + protectionGroupName + "','Implies All " + protectionGroupName + "', "
                                + "    (select application_id from csm_application where application_name = 'CTMS_SUITE'),now(),0)");

            //insert the protection element - HealthcareSite
            if (peCount <= 0) {
                        "INSERT INTO csm_protection_element(protection_element_id, protection_element_name, protection_element_description, object_id, application_id, update_date) "
                                + "    VALUES ((select nextval('csm_protectio_protection_e_seq')),'"
                                + protectionGroupName + "','Implies All " + protectionGroupName + "','"
                                + protectionGroupName + "', "
                                + "     (select application_id from csm_application where application_name = 'CTMS_SUITE'),now())");

                //relate protection group and protection element.
                        "INSERT INTO csm_pg_pe(pg_pe_id, protection_group_id, protection_element_id, update_date) "
                                + "    VALUES ((select nextval('csm_pg_pe_pg_pe_id_seq')), "
                                + " (select protection_group_id from csm_protection_group where protection_group_name = '"
                                + protectionGroupName + "'), "
                                + " (select protection_element_id from csm_protection_element where protection_element_name = '"
                                + protectionGroupName + "'), now())");



     * Delete's old user group association entries from csm_user_group table.
     * Delete's old groups from csm_group table
     * Delete's users who are not associated to any groups from csm_user table.
    protected void deleteUnusedRecords(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) {
        String deleteSql = "delete from csm_user_group where group_id < 0";
        deleteSql = "delete from csm_group where group_id < 0";
        deleteSql = "delete from csm_user where user_id NOT IN (select user_id from csm_user_group)";

     * This method will migrate all the existing site research staff roles to new roles.
    protected void migrateSiteResearchStaffRole(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) {

        for (String groupName : EXISTING_GROUPS) {
            List<Map<String, Object>> siteResearchStaffRoles = getSiteResearchStaffRoles(groupName);
            for (Map map : siteResearchStaffRoles) {

                if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_study_cd", groupName)) {
                            Arrays.asList("study_creator", "supplemental_study_information_manager",
                                    "study_team_administrator", "study_site_participation_administrator"),
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_participant_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoSiteResearchStaffRoles(map, Arrays.asList("subject_manager", "registrar"),
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_central_office_sae_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoSiteResearchStaffRoles(map, Arrays.asList("ae_expedited_report_reviewer"),
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_data_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoSiteResearchStaffRoles(map, Arrays.asList("ae_study_data_reviewer"),
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_ae_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoSiteResearchStaffRoles(map, Arrays.asList("ae_reporter"), context.isOracle());
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_physician", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoSiteResearchStaffRoles(map, Arrays.asList("ae_reporter"), context.isOracle());
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_site_cd", groupName)) {
                            Arrays.asList("business_administrator", "system_administrator",
                                    "person_and_organization_information_manager", "data_importer",
                                    "user_administrator", "ae_rule_and_report_manager", "data_analyst"),

        String deleteSql = "delete from site_rs_staff_roles where role_code like 'caaers%'";

     * This method returns all the siteResearchStaffRoles for a given roleCode.
     * @param roleCode
     * @return
    protected List<Map<String, Object>> getSiteResearchStaffRoles(String roleCode) {
        String siteResearchStaffRoleSql = "select start_date,end_date,site_research_staffs_id from site_rs_staff_roles "
                + "where " + "role_code = '" + roleCode + "'";

        List<Map<String, Object>> siteResearchStaffRoles = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(siteResearchStaffRoleSql);
        return siteResearchStaffRoles;

     * Return the right sql based on database used.
     * @return
    protected String getInsertSiteResearchStaffRoleSql(boolean forOracle) {
        String postgresInsertSql = "INSERT INTO site_rs_staff_roles(id, role_code, site_research_staffs_id, start_date,end_date) "
                + "VALUES ((select nextval('site_rs_staff_roles_id_seq')), ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        String oracleInsertSql = "INSERT INTO site_rs_staff_roles(id, role_code, site_research_staffs_id, start_date, end_date) "
                + "VALUES (seq_site_rs_staff_roles_id.nextval, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        return forOracle ? oracleInsertSql : postgresInsertSql;


     * This method inserts appropriate records into site_rs_staff_roles table based on existing role_code.
     * @param map
     * @param groups
    protected void insertIntoSiteResearchStaffRoles(final Map map, final List groups, final boolean onOracleDB) {
        String sql = getInsertSiteResearchStaffRoleSql(onOracleDB);
        BatchPreparedStatementSetter setter = null;
        setter = new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

            public int getBatchSize() {
                return groups.size();

            public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int index) throws SQLException {

                java.sql.Timestamp startDate = (java.sql.Timestamp) map.get("start_date");
                java.sql.Timestamp endDate = (java.sql.Timestamp) map.get("end_date");

                ps.setString(1, groups.get(index).toString());

                if (onOracleDB) {
                    BigDecimal siteResearchStaffId = (BigDecimal) map.get("site_research_staffs_id");
                    ps.setBigDecimal(2, siteResearchStaffId);
                } else {
                    int siteResearchStaffId = ((Integer) map.get("site_research_staffs_id")).intValue();
                    ps.setInt(2, siteResearchStaffId);
                ps.setTimestamp(3, startDate);
                ps.setTimestamp(4, endDate);
        getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(sql, setter);

     * This method will migrate all existing study personnel role code to new role code.
    protected void migrateStudyPersonnelRole(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) {
        for (String groupName : EXISTING_GROUPS) {

            List<Map<String, Object>> studyPersonnel = getStudyPersonnel(groupName);
            for (Map map : studyPersonnel) {

                if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_study_cd", groupName)) {
                            Arrays.asList("study_creator", "supplemental_study_information_manager",
                                    "study_team_administrator", "study_site_participation_administrator"),
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_participant_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoStudyPersonnel(map, Arrays.asList("subject_manager", "registrar"),
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_central_office_sae_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoStudyPersonnel(map, Arrays.asList("ae_expedited_report_reviewer"),
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_data_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoStudyPersonnel(map, Arrays.asList("ae_study_data_reviewer"), context.isOracle());
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_ae_cd", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoStudyPersonnel(map, Arrays.asList("ae_reporter"), context.isOracle());
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_physician", groupName)) {
                    insertIntoStudyPersonnel(map, Arrays.asList("ae_reporter"), context.isOracle());
                } else if (StringUtils.equals("caaers_site_cd", groupName)) {
                            Arrays.asList("business_administrator", "system_administrator",
                                    "person_and_organization_information_manager", "data_importer",
                                    "user_administrator", "ae_rule_and_report_manager", "data_analyst"),

     * This method returns all the records for the given roleCode.
     * @param roleCode
     * @return
    protected List<Map<String, Object>> getStudyPersonnel(String roleCode) {
        String studyPersonnelSql = "select study_sites_id,role_code,retired_indicator,start_date,end_date,site_research_staffs_id "
                + "from study_personnel " + "where " + "role_code = '" + roleCode + "'";

        List<Map<String, Object>> studyPersonnel = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(studyPersonnelSql);
        return studyPersonnel;

     * Return the right sql based on database used.
     * @return
    protected String getInsertStudyPersonnelSql(boolean onOracleDB) {
        String postgresInsertSql = "INSERT INTO study_personnel (id, study_sites_id, "
                + "role_code, retired_indicator, start_date, end_date, site_research_staffs_id) "
                + "VALUES ((select nextval('study_personnel_id_seq')),?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        String oracleInsertSql = "INSERT INTO study_personnel (id, study_sites_id, "
                + "role_code, retired_indicator, start_date, end_date, site_research_staffs_id) "
                + "VALUES (seq_study_personnel_id.nextval,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        if (onOracleDB) {
            return oracleInsertSql;
        } else {
            return postgresInsertSql;

     * This method inserts appropriate records into study personnel table based on existing role_code.
     * @param map
     * @param groups
    protected void insertIntoStudyPersonnel(final Map map, final List groups, final boolean onOracleDB) {

        String sql = getInsertStudyPersonnelSql(onOracleDB);
        BatchPreparedStatementSetter setter = null;
        setter = new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

            public int getBatchSize() {
                return groups.size();

            public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int index) throws SQLException {

                java.sql.Timestamp startDate = (java.sql.Timestamp) map.get("start_date");
                java.sql.Timestamp endDate = (java.sql.Timestamp) map.get("end_date");

                if (onOracleDB) {
                    BigDecimal studySiteId = (BigDecimal) map.get("study_sites_id");
                    ps.setBigDecimal(1, studySiteId);
                } else {
                    int studySiteId = ((Integer) map.get("study_sites_id")).intValue();
                    ps.setInt(1, studySiteId);
                ps.setString(2, groups.get(index).toString());
                if (onOracleDB) {
                    BigDecimal retiredIndicator = (BigDecimal) map.get("retired_indicator");
                    ps.setBigDecimal(3, retiredIndicator);
                } else {
                    Boolean retiredIndicator = (Boolean) map.get("retired_indicator");
                    ps.setBoolean(3, retiredIndicator);

                ps.setTimestamp(4, startDate);
                ps.setTimestamp(5, endDate);

                if (onOracleDB) {
                    BigDecimal siteResearchStaffId = (BigDecimal) map.get("site_research_staffs_id");
                    ps.setBigDecimal(6, siteResearchStaffId);
                } else {
                    int siteResearchStaffId = ((Integer) map.get("site_research_staffs_id")).intValue();
                    ps.setInt(6, siteResearchStaffId);

        getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(sql, setter);

     * Deletes all the Study Personnel records with old roleCode.
    protected void deleteUnusedStudyPersonnel(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) {
        String sql = "delete from study_personnel where role_code like 'caaers%'";
