Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright SemanticBits, Northwestern University and Akaza Research * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. ******************************************************************************/ package gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.datamigrator; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.StudyDevice; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * Will take care of migrating existing Medical Devices to refer StudyDevice. * @author: Biju Joseph */ public class MedicalDeviceDataMigrator extends CaaersDataMigratorTemplate { public MigraorType migratorType() { return MigraorType.MEDICAL_DEVICE; } /** * Will associate the medical devices to Study device after creating equivalent * StudyDevices (of type other). * Step 1: Find the study, and medical device projection. * Step 2: Create unique study device per-study * Step 3: Associate Medical Device to Study Device * @param context */ //NOTE : BJ : Assumed that the number of records to migrate will be less than 100. @Override public void migrate(CaaersDataMigrationContext context) { String query = "select so.study_id,, md.brand_name, md.common_name, md.device_type,md.manufacturer_name, " + "md.manufacturer_city, md.manufacturer_state, md.model_number, md.catalog_number " + "from ae_medical_devices md " + "join ae_reports r on = md.report_id " + "join ae_reporting_periods rp on = r.reporting_period_id " + "join participant_assignments a on " + "join study_organizations so on = a.study_site_id " + "order by so.study_id"; HashMap<String, ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper>> studyDeviceMap = (HashMap<String, ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper>>) getJdbcTemplate() .query(query, new ResultSetExtractor() { public Object extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { //a data structure to hold the merged study device -to- medical device mapping. final HashMap<String, ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper>> studyDeviceMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper>>(); String studyId = null; ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper> studyDeviceWrapperList = null; while ( { studyId = getString(rs, 1); String mdId = getString(rs, 2); StudyDevice sd = new StudyDevice(); sd.setOtherBrandName(getString(rs, 3)); sd.setOtherCommonName(getString(rs, 4)); sd.setOtherDeviceType(getString(rs, 5)); sd.setManufacturerName(getString(rs, 6)); sd.setManufacturerCity(getString(rs, 7)); sd.setManufacturerState(getString(rs, 8)); sd.setModelNumber(getString(rs, 9)); sd.setCatalogNumber(getString(rs, 10)); studyDeviceWrapperList = studyDeviceMap.get(studyId); if (studyDeviceWrapperList == null) { //new study studyDeviceWrapperList = new ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper>(); studyDeviceMap.put(studyId, studyDeviceWrapperList); } StudyDeviceWrapper wrapper = StudyDeviceWrapper .findStudyDeviceWrapper(studyDeviceWrapperList, sd); if (wrapper == null) { //new study device wrapper = new StudyDeviceWrapper(studyId, sd, mdId); studyDeviceWrapperList.add(wrapper); } else { //merge to existing study device wrapper.addMedicalDeviceId(mdId); } } return studyDeviceMap; } //some PostgresSQL driver will throw NPE when column is SQL NULL // so this workaround.... public String getString(ResultSet rs, int index) throws SQLException { Object o = rs.getObject(index); if (o == null) return null; return String.valueOf(o); } }); //now generate the batch statements. ArrayList<String> sqls = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String key : studyDeviceMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper> wrapperList = studyDeviceMap.get(key); for (StudyDeviceWrapper wrapper : wrapperList) { sqls.add(generateInsertStudyDeviceSQL(context, wrapper)); //insert study device. sqls.addAll(generateUpdateMedicalDeviceSQL(wrapper)); // scripts to udpate the medical device } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SQLs to run [MedicalDeviceDataMigrator] ..."); for (String sql : sqls) log.debug(" >>> " + sql); } if (!sqls.isEmpty()) getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(sqls.toArray(new String[] {})); } private String generateInsertStudyDeviceSQL(CaaersDataMigrationContext ctx, StudyDeviceWrapper wrapper) { StudyDevice sd =; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO study_devices("); sb.append(ctx.isOracle() ? "id, " : " ").append( "brand_name, common_name, catalog_number, manufacturer_name,manufacturer_city, manufacturer_state,") .append("model_number, device_type, study_id) VALUES (") .append(ctx.isOracle() ? "seq_study_devices_id.nextval," : " ") .append(_sqlInsert(sd.getBrandName())).append(",").append(_sqlInsert(sd.getCommonName())) .append(",").append(_sqlInsert(sd.getCatalogNumber())).append(",") .append(_sqlInsert(sd.getManufacturerName())).append(",") .append(_sqlInsert(sd.getManufacturerCity())).append(",") .append(_sqlInsert(sd.getManufacturerState())).append(",").append(_sqlInsert(sd.getModelNumber())) .append(",").append(_sqlInsert(sd.getDeviceType())).append(",").append(wrapper.studyId).append(")"); return sb.toString(); } private List<String> generateUpdateMedicalDeviceSQL(StudyDeviceWrapper wrapper) { StudyDevice sd =; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "update ae_medical_devices set study_device_id = (select id from study_devices where ") .append("study_id = ").append(wrapper.studyId).append(" and ").append("brand_name ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getBrandName())).append(" and ").append("common_name ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getCommonName())).append(" and ").append("catalog_number ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getCatalogNumber())).append(" and ").append("manufacturer_name ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getManufacturerName())).append(" and ").append("manufacturer_city ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getManufacturerCity())).append(" and ").append("manufacturer_state ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getManufacturerState())).append(" and ").append("model_number ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getModelNumber())).append(" and ").append("device_type ") .append(_sqlSelect(sd.getDeviceType())).append(") where id = "); List<String> updateSQLs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String medicalDeviceId : wrapper.medicalDeviceIds) { updateSQLs.add(sb.toString() + medicalDeviceId); } return updateSQLs; } private String _sqlInsert(String s) { if (s == null) return "null"; return "'" + s + "'"; } private String _sqlSelect(String s) { if (s == null) return " is null "; return " = '" + s + "'"; } private static class StudyDeviceWrapper { public String studyId; public StudyDevice sd; public List<String> medicalDeviceIds; public StudyDeviceWrapper(String studyId, StudyDevice sd, String medicalDeviceId) { this.studyId = studyId; = sd; this.medicalDeviceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); this.medicalDeviceIds.add(medicalDeviceId); } public void addMedicalDeviceId(String id) { medicalDeviceIds.add(id); } public boolean hasSameStudyDevice(StudyDevice sd) { if ( == null) return false; return; } public static StudyDeviceWrapper findStudyDeviceWrapper(ArrayList<StudyDeviceWrapper> list, StudyDevice sd) { for (StudyDeviceWrapper wrapper : list) { if (wrapper.hasSameStudyDevice(sd)) return wrapper; } return null; } } }