Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright SemanticBits, Northwestern University and Akaza Research
 * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.
 * See for details.
package gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.dao.query;

import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.Attribution;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.Grade;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.Hospitalization;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.Study;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.Term;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

public class AdverseEventQuery extends AbstractQuery {

    public static final String AE_ALIAS = "ae";

    public static final String AE_TERM_ALIAS = "aeTerm";

    public static final String AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS = "aeRp";

    public static final String TERMINOLOGY_ALIAS = "terminology";

    public static final String STUDY_PARTICIPANT_ALIAS = "spa";

    public static final String OUTCOMES_ALIAS = "outcomes";

    public static final String TAC = "tac";

    public static final String TAC_EXPECTED_AE_PROFILE = "exp";

    public static final String LL_TERM_ALIAS = "llt";

    public AdverseEventQuery() {
        super("select distinct " + AE_ALIAS + " from AdverseEvent " + AE_ALIAS);

    public AdverseEventQuery(String... selections) {
        super("select distinct " + AE_ALIAS + ", " + StringUtils.join(selections, ", ") + " from AdverseEvent "
                + AE_ALIAS);

    public void joinAdverseEventTerm() {
        join(AE_ALIAS + ".adverseEventTerm " + AE_TERM_ALIAS);

    public void joinLowLevelTerm() {
        join(AE_ALIAS + ".lowLevelTerm " + LL_TERM_ALIAS);

    public void outerjoinLowLevelTerm() {
        leftJoin(AE_ALIAS + ".lowLevelTerm " + LL_TERM_ALIAS);

    public void joinReportingPeriod() {
        join(AE_ALIAS + ".reportingPeriod " + AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS);

    public void joinStudy() {

    public void joinStudyIdentifiers() {
        join(STUDY_ALIAS + ".identifiers sids");

    public void joinParticipantIdentifiers() {
        join(PARTICIPANT_ALIAS + ".identifiers pids");

    public void joinParticipant() {
        join(AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS + ".assignment.participant " + PARTICIPANT_ALIAS);

    public void joinStudyParticipantAssignment() {

    public void joinAeTerminology() {
        join(STUDY_ALIAS + ".aeTerminology " + TERMINOLOGY_ALIAS);

    public void joinOutcomes() {
        join(AE_ALIAS + ".outcomes " + OUTCOMES_ALIAS);

    public void outerjoinOutcomes() {
        leftJoin(AE_ALIAS + ".outcomes " + OUTCOMES_ALIAS);

    public void joinTreatmentAssignment() {
        join(AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS + ".treatmentAssignment " + TAC);

    public void joinTreatmentAssignmentExpectedAEProfile() {
        join(TAC + ".abstractStudyInterventionExpectedAEs " + TAC_EXPECTED_AE_PROFILE);

    public void outerjoinTreatmentAssignment() {
        leftJoin(AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS + ".treatmentAssignment " + TAC);

    public void filterByAeReportId(Integer id) {
        setParameter("aeReportId", id);

    public void filterByCtcTerm(String term, String operator) {
        final String pTerm = generateParam();
                + ".id in (select from gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.domain.AdverseEventCtcTerm ctcTerm where ctcTerm.term.term "
                + parseOperator(operator) + " :" + pTerm + ")");
        if (operator.equals("like")) {
            setParameter(pTerm, getLikeValue(term));
        } else {
            setParameter(pTerm, term);

    public void filterBySolicited(boolean flag, String operator) {
        andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".solicited " + parseOperator(operator) + " :" + generateParam(flag));

    public void filterByGrade(Integer code, String operator) {
        andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".grade " + parseOperator(operator) + " :" + generateParam(Grade.getByCode(code)));

    public void filterByHospitalization(Integer code, String operator) {
        andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".hospitalization " + parseOperator(operator) + " :"
                + generateParam(Hospitalization.getByCode(code)));

    public void filterByExpected(boolean flag, String operator) {
        andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".expected " + parseOperator(operator) + " :" + generateParam(flag));

    public void filterByAttribution(Integer code, String operator) {
        andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".attributionSummary " + parseOperator(operator) + " :"
                + generateParam(Attribution.getByCode(code)));

    public void filterByVerbatim(String verbatim, String operator) {
        final String param = generateParam();
        andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".detailsForOther " + parseOperator(operator) + " :" + param);
        if (operator.equals("like")) {
            setParameter(param, getLikeValue(verbatim));
        } else {
            setParameter(param, verbatim);

    public void filterByTerminology(Integer code, String operator) {
        andWhere(TERMINOLOGY_ALIAS + ".term " + parseOperator(operator) + " :"
                + generateParam(Term.getByCode(code)));

    public void filterByAEStartDate(String dateString, String operator) throws Exception {
        andWhere(createDateQuery(AE_ALIAS + ".startDate", dateString, operator));

    public void filterByAEEndDate(String dateString, String operator) throws Exception {
        andWhere(createDateQuery(AE_ALIAS + ".endDate", dateString, operator));

    public void filterByCourseStartDate(String dateString, String operator) throws Exception {
        andWhere(createDateQuery(AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS + ".startDate", dateString, operator));

    public void filterByCourseEndDate(String dateString, String operator) throws Exception {
        andWhere(createDateQuery(AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS + ".endDate", dateString, operator));

    public void filterByCourseNumber(Integer num, String operator) throws Exception {
        andWhere(AE_REPORTING_PERIOD_ALIAS + ".cycleNumber " + parseOperator(operator) + " :" + generateParam(num));

    public void filterByStudy(Study study) {
        andWhere(STUDY_ALIAS + " = :" + generateParam(study));

    public void filterByMatchingTermsOnExpectedAEProfileAndReportedAE() {
        andWhere(TAC_EXPECTED_AE_PROFILE + ".term = " + AE_TERM_ALIAS + ".term");

     * To filter adverseEents by gradeDate in advance search page
     * @param dateString
     * @param operator
     * @throws Exception
    public void filterByAEAwarenessDate(String dateString, String operator) throws Exception {
        andWhere(createDateQuery(AE_ALIAS + ".gradedDate", dateString, operator));

     * To filter adverseEvents by requireReporting in advance search page
     * @param flag
     * @param operator
    public void filterByRequiresReporting(String flag, String operator) {
        //Requires reporting accepts null values also
        //So if user select Yes/No then we will execute below query
        if (flag.equals("true") || flag.equals("false")) {
            andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".requiresReporting " + parseOperator(operator) + " :"
                    + generateParam(Boolean.parseBoolean(flag)));
        //If user try to find Empty/Non-Empty Requires reporting records then below code will be executed
        else {
            operator = operator.equals("=") ? "IS NULL" : "IS NOT NULL";
            andWhere(AE_ALIAS + ".requiresReporting " + operator);

     * To filter adverseEvents by created date in advance search page
     * @param dateString
     * @param operator
     * @throws Exception
    public void filterByAECreatedDate(String dateString, String operator) throws Exception {
        andWhere(createDateQuery(AE_ALIAS + ".createdDate", dateString, operator));
