Java tutorial
//====================================================================================== // Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc, Yale University // // Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. // See for details. //====================================================================================== package gov.nih.nci.caarray.util.owlparser; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.vocabulary.Category; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.vocabulary.Term; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.vocabulary.TermSource; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.QName; import; /** * Base class for parsing an ontology description in OWL format. Generates calls to event methods * which subclasses should implement to actually do appropriate processing of the parsed data. * @author dkokotov */ public abstract class AbstractOntologyOwlParser { private static final String XML_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String OWL_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String RDF_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String RDFS_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String MGED_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String ONTOLOGY_ELEMENT = "Ontology"; private static final String CLASS_ELEMENT = "Class"; private static final String SUBCLASS_ELEMENT = "subClassOf"; private static final String VERSION_INFO_ELEMENT = "versionInfo"; private static final String UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_ELEMENT = "unique_identifier"; private static final String TYPE_ELEMENT = "type"; private static final String ID_ATTRIBUTE = "ID"; private static final String ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE = "about"; private static final String BASE_ATTRIBUTE = "base"; private static final String RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE = "resource"; private static final String FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR = "#"; private final String name; private String url; private final DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); private TermSource termSource; private final Map<String, Category> categoryCache = new HashMap<String, Category>(); private final Set<Term> termCache = new HashSet<Term>(); /** * Create an ontology parser that will parse an ontology OWL file for a term source with given name and url. * If name and/or url are null, they will be taken from the OWL file, otheriwse the given values * will be used. * @param name an explicit name for the term source whose ontology is being parsed * @param url an explicit url for the term source whose ontology is being parsed */ public AbstractOntologyOwlParser(String name, String url) { = name; this.url = url; } /** * Parse an OWL document from given InputStream. * @param owlStream InputStream containing the bytes of the OWL document * @throws ParseException on error */ public void parse(InputStream owlStream) throws ParseException { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); try { parse(; } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new ParseException(e); } } /** * Parse an OWL document from given Document. * @param owlDoc The OWL document * @throws ParseException on error */ public void parse(Document owlDoc) throws ParseException { handle(owlDoc.getRootElement()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void handle(Element rootElement) throws ParseException { try { startProcessing(); if (url == null) { url = rootElement.attributeValue(getBaseAttributeName()); } handleOntologyDescription(rootElement.element(getOntologyElementName())); List<Element> classElements = rootElement.elements(getClassElementName()); // two passes: one to create categories, one to resolve subclassing references handleClasses(classElements.iterator()); handleSubclasses(classElements.iterator()); List<Element> allElements = rootElement.elements(); Iterator<Element> individualElements = IteratorUtils.filteredIterator(allElements.iterator(), IndividualElementPredicate.INSTANCE); handleIndividuals(individualElements); } finally { finishProcessing(); } } private QName getOntologyElementName() { return df.createQName(ONTOLOGY_ELEMENT, OWL_NAMESPACE); } private QName getClassElementName() { return df.createQName(CLASS_ELEMENT, OWL_NAMESPACE); } private QName getSubclassElementName() { return df.createQName(SUBCLASS_ELEMENT, RDFS_NAMESPACE); } private QName getVersionInfoElementName() { return df.createQName(VERSION_INFO_ELEMENT, OWL_NAMESPACE); } private QName getTypeElementName() { return df.createQName(TYPE_ELEMENT, RDF_NAMESPACE); } private QName getUniqueIdentifierElementName() { return df.createQName(UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_ELEMENT, MGED_NAMESPACE); } private QName getIdAttributeName() { return df.createQName(ID_ATTRIBUTE, RDF_NAMESPACE); } private QName getAboutAttributeName() { return df.createQName(ABOUT_ATTRIBUTE, RDF_NAMESPACE); } private QName getBaseAttributeName() { return df.createQName(BASE_ATTRIBUTE, XML_NAMESPACE); } private QName getResourceAttributeName() { return df.createQName(RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE, RDF_NAMESPACE); } private String getIdentifier(Element e) { Attribute id = e.attribute(getIdAttributeName()); if (id != null) { return id.getValue(); } Attribute about = e.attribute(getAboutAttributeName()); if (about != null) { return StringUtils.substringAfter(about.getValue(), FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR); } Attribute resource = e.attribute(getResourceAttributeName()); if (resource != null) { return StringUtils.substringAfter(resource.getValue(), FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR); } return null; } private String getUniqueIdentifier(Element e) { Element uniqueId = e.element(getUniqueIdentifierElementName()); if (uniqueId != null) { return StringUtils.trimToNull(uniqueId.getText()); } return null; } private String makeUrl(String fragment) { return new StringBuilder(url).append(FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR).append(fragment).toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void handleIndividuals(Iterator<Element> individualElements) throws ParseException { while (individualElements.hasNext()) { Element e =; Term t = new Term(); t.setValue(getIdentifier(e)); t.setAccession(getUniqueIdentifier(e)); t.setUrl(makeUrl(t.getValue())); t.setCategory(categoryCache.get(e.getQName().getName())); t.setSource(termSource); handleAdditionalTypes(t, e.elements(getTypeElementName()).iterator()); termCache.add(t); processTerm(t); } } private void handleAdditionalTypes(Term t, Iterator<Element> typeElements) throws ParseException { while (typeElements.hasNext()) { Element e =; Category c = categoryCache.get(getIdentifier(e)); t.getCategories().add(c); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void handleSubclasses(Iterator<Element> classElements) throws ParseException { while (classElements.hasNext()) { Element e =; Category c = categoryCache.get(getIdentifier(e)); handleSubclassReferences(c, e.elements(getSubclassElementName()).iterator()); } } private void handleSubclassReferences(Category c, Iterator<Element> subclassElements) throws ParseException { while (subclassElements.hasNext()) { Element e =; // subClassOf elements will either reference the subclass directly with rdf:resource attr // or as a nested rdf:Class element. They can also be used to identify constraints // and not subclass relationships. so we need to handle both of the first two cases and skip the third Element nestedClassElt = e.element(getClassElementName()); String superClassName = getIdentifier(nestedClassElt != null ? nestedClassElt : e); if (superClassName == null) { continue; } Category parent = categoryCache.get(superClassName); // ontology may refer to parents outside of the ontology itself - ignore those if (parent == null) { continue; } c.getParents().add(parent); parent.getChildren().add(c); processCategorySubclass(c, parent); } } private void handleClasses(Iterator<Element> classElements) throws ParseException { while (classElements.hasNext()) { Element e =; Category c = new Category(); c.setName(getIdentifier(e)); c.setAccession(getUniqueIdentifier(e)); c.setUrl(makeUrl(c.getName())); categoryCache.put(c.getName(), c); processCategory(c); } } private void handleOntologyDescription(Element ontologyElement) throws ParseException { termSource = new TermSource(); termSource.setName(name); termSource.setUrl(url); Element versionElement = ontologyElement.element(getVersionInfoElementName()); if (versionElement != null) { termSource.setVersion(StringUtils.trimToNull(versionElement.getText())); } processTermSource(termSource); } /** * @return the termSource */ public TermSource getTermSource() { return termSource; } /** * @return the categoryCache */ public Map<String, Category> getCategoryCache() { return categoryCache; } /** * @return the termCache */ public Set<Term> getTermCache() { return termCache; } /** * Called to indicate the start of processing the OWL doc. * @throws ParseException on error */ protected abstract void startProcessing() throws ParseException; /** * Called to indicate the end of processing the OWL doc. Subclasses should release any resources * acquired during processing. This method will be called even if an error had occurred during * the parsing process. * @throws ParseException on error */ protected abstract void finishProcessing() throws ParseException; /** * Process the term source parsed from the OWL. This term source corresponds to the ontology being * parsed. * @param ts the parsed term source * @throws ParseException on error */ protected abstract void processTermSource(TermSource ts) throws ParseException; /** * Process acategory parsed from the OWL. The category child-parent linkages have not. * yet been established at this point * @param category the parsed category * @throws ParseException on error */ protected abstract void processCategory(Category category) throws ParseException; /** * Process a child-parent relationships between the two given categories. * @param category the child category * @param parentCategory the parent category * @throws ParseException on error */ protected abstract void processCategorySubclass(Category category, Category parentCategory) throws ParseException; /** * Process a term parsed from the OWL. The term includes linkages to all categories it belongs to. * @param t the parsed term. * @throws ParseException on error */ protected abstract void processTerm(Term t) throws ParseException; /** * Predicate for elements which correspond to individuals in the ontology. */ private static final class IndividualElementPredicate implements Predicate { public static final IndividualElementPredicate INSTANCE = new IndividualElementPredicate(); private IndividualElementPredicate() { // intentionally empty } public boolean evaluate(Object o) { Element e = (Element) o; return MGED_NAMESPACE.equals(e.getNamespaceURI()); } } }