Java tutorial
//====================================================================================== // Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc, Yale University // // Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. // See for details. //====================================================================================== package; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.permissions.AccessProfile; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.permissions.Privileges; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.permissions.SampleSecurityLevel; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.permissions.SecurityLevel; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.project.Project; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.sample.Sample; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.util.CaArrayHibernateHelper; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.util.CaArrayUsernameHolder; import gov.nih.nci.logging.api.logger.hibernate.HibernateSessionFactoryHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import; import com.fiveamsolutions.nci.commons.util.HibernateHelper; import; /** * Utility class containing methods for synchronizing our security data model with CSM, as well as a facade for querying * CSM. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.CyclomaticComplexity", "PMD.ExcessiveClassLength", "PMD.AvoidDuplicateLiterals", "PMD.TooManyMethods" }) public final class SecurityUtils { @Inject private static CaArrayHibernateHelper hibernateHelper; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SecurityUtils.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = -2071964672876972370L; private static final String CSM_HIBERNATE_CONFIG_PREFIX = "/csm/*"; /** The username of the synthetic user for anonymous access permissions. */ public static final String ANONYMOUS_USERNAME = "__anonymous__"; /** The name of the group for anonymous access permissions. */ public static final String ANONYMOUS_GROUP = "__anonymous__"; /** The name of the group for anonymous access permissions. */ public static final String SELF_GROUP_PREFIX = "__selfgroup__"; /** The name of the group for system administrator access permissions. */ private static final String SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP = "SystemAdministrator"; /** The privilege for Browsing a Protectable. * */ public static final String BROWSE_PRIVILEGE = "ACCESS"; /** The privilege for Reading a Protectable. * */ public static final String READ_PRIVILEGE = "READ"; /** The privilege for Writing a Protectable. * */ public static final String WRITE_PRIVILEGE = "WRITE"; /** The privilege for modifying the permissions of a Protectable. * */ public static final String PERMISSIONS_PRIVILEGE = "PERMISSIONS"; /** The privilege for Partial Reading of a Protectable. * */ public static final String PARTIAL_READ_PRIVILEGE = "PARTIAL_READ"; /** The privilege for Partial Writing of a Protectable. * */ public static final String PARTIAL_WRITE_PRIVILEGE = "PARTIAL_WRITE"; /** The role for Browsing a Protectable. * */ public static final String BROWSE_ROLE = "Access"; /** The role for Reading a Protectable. * */ public static final String READ_ROLE = "Read"; /** The role for Writing a Protectable. * */ public static final String WRITE_ROLE = "Write"; /** The role for modifying the permissions of a Protectable. * */ public static final String PERMISSIONS_ROLE = "Permissions"; /** The role for Partial Reading of a Protectable. * */ public static final String PARTIAL_READ_ROLE = "Partial_Read"; /** The role for Partial Writing of a Protectable. * */ public static final String PARTIAL_WRITE_ROLE = "Partial_Write"; private static final String[] OWNER_ROLES; private static String caarrayAppName; private static AuthorizationManager authMgr; private static Application caarrayApp; private static User anonymousUser; private static InstanceLevelMappingElement projectMapping; private static InstanceLevelMappingElement sampleMapping; private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> PRIVILEGED_MODE = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() { @Override protected Boolean initialValue() { return Boolean.FALSE; } }; // hidden constructor for static utility class private SecurityUtils() { } static { try { final URL appConfigUrl = SecurityUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResource(""); if (appConfigUrl == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("resource not found in classpath"); } final InputStream in = appConfigUrl.openStream(); final Properties appConfig = new Properties(); appConfig.load(in); in.close(); caarrayAppName = appConfig.getProperty(""); final String csmConfigName = "csm/" + caarrayAppName + Constants.FILE_NAME_SUFFIX; final URL csmConfigUrl = SecurityUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResource(csmConfigName); if (csmConfigUrl == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("resource " + csmConfigName + " not found in classpath"); } authMgr = new AuthorizationManagerImpl(caarrayAppName, csmConfigUrl); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not initialize CSM: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final CSConfigurationException e) { LOG.error("Unable to initialize CSM: " + e.getMessage(), e); } OWNER_ROLES = new String[] { getRoleByName(BROWSE_ROLE).getId().toString(), getRoleByName(READ_ROLE).getId().toString(), getRoleByName(WRITE_ROLE).getId().toString(), getRoleByName(PERMISSIONS_ROLE).getId().toString() }; } /** * Method that must be called prior to usage of SecurityUtils, initializing some cached values. Intended to be * called at system startup, such as from a web application startup listener */ public static void init() { try { caarrayApp = authMgr.getApplication(caarrayAppName); anonymousUser = authMgr.getUser(ANONYMOUS_USERNAME); projectMapping = authMgr.getInstanceLevelMappingElementById("1"); sampleMapping = authMgr.getInstanceLevelMappingElementById("2"); } catch (final CSObjectNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not retrieve caarray application or anonymous user", e); } } // private static Resource getCsmHibernateConfig() throws IOException { // ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(); // Resource[] resources = resolver.getResources(ResourcePatternResolver.CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX // + CSM_HIBERNATE_CONFIG_PREFIX + Constants.FILE_NAME_SUFFIX); // if (resources.length == 0) { // throw new IllegalStateException("Could not locate a CSM hibernate configuration"); // } // return resources[0]; // } /** * @return the CSM AuthorizationManager */ public static AuthorizationManager getAuthorizationManager() { return authMgr; } /** * @return the CSM application instance for CAArray */ public static Application getApplication() { return caarrayApp; } /** * @return the CSM user instance for the fake anonymous user */ public static User getAnonymousUser() { return anonymousUser; } static InstanceLevelMappingElement findMappingElement(String className, String attributeName) { final String packageName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(className, "."); final String objectName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(className, "."); for (final InstanceLevelMappingElement elt : Arrays.asList(projectMapping, sampleMapping)) { if (packageName.equals(elt.getObjectPackageName()) && objectName.equals(elt.getObjectName()) && attributeName.equals(elt.getAttributeName())) { return elt; } } return null; } static void handleBiomaterialChanges(Collection<Project> projects, Collection<Protectable> protectables) { if (projects == null) { return; } try { for (final Project p : projects) { LOG.debug("Modifying biomaterial collections for project: " + p.getId()); for (final Sample s : p.getExperiment().getSamples()) { if (protectables != null && protectables.contains(s)) { handleNewSample(s, p); } } } } catch (final CSTransactionException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to update biomaterial collections: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final CSObjectNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to update biomaterial collections: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.ExcessiveMethodLength", "unchecked" }) static void handleDeleted(Collection<Protectable> deletedInstances) { if (deletedInstances == null) { return; } try { for (final Protectable p : deletedInstances) { LOG.debug("Deleting records for obj of type: " + p.getClass().getName() + " for user " + CaArrayUsernameHolder.getUser()); final List<UserGroupRoleProtectionGroup> l = getUserGroupRoleProtectionGroups(p); for (final UserGroupRoleProtectionGroup ugrpg : l) { if (ugrpg.getGroup() != null) { authMgr.removeGroupRoleFromProtectionGroup( ugrpg.getProtectionGroup().getProtectionGroupId().toString(), ugrpg.getGroup().getGroupId().toString(), new String[] { ugrpg.getRole().getId().toString() }); } else { authMgr.removeUserRoleFromProtectionGroup( ugrpg.getProtectionGroup().getProtectionGroupId().toString(), ugrpg.getUser().getUserId().toString(), new String[] { ugrpg.getRole().getId().toString() }); } } final ProtectionGroup pg = getProtectionGroup(p); LOG.debug("HAndling delete for protection group " + pg.getProtectionGroupName()); final Set<ProtectionElement> protElements = pg.getProtectionElements(); final ProtectionElement pe = protElements.iterator().next(); authMgr.removeProtectionGroup(pg.getProtectionGroupId().toString()); authMgr.removeProtectionElement(pe.getProtectionElementId().toString()); } } catch (final CSTransactionException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to remove CSM elements from deleted object: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * @param user * @param csmUser */ static void handleNewProtectables(Collection<Protectable> protectables) { if (protectables == null) { return; } final User csmUser = CaArrayUsernameHolder.getCsmUser(); try { for (final Protectable p : protectables) { LOG.debug("Creating access record for obj of type: " + p.getClass().getName() + " for user " + csmUser.getLoginName()); final ProtectionGroup pg = createProtectionGroup(p, csmUser); if (p instanceof Project) { handleNewProject((Project) p, pg); } } } catch (final CSObjectNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn("Could not find the " + caarrayAppName + " application: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final CSTransactionException e) { LOG.warn("Could not save new protection element: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * @param profilesHolder */ static void handleAccessProfiles(Collection<AccessProfile> profiles) { if (profiles == null) { return; } for (final AccessProfile ap : profiles) { handleAccessProfile(ap); } } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.ExcessiveMethodLength") private static void handleAccessProfile(AccessProfile ap) { LOG.debug("Handling access profile"); try { // to populate inverse properties final Group targetGroup = getTargetGroup(ap); if (targetGroup == null) { return; } handleProjectSecurity(targetGroup, ap.getProject(), ap.getSecurityLevel()); final Map<Long, ProtectionGroup> samplesToProjectionGroups = new HashMap<Long, ProtectionGroup>(); for (final Sample sample : ap.getProject().getExperiment().getSamples()) { final ProtectionGroup sampleProtectionGroup = getProtectionGroup(sample); samplesToProjectionGroups.put(sample.getId(), sampleProtectionGroup); } if (!samplesToProjectionGroups.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("clearing existing sample-level security"); AuthorizationManagerExtensions.clearProtectionGroupRoles(targetGroup, samplesToProjectionGroups.values(), getApplication()); LOG.debug("done clearing existing sample-level security"); } LOG.debug("setting new sample-level security"); final Role readRole = getRoleByName(READ_ROLE); final Role writeRole = getRoleByName(WRITE_ROLE); for (final Sample sample : ap.getProject().getExperiment().getSamples()) { final SampleSecurityLevel sampleSecLevel = getSampleSecurityLevel(ap, sample); if (sampleSecLevel.isAllowsRead() || sampleSecLevel.isAllowsWrite()) { final ProtectionGroup pg = samplesToProjectionGroups.get(sample.getId()); handleSampleSecurity(targetGroup, pg, sampleSecLevel, readRole, writeRole); } } } catch (final CSException e) { LOG.error("Could not update permissions for profile " + e.getMessage(), e); } LOG.debug("Done handling access profile"); } private static Group getTargetGroup(AccessProfile ap) throws CSTransactionException { if (ap.isPublicProfile()) { return findGroupByName(ANONYMOUS_GROUP); } else if (ap.isGroupProfile()) { return ap.getGroup().getGroup(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported access profile type: " + ap); } } private static SampleSecurityLevel getSampleSecurityLevel(AccessProfile ap, Sample s) { SampleSecurityLevel sampleSecLevel = SampleSecurityLevel.NONE; if (ap.getSecurityLevel().isSampleLevelPermissionsAllowed()) { if (ap.getSampleSecurityLevels().containsKey(s)) { sampleSecLevel = ap.getSampleSecurityLevels().get(s); } } else { switch (ap.getSecurityLevel()) { case READ: sampleSecLevel = SampleSecurityLevel.READ; break; case WRITE: sampleSecLevel = SampleSecurityLevel.READ_WRITE; break; case VISIBLE: case NONE: case NO_VISIBILITY: sampleSecLevel = SampleSecurityLevel.NONE; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Encountered unknown project security level: " + ap.getSecurityLevel()); } } return sampleSecLevel; } private static void handleProjectSecurity(Group targetGroup, Project project, SecurityLevel securityLevel) { final ProtectionGroup pg = getProtectionGroup(project); final List<String> roleIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (securityLevel != SecurityLevel.NONE && securityLevel != SecurityLevel.NO_VISIBILITY) { roleIds.add(getRoleByName(BROWSE_ROLE).getId().toString()); } if (securityLevel.isAllowsRead()) { roleIds.add(getRoleByName(READ_ROLE).getId().toString()); } if (securityLevel.isAllowsWrite()) { roleIds.add(getRoleByName(WRITE_ROLE).getId().toString()); } if (securityLevel.isPartialRead()) { roleIds.add(getRoleByName(PARTIAL_READ_ROLE).getId().toString()); } if (securityLevel.isPartialWrite()) { roleIds.add(getRoleByName(PARTIAL_WRITE_ROLE).getId().toString()); } try { authMgr.assignGroupRoleToProtectionGroup(pg.getProtectionGroupId().toString(), targetGroup.getGroupId().toString(), roleIds.toArray(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY)); } catch (final CSTransactionException e) { LOG.warn("Could not assign project group roles corresponding to profile " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private static void handleSampleSecurity(Group targetGroup, ProtectionGroup samplePg, SampleSecurityLevel securityLevel, Role readRole, Role writeRole) { final List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>(); if (securityLevel.isAllowsRead()) { roles.add(readRole); } if (securityLevel.isAllowsWrite()) { roles.add(writeRole); } try { AuthorizationManagerExtensions.assignGroupRoleToProtectionGroup(samplePg, targetGroup, roles, getApplication()); } catch (final CSTransactionException e) { LOG.warn("Could not assign sample group roles corresponding to profile " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.ExcessiveMethodLength") private static ProtectionGroup createProtectionGroup(Protectable p, User csmUser) throws CSObjectNotFoundException, CSTransactionException { final ProtectionElement pe = new ProtectionElement(); final Application application = getApplication(); pe.setApplication(application); pe.setObjectId(p.getClass().getName()); pe.setAttribute("id"); pe.setValue(p.getId().toString()); pe.setUpdateDate(new Date()); authMgr.createProtectionElement(pe); final ProtectionGroup pg = new ProtectionGroup(); pg.setApplication(application); pg.setProtectionElements(Collections.singleton(pe)); pg.setProtectionGroupName("PE(" + pe.getProtectionElementId() + ") group"); pg.setUpdateDate(new Date()); authMgr.createProtectionGroup(pg); addOwner(pg, csmUser); assignSystemAdministratorAccess(pg); return pg; } private static void addOwner(ProtectionGroup pg, User user) throws CSObjectNotFoundException, CSTransactionException { final ProtectionElement pe = (ProtectionElement) pg.getProtectionElements().iterator().next(); AuthorizationManagerExtensions.addOwner(pe.getProtectionElementId(), user, caarrayAppName); // This shouldn't be necessary, because the filter should take into account // the ownership status (set above.) However, such a filter uses a UNION // mechanism and this runs into a hibernate bug: // // Thus, we do an extra association here. Yuck! final Group g = getSingletonGroup(user); authMgr.assignGroupRoleToProtectionGroup(pg.getProtectionGroupId().toString(), g.getGroupId().toString(), OWNER_ROLES); } /** * Get or create the singleton group for the given user. * * @param user user to get the singleton group for * @return the group * @throws CSTransactionException on CSM error */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Group getSingletonGroup(User user) throws CSTransactionException { final Group g = new Group(); g.setGroupName(SELF_GROUP_PREFIX + user.getLoginName() + " (" + user.getUserId() + ")"); final GroupSearchCriteria gsc = new GroupSearchCriteria(g); final List<Group> groupList = authMgr.getObjects(gsc); if (groupList == null || groupList.isEmpty()) { g.setApplication(getApplication()); g.setGroupDesc("Singleton group for CSM filter performance. Do not edit."); authMgr.createGroup(g); authMgr.assignUserToGroup(user.getLoginName(), g.getGroupName()); return g; } return groupList.get(0); } /** * Change the owner of a Protectable. If there is more than one owner, only the first owner will be changed to * <code>newOwner</code>, and the others will be left untouched. * * @param p the Protectable to change the owner of * @param newOwner the new owner of the Protectable * @throws CSException on a CSM error */ public static void changeOwner(Protectable p, User newOwner) throws CSException { final User oldOwner = getOwner(p); final List<Protectable> protectables = new ArrayList<Protectable>(); protectables.add(p); changeOwner(protectables, oldOwner, newOwner); AuthorizationManagerExtensions.refreshInstanceTables(SecurityUtils.getApplication()); } /** * Change the owner of a Project and replaces the old project owner with the new owner in the set of owners for each * sample (other sample owners are unaffected). * * @param p the Project to change the owner of * @param newOwner the new owner of the Project * @throws CSException on a CSM error */ public static void changeOwner(Project p, User newOwner) throws CSException { final User oldOwner = getOwner(p); final List<Protectable> project = new ArrayList<Protectable>(); project.add(p); final List<Protectable> samples = new ArrayList<Protectable>(p.getExperiment().getSamples()); changeOwner(project, oldOwner, newOwner); changeOwner(samples, oldOwner, newOwner); AuthorizationManagerExtensions.refreshInstanceTables(SecurityUtils.getApplication()); } private static void changeOwner(List<? extends Protectable> protectables, User oldOwner, User newOwner) throws CSTransactionException { if (!protectables.isEmpty()) { final List<String> protectableIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Protectable p : protectables) { protectableIds.add(p.getId().toString()); } final String protectableClassName = getUnderlyingEntityClass(protectables.get(0)).getName(); final List<Long> protectionElementIds = getProtectionElementIds(protectableIds, protectableClassName); final List<Long> protectionGroupIds = getProtectionGroupIds(protectableIds, protectableClassName); final Group newOwnerGroup = getSingletonGroup(newOwner); final Group oldOwnerGroup = getSingletonGroup(oldOwner); AuthorizationManagerExtensions.updateGroupForRoleProtectionGroup(protectionGroupIds, oldOwnerGroup, newOwnerGroup, caarrayAppName); AuthorizationManagerExtensions.replaceOwner(protectionElementIds, oldOwner, newOwner, caarrayAppName); } } private static void handleNewProject(Project p, ProtectionGroup pg) throws CSTransactionException { if (p.getPublicProfile().getSecurityLevel() != SecurityLevel.NO_VISIBILITY) { assignAnonymousAccess(pg); } } private static void handleNewSample(Sample s, Project p) throws CSTransactionException, CSObjectNotFoundException { final ProtectionGroup pg = getProtectionGroup(s); final User csmUser = CaArrayUsernameHolder.getCsmUser(); for (final User u : p.getOwners()) { if (!u.equals(csmUser)) { addOwner(pg, u); } } final Role readRole = getRoleByName(READ_ROLE); final Role writeRole = getRoleByName(WRITE_ROLE); for (final AccessProfile ap : p.getAllAccessProfiles()) { final Group targetGroup = getTargetGroup(ap); if (targetGroup == null) { continue; } final SampleSecurityLevel sampleSecLevel = getSampleSecurityLevel(ap, s); handleSampleSecurity(targetGroup, pg, sampleSecLevel, readRole, writeRole); } } private static void assignAnonymousAccess(ProtectionGroup pg) throws CSTransactionException { // We could cache the ids for the group and role final Group group = findGroupByName(ANONYMOUS_GROUP); authMgr.assignGroupRoleToProtectionGroup(pg.getProtectionGroupId().toString(), group.getGroupId().toString(), new String[] { getRoleByName(BROWSE_ROLE).getId().toString() }); } private static void assignSystemAdministratorAccess(ProtectionGroup pg) throws CSTransactionException { // We could cache the ids for the group and role final Group group = findGroupByName(SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP); authMgr.assignGroupRoleToProtectionGroup(pg.getProtectionGroupId().toString(), group.getGroupId().toString(), OWNER_ROLES); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Role getRoleByName(String roleName) { Role role = new Role(); role.setName(roleName); final RoleSearchCriteria rsc = new RoleSearchCriteria(role); final List<Role> roleList = authMgr.getObjects(rsc); role = roleList.get(0); return role; } /** * @param p the protectable to get the protection group for * @return the UserGroupRoleProtectionGroup. <b>Note: This object is NOT associated with the current hibernate * session.</b> */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<UserGroupRoleProtectionGroup> getUserGroupRoleProtectionGroups(Protectable p) { // Unfortunately, CSM doesn't provide a way to find out if the UserGroupRoleProtectionGroup // has been created (down to attribute level). So we need to query for it, // using the known values for various ids from the csm script final String queryString = "SELECT ugrpg FROM " + UserGroupRoleProtectionGroup.class.getName() + " ugrpg, " + ProtectionElement.class.getName() + " pe " + "WHERE pe in elements(ugrpg.protectionGroup.protectionElements) " + " AND size(ugrpg.protectionGroup.protectionElements) = 1" + " AND pe.attribute = 'id' " + " AND pe.objectId = :objectId " + " AND pe.value = :value " + " AND in (:roleNames)"; final Query q = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString); q.setParameterList("roleNames", new String[] { BROWSE_ROLE, READ_ROLE, WRITE_ROLE, PERMISSIONS_ROLE, PARTIAL_READ_ROLE, PARTIAL_WRITE_ROLE }); q.setString("objectId", getUnderlyingEntityClass(p).getName()); q.setString("value", p.getId().toString()); return q.list(); } private static ProtectionGroup getProtectionGroup(Protectable p) { final String queryString = "SELECT pg FROM " + ProtectionGroup.class.getName() + " pg join pg.protectionElements pe inner join fetch pg.protectionElements pe2" + " left join fetch pe2.owners " + " WHERE pg.protectionGroupName LIKE 'PE(%) group' AND pe.objectId = :objectId " + " AND pe.attribute = 'id' AND pe.value = :value"; Session s = null; try { s = HibernateSessionFactoryHelper .getAuditSession(ApplicationSessionFactory.getSessionFactory(caarrayAppName)); final Query q = s.createQuery(queryString); q.setString("objectId", getUnderlyingEntityClass(p).getName()); q.setString("value", p.getId().toString()); return (ProtectionGroup) q.uniqueResult(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("couldn't execute hibernate query: " + e); } finally { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } } private static List<Long> getProtectionGroupIds(List<String> protectableIds, String objectClassName) { return getCsmObjectIds(protectableIds, objectClassName, "SELECT FROM " + ProtectionGroup.class.getName() + " pg join pg.protectionElements pe" + " WHERE pg.protectionGroupName LIKE 'PE(%) group' AND pe.objectId = :objectId " + " AND pe.attribute = 'id' AND "); } private static List<Long> getProtectionElementIds(List<String> protectableIds, String objectClassName) { return getCsmObjectIds(protectableIds, objectClassName, "SELECT FROM " + ProtectionElement.class.getName() + " pe" + " WHERE pe.objectId = :objectId AND pe.attribute = 'id' AND "); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<Long> getCsmObjectIds(List<String> protectableIds, String objectClassName, String queryBase) { final Map<String, List<? extends Serializable>> idBlocks = new HashMap<String, List<? extends Serializable>>(); final String queryString = queryBase + "(" + HibernateHelper.buildInClause(protectableIds, "pe.value", idBlocks) + ")"; Session s = null; try { s = HibernateSessionFactoryHelper .getAuditSession(ApplicationSessionFactory.getSessionFactory(caarrayAppName)); final Query q = s.createQuery(queryString); q.setString("objectId", objectClassName); HibernateHelper.bindInClauseParameters(q, idBlocks); return q.list(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("couldn't execute hibernate query: " + e); } finally { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } } /** * Returns the owner for the given protectable. * * @param p the protectable to get the owner for * @return the User who owns the given Protectable instance */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Set<User> getOwners(Protectable p) { final ProtectionGroup pg = getProtectionGroup(p); final ProtectionElement pe = (ProtectionElement) pg.getProtectionElements().iterator().next(); return new HashSet<User>(pe.getOwners()); } private static User getOwner(Protectable p) { final Set<User> owners = getOwners(p); if (owners.isEmpty()) { return null; } return owners.iterator().next(); } /** * Checks whether a given user is an owner of the given protectable. * * @param p protectable to check * @param user user to check * @return whether the given user is an owner of the protectable */ public static boolean isOwner(Protectable p, User user) { return getOwners(p).contains(user); } /** * Returns whether the given user has READ or PARTIAL_READ privileges for the given Protectable. * * @param p the protectable to check * @param user the user to check * @param allowPartial set to true to allow the PARTIAL_READ permission * @return whether the given user has READ privilege for the given Protectable */ private static boolean canRead(Protectable p, User user, boolean allowPartial) { return hasPrivilege(p, user, READ_PRIVILEGE) || (allowPartial && hasPrivilege(p, user, PARTIAL_READ_PRIVILEGE)); } /** * Returns whether the given user has READ or PARTIAL_READ privileges for the given Protectable. * * @param p the protectable to check * @param user the user to check * @return whether the given user has READ privilege for the given Protectable */ public static boolean canRead(Protectable p, User user) { return canRead(p, user, true); } /** * Returns whether the given user has READ privileges for the given Protectable. * * @param p the protectable to check * @param user the user to check * @return whether the given user has READ privilege for the given Protectable */ public static boolean canFullRead(Protectable p, User user) { return canRead(p, user, false); } /** * Returns whether the given user has WRITE or PARTIAL_WRITE privileges for a given entity. * This is determined by either checking whether the user has WRITE or PARTIAL_WRITE privileges for that entity * directly (if it's a Protectable) or by checking whether the user has the WRITE privilege for any of the related * Protectables (if it's a ProtectableDescendent). If it is neither of those, then return true. * * @param o the entity to check * @param user the user to check * @param allowPartial set to true to allow the PARTIAL_WRITE permission * @return whether the given user has WRITE privilege for the given entity */ private static boolean canWrite(PersistentObject o, User user, boolean allowPartial) { if (o instanceof Protectable) { return hasPrivilege((Protectable) o, user, WRITE_PRIVILEGE) || (allowPartial && hasPrivilege((Protectable) o, user, PARTIAL_WRITE_PRIVILEGE)); } if (o instanceof ProtectableDescendent) { final Collection<? extends Protectable> protectables = ((ProtectableDescendent) o) .relatedProtectables(); if (protectables == null) { return true; } for (final Protectable p : protectables) { if (hasPrivilege(p, user, WRITE_PRIVILEGE)) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } /** * Returns whether the given user has WRITE or PARTIAL_WRITE privileges for a given entity. * This is determined by either checking whether the user has WRITE or PARTIAL_WRITE privileges for that entity * directly (if it's a Protectable) or by checking whether the user has the WRITE privilege for any of the related * Protectables (if it's a ProtectableDescendent). If it is neither of those, then return true. * * @param o the entity to check * @param user the user to check * @return whether the given user has WRITE or PARTIAL_WRITE privilege for the given entity */ public static boolean canWrite(PersistentObject o, User user) { return canWrite(o, user, true); } /** * Returns whether the given user has WRITE privileges for a given entity. * This is determined by either checking whether the user has WRITE privileges for that entity * directly (if it's a Protectable) or by checking whether the user has the WRITE privilege for any of the related * Protectables (if it's a ProtectableDescendent). If it is neither of those, then return true. * * @param o the entity to check * @param user the user to check * @return whether the given user has WRITE privilege for the given entity */ public static boolean canFullWrite(PersistentObject o, User user) { return canWrite(o, user, false); } /** * Returns whether the given user has PERMISSIONS privilege for the given Protectable. * * @param p the protectable to check * @param user the user to check * @return whether the given user has PERMISSIONS privilege for the given Protectable */ public static boolean canModifyPermissions(Protectable p, User user) { return hasPrivilege(p, user, PERMISSIONS_PRIVILEGE); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") private static boolean hasPrivilege(Protectable p, User user, String privilege) { // if the protectable is not yet saved, assume user only has access if he is the current user if (p.getId() == null) { return CaArrayUsernameHolder.getCsmUser().equals(user); } try { final Application app = getApplication(); return AuthorizationManagerExtensions.checkPermission(user.getLoginName(), getUnderlyingEntityClass(p).getName(), "id", p.getId().toString(), privilege, app); } catch (final CSException e) { LOG.warn(String.format( "Could not check if User %s had privilege %s for protectable of class %s with id %s", user.getLoginName(), privilege, p.getClass().getName(), p.getId())); return false; } } /** * The method returns a mapping of Privileges for the given Protectables for the given user. * * @param user The user for whom to calculate the privileges map * @param protectables the Protectable instances for which to look up permissions * * @return Map from a Protectable id to a Privileges object showing the privileges the user with given user name has * for the Protectable with that id */ public static Map<Long, Privileges> getPrivileges(Collection<? extends Protectable> protectables, User user) { if (protectables.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final Application app = getApplication(); final Collection<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (final Protectable p : protectables) { ids.add(p.getId()); } final String className = getUnderlyingEntityClass(protectables.iterator().next()).getName(); final InstanceLevelMappingElement mappingElt = findMappingElement(className, "id"); if (mappingElt != null) { return getPermissionsWithMappingTable(mappingElt.getTableNameForGroup(), user.getLoginName(), ids); } else { return getPermissionsWithCanonicalTable(user.getLoginName(), className, "id", ids, app); } } private static Map<Long, Privileges> getPermissionsWithMappingTable(String groupTableName, String userName, Collection<Long> protectableIds) { final String sql = " select distinct pe.attribute_value, p.privilege_name from " + groupTableName + " pe " + "inner join csm_user_group ug on pe.group_id = ug.group_id " + "inner join csm_privilege p on pe.privilege_id = p.privilege_id " + "inner join csm_user u on ug.user_id = u.user_id " + "where pe.attribute_value in (:attr_values) and u.login_name = :login_name " + "order by pe.attribute_value, p.privilege_name"; final SQLQuery query = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameterList("attr_values", protectableIds); query.setString("login_name", userName); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Object[]> results = query.list(); return createPrivilegesMapFromResults(results); } private static Map<Long, Privileges> getPermissionsWithCanonicalTable(String userName, String className, String attributeName, Collection<Long> protectableIds, Application application) { final String sql = " select distinct cast(pe.attribute_value as unsigned), " + "p.privilege_name from csm_protection_element pe " + "inner join csm_pg_pe pgpe on pe.protection_element_id = pgpe.protection_element_id " + "inner join csm_user_group_role_pg ugrpg " + "on pgpe.protection_group_id = ugrpg.protection_group_id " + "inner join csm_role r on ugrpg.role_id = r.role_id " + "inner join csm_user_group ug on ugrpg.group_id = ug.group_id " + "inner join csm_role_privilege rp on r.role_id = rp.role_id " + "inner join csm_privilege p on rp.privilege_id = p.privilege_id " + "inner join csm_user u on ug.user_id = u.user_id " + "where pe.object_id = :class_name and pe.attribute = :attr_name " + "and pe.attribute_value in (:attr_values) and u.login_name = :login_name " + "and pe.application_id = :app_id order by pe.attribute_value, p.privilege_name"; final SQLQuery query = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameterList("attr_values", protectableIds); query.setString("login_name", userName); query.setString("class_name", className); query.setString("attr_name", attributeName); query.setLong("app_id", application.getApplicationId()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Object[]> results = query.list(); return createPrivilegesMapFromResults(results); } private static Map<Long, Privileges> createPrivilegesMapFromResults(List<Object[]> results) { final Map<Long, Privileges> permissionsMap = new HashMap<Long, Privileges>(); BigInteger currId = null; Privileges perm = null; for (final Object[] result : results) { final BigInteger id = (BigInteger) result[0]; final String privilegeName = (String) result[1]; if (!id.equals(currId)) { currId = id; perm = new Privileges(); permissionsMap.put(currId.longValue(), perm); } perm.getPrivilegeNames().add(privilegeName); } return permissionsMap; } private static Class<?> getUnderlyingEntityClass(Object o) { return hibernateHelper.unwrapProxy(o).getClass(); } /** * @return the privilegedMode */ public static boolean isPrivilegedMode() { return PRIVILEGED_MODE.get(); } /** * @param privilegedMode the privilegedMode to set */ public static void setPrivilegedMode(boolean privilegedMode) { PRIVILEGED_MODE.set(privilegedMode); } /** * create a group. This method is a partial replacement for * {@link AuthorizationManager#createGroup(} to ensure that * groups are loaded using the caArray (audited) Hibernate session. It does not perform some of the validations that * caArray already does. Does not demarcate transactions; should be called from a service layer. * * @param group the CSM group to creat. * @throws CSTransactionException if a hibernate exception occures. */ public static void createGroup(Group group) throws CSTransactionException { try { group.setUpdateDate(new Date()); group.setApplication(getApplication()); final Session s = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession();; } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new CSTransactionException(e); } } /** * add a multiple users from a group. This method is a partial replacement for * {@link AuthorizationManager#assignUsersToGroup(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])} to ensure that groups are * loaded using the caArray (audited) Hibernate session. Does not demarcate transactions; should be called from a * service layer. * * @param groupId the CSM group Id to add the users to. * @param userIds the CSM user Ids to add to the group. * @throws CSTransactionException if a hibernate exception occures. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void assignUsersToGroup(Long groupId, Set<Long> userIds) throws CSTransactionException { try { final Session s = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession(); final Group group = (Group) s.load(Group.class, groupId); if (group.getUsers() == null) { group.setUsers(new HashSet<User>(userIds.size())); } for (final Long uId : userIds) { final User u = (User) s.load(User.class, uId); group.getUsers().add(u); } s.update(group); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new CSTransactionException(e); } } /** * remove a user from a group. This method is a partial replacement for * {@link AuthorizationManager#removeUserFromGroup(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)} to ensure that groups are * loaded using the caArray (audited) Hibernate session. Does not demarcate transactions; should be called from a * service layer. * * @param groupId the CSM group Id to add the users to. * @param userId Id of the CSM user to remove to the group. * @throws CSTransactionException if a hibernate exception occures. */ public static void removeUserFromGroup(Long groupId, Long userId) throws CSTransactionException { try { final Session s = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession(); final Group group = (Group) s.load(Group.class, groupId); final User user = (User) s.load(User.class, userId); user.getGroups().remove(group); group.getUsers().remove(user); s.update(user); s.update(group); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new CSTransactionException(e); } } /** * delete the group identified by it's Id. This method is a partial replacement for * {@link AuthorizationManager#removeGroup(java.lang.String)} to ensure that groups are loaded using the caArray * (audited) Hibernate session. * * @param groupId the CSM group Id to delete. * @throws CSTransactionException if a hibernate exception occures. */ public static void removeGroup(Long groupId) throws CSTransactionException { try { final Session s = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession(); final Group group = (Group) s.load(Group.class, groupId); s.delete(group); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new CSTransactionException(e); } } /** * get all users belonging in the group identified by it's Id. This method is a partial replacement for * {@link AuthorizationManager#getUsers(java.lang.String)} to ensure that groups are loaded using the caArray * (audited) Hibernate session. Does not demarcate transactions; should be called from a service layer. * * @param groupId CSM group id. * @return list of members. * @throws CSTransactionException if a hibernate exception occures. */ public static Set<User> getUsers(Long groupId) throws CSTransactionException { try { final Session s = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession(); final Group group = (Group) s.load(Group.class, groupId); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<User> us = group.getUsers(); if (us == null) { us = Collections.emptySet(); } return us; } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new CSTransactionException(e); } } /** * find a group my it's name in this the caArray application context. This method is a partial replacement for * {@link AuthorizationManager#getObjects(} to ensure that groups are loaded * using the caArray (audited) Hibernate session. Does not demarcate transactions; should be called from a service * layer. * * @param g group name * @return a group in this app that has the given name. * @throws CSTransactionException if a hibernate exception occures. */ public static Group findGroupByName(String g) throws CSTransactionException { try { final Session s = hibernateHelper.getCurrentSession(); final Criteria c = s.createCriteria(Group.class); c.add(Restrictions.eq("groupName", g)); c.add(Restrictions.eq("application", getApplication())); return (Group) c.uniqueResult(); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new CSTransactionException(e); } } }